Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Apr 1960, p. 18

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city no longe 1d afford to!briefly in 1918-1919 when amateur 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, April 16, 1960 50--Articles for Sale 152--Legal Notices | PY Soi 1a read In 1906, the shows were presented to raise FEGISIERED F aspberry plants. | O us estiva Palace Grand closc.. its doors. funds for Canadian Soldiers over- one RA 5-6071. | " . " "» During the 1920s it was I lace, . seas. g CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THREE hp garden irastor plough and] CITY OF OSHAWA IS Mrs, Harsy Mchonnell 8, opened as 'the Auditorium Thea- cultivator, RA 8-8208. Tenders for - r , for silent movies but compe- who arrived here a few months /€ CABIN cruiser and talles, $435, orm after the theatre opemed. "The tition from two other movie (Continued from Page 17) JAB; . [J . os Ea E20 <i Oil Burner furnishings were beautiful. I can houses forced it back into retire. 47-- Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles for Sale ee einly' remember the velvet draperies ment. The hand-cranked silent "3 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, tutone, cus | 'UNBEAM floor polishers, regularilike new, all four $280. Portable air| Se ol oy d Jenders, abi ' in particular. movie projector still sits in a box tom radio, good tires, no rust, mech. | S195, clearing at yim. Terms, $10 sil alt, = od OE fmaskes 9.10 o ' } wit never was a dace hall,|o% the first balcony. anieally sound, $545. Small down pay own. $3 per month. Meagher's, units, stationary and one portable, from] addressed to:-- By ATHOL RETALLACK department announced plans for Charlie Meadows completed erec- yo, know," she said in an inter-| The Klondike Visitors Associa- a =) ms. Toy Stew at Wit FECL Wey Tiong U0), Cowman space healer, $55. Alder man J. Brady, Canadian Press Correspondent (staging the festival. tion of the miniature of classic|view. "Those places were down tion bought the building three 750 FORD, excellent mechanically, body | 'aneline, # x 7 and 4* % I sandomed| cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in- on nd Fire DAWSON CITY, Yukon (CP)--| One of the first projects point- European opera houses it had on Front street, along the Yukon years ago. Since then Alec Ad- fair, radio, $125 cash. RA 8-1197. groaved, sq. ft. :_|clude Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe y Property The old Palace Grand, a de-|in8 to the festival will be the cost him $100,000. The best shows| River. The very best plays came ams, 84, has made it his special 51 FORD d $175, eight foot car ONE Beech four-burner, gas range, threading dies, floor lamp, electric Protection Committee, ! 5 th ; 8 restoration of the Palace Grand, on the touring circuit were here. I remember the Bittner Ss, A ; Sedan, S17, EE Fool ivd. | combination annex, burns coal or wood. (heaters, GM car radio, office eabmet;) c/o City Clerk, serted, sagging threeSlOrey),, wn to tourists as the Audito- booked into the Palace. Shows and Shirley stock company project, showing tourists through top boat, $25. Apply 218 Oshawa Blvd. NT shal =~ . 1di ods cast iron. rtable mantel ildi i t pe. Call after 4.30 p.m. RA 3-7204| welding 1 ; POI frame building on King Street," | 4 | 5 4 ae : North. radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores- 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. may be the initial attraction for Tum Theatre. | Fox six years after the gold|from my hometown of Spokane. [the building and telling stories of ; i USED lumber for sale, 2x4 and metal|can: 'fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth i | . ED NE cash. 274) (ting. Apply 531 Nipigon Street. [oon gine Cetectric fuel pump © volts| will be received not later |another Klondike Stampede--this| The weathered sides of river rush, bonanza kings attended the|pASHION PLATES himself as a dancer, of Alexander RETR Gt Studebaker Overdrive| ONE pai of boy's all wool grey and windshield wiper, punches, gaskets| than 5:00 p.m. Monday [one of tourists pouring in to see barge planking and faded front of performances, bought champagne, Mrs. McDonnell also spoke of Pantages as a waiter, Douglas bide on, al Se Tor sale, Phone) Slacks, two sport jackets size 12 to 13. thers i dh Street South April 25, 1960, for supply- [the Gold Rush Festival in 1962.|elaborate scroll facing now sit and showered their wealth on theltho heautifully-g 0 wn ed women Fairbanks Sr., as an actor, and MOhaw) S568. a Rs 7 A S9318, at any time, ing and installing of, an Oil The 900 present-day residents of| askew, the result of 50 years of young women who pleased them.|a;q their escorts, elegantlyjof owner Charlie Meadows mis- "4 PONTIAC, mechanically good. Tele-| GAFCATT! Sy tor pane. and LLOYD baby carriage, lawn mower, Burner: Unit and Storage |Dawson City began to take notice neglect and the effects of perma-| with the discovery of gold in|garbed, who patronized the Pal- sing a trick shot ne. night ang phone RA 54177. ~~~ = organ, in good working condition, total (Eirls' spring coat, size 3 All in 200d tanks, at No. 2 Fire Station, [of the showplace, opened July 1,|frost below the floors. |Alaska, Dawson's 30,000 popula-ace Grand. shooting the ii off the finger of "59 STANDARD Chev. low mileage, price only $350. Piano and Organ Ser-| cf | Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. |1900, when the northern affairs When cowboy showman Arizona tion suddenly dwindled and the' The opera house was reopened his partner-wife. excellent condition. Dial COMax 3-2159. (vice. RA 5-7001. 5-4433. iia | Ahi an ot a ili i : 751 DODGE sedan, $125 or nearest offer. GENDRON baby carriage, blue and A portable excellent con | Full particulars may be sec- Apply 305 Marion, corner of Park Rd.| white oe ar ot Burk "Street. dition. Phone RA 51928. | ured at the Office of the | 39 DODGE Regent, radio, low mile. | RA 8-0810. , STRETCH your food dollar at Glecoff| Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe Street | : | | | age, like mew. Robinson Motors (Osh-|21" RCA television console set, walnut Supermarket, Ritson Rood South, open North, Oshawa. awa) Ltd. 574 Ritson Road South,|with doors, beautiful condition. Tele-|t0 10 p.m. every mgth Wa SHOP. A _5-6518. phone A 5-3338. fare and relief vouchers. Car atten- RA Sen TE -- tion given to orders from Boy Scout or- 57 DODGE Regent tudor hardtop, very E . -- Gendron convertible ganizations, banquets and lodges, We low mileage, one owner, this used car (baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also | deliver. Save and shop at Glecoff's Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. | | | 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre, 3 "And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord 5 And as they were 4 afraid, and bowed ton. is like new. Robinson Motors (Osh- jon portable radio-p aph, | Supermarket daily. H. R. HOBBS, Chief radio, see us at Robinson Motors GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-|phone RA 5-8755. eee | i 755 PONTIAC Laurentian, radio, auto. Street West. RA 5.6511. | furniture, Chest of drawers, $17 ;desks Biscayne four-door, 12000 miles. RA solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard-|$26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, . 2 Tender for ; 4 2 carly in the morning, "38 VAUXHALL deluxe, used, has sec-| NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle OTE N + de 37 pt es 58 PONTIAC deluxe four-door, good|/ your present asphalt shingles, to|5-7405. SEALED tenders plainly and in new colors. See Edgar's Paint|,),™ ojiors Guaranteed flat, gloss ____|ONE double bed with s MARCONI "21-inch" console television,| p.m., WEDNESDAY, MAY CUSTOM built car radios, complete WRECKING house, bathroom fixtures new picture tube, guaranteed for one| i concrete DIOC garage. models from $49.95. Terms $5 down. Mill Street. RA 3-2097 |SAVE your dollars at Lucky dollar| The garage is West. Ra Son __Iboth in excellent condition, cheap. RA your orders in. RA 5.0432 frée deliv-\* ot ot 18, Con. V, Township best offer. Telephone RA 80558. _|J0n1y "30314 Hillside Avenue or Phone |six chairs, and buifet. Phone OL 53194. | / vi . | 2 down their faces to the OLET 1-ton stake truck, |three-piece sectional half sofa, curved small GE appliances. Barons', 426 Sim-| ) Ltd, 574 Ritson S. RA 56518. three-speed, nearly new, $30. Phone cppey or arawers, Arborite coffee Oshawa Fire Department ; (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent| oor uam ni cre = on "ge TOWN SH | P OF Now "upon ths hoist > matic, only 4000 miles, 59 Chevrolet WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, 8.5179 after 6 p.m. RA 3-7970 ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. |$22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson ond car, like new, sacrifice. RA 3-7970.|roof. "Tempgard" colored aluminum ALUMINUM do Township Garage l ; i? A they came unto the sep- condition. Will trade and finance. RA # "57 METEOR Niagara 500, radio, heat- (and Wallpaper, 34 King Street West |o.,.co® pn Or ng Electric, 8 will be received by the Under- IN for sale. Telephon |tress, suitable for spare room or €ot-|ihoroughly overhauled, $129; also 21-| 4th, 1960, for the construc- 32 44-0" x thereabout, "behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: 54 CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto-|5.2239 |ery. | of Darlington being at Hamp- BROORWOOD tudor Station Wagom, RA 82012. _ |$10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator,| Plans, specifications and pump, two-inch diaphragm centre, bumper, rocking chair, all coe Street South. | + tained from the road super- % 4 A, Briggs and Siralion Sirfhrand sew: R 52 __ | ROOM Dividers that are really different, intendent on and after April : them, Why seek ye 'the : J f HE EVROLET four door, very clean, | MO_8-4407. table and baby crib. Like new. Tele. | RA 56518 |down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |, 0 purchase of one piece of unpainted ; ' : 3 DARLINGTON i ji day of the week, very a fe wp | Furniture, 20 Church § | uri ur | ors, ni | paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin-|average window $19. ins ed. | Uy ei ulchre, bringing the give them additional years of wear, |g one exterior. $2.95 Baliop. = k 3 3 % z 81203 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon marked "Tender for Garage" spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. ex, tutone. RA 5179 after 6 p.m. BA (opposite Dominion Sto hurch Street. RA 3-7624. signed until 5.00 o'clock jtage. 'Phone RA 537%. {inch RCA Victor, blond television, with Y i ar] " , fc / x tion of a reinforced concrete Je'sus. 4 Ardl it came to pass, as they were much perplexed with aerial and installation, transistor and all materials for sale. Apply 12 year, $119, Meagher's 5 King St. West and Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street | ro seo or i7e 12, boy's blazer store, fresh vegetables daily, Phone| 90°-10". It will be located ! . ; 5 | paid a | matic, recently overhauled, $650 or rn Er ort ike new, $20. EIGHT piece dining room suite, table, | $300 down. Phone RA 8-129. | inGHEN chairs, set of four, $20; range, washer ar TV. 25 per cent off on| d formas b ob ¢ 3 tender 'orms may be ob- : earth, they said unte led ga gine dor 2 s rmm-- | x cooled gas engine. 2 Porter cable saw SHA ng mattress, and smart. $10 down delivers. Several 18, 1960. A deposit of ten spaen | MARS -- 6% and 7 inches. Phone RA 35-6857 vin 5 anc Li reai , clean, reasonable, Twe 164nch|exciting models to choose from. | : living among the dead? Or RA 8.3452 after § Pim. |tires, Phone RA 5-3013. Barons Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe| dollars is required for a i : w 3 He de ~ " ' ¢ reciated. | © 55 DITINET, Canoe ME ------ owner, has to be seen to be apprec Remington rifle with scope. Telephone 0., has been appointed is Low mileage. Call RA 5-6757 S | A X ¥ ons ¢ Rr ro i a ' "54 FORD four door sedan, radio, wind. BA SID bree pion | Eo Fater Sueen Vacuum funded ur > | . gi is risen: 'remember . 'hield v ) our New snow tires. $475| LLOYD carriage; 1 commode chair; |RA 51202 or RA 50433 | plans and specif : A shiel ash |1 white crib. A-1 condition. Phone [SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re good condition within thirty ¢ how he spake unto ¢ 1 ' as RA 57488 i, y cash. Telephone R | whitby MO 8-3101. [trigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, Jove of the closing of tenders VOLKSWAGON, in good condition ammunition apd hunting sup. stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- ys 0 losing 7189. lilies, mew and used, terms 10 per cent|tact 19 prince Street. Phone BA 81310 | io. must be accom- NEED money in business? Advertise down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond | BARGAIN 2-plece chesterfield, Gc tore st eo o for partners or new capital through a|Street West. RA 5-6511. two washing machines, $19 h panied by a marked cheque : ea Oawa IMES| FOUR drawer chest, $10; two walnut dryer, $98; almost new 'frig., $119; for 10% of the amount of wr i The Son of man: must : Classified Ad. Dal HA oo |beds complete, $20 vanity dresser and roll top desk, $18; Jining room suite,| the tender. i % Z 75 DODGE coach with new tires. dresser, $20; Singer sewing machine, $59; 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends ys fi be delivered into the " Must be seen to be appreciated. RA [g15; all steel ladder, $15; also one ter.|SPrings, $9; four electric shaver PR oe ; | ; owes ) Ty nder not 5.8508 after 7 p.m. Ask for Pat. rier pup, has all needles, black and each; electric kettles, $4 and $ 1 Lowest or ony ir de of "Parisienne, four door tan, $20, Phone RA 5-5208 TV, $89 Phone RA 8-1131 or come in| "necessarily accepted. Wy YoRTIAC bin gine been Bs Se _____|at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince | ¥ ardtop. Take ov 5.77 GHEST prices paid for used furnl-|Street. Community Furniture Store | UNDLE g 4 3 2 ade cash or best offer. Phone YUon S716. ture, also sell and exchange, Contact| toot d iE | 9 £ > J N= and be crucified, and® ¢ 3 EA ra Save up to |Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince |' HARA ES at ownship ri, . : ; 4 A f Lo terfields (airfoam), reduced to : 5 Darlington Township, i 8 the third day rise again. 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For Street Phone RA 8-1131. . x a Hal service at your home call RA PONY tractor with Itivator and piece bedrgom suite, only 1.5 o y cultivator and | continental beds complete, only | 5-2802 plough. RA 5-9826, any size continental beds, smooth ops, { you when he was yet in Gal'i-lee, 7 Saying, hands of sinful men, Hampton, Ontario. 756 CHEVROLET half-ton pick-up, $800, BRE ----------------------1549 50; bunk beds with spring mat:ress R. M. SHORT, go eo A a Sues ood 8 arioe Ap bien, 33 33040! | Rood Supt, [| ne Crunch SOR BLU. Oi 6 THREE and half fon International Canada. RA 5-5952 S-plece chrome sets. only $45: 2piece| J Gi DC tL ALL FOR THE CHURCH is 56 SE sic db | bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs| Darlington Township, : 15-ft. stake body, 6 ft. solid rac SP GIRL'S spring coat red plaid ($5.95 each: chest drawers, unfinished Hampton, Ontario The Chu tarpaulin, excellent condition. MArket o;;" 5,6 6X, in good condition.|$16.95 and ap. Try Community €urni- -- , --ee 4 he: build } t nd 1 cit safer. |Puove KA 53m ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 § |'2 Duc 0} Chaacler and Too a = : 5 TONTIAC Laureilien Torior VE; NEVER weed. solomslicJlshwasher, |PLinee Street, RA $1131. Cash or CITY OF OSHAWA a storeh Sy alues There was a day when some of the disciples of Jesus became discoure 8 strong Church, neither democracy nor civil aged and walked no more with Him, V automatic, radio, tutone, ~whitewall| per counter installation, will sell for | terms. can survive. There are four sound reas HS mileage, excellent condition. S185 or best offer over. Call RA 8-6741 USED tires, most ail sizes, 9 and up ; 7 FOR SALE Choy, V0. 100 *B SoBe Toons oT Teele oi 5. east Surbs BA Siok iia) Tenders for R évery person should attend services regularly and But when the hed relve. "Wi 3 Pontise coach. RA 32 Li apg | This includes chesterfield and ehair.| TV sets for very low prices. TRIO Tele: | Asphalting support the Church. They are: (1) For his ut when e aster asked the twelve, "Will ye also go away?" Simon I Oe Bh spring, sich and coffee table, boudolr © od Sen ag Ls i own sake. (2) For his childrens sake. (3) For Peter answered, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal BIN. nut "Chevrolet preferred, delivers! asanien Best Valuetr white and grey finish _Good condition Sea Je d Inger, hi ony fl the sake of his community and nation. " For life. Ho. GRE Rg Baton Home Furnishings, 424 Simone Te i iis ey ol 9 9 ents, p the Gi 'i he Chueh i > needs his = § . {USED parts : Res} | 0CQIESH 8 moral anc matenal support, Plan to go to Never underestimate spiritual intuition! Peter sensed long before the 5.30 J .., ® /rhk ; 0 _ __ _ |BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft.|0f wringer type washers, 4 HP m 8 Fuirad 1 53 METEOR sedan. Will sell or take; og gf a Car ¥ Jecial partly [$5 to $10, guaranteed recondition Alderman J. Brady, 8 church regularly and read your Bible daily. Td YE) ao . 3 METEOR sedan x Apply 208 To-|\023 8, erulsers. Car top special partly |), ors' and stoves, Paddy's. Market, in 4 first Easter that Christ's mission was to lead men to eternal life! ronto Avenue any runabout, camplete with windshield Hampton, CO 3-241. City. 'Property ond. Fire i Day Book Chapter Verses and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959p F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. - Be 2 |Gale Bucha tor, v ty : vi ei tole Protection mmittee, Sunday John 66-71 s Eas $ 0 . A BUYING OR SELLING SEE | [Do Bom ane mt a ral Sowmter refrigerator, tele] Oe Cierk, Monday Matthew 16-22 int As Eagles SPpaahes millions of men and women realize a spiritual - TED CAMPIN |LARGE selection of re-conditioned | FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. Tuesday John 14-21 intuition. It calls them to their churches to worship the Risen Christ. It |TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-|ings, clearance of last year's patterns 8 Wednesday John 12-33 prompts them to embrace with new fervor convictions that sometimes have MOTORS {coe Street North, ___|Many cheerful designs for home and| will be received not later Thursday - Matthew 26-75 b sual. {26 FEET Be: steel for stock pen, cottage, reduced for quick sale, than 5:00 p.m Monday, | Friday Luke 1-49 ecome casua 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA two Beatty steel single horse stalls. (per foot. Ends of broadloom Sookie April 25, 1960, for an # Saturday Titus 11-15 (ust East of Wilson Road) | Phone YUkon 5-2605 mats while they last $1.49 ! RH Lh Nd Sus > TA : 2 u FATT Hier ota or TT Soon. [Lgayy, wuslity 'hroadioom, rubbe asphalt driveway, at No. 3 Cherish that hunger for spiritual renewal. Fortify it as Peter did with . ack and moth proof, 6 decorative col-| Te. Stoti Somme 3 : BA 34494 Res, 5-3574 lore, Gaaanteen, flat, gon |e To re rae pe.| [ie Station, | Sommerville ; pe an honest evaluation of man's helplessness apart from God. To Whom <»-11 Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8|$70)50 Ends of wall coverings Clear| Avenue. 2, 3 > . or ' . Church Street. RA 3.7624. orice Se por for. Wilson Furniture] Full particulars may be sec- ? 4 we go? Only Christ offers the Truth and Life which are eternal, lot SABYAN MOTOR we pas wines DE | ured at the Office of the Fire gr VAN fi y G » / Copyright 1960, Keister Adv. Service, Strasburg, V& used furniture. Pre jsed Furni-|w IN aPC. To er. Tike to i J WOLLENSAK tape recorder, like new Chief, 113 Simcoe Street ture Store. RA 33271, 444 Simcoe South with extra tapes. RA 8-1510 after 6 | SAILS ITD. Empat mn Be hoe STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT |7 HP garden tractor, Me Siler, 19 good Lowest or any tender not SALES and SERVICE $15.40 o week per: family of Is on. P of pe p= 2 necessarily accepted 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH ; [BABYLAND Bargains: New style a : *" OSHAWA, ONT. four, includes approximately |smart metal bady carriasia, conicns) H. R. HOBBS, Chief Tel.: RAndol : 90 per cent groceries and |in town, $3 Large full panel Raxatone Oshawa Fire Department | \ndo |erib, half price, $19.88. Spring - filled -- oe . er HAGYS | me ET | THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE § son's Furniture, 20 Church Street on)--phon 5-3709. E GE ; feet 3 BODY SHOP | fem--rrere A isis A 7 FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS MERCEDES BENZ Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, [construction a By 0/24 Admiral, Westinghouse. The |ity mattresses, discontinued tickings y KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE McINTOSH FUNERAL HOME STEPHENSON'S GARAGE SALES & SERVICE : tH Y: f t T.V., Hi-F d and one of a kind, Serta, 408 KING ST. W. ines in I-F1 an | Beverly, Marshall, Simmons, a | ONTARIO RA 5.3680 288 Bloor St. W. ox shun oe or oE A i AGE. OSHAWA Sea. a ' PARKWAY TV, | sae ed at a] HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION MCLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. RA 3-7132 | 918 SIMCOE oy ja Celearance Brice, 3450 nk TENDERS FOR RA £7222 AND GARAGE va HAMBLY TIRE LTD. RA 3-348 110 King St. W. RA 3-3043 givers, gia vey an SEC DROVINCIAL PARK : Sis RA 3.7881 534 Ritson Rd. OSHAWA ALUMIN CASH aE a ONCESSIO FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD. ps SALES & SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR SEE HOME APPLIANCES [Charen Sect. A NCESSION "Hans. Haagmans, Mgr. D. BERKUTA RA 5.7922 58 Nassau St. | NowGE ol RA 8-6201 57 King St. E. BUILDING COI"TRACTOR DRGE gas range, good condition OSHAWA LTD. abl ont TA aol Sealed tenders clearly, marked VAN HEUSEN | 65 siMCOE SOUTH FOR |Tuonibie. Teieptone RA Stith | Si Gers for Refreshment IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY RA 3.9813 863 Ritson Rd. 5. CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE Ip it service. Free estimates. Orde Booth Concession, Darlington A RA B-0631 352 Wil SS. MOTORS A fRIGIDAIRE [Eo vey Chai and tae Provincial Park will be re. || PA 33680 21 Att 0, W, GUSCOTT PLUMBING ion Re. $ | |rentdls Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North eived by the undersigned 149 KING ST. W. Domestic and Commercial |BOATS, motors and trailers, new and ny 12:30 2 ibis JMETTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. & HEATING LTD. nl lORTR OSHAWA DST re lused. Complete selection. We finance or ORE rd A 5-3279 23 Celina St. {John Bondaruk, M ) BING & HEATING 48--Automobiles Wanted RA 5:5332 our own accounts. Terms to suit your| April 29, 1960 on. Soncaruk, Mahoger Allan Robin P IRE hl Wika veh budget. See Dominion Tire Store,| A deposit in the amount of LORNE GOODMAN RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe St. S. 5.3715 son, Pw cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid BOATING Church and Bond. oi. ______| twenty-five dollars ($25.00) PLUMBING & HEATING : ; ayne Ave. RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182 VACUON wanes Sepa Lud ores must accompany each tender. RA 5-1044 758 Mary St. PRESTON'S DECORATING SUPPLIES AL HEFFERING'S pe achi Estimates freer] Tender forms and detailed { - SPECIAL En erie | KENNETH ASHMORE i fi 79 80h 3. Vo ; ESSO SERVICE STATION y RA 5-9892 Cor. No, 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road. SPOT CASH 12-t. fibre-gl -a-b view PAID FOR Br a ot, Taney [ot | Ee rire | pa ssa iRYING CONTRACTOR LUDWIG DEz5! Good, clean cars. Trade up gon Explorer Areiien $895. ROTARY POWER MOWERS, Forests, Lindsay, Ontario. The 55 arrerd Na Painting and Decorating Contractor ALDSWORTH CLEANERS - down Liens poi oe Pistely 29uippey, $895 $37.95 up | highest or any tender not A. C. STARK & SON RA 3-9453 736 Eastbourne Ave. 5-1812 36 Athol St. E. DOD I i 1 necessarily accepted. ' OTe PARK 0. 5, Grok and eigen, | MARINE STORAGE ye J 2s Zu mEING AND TINSMITHIN R. B. REED & SONS BANK'S FLOORING quip , RA 5-4377 Courti RA 3.9421 Ton & SUPPLY LTD. 1 w SPOONER ourtice FLORISTS 8-101! 80 Eastlawn St. While they lost. Canadian BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Fonte STAFFORD BROTHERS RA 5-113] 10% King St. W. E. HANSINK CONSTRUCTION HOUSTON GARAGE ExPloter Samp olen 1 OL 5-3641 MONUMENTAL WORKS 8-0321 413 Femhill Blvd plete, Reg. $405 - $319. sil, TORONTO, Ontario. |§ MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby SEEDS' B-A STATION ye LODWICK ELECTRIC SERVICE AND SERVICE STATION Trades accepted. Terms ar- | April 11, 1960. BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- ranged. SALE _----- ROY W. NICHOLS RA 8-0367 Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd. 5.6369 56 Prince St. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. Auminum Products of the BARS TO REMAIN OPEN G.M. SALES & SERVICE MOTOR TUNE -UP AND AJAX MARINE best quality at the best | LONDON (AP)--The police de-|f RA 3-7242 Courtice W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY NORM WIRSCHING & SON GENERAL REPAIRS. NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX prices, fully guaranteed cided today that bars in the MA 3-3353 Bowmanville MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby PLASTERING CONTRACTORS 67 KING ST. W. Ph. WH 2-4080 Double hung ' windows only metropolitan area may stay open BROWN'S LUMBER AND si 5-6222 & 5-8718 130 Roxborough Ave RA 3-7822 -- $18. Call now until midnight on May 6, Princess BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION ; FOOD PLAN Lymer Aluminum Co. [Margaret's wedding day. Nor- SUPPLIES LTD. PAVING CONTRACTOR COOK'S ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION LTD. RA 8. mally pubs in the area close at A 5-470" 463 Ritson Rd. N. J 50 GOOD CARS THAT SAVES 8-5385 10:30 or 11 p.m. oo JIM HURVID, RA'8-8101 1154 Nelson St. 5-6109 370 Louisa WANTED Complete lines of meats, fish, |51--Swap and Barter Bane -- PLUMBING & HEATING ALF LINES OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL poultry and groceries. Gov- = - B NESSMAN i. IMMEDIATELY Emon inperted, Blue and [BATH wets, sump vumps, pressure| cor D ONVESMAN DIES] pa 5.8563 215 Wilson Rd. S. ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR 5-0232 877 King St. E RA 5.1905 833 Simcoe St. S. : AMPIN Red B i t I (Fystem, steel sinks and eabinets, fur as ar SY 5 3 . VED SANE Bey SE tun FReczen [oa i 70 fos paris, syp|Paspeks. founder of the Container HENDERSON CONCRETE A. R. SMITH & SON 07 RING ST. Br DSHAWA AND 00; Bor ONLY [tings Call kinds). H. Chinn RA 37068 | Wednesday. He was 63. ry prom PRODUCTS LTD. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS } - BE, AWA . inent civic leader and patron of | RA 3-4412 1089 Nelson St. RA 5-1764 1015 King St. E. RA 8-8113 50 Taunton Rd. W. is the greatest factor on eartl I FAIRBANK-MORSE CAPETOWN (Reuters)--Spain|the arts, he founded Container in and South Africa have decided to|1926 and built it into one of the CASH FOR FREEZERS raise their respective legations in| world's largest paper pottvohond : YOUR CAR Madrid and Pretoria to the level manufacturers. In 1950 he | & i | fa IC $199 UP of embassi External Affairs|founded the Aspen (Colorado) . MACKIE MOTORS Phone Now Minister c Louw announced Institute for Humanistic Studies, KING ST. E RA 8.71 Wednesday. South Africa's first|a cultural centre where business- Read the Oshawa Tim Ch h A f Ti f i iviti = ol. Ek - 28 aj assader to Spain will be Rob-| men could relax while taking part | q es urc nnouncements or mes © Services and Activities Guaranteed by ert Harrower Coaton, the present|in seminars a for 5 on J RA 5-5743 Good Housekeeping minister of Madrid. humanities. any forume 8 bg

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