Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1960, p. 18

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Th Call The Direct RA 3-3492 ursdey, April 14, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Zw |30--Lo:i¥ & Found 36--Female Help Wanted |41--Room and Board EASTER SUGGESTIONS 11--Business Opportunities |14--Household Repairs : CLASSIFIED AD. RATES FURNITURE repaired ool Toumbois. NEW BUSINESS [LOST -- Big wn and white cameo, with YOUNG woman for light lunch room, NICELY furnished room, with » - F - board, 25 words or less Eggs pg See tered. See our materials for re-cover- rhinestones, "Tuesday, Simcoe Street, or |experienced, part time, 6 to 11 p.m.|for young lady, close to bus. RA 5-8013, will |ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, Eaton's. RA »8-0265. Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Simcoe Street Cash Charge CONSECUTIVE tive 1 sine 8. Tis fines stock. Appli-| RA 37212. ; RA 5-3932. os j2WO JoUms, for gentlemen uly Phone NS! Iv bik Tre Ae ; INSERTIONS 225 248 [lcant must be honest, hard working,| YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. 31--Articles For Rent yoo |RA 3.9651 after 5 p.m. 467 Ritson Road Y and reliable, preferably with knowledge peys built and repaired, gas linings in- | -- a ator, Oshawa er - CONSECUTIVE in the automoitve business. The one|giajjed, Free esti- ROOM and board, in new private home, parking facilities. Telephone RA A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EAST Everything for your garden RA 5-1764 R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS EASTER LILIES EASTER CUT FLOWERS RA 5-1131 10%, King St. Ww. Oshawa KNICK KNACK HAVEN Timex watches, latest styles, Easter gifts, and chocolates 28 SIMCOE ST. S. | FOR SALE EASTER BUNNIES New Zealand White, $5 a pair. Apply Orville Hooper, Bowmanville. < 3 to i { - Neth INSERTION: 375 4.12 person for whom we are looking 2 mates. RA 3-2997. | | WIEBBING'S REFINED woman with references for home: cover this particula: area - J {tf not paid within 7 days the transportation and have qualified refer-| ROOMS papered, $8 and up, labor SPR NG SP Cl L t M Y TIRE - housekeeping position. Phone RA 3.9194 °°" AEE Charge rate will apply. ence. Territory alloc a is protected. only. Gyproc applied seamless, also | E A HA BL or write Box 210, Oshawa Times. ROOM and boar for, gentiemen, ~ Above rates apply only to eriginal For further information write ox 610,|painting. RA 5-7297. THIS MONTH LTD A : EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted, |} priv leges, $15 per week, lunches pack- orders for consecutive insertions, jStation 11, Toronto. e . H, A days only. Victory Billiards, 50 Simcoe |*%: BA 5 Subsequent insertions. ordered at @ ; = 15--Instruction AVE 534 RITSON RD. S Street North. ROOM and board, 12 minutes South loter date constitutes o new original | FOB RENT -- corner store, suitable ™ wi H --_-- ro | GM, single room, $15 weekly, double ater 0 ' ) for any business, central, Simcoe HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, FOR ALL YOUR E HOUSEKEEPER fo care for two chil- room, twin beds, $14 weekly. MO ord Street, parking. RA 5-008 or RA 5-954. tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. FOR APPOINTMENT | RE.CAPPING NEEDS RENFTAL SERVIC dren, four and five years, while moth- [g's oe Professional -and Business listings || NINETEEN rooms, containing of Register now. 424 King West. RA 5-6122. RA 8 5677 E-C 3 a's \E er works, live in. RA 3-0298 after 6 Pum. [| cummins scam izmsteimiasse gn $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. firoom apartment, two three- room apart.| LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu. - CALL RA 8-6221 CF TOOLS WAITRESS, full or part time. Apply ROOM na vourd de BENUCTRIN, cin Each additional line $100 per }iments, nine single rooms, all with sinks|cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. East, RA 3.7814. month. and water, four bapuvems, She extra school acrobatic, character, Friday, C FF | FELGLE ci iomcsd sroctry Siok » a . ter b 2 stool. Good income with little Work. |gaturday. Masonic Temple. RA 3-7253. IROOM and board for one girl, private Each initial letter, abbreviation, . 253. G L BUYING OR SELLING] AN Reply in own handwriting, giving de- $25,000 with t Good for ply g & ; 3 r $ 'and c sign, figure, count as a floc Fn, to oorory 200 King West. |PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, MODERN RIL U G tails and telephone number. Write Box Rome ae, Sountown Every conven} word, Box charge 15¢_ additional. 16 years' experience, by interview only. CALL And Other Constraction 5%, Oshawa Times, ROOM and board for gentlemen, single All Classified Advertisements | 12--Dressmaking Act Tow. BA i. RA 5-3887 | DOUGLAS L. GOWER | WANTED -- Immediately, experienced |neds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 MUST be in 9 a.m. the day of PLE Equipment. B-H Paint cashier for groceteria in Oshawa. Eve-|Mijl Street, RA 5-7754 lica Office hovrs: Daily 8-5, || EXPERIENCED dressmaker, all kinds | - ff Hei A , \ ny Sohurday 8-12. : oy of alterations, Please contact Miss Ruth | LEARN TO DRIVE Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and | REAL ESTATE BROKER i id Work, By LARGE, warm, single room, good Ane oR, Brock. Street . Fast. Bal Chips, Hamburgers, 12-inch Corner of Gladstone.Bond W. | UPHOLSTERY AND RUG [Times = vata, Eis Diinutes to Sout CH; also ONS-- 5 A : ; 5 y dt arge double room, twin s, nea a oer ordenins BE Suvatias™ | Lcenued by he Police Corman Hot Dogs -- We Deliver. IRA 8-1287 RA 8-1395| SHAMPOOER--VAC [Fron mamas tities, ESL art and sore Mo Soot id 10 " S ---------------- re - ER. p-- Ul » 0] an, ve- snsible for err in ad se- 13--Gardening & Supplies | Full ined i rr -- | day week. Phone gre Pon POR. ROOM annd board for gentlemen. hain py 8 RELIABLE spring gardening and prun- ully trained instructors | 1 It ot ment Apply 195 Albert Street, Aa inc nor i r ing. Specialize in Jruit"trees, done' by Standard, automatic cars | DUMONT NEWCASTLE © resipre origina' beauty tp | EN crpeHiEneel, SHIT Work. ROOM AND BOARD for Fentiemen x re y , RA c ; , ne insortion. of J-iME: RA 8-0091 | ALUMINUM DRY CLEANERS your: furniture and rug: {apy Soviiend Sestavrant, "5 Bloor 10, Shace, lose to ach yack charged fo sing nserti er ------ ---- i] AND LAUNDERERS 282 YING ST WwW REQUIRE experienced hairdresser for ROOM and board, lunches packed, sin- \N . . then RY | the advertisement in which error : | occurs. And also reserves the right | 1 one of Oshawa's modern beauty salon. [Ele beds, close to South GM. Telephone BE aesity io artismg SECON To LANDSCAPING \T6--Insurance RA 8-1651 Daily Pick-up & Delivery jue Clive meders bounty siion. Ei os its owr f n SERVICES | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up e up to ) operated by ! OSHAWA _RA 3-4873 |awa Times. ROOM, or room and board, if desired, for information or interview JACK LEES & AL SEGERS EXPERIENCED dictaphone ty pis t,|furnished room in private home of the case of d {vertise Weed treated, field nursery. |20 per cent, six months » pay. Sol 1 t ned personal service at your home EE a ---------- re " oung family. Ph sod, top soil, gravel, sond [RAUL RA 8-0912 32h cles Wanted {shorthand an asset. Must be neat, quick JOung. ily one for details, RA | . ~|and urate with a background in pace rr fill. Complete service. Weed i error | retual i | ANVAS »w ed d | general office routine, Group benefits, endeavour | control. Free estimates, 17--Money to Loan | SNOWDEN DSH WA CANVAS "covered canoe. in good con. Eeneral office routine. Grou 43_Wanted fo Rent ED KNOWLTON [FIRST "and second mortgage, sale INDUSTRIAL WANTED ee old pistols and revolvers, | EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted, CLEAN, responsible couple, one in- | agreements purchased and sold. Hen TREE EXPERTS ud Rh. 5.8388 StOls |days only. Apply Victory Grill, 50 Sim-|fant, requires three or four room spaci- RA 5-6047 |nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King! RUBBER AND - tone. Fed RE |coe North, {ous apartment, central or western loca o ertiserr a Street East, RA 3.7232 . |WANTED -- Parts for 54 Chevrolet. |w -- -- |tion preferred. RA 8-1083 eran =} | Experienced in trimming, r tw 3 3 a WAITRESS, with some experience F = oo x LIENTS' money to loan on first mori- | PLASTICS LTD moving and transplanting Phone COM 'ax 3.2285 anytime. No deal-|preferred, for David's Driven Res-|HOUSE required. by June couple . COMPLETE [or Mortgage and agreement of id 91 BRUCE ST 3 pean o taurant, Whitby, MO 8-4066. {with two grown children. Requires VT |purchased. NHA mortgages arrange! . RA 8 1629 WANTED -- Heavy-duty 20" electric| GUSINESSMEN t 1 {three . bedroom house, North Simcoe 8--Building Trades Ph GARDEN SERVICE [rena Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| - range. Mist be in good . condition. i reprity ith ean emi And RA 8-5203 ALL plumbing and heating supplies OCR. inn mena RA 8-1658 FREE ESTIMATES Phone CO: 3-2240 Classified Ads. Try it yourself. Dial| WANTED fo rent -- garage, suitable Phone RA 5 Harold R. Stark.| aS. Joughed, _ disced, leur S' monies available for rst | USED ice 4 kates, good shape, any kind, |RA 3-3492. - do body work, no painting, between ---- E and Co Accountants and Auditors Ticenced Trustee In Bankruptcy 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA: F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street Kast, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Services offer complete bookkeeping services for small business 184 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397 Residence RA 3-7605 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon. teith, B, Comm., CA; G W. Riehl, CA RIA: G. E. Trethewey, CA: R. F Lightfoot, CA; WHitehall 2-0890, RA 5 3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa "and Kelly, Barristers, Solici Simcoe Street South 78. Residence phones: | : r, BA, Sc, RA 5.3368; Ter ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 8-3832 RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solicitors, 130 King Street East 38-6245. Mortgage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- citor and Notary Publi 2612 King Street East. Phone RA 8-1763 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, or. Money to loan. Office 26 King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232 esidence, RA 35-3405 DONALD BLAKE DODDS Barrister and Solicitor. 26'2 King Street East Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi- dence, RA 8-5373. CREIGHTON, FRAS! | MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg..| 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. | Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, ac, G. p { Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort- gages arranged MANNING F¥. SWARTZ, Barrister Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso clate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry| i 26% King Sirent East. RA 3-4697 4029. nd MacDonald, Bar- | rigters, 'Solicitors and Notaries Public. | § King Street East, RA 5.4717, Russel J. Murphy and James A MacDonald. | 7 T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- tor, etc 13 Simcoe Street North Office RA 1; Residence RA 5-5542 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- r, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9592. Resi- ence, - RA 8.0264 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North RA 5.3566. Charles C, MecGibbon, QC; ¥dgar F. Bastedo, QC JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 88511 WUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors; R. D, Humphreys, QC; G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A Hillman, LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones.| Offi ce, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5-4604 or Whitby MO 8.2761. Money to loan JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solic tor and Notary Public. 18%3 King Street East. RA 3.2260. NHA and private mortgages arranged 4--Dentists DR, G. T SCIUK, ( Office hours. 9 to Open evenings by appointment. 25 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 5---Nursing Services WILL give bed care to one elderly patie preferably male. Nice, quiet n hy the lake, private home s if desired. Inspection invited 4, Monday to Friday Write Box 519, Oshawa REGISTERED nurses required, full or part time, live in or out. No objection to elderly persons, Phone Newcastle ACCOMMODATION available for bed or up-patients, at 'Southaven Nursing Ho me. TV lou , fully licensed, grad- » nurse in charge. Phone Newcastle ACCOMMODATION for elderly ladies, private home, separate rooms, conven ent to shopping, churches, excellent board, care and companionship. 'MO 8.4363, Whithy PORT PERRY Lakeview Manor Oldsters "A home away from home Tray service and bed care. Private lounge and TV. For particulars YUkon 5-7967 ANDEN Nursing Home, Licensed, King Street West. Exclusive' for elderly men and women) Nurses and dietician in attendance. 24-hour service Lounge, radio, TV. We invite inspection RA 5-2330 ee ee------ 6--Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please pay accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street Phone RA 5-4587 F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom etry the examination of eves, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) evenings by appointment , RA 3 3-419 7--Surveyors G. T. HORTON and Associates, On tario Land Surveyors, Professional Er gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit by, MO 8.5091, Ajax DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Outariy land surveyors, commercial bluepr ing, 12 Bloor Street East RA § 5632 DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Street, RA 5.6881 " imcoe Street S landscaping, wood cut, trees |agreeme f sal chased, Apply | ing 255 Simcoe Street South. SHIDING, Tagreementsof sale purchased. RUDY TILECT batteries, hos e, BARLOW Ra ra! STENOGRAPHER' [5m D by vous execuive, four. WILL pa v "$10 and up for 1948 C wadinn | CARPENTER work, framing, trim- removed > . g 4 : |five-room Bg or house. on ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA| belting, V .belts, plastic . MOTORS silver dojlars, also certain type 47 Ral [RA 32204 before 5.30 p.m and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All 3-46 ; : yer S th sch lus -- fo STR Fr RA 8- 798 Y |VE Save dion monies avaiabie or] PIP dishes and tile ev SS Single win high ee Kel, Dis [THREE - bedroom house, central lo. i Na i -- loans on first and second mortgages| Everything in rubber and 428 KING WEST WE have customers waiting for good| © 9 | cation, by May 1 or June 1. Two chil- ROOFING, chimneys, fireplaces caves ag ale Shane of winrigages. aid] I p ? furniture sand appliances, What have| 5 years office experience re- dren. Reasonable rent. Phone RA 8-0773 ™ HARDSAND agreements of sale. Louis 8 Hyman, Plastic QUALITY USED CARS [ymi"We "sil or" comin. Neigh quired for Design Engineering | 22-- ma ( | eemen 3 ? 2 sorhood Sales Room x 2 | . ue a LANDSCAPING QC. 37 King Street East, "Oshawa. RA | 122--Radio 2 TV Repairs BOUGHT AND SOLD Dashed Sates | Department. This Company | ouses, Apts, Flats MODE RN fram inis 1 494; - fe boards and alt / Power Rolling ---- - PIANOS .= _ 10, any make or size, wii] PI for Hospi) end Irieur For Rent Schyndel, RA 8-8841 se estimat Fertilizing RA 8-6 ] 75 pay cash. State make and price. Write] ONCE Benefits. We work from | pARTMENT -- Three rooms suitable PAINTING and decorating, small or ractor Roto-Tilling MON EY TO LOAN FAST TV SERVICE Rd 331, Oshawa Times 8:30 to 5:00. Apply to Per- [for three or four men, or a couple, fur- large jobs. Free estimates, work guar Ton Soil - Sod Mone > i] WILL pay cash for a good used 14, or; sonnel Manager, R. D. Wer- ~ |nished. Apply 147 Mill Street, RA 5-7754 anteed, reasonable rates. John Lauda Top Soil - 5 J TAL $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for Pix Tubes $28 ond up ENVOY FOOD SERVICE |15foot bozst, moulded plywood, for 40| ner Co. Canada) Limited, |THREE room apartment on second Phone anytime, RA 5-4452 lagstone - Patio Slabs immediate loan on First and CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 - HP motor, also good used trailer. RA! 1155 Simcoe Street South floor, 463 Colborne Street East. Kitchen GENERAL repairs, I idi RA 5-1721 Second Mortgages, Agree- | 5-0303 ; ' |cupboards, heavy wiring, three-piece t wor % x Food At You > ts ct Smilies ER 2s Oshawa, Ontario. chimneys free esti s, workman ratte 101 Sale. on osont and TOWERS INSTALLED his Yas pe or | efiuvom. Phone RA 8-8464 Ss ship fully guaranteed a and up - - TWO - room (large) apartment, fur improved property, residen- Safad 1 C Ey pe P; , A-1 PAINTING, de ng by trader SPRING: CLEANING tial 'ond ope iy sub- Antennas Insured $10 per year WE DELIVER CASH SOL oar : 37 Male Help Wanted [nished; Sedern, Yety Lootral, Taundiv, nan Ro : 5 X od ' 'S & art ec , Y ) ura \ JOIN Colonial' ndi 1 t hone, hydro includes one for ap- guaranice imales FA den wrhon, nd country, and sums CALL LEN RA 37844 becued chicken. homburse . | STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, -|me a i ens RA 51042 » = ; ---- - ne Seour rs m od . ' ' re re. SH -------- EAVESTROUGHING and flashing Lawn fertilizing mer cottages a Fich urd by po PA PER. RAGS. etc factory, 515 Brock Street North, Whit: |TW0 - room unfurnished apartment, work guaranteed, immedi tention, Oshawa Acceptance Corpora 40-ft. self-supporting tower. | 3 dolivere ch i 2 3 ct iby, MO 8-5861. aa __|sink, cupboards, in kitchen, television with reasonable rates 8 Wh t t c S . " u Oper All Day Saturday HERE is your opportunity, Good Raw. |outlet, clean bungalow, heat, lights, 7 White grub treatment tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street Hot ip eel 4 Pp ed (y int ye Y_harge : Al Day Satur Fig ohne Wg RP a 4 ) galva No pe ; - r included, couple or girls ALL Kinds ¢ i a repairs North. Gshowo. Phone RA oniz ) 25 Pole ond Livestock M._ GREENBURG & SONS |leigh business now available in Oshawa | Wate i 4 pu. : ' a y t h new Skychie pro-- Cc $e = and some good rural districts. Write |5-8350 kitchen cupboards. re Lawn power rolling 5-3568 Complete. wil Ne LTD p igh' a = garages, concer d k work p 3 all-channel antenna Total . : - for information Rawleigh's, Dept. |75.ACRE farm, house, barn, hydro, Arage | H-c CHIHUAHUA -- six weeks, black, rea } 3 308 Bloor St | D-310-922, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal $10,000. Terms. W. McAuley, Realtor, estimates. R 3 : . H , rice, installed and guaran- sonable. Telephone WHitehall 2-164 -- h 5 i le PLASTERING, remodelling way OSHAWA 18a--Maortgages ID ry 95. oe RE ' ---- {CLASS A mechanic, for Sunoco Serv- |® re Street, RA 32512 or MO ant tape ap oetiin ate h -- i --- m---- Hom cd dh 5 PU REBRED Cocker Spaniel pups for * lice Station, 588 King Street East. RA [8-576 and repairs. Free ¢ , FIRST, second mortgages bought and ¥icas I . -- -- -- Be TODAY ice mlimales il nam GARDEN SERVICE FIRST, 25000 mongates, bough am) Tv Enterprises, 253 Drew aster, six weeks old, males, $25; fe. | "WANTED 15-8161 Rea v | LARGE store, or storage space for RA 3.3222 South, Whitby, MO 8-5322; OLiver 5-4471| , RA 3- 3553, RA 5- 2905. 85,370, 56 Westoreland - Avenile ACCOUNTANT - office - credit man. rent, $100 per month. Phone RA 3-389 CALL Lat McKenna A 7864, | - ---- - TT J) Hann Je ---- SCIAP IRON, POULTRY ager, RIA Degree, nine years' exper-|WHITBY __ Beautiful self-contained, re ience, desires change, Whitby, Ajax or unfurnished, three-room apartment, ga- after x ert p 2, paper ! yep MINIATURE Pinscher pies, NID S ; oe otoe shee Tore "FOR COMPLETE IRST OR SECOND TOWERS, ANTENNAS! Geeks ola IG non Ah ID FEATHER TICKS Oshawa districts. Call MO 8-5123 or|rage available. No children. MO 8-2327 EM 6-8756 rs ---- GARDEN SERVICE MORTGAGES INSTALLED Sy Papers exe Pane 24 I. TURNER REQUIRED Tor praiint Foun 108 Tort | ne ata rc prcoms 404 HOME OVEMENT! CALL Repaired and Moved UREBRED Mexican Chihuahua for] RA 43-2043 RA 3-3374 flime ig Ta BE St [AL outlet, adults preferred. MO 8-4282 ME IMPROVEN CALL : : s o Hy 2 REMODELLINC MTIONS Fast -- Confidential anteed. Winter rates . Service Residential ' ; ; sale. MO 8.4378 (collect) __|Oshawa Times, ask for Mr. E. Stauffer. FOR SALE : Compost, suitable f for e ential, apartments, Mmo- - RT ---- jowers, shrubs, gardens am XG OSHAWA HOME Any omount to $5,000. Re- 1 os en sub pas ion. ote KITTENS to be given away. Phone RA |REAL ESTATE openings for two ex-|MoO 8.4514 AWS $30 eo els on . ds 13-4196. SHAW [often salesmen in new Real Estate| F % ) s low as | T / LANDSCAPING poyable os 1o ER ar tr d ffice. Excellent commissions, Small|KINGSCOURT "apartments, Aja le, Hardwood Floors, | month, principal and interest. ANTENNAS ARE BOXER Yups. rly Ma AUF O WRECKING CO. » "one- sales staff, no inside competition. Call [two-bedroom suites, $70 - $75, $80-885. Arthur Weinberger Realtor RA 8-5145, [Children welcome. RO 7-5493; ts ; 8: "upbogrd RA 8-6366 Up to OUR BUSINESS [REGISTERED Labrador pups, one| yo. 0. oo for wrecking, |evemings RA 37244. 3.2001 and WH 28566 (Ajax). Loans Arranged Loa rrangec male, one female, reasonable. RA] MECHANIC, front end alignment, ex-| WO unfurnished rooms upstairs, pri- HUGH CROSBY Expert Garden Planning 5 YEARS TO REPAY LEN AND 3-1335 . ne a | also "scrap iron and metals, | perienced preferred, oud rages, ete {Laie a: ng SUwhoarta, ion bus line, RA 5.3937 Free Estimates BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for | etc. bought. Open Saturday {Apply Bill Moring, R : ll f all day. Phone | = 5 |TRREE - room furnished basement : ; : all for Appointment L U"s TV Broad, 114 Elgin Street East - i {SRLESIAW T= o sell fas moving Time ent, separate bathroom, private GING | COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES | OSHAWA RA 3-3993 O FEMALE Boxer, one vear oid, excel. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E.[2L ry" Siall" business, exceptionally home, central. Phone RA 3-9800 PAPERHAN oJ LANDSCAPED DESIGN ANTENNAS RA 5.7844 lent pet, good breeding, reasonable. RA | ---- - -- |high commission, See Don Armstrong, | THREE room, self-contained apart DS D 5-8640. {at the Hilltop, for details. RA 8-6891. ment, furnished, heated, central. RA PAINTING LAWN FERTILIZER with ALDRIN Any Time _T.V. SERVICE . RA 8-5804 a ( EDARDALE |r ------ J after 5.30 p.m REE . room apartment, private Spreader on Loan) |TH EXPERT WORK VAN BELLE pee . GEORGE'S T.V. EASTER BUNNIES| oSGRAP SALES CLERK (nmi osa currance, party mined. b : SONAB TES white with pink g, 1 4 {For 1 f ri IFOUR - room self-contained uppe: REASONABLE RATE GARDENS NVES ME 0. SERVICE a hit 20 wh © Je {TRON--METALS a, J oy oui pment Arle PHONE F 95 3 miles east of Oshaw 19--Personals | toned, sable, etc. Good stock PAPERS--RAGS tunity for young man 20-25. \FRREE rooms, jnciading Wickes with on Highway No. 2 BRIAN GODFREY, formerly of Ome-| "VET GEORGE for breeding OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Preferably Brod XI or |cupboards and sink, very quiet and MA 3.5757 mee and Lindsay, please call Toronto, | RA 5-3432 equivalent \ust ave good clean home. No heavy wiring. Ne EM 4-3263. DO IT" 473 RIT Employee bene- |small children. RA 5-650. BOWMANVILLE Kiel | . FREE PICK-UP Shpegronce.. Employ in = SAVE money, no waiting, free park- Will 0 3 RE SIDENCE-----RA 5-4159 fits Salary dependent on erro unfrished rooms, separate - ling, at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, - You ' \ | lif t entrance. 7 ueen Stree MACHINE re. Cros Tn moar Seen | G€Orge Will Allow You [26--Farmer's Column 100 ANNIS STREET duslificotions a a St . ; : daily except Wednesdays and Sundays. RASPBERRY canes, Newburgh: Straw. | mem vate entrance, suitable for single lady. SPECIALIZING 4g oT SPRING NEED money in business? Advertise| 5.00 berry plants, Paymaster, for sale. Or-| 34. Auction Sales APPLY BOX 414 | Available May 1. 66 McGregor Street WHITBY, ONTARIO for partners or mew capital through a| der yow. RA 3-9944 - - OSHAWA TIMES THREE - room apartment, close te MO B.2¢ : MO B-3809 CLEAN-UP fast-action low-cost Oshawa Times| For your present old .antenno HAY for sale, also used lumber; also - ---- |Shopping Centre, heavy duty wiring, 204 C T ST. W. : i Classified Ad. Dial RA 33452 | on any new installation barn to be moved for sale. Apply 1192 { N SALE | $55 monthly. Adults, RA 56117. 0. B 159 FERTILIZING, ROLLING INVESTIGATOR -- Private, all types of | All Work Guaranteed! Cutjar Sireel, RA.51577 | A ICT O | ARE YOU INTERESTED |uPPER duplex apartment, four large id ODDING, SEEDING, investigations, reasonable rates. Phone | DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Of oluable collection of Im tablish olf in rooms, hardwood floors, tiled kitchen, NURSERY STOCK RA 8-0891 | ao Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 ajuable co : in establishing yours ! electric stove and refrigerator, laundry CALL RA 3-9525 : porited Antiques. 5 miles selling 1 pest OT : | AD 2 C 5 COMP } ING TRANSPORTATION wanted to down. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone career, with a 'ong room. Must be seen to be appreciated DODD & SOUTER OMPLETE LANDSCAPINC a Newcastle, in the established Oshawa industry, |suitable for couple or couple with baby. INT WA > < E town Toronto, leaving 7.00 - 7.30 a.m. north of f A A Ne AER SERVIC Telephone RA 5-7279 ATTENTION 27--Fuel Wood Anmiouries at Orono, Ontario This is not a door to door or [Rent $103 ger. month, For, appointment JTING & DECORATING - = TT ii 38 er 6 p.m. RA 3- CONTRACTORS 4 HOLLAND HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), | DRY hardwood lumber ends, suitable Sale .on Pridoy, Apr] 22 ot night calling job, but a posi- | 7202 VERA JRO mailed post paid in plain sealed en-| for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for 6 p.m e on Saturday, i For free estimates c velopes with price lst, Six samples] 1.V. OWNERS large load, delivered. Phone RA 5.0818] Ar ii 23 of 1 pm. ond tion with-a bright future, if |NOLERN electrically equipped, fwo- J h NURSERY api Bo Ih TE Th . Facil 23 a p-m., enthusiasm and initiative are [bedroom apartment. 111 Craydon Road. DAYS MO 8 5231 |Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, c | WOOD for apie ood Fiabe $5 ig] evening at 6 p.m { applied in the right propor- Whitby, MO 8-5229 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 and LANDSCAPING Hamilton, Ont : SPECIAL Zils SOY, hard sials 97 single oon 4'30) lots of Period Furniture tions \FIVE Toon Gipice prvalt ohifance. 107 Byron: St Whitby ! RA 5-7442 HARDWOOD floors, cleaned and wax-| 40 fr. towers with all wave | | Déserctive Sone, ue | WRITE BOX 718 (RR ors wer garage. Telephone -} I 5S ' v ed, professionally done. Cali Lucky at ES RA 3.7862 antenna. Complete installo- |28--Summer Resorts Plate, Clocks, Brass, Copper, OSHAWA TIMES TWO storey three-bedroom house, cen CLI FF BROWN COMPLETE" LEAVING for Nova Scotia April 20. tions for $59.50 and $5.00 |For RENT -- Cameron Lake shore cot: etc trally located, near north GM and ~ C Room for three or | alowance for' your old an tage, three bedrooms, screened -Ve TM's is one of the finest ship- giving background, age, pre- | hospital. All conveniences. Write to GRAVEL & SAND GARDEN SUPPLIE Phone RA 51977 tenna randa. Phone OLiver 5-3715 EE vious selling experience. High |Box 413 Oshawa Times . T | : | ; had. direct from school education essential [TWO - room furnished apartment, sink, FERTILIZERS 28a--Trailers we have ever had, hot water, cupboards, clean, quief, cen- LOAM ANOTHER SPECIAL ; aie =X Ferove (tra), close "to hospital, private on. OR SvERy NED ELECTROLYSIS PICTURE TUBES {TWENTY - four boar trailer servis! Tiyis fing. collation of An INTERESTED france. Phone RA 8.5984, training, talking strain, Apply Mrs All Popular Brands and accessories. Ranges. prior, Br Removal of superfluous hair, os low as $29.95 with one |Heaters. Oil burner service, Drain kits,| tpues will be on display at IN COLUMBUS village, three heated, : a {hoses, jacks, etc. Miller, 9 Tudor St.| the Armouries in Orono on unfurnished rooms with bath, built-in RA 8 895] PEAT MOSS Marie Murduff will be in year factory warranty. Up to | jax WHitehall 2.3491 | Tinarsday, April 21 at 2 p.m Moo or woaty Pin LAWN SEEDS Oshawa, May 3rd ond 4th $6.00 allowance for your old |31-FOOR new moon house trailer,| ahd! in the evening at 7 p.m IN AN entrance. Now vacant. OL 5-4734 after Prompt Delivery o ; x 5 Phone Genosha Hotel on picture tube sleeps six, completely furnished, alll "Terms cash --- - oh Has NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES ; i Soloreq appliances, easy terms. RA| \bs ;olu reserv ids VED VEENUOE | * oll Edna Jie Emam] arom | ADVIRIING | cea WELL DIGGING © Fruit Tree SPRAYS la LT CARTAGE, furniture and appii- TELEVISION For Sale or Wanted | H. Bruce Snider, Auctioneer CAREER? APARTMENT CEMENT AND FROST BUG KILLERS el BROIL 174 BOND ST. E. FIVE room Tar hed collage oh). Plaone Odesso 795, Ontario FUNGICIDES A day or night. RA 5-4498 ] I gle cotk a = 4 AT - m---------- |lake Kushog, aliburton, ydro, also| ate i BREAKING (MOVING, evenings and weekends, have RA 8- 6781 separate lot and boat. Phone MO 83952 Te id We have an opening for 15 GIBBONS ST. ORONO 299] COOPER -- "|COTTAGE for sale, furnished, land. 'Phone 5r18, Orono, Ontario a smart young single man APPLY AT: H scaped, DO! f ties, n Lake i ---------------------------------- . +S. . 21--Personal Service : pg TE i 3%. Empl Ww. d who is definitely inter- 21 GIBBONS ST. - PER re ~-Employment ante f SMITH CO |SPENCER foundation garments _in- iin -- | ested in a. career that |---- : . !dividually designed. Also Spirella. Reg- 30--Lost and Found | EXPE RIENCED bookkeeper desires : PRECAST A p |istered corsetier, Mrs. John Hender c | work, ful , bookkeejing system| Provides more than av- BUCKINGHAM . 16 CELINA ST. shot, 208 Park Road North OPERATORS | LOST -- German short-haired Pointer, | supglis :d. Telephone MO 8-2466 after 5 erage interest. The per- { MANOR ~ Quality work, pick-up and delivery. RA! : h vimbada Nay COMSITRUCTION superintendent, ex- SIDEWALK Daily Delivery [5-9843 Te (In co-operation with the 37 A ticles For Ront perienced in any kind of construction] must Kave a pleas- 1 and 2 bedieom apcrtments ME ; % chi | Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) =--~Atticles Tor Ren | ant personalit excel Waban SLABS 14--Household Repairs |dresses, smocking, plain dressmaking, | 2 Ye : Y quipped, iy GHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, |drapes a specialty ; poi dhs Thin = . > > 7 | . 3 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8 like 'new. Why pay more? Our rates | Dean Kelly TV. .RA 5-5121 RENTALS Pho ne: RA 8-0157 education and a desir ' Chis are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Eon Fo y TV. RA 5-1685 | WII IL mind children in my home while h i Jente | RA 8-8676 Steel Reinforced | Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery LAWNMOWER & ENGINE] Earl Fowser TV. RA 31643 sd to get a 60d in. this pro- |-- er % |Co., 10 Bond 'Street West. Dial RA] arkway J < We believe that you can "dc 8-31 1} ressivi ield Quality Guaranteed {5-011 SALES & SERVICE " 9 e {508 Cc Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3-9512 it-yourself" and save lots of |¥0iii NG man would like part-time book- no' publicity. Reliable. exterminators,| ers: Used Engines Bought TV Enterprises . . RA 5-2905 cannot afford to own seldom 84483 after 6 p.m | THE ADVERTISING FOR BROOKLI N products and services for all needs.| ond Sold. Authorized Clinton, APPLIANCE SERVICES used, and sometimes expen- |YO [ING man desires work, has chauf- | CONCRETE 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or Lauson Power Products, Pin- » : Vivo sive "items. Our. 'gim is" 10 ens lie DEPT. |0X 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11 ¥ 1 Centr! K Jack Christie RA 5 f io all 26317 ' dor Service., 81 Centr#l Par have for you fo rent, at @ |e i | THE OSHAWA TIMES | RENT covered like new. Get the best for less a LIMITED |at Moaer Upholstering, 926% Simcoe 99 Radio & TV Repairs Warner Williams RA 5-3531 ir Sqpmen) Mn A " Leder . a oY accq mmodation. Box 41h, Oshawa Help Wanted New building. Centrally lo- -- FURNITURE repaired and _re-uphol-| Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Av-| CApcE CREDIT CARDS AD : NE : COUNTER and grill help, part time| ¢Coted in downtown area. tered See our materials for re-cover. enue. RA 39792 (Fred) | id ARNIA SAFWAY EXI'ERIENCED clerical worker, book- | ny teady. "Jubilee Pavili 2 10--Sharpening Service Slered. See Bh hues fur, Tecovels ens CAFFOLDING i Ving, typing, etc., desires position aly utiles Pavilion Moderate rent. Leases now | = brown with white speckles, male. Re- p.m ! 4 RA 3-2312 [MAE'S -- a complete sewing service ASSOCIATION Bo | i 9 son. we hove in: mind APARTMENTS |worit. RA 5-2405 4 "| WANFTED --by" reliable woman, baby- : RA 83612 TV-HI-FI, AERIALS | sittin' on or ons yoshi in Hon lent health, high school location. $85 and up. Apply [mother works, fenced-in yard. MO { Prompt Delivery A CLEAN home is a happy home Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- Premier TV RA 5.1179 . | time and money, but you [keeping full set, telephone Mohawk, APPLY IN PERSON TO OFFICE SPACE few As licence. Phone Brougham, WHite- | | i y [= PRODUCTS {CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633 | Lodwick Electric RA 5-6369 reasonable rate, every kind of |quir: an opportunity to assist manage Star. Repair RA 5-7743 tool or equipment to do prace [small business for owner wishing to 38 Male of or Female Passenger elevator sebvice. OLIVER 5-3311 estimate TV - RADIO service. All makes| WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS FOR Tine 5 BY Oshawa's largest, full-time, sharp. |RA 3-7212 |23--Women' s Column n OSHAWA and DISTRICT Phane RA 8.8858 or RA 5.9898 SHORT order cook wanted for mid- available ag ul) ea - - | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | W Cy APEY Me. Gump: y vi Aawnmowers : - : San : ol ell, Gi ! i alc. Call Siam's, commer King and IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! [SPECIAL Heat permanente. %80. WE RENT NEARLY + --Female Help Wanted [= ria Hol THE TIMES J FURNACE SALES T.V. and RADIO {396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363 | EVERYTHING -- CALL: [Saki help required, ty e office work. Must be able oF -- wo thy day 5s a week. Apply Home Dairy, 24 2 8--Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings fixtures, new and used, changing from septic fank to sewer pecialty. Ir stallations Tosibie rates. Infor hates free on ahy typ Dial RA 54211. J. Foley | - | 3 l at figures. Good prospects with progres- AND SERVICE CALL RA 8-5286 |25--Pets and Livestock / {Ste coe S sive company. RA 8-587 between 8 and BUILDING WELDING and repa ww, with equip H. M. Mackie Ltd. (For amis RT |W A NTED -- housekeeper to live in, to|3 p.m. 7 : eHent farming All. Work 'Guorariteed | FO ! LF - year ok Hoh e ary te for two children. Phone Orono COLLECTOR, permanent part time for . . district on Highway 27, half-acre RA 5-59054 for child's pet or hunting, papers avail h 2 Rental 2a 14 high grade monthly accounts. Weman Contact T. L. WILSON ht-roor "is yr further y C able. Phone RA 5.0025 arpening & Service eig art pa - OSHAWA le, Fhone | % 197 Kina St W RA 3.3224 [va NTED Ladies with electric preferred. Car essential. State amount + leanout arvice ~ ntact hortr { ) : | BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea machine t doll 4d ¢ |of time available. Write Box 623, Osh 3.3 Head, Ontario %7 labor plus parts ELECTRONIC ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 56331 I Cor. King and Burke Sts Pf ne RA 5-6208 awa Times . st) Phone RA 3-3474

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