-- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 8, 1960 17 45--Real Estate For Sale -- 17 months oid, owner d to Toronto, six-room bunga- low decorated, hot water heat, storms and screens, lawn, No agents, RA 37567 NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double attached ; garage, two fireplaces, divided with -- |45--Real Estate for Sale » jguston built for bank manager, spot- : for - 45--Real Estate for Sale [te bath, decqrated ly landscaped, PHOS a Gon nouse with lunch counter, SPECIAL 45--Real Estate for Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale d PRIVATE sale -- five - room b |48--Houses, Apts., Flats |45--Recl Estate for Sale TWO for Rent Ive 1 vom: Saas STIS BIE Veneast Sstrict, $12,000, $500 down. Consider bungalow, three bedrooms, large ki room furnished basement eg room and toilet in base. as trade in, RA 35-1457. en, heated, storms, walkout b: separate bathroom, in | ment, Li 't ment to ravine lot with creek. NHA mort-| Porch railings. Storm windows, PRIVATE six - room bungalow, with 2 0d A and screens, 34 per cent | south end elal Write Box 407 Osh-| Aluminum combination door and Awn-|three - roomed basement, completely Scaped 2:4 Greenwood Avepue. {gage, Full price, $13,100. Joseph Bosco, iene | osgibilities, Ol ory Private ing. Small down payment, 10 Olive ave-|gelf-contained. Must sell. RA 85-1547. No INCOME home, eight « room brick | Realtor, RA 35-9870. | sale. Apply 736 Albert Street. nue, two doors off Simcoe Street, agents. house, oil heating with one-car garage, | DO YOU ENTERTAIN? LUCAS - dental A 35-3374 afte TWO buliding lots for sale, on Eulalls | RANCH bungalow, five large rooms, Pom milal arex. RA 53374 after Added Avenue. Apply C. A. Glecoff, 165 Ver 14 A Here is @ home that should please both husband ond REALTOR Street, carport, builtin burners and split brick, natural stone, attached # oc ig dun Road. Phone RA 3-3096 wife,. Features lorge 23 x RA 5 4330 oven, binadliom in 3 living room, - entrance. Many extras, $6600 DEATHS | DUNKLEY--Entered into rest in Whitby | Ont. on Thursday April 7th 1960. Amelia | Glover, widow of the late Joseph | Dunkley, in her 88th year. Resting at | the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa. | With Memorial service in the chapel Saturday April 9 . Interment | Mount Lawn Cemetery. (Aunt of Mrs, A. G. Stanley and Mrs, W. H. Riley). IN MEMORIAM Please Note Deadlines now in effect this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards Thanks 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 THREE apartment, vate home, central. awa _Times. for ™0 furnished roc rooms, suit young work- ing eouple, close to bus and stores. Parking available, Apply 306 Pacific Avenue. CENTRAL -- three - room, self-con- tained apastinent, for business person couple, $75 per month. RA B8-512%. ford Realty, Oshawa, 1td., 101 Simcoe of 5 D. HYMAN REALTOR | room, iy arranged. Apply to bulld: er, 238 Kaiser Cres, LOT for sale in Westwood Subdivision. Call RA 56679 after 5.30 p.m. BUILDER'S own home at $9 Masson good location, close to school, SACRIFICE cottage 1% x 26', lot 100 gente, reasonable. 484 Sen R, RA x 700, Salmon Trout Lake near Ban- 38769 croft. $1200 cash terms arranged. Phone 13 living room off a centre 9. hall, separate dining room, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, MO 3251 bifold doors on all closets, 2 bathrooms with vanities, at- FEIVATE sale -- five-room bungalow, | thre ebedrooms, living room, large kit-| chen and recreation room. Near bus | and school, $12,900, RA 3-3107. pro NF -- tres - | » - room melf-con- tained, heavy duty wiring, TV antenna, Stephen BIRTHS E -- In loving memory of a dear father, Janz Flizuk, who pass- COUTURE -- Gerry and Marie to announce , Dianne Elizabeth, on March 91, 1960, at the Oshaws General Hos- DIONNE -- Allan and Zelda Sngram) are happy Birth of their iid Med Karen, Hospital. A sister ft] Bris oh = Creighton ane) are proud Wayne, § 7, 1960, at Oshawa General Many thanks to Dr. King. LUKE -- Mr. and Mrs. R. BE. Luke (nee McGlashan) of Sutton West, are) happy announce the arrival of » daughter on Tuesday, A Amt 5, 1960, at to the Newmarket MASSE -- Raymond and Doris (nee Da to announce $he ar- 1 ot, on Sunday, April 3, 1960, at the Oshawa ) are happy rival of their daughter, 7 Ibs. General Thanks to Dr. J. Doherty Hospital SUAREZ -- To Mr Suarez (nee Trudy eral Hosital on Wednesday, WHITBREAD -- Harold and Sheila (nes Canning) are happy to announce| the arrival of their daughter, Catherine at the Oshawa Gen. |dear father and grandfather, 950, Ann, 7 bs. 13 ozs eral Hospital on Friday, April 8 are the arrival of a od away April 8, Oh, a A ive to day Wa hand, His dear, kind face to see, laundry facilities, business couple. pear bus stop, Phone RA 3-2139. suit THREE-room 8-066! apartment, trance, ground floor, newly decorated, $45 monthly, 468 Albert or phone RA 9. private en- DUPLEX, lower, (nee to announce the 7 Ibs. 4 ons, on Friday, April 8, 1960 at Osh- 'General ad Marlene announce by safe arrival of a baby a Kevin bs. § ozs., on Thursday, April Mother and baby doing 2 and Mrs, E. G. Patterson) a daugh- ter, a sister for David, at Toronto Gen- April 6, That meant so His spirit has fled, his a miiecing At the fireside he more. Too far away for sight But not too far for thought to Sweet to remember him who here, og & cheery smile, A helping hand to all he knew He was so fine, 50 generous and Grant him Jesus, |=Ever remembered by VAN ZANT -- In loving memory away April 8, 1 What a beautiful memory he behind, ~Lovingly reme Margaret, children Terry and Kevin. VANZANY - In Wis memory vy missed and lovingly bered by brother Clarence. VANZANT -- In loving memory Roy April 8, who passed away --Sadly missed and lovingly {pered by daughter Helen, | Zant DEATHS [Larry and grandson Paul WINTER - In loving memory eal d LANGLEY -- Entered into rest in| the Oshawa General Hospital, on Wed-| 1960, Elsie Brand, be loved wife of Frederick Langley in Resting at the Arm. with the Chapel Satur Interment Mount | --Sadly Hary of | {and son Larry nesday, April 6, her 70th year strong Funeral memorial service in day, April 9, 2 pm Lawn Cemetery. (Ladies Aux Home, Oshawa, Canadian Legion will hold = service| Friday 7 pm THORBURN -- At the family dence, 37 Kenneth Avenue, on day, April 7, 1960, Catherine M non beloved wife of the late | Winter, who passed away April We think of him in silence, No eyes can see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. Someday we hope Someday, we know not w To clasp his hand in the Detter Never to part again | missed by a loving wife | WRIGHT | Violet Wright 8, 1952. --Lovingly | missed by som, In who passed away remembered and 22 Leonard and fam SY RiGH] ~ In loving memory To hear his voice, to ses his smile, much to me. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, or speech, reach, 2 pleasant On earth he nobly did his best, heavenly rest, the family. dear father, oy Van Zant, who passed |<" Loving and Xing' in all his ways, vere and just to the end of his days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind mbered by daughter son-in-law Miichell, grand. momem- son-in-] and father, Norman E Ell len| oving memory of FURNTSHI v, o'er, tained. nue or telephone FOUR - Phone RA CLEAN, thr nished, central, once cilities. Abstaine UNFURNISHED true, all convenienc QUIET "three - apartment, all of a welcomed. RA three rooms, self con- Business couple preferred. | Vacant mow. Apply 324 Risgsinie Ave RA 5-2395 room, self-contained, {, unfurnish- ed apartment, refrigerator and stove. | Simcoe Street North, close to hospital. artment, unfur- i bui cupboards, n heavy wiring, washing and parking fa- rs, adults. 45 Brock Street East, RA 5.759%. "three - room ® apart: | ment, spacious and modern, TV outlet, 5.7789 aiter 5 p.m. . seli-contained laundry | . room, conveniences, facilities, bus route. Adults only, Apply | 297 William East THREE - roomed apartment, ehildren| 8-6892. of a SAGUEN PARK of al Van me: an OPEN Quiet, res of a 'fria Stoves, drapes Rents from to meet again Pp ld] pa 5.997 DISTRICT) FOR PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON AY AVENUE & KING ST. INSPECTION idential street Chiidre en welcome T.V V par $85 HONE RA bedroom a parking, 864 Myer aly {WIDOW or middle « of al"? fT large Apr new has roo aged lady unify |44a--Rooms For Rent arge no decorated en. Available s Stree for rent, suitable good home. RA irnished rooms with MACKO REALTOR RA 5-0771 LUCAS . PEACOCK 187 KING ST. E INCOME PROPERTY-- PROPER DUPLEX CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE Separate entrances, hot water tanks, meters. Each «unit completely self - contained. Garage, privote asphoit drive, lorge fot. Fully rented. Large down payment required, For further information please call Jack Sheriff. MUST BE SOLD !! | | CENTRAL PARK SOUTH | This home Excellent buy six-rdom bungalo oge. Large rooms through- out, Low interest rate of 529% 'on NHA mortgage. Call now for on early ap- pointment 4 BEDROOMS EAST END This 53-year-old modem brick bungalow, owner-built of top grade material, has 4 large bedrooms, good-size living room, dining room, large modem kitchen, 2 bathrooms. Forced air oil heating, lend scoped and decorated, Storms and garage, paved Two blocks from and bus -- rn priced ot $13,500 w payment, y payments, one mort. goge for the balance, now vacant. on this sturdy w with gar- 5 please phone Jack Sheriff RA 3-377% | | | | | | REALTOR RA 5-4330 GLENGROVE AVE One of those fine custom- built homes, built by Jones, with many extra features ad- ded for especially demanding owner. Seven large rooms, pius recreation room, Vanity bath, plus extra half both, Thermopane picture windows. Wide welcoming hall, with powder room, end a step-up to a 21-ft. living room, full dining room, with french doors leading to. outside patie. The four bedrooms ore oll a generous size with double closets. You will not find more for your money. NHA mortgage 6% 3 'interest at your principal ond venetian bli nds, garage. Convenient fin cing. Coll Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454 BRACK ST. E Becutifi wv kept, ond moder- 6-room 1Va-storey brick, large garage. Modem bathroom and 2-pe. washroom. Fomily-sized kit- chen £2,000 down, and owner will carry on one mort- gage. Lucos Peccock Roy Flintoff RA RA | DOWN $1,700 DOWN 1Vz-storey, 3-bedroom home, complete with 4-piece bath, wosden storms, aluminum door, very nicely decorated, large gorage. This proper- t be sold as owner is ving the country Very able mor payments, o at RA ONE ACRE LOT 132" x 330°. Full asking price only $900, Just a few minutes drive from downtown. For further information call RA 8-6286 and ask for Glen McKinnon. NEW-- NORTHWEST 6% Only two available at the old interest rate of 612% --- one NHA mortgage. One 5- room and one 6-rcom bunga- lows Down poyments as low as $1,700. Call Harold segal for further particulars at RA 8-6286 $7,500 FULL PRICE A bargain for someone who ys this 3-bedroom bunge- ith large kitchen, g and dining room, P ive and garage located. Act fast Sty son at RA 8 6286. | PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 100-acre farm with 10-room, fully modern house, L-shape barn, excellent location. Will sell or trade, Priced to sell. See for information s with 5-room bun | furnace, bath, 6 m Oshawa. Owner | = give us an offer tached garage. PLEASE, to see this 5.7983 or Ltd, RA 5-6588. ACTION lovely property call Bill Norris, RA W. Wilson $900 DOWN $7,500 FULL PRICE For this spotless bungalow, lo cated on Cromwell Ave., oil heating, very modern kitchen with lots of cupboards, new lend- paved drive, Balance on one mort- goge to be held by owner. Why pey rent? Winse Brad- ley -- Millen Rea! Estate-- RA tile floors throughout, scaped, TV aerial, mornings or 3-2006. evenings G. NEWELL BROKER 216 BROCK ST WHITBY FARMS enwood arec, n, 5 acres bush, good buildings. MYRTLE -- 49 acres highway frontage; shed implement down . $12,950 = $2,500 down--- bunga- lot 150" x Three-year-old brick low with garage; 417, close to Whitby $1,500 down -- full $10,500; ot Ajox, Wy tox included. house, $1,000 to $1,600 down NHA rescles in Whitby Lot 75 x 308 -- $1,200; good house, bam, hen house, garage and $7,000 price corries completely for $87.00 month- 1Va-storey | | {INVESTMENT AVAILABLE HERE IS " GEM bungalow on PATRICIA AVE. Becutitully kept. Sparkling hardwood ficors. Kitchen 10 x Attractive living room, end dining room. Finished rec- reation room, 4-pc, tiled bathroom. Forced hot air oil heating. Hordtop drive. NHA mortgage 472%. Give us a call for particulars and to see, WESTMORELAND AVE, 11. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six-room well - constructed brick. New oil fumace. Hardwood throughout, Storms and screens, alum, front door, venetion blinds, dropes, cur- tains, and many extras. Priced at $10,950 ond owner will carry on' one mortgage. .RA 5.4330 .RA 5-3454 .RA 5-1256 .RA 5-4330 Member of Oshawa end District Rex Real Estote | Board. A J. SCHATZ Realtor 304 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY MO 8-3337 MOST PROFITABLE Lucos Peacock . Roy Flintoff Mrs. Winter Jean Peacock General Insurence MODERN APARTMENT BUILDING IN WHITBY Eleven suite, two-year-old, on large londscaped lot 120 x 120. All suites equipped with ronge, refrigerator, ex- haust fan, drapes, etc, Yield- exceeding Gown: RA 53-9478, MODERN three three-bedroom bungalow. close |schools, MO 38-4897. BUILDING lot, 45 x 115, water, NHA approved area. Joseph and tile to in sew subdivision, Phone sewer and Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870. $800 down, five one year old, or would rent with option two Real Estate, 48 Bond St. W. RA 5-0429, "room brick bungalow. to choose from. Tindall 0 w. RA 3.2512, Whitby, EIGHT - room insul a house, new gas roof, close to price, $7500. Phone RA 3-9179. furnace, new school and ACRES of land with stream, lovely location for social elubs, nar Oshawa. McAuley Realtor, 26 Princes St. MO 33231. to $2500 DOWN, family or income home, 7- room, 2% storey brick home, good con. dition, garage, paved drive, new forced air ofl furnace, residential area, close schools, early possession. Selling price only $14,000. Contact Rolande Tier- ney 5207 Estate, 12,500 -- FULL price, with uly $1440 down for this new six-room brick galow, Choice of color of ceramic tile i» bathroom and Boor tile information, call RA 8.5123, Tove 8 Realty, iy 101 Simcoe Street Ni RA 5 er Don Howe Real in it shed, For Irwin Cruicl 8h OWNER pac in Sacrifice! bedroom bungalow, decorated through out, down, Wil -- | 8 Three Landscaped, storms and screens arbot Street, Full price, $12,650, $1850 1 accept small second mort. v bul attached e. No agents please. 399 Mitchel) Av enue East, OT | by and Oshawa on Thickson Road. RA 3.7982. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE is at your service when you list your house for sale with REALTOR WILSON We hove buyers for thet home of yours now. For ap proisal end eourteous, effi- cient service -- eal! Wh of fice today. ing Net Profit 20% on on investment of $20,000. Full price $8,000 per suite. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL 18 LOTS FOR SALE Excellent locations, West to Bost ond Centrol ocrose Whitby. All within 300-ft, Thorburn, loving mother of W ¥ et Mav Wright Mrs. C. Moore (Amy), Oshawa, Gillla y vay J 8, Pefferlaw, John, Vancouver, Mrs. Ivor Sadly ssed Davies (Sally), Oshawa, Mrs. Ed. Pat-| | daughter sted ton (Catherine) Cobourg, in her 90th| year. The late Mrs, Thorburn is] resting at the Mcintosh Funeral Home, dear father, 8am service in the Chapel on Saturday, ed away April 58 April 9, at 3:15, Interment McNeill] The rolling stream of life rolls on Cemetery, Brock township. In Heu of But still the vacant chair flowers donations to Knox Church Or-| Recalls the love, the voice, the smile gan Fund would be appreciated { Of the one who once sat there Ever remembered by daughter {toria, son-in-law Harry and grandch dren Joan, Gloria and Tommy. 6-room stone arge L-shope bam of nville, Price "$10, 500, terms, WILSON REALTOR RA" 54588 MADISON AVE. near Brooklin, 3-ocre lot, comer of two highways -- permit for Mote! end restaurant licence ob- tained. WHITBY--MO 8-4703 AJAX--Whitehall 2-5770 TORONTO--EM 2.3625 OPEN HOUSE decorated RA DA RA |private bath, newls 3309. [ATTRACTIVE YUSKIW -- In loving memory of a3" Yuskiw, who pass. | Steve Mocke RA 5-0771 List Co-op Through This Office Member Oshawa and District Real Esta ate Beard. LUCAS Jean Peacoch Mrs. Winter J, J. VAN HERWERDEN 741 KING ST. E OSHAWA forgotten by Tom and family furnished rooms, avail 82 Park Road 71 2V2 acres with 4-room cot- never-failing stream well, Price only $2 500. Don't miss this one "housekeeping Street, RA | hed |r 13 5 LARGE room for two gentlemen o |1adies, single beds. Also one single {leges. Apply 86 War 1V2-acre with B-room brick house -- full modern; near Bowmanville. Price $12,000, oom. Cooking priv |ren Avenue TWO furnished WILSON -- George. At the Oshawa heating, real buy, General Hospital on Thursday Apri eondition, $2,500 down. "hou sekeeping r00 7th, 1960, George Wilson (RR 1 Colum | husband of Lena AM. |. and dear father of Stella brother bus) Hodges (Mrs beloved Keir Lamb) Columbus, ed away April 8, 1958. We cannot clasp your hand of William and Joe Port Perry, Leslie Oshawa, ley) Port Perry of MeDermott ferment Pine Grove Cemetery, Winpifred (Mrs, Russell Son- Resting at the chapel Panabaker Port Perry. ¥or service on Monday at 2 p.m. In- LOCKE'S FLORIST Egparol arrangements and oral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all RA 8-6226 _3%0 KING STREET WEST FOR EASTER We are using our best ef- forts to beautify Mount Lawn Memorial Park, We respect fully ask you to remave all winter wreaths before this time. To those too late to have a Memorial installed for Easter, we could arrange for temporary identification. Mount Lawn Development Company, Limited Your face we cannot see; But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. --Ever remembered by daughter M | son- in-law Joe, #FaSIcHidren Judy | Stanley. USKIW -- In loving memory of a refrigerator, YUSKIW - In loving memory of 2 to hospital and bus. r father, Samuel Yuskiw, who pass gone op! - father ROOMS by the week Phone RA , tiled shower and | bath, maid service. RA 3-454] Genosha |Hotel |LARGE furnished rooms | men, eooking privileges, ary, and [0% Apply 317 ingle near Glecoff RA for Gliddon Street SINGLE furnished room, very asus ag th Samuel Yuskiw, who pass-| Central Street, 1 pave ' your memory, father. ? To remember my whole As T treasure the image of Poih |--Ever Helen, Andrew, Patrick, Paul remembered dang Yuskiw, 1958. dear husband, Samuel passed away April 8, Are a pleasure to recal He had a kindly yond, ot each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to ont him, Some day, we know mot when, Never to part again Aenr | yitehen and bedroo: fe through, 9 King Street West But the sweetness will linger forever son-in-law gad, wrandchilaren | YUSKIW -- In loving memory of a|men, His smiling way and Piasant face To clasp his hand in a better land,| ~{Lovingly remembered by wife Annie. stove and central. Apply 96| TWO furnished Apply TWO fu beds. RA 5-6007. rnished sleeping rooms, housekeeping room. 4 m, private entrance, , single | hter bs AAR whoigs G renfell St. Wo kitehen, D furnished ro ing _Space. » El kitchen, central, MELVILLE -- 1 wish to express heartfelt thanks and appreciation jasen and everyone who haz helped through these days of sorrow, in (loss of a loving husband: for beau | floral tributes, words of sympathy {acts of kindness. My Special than! {Re J. Mellow and Dr E. 8 ~Mrs, B. Muviel Mel ¢ large furni; sult couple. Als r gentleman. Ap North. my 0 me the tiful and or phone RA 8-5 An |AT 24 Colborne Street W., ville. 7 -- & Apts. | For Rent THREE-room ba heavy duty stove, private entrance. RA 53-5563. all eonveniences, ue NISHED {ment, all North GM and Bond Street East LARGE sunny newly LARGE furnished bed - CARD OF THANKS: LARGE hou sékeeping n entrance, main floor. Apply FN "room privil eges. ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, also one single room Second floor. Near | ™o Partly furnished rooms Er bath, | ater, hy dro, hes heat | included. RA 8 | TWO furnished rooms close to shopping 0964. | gent] centre. Apply RA 5-8721 "decorated "front megs { rooms, bedroom and | with refrigerator, also very| housekeeping room only, park: | gin East sitting room, RA| close te hospital hed room Dp 00m 5253. large dou hie e n bachelor apart-| RA 5-9630. downtown. Apply 204 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ~ SCHATZ |§5--Real Estate for Sale FOR RENT -- Modern quiet Apart | |FOR RENT -- = Jeering rooms, er light "Abby 305 Trent sire ment, excellent locaton, A Craydon Road, Apt. 2. LIVE poultry also feathers want Highest market prices paid Parker, MO 8 8-364 collect. jan prose Roby West, Whitby. ed. Jake FOR RENT--Bright room, with | vor {suitable for young lady. Close to busi ness section and transportation FOR RENT -- Three-room self.contain- |8-4647 ed unfurnished apartment. Phone MO FoR RENT -- Bachelor apartment 82776. FOR BALE wg. E. Washing "machine, | coffee pot tea. | DUPLEX apartment, residential street, kettle, household articles. Brooklin OL| close to plazas, all conveniences, couple Sunbeam Mixmaster, 4829. FOR RENT -- Office oace, sultabl for law or professional, central, private entrance, large vault, wash room, three Yow rent, immediate possession. rooms, MO 8.2501. NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. #., Bog FOR SALE -- One pair Srapet, good fit 8 window. rod, or less, lot qaciitian parking Whitby P WHITBY OPEN MO [sel « contained, stove and refrigera- {tor, adults only, $35 monthly. MO 82780 | preferred. 83-4307 |For RENT ~-- Two-bedroom suites in Whitby's modern Ventilated kitchen, range, all services, TV outlet, parking A J Schatz Realtor, MO 8-3337 tact J. A. Daly, MO 83-4775. apartment build window drapes, refrigerator, laundry facilities, +» Con-| ing. | x | Highest loc school ig chools, ence 6%, ; evenings, MO 85-4003. FOR RENT -- Modern fourroom and (FOR RENT -- One and two bedroem Javed apariments, private, bath self-contained apartment, arking, TV outlet; adults preferred. 0 34252 MODERN, bedroom ronvenienges, For ib MO 8.2335, construction, §.| 3 bedrooms, bath, natura in mew trip Byron Street North. RA 53020, | lex. | i No. 2 h FOR RENT -- Rooms with or without | apartment, all board, convenient parking space. MO | 18-5149, Close +4770. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep free wom only $270.95. wm ranges, fridges, sre, contact Mid Towns Furniture, Vewest MO 8-4 n or Mo | +5740. FOR RENT Boat, box and cabin trailers chain and skill sows, electric drills, sanders, polishers, paint spr pipe dies, vacuum cleaners, post hole diggers, garden tillers, lawn mowers, rollers and seater, smelt net FOR SALE motors, trailers, cabin he , garden tillers, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS E. MO 8-3226 5, baleomy, $95, %e Shopping Centre. Phone MO|FOR SALE -- Colonial 3 garage, newly | constructed with wed l. MOhawk 8-129 erhead door. Phi For special prices SEPTIC TANKS washers and dry. | way, The | 204 Appliance Dealer in Whitby. ean tanks installed. Walter tnut West, phone Mo | HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W McAuley Real |MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3-2512, [BUNK Ww, complete, #7 |#illed mattresses, $59.9; 21.-in. TV » from $79.50; refrigerators, from $39, combination coal and wood and heavy kitchen suites, fr |duty range, $29.50; 1914.95; chesterfields from $29.00; new mattresses, $12.95; washing machines, from {new bedroom suites, complete, new chest of drawers, walnut 826.50. We have received our f shipment of Kelvinator and davenpo: niture, 8 A%1 FOR C.I. L- PAINT CALL 113 Byro or Mo 8.5740. Street South, spring from $19; $129; finish, appliances. Drop in and look around. Midtown Fur. MO { one | $12,900 ful truly nice br caocd reside ne block fr tas , ey astefully de rooms, large ets, 50; monthly incl interest and ticulars call RA 5.7420 NEAR SEP PUBLIC Whitby low, solid br 62 x 135 ft ceramic tile rear. A r AY om ris, rat In Dodd & 3 Souter nt Valipepe 07 5 Street MO 8-523) Distriet Real Location side of Whitby, drive: up this weekend? WHITBY ular bargoin General Insuronce MO 8-3337 HOUSE THIS WEEKEND CRESTON PARK IN WHITBY FEATURING: ation, close to divided basements fully decorated, N.H.A. fin- Sidewalks, best solid clay brick, colored ceramic I trim, services, North side ighway on East How about e | price for this ick bungalow ir tial di om school corated, 3 bed- modern living room. A real honey for only $2,800 down. or $90 cipal r par- Simpsor Carries uding taxes Helen ARATE AND SCHOOLS room bunga- ck 2 years old, fot, 3 bedrooms bath, pation at for 5 Estote Board. | PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 FULL PRICE $10,700 ALICE ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION be 6-room brick with garoge. Weil maintained and in im- maculote condition. New forced oir oil heating, Owner will carry 10-yeor open mort gage ot $80 a month, not investigate this excellent buy, by calling Roy Flintoff, RA 5.3454, or RA 5.4330, SIMCOE ST. S. INCOME PROPERTY Brick ond stone bungoiow, with ottached garage. Owner has five rooms on first ficer, with 4-pc. bathroom, elum. storms ond screens, TV gerial, Nicely decorated, end living room is broadioomed. Base- ment apartment with Hving oom, kitchen and rents for $60 a o Rey Flintoff, RA 3454, or RA 5-4330. APPLEHILL EMERSON AVE. NHA financing. Five and stone bunga- med in living room and hells. Double elos- ets in the three bedrooms, 4-piece bathroom, end 2-pc. washroom Walkout base- ment to cement patio. This home is ottractively decor- ated ond comes complete with ! num storms and screens, cericl, end venetion blinds. Phone now for aop- pointment to inspect. 514% NHA RESALE SHTRWOOD AVE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, just 5 years old on g lot 352 ft. by 135 ft. Beauti- fully landscaped, and fenced for privacy. This home is attractively decorated. Net ural fireplace in living room, 4.pc. tiled bathroom, recre- ation room. Close to school. If you ore looking for ¢ fine home in a good focation see us about this one. FOUR BEDROOMS NORTH END if you .want kiving end play space sufficient to keep fam- ily from under foot, this ie the house. Treed lot 59 x 146, situated between public and high schools, Family om 18 x 23, with fireplace, recreation room with ! om, dining to see -- RA 5-1256 RA 5-4330 .RA 5.1256 RA 5-4330 RA 5.3454 Lucos Peacock Mrs, Winter Jean Peacock Roy Fli ntoff RA 3-447] "OSHAWA'S LEADING FARMBROKER" in ¢entre of Oshawa, full price $9,500 with $1,500 down, for this é room clap- beard bungalow, with furnace end bathroom, hot end cold water, hardwood, end tile tloors, $4,900 full price for building in centre of Pontypool. Down- stoirs for store, upstairs 8 rooms, with oil furnace, heavy wiring. Down payment $1,000 An exceptionally nice é-room brick veneer Bungolow on lot 75 x 200 feet, just out- side Oshawa. All mahogany finish. Mahogany planters in living room. Mahogany built in china cabinet. Kitchen with mahogany cupboards A house of distinction. The owner needs working-capital hence the low price of $13, - 400 with terms. Co-op list- ing. Another solid end well-built 6-room brick veneer house in Oshawa, built by an expert carpenter and cabinet-maker. It's the best you can buy. Lots of extras and well fin- ished. Price $13,000 with terms. Nice lot near Garrard Reed 125 x 120 feet. Full price $1,700 with $500 down. 28 acres of Lond with barn olong Lake Ontario, close to Oshawa. $500 an acre. 14 miles from Oshawa, 100 acres farm, on paved road, 93 acres workable, bam hen- house and pigpen, imple- ment shed; 6 room house with heavy wiring, bathroom, hot and cold water, close to school. Full price $19,500 with substantial down pay ment. 160-ccre Farm, barn 110 x 32 feet; 8-room house with hydro and heavy wiring. Very good farm close to Lake Ontaric. $25,000 with terms 220-gere Dairy Farm, with 2 houses, in exceleint shape with all conveniences, 3 barns, 3 creeks, very produc tive clay loam soil. Excellent location. Asking price $60,- 000 with Terms 100 - acre farm soil, L-shape barn house Full price with Terms INDUSTRIAL SITES in WHITBY, from 1 to 8 acres WE URGENTLY NEED LIST- MR FOR FARMS AND HOUSES excellent 8-room $16,000 WHITBY COMMERCIAL SITE Centrally located corner lot, approx. 868' x 158'6", This property is located at the corner of Dundas end Green Sts, of the four corners one block east HOTEL OR MOTEL SITE? Here 1s.¢ 2 acre site on Dundas St. located and e@ good potential commercial site rty is well E. -- 193" frontage. This PATRICK G. McDANIEL REAL ESTATE BROKER WHITBY, MO 8-2311 sasy terms 1 acre == 6-room insul brick house .-- oil furnace, bath; facing highway 2. $6,500 -- down $1,000. Orono -- house on main street, lot, terms. Price only $5,500, Price two - apartment large Bowmanville ~- &-room bune galow, school, terms. 191 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3644 SALESMAN: G. BLYLEVEN Phone MA 3.5300 fully modem, Price nea r $10,500, $1,899.00 DOWN DON'T MISS LOCATION WILSON RD. S. TO SHAKESPEARE AVE. EAST TO McCAULEY AVENUE EXTRAS --=Sodded Lawns ~--Storms & Screens ~Finished Rec-Room --All Rooms Decorated OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Asscciates Ltd, Large 8-room stucco home, IRA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 | INCOME PROPERTY consisting of 4 rooms end bath down ond 4 rooms ond both up. Home is very clean end in good repair, water oil heating. Low taxes. Reasonable down payment and vendor will take back e Hot Ist mortgage for the balance at 62%. Coll BiH Mc- Feeters, evenings RA 53-1726. LAW STREET V-yeor-old, 6- room briek ranch-style 2-car garage. kitchen, 3 good-size bed- rooms 1--4-pc. end 2-pc, bath plus extra stool in basement. Large completely finished rec-room with bar and built-in sink. Aluminum storms and screens, For fure ther details, cali Henry Stine son, evenings, RA 5.0243 bungalow with Lorge bright l-- FULL PRICE $7,900 7-year-old, bungalow Rd, § one 148°, 4.rcom frame located off Park one block from bus londscoped lot 46 | High dry basem taxes, Too small r nt owners A real ls 0 further informe- n, please call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840 AT ZION d, 5-room . brick A very neat home c 78 x 210°. Oil heated, tiled bathroom A real good buy. Terms. For further information, please call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840 OFF TAUNTON RD. E.| GARRARD RD. N.-- SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST Lovely 6-room brick bunga- low, 2 years old, built- by Wyldewood Heights Co-oper- ative, Terraced lot 100 x 176'. Mony extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. 6% mortgage. For details call Don Stradeski, evenings, A 8.8423 embe! --Three Weeks P J way). of Dundes 5t. (No. 2 High- Fully serviced. Ideal locations for HOMES end APARTMENT BUILDINGS, etc. Moy be purchased by lot of 50-ft. or more. 126-ft, frontoge Cecor $t. 198-ft. frontage Ash St. 395.ft, frontage High St. 198-ft, frontage Wellington t. MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES BUILDERS TERMS AVAILABLE For detolls, eontact Dot, "evenings MO 8.4778. A. J. SCHATZ Member of Oshawa end District Real Estate Board. GERALD BARROW, BROKER RA 5.3852 Teke @ drive down, all it will cost you is your gos to the model home SALESMAN ON SITE HOWARD McCABE RA 5-6544 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS John A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE PEDWELL REAL ESTATE FARMS 50 TO 300 ACRES FROM $10,000 TO $60,000 200-ccre form with goog building close to school. Will exchange for a large house in Oshawa. Stock and mach- inery optional. Valuable corner property in Four four gorages Act quick- downtown Oshewe apartments, lines. Farms, 50 to 300 acres, from $10,000 ro $60,000. Supertest service station on 35 Highway North from Lind- soy, large gallonage, only re poirs for 5 miles around, no opposition in village. Living quarters and snack bar, Will trade for farm or goed house. 100 acres choice land 000 with low down payment, 5 acres on No. 2 Highway in village with beautiful bun- galow, oll modern conven- ences, chicken pens, good terms 4-room house, East of New- castle, $4,000, with smal! down poyment. 6-room house in Orono, all conveniences, | ecre of land $7,500. Terms 6-rcom house with acre of fond, both, one mile from No. 2 Highway, 3 miles from Newcastle. $4,500, easy terms, 2-acre vacant lot, suitable for building, on ¢ good road in a | fost building section. $800 or best offer MONEY TO LOAN HAROLD C. PEDWELL BROKER NEWCASTLE PHONE 3856 7- room brick house with conven- iences, bankbom 40' x 60°, all seeded down. Only $11,- | | McQUAY and KIDD, REALTORS 177 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH MANAGER WALTER FRANK MARKET 3-3393 190-acre dairy form with sub- division possibilities, beautiful stone house, large hip roof bam. Asking $50,000 with terms, 150-ccre stock ond cosh crop farm, eight-room house, lorge hip roof beams, water in ofl Juiiding, 135.acree workable, trout stream, must be sold at once, only $19, 000 with $4,000 down. 200-0cre stock form, 14 miles from Stow, good buildings, owners oge forces sale. Asking $20.0 000 with low down payment, 100-acre mixed farm with ex- cellent gravel d Yepiain, near Orono, good buildings. Ask- ing $21,000 Niro $5,000 down 20 acres wooded land with trout stream, near Bowman- ville. $3,000 with $1,000 down Bewdley equipped 0. Summer rt in on Rice Lake fully Price only $15, Attention sub-dividers and builders, we have several acreage in town of Bowman- ville limits, priced recson- able, We hove a large selection of Farms, Acreages, Homes, Cottages nad Businesses Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $12,500 FULL PRICE with reasoncble down pay- one mortgage for i balance buys this lovely brick bungalow in west SF ioeon Resa 51 3-2537. Mies Reolty Ltd. Reoitors 101 Simeos St. N. RA 8-5123 OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS Dick Barriage . Marion Drew .. . Lloyd Metcalf . Loyo METCALF REAL ESTATE 3a SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Dial RA 3-9329 or $6551 OPEN HOUSE Crestview Gardens SATURDAY APRIL 9 1.00 TO 5.30 Pick your lot for your 1960 home with enly $500.00 down 'end balance of $756.00 when you move in with total price of only $12,- 600.00 end up, 2 completed homes not ready for oceu- poncy with walk-out base. ments, sashless windows with storms and screens, ceramic tiled bathrooms--ravine lots Come out Seturday afternoon an solve your housing prob- lems. We can arrange fin ancing on these homes to as low as $700.00 down if you qualify. Directions =-- Drive north on Wilson Rd. North to Lands- downe Drive, then turn east to model home. RA 5-6243 RA 3.9290 RA 8.058! . RA 5.9191 RA 5.7610 RA 5.6983 Everett Elliott . . Ves Elliott Joe Mage '88 Phone Ken RA 5-2389. 46--Real Estate Wanted LOT with 53° frontage, or larger. Please reply to RA 5-4 47--Automobiles For Sale FORD roadster paris for sale. 'ss DESOTO Firedome V8, four door, two tone, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, whitewalls, chrome discs Phone RA $-0524 after 7. Terms. | a for Sale 1960 FORD FALCON. . . $2195 Deluxe equipment. 1960 FORD GALAXIE Loaded with extras. 1960 FORD FAIRLANE. . .. $2475 Deluxe equipment. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS FORD -- RENAULT DEALER (Continued on Page 18)