| He sald the new teacher's eol-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 8, 1960 13 lege { 3 : would not be bullt for sbout : uieter V ening tires years. During that time Ie ' . liv the Pensions Aet, Mr. Ander- {wou re-examine the si n P . : and see if it was still advisable to Vets ension Joop. S34. this 'clause, the appli-| F ; . 1 ture |build the college at St. Cathar- . Y ane oo given Be BE, Fit I oir |ines. 1 t poet ¥ or Legisla 9% + gon make any prom COMPICAtIONS [amy doubt a" mine of the % ises to change the department's) : tae li t z gestion 'from TORONTO (CP) -- A serious;a friend of Mr. Daley's, when decision," he said | Logs ers Dan Ma, eto ed hour discussion ny oriaieliond cond tave ves 8, bougn EXPLOITATION CHARGE lot ruling on veterans' disability | Kenora - Rainy River), Yateten : pensions 3 Vi { in ay Edwards jorth) | pensions 5 Affairs Minister Brooks said the . Antonio Barreite of Quebec high-| "The Welland riding Progres- Ray Edwards L--Weatworp} pens ong. the Comutions Veleral: He a i ws a [Sve Je Jepsen Sessiob sive Comservative rT t tion to phn hy called day : = amend the Pensions Act this 4 Thursday. upset about this," said Mr. Trot- legisiai 0 slop wha ne : . a h § " * assd a 1 the "exploitation" of service sta- One reason is the inevitable year. : 4 Members of all parties spent el. They've passd a resolution {1s ex] by the big oil|physical changes associated with Committee Chairman Gage W.| 3 H i y ji Lior perators | ane of the quietest evenings of|pr Olean 8 hie new Jocstion of the Dario age," said T. D, Anderson, chair-| Montgomery (PC -- Victoria. the session going into the prob-jteacher's 28: He said by adopting the lessor- man of the Canadian Pensions Carleton) said a request for a 25- lems of a compulsory, contribut-| The land was purchased irom lessee relationship, the compan-|Commission. per-cent increase in veterans dis- ory pension plan. Al agreed og Secord, 3 Grantham Town ies can avoid the requirements of) Another was the appearance of ability pensions has been re-| A portable pensions are necessary.'ship farmer and Niagara Paris the Labor Relations Act with re- disease or the effects of injury|ceived from the Canadian War| Premier Frost said a special commissioner, Jor J.500 an at | spect to hours of work, vacations over the post-discharge years of | Disability Pensions Association. | committee is now studying pen- while land ial e aa Shi with pay and working conditions.|which there were no prec.se rec- RE = sions. It is to report to the legis-|the education department lege,| And he charged that the com-|ords in service documents Mississippi River levees--dikes | lature at the next session, at|considered building He tol og: panies force the station operators "We continue to rely heavily to prevent flooding -- stretch for | which time a select committee of could have been obtained for $l,-1¢ "on exclusive contracts that{on the benefit of doubt clause," [about 1,800 miles. | the House will be set up to make an : I possible for them foeon---""" BEE _-- Cok a a AY specific recommendations. Mr. Bobs sud the Sepalt. ma \e merchandising practices : House took on an informal ment lool at sites, but de-| ( 11e lessee ; Pip) here during the afternoon|cided on the Secord property as "He said the federal government ; ! 8s Mr. Frost permitted camera-|being the most suitable for its|. jers the service station) : . a 9 3 | is 2 I a take purposes. At that time the land operator the responsibility of the : pring cleaning 4 | pictures of Mr. Barrette's brief was thought to have been owned provincial governments. "I would pol £ \ f visit. He is the first Quebec pre-|by a totally different parts call on this government to accept mier to speak in the Ontario|,,, yo pEPARTMENT this responsibility and do some-| J 70 legislature since Confederation. | "The department of education thing for these operators." - YEE A ' "" E y SEEN {must make the choices of loca- } yi CLOSE Ties said the visit cop [tion for teacher's colleges and | JEWS TURNED OUT » ' i . tirmed the close ties "that tradi-|not the chambers of commerce, CASABLANCA, Morocco (AP)| 1 m cleaning up bills tionally exist between the two he added. A Jewish leader says 500 Jewish / i sister provinces . . . a pariner-| Mr, Robarts was referring to a survivors of the Agadir ear | a the i " ship bet two great peoples." |letter from the Greater Welland quake have been Jurned. out 3 hi rracks £/ A 4 hera) d e r Wintermeyer|Chamber of Commerce complain-|the Moroccan army said ng Bi ig is because the college was not|here and left to fend for them- 9 : ' common cause because "we canto be built in the Welland district. selves. Meyer Obadia, president 3 way: demonstrate to the world that/He said he had also received of the Casablanca Jewish Com-| people of different origins can delegations from Lincoln County munity, said the Jews were or-| A Cities Fitianones live togther and build a nation." asking that the college be located dered to leave the La Jonquiere itizens Financecan arrange Mr Barrette said he had come there. barracks after being given asy : a loan from $50 to $2500 for to Ontario to offer partnership| "I don't blame them for iry-lum there. Moroccan authorities wy good reason. Now you and friendship forever. "Indeed |ing, but I won't yield to organiza-|said the barracks Were _Yeejel Mon step into spring consi we are partners . . . even when [tions when they try to exert in Le troops, acc g Zently--witha fasteslosn Joinet ju ee tine we LL ta A a to buy new clothes or fur- of A gy pi it is only right] : Ca [Sa ----qishings, to consolidate old that since your prime minister in-| > VR | debts. It's a great feeling to vited me, 1 should come here bt 14 5 - ET be "spring cleaning" the first." \ ' A The calm atmosphere was somewhat disturbed when Labor| Minister Daley and Education| : Minister Robarts rose in quick) Many people never seem to get a good Healthy kidneys filter poisons and succession to deny charges that| night's rest. They toss and turn in excess acids from the blood. If they there had been a "political pay- bed--and then are dull and listless slow down and impurities stay in the ; % 3 § off" in the Selection of 8 aio or ' throughout the day. system, disturbed rest, tired feeling § ES Wiis, Woy. Mo Sa0en1 2 BEY teacher's Soles All of which may be and backache often follow. If you , ITIZENS 00, ame htoy, wo s-sez Catharives le due to a temporary don't rest well at night--if you A 9 AM fo 8 PM Fri oh TROTTER ACCUSATION toxic condition which haven't that sprightly step of health { EA y & fl NANC Loans made in Oshaus, Alo | ickering James Trotter (L -- Toronto pa P) calls for the use of in the daytime --use Dodd's Kidney SE -- Parkdale), speaking in the| Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pills. You ean depend on Dodd's! { a iis tis budget debate, charged that the oa | Loan Offices in all Principal Cities government purchased 14 acres ! of farm land for the college from ' ¢ New Ciltone Satin Paint has Colorlok Action! New Ciltone Satin is the easiest, most rewarding kind of latex paint you ean use. When you apply Ciltone Satin to your walls, Colorlok Action starts. oi The pigment color fuses with the latex base--surrounding the color so it NA ww ean't escape. That's why new Ciltone Satin keeps its fresh-painted look washing after washing after washing. 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