Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Apr 1960, p. 8

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Officers For 1960 Are Named At Bay of Quinte WMS Meeting Mellow, Kingston; affiliated CGIT, Mrs. Harold Giffin, Carle ton Place; affiliated explorers, Mrs, O. Bertrand, Belleville; mis. sion bands, Mrs. G. Lindsay; baby bands, Mrs. G. 8. Young, Lanark. Associat s, Mrs, J. Whyte, Lanark; candidate, Mrs. David Duchemin, Oshawa; Chris- tian cit: hip, Mrs. R. Stevens, Bowmanville; community friend- ship, Mrs. Ivison Munday, Bow- manville; literature, Mrs. K. C. Hopkins, Bowmanville; mission. ary monthly and world friends, Mrs, H. Ireland, Brighton; press, Mrs. E. Free, Sunderland, sup- ply, Mrs. M. N. Pegg, mont. The following were named as the 1960 executive of the Bay of Quinte Conference Branch of the Womans Missionary Society at the annual meeting held recently in Brockville, Past president, Mrs. J. H. Mec- Kinney, Brooklin; presid Mrs. B. H, Soper, Smiths Falls; first vice - president, Mrs. L. Elliott, Tweed; d vice - president Mrs. W. F. Young, Brockville; recording secretary, Mrs. J. H. Lewis, Peterborough; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. C. G. Dowdall, Carleton Place; treasurer, Mrs. A. Scriver, Peterborough. Secrtary of Christian steward- ship, Miss Doris Edwards, Lind- say; mission circles, Mrs. K. A. YWCA Card Party 'Swells Funds For World Service | The card party held at the YWCA on Tuesday afternoon and evening was a happy event of the : early spring and was most suc- i cessful in helping the Association in its annual world service effort. TO BE WED NEXT MONTH The allocation his year is larg er than usual as it includes a The ement is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harty special amount for world refugee today of Miss Margaret Rose | Gourley, all of Oshawa. The |year. The YWCA of Canada hopes Winsley and Mr. Ronald Harry marriage will take place in [to raise an amount of $35,000 to Gourley. The bride-o-be is the | oo 0 + Church on Satur. [be used in providing vocational daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid- : training for YWCA refugees in ney Winsley and her fiance is ' day, May 7. Jordan in addition to continuing GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES = 4 fs in refugee camps in Austria. The card party was opened in MARGARET HART GROUP The regular meeting of the the afternoon by Miss Vera Moyse and in the evening by Miss Grace Wilson, general, con- vener of the event. Margaret Hart Group of the Among those who assisted in Women's Guild of St. George's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs, J. J. English. Mrs. Donald Fox presided. The the planning were Mrs. Peter Highley, Mrs, E. J. Carlton, minutes were read and the treas- urer's report given. Various business items were A PY / Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 7, 1960 4th Oshawa Guides, Brownies 'Mother And Daughter Banquet | h son, Joan Black, Ellen Parker, Lynda Goulding, Donna Hood, Shirley Windover, Lynn Barclay,| Karen Mosier, Joan Dickson, Lynda Gingereski, Susan Chan- ning, Keitha Mosier, Marilyn Burns, Donna Dragomatz, Joan Haynes, Gloria Parry, Patsy Magee. Cooks: Karen Mosier, Patsy Wall, Gloria Parry, and Ellen Parker; Needlewoman; Karen Mosier, Patsy Wall, and Gloria Parry; Readers: Shirley Wind- over; Pioneer: Betty Bigwood Little House Emblem: Patsy Wall and Gloria Parry. Emergency Helper: Shirley Windover, Susan Channing, Joan Dicksop, Erna Martens, Lynda Goulding, Jo Anne Mewitt, Donna Hood, Joan Haynes, Lynda Gin- gereski, Donna Dragomatz, Karen Mosier, Patsy Magee, De- anna Channing, and Gail Small- wood. Home Nurse: Shirley Windover, Susan Channing, Joan Dickson, Erna Martens, Lynda Goulding, so Anne Mewitt, Donna Hood, Joan Haynes, Lynda Gingereski, Donna Dragomatz, KarenMosier, Gail Smallwood. Mrs. Forsythe congratulated the girls on their hard work on earning so many badges. The evening closed with a camp fire. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Winsley wisi: 0 announce the engagement The 4th Oshawa Guides and {Brownies held their annual moth- ler and daughter banquet at West- {mount United Church with a capacity attendance. Mrs. Harold Mosier proposed a toast to Her Majesty the Queen. The Reverend W. A. Gibb led in the singing of Grace. Mrs. Mosier welcomed every- lone on behalf of the 4th group committee and introduced the head table guests as follows: Mrs. W. A. Forsythe, Kingsway district commissioner; Mrs. W. E. Gardner, captain, 4th Guide company and Adelaide District commissioner; Mrs. John Gaskell, Brown owl, 4th Brownie pack; Mrs. Richard Crouter, Tawny Owl, 4th Brownie pack; Betty Crouter, a Guide, Bonnie Crouter, company leader, 4th Guide company; Mrs. Seymour Bigwood, Guide representative to the local association, her daugh- ter, Lois, a Brownie, and Betty, company leader, 4th Guides. | Mrs. J. W. Childerhose, vice- | president, 4th g r o u p committee |and her granddaughters, Debbie, |a Brownie, and Bonnie, a Guide; Mrs. Melvin Coolidge, Brownie representative to the local asso- ciation and her daughter, Norma, Mrs. 8. A. Cross, Mrs. C. M, Elliott, Mrs. H. B. Armstrong, Mrs. R. L. Gray, Mrs. Michael Jacula, Miss Helen Pardon, Mrs. Edward Alker, Mrs. P. H. Wels- baum, Miss Doreen Trainer. Assisting the YWCA staff mem- bers in welcoming the guests were Mrs. K. D. Crone, Miss Yera Moyse and Mrs. Edward er. Those who received prizes were Mrs. J. E. Seymour, Mrs. Neil Fraser, Mrs. Murray Town- send, Mrs. Charles Eder, Mrs. Hugh Hall, Mrs. G. Wilson, Mrs. M. Mason, Mrs. J. Dyer, Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, Mrs. Derek Bar- nett, Miss Betty Bright, Miss Shirley Lemon, Mrs. D, M. King, Mrs. James Porter. Miss Isabel Davey, Mrs. John Larmond, Miss Mary Holobenko, Mrs. Arthur Mumberson, Miss Irma McKean, Mrs. A. R. Gar- rett, Mrs. F. Kitchen, Mrs. W. B. McCullough, Mrs. R. W. Bassett, Mrs. Dorothy Forster, Mrs. W. Black, Miss Louise Wood, Mrs. T. A. Atchison, Mrs. W. H. Trot ter. for Mrs. Alfred Austin, regent | den Jubilee Chapter, shares the of Prince Philip Chapter. Mrs. | moment of fun at the 10th anni- candles on the anniversary cake | John Houghton, regent, Gol- | versary 'party. | ~--Oshawa Times Photo Prince Philip Chapter Marks [7.4 on Liberia 10th Anniversary at Dinner Party Features Meeting The Prince Philip Chapter, Im-|libraries sent to 11 schools in She Jessie Panton Aux. perial Order Daughters of the West Indies and of the two medi- Empire, celebrated its 10th an-/cal students being educated in i . niversary with a dinner party|India. |, The meeting of the Jessie Pax: at Adelaide House om Monday| 'Your contributions are part of g. Nuss ry 4 evening. the $2000 sent to assist in the| i Mrs, Alfred Austin, regent, pre- Agadir disaster," she told e hood 4 the chapel, There bi sided and introduced the guest members, "to support a scholar- Thankoffering service. speaker, Mrs. D. W. McGibbon of ship in the University of the West| Mrs. .W F. Manuel, president the national council, and guests) Indies and has spread to Africal..i.omed the guests we rE other Mrs. John Houghton and Mrs.|by bringing a brilliant boy from| }rches and gave a reading R. L. Sawyer, regent and vice Gans further his studies at|<an Faster Wish" if po na ' i roup committee, Naw % ie a Uden Sonics on a Soros, we pre-| The worship service was in the Pet tere, Keitha, com- were Mrs. R. B. Smith, a past|pare leaflets for study periods on|C2rge 2 he Dorathy To ford, any leader, 4th Guide company, regent, Mrs, J. Wesley Piatti, Empire and World Affairs; we| STP: "Whon God Speaks: ang and Karen and Barbars, Guides. Mrs. C. G. Luke and Mrs. J. A.[maintain scholarships and bur-|3"4Gocnel Hymn" oe age ee Ad i | sarie: | : ibb; ' A in reviewed the BUD wine oi Bar Bugandhy The reports of recording secre- lieutenant, 4th Guide company, tivities of the past 10 years. She[Over a quarter of a million dol-|!ary and treasurer were read. and her mother, Mrs. George MRS. D. W, McGibbon makes wish before blowing out the 10 4 | |Andrew's United Church was among donations received were hand knit goods made by Miss Catherine "Foreman The bazaar will be held on April 26. It was decided to have a "shower" at the next business meeting on April 19 for the "Touch and Take" and novelty booths: Mrs, C. E. Vermoen's resigna- tion as kitchen convener was ac- cepted with regret. She has super- vised catering with decided suc- cess but due to recent ill health has to curtail her activities. discussed. The regular spring rummage sale is to be held on April 29. It was decided to spe- costume i a Se 0 Miss Nelli € i iy A pf ilo pn lr Su" et on hain by Mi, Nel, Sc, fou, epi, Bron QV Sn [tion from recipients of roses and tary, 4th group committee, and cards. {her daughter, Joan, a Guide; Mrs. Lawrence French report- Mrs. Thomas Hornsby, treasurer, ed an invitation from the After-/4th group committee, and her noon Auxiliary to attend their| daughter, Sharon, a Brownie. Thankoffering meeting on April A vote of thanks to the group committee who planned the ban- 11; also one from Cedardale| Church to a tea and sale of work quet was proposed by Guide |Joanne Mewitt and responded to t/by Mrs. Melville Coolidge. | the supplies for the bale are to| Mrs. W. A. Forsythe Brongn: |be packed in May. {greetings from her district. Mrs. | The Dorothy Telford group will Seymour Bigwood expressed ap-| {hold a bake sale before the regu-|preciation to the Westmount {lar meeting on April 26. | United Church WA for the din- | Mrs. J. H. Hunter introduced ner. {the speaker, Miss Bernice Lee,| Two films were shown: Lentil, a graduate of Oshawa General a story of a boy who couldn't [Hospital in 1948, also a graduate|sing, and Highland Holiday, a of London Bible College, who has| travelogue filmed in Cape Breton. been working in a leper colony The Brownie badges were pre- in Liberia for five years and is/sented by Mrs. W. E. Gardneer now home in Canada on furlough] as follows: Golden Hand: Lois and at present working in the|Bigwood, Susan Gingereski, Di- hospital here. Miss Lee expects|anne Harrison, Mary Lou Pollick, to return to her missionary work Sandra McPherson, Dorothy Fice in July. Sharon Hood, Nancy She stressed how much the Cathy McClure. lepers need the Gospel and that| (Collectors: Mary Lou Pollock, they spread the good news at|Nancy Smith, Thrift: Elinor Ross. every opportunity. They are sur-| Minstrel: Lois Bigwood; Writ- rounded by superstition and cult|ers: Karem McMullen, Nancy of the witch doctors, and the Smith. ever present heathen societies.| The Guide badges were pre- All these have to be overcome.|gented by Mrs. W. A. Forsythe Medical and dispensary work Is|gs follows: so important. Educational work| ge. nd Class: Elizabeth Beam. |is earvied op In day and board- |g), Nancy Beven, Sharon Barton, (Ing schools. The great aim is t0| joan Black, Lynn Barclay, Joan win the children and young peo-! . Shir | Haynes; Singer: Joan Black, ple. Church work is also carried ley Windover, Lynda Goulding; on. Keep Fit: Joan Haynes, Ellen Very interesting slides were parker, Joan Black, Patsy Ma- shown. These people in the leper gee, and Nancy Beven. colony help each other, and build, Hostess: Gail Smallwood, De- their own homes of baked mud, anna Channing, Susan Channing, | {painted white, and they raise Lynda Gingereski; skaters: Shar-| their own rice on their small por-/on Barton, Joan Black, Lynda [tions of land. Goulding, Joan Haynes, Lynda and first regent of the chapter,/the Order last year and I can Mrs. F. N. McCallum, to whom a|assure you that the IODE i life membership had been grant-|thinking ahead with confidence." ed. She also complimented and| Mrs. McGibbon answered sev- made a presentation to past re-|eral questions from members and gents, Mrs. R. B. Smith and Mrs. |was thanked by Mrs, W. L. Butler J. L. Beaton (in absentia), She|who, on behalf of the chapter recalled the devoted service of the| presented her with an arrange immedate past regent, the late/ment of '"'sunset-gold'"' roses. Mrs. W. F. Mercer. The evening was spent at Court "The leadership of the past 10, Whist and among the lucky prize years gives us inspiration ' and|witners were Mrs. A. S. What- courage for the future," she said./tam, Mrs. E, J. Luke, Mrs. E. J. Mrs. Austin introduced Mrs. Bradley, Miss Gladys Stitt, Mrs. D. W. McGibbon whose many of-|John Reid, Mrs, Leo Glover, Mrs. fices include that of national edu-/W. B. White, Mrs. George Ans- cational secretary. |ley, Mrs. John Houghton, Mrs. A. Mrs. McGibbon said that the/W. Hambly and Alfred work of the 987 chapters spread|Austin, from the Arctic to the tropics and| The dinner party was convened in Europe, Asia and Africa. She by Mrs. Leo Glover and Mrs. W. spoke of the building of the Fro-|S. C. Larmer and Mrs. L. O. Irwin were responsible for the bisher Bay Community Centre | (dainty table decorations and sou- and the bursary in library science to teachers in the far north; ofivenirs. Bay of Quinte Conference WMS Annual Meeting In Brockville $t. John's United Church injal methods for food supply and Brockville was host to the two hope for those who are Ml in and a half day annual meeting body, soul and mind have been of the Bay of Quinte Conference|gradually developed. ig i Woman's Mission- TRAINING CENTRES psi ing centres in homemak- The esident, Mrs. B. H.|, ra Soper, of Smith's Falls, convened| "8 Dave been set up to teach the sessions and welcomed the delegates from the Presbyterial of Oshawa, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Renfrew, Peterborough and Lindsay. Mrs. L. Elliott presented the budgeting, child care and Bible study. Those attending return to {their homes with a sense of ser- vice and a desire to share their {understanding of life in the home. Dr. Taylor conducted the election is| sewing, cooking, food nutrition, | cialize in good hats, 12, the of their daughter, Margaret Rose, to Mr. Ronald Harry Gourley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gour- ley, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place in First Baptist Church on Saturday, May 7, 1960, at 4 p.m. lon April 20. Members were reminded tha th, (Hall, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Par- rott of Oshawa announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Shir- ley Carol, to Mr. Lloyd Donald Taylor, son of Mr. G. Donald Taylor of Hornepayne, Ontario, and the late Mrs. Taylor. The wedding will take place in St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Osh-| Mrs. k awa, on Friday, May 6, at 7.30 charge of the devotional period. o'clock. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundle, RR 1, Bowmanville, will be happy to receive their friends and rela- tives at Darlington Township Hampton, on. Wednesday, April 20, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Next Tuesday, April monthly Night of Cards will be held. Tickets may be purchased at the door and in addition to door prizes refreshments will be served. A wreath will be placed on the Memorial on Saturday, April 9, at 2.30 p.m. in memory of the battle of Vimy. Members of the Auxiliary were asked to be pres- jewelry and good used clothing. Tea was served by Mrs. J. J. English. S.A. HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sal- vation Army Home League, was held on Tuesday afternoon, April 5. Mrs. Chris Osborne led in the singing of a few choruses. Mrs. {League rally to be held in Osh- |awa on Tuesday, April 26. . en 4 WIFE PRE For festive butter pats, scoop out balls of butter with your meion ball cutter and serve chilled with bits of parsley. Min. | SERVER ent for: this service. The auditors report was given by Mrs. Eric Jacklin and books found correct. The zone rally will take place on May 25 in Whitby. There are now nine auxiliaries in this zone. Reported sick in hospital were Mrs. Frank Grant, Mrs. Fred Langley, Mrs. Stella Lovell and Mrs. Stark. Sick at home are: Mrs. Herbert Bathe, Mrs. C. E. Vermoen, Mrs. Arthur Elliot, Mrs. Amy Piney and Mrs. J. Tooley. William James made the an- nouncements, reminding the members of the divisional Home Major Rankin was In The theme for the afternoon was "Easter Blessings". She led in the singing of the hymn 'Count Your Blessings", everyone joined in the reading of the prayer, "The Presence", Mrs, Edward Kitchen led in the responsive scripture reading. Mrs. Rankin led in the singing of the chorus, "Scatter a little Sunshine', and read a poem, "Sunshine" a num- ber of members gave thanks for blessings they had received. Mrs, Rankin gave a reading, "The World is Mine", then led in the singing of 'Give to Jesus Glory", and closed in prayer. Decorated baskets of fruit and HISTORIC BUILDING ST. BONIFACE, Man. (CP-- The Grey Nuns' convent built in 1845 is being moved from its lo- cation in a commercial district to La Verendrye Park to be made into a museum. The order has] new quarters and thg old building IN TIME FOR EASTER A completely new collection of maternity styles in fashionable spring fabrics and colors priced from . . 5.98 to 35.00 USE OUR FREE LAY-AWAY PLAN! MATERNITY FASHIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE candy were packed by members of the Home League to be sent to is being moved to make way for construction in connection with sick ans shut-in members. The i Rainbow Group served tea, St. Boniface Hospital. Next week an Easter program given by Mrs. Maynard AID HANDICAPPED OTTAWA (CP -- The Ottawa Valley's first summer camp for handicapped children will be op- erated near Carp in August. Some 24 Ottawa handicapped children recently went on their first sled in the west-end ill be elson. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. The Ladies Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening, April 5, with Wonderful New Way to Wave Toni's ; "Hidden Body" into Your Hair | first vice-president, Mrs. Edward Bouckley, presiding. , |Britannia area on a horse-drawn Bazaar goods were shown and sleigh. Blacks report of the nominating commit-| tee and all offices were filled en RESOLUTIONS iature cookie cutters will embel- iish ordinary butter slices, too. POWER LAUNDRIES Canada's 322 power laundries in| 1958 had record receipts of $65,-| 350,000. gy inssllation a officers. The speaker stressed the need |Gingereski, Patsy Magee, Joan Ibe pe for School for Leaders to|for evangelization of these peo-|Dickson, Erna Marfens, Nancy The memorials and resolutions 2d at Ontario Ladies' Col-|ple. There is a high rate of il- Beven, and Donna Dragomatz; were presented by Mrs. M. N. lege, Whitby, from August 15 to 18|literacy, there is great need of Dancer: Lynda Gingereski. Pegg ad the "Story of the Year" have already been made under books in their own language and] Athlete: Jo Anne Mewitt, Joan was summarized by Mrs. C. G.|x© prection of the dean, Mrs. constant prayers for the people(Haynes, and Nancy Beven; Dowdall 9 |A. M. Stewart, and the workers. Friend to Animals: Marilyn Dick- The treasurer's report present-| aun ed by Mrs. A. Scriver showed re-||lf ceipts of over $145,000 for Mis-|i} sions. Christian Stewardship secre- | tary, Miss Doris Edwards, pre- | sented the thought that prayer is || the spiritual Niagara that drives the dynamo sending the power of God out unto the world to work | His Divine Will in the hearts and minds of men and women. BOOKS AVAILABLE | | Mrs. K. C. Hopkins announced |(§i that a wide selection of books || I | | | | 72 Simcoe St. North 'WARD'S present... "WINDOW FLATTERY FOR SPRING™ ® Fresh New Colors e Fascinating New Patterns e Sparkling New Fabrics : These new draperies were selected by Ward's experts to bring a fresh new look to your home for these prices and choose NOW ... While the selection is at it's best. Ward's Have Oshawa's Most Extensive Stock of READY-TO-HANG and CUSTOM- MADE DRAPERIES! Price Looking Forward to EASTER in a perfect SUIT Fashion perfection in black and white bur- lop tweed, Note the new indented jocket shaping that rests easily on the hip- bone. So comfortable and smart, you'll want to wear it constantly, Ready-to-wear in all sizes 10 to 16 in- cluding talls and pe- ites. was available. The three departments being stressed were mission bands, mis- sionary monthly and world friends and Christian stewardship and excellent talks were given by | these secretaries MISSIONS Miss Bessie French of All Peo- ple's Mission in Hamilton ex- pressed concern for re-thinking, the mission of the Christian| Church. Many mission churches | need assistance from more for-| tunate churches but the assist ance must be given in a Christ- | i Like way PLEA FOR WORKERS il i Mrs. E. C. Amaron, candidate secretary. made a plea for full- |} time workers in the church. Dr. [if Florence Murray, of Korea has just sent an appeal for nurse to supervise the nurses in| the new Korean hospital. Univer- sity graduates are needed to! teach English as a foreign lan-| guage for a three year period in| hizh schools in Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. Anyone with a de-| sire for Christian service and a| longing for travel in distant places may find the answer by || considering this. | OVERSEAS MISSIONS | Dr. Ruth Taylor, overseas mis- || sions, executive secretary of Do- ||} minion Board. addressed the con- | ference branch delegates andj many interested people from Brockville on "The Responsibility to the Work Overseas". Refer-/ij ence was made to the Junk Bay Medical Centre in Hong Kong| which has been ministering to} tens of thousands of refugeesi| since 1949. Advance in agricultur- F IRST and only neutralizer that's professionally pre. mixed to give you professional wave results at home! No more measuring! No messy mixing! No mishaps! New No-Mix Toni is the nicest . . . easiest . . . most fool-proof home permanent ever! 1. SNIP OFF THE TIP and you're all set. No powder or water to bother with, 2.178 SQUEEZ. EASY! Just a few creamy drops on h curl do the | I 4 Width 16-Ft. Triple 12-F¢. | Pair Pair 35.95 53.95 71.95 41.95 62.95 83.95 45.95 68.95 91.95 19.9539.9559.95(79.95 24.9549.95 74.95100° Above prices for average length, shorter or extra long et corresponding sevings. Includes Lining, Hooks, Buckrem ete. WARD'S SIMCOE AT ATHOL--RA 5-1151 | Reg. Width Double 4-Ft. Window | 8.Ft. Window! Pair 11.95 20.95 | | Pair Ready-Te- Hang A Renge $59.95 Ready-Te- Hong tT Ronge Hong @ Renge Zz "vane ead] 1.98 YARD 2.59 FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Ror Gentle $ Lay-Away Now , . for EASTER Friday Night Shopper's Special 7 - 9 P.M. 50 Pair of Lined, Ready-lo-Hang Drapes! Single Width Double Width Triple Width 25.98 pair 12.98 pair 38.98 pair 84" end 95" Finished Lengths ' 4 Nacks Ladies' Wear Ltd. 72 Simcoe St. North RA 5-1912 18 KING ST. E

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