KGAA AA Aaa ns TENE LUVYLTYONR 30 THE SHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 7, 1960 ba 0 Sh Bh i i apr Vi who object. Jt could mean the ob-jand H. Chesebrough, of Oshawa, literation of all the charm and|Mrs. Derek Barnett and loveliness a ieh on Summer Harold weekend - TRE We , Commerford's home. draw people from Mrs. Everett Mount Rich Mineral Ore SEEril Sutin mito h © rural England. the Southern United tes at|tal aie, and ou Bg board Very . S. I. : were i of Mr. and Mrs. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Sidney MacDonald, Sterling, Sun- May Ruin Country KEDRON There will be 8 Sood Friday |da day. peace to one shilling a ton for the privilege of digging out the ore. Farther to the north, Trinity, tedly one of Oxford's richest has land which the min- companies also want to ex- By M. McINTYRE HOOD he esi . e Osha LONDON --- Under wooded ails and stone of Oxford-| shire, at a point where the spurs|ing of the Cotswold Hills | the landscape, rich deposits of{summer the matter the ground. Becguse of the pians/held now being prepared for minimgling early the moderator, Rev. H. A. Mel- be re-llow, iron are waiting to be dug out of|solved when an inquiry will be|discuss| the Ministry of Hous-|tion in the Home." P service for the A Mr. and Mis. sponsored by the church session. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- attended Werry al Sey als inieadienl He on epial he #Cavalcade of ue ys' Ontario County Junior Parmers' choir in Union- Robert Hancock, Toronto. 8, who led a panel|ville. on "Ghristian Eduea-| Mrs. Frank New anel I ae: were J. Hunt!merford were co-hostesses at af Ted Maid- vacation in Florida. rd Shepherd, of Preston. Tw Ww YP we ww -y A a pn GH a Tee sera shower for Gail Hamilton, bride- Mrs. |[to-be of Barry Cockburn, at was presevted with M. Walters pnd KEDRON -- The Couples ub United Church, harge In 15 at a 70 Me = have. rel 2 from met Friday in the Lower Hall with devotions led by mas, J. Lyle Noble acted as|joy and Ji pianis Mr, and Mrs. Mark Hancock, Jean, John, and Dopna were re: cent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Werry, with Mrs. Maidman, Mrs. | Robert Hancock of Toronta, , and Mrs. 8. Com- She weekend, guests of Mrs, this ore, an all io Familiar bat-| Government tle, between those who protestimoment is to against the desecration of a love: ly countryside, and those who claim this fon is needed for Brit-| in's industries, is being waged. its raw The battle is being waged at|mines. its fiercest over 200 acres of|of Housing will have to decide is land just north of Great Tew, aljust this: Should even a small 17th century village with stocks part of the finest pastoral scen- on its green and a manor house ery in Europe be sacrificed for the on the hill above, There, between|sake of improving the balance the 500 and 600 feet contours, {of payments by several million lie over 40 million tons of iron pounds a year? T's Pits fo 1 TRON, SUPOSTOR, me on mar County Council is mercial interest are once agaln|strongly opposed to mining being beng pied sgaont what loaned oa the count. Priva a s Presveration of Rural England possi a majority |! CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE flacinety line wp with the county In the locality, howewex, Cal has prockiced something of a Much of the ehjections are due| i is of conscience, For smallito the fact tha it is proposed to trudging over their carry on open cast mining opera it hay brought an ate | tions. Hav seen what open cast n that wenlth could be theirs mining has in some Scottish for the asking. The mining com- areas in casting a ghastly blight | tbe for... OIL BURNER SERVICE And . . . FURNACE FUEL OIL at the most reasonable prices Call . VY G 78 BOND ST. W. IGOR OIL "= PHONE RA 5-1109 panies are only foo willing tojover the lovely countryside, Ij pay them _royaNies of from et sympathy with those! ONLY PH 10% 1m EASY TERMS ARRANGED ILCO-BENDIX 1 SHEETS J, [HH Brose MeH-CAPACTTY iim 8 sev Sou ji Sven shee igh a easily as 2 handful of hankies -- yet 8 much. Washday's over in he the in wily Wa ' rds Fie a ays a the time, and you save enough soap and hot --y A oar Smpert ys er-washed, not blade-beaten! Philco's blade. safer washing than in any other Rid Ne 600 per minute -- for cleaner, | PL J it THESE OTHER ADVANCED FEATURES! 1 ACTION in the new Phitco-Bendix * Triple. -Duty Filter- -Dispssser ~ digs penses detergents, fabric condition. 3, end banishes every trace of line. ® Full choice of water temperatures. * Washes cleanest. Doss » un Including cold-water wash, d 8% cle: . aner then sny other & Hot-Water Saver automaticatty ag. Justs water level to any load ® Puuionh Mocrescent work Aga vn % Troutte-free - one-year FREE! THIS HANDY KITCHEN TOOL . + +» to every lady who visits our store to see the fabulous Philco-Bendix washer in action -- HURRY = Supply Limited 485-491 Ritson Rd. S * Before You Buy... Give Starr A Try * SO TARR FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES AMPLE FREE PARKING RA 3.32241 mor e Homemakers are placing their trust in TableRite Quality Meats. INOY'@ Edible meat for your money -- All IGA TableRite megts are trimmed to satisfy IMORX'E@ Eating pleosure ! : All IGA meats are carefully 3 selected from the finest PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 7th, 8th and Sth WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Frozen Feature 40 FATHOM RANDOM WEIGHTS HADDOCK FILLETS 39: Save 4c on SOLID WHITE SAICO TUNA Save 4c on MONARCH ROYAL GUEST PASTRY FLOUR Save 10c on IGA Liquid Floor Save 4c on TABLERITE RED OR BLUE BRAND BLADE": SHORT RIB ROASTS -43 Lean Minced BEEF SMALL LINE SAUSA GE. 35¢ Ib. 39c 7-01. TIN Cc 7-LB oe ¢ WAX 50: Shredded WHEAT 2-37: FRESH PRODUCE U.S. NO. 1 GRADE TENDER, GREEN SHOOTS BROCCOLI 19: LARGE BUNCH U.S. NO. 1 GRADE RED, RIPE BEAUTIES -- CELLO TOMATOES U.S. NO. 1 GRADE GARDEN FRESH FLORIDA CELERY GOLDMINE OF VITAMIN € --- FLORIDA ORANGES NO. 1 GRADE -- ADD AN ELEGANT TOUCH TO YOUR MEAL ~ BECKSTEAD 1G.A. COURTICE--ONTARIO BILSKY 1.G.A. STORE 120 WILSON S.-~OSHAWA COLLEGE HILL LG.A. CUBERT ST.-----OSHAWA DYL'S 1L.G.A. 166 ADELAIDE ST. EI S.A LANSDOWNE I LANDSDOWNE SHOPPIN IE LOA HOPE 1.G.A. STORE PORT PERRY SOUTH END LG.A. BROCK ST. S--<WHITBY CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THE TIME AND CHANNEL OF 1.G.A.'S ROMPERROOM TV SHOW IT'S LOTS OF FUN FOR THE KIDDIES we 25° Sy vor 39° « 49°) COLLEGE HILL SUPERMARKET Dairy Dept. Feature PLAIN OR PIMENTO CHATEAU iy 2 Cc CHEESE : SAVE 11¢c ON STAFFORD'S CHERRY PIE 9) cx 65 FILLER PKGS. Cc BRUNSWICK CHICKEN a 44 HADDIE & ™ 4 SAVE 2¢ ON Dr. Ballard's ®) soz 23 DOG FOOD ™ ¢ CHICKEN LIVER or REGULAR No. 1 WHITE -- SAVE 10¢ BEEKIST zs 49 HONEY LGA. DEALER OF THE WEEK Owner and Manager of IGA TED MONCZEWSKI CUBERT ST. OSHAWA