20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Mine Disaster Sl Lil L111 LEAT TI LE eri LJ (Continued from Page 19) { Killed 1500 ° 50--Articles for Sale |52--Legal Notices ; i 12-FT. Sarto boat, plywood, also .22/1 will not be responsible for any debts By FRED SAITO {of the colliery at the time, told : repeating rifle. 239 Cordova Road. incurred in my name y Bg Bigg 4 TOKYO (AP) -- A series of his story in an interview. ; v |garet Vanslyke, ete: ay oa ue steel | 1 1960 --Burion Van_Sivke.|{remendous explosions ripped| Hatakeyama, now chairman of bench combination. RA 5-2254, |X will not be responsible for any |through the Honkeiko colliery injthe board of the Mining Welfare) WHITE baby carriage, like new, $25, 0cotr contacted in my name on 2nd|Manchuria April 26, 1942. Facilities Construction Co., said: ; Call RA S108. . JE er a, a Five days later Manchuria's| "We employed over 10,000 Man ; P11 1111 id Feber tir ll USED appliance bargains: Easy y oir. |Bender, 605 Clarence Drive, Whitby. Japanese puppet government an-|churian and Chinese coolies. ator washer, $79; Conno: X a ros Bh yi ONtOrio past fi Sonouminists tere ng yuarying ouse er, ; 17" combination » i M Greenbank Ontario This was a laconic summary| "I don't remember the exact radio and record player, $99 50. antel apd conscle radios, 312 and up. Barons', of the greatest mine disaster in|number of casualties. I think 1, mene See So | TENOGk FOR GREENBANK ihe history of the world. More|53¢ seems to be accurate. (Th pe peavy G4p 10 PY rayon, ' (than 1.500 men, chiefly Chinese|1960 World Almanac lists 1,54 size 7.50-20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayon, 3 , like mew, all four $280, Portable air| Segled tenders plainly marked |and Manchurian coolies, had per- killed.) All of them, except for] compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp| Coo al pe |ished, |about 30 Japanese foremen, were) Wisconsin, $65 Si air compressor units stationary and one gg ceived by the undersigned | The Japanese military, whose| [Chinese and Manchurians. $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23.| not later than 5 p.m. Mon- |war machine was being fed by| "Throughout my life, I sof ACL Ammeter GE, 35, Fanon] doy, April 25, 1960, for [the Honkeiko colliery and the in-iworked in coal mining. . .Most of clude Ukrainian, sl eotsie fans, pipe] construction of four - class- {dustri es in Je area, o fliowt want/se casualties could have been) threading dies, joor lamp, electric oom 4 - {the rest of the wor to know heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet, ; A school Plane on wa hat happened. prevented, and those coolies been) welding rods cast iron, portable mantel re fons may Dr cine {wha pp! trained a little more. radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores- rom the office o e archi- J "Autopsies showed about cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth tect upon deposit of $50 for |PAPERS BURNED | pie killed by the bl i | and dises, electric fuel pump 6 volts h set of d D | A rigid censorship was im-| miners were y the bias and windshield wiper, punches, Saskets each se or SUE gu {posed And when Japan was de "Others could have been saved, and many others, to be sold regardless ings ma seen at the fol- | g Y |feated in 1945, much of the story|if they had not rushed out to of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South 4 " RA 5-9216, at any time. owing _ploces: _ Office of |of the Honkeiko disaster went up main horizontal passages. Those Archit : ; H ? : WASHING machine, Coffield, p pump, Bo pect Ming Liiii lin the smoke of burned docu-|Who fhost to i. out the explo : ; $50; Sanitizer vacuum cleaner, all al is sions in their galleries were res 5 G tachments, $35, 965 Ritson Road North.| will be returned to bidders {ments and papers. a ed. g yy 4 FLOWER HATS The Honkeiko colliery was sit-|CU bE s { [Teed auantity only. P when all documents are re- | : i : ' i i EE h Wg fa; $1.24 tumed in good order within uated in a great industrial sec. The Jiieaiied Svolles hed per sheet Phone RA 8-1611 | 30 days of closing date of [tion of southeastern Manchuriajout of their galleries to the main) Beautiful Bovaria styles in a bevy eof OUTBOARD motor, 7% HP, new, $155. tender. A 10% bid bond |n€ar Fushun. It was operated by passages and the ventilation sys- EASTER CARDS ; the semi-government Manchurian |tem filled those passages with 2 N Y L 0 N S shades, One sizes fits all. Repossessed $95 2 HP, new, $95. Many shall #4 shall be included with the : r items. Whithall 2-3491 : Heavy Industries Corp., which|tremendous amount of carbon - tender. Lc st ten- . i i silicrafier 21-inch table model TV ibid ly on developed Manchuria for Japan.|monoxide. More than 1000] Juvenile, Conventional, B¢ I - ¢ condition $95. TV Enterprises ¢ Recently, Zoroku Hatakeyama, |coolies quickly died from carbon} Religious . . Seamless mesh, first quality "TTew % 11 2} r---- a i GEORGE C. N. TONKS (67. who was managing director! | monoxitle poisoning.' WE Fis ES gushing en | CEO Gon Ie A complete line of Relative {()¢ . @fsg | Delightful new spring shodes ture Store, RA 3-3271, #44 Simcoe South. | TORONTO, ONT Cards also available ... Sizes: 815-11 ,..:..... VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes arts, attachments, brushes, guaran. . Life In Sm 11 Cc iti \ als bE a a 'Ser Emigrant Sorry a 4 ommuni 1€5 i A 59 anytime ie i ets et For Stealing Apples Change In Time's Course Si. eel est SAY E money, beautiful reversible rugs, BRISTOL, England (CP) -- A By DOROTHY ROE [sized towns have heir own sym- turning in old clothes and rags Jo y + Ive decorator colors, J. Fredin, RA West Country man who emigrated NEW YORK (AP) ~ Things|phony orchesiras, their own art] 35 GALLON show tank aquarium with fish, heater and filter, complete; three to Canada more than 50 years jaye changed, out in the prairie|museums, their own little thea- kev adding (achine, Sleetric Ny arvyier to apdlef gize for stealing] Time was when the mecca of, The women's editor of almost ap To Mick sae aS 18PD eS 25 4 $£.100:00Y every small town boy and girl{any up-and-coming U.S. news: two washing machines, $19.50; Norge Que.. Wri to J ) o 4 dryer, $98; almost new 'frig. $119; Res wile bo DEborie, were paved with gold. This was|population today has the world roll top desk. $18; dining room suite b packwell near Bris-|,. ticularly true of those who as-las her beat: She covers fashion springs, $9; four electric shavers, $9 Ogborne family an apology for : J each; electric kettles, $4 and $6: 21"|takino the apples repo 08Y = newspapers, literature or art. If Los Angeles, Dallas and New A ou didn't, ge ew York 'ork. St Ss sessions IV. 3 Phone RA $2191 or come in chard owned by Ogborne's grand-| YOU didn't, get to New York, they|York he attends sessions on Street. Com ture St ather . i treet orm dnb ire Store Only the second - raters, theyland community club work in rriture bargains ave. i V § terfields (airfoam), reduced to $189: 5. Canada at the age of 21. His let. 2r8ued, stayed in the old home Washington, New York and cohtinental beds complete, only $32.50; |, The greatest dream of every|on activities in the United Na is childhood misdemeanor on y i any size continental beds, smooth tops, cup reporter was a New York!/tions and NATO. She is a sea 58, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; per about the "bless the plow" S-piece chrome sets, only $45; 2-piece ceremony at Backwell ild-be actor a walk-on part in/tween trips she comes back each; chest drawers, unfinished A and ap. Try Community Furni sidered a privilege to live in a| She runs a home and family ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 one - room Greenwich Village with one hand, a job with the) Frijce Streel, RA E11. Casi oy i in apartment and wash the dishes|other, and does both well, Shel - - in the bathtub. gets just as excited about her] 3 : A ' ' speed racer bicycle, used once. {BACK YARD FIND dress as she does about her pa : 5-4325 esse S | But take a swing around the per's fight to clean up city hall 7 USED parts and repairs for all makes {hinterlands today and you'll find" She is informed and interested SPRING TEXTURIZED SLIP N LADIES' RAYON Hampton, CO 3.22 bu' all the others are finding the weekend of hunting and fishing] ,, " mpton, 1 ; : we pot of gold in their own back hoating or swimming, with her Sanforized" . . . Broadcloths So feminine ond soft. in new spring Petal soft Rayon Celasuede . . . Lace uhite, with drop side. 80. Phone; COPENHAGEN, (Reuters) yard |family. She's a power in her] and Rayons in glowing shades. trimmed. White with Pink er Blue. NEW SPRING SHADES Danish frogman-scientists are, The time has passed when you|community and a beloved part4 Sizes: 10-20. Special. tones. Sizes: 14-20, S-M-1 SIZES S-M-L t , Kelvinato efri; rato tele S: 3 3 on Torti Ponger ae RA" 5-4343, Scandinavia' s stormy past from culture. Nowadays even medium-|gal. 3 J] : 4 a8 1 509 ey -- | Viking ships wHich have lain on . Pullovers hd Cardigans "ta . B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 the bed of a fjord here for a patra pme-- -- ne logi 2 t Vat 1 PAINT, interior, exterior, 32.95 gallon, Archaeologists from the Nationa BOAT Jor wale, in | excellent condition, sels from the waters outside the jira Slass, Avrly rear aparim ancient town of Roskilde, once By R. B. MacLURKIN All the studios will be in serv ~ Ith at of Danish k BY carriage, good condition, very pr Seat IR ings and| 1ONDON (Reuters) -- The a for ihe first tel 8 C p chitect penciled a question mark or the first time since television) came to Britain, all--or almost chairs, buffet, table, like new, light a most important find f hist e e od | 2 portant find for histor- " 3 wood, aiso chesterfield. 232 Greenwood |. =~ © oo "The question, 4 the BBC chief| ganization will be under one roof. had told him, *is to design a Almost all because in the six] PORTABLE typewriter, like new, 10 280 has written to a Somerset towns and down on the bayous. |tres and television stations. BARGAINS: 2.piece chesterfield, $29;| A. A. Gardiner of St. Lambert, was New York, where the streets|paper in a town of 50,000 or more) $39; 30" HD stove, 5129; bed ends and tol, to say that he owes the pired to careers in the theatre. openings in Paris, Rome, London TV, $89 Phone RA 8-1131 or come in felt, you just hadn't made it.|child education, social welfare NEW furnitun : 2.piece ches-| Gardiner, 63, left Backwell for | piece bedroom suite, only $129.50: 36"|ter indicates he was reminded of 0D Geneva. She is up to the minute $49 50; bunk beds with spring matress, reading a West Country newspa , ¥ : $ SD newspaper job, that of every|/soned world traveller, but be- bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs = a Broadway 'show. It was con-/home daughter's first long evening] Ri gg isin BRR nd a new viewpoint. Maybe actors in her husband's business affairs 5 to guarante reconditione: mn Ay + WN > | i Eben n washers and stoves Paddy's Market, Dicoyersd st have to get to Broadway and likes nothing better than al BLOUSES SWEATERS PANTIE SETS PANTIES FOR SALE -- Full-sized Harris crib B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat-| finding out new things about had to go to the big city to find ner in her home. She's quite a USED tires, most es, $3 oo up. 15 FT. Peterborough canoe, A-1 condi. thousand years L] ® tion. For particulars phone WH 2-4023,| rr S V1 1 ater 6 p.m. Slowly and patiently, young Nn All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss Museum in Copenhagen, specially J Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 trained in underwater swimming tu 10 n on on Church Street. RA 3-7624 _|are recovering parts of the ves Gibbons Street : MY ice by 1962, which will mean that, DINING room, modern furniture, six| These Viking wrecks represent on the back of an envelope. all--of the BBC's television or Avenue WINE anc and cider barrels, all sizes.| Only recently were the ships building that will be practical lid oak, Charen Piices, Onli wa Hard discovered to be from Viking enough to meet all the needs of years since the $28,000,000 centre CWAY Ror Co har been asooiniea Limes although for 50 years it television for a long time in the [Originally was planned television distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum Nad been known that a least one fyture-studios big enough to take has expanded so fast that the RA 5.1202 or RA 5.0433 vessel of some kind lay at the elephants, quick scenery changes. |building already is too small to) SEVERAL older, but good functioning bottom of the fjord Hundred-per - cent order instead house all future needs. TV sets for very low prices. TRIO Tele he first own sear : a ¢ . . ision. 17. Bond Street East, Oshawa | ihe first expert examination of of the chaos we so often en-| The BBC's film unit, fon pieces from the wreck revealed counter . io 3 i i i : HIGHEST prices paid for used furni-|; 0 "0 J ; instance, is so big that it will re- TT T that it was probably from the The architect doodled thought- main in its own separate studios] DELICIOUS A RAC IVE re, also sell and exchange. Contact C munity Furniture Store, 19 Prince Viking period ; The National Mu- fully. Suddenly he examined his|awgy from the new centre, This Cg oS, i ol a in bar dof nett EASTER EASTER J he ecial 99 cents per dozen with| "This s to fin al hea started to fill in bold and pur- week, 6,000,000 feet in a year. : chase of crib or baby carriage. [is summer. the E008 poseful lines and circles. . . . The centre, however, will re panel. Roxatone crib com ys leg ot He bah 0-0 This is said to be the inspira- move many of the troubles which CAN DY NOVELTIES coda > diustable sides = Special.) essels. They we 1d lik ""|tion of Britain's new television|at present beset television exec- 4 CHILDREN'S of last year's baby car- v ; hey would like tol). idquarters at White City, Lon-|utives. Ore big difficulty is that Spring-filled | reassemble as a complete don, which has something of the|studios, often cramped for space] Decorated chocolate cover- Made-up baskets and toy items CHILDREN'S : NYLON playpens. $8.88; g ship the Copenhagen Sr strollers en nD. Wil Mi shape of a question mark when and not designed for easy tele- : combined with candy, novelties Bl SLrOlletS muset viewed from the air. The Tele- vision production, are scattered] ed marshmallow egg. Boxed. and Easter trim. Priced from . .. MILLINERY DRESSES ~ range, good condition vision Centre, biggest in Europe,|in various parts of London. 1a~conable Telephone RA 5-9148 SPECIAL CHEESE goes into operation in June when Trucks have to convey scenery { GUILTINAN'S gew Air Sestare helps Milk from the Larzac breed of the first of its seven studios will!and theatrical properties to them Pet N bryos youth! ; 1 Drinks ees: sheep is traditionally used in be opened by a member of the through the hazards of London H to styles for tots to teens. White | Fashions especially for the and pastels, young. Charmingly colored . . . PS 2743. only $35 production ol French Rocquefort R Royal Family, traffic delays. i ee Plain or flocked. Matching slip "mates Ora S. Air F Tr B 1.98 and 2.69 is included. Sizes: 2-6x mi cn DRAWSTRING BAGS ggg 1 98 to 3 98 a . . LOR + gs remendous sav TO MATCH clearance of last year's patterns v cheery! designs for home and t Ends of broadloom sce m A they last Harding o) ie) OW ! d oom, vbberiae P Ld DECORATED oa coverings" Clea By JOE DUPUIS won't be good for another few|Stephenville spent $280 676 last : ; HOLLOW MOULD SHORT-SLEEVED T-SHIRTS Wilson Furniture Canadian Press Staff Writer years yet year and took in $273,788 revenue. KNITTED C ---------- STEPHENVILLE Nfld. (CP) Mayor Leo R. Bruce says he The mayor and six councillors x PEDE L S 1-6 TIONS for ehilden, 59 ond 19 There restlessness about Ste- has "no great apprehension' aT the ruling body. The 40-man| Bo, ees ve yi nt fr ym the strain of liv WA 4 .,. volunteer fire department is sup- So ing under an. economy based abou the base's future. Outfits plemented by Harmon's fire 5 EGG COT TON DIAPER SETS ks 3 . A like the jet squadron "come and : > precariously on United States de- Sguacror ; "lighting units which answer all * WwW guaranteed. fance thinking go" and many times the replace- town calls because of American ! ; TWO-piece 98 "" 1 98 "esses ens . yo iy hung - windows only We don't think federally mele Are 'bigger than the ones' families living off the base. f With rome in window Sizes 12-18 months Q\. now around here" says town man- . © : ; %, Lymer Aluminum Co. lager Sam Baker. "Our future is He adds that rumors about the NO HOSPITAL 0 LE BOX eseeveinnsiss 4 RA primarily contingent on the de- base, good and bad, constantly Stephenville lacks its own hos h g 2 fence policy of the United States Crop up pital and jail, however, and this] fo " government." About 1200 civilians "work at iS a continual source of irrita- : Chocolate Hollow Mould Novelties SEE HOME APPLIANCES | The U.S. operates the multi- the base and earn $3,600,000 an- tion. RCMP who police the town OSHAWA LTD million-dollar Ernest Harmon Air nually. Eight hundred harmon must take prisoners 25 miles tol : Force base established near this families contribute to the local the jail at St. George's. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR west Coast community in 1941. economy, living off the base, The base hospital takes emer Cello bag 10¢ and 15¢ [4 fo [4 FRIGIDAIRE In February it announced it was some in 275 trailers in 10 camps Bency cases but the town's only or. boxed SALES AND SERVICE withdrawing an 18-plane squad- scattered about the town. doctor, Dr. K. J. O'Brien say§ Domestic and Commerciol ron of jet interceptors. Despite! wilt -y construction at Har- he usually must send patients 65) assurances that it would have nol, has averaged $12.000.000 a miles to Corner Brook . - -. RA 5-5332 effect on the town or civilianiyesr in the last four years and Hii the town collapse if thel eck aces With Matching Ear Clips workers at the base, many con- three years ago the U.S. govern- S. government's shift of em Elsctrohome, R.C.A. Victor, [Sider it an omen of things t0\ment appropriated $95,000,000 to Phasi® from Herceplors to mis MEN'S WASH 'N. WEAR : 4 : . ; L ces the base to close EL HR SA Admirc), Westinghouse, The ; up. modernize the establishment. yp (BoA Fo AACR 0 Close wal Sparkling pastel colored stone sets. DRIP DRY ; SBrviCe by sy 1 thing" LOW TAX RATE lot of people here now have their] . SPORT SHIRTS . MEN'S FANCY Gault ois Who, The town's 9000 people--only WD homes" the town manager Glamourize your wardrobe. Special . set SPRING A ASSORTMENT OF H 0 S E NEW PATTERNS out of 25 years of savings, "Tless than $100 a year taxes .on PeoPle. They have a stake in the b4 P $ 3 3 Silk style air S ns : orm wouldn't build again in Stephen- the average. More than 2000 Community now and I don't think NEW SPRING : - ville, at least not until I can see/children go to t .|you'll see them quitting if the] PRIN ch go to three schools: " 8 1 how things are really going to g0.|there are "150 business firms, 10 base fold 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER TIES vii iensi nese 51--Swap and Barter Just give me five more years to|service stations and: 50 taxi cabs.| TOWR council and several roe oT BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure Bel MY money back and 3 5 mil 4 prominent citizens are already 5 E PT systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- can take the base out of here." A 15-mile water and sewage jooking into the possibilities of at- : 3 nace, boiler and rads, electric pop ystem, completed in 1954, is'tracting small industry as insur- DOWNTOWN 3 OSHAWA gboler, serv-all grill, piping and fit SOME HOPEFUL connected to every home. The'ance And there is always the Gigs all kinds) H. Chins RA 37088.| Others, like hotel owner Jack town has about 1500 automobiles! possibility of reviving the fishery OSHAWA : "iE SHOPPING CENTRE al PARKWAY T.V built a $120,000 apartment block 250 Ii fore 1941_pay | 53¥s. "They are mostly all youn : : 50 lived here Defore 1S81-pay 1 SIZES S-M-L. SHORT SLEEVE STYLES Stretchy Nylon or Italian 98° STEER yourselt 3 A. soot an Basha, are cautiously hope! and nine of its 15 miles of roads zi s; George's which once pro- se e Py Yotaris pose gre Frio Lid a goal me 'The base has bgen good for 19 are paved ided employment for many of Oshawa Times Classified Ade. ®|years and I don't see why it| Incorporated as a town in 1955, Rtept henville's people.