OSHAWA LIBERAL ASSOCIATION HONORS PAST PRESIDENT GLOWING TRIBUTE of the | Liberal Association dinner in , was presented with a travel- | Pickering, president of the On- leadership and inspiration given | Club 401 Monday night. In ap- | ling bag. Seen at left is Louis | tario Riding Liberal Associa- by W. M. Alsop, past president, | preciation of his work on behalf | Munroe, president of the asso- | tion, presents the gift. was voiced at an Oshawa Riding | of the organization Mr. Alsop | ciation, as William Lawson, of ~--Oshawa Times Photo President Is Honored By Liberals The Oshawa ciation held a dinner Monday a Club 401 in honor of W. M, Also} past presient of the association Grace was said by T. V. Kell nd a toast to the Queen was proposed by H. Phillips After the dinner, George Drynan led the group in sin accompanied by Mrs. Drynar playing the piano Both L. Munroe, president the Oshawa Liberal A and W. Lawson, president of the Ontario Liberal Association," paid tribute to Mr. Alsop for his many years of service as president Mr. Lawson presented Mr Alsop with a travelling bag as a token of gratitude from the Osh awa Liberal Association. Since Dr. and Mrs. Claude Vipond were unable to attend, they sent a telegram expressing their best wishes, which was read Present at the dinner were Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Alsop, Mr and Mrs. G. K. Drynan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lay, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs, A, Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. E. Warne, Mr. and| Mrs. L. Munroe, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Gay, Mrs. S. Moore, D. W. Whitbread, Miss M. Muld: and W. Lawson. Liberal Asso K of sociation LEGION The keen interest exempli- | when the branch presented fied by the members of Branch | three record players to the 43 of the Canadian Legion in the | school. Seen, from left, as the hol School for Retarded | presentation was made are | Morris Proctor, Legion second son, president of the Oshawa and District Retarded Chil- dren's Association; Dom Iver- son, Legion president; Ben 1 Children was exhibited this week: GIVES RECORD PLAYERS TO OSHAWA SCHOOL vice-president; Mrs. W. F. Wil- | Board Of Works Head Tells Of Street Work dhe Asha ames Trying To Clear ot iil Bad Situation OSHAWA, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1960 Fine Driver For False Statement Leonard James Brantnall, 21,|friend's car. He said the driver 748 Cedar St., was fined $50 by/told him he had been fixing the Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Monday car and was returning it. after he admitted making a false _ | statement to police. WANTED OUT Brantnall was charged with ob. Brantnall said he asked to get structing justice after he told Out of the car because "it was| David J. Pugh, a Thornton road police he did not know the driver|going all over the road and north homeowner, called upon of a car in which he was a pas-|speeding". The driver had been|city council Monday night to senger when it was involved in drinking, he said. __|establish bus service for school- a head-on collision Friday even-| Det. Sgt. John Powell said age children of area families to ing Brantnall gave the false state-|Woodcrest school, or open Ade-| Police later ent before Beek had been ar- laide avenue from Stevenson road yas Thomas Jed Folie soy i nd the to, Thornton Fad. on the footpath Tarv St: He has |driver of the car when they in-| "Mud and wate ) ay RS eel charged | vestigated the accident. After make it impossible for children |nection with the accident in/Beek was found, Brantnall gave to go to school," he said. yee which two women were seriously|2 second statement to police ad-|is no protection from puddles an x learned the driver ™ Beek, 20, of 496/r€ Consumers' Gas Need For Donors Pensioners : Visit Oshawa 1S Emphasized Red Cross workers associated had difficulty getting Last Friday the Pensioners' visiting committee of the Con- with plans for the coming Blood|200-mark. After Red Cross work sumers' Gas Company visited the Donor Clinic consider the next|ers have done their best company's Oshawa operation and two days as crucial ones which prospective donors have were the guests of Charles World might spell the difference be- sent their reminder notices, "'w distr ot ma er, tween a successful clinic like the can only depend upon the civi This volunteer group made up last two which exceeded the 300 pride and se of retired employees, visit the 275 pint minimum quota or a typical{of our citizens," pensioners of the company at performance according to last/clared. least twice per year and through year's standar Ey i the med : the @ rough year's standards. The clinic nedium o he employees; Volunteer donor recruiters have Thursday magazine, report on a regular } hursday, AW poli 4 TEgWar turned in their reports and on|Gregory's maintaining a close con-igaper the prospects for the forth-|sireet th een the pensioners, their coming clinic appear q " street north, s and the company Oming clinic appear encourag- heen set for 1:30,to 4 p.m. and : 4 pe "But, the real test comes fr, 5 These Members of the committee! pa ! i ides Sifrom 6 to 9 p.m. These present at the : when the donor decides to come have heen proven to be the mos lowed were C ,.jout to the clinic and often this convenient for the greatest num fon. C. Sih. 8 decision j¢ not ade ii the Jas ber of people W. Ruddach, and Dobson 4 robert xd troud, clin- Charles Scott of Oshawa, a re- man, Wap. tired employee, was a guest of the, pointed out that on more : group. Comp than one occasion in the past/organizations who have con present were W there w as ev ery indication that sistently backed the clinic for en Adams a certain clinic would top the 300- mark only to find that Oshawa CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations "and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Harry McClurg d south; Wil Park road Many Enjoy Services This past weekend brought to a conclusion the 12 days of evan gelistic services which have been held at Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa. Many were on hand to enjoy the Saturday evening meeting as well as the morning and evening services on Sunday Rev. Walter J. Main, the evan- gelist, gave his personal testimony Saturday evening with his theme being "What Christ Means to Me". A Moody film en- titled "Three Clocks" was much '3¢ enjoyed. Sunday morning Mr. Main spoke on "The Superlatiy Christ", using the first chapter of the book of Hebrews as his text. "The Last Call" was the theme of Mr. Main's last sermon on Sunday evening. The text was Luke 23:23. The voice of Ambition spoke loudly to Pilate and, being anxious to keep Caesar's friend- ship, he granted the desire of the, crowd and let Jesus be crucified There is no record of any trial being so unjust Christ died, the Just for the unjust that He might bring us to God Mr. Main pointed out each per- son's need of Salvation in his | closing remarks. ¥ Mr. Stroud de for at is slated April Auditorium, Clinic hours St ing 1 é 14 "We are banking on scores of Grove and C couraging their members to ge sion at the fact that, in- 43 years with > combined ser- persons present scus the top," Red Cross Society Pres ident Don H. Howe said today. Mother Of Five Is Placed On Probation The 43-year-old mother of five children by | 11 53 years 3 ( George Sand Sim, 39 year ¢ years Willian 30 Wilson am Askew, south; Diane Dusureault, 8: Colborne street Helen Grant, 477 Athol street east; Nancy Christie, 30 Switzer drive; Mrs. Dorothy MacDonald, 111 Riverside drive south; Milton Bryant, 250 Mitchell avenue; Robert Edgar, 253 Wilson road south; Joseph Meringer, 128 LaSalle avenue; J. P. Mills, 849 Mary street; Randy Bonello, 107- Brock street north, Whitby; Patricia Lucyk, Columbus; Ricky Wayne Lucyk, Columbus; Grace Rundle, 1015 King street east; Simon Goldstein, 391 Rossmount avenue; Gloria Gay, 126 William street east; Joanne Parsons, 124 Northview; Larry Winter, 30 Central Park boulevard north; Jo Williams, 407 Ross- mere street; Lorece Lunney, 24 Prospect street, Bowman- ville; Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton Douglas Murray, 152 College avenue; Dennis Taylor, 140 Rosehill boule- i 1€ ntatives pres- Ww 43 roa 298 Planning Board Ideas Approved 'Union, Company Without Chairman World To 36 ea F. 8S. Ebbs Mon day for not upholding her paren tal The Magistrate recom responsiiblities. council Three planning board mendations carried in Monday night The zoning bylaw was amended so that apartment buildings in R3 areas may not exceed 25 per cent of the lot area For each additional storey or half storey over two storeys in R2B and R3 zones, apartment buildings will have to add five feet to the basic 20-foot setback Property in the Reid and Hann apartment project, lying south of Frontenac and west of Montrave avenues, was rezoned R3 from R2B receiving stolen from juvenile. Mrs. E {Ave., was placed on sentence for two years spent one week in jail pre-sentence report |pared. The magistrate told Mrs. Nosa she had not been taking the pro per interest in her children. "This is a serious charge and is obvious you have been ne |glecting your duties as a ent," he said you will be allowed to go around goods (CP) --Union and company conciliators have failed to ag m a neu chairman for their federal inquiry board in a dispute between the Seafarers' Ir tional Union and the Lake| Carrie Association. They have asked Labor Minister Starr to name a chairman. The two members .of the con- ciliation board Jean - Paul] inal a Montreal lawyer nominated by the lake carriers and Bernard Boulanger Mont- 1 ager of the In- a and Chemical Union (CLC) nominated MONTREAL ee suspendec She had while was pre are Medical offices will not be pas lowed in single family dwellings t in R1 areas. Thus, all profession- al offices are eliminated in Rl} areas. Ald. Christine: Thomas concerned over setbacks in R3 areas on apartment projects She wondered if apartments, built adjacent to family residences, would project farther than the homes, producing a "hedge-hopping" effect Ald. John Brady shared concern. Mayor Lyman Gifford assured both the aldermen that the question would be considered the next planning board meeti and that a report on the matter 1 would be brought to the council's attention. with it," he warned Magistrate Ebbs {lcted the accused drinking «for the sentence Mrs receiving $160 from a who was tried. for theft in juven ile court last week The court was told the gir stole several wallets from cloth ing store dressing rooms while the owners of wallets were inspecting merchandise away seeking increased wa) working conditions work week for in | stipu stor the also must period wages better te was theland a shorter RCMP Investigate Cost Of Whart OTTAWA (CP)--The RCMP conduc mplo of sailors single va The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is 'The Story on Page One." y Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 am. her the Restitution of the stolen money within six months was a further stipulation of the sentence. Commons | ster Walker |Monday. told the past the and been we c of responsibility this Simcoe have hours churches, service clubs and other/Cane, manager of Canadian Weld- out and help put this clinic over donated by K. Tarrant, assistant|stitute last week with the finish was strongly chastised Two ladies door prizes were do-|on this apparatus. Larry gave an sometime Monday woman had previously pleaded guilty to|were much e a ssther Nosat, 134% ove 00d Value From a "You can't think that Ontario went out of the hofis-| {doing these things and gefting|two-year experiment, but 6,701 Nosal admitted to police loaned a maximum of $1,250 for juvenile/20 years at [SECOND SECTION Board of Works chairman Wal-again pointed out the necessity ter R. Branch told city councilof additional storm sewers in Average Ice Cream ( 'a e Of Rose is doing "everything possible to 9 Tr alleviate abnormal conditions of WATCH BRIDGES "A close watch has been kept Mayor Lyman Gifford addedon the bridges at Bond street, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- that the city needed a long rangeKing street, John street, Mill |W. A. Woods, retiring president | fhe board of works niust be pre-and we are prepared to use |Cream Manufacturers, reported Lloyd Johnston, president of son and his wife, who are sta-|pared to educate the people todynamite if necessary if accumu- {Monday that consumption of ice!/the Oshawa Horticultural Society, tioned in Bermuda with the Sal- tre was necessary to close the [the average by more than 1,000,-|tendance at the meeting of the | A door prize, "Our five - year plan for roadsJohn street foot bridge temporar- 000 gallons a year in the last Societ LY | E. ter Meens and two roses each, year," said the mayor. 'Meetalso to close Bloor street east for W. L. Wilmot of Kingston urged The guest speaker, J. Schloen which were donated by Elles-|ywith the finance committee. Let few days due to flooding condi- |delegates to petition local boards sale, spoke on the care of roses H. MacMillan, Mrs. S. Burnett, now" "This situation points out the Mrs. A. S. Winter, Mrs. W. E.| need to replace the small inade- ice cream in cabinets containing good healthy plants and the carg Lymer, Mrs. Wm. Bradbury and TERRIFIC BEATING lother foodstuffs. necessary to keep them free Mrs. C. Tindall. Ald. Branch's remarks follow:which was eliminated from our eemsseiarpie - | "I would like to point out thatgyggested expenditures during CHEQUE PRESENTED David Pugh, who was a dele-| : : Mrs. S. Burnett, who. won first|gate from Oshawa to the Horti- "ing possible to alleviate theo streamers which are used fig places Ag gome offor thawing ice plugged culverts [the photographic competition gave an interesting report on|OUF CItV streets Which have takehave proven invaluable and have held by the Society, was present- membership and civic beautifica-|2 terrific beating due to the sud-peen used continuously during the cultural Association, having won assist in increasing the member-|flooding and washouts. The situa- third prize in the province when ship of the Oshawa Society. In (tion is much worse on some ofMUST BE PATIENT were judged in Hamilton in|with a total membership of more take severe punishment from adential areas have come through March than 40,000. | greater flow of traffic each year.the winter in good shape but in the the local socitey, and his wife, members that the entries in the|tic but many streets will beties we must be patient and | were extended bon voyage when garden competition close on May worse before they are better duewould like to ask the citizens of "We have been busy keepingcarefully, We will do everything the hundreds of catch basinspossible to remedy the serious as possible to enable the waterkeeping in mind our financial to get away. This spring haslimitations! To Child dren with a proper roadway for "The principal of Woodcrest school has stationed two older the little children keep away from the water but we don't feel responsibility." Mr. Pugh told council of piles ds venson road for more than a year . 3 : bir itti i ti nt was|culverts for small children. If a Jacklin, Legion business win: mjued, Beek avg Bravizall both milting toe 22 Ha ome as ey. did topple into that water,|20d Which force children off the ager; Miss Madelie Kelly, el they i Bh aa where Children's Association and charged with driving while his Mr. Grow: said that the tem- boots off their feet. Alex Hill, Legion secretary. [licence is suspended. he | me is "unfit for pedestrian traf-|dren to school get stuck," added Assistant Crown Attorney Bruce! Film Shown fic during spring, autumn and Mr. Pugh. | Affieck gocused. Eranthall of a road would provide school chil-| proached about bus service for | {obstruct police. Brantnall told] The members of the Rotary the pupils but parents were told H 1d F | police, under oath, that he coul angen Galois Whe P li Fi d sn? 3 1 : without prior approval of cit; e or [However, Mr. Affleck advised the Privilege of seeing a color movie & OL1CE@ I 11 wi io0! p pp y Sort [facilities of the $12,000,000 O'- 8 Welders in 1958. Keefe Centre in Toronto. 4 1s accused| a 3 Mr Ae the Medlof a Sidewalk Superintendent", os cational Institute Evening Weld-|cription of Beek. Brantnall, in a traced the construction of ~ B hi dF For NATO Position ing Class held its annual com- statement read fo the court, des Eos bog "ond 'most modern| e 1n ence OTTAWA (CP)--Brig. Cameron smili v » theatre, from the demolition of . ing when prizes were given to the Smiling as though he was crazy, 19 A case of beer hidden behind decorated for gallantry in the claimed he was hitch-| | h Monday night that his department many areas of 'the city. 1 city streets." RE Th Of Add : eine Tress {plan for road building and thatand Thomas streets for ice jams |of the Ontario Association of Ice the city's need for improvedations of ice make it advisable. I vale A ati It | : creased on|/welcomed a large group in at-|vation Army. lecream in Canada incre donated by y held Monday evening in Leonard Martin, was won by Wal-|is going further behind every!V in the interests of safety and | decade A. Lovell Public School. of the Ellesmere Nursery at Kin-|mere Nursery, were won by D.|them know your needs and plantions. of health to prohibit storage of and the best methods to produce quate bridge on Bloor street east - from disease and insects. . {REPORT GIVEN {the board of works is doing every-hudget discussions this year. Our prize last fall with an entry in|cultural Convention in March, | ed with a cheque from the Horti- tion. He urged each member to|0en spring break-up causingpast ten days. the. winners from each Society Ontario there are 210 societies|our main thoroughfares which "Many of our streets in resi- Wm. Frost, who is a director of] Mr. Johnston reminded I do not wish to sound pessimis-common with other municipali- |they leave Saturday to visit their'2 to the frost coming out, Oshawa to bear with us and drive open and doing as much ditching conditions as quickly as possible walking to and from school. boys near the culverts to see that that these boys should have this of dirt which have been near Ste- th and into the fields where ; they would be gone; someone|bd education chairman, Retarded |accident. Beek has also bee . y "» & 0 Keefe Centre porary path in use at the present| "Even parents taking their chil- | 4 JOINTLY CONVICTED ti | Gr d ation winter months," and claimed that| The board of education was ap- d u |completely fabricating a story to| d|Club of Oshawa, at their lunch- the board could not do anything | definitely not identify the driver. Beek and Brantnall had dealing with the construction and GAR, {been jointly convicted of a theft B Hidd . " The film, entitled "The Diary eer Ill en Brigadier Named The O'Neill Collegiate and Vo- Brantnall of falsifying the des- dentre, which will be North Am- mencement last Thursday even-|cribed the driver as "always B. Ware, 46, an old infantry hand isti buiidin in the fall of| students who maintained the, Brantnall existing buidings 1957 to the present. |a fence cost Terrence J. Hallett, | bloody Moro River crossing in The centre, which will n|16, 341 Philip Murray Ave., $50Italy during the Second World next September, is designed tol Oshawa Magistrate's Court War, was named Monday as the house the best in show business| Monday. He pleaded guilty toinext commander of Canada's Prefect System a musical comedies, revues, (having beer in an unauthorized pattle - ready infantry brigade pera, jazz, ballet and many oth-| ace. . |group on NATO duty in Ger- r forms of entertainment. Is Introduced At Donevan CI Constable Cyril Smith, of the many. Its stage will accommodate| Oshawa Police Department, testi- Next fall the soldier from Lon- {productions and opera of any "| Second prize for Acetylene By KATHRYN LEARMONTH | Welding, one tie-bar and cuff link] The tension was released at fied he found a 24-ounce bottle/don, Ont., will succeed Brig. D. |size. Its auditorium will provide l|set, awarded to D. Barefoot and Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate In- highest standing during the hiking south on Ritson Rd. when _|course. a person picked him up in a The prize winners were: First prize for Acetylene Weld- ing, one automatic wrist watch, awarded to Arnold Smail First prize for Arc Welding, one automatic wrist watch, awarded to Rodney Krick., These f|prizes were donated by William! i t Eulalie Ave., March 26 near the Ont., brigade commander for the an types of entertainment while SC€n¢ of un automobile accident jast five years. s in which Hallett was involved. | Js Joby 834 She Tov Wi The accused admitted to police that he knew the beer was taken | {from his car after the accident Stolen Auto An additional aid fi irits I R d heme "haa 18 TIECOVETE and placed behind the fence. However, he would not say who {owned the beer. | He told Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs he was just giving some people {a ride home and didn't know the in the auditorium on Friday] Oshawa police reported recov-| °45€ was opened. ey rk evening. The students greatly ay. The Murray Sparkes of the Board of enjoyed the dance selections ale of 3 Soles ear io A. Education presented the credit the gay decorations. Rov, Wilson road south, was cards to the 21 deserving stu-| Bj] Dalziel and Larry Wil-| tind abandoned in front "of 283 dents. He spoke briefly of theljiams thrilled their captive audi- Verdun road fine work being done by the even-lence at the assembly on Wed- ' : ing classes. nesday, Bill who placed second| It was reported stolen from Two gentlemen's door prizes|in the province for parallel bars,|the General Motors body shop were donated by William Cane.|gave a beautiful demonstration|Parking lot on Park ad south night. - nated by K. Tarrant and E. J. equally good performance in his| The Oshawa Fire Department Veir. {special field -- free gymnastics. reported a chimney fire at 702 During the evening two inter- The Grade 11 art class will|Cedar street; a flooded space esting films were shown which/spend next Thursday in Toronto heater at'223 James street, and a| njoyed. on a visit to the art gallery | faulty oil burner at Universal - ------- under the direction of J. Krae-| Health, a store in the shopping LO ony: Sars the prey re | onday, April 4, the pre-| ; {fect system went into effect at| Seven ambulance calls were Donevan. The prefects will have Teported. : [the authority to report anyone! Oshawa General Hospital _re-| eating in the halls and not keep-|ported only routine admissions] ase of beer behind a fence on/C. Cameron, 48, of Alexandria, | perfect acoustical conditions for ling Gases, Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have @ Full-course Dinner for ONLY. 95¢. |of examinations although there lare still the good results to put the spark back into us. -|instructor, | Second prize for Arc Welding, one tie bar and cuff link set,| awarded to Paul Marchuk and donated by E. J, Weir, chief welding instructor. Tender EATN 7 - TRUE-TRIM BEEF (( - 12 KING ST. E.--RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! FREE! FREE! BUY 2 LBS. SLICED SIDE PORK at regular price of 39c GET 1 LB. FREE! FREE! FREE! BUY 1 LB. BREAKFAST BACON at regular price of 39¢c GET 1 LB. FREE! TENDER CLUB 1B. 59¢ STEAKS | | Moneys Spent -- Provincial|ing the lunch rooms tidy. |yesterday. TORONTO (CP) Auditor Harry Cotnam told the|- 1 committee on public accounts] -\Monday he is completely satis-| fied that Ontario is getting good j/value from the money spent by -/its government, -} The committee Don't Miss This Gigantic MILLION DOLLARS BROADLOOM SALE Liquidating this week at . . . NU-WAY 174 MARY ST., OSHAWA also was told 1/ing loan business in 1950 after a residents still owe $4,609,890 to - the government, 0; Hugh Brown, deputy provincial 2 treasurer, said the government's Housing Corporation Limited 3% per cent. This money was available for second mortgages on low cost housing. 1. The government had to borrow - the money to enter the mortgage » field and some $3,700,000 is still slowing to the banks. "We're losing money," Mr Brown noted. To refloat the r loans, the government is borrow- jing at 5% per cent. Rug and arpet Sales RA 5-0433