Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Apr 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 5, 1760 'CAPSULE NEWS GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN | 27 Arrests MR. PEARKES WILL BE HERE Perhaps it's true that die. the nld There' contrary from a questionnaire sent WwW, L. Pierson, of the 116th. Battalion reunion commit- tee. This survey shows that many former members of the 116th (of First World War fame) have died. The 116th. incident- ially, is holding it's auunal reunion here next Friday at the Hotel Genosha. De- fence Minister Pearkes will be the guest speaker Eldon Kerr the city essor, is in the Oshawa General Hospital recover- from a fractured leg, result of a recent accident while inspecting a build ing project Dr. Claude Vipond is on a holiday in New York City until April 10th WwW. M. "Mac" Alsop, who was feted Monday by fellow Liberals on h retirement as a president of the Oshawa Liberal Assoc- succeeded by Louis Munroe. soldiers never evidence to however, recent by chairman out a MR. PEARKES ing the s iation, has been DOUGLAS FISHER NEW CHAMBER MANAGER Oshawa Chamber Fisher who Chamber manager of the of Commerce 34-year-old Douglas national president of the Canada Junior Commerce for the period 1956-57. Mr. Fisher was also managing editor of Flame magazine of the Consumer's Gas Company one vear, He was born in Estevan, Sask. and is married and the father of two children. He has already taken up his new duties, The Chamber, incidentially conducting a mem- bership drive, and wants every Oshawa firm to be rep- resented in its ranks. The new was of the Blue for 18 COCKTAIL LOUNGES MAY BE DISCUSSED Oshawa's Jaycees may soon discuss the possibility of the club spearheading a local campaign for cocktail lounges. Such a motion for discussion has been on the elub's books since last December. If it materializes, the chances are that it will be rejected emphatically. Many Jaycees favor cocktail lounges, but they think it would be unwise for the club to spearhead such a campaign. Chances are théy would support the campaign in other ways The Jaycees will have special guests at their April 11 dinner-meeting--40 boys from Jury House, Ontario Training School For Boys, Bowmanville. Fred Upshaw, chairman of the club's youth development eommittee, is in charge CO-OP HOUSING PLAN FLOURISHES The fifth and newest co-op homebuilding unit Oshawa is known as Meadowbrook Homebuilders Co- op Ltd. These five incorporated groups represent eight study groups whose members combined te form five eonstruction companies. . Meadowbrook Ltd. was organized early last year and incorporated in August. They have--like preceding Oshawa groups--their own central water system. They will build units similar to the other companies, in- eluding two-floor plans of two-storey houses and four types of bungalow, More than 1,000 Ontario families have built homes under variations of the co-op method. The Oshawa groups are recognized as being highly successful for the savings effected and for the excellent quality of the units, The history of the movement here dates back to the Fall of 1953 when the first study meeting was held in St. Gregory's rectory. Following are the Oshawa co-ops, with the number | of units in parenthesis Sherwood Park, 1956, (24 units) Wilson road north, East Whitby Township. Wyldewood Heights Lid Crescent, Whitby Township. Lawlor Homebuilders Lid land Road at Garrard road St. Gregory's Co-op Ltd rard road. Meadowbrook Homebuilders Co-op Ltd. 1960, (28 units) Garrard road A ninth study group which will eventually become the sixth building company is presently being organized. in 1957, (18 units) Meadow 1958. (30 units) Ross- 9 1959, (22 units) Gar- PLUMBERS FACE STIFF TEST Talk about stiff examination tests' In the 1959 plumber's exams here, six candidates tried the master's test and only one passed--28 sat for the journeyman's and only nine passed Exams are held four times yearly under Municipal by-law 2416 that makes it compulsory for all plumbers to be licenced. Exams were held last week. Oshawa has 65 journeymen plumbers and 16 with master's certificates. City Plumbing Inspector Harry Chapman says the purpose of the examinations is to eventually establish over-all standards so that journeymen with tickets can work any part of the province Oshawa accepts tickets, for instance, from points . as London, Kitchener and Windsor, (and vice versa) but complete standardization has not been set up The examining board composed of Stewart, city MOH master plumber man; and Mr. Chapman in such Dr CC none 1s one journey BLOOD CLINIC NEEDS YOUR HELP Don't forget this date--Thursday, April 7th next, That's when the Oshawa branch of The Canadian Red Cross Society holds its next blood clinic at St. Gregory's Auditorium. The annual quota of blood for Oshawa is 3,600 bottles and the cost to the Red Cross for eollecting, processing and distribution in Oshawa is $4 per bottle, or a total of $14,400 yearly. Funds to pay for this come from the Oshawa Community Chest The objective is 300 bottles monthly Many do not realize that whole blood can only be kept for a maximum of 21 days, even when carefully refrigerated and treated. Any blood still unused at that time is sent back from the hospital and the whole blood refracted inte many bi-products such as serum Albumin, fibrinogen, gamma globulin and plasma Anyone wishing to donate blood at the next elinie should phone RA 3-2933. 15 INDIANS VOTE REGINA (CP) Saskatche- near future. Previously the pro wan's treaty Indians will be en. vincial vote was restricted to In title to vote ia to provincialidians who && war veterans. 4|was the principal charge "| toundland-born George O'Reilly, wyn Lawn Cemetery general election expected in the In Election MONTREAL (CP) Twenty: purpose intended--showing that seven persons were arrested dur- France now could begin produe- ing a municipal election in sub- ing nuclear weapons A J : itering urban Verdun Monday Lojiering JEBP MADE BARON LONDON (Reuters)--Sir Glad- Jebb, 59, Britain's ambas- sador to France since 1954, has been made a baron by the Queen, | it was announced today. Jebb is to retire soon DUST COVERS BAGHDAD BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)--Bagh- dad was covered - Monday with dust blown in from the Syrian desert. Officials called it one of| the worst dust storms in years. Planes were diverted to Tehran,| Iran, becduse of poor visibility and cars in Baghdad streets had to use headlights. WEALTH FOR BARDOT PARIS (AP)--Brigitte Bardot |has agreed to endorse an Ameri- can brand of brassiere. The manufacturer, Arthur Garson of New York. predicted Monday the actress will get $1,000,000 in four years as her share of expected sales 7 49, was swept in as mayor. OPEN BUILDING FRIDAY TORONTO (CP)--The $13,000, 060 William Lyon Mackenzie Building, to be officially opened !| Friday, will house virtually every federal government department with offices in Toronto. William |Lyon Mackenzie was Toronto's first mayor. CHIEF ADVISOR OTTAWA (CP) W. Baker, 68, of Beaverton has been ap pointed chairman of the 10-man advisory committee to the Farm | Credit Corporation. Mr. Baker |was with the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph until his retire ment in 1955 CIVIL DEFENCE MEETING TORONTO (CP) Ontario's emergency measures organiza tion will hold a conference at the civil defence college in Arnprior May 17-19, Planning Minister Nickle announced Monday. Na- tional defence officials, the De- man Catholic Church will have a fence Research Board and the Negro pope 'in God's good federal emergency measure s|time." Rev John B. Sheerin, group will outline a suggested editor of the Catholic World «lcivil defence program for the made the prediction Sunday at civil side of government Fordham University PREDICTED YORK (AP)--A Paulist priest says he believes the Ro N RO POPE PAPERS NOW SEVEN CENTS UNITED NATIONS, N.Y AP) BOSTON (AP)--The price of] The French delegation has cir-/three Greater Boston evening culated among other delegations newspapers rose lo seven cents a document indicating that no from five Monday. The Boston further nuclear tests are planned Globe, the Boston American and by France in the immediate fu- the Waltham News-Tribune gave ture. French sources said the| increased production costs as the PLAN NO MORE TESTS ONE-MAN A one-man art exhibit opened at the McLaughlin Pub- lib Library, Monday, displaying the works of Hungarian-born Julius Damasdy. Damasdy had never painted before he came to Canada from Budapest in 1957 was | ii ART EXHIBIT AT He travelled Canada for a year, then settled in Oshawa. This prolific artist has painted hun- dreds of works during the past | two years. There are 30 paint- ings and a number of sketches in the exhibition, TV-RADIO COLUMN iwo tests held had achieved the'reason. OBITUARIES ronto and Mrs. Christine Robert son, of Florida and a brother The memorial service for Wil- Daniel Lee, of Toronto liam Melville, 437 Ritson road, The funeral service will be held north, was held at the Armstrong/at the Gerrow Funeral Home at Funeral Home at 1 p.m., Mon-3 p.m Wednesday, April 6. fol- day, April 4 lowed by interment in Oshawa Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Union Cemetery. Rev. Dr. George Northminster United Church, con-|Telford, minister of St Andrew's ducted the services. Interment United Church, will conduct the! was in Riverside Cemetery, Lind- services. MRS. J. C, MARSTON Funeral service was held at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whit-| by, at 2 p.m. today for Mrs. John Clarence Marston, who died at the family residence, 112 Col- borne street east, Whitby on Sat- MRS. WILLIAM H. MAUNDER urday, April 2 The memorial service for Mrs Rev. John Smith, minister of William H. Maunder, 178 Mill Whitby United Church, conduct-| street, who died at the Oshawaled the services. Interment was in General Hospital last Friday in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pall her 70th year, was held at the|bearers were William Cook, Wil-| |Armstrong Funeral Home at 3 liam Sawdon, Howard McGill, p.m. Monday, April 4. Leonard Davis, Robert Goose The services were conducted and Julian Beecroft. by Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, min-| A daughter of the late James ister of Albert Street United and Elizabeth Cummings, the de- Church. Interment was in Mount ceased was formerly Elizabeth {Margaret Cummings. She 5 The pallbearers were Grant born in Blue Mountain, Ball, Ross Ball, Robert McGill, Scotia and was married in Daniel McGill, Albert McGill and at Crosburn, Nova Scotia William McGill Mrs. Marston, who was in her 77th year, died following a leng MRS. GORDON H. MCDOUGALL thy illness. She was a member of Following an illness of a few the Whitby United Church and hours the death occurred in the Was a member of the Order of Toronto East General Hospital the Eastern Star Sunday, April 3, of Mrs. Gordon Predeceased by her husband Mc . of 2660 O'Connor she survived by a daughter, Bi. McDougall. « R. Beaudreau (Lois), of Sault Ste. drive, Toronto, Marie; a son, Clarence, of Ban Born at Saskatoon, the deceas croft; two sisters, Mrs. M. H FUNERAL OF WILLIAM MELVILLE say The pallbearers were Samuel Surgeoner, Albert Melville, Ern- est Melville, Vernon Dancey, Jack Dancey and Hugh Bright- man FUNERAL OF Nova 1907 is { HEALTHY SUNSHINE ENDERBY, B.C. (CP) -- Gra- ham Rosoman, celebrating his 99th birthday, recalled that when he came here as a youth he was health. But life in the Valles sunshine . t 1 n Hy yas the forme: Ruth Adelaide Parson, and Mrs F Fitsim Ith 1at I Ww od E. Maude| POPS both of Nova Scotia a {lye ale ames a1 o" od {| brother Donald, of Alberta and mn [wo grandobildren Previous to moving to Toronto, Mrs. McDougall lived at Mata ] Th chewan, Ont., Yellowknife and . omas Vancouver Island. She was a member of the United Church hy Besides her husband, Mrs. Me. ot oti 1e Dougall is survived y two daughters, Peggy and Marjorie and a son, Gordon. Y P Also surviving are two sisters one en Mrs. E. C. McIntosh, of Toronto, 4, 1 m ha 4 Id. Christine Thomas eom and Mrs. ¥ Tr mpseys a plained to city council Monday Oshawa and a rother, rank night that she, as a finance com- Hedley, of yancouves It be held mittee member, should have been e funeral service wi eld notified of money spent on a at the McIntosh Funeral Home at|¢ivic luncheon tendered the pro 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 6. Inter-lyincial champion curlers at Hotel ment will be in Oshawa Union Genosha, March 22 Cemetery. Rev. Derek Allan, min "1 pead about it i . ister of St. Paul's Presbyterian ,. er ahoirt it i. the paper Church, will eonduct She service Said. Maver © Gifford "What = dog kind of public relations is this? Follow WILLIAM LER es the I think it is pretty small of a city death occarred at ¥ Sunnybrook ais Size not io approve whole Hospital, Toronto, on Monday reartedly of an expenditure of A os of William Lee. of 230 this kind especially when it is ak ror south Mr Let = lalready allowed for in the bud- in his 74th year get A son of the late William and Ald. Thomas claimed she was Isabella Lee, the deceased was not objecting to the expense but born at Downview road, Fraser- to the fact that she was not no- borough. Scotland and was mar tified . ried in Toronto in 1908 As long as that money is in A veteran of the Imperial Army the budget," said the mayor, "I'll and the Roval Navy Mr Lee approve these expenses without vas a member of Branch 43, of 20(nZ to the finance committee the Canadian Legion and an ad-|1'll ask you (the council) to trust herent of St. Andrew's United M€ Sr Churéh Finance chairman E. F. Bas He is survived by his wife, the tedo added that, "we must be former Christian Strachan; three practical. Sometimes there is not daughters, Mrs. T. Vose (Bett), time to bring these matters before daughters. Mrs. D. Brady (Ann), council or contact the appropriate of Oshawa and Mrs. W Mat. committee head. thews (Chris), of Oshawa and a J son, William, of Oshawa. hd Also surviving are two sisters Fertilizer, Metals Mrs. D. Beck (Bella), of To . . For Pakistan Aid WOMEN BUY KARACHI (AP) The Cana- dian high commissioner in Pakis- MORE SHOES tan, H. O. Moran, said Monday that Canada shortly will supply According to footwear in- Pakistan with 5 7 about $7,000,000 dustry Iovuits ome buy worth of fertilizers, aluminium ) 1 i x shoes as men. Women annual 2nd steel 90h Bre 30 apree ly buy an average of 4% pairs a of shoes each year while men walk around all vear on only two pairs You can win over vour bills in a walk if you will list all of the things in your house that you no longer need and place them for sale in an Oshawa Times Wan! Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 today 4 in poor Okanagan changed all that, he says. | of other But Also Empty Stretche By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP)--In spite of all its vears of experience award- ing Oscars in front of television ture industry hasn't yet figured out how to turn a private evening into a sharp and shapely pro- gram Monday night's Academy Awards show ran almost 20 min- utes overtime. There were fre- quent arid stretches for the home viewers when the behind-the- cenes folk were being listed, handed their statues or making those proper disclaimers and sa- luting 'all those others who made this possible." Many a joke mis- fired, and some didn't fire at all Even so, the Oscars have some thing all the other awards, in- cluding the TV Emmys, lack. Maybe it's years, maybe it's the prestige of all those stars on the stage and in the audience Bob Hope is an able master of ceremonies. He had the traific on ~ Oscar Make For Glitter LIBRARY which shows ' 1p Down The River' BROUGHAM (Staff) -- Aldx | Picov, who last week told council 'he would have to be shot down {before he would submit to 10 {acres of his farm being expro- {priated, took another tilt al coun- feil last night. ? | He charged council had 'sold |the township down the river" when it approved a 3,000 unit de- velopment at Frenchman's Bay by Consolidated Building Corpor- tion. He asked council for a written |guarantee that taxes on present] "I don't care whether you have property owners in the area 20,000 ratepayers behind you. We {would not be raised within the have signed the agreement, and I next 10 years. When his request for one do not intend to change was rejected, he said that theimy mind," declared the reeve. WEATHER FORECAST : | Mainly Sunny, Cool Wednesday Synopsis: A ridge of high pres White River, Timmins-Kapus- sure which lies west of Lake Su- kasing:Sunny with a few cloudy perior is moving eastward. Skies intervals today and Wednesday. will clear throughout the forecast Cool today and tonight slightly district tonight and temperatures milde Wednesday, Light winds. will drop below freezing. Consid Forecast Temperatures erable daytime cloudiness is ex Low tonight, High Wednesday pected to develop Wednesday and Windsor 30 45 temperatures should rise slightly St. Thomas .... 30 45 Regional forecasts valid until London 25 45 midnight Wednesday Wingham 45 Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag- Toronto 15 ara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay, Trenton ia 40 paintings ranging from formal Haliburton, Kirkland Lake re-/St. Catharines . ' 15 | portraits to cubism. Damasdy |gions, Windsor, London, Hamil- Muskoka 40 | works as a laborer in Ajax, to ton, Toronto, North Bay, Sud- Killaloe 35 raise money for a formal art bury: Cloudy with a few light | Eariton 35 | education snowflurries today clearing this Sudbury 35 ---Oshawa Times Photo evening, cool. Wednesday cloudy|North Bay 35 | -- with sunny intervals and a little| Kapuskasing n milder. Winds northwest 15 today | Whit River 35 | CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIT 14 Specialty Paper Firms 'Accused Of Price Combine new subdivision would be a bur. den on the present ratepayers, "and we'll be left holding the bag" 7% 2 'We've made our decision, and that's final", Reeve Sherman Scott told Mr. Picov. Construe- tion on the new subdivision is expected to go ahead within a few weeks. Mr. Picov, who said he had 200 ratepayers behind him declared he would still contest the deci- sion | the versatility of his talent in Thursday, April 7, Ald. Norman Down and his wife will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. Mayor Lyman Gifford extended stage under control at all times known vou for a long time.' and a handy supply of appropri- y ate wisecracks. Warmest ap plause of the evening came when REQUEST REFERRED Hersholt humanitarian award J alr "I don't have writers legiate Institute for this type of work." red to finance committee (Screen credits at the pro- gram's end listed seven writers for his material) The awards themselves were Will attend preceded by a half-hour program Chiefs training cour showing some of the stars dining Yersity of Toronto, in a Hollywood restaurant. It was inclusive. a dull and awkward little inter lude reminiscent of the old Stork A Club show of early TV. aid Hope TO ATTEND COURSE the Municipal April 27 to 29 PPROVE GARBAGE BYLAW 0. Hart, of the Central Hotel, to a erect a garbage box of fire-proof Reconunended lomghts.._ NBC, construction at the east limit of , > = : yg i lot. 8:30-9:30 ---- Paul Hartman -and the hotel's parking lo Vera Miles in a suspense show DONATIONS TO HOME directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Donations to Hillsdale Manor, Garry Moore Show, CBS, 10-11 oshawa home for the aged. in- 'With guests Janis Paige and clude a barber chair, from Ever- Allen Case (of The Deputy). ett C. Thomas: a donation from CITY AND [the Ladies Civitan Club, also for the purchase of a television set. DISTRICT Ek STREETS CLOSED following streets will be closed for construction today Fernhill blvd., closed at Ross land road west; Rossland road west, closed from Stevenson road to Fernhill blvd. Whenever pos- sible these streets will be partial- ly opened to permit movement of local traffic Extreme heavy rains may result in the closing streets I'he VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, Mon day at'Hotel Genosha, included George Pedlar, Vancouver: Rev Peter Trant, Oshawa, and George Gastell, Warrington, England, and Rotarians Ron Newton, Ar- mour Heights; Mel Dale and Tom Fathers Are Honored At Banquet The second annual Father and Son Banquet for the 19th Cubs and Scouts of Cedardale United Church was held recently. Tables were decorated with the pack colors of green and yellow Each boy had, by his plate, an apple made up as a Cub or Scout complete with scarf in the ap- propriate color Head table guest included Gor- don Clark, district scoutmaster George Hester, district cubmas ter and Rev. H. H. Mutton, who said grace J. E. Webster, chairman of the men's group committee, wel- comed those present and ex-| pressed his pleasure at the num- ber of fathers who were able to attend this important event Following dinner, the cub mas-| ter presented the following badges the 'Team Players Badge' went to: Ricky Lewis, Frederick Flieler, Murray Flie-| ler, David Thomson and Ronald| ASK LAND USE Palmer, ville; G ' er, Bowmanville; Giff Bea Property committee will deal ton, Whitby; Bert Waters, Ajax, and Bob Collins, Scarboro. Safety mass, Oshawa iSlver spoons were presented Permitted fo use city-ow to five members of the Rotary|erty. on Athol street Club of Oshawa, at the p conducting the annual club meeting on Monday. Those whose Bicle Safety check to begin on ay 2 birthdays were remembered * were Norman C. Millman, John| Meagher, Don Stiles, T. K.' Creighton and Ted Bassett. STUDENTS AT ROTARY COMPLAINS OF DOGS In a letter to council, Mrs. Anne Paterson, 1556 Evangeline drive, asked if anything could be done Representatives from each of about the dogs running at large.| Oshawa's collegiate institutes Her street, said Mrs. Paterson, £|18 littered with garbage; an ol were guests of the Rotary Club of 3 Oshawa, at the club luncheon on| fence if done by humans, charg the letter writer. The item wen Monday. The students were Jim : Slyfield, OCVI: Ron Laing, '© the property eommittee. OCCI, and Douglas Lamb, Done- van Collegiate Institute. LETTERS PATENT : Letters patent have been issued unsatisfactory io the following district compan-|{o" Ritson roa t PROTEST BLOCKAGE 25-signature petition request- ed action be taken (o rectify "an traffic condition" d by CPR blockage 1 The board of education made pinec cameras, the mighty motion pic- lhe was given a special Jean a request to city council for $550. (ing to prevent price competi- constructing and equip-|y;. ya . . . n among themselves in supply- "I don'{ know what to say." ping the R. S. McLaughlin Col 8 PPI Item was refer- Oshatva fire chief H. R. Hobbs, Fire| se at the Uni- Permission was granted to J. vision set and a $250 cheque from made from plastics. with a request by E. A Middle- | pacDonald naming these com League| BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED chairman, that the League be ned prop- west, for| motor ve- Ad ed his sincere congratulations "'as a friend, neighbor and one who has Newell, Envelope Evidence was that the com- panies drew up a list of custom- ers with whom competition was most troublesome. When one of these customers asked a manu- facturer for a price quotation on some specialty bag, the matter Trade Practices Commission told would be referred to Mr. Newell ol an interchange of price inform- who would tell the manufacturer ation in 1955-56 by the group. the most recent price for the which is claimed to have supplied product. about 82 per cent of an annual arket of more than $8,000,000 for specialty bags soils Sass. o weir ~enopers, COMING EVENTS tive actions were clearly in- Social PB ten to prev § pr S| L Bingo at George's Hall, ded to prevent, as far as pos-| omer Albert and Jackson Street, sible, competition in price in the Wednsday. April 6, at 8 p.m supply of specialty bags tO RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, April 4, selected customers." 1 p.m, St. George's Parish Hall, Ces. The commission's finding s/tre Street. ay lcovered certain types of bags RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, A 18, usually made to order for com- at Simcoe Hall at 1.30, Junior Garden mercial customers and made ---- pin ---------------- from kraft paper, aluminum foil or cellucine and glassine -- rool RADIO PARK BINGO | special types of paper. It did not {op pes 0. pape TUESDAY, APRIL §, 8 P.M. AVALON HALL involve grocery bags er bags 20 Regular Games $6 and $10 Share the Wealth 7 $40 Jackpots OTTAWA Fourteen president of manufacturers of specialty-type paper and foil bags in Eastern Canada were accused in a com- report today of having cp) Doginion ing some of their customers The report by the Restrictive m St COMPANIES LISTED The report is based on a state ment of evidence submitted to the commission last year by com- |bines investigation director T. D KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, APRIL 5 FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 52 and 51. panies: Appleford Paper Products Lim- |ited and John Dickinson and Company (Canada) Limited, hoth Hamilton; Associated Paper Mills Limited, International En- velope Limited, and the Mac-| Gregor Paper and Bag Com- _ pany, Inc., all of Montreal: W. J |Bell Paper Company Limited,|YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND {Bradshaw's Limited, Canada| OUR 14th ANNUAL Foils Limited, Dominion Envel- SPRING FLOWER SHOW J 1 ~ pe Company Limited, Kilgour"s imited, and Wedlock Bag Com, AND EASTER PREVIEW any Limited, all of Toronto {and Continental Paper Products Limited, Ottawa. The commission said the com 'panies'. actions were intended to prevent price competition in sup- plying some of their customers It said their actions were likely ito operate to the public detri- p: our GREENHOUSES BLOOR ST. WEST OSHAWA on SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 10th of Blouery Developments Ltd.,| Whitby Township; Karts of Can ada Ltd., Pickering Village; F. C. Sullivan Industries Ltd., Cobourg. INJURED IN ACCIDENT ie of the street because of shunting |ment, but said it wasn't possible of railway cars. Ald. Gordon At-|{C express any conclusion as fo tersley told council that bad feel- [the actual consequences on com ings were resulting from the situ- [Petition of their actions. ation as evidenced by a recent| The report showed the central threat by a trainman to hit alfigure in the group was Paul § frem Il pm to Spm R. B. REED AND SONS FLORISTS free door prize Ernest Fudge, 19; of Garrard utokist er ae head with i 2) road, Oshawa, sustained o | SIOWORT: Ei Ee romp Elle en wrist and lacerations Bogor 2d. of buses being tied up 0 rus lig Feed i WMS hour traffic and rerouted traffic| Xe as wmvo ved in a sideswipe on Olive avenue being dangerous accident just east of Cobourg Sat- pecause of the narrowness of the urday night. street i ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZED Dsiawa's mayor and the four standing committee chairmen F were delegated to attend the On- or Duke of Bedford tario and Mayors and Reeves con-| TORONTO (CP) Toronto vention in Cornwall, April 22.24, trumpet player Bobby Gimby has inclusive. been invited to lead a one-hour Canadian show for a televised ball at the English home of the. A motion to elect Edward Cline Duke of Bedford as a committee of adjustment Fhe duke suggested the show member carried in council. The! during a trip to Canada last fall committee is being enlarged to and confirmed plans in a tele-/five. Ald. Christine Thomas gram to Mr. Gimby Monday. read a motion which will result| Mr. Gimby said he plans to in a rotation system being drawn! take at least 12 Canadian per-jup for all members except the| formers. They expect to make|chairman, with only two such] other television and concert ap- members serving at any one pearances. Imeeting. : Trumpet Player | SERVE IN ROTATION | Joseph. The "'Collector's Badge" | went to: Murray Flieler, David | Thomson and Ronald Joseph Hambly's Beverages donated | films to be shown and a drink and pencil for each boy. Of spe-| cial interest was a film covering the World Scout Jamboree held in England in 1957 Thanks was expressed to the ladies auxiliary who prepared and served the meal RELAX FROM THE PRESSURES IN THE COMFORT OF THE TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER CHAMBERS © 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. SEANET FREEZERS FROM . . . $239 For Information call RA 8-5358 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF Oshawa Obedience Associatic Announces DOG TRAINING CLASSES Sponsored by OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1960 7 P.M., CRA. HALL Limited Registration For Information Call RA 3.9708 - RA 3-999] Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY "The modern way te travel is by air.' For information regarding any form of travel . . . DIAL RA 3-944] We have @ direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and operated by Thomas Meadows and Co, Canade Lid. 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.9441 "

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