Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1960, p. 14

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BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Brisk Turnover Oil, Pipelines Ne Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged oy u% 1750 7 7 7 Jour 3500 By JOHN PICTON fore policy, and it was only on surplus stimulated dealers and 2 25 195 Jolie l the day of Finance minister institutional buyers, together with totalled 152. Volume for the week was 9,454,000, up 1° 25 120 i i from the previous week's 8,727,000. Total sales for the Jakelna L : i 23 ih 135 1% g in Jonsmith 1 7 Canadian Press Staff Writer Ic I . thi 8 f year to date are 127,962,921. (Quotations in cents AMDIOL I 3 Pu 2 = oy 1..4. 4 : Tow ex 3 2, Monotony was the keynote of| Fleming's speech that the market the prospect of the federal gov- » x. PAVE y # M 1 a sli J 1 Wales: waked 9) Leb G 1 pr 4 26% ' ; . 4 00 42 Bor Add 218 3 the stock market this week, al-|managed a slight any. 3 Jally|etument eing elieved o the WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Lon Sapph! 900 L ; : 1 Kilembe 20 A : though trading closed in a/that would have likely fizzled out necessity of public borrowing. By The Canadian Press Job 4 Sa debs 2 3614 Kilem Cw 3 stronger vein than last week it it had not been for Trade Min-, General loans continued to de- ' 1 : : irk Min : -C in' i - {eli ji This Week 1960 Lob 4 Sarcee 1 1 9 Kik Town The tact that it. was budget |15teT Churchill's promise of a na |cline, with the chartered banks Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low " $7 6% E) Secup Free 5 : h hi . ' Ket tural gas exportation decision-- buying longer ' securities. Banks Soaks U week did nothing for the market. hich "came after the market added $16,000,000 to their port- There was no speculation since) .joco {folios. INDUSTRIALS 4 i 5 Tou q Spooner le 15 19 12% Lake . Cin Ir Can PL 32386 $24% 22% 23% + % 19% om Jos a 10163 Stanwell L f 3 : L Dufault i t ected e-as-be- rt-dated 1 5 investors ex a same-as-be- : a lg ; 425 us us 1 Loot 1 gi] 5 1 y exp | Speculation boosted western oil| Most short-dat government kod me EINE BIE m3 maS HE 4 sores » Moss or A 2 Nal , Te I. Shore 35 420 413 i {prices and pipelines and refining bonds went up 75 cents, while 9 9 2 2 foils had quite a brisk turgover. {he longer bonds increase more Creativ Tel 17623 % 4 9% -- 3 it ok Alta Gas 16115 3 M% 20% : Bi Mass-F 5% p 160 'Trans Can 2600 : 3 3 : Re i Langis k M : Mex LP 1435 " . . Wasa ox 00 Er 222 3 toc " oney | Bonds continued to draw most{than a point, : £ 1 5 3 umd | Outstanding issue was the Ca- 3 a available money. ng 3 d Prov Toe : ) Latin An 7 - 0 2% . Davto.dav stock hath +i. |nadian National Railway 5% per C Exp Gas 66354 249 195 Mfowa In Lt 1 + Markets Show ay-to-day stock market action cent jan, 1, 1985, which rose to Un Oils 63080 oh 4 74 2 Fencoun ba : - f ! ] Molson B 20 2 26 : 1 35 25 I ni Th 4 193 . {this was more obvious in the va-\jo6s/ 101%, last week. L tr : 1 36% 19 1 1 $403 '+2 '" 35% » : : d Orchan 190400. 13 Nt Drug ais Su 104 MM -- " n C 6. 3 y Lona 150 1 --1% 18 By WILLIAM P. SNEAD Can Erin 100323 Nat Gros or 20 2400 265 50 --5 292 260 The week of slow declines, FINANCE ISSUES GAIN |day treasury bills were .40 per 8200 21 : bringing the Dow Jones average| Finance issues had the best/cent lower compared with last : . a Mex LP pr 1000 123 3 € Dragon 375438 ; : Mid West 7580 Un One reflected a gradual build-up, but|ygs.103 50 Friday, compared with " Molson pr 1 y : Lac - : " 3 | > Mon Knit pr 89 7 ® 160 1 . a 3 Lorado ; 2% 6% 19% Sl D 1 riety of stocks traded than in any) 5 iin M M 785365 2 3 3 2 : A / ; t 3 | Day-to-d Yale Le 1 Mont Loco 31 '2 185 11 Lor: 7 » 2.- 1 ow ec ne |great improvement in daily vol- per cent oy Money a re: - N Hos B 430 L ) Industrials Nisa 1 TO : down to 615 and 143, erased near-|week on the Toronto industrial | Week's tender, while the 182-day Bond Market's Strength Seen By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian bond market was 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, April 2, 1960 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity 3 33 © 2% : nnn Ti WE EK 1960 This Week HME J Waite 40600 Stock Sales Lv] Change High Low Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low Jacobus 21900 Kelvinator ~~ 250 38 & ) 10% 7% Prairie Oil 600 240 206 26 --19 3 210 Jaye ap: Jos Provo Gas 145186 259 242 254 +11 62 195 WEL os Q 9 p Joburke 3500 TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press Advances outnumbered declines by 353 to 335 on the Provo 145136 1 4 202 Ix Milt Brick 1000 26 Wayor le Ld 370450 : Moore n Louvict 5 = y ah 1 " 9 1 8 s : + T 1st 11500 4 {ume or sharply rising prices. and is readily available. The 91- ly half of the recovery that|hoard with all three listed stocks|bills tendered .42 per cent lower. ol 2 3 brought the industrials up from showing gains. Food stocks fol-| The provincial and corporate 7500 1 oH 599 to 625 and the rails from|lowed with three of the six issues markets also were firm and ac 59000 3 + 133 r 138 to 146 going up, while only one regis- tive and municipal debentures 86800 5 + 4 g " ) in 8 8 1000 3 5 The trend to easier money was tered a loss. Two were un- Were in strong demand. 7200 9 314 continued, with key rates, as| changed. | an Neon 400 Abitibi 940 $37% 36% IT% 5 Nia Wire B Abit pr 350 ¥% 23 2 North Star 300 Acad Atl A 345 $19 4 19 1 Nor Star A 736 Agnew § 320 $19 9 21 3 Nor Star pr 200 Alix Dist a 20 2 X St 57 wts 21707 a w 3 NO NGas 2625 A Alta Dist vt 5000 205 2 + 5 1 Nor Phone 1100 H 198 1] 1 va Alla, Gas 1815 2 Bl 2a + A NW Util pr 55 oi n 7 7 y Of i 13} McIntyre 3750 S20% 3% measured by Treasury Bills, de-| Banks had a rough week, with AUSTRALIAN REACTOR Alg Cen p 70 $53% 52% 52% --i% 524 Ocean Cem 100 $11% : McMar 6 5 clining again to 2.792 per cent in zl] six showing a loss, while seven| Australia's first nuclear reae- Alg Cenw 175 525 625 525 --25 5 OB Sup 75 60 60 McWat 3 Wo 1 the United States and 3.26 periof the 10 paper stocks declined. tor was built in Sydney at a cost entor h7 5 1 4 N, J 24 » = 14 ie cent in Canada. |One advanced and two were un- of about $4,500,000. Algoma 6425 $35% 33 3B +2 OB Sup pr 170 $93 13% Algon B 100 3 8 Ont' Loan 310 $2615 26% ; Ang Rouyn 2 ! 1 Merrill 4 4 29 Ansil Meta Uran The combined downward changed. Alumini 17633 $31 30% 30% Nh A Oshawa A 575 $7T% 17 | Hp 3 - Alum 2 pr 595 ; Page H g h Area ' 9 Midrim a 5 . : b b ! : i : Aum J : ; 4 Page Hers 2010 826% x» J + % Y% 231 Arcadia w 6400 1% ; 3 Milliken AR : trends of both the stock and| Coppers led mining issues with Analog w Jo 88 8 +4 00 21 Pembina 1665 $8 7% 8 ; iy 8 I 81 4 Min Corp 1 money markets reflect the un-|11 of the 27 stocks showing gains. Anther 1 ian re : oi & Penmans %. Se yan Atlan C C 1 3 . 3 Mizore certainty that is felt as to trend| Nine declined and seven were un- Argus 250 p40 $44 4 Pow Corp 1050 $48% 475% 47% + % Alias Bi Mt Wright 51 3 50 : of business activity over the next changed. Uraniums enjoyed fairly Atlas Steel .1755 $23% 23% 4 ; 4 P Pipe Mfg 2770 315 305 310 --5 365 300 Aumacho Muit-y : ! 7 35% several months. If seems quite active trading this week, Of the Auto Fah© B 2000 0 30 0 2 % Dremium BM 25 Aumaque 1% 10 Murray M7535 Y possible that the stock markets junior issues, Lorado was the 380 3 es 0 ui i 11% 11% 4 ama Cr 205 4% 12% 1 2 20% i i | : i Bank Mont 3280 $5214 49 30% --I% S54 474 © Q N Gas 1670 SI6% 19% 19% 7% pues ; : : 295 26 Nat Expl 3 A will test the lows made in early|strongest, showing advances Bank NS 634 bi QN Gas un $79 78 % +14 p Pankene Nealon 4 5 Sh ' March and the results of this after the company announced it Bea ior hey iid Raid Gr 5 si br : 500. Samat J : 53 5 ida 3 BE ; ; test will give some very definite nad sold its contract to Eldorado Bell Phone 15055 $44% 43% 44% + % % Reichold 240 | > Bary Expl 350 44 4 New Ath 7020 2 4 '1 3 indications as to the course of Mining and Refining. Bowater 2950 $9% 9% 9% 4 -- Reitman A 260 $13 Te Thetis New Bid 37 5 Th 8 --1 the stock markets over the next| p50. changes at Toronto: In Bow Merp 25 $45 45 & Roe AV C 112] 3 ! Bowater pr 665 $42% 421% 42% + A Roe AV 5% as 10500 51% three months. h |dustrials up 2.41 at 495.23; golds Bowat Sipr 165 $46 45° 46 -- 48 Royal Bank 3831 310 205 208 Wile Bf money nd off 23 at 89.38; base metals off Brazil 100 41s 5 -- 5' Roval ris sms brought the bond markets up and| 45 a¢"157 96. Western oils up 1.13 fh, Re 7 ste) 860 narrowed the gap in yields be- at 101.32 Bd » ; 3 $ L Cem A 3 tween common stocks and bonds, | Index changes at Montreal: $44% 439 5 y 44% 427 St Maurice 8330 : COP Ba a spill through the support leve : oft. 3 . utiliti ' 7% 47 . ? 30 ; Black Bay A Banks off .50 at 53.99; utilities off $7 g Salada § 8413 81 5 bu 1 4 Bordulac indicated by the March lows|ya 0 199 9." i auctrials up 1.7 at 30 sis h 1415 1d Salada wis 50 ot Bouzan would warrant the conclusion that). 4: : bined 09 at " 2: 910 $14 14 1 3 1 Shawin 51 $261 2 ; Boymar 6% 6% 6% + ¥ : the stock markets will be dis-|20>:3; combined up 0.9 at 236.2; 5365 $331 321 3% -- 37% 31 "i na ¥ Bralorne 2480 330 530 530 N t . : . : A papers off 6.4 at 425.3, and golds 6363 $334 37% Shawin A : Broul Reef 26150 52 " : Nel Rony n 0 2 +) Souniing poorer tan expected off 0.54-at 75.32. 7 secon quarter business a Shawin A p 305 3 4 3% Bropswih Brockville 151 10% 11 i Silverwd A 1 104 3 x Brown 2 13 4 Sin y Buffad Nipissing 5 1 5 earnings. Fa : x Bed 9 8 : 1 3 3 1 ns . 3 Buff Ank 17 180 a Build Prog : 73 15% SKD Mig 128 Buff RI 0 225 Nor-Acme 8 Ye 1214 1204 Y 12 The steel operating rate in the| V hi | Ou Baan 20 $125 13% 12} Pe 5 $81 EAL 3 : ? Norund 20 'i pr United States, carloadings and enicie tput Burrard A 3 We LX , parta : ; Se Cub ae 3 2 : r ; y ; retail sales will require close ob- i - Sparts ; Samp Cu 3 465 -2 i , reeks as Cal Pow n 1250 318% 18 1 3 Camp RL 7 % 13% : ) wah] A servation over coming wee 1s| : Astoria 5 yo FH 3 ALAN 2 0 9 : indicators of the trend of busi-| 1g er ror ear i f 1S ness. Canadian investors will 7 . : also be watching for indications TORONTO (CP) ni Canadian motor-vehicle production in the Can Bread 200 350 350 OCC Stone 370 Sl4% f a lessening of the premium on|. " 0.2 s 8 P first three months of this year Can Foils 380 $21 21 1 2 Stedman totalled 124,883 units, up 10 per Nick M § CI Fndry 2500 $20% 20% 209 30 2 Steel Can CIF 4% p 30 $754 75% " Steinbg A Can Malt 97 $52 54 514 +14 i : Stovel Br Can Malt pr 457 $23% 23% 23% 4 3 S Propane Candore Hat, Ya ] 12600 102 90 r9 2 the Canadian dollar. It seems 0 : ni a quite possible that the dollar will| C Pack A 46 46 C Pack B 45 45 Can Perm 115 9 49% 49% C Safe 4 pr 35 80% Bl CSL 180 0 40 0 Can Wire B39 m ™h C Bnk Com 3974 $51 48% 50 Cdn Brew 13098 $32% 31% 32 C Brew pr 75 831% 3% 31% C Brew rt 143646 86 69 32 C Br Alum 600 $12% 11% U% CBAL A wts 1460 525 370 480 365 $13 1580 $19 153 $29% C $634 > Collieries 15620 $10 Colli pr 7095 78 C Curt w 3425 19 Drawn 400 $17% C Dredge 1425 $14% Fairbks A 3595 $10 > Fairbks B 155 36% CF Prod pr 25 $48% Suptest ord Suptest com Suptest pr Switson Tamblyn Tancord Taylor PC pr Texaco Thornclf gq TT Tailors Tor Dom Bk 17 51% Elev n 10 r Iron A 32 1414 Fin A T Fin 5 pe T Fin 5 Twt Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Tw CGas Union Acc Un Acc 2 pr Un Gas U Corp B U Corp pr Can Erin Can Met Captain Cariboo Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester Chib Jac Chib Kay Chib M Chimo Chrom Coch Will Cody Reco Coin Lake C Met Coniagas Coniaur C Bellek C Beta G C Callinan Con C Cad C Denison C Den wis C Discov 8175 5900 12000 845 2400 000 1260 000 99400 {cent from 95,373 and 22,944 trucks move closer to par, with consid- fit th rt indus-{up 28 per cent from 17,884. : rae! benefit to the exp | "Production this week is esti- A substantial reduction in the/mated at 9,727 units compared excahange rate would improve With 10,317 last week, with the the earnings outlook of the paper, drop partially reflecting produc- metal and distilling companies. It tion stoppage at Chrysler from would also renew American inter-| Wednesday to the end of the est in our mining markets, The week TOURS FIT ANY BUDGET. YOU KNOW THE COST BEFORE YOU LEAVE. racial troubles in Africa pose] The week's production con- some very large question marks sisted of 7,823 cars compared in the production of African|with 8,389, and 1,094 trucks com- mines. Any extensive shutdown pared with 1,928. : would interrupt the flow of copper| Production to date this year is from one of the world's largest estimated at 126,523 vehicles com- producing areas and create se-|pared with 118,989 in the corres- vere shortages in world markets. ponding period last year. C Hydre Car 1312 $10% J : CIL 1673 814% ! i U Fuel B $38 3 CF Un Steel ' ' C Fen Univ Cont CPR 14499 $24% Y Vanadium Cdn Pet pr 619 $10% Ven Pow un C Halliwell Cdn Tire 165 $186 Ven Pow p Lon Howey C Util 44 pr 30 $70 a i 4 Viceroy A ' 1% C Marben 135 $14% 144 ' x Wainwr 5 C Marcus 350 Walk GW 5 $3514 34% 34% --1 for M 5 Wat Equip 465 465 (465 +15 é Mogul : ra. Webb Knp 400 : Morrison CWN G 5% p 875 1 1 : Westeel C Mosher C Westng 160 $40 39% 40 : : W: Cop wis Con Negus Cockshutt 1 5% 16% + 7 Weston A $33 231% 33 _C_Northld Col Cell 0 3 Weston B 5 $33 lo € Red Pop Comb Ent 4 2 Wstn 6 pr 5 $102 C Regct Con Baks 9 West A wit 05 $12% 3 C Sannorm Con Gas 9 36% : Woodwrd A 755 $17 16% 16% -- % Con Sud f . o 2 Con Gas B 1 0 Wdwd A wt 540 630 625 625 +325 825 565 Conwest 25 2 Rexspar Corby vt 16% - . y Y Knit A 180 200 145 200 +40 1 Cop Corp E H ix Athab Crain'R L 2370 $19% 1 + a Zenith 30 300 280 --- Cop Man Creative T 17623 $9% \ 8 Curb Coprand Crown Trust 50 $25% 2 + 3 2 5 Anglo Nfld. 232 $6% 63% 6% Coulee 5 Rowan Con 1750 $19% 1 19} x Ne 1 250 $ VE Wh --1% 2 208; Cournor 1 L 4 6 San Ant 810 $9 9 ' 55 14% 15% + 3% Cowich 3 5 a 8 y ' Sand Riv y oat) § 215 $101% 101 Craigmt 5 6 od atellit 5 16 eH 3 % 18 Crowpat 4 7% . n 4 eep Cr y 5 | Daering 1 1 > p- 4 Sherritt ' 2 5 De Cour 4 14 11 ' ; 2 2 7 5 p : | Ming = ~15 m5 BS $1415 13% 14% +1 80 70 7 +10 8 : wh Ghent ide ERE2RES Bale nNanndns TOURS START AT $37.00 ONLY $10.00 DOWN ON TOURS oF $100.00 1485 $18% 18% 1 1 > Marconi 1675 $T% T% 1 9s 7% > Paper Dom Elec w 450 400 350 0 45 5 D Glass 1 Det D Fndry a - Dupont 95 % 26% Ts ona D Fndry pr $58 9 $ % Int Pap $ 1 Delnite Dom Scot $33 + Lob Inc 1 Y Dome Dom Sct p 1 $42 2 2 Ogilvie 5 4 Donalds Dosco 1 $14 1 K Price Br Duvan Dom Stores $49% 4 Thd CG Inv Dom Tar $14 13% 1 1352 E Amphi Dom Text 5 89% 9 . 0% . East Mal 1 { > : 3 4 D Text pr 20 $120 120 -11 120 Sas 151 152 ] 4 t 13489 $10% Dover 545 slau 1 - 1% Fon 1 og A po 1500 19 . Pad Bai dh Acme Gas 23000 4 4 1 1 « 900 7 Eddy 175 $513 30's hi Ajax 10200 7 7 3000 2 8 ulliv 3100 164 Eddy A 175 $51% 51% SU 1 yy 199% 55 200 2 GE. A A350 14 Erie A Bw ' Alminex 3900 g 297 271s SyIy 460 74 Fam Play 440 $21% 20% 1 1 An: Leduc 42000 Fanny F 1000 3. x : . . Anchor 2100 y Fed Grain 235 . 4 Anglo Am 120 5 760 4 Fed Grain pr 175 $27 27 : 2 Asamera 2525 600 F1ehcoeur Fleet Mfg 3100 60 30 : Bailey S A 13950 o Fro sher Fraser 345 $26% 25% 3 Bailey § pr 170 1 Fron ebs Gatineau 625 $34% Mw + 8 J& Banff 320 5 125 atwib Gen Bake 140 . a 5 Bata 2400 Gero Mines G Dev 3970 $15% > 3 Britalta 8000 Genex Gen Dynam 120 Salis 41-41 -- 5 ! Ag Geo Scien 7 $43% » " : 1 3 3 nf asct % Calaita 19175 ia Giant YK GP Drill al Ed 245 Glacier SP D / Calva 3 alvan Con 500 Glenn Uran GS Wares 1 11 1 hd dr 4 Calvert 13900 5 3 GS Wares BMW nx C Oil Lds 7300 Sodale ; J Goodyear 20 $145 3 oy if C Oil L wis 3 3 F Mining 2 20% Asbestos Goodyr pr 4% 1 41 1 3 a Hi CS Pete Goldray 2 1 8 n Keno Grandroy : 1 2 12 1% ) 1 Fort 5340 $20% 28% 1 1% G In 20 Deer Horn EE I La > Can You Afford To Re-Side? YES! Talk it ever with BROWN'S LUMBER and SUPPLIES right here in Oshawa. We'll be glad to come over to your house and give you an on-the-spot estimate for your particular job. The average re-siding job ACCOMMODATION THE BEST OF Zo g 2% PRICE INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION THE BEST OF HOTEL % 8h Bra t. ake =P w= 105 105 86 oot costs: SIGHTSEEING G Mackay A 1 $ - C Chieitn Grandue ABOUT $18 A MONTH FOR MATERIALS | SS GL Pa 5 $38% 3 : 5 Togo 035 b Greyhk 50 2 5: 2 ; 000 4% 3% 3% --1 7a | : A 13 : SE Tan oa Sueh, 1 5 9 4 os 5103 $20 y % || And of course, we stand behind all the materials Homestd 6 + ul ad 3 5 1 4 § r ? : 1 | ; sk: 545 5 778 : Gunnar 5 #75 815 0 ) mH ) 015 il we sell. Another reason why it's smart to Buy Gunnar wt 252060 Gwillim 2500 information : 0 Hometown ! Buy at Brown's. at Del 1 515 500 SI Hard Rock : : " ' ? Ty GW Coal B 600 3 Her Of 3100 1 R13 7 od Har-Min : ; 27201 18 y y contact your Great West 500 Allenbee 28500 " 3 5 1 fe . 2482 30 1 1 Travel Agent G Wig G Dragon 375166 : 74 8 = ONLY 9 A MONTH or call your 8 CN Ticket Agent 1 f . I of Greyhnd 11% 1 . 136 8 80 305 Guar Tr 10 $ % 259 4 60 35 . > 5008 $8 Ho ; Ye or materials to re 245 Hard Carp 75 $12 14 ® 8 . Fr Pete pr -3 Irish Cop 40 126 135 +4 Curb Hees 0 500. 42 Gr Plains $11 1 Iron Bay B85 200 Bulolc 1680 450 410 440 hendshot pr 45 $0 89 89 2 ome on A sil 10% Iso M 7 a 3 r 34 Yukon Con 1838 66 62 62 --1 G Wpg G vt 1088 39% 9% Mic Mac 7265 Gurney 1 $914 3 s : ve 6 % 30% 3 ) 4 2 § h . 1 A 900 34 34M ukeno 50: 3 : % roof the average six 25 Hy 0 Home Oil B 5309 $10% 10 For more C : * C 1 18 : : < G B wts 2435 185 150 . > C Coal A 170 : « q < C Greening 1010 380 380 380 g o 5 9 % : 1 11% + > = Hoy 1100 3 ( 2 Yell Hardee pr $98 A 1 i 108 Fargo G Wpg 56w 1560 425 400 +1 4 5 Con Peak 22400 S 4 Harg H Cotton 1 - 3 1 X pes to XK Int Nickel 6134 $100% 99 room home. No down G Wpg 58wts 40 375 375 3 ek As 3 C West Pete 3 101 Yale Lead Hardee Int Moly . 8 7 payment necessary. 250 $7 8 HE 0il 7382 $13% 12 2 1 G ? % 12% 1100 400 3 Jump Pnd 18 18 H a but the operation is not expected 5 3 | SE he ge we a. Mine Production iiiiilnis Mutual Funds | av as uirrie as 19.00 a Month FoR : wig gm 0 1d ow gi To End April 10 | eee ompiomen woo Bid And Asked | MATERIALS TO BUILD A ONE-CAR GARAGE decor 0 5 a 63 45 f TORONTO (CP) Production people FREE illustrated folder | places to go. PASSENGER DEPARTI EY 3 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Plec. send me your Beussonnnnsanas sen sassessesecessisnsne L- SEEN a We oh Ew am ANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS describing the wonderful NAM ADDRESS. ..,. o S on 2 ~ = Jockey C 5843 220 210 Jock C pr 9% Jock C wt ¥ a Kelly D A 775 Ya * lac 7 Kelly wis Ponder » operations at Pronto Uraniuym| Stoppage of product fol 5 Bid . i Modernize Now . . . Pay Later nglis 35 5% N Cont 412 u + l y 1 ' - 1 pany--Rio Algom Mines Lid. The . 85% 30 : : Can Investment Fd 8.47 9.29 Inid G wis re Pe Py 1 Northcal will start next week. Certain Pronto, Algom, Northspan and| Canafund surface and underground for sal ™ Group Accumulating 5.12 5.60 | 1770 $2 B% 5 4 oie Erie Press, 36 Jefferson 850 $64 6 - 5% 5% oa nn : ) 1 32 A diamond drilling program port, by the tion of Pub " > vard Supervised American 6.65 6.72 4 in progress at Pronto"s nearby was for the t microp T.V. Elect OSHAWA RA 5-4704 1 Ac 4.50pr 3 : Nat Pete Mines Ltd. in Ontario's Algoma action to merge A L All Canadian 7.00 Inland C pr ) $18 by N. Davies P. E. Young, mine manager Inind G pr 2 1 138 NC Oils 34.24 35.95 2744 $38 36% 5 . * vage operations, but it is ex. GOOD SPEAKER Investors Growth 569 6.15 | 00 $14 14 tw | > 200 Ad | 7.40 3.06 |] #FRITSON RD. NORTH 1 Act wis 425 $11% 1 ht : y N Concord vill cease t April 10. | niun roducer one cor area, will cease about April 1 Pre 1e com American Growth Fd 7.18 Inland Gas N Superior said lay-offs in all departments/Merging companies are the NED wis S00. H 1 crews will be required both on|/M n Lake Mine Corporate Investors 8.37 9.15 2707 480 450 Pa pected that gradual retirement of | oNDON (CP A gold micro-| Investors Mutual 10.58 11.43 | the Pronto work force will be hone has been presented to Er Mutgal 4 - 30 827% 2% completed by mid-May 3 Maroies mm a utual Accum 6.98 7.63 Rs . ia North American XD 8.06 8.16 bd and some development work are lic Addres n The a d 18.58 14.76 | CHER eopper property, the Pater mine, !of 1958. United Accum.

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