20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 30, 1960 O i F I Per Cent lege of Optometry at Toronto, asked for such studies is the to-|same thing," he said. His ownjby Opposition Leader Pearson m that all children should be tested|is graded according to color. The|color. V S er ar for color recognition between the|industry's selecting experts must are found in the film they will tra eman 15) » ages of five and 10. be able to recognize all shades. gyys be deleted. T I B. C Cana ans "It's important that people] "Another important field where! Withdrawal Order Mr. Pearkes said he under- } \T1V S 1 1 have in color blindness and the|electronic industry with its color 1 R is not an official NORAD or U. e Colorblind only way is to have a test as|codes. This work could be very Of Film On NORAD production, for early as possible," he said. difficult for someone who is color] OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min.| Mr. Pearson said one Cana- There's room for argument, but/market. WINNIPEG (CP) -- About 10 lt" | X been ter farm in : peg for the Manitoba Optome-|TeS ith.jand that an RCAF officer had father. He has been living in Alax Harry Helgeser's oyster farm inp oy py yyppy per cent of Canadians are both-liric Society convention, heads a| Is green the most restful color| geo fron, Sat ed wi, approved its showing in Canada. for the past 20 months, This week, |be the oldest continuing industry : : she said she had talked to her|on Vancouver Island. come out of the water and export on physiological optics, |lems and their relationship to| "J probably blends with our can air defence until it can be episode showing Russia pl plotting they're on the table in the rés-| C. W. Bobier, chief instructor|industry. environment, but there are a lot|examined. a surprise attack on ed to commit suicide by swallow-|that he wished to return to his\were being gulped in Victoria's America. aspirins would be given ajhome in Ajax. saloons and a hotel operated the(day," says attractive Lila Helge- spanking sen, who as a petite WRCNS commenting on the case of Rod- d is now on ded sen-({where Helgesen's sp a t--that's : ney Joseph Crowsley, of 35 Roo-|tence with several conditions for|seed--now is set out. ups pink gwalls By nis ed on suspended sentence for|court that he tried to follow all|leased sea bottom near their two years. the conditions of the probation. [home in the Saseenos district of|Shelled), may also be found in suggested in an interview herebacco industry. Quality tobacco|bedroom is painted a smoky rose|that if any objectionable features know just what problem they|color plays a big part is the stands the film, NORAD B; For Suicide Try or uici e Ir COOPER'S COVE, B.C. (CP)--|the shuckers to prepare Mr. Bobier, who visited Winui-(blind and many mistakes might( ~"° wo Ham EE dian officer appears in the film ith other and step-father|this Sooke district locality ma . 4 With is mothe Step fathée tis de Ey "They're shucked the day they|ered with color blindness, says an|group investigating color prob-|to the eye? American film on North Ameri-| The film begins with a fictional -[son again and he had indicated . ki st 8 As long as 1861, Sooke oysters), rants in Victoria the next|in fhis field at the Ontario Coll Among the industries that havelof other colors which do the! He said in reply to questions! He was| The court was also told thatjoyster farm in the same spot " oR rating sang at navy conceris in np ---- sevelt Ave., Ajax, who was plac-|probation. His step-father told the] The Helgesens have 17 acres of The Sooke oysters, shucked: (or restaurants as far east as Win Crowsley appeared before Ma-| Hearing this, Mr. Hall said, "If|Sooke, on the outskirts of Vic hires gistrate F. S. Ebbs on Tuesday|l had my way, it would be a|toria. "Sor 1 "lik for sentence on a charge of at-|good hard spanking. Tnis was no| Harry also has oyster beds at|, ome Deple Sous e ys. tempted suicide. He appeared be.|suicidal attempt. It was a child-|Quadra and Denman Islands and; Rong yrs, Pg Deb fore His Worship last week for|ish effort to attract attention to|he brings the oysters down from Be 3 a scour ; asie. ut, trial and the court was told that|what he thought were too onerous|those farms to the home beds at vith e i e a res i 0 8 S08) he had consumed 122 lias restrictions." Cooper's Cove, gets them in the a t 2 rons SD and had been sick several times rshi 1 bay below his house and hauls during the day but had suffered Wo 8 = Pp ida Soeute] he them in, fresh and succulent, for Shey re a wonderful taste experi: 39 otter effects. court, as he suspended "If you prefer them cooked, | During his week in jail await- for another two years, with the you can fry them, stew them. ing sentence, a'mental examina-|same conditions as laid down PERSONALS bake them, put them in cocktails tion was made by Dr. T. A.|under his earlier probation. These lor casserole. | Soest, of the Ontario Hospital, |include a 10 p.m. curfew for him. "You an cook tem ih wits or) itby. Mr. Hall read Dr.| Mr, Hall had still further ad-| Mrs. E. Willett spent a tov] br A |& Sweet's report which stated that|yice for the accused, as he i in Ottawa last week as the [Deer THY, isin with beef isles Be no mental illness was observed.|at him standing before the court.|guest of her daughter and SOM-in-| Loot rent if deep fried." y ? He said that Dr, Sweet report-| "If he stands in front of an em-/1aW, Constable and Mrs. D. L. * | ed that accused's suicidal at-\ployer as he stands here, it is no|Ogilvie. JAPANESE ORIGIN | tempt was 'more of a gesture to|wonder that he cannot get work."| John, son of Mr. and Mrs.| The oysters the Helgesens are gain sympathy." He said that the| ' He termed his stance as "loung- Charles Rycroft, celebrated his| taking to market aren't the origi- I accused chose a very safe method|ing and slouching." ninth birthday. His party guests [nal native variety. The seed and added that he did not think| «who qon't you take a lesson|Were: David Hamer, Billy Me-|comes from Japan. ; Crowsley would try it again. from your father?" he asked, "No|Caffrey, Jimmy McMinn, David| Harry and Lila Helgesen took sou SIMCA 'S DREAM CAR -- THE FULGUR 0 H wonder he gets annoyed." Winter, his cousins Stephen andjover the oyster farm eight years| TO GO HOME Gregory Gouldburn and his bro- ago from Percy Winch who ope-| This Simea Fulgur is a new | which Is fed travel instructions | on its two rear wheels. The | which Chrysler imports from | play at the National Nome Last week, the boy's mother| As the accused left the court,/ther Donald. Following dinner|rated the beds for 20 years be-| European "Dream Car of the | by the driver. Instead of the | Fulgur, a full-scale styling | Paris, It will be shown for the | told the court that accused want- | "No more of this silliness," warn-| John and his friends attended a [fore that. Actually the Sooke| Future" designed to be con- | conventional gasoline engine, prototype, is a futuristic cou- | first time in the Toronto area | Si0W» CNE Coliseum, Toroate | ed to return to England to hisled Mr. Hall. show. Ibeds go back at least 100 years.| trolled by an electronic brain | it is driven by electric motors | sin of the Simca economy cars | at the Chrysler of Canada dis- | from April 1 to 9 inclusive. a a po ---------- ' You Are Invited to Tour the New Times Plant YL. eattmmbeen Fi be. votor ve TONIGHT and | | einaiey oi ier wor. THURSDAY EVENINGS MARCH 30-31 Wednesday and Thursday evenings. La A large number of friends have expressed a de- tend a welcome and to describe the various op- sire from time to time to see through the new erations. It is our sincere hope that as many as « « « An Invitation ! "Times' office and plant . . . Consequently, we possible will accept our invitation to become more Mr. and Mrs. Citizen : are pleased to announce that we have arranged familiar with the various procedures that are You are cordially invited to visit the guided tours on the evenings of March 29-30-31 used in the production of your own daily news- Times and see the various procedures : between seven and nine o'clock . . . Everyone paper. used to produce your own daily news- So . paper. is invited and our staff will be on hand to ex- # The Osha Times