Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1960, p. 18

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a a 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 30, 1960 ===] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& & Supplies |22--Radio & TV Repai 37--Male Help Wanted 44--Houses, Apts., Flats |44c--Rooms For Rent EASTER [Crossed 20 RATS et Somme es oe oct wi NEW BUSINESS yy LL MRE Cash Charge and up. RA 3.7521, permanent, five ay week, advance. |four rooms and bath, near 'North plant ant, P28 Centre. RA 5-520 SUGGESTIONS [me cuss | CARON SERVICE stig woes TELEPHONE LISTINGS (Scie s,drls Airis ne x ee, gy nied er T -- Two large rooms, un- alter 6 CONSECUTIVE CALL Hot dip galvanized. No paint. ; EXP ED King BA_3-400 A130 pan, furnished, located at bus Pt aE TT or would consider man with limited |Street East, available May, he heated, | FURNISHED room, clean, quiet home, A. W. RUNDLE aii 3 4a OSHAWA HOME Complete with new Skychief BARLOW HAMBLY TIRE floor covering experience. No phone cold water supplied, a | ay liz. Simeoe South or Il-cha | . Total applications. Please a x 4 | on rare wi ome LANDSCAPING psig pei RAL MOTORS Rows: E. Mills Co. Lid #0 Sumeos|Ha yaw, iainers only. Telephane Phon Be GARDEN CENTRE Ab: ginal teed LTD Street North. large a racy for 1 year 359.95. 428 KING WEST . HOUSE -- Trull's Road, Courtice, sos] vom for gentleman. or. couple. 1015 KING ST. EAST Slbsequent insertions 'ordered at © a T.V. Enterprises, 253 Drew / 534 RITSON RD. S. 38--Male or Female a month. RA 86156 King Street - TWO 3 later date constitutes a new original Everything for your garden order. Evpert Gordenr-Plaring St, RA 3-3553, RA 5-2905. QUALITY USED. CARS "FOR ALL YOUR Help W.nted FOUR - room unfurnished apartment,|also one furnished housekeeping room Street, BOUGHT AND SOLD RE-CAPPING NEEDS FRENSER, experienced. RA S005. | entrance, BA 34012 Veen Apell © | iT. OAH and Busi list} % RA 5-1764 $7.50 per month for 3 lines daly Free Estimotes TV OWNERS 1 CALL RA 8-6221 RHORT order cook wanted, with grill THREE - room basement apartment, and ane seall firmed bearoom: Gre Each additional line $1.00 per 19--Household Repairs Priced to fit any budget, Gal- RA 8-6 75 ea -------------------------------- experience. Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen-|with bath, RA 8-1114 after 4 p.m. month. : b osha Hotel GROUND floor apartment, three rooms, R. B. REED & SONS Each initial letter, abbreviation, ll cup srEmPIELDS and old chairs re. Yanized steel, ol ealded, giv FOR A COMPLETE you interested in a full or spare self-contained, centrally located. Im. furnished bedroom for busi , / lan by which ake| mediate possession. 2155. man reaks; i FLORISTS gy ns aus, cont a' pig gh i) oie best for Jess timates and sight survey. Law $ Pharmacy REAL ESTATE SERVICE B10 to $30 4 dav? ake orders rom bn as Call RA 3- ness in quiet dome. bre ast All Classified Advert] ts JiStreet North. Call RA 8-6451 for a free LAKE- , ng Oliver 5-3654 CENTRAL, room with or without board, easter cuT Flowers || mil oR oA Te el flonan OSHAWA T.V. | sHoPPING PLAZA |S. D. HYMAN, Realtor |i, iti me Mev. Fusvisumn osm is Disa soar Soe oo dole cook 100 het 5 RA 5-1131 gublication: Siifizs Hour FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols- RA 8-8180 Wecker Dr., comer of Cedar 39 PRINCE ST. Montreal. ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. tered. See terials fo - Tr. - TO0 much a i the | ELAN ing. Bruce . Dalton, 75 Charles Sireet,| 361 GIBBONS STREET gg tos Teh RA 8-6286 |41"Room and Board lot, near schol, #75 monthly. Rn $0330 rough For Rent ads; get sandy tn 1 10% King St. W., Oshawa The Oshawa Times shall not be Rh yoann, E Deli | ROOM annd board for gentlemen. | THREE - room apartment in apart. nif Bes it responsible for errors in advertise- J WILLYS Metal installation and furnace ' ree very Apply 195 Albert Street, ment house, large, self-contained, furn- al, light h ulet, _sonteals |} ments submitted otherwise than in }icleaning. Call RA 8-0549, ---------------- - ished if desired, newly decorated, three- |clUse to hospita ght housekeeping KNICK KNACK writing, nor for more than one GEORGE S T.V. DUMONT aon ashy gl V0, Si plage bathroom, large closets, stove |desired. 8-5984. I} incorrect insertion of any adver- | FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol- FOR A COMPLETE . . Apply 33 Gibb Street, THREE rooms (two bedrooms and A sem bey: (| tered. See our materials for re-cover- ROOM AND BOARD f gentlemen | Apt. 1 at Si Street entr: Cent and HAVEN tered tora sole insertion. of |ling: Bruce B. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. SERVICE REAL ESTATE SERVICE ALUMINUM tthe, hoe 3 MOM. Br Seutetoes oi} as SELL ee oo |tichen). Cental, Use of phe snd the advertisement in which error JIRA 3-7212. RA 5.6727. Tome wotches, latest styles; Satur And is. reserves the Hight [oon = 1 "LET GEORGE S$. D. HY MAN Realt RA 8-1651 ROOM and board for gentleman, single|per month, or will consider renting | EE Do aned rooms: Hoss Easter gifts, and chocolates. 7 daniily edvertising tions, Call RA 8-6444, DO IT" . ¢ BROQIOM tor information or: Interview |room, TV privileges, 10 a separately. RA 53079. North, 57 p.m. RA 8-8671. 2 ST. S A CLEAN home is a happy home 39 PRINCE ST | Sotth 4. RA STA 0 1 "°C" | §IX-room, two-storey home, oil heated, ROOM in private home, very central 8 SIMCOE A 4 in the case of display advertise Fro" tor work ¥ RA 8 6286 ROOM and bo five days, suitable|garage, $100 monthly. Available May [spring mattress, suit gentleman, 102 | i | ments The Times will not be hel no leity. exter | George Will Allow You | SPRING SPECIAL ox, on or two " to South |27, 88 Cadilla Avenue South. Elgin East. [SM Teieplone TWO large rooms, cupboards and sink TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and responsible for more space then | THIS MONTH ROOM and board, lunches packed, sin- jn Lichen, close to bus stop. Telephone kitchen, with refrigerator, also very 1--Accountants hat which the actual error jiproducts and services for, all needs. eb hn The publishers endeavour §|464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 99500 or 5 00 | HOM | | : . | glo beds, close to South GM. Telephone (RA 5.4328, large furnished housekeeping room | MODERNIZATION | COLD WAVES $5 [na sia | CENTRAL, tires ~ room unfursisied With refrigerator, for adults only, park MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and} ¢; reproduce ail advertising mailer | OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed} correctly but assumes no liability } CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. |§ is oy Int eUrasies in eny form gid Why pay more? Our rates For your present old antenne J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon-{§ o¢ "odvertisement are contained |i. e reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed.| ©N any new installation B, Comm, CA; GW, Rienl, CA: | therein: Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery All Work Guaranteed! i G. E. Trethewey, CA: Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Lightfoot, CA: Wi 2.00%, RA 5: 3 3537, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. nd: Ol a FA __ CALL RA 3- 9525 SE RVIC | FOR APPOINTMENT [ROOM and board for one "gentleman, apartment, also two-room . | IRA 8.6678 ___ |#partment, heat and lights supplied, (ONE or two rooms with kitchen, alse Expert Craftsmen { RA 8-5677 FOR young gentleman, willing to hiltable for adults, References. RA [front room. Apply 827 Meyers Street, Any or All Trades share, separate beds, friendly home, 384 RA 8-6603. pig IV priv en, Rood meals, Central, ps ~roomhouse ne near r Houdaille a and | FURNISHED room, suitable for busi- 8--Building Trades YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim. DAYS RA 5.1273 | RA 5.7687 51 Colborne East GM_ south plant. Owner needs one|ness gentleman, close downtown. S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Ce: neys built and repaired, gas .inings in | | 4 I | th. Apply 827 fied Public Accountants, 173 on I LomPING and heating pipes, fittings, [goad furnaces vacuumed. Free esti. ATTENTION Ga NIGHTS RA 5.5071 G. NEWELL (ROOM and board for gentieian,ciows | 20M: Apply 827 Rowena Street. 9 to 3|Call RA 52010. East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA fixtures, new and used, changing from mates. RA 3.2997 Real Estate Broker [East HA 33100, North GM. ® Xin Te ee Sous by he Weal Hed shower 14 er and otel. 3 septic tank to sewer a falty. I 216 BROCK ST. 5. WHITBY -- an -- | vil oh ------------------------ | jtallations at reasonable rates. Infor- T V OWNERS tal. 2 ROOM, or room and board, if desired, | lle two spacious two bedroom apart-|H YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE B| Jaton and estimates free on any type «Ve. RN RI - [furnished room in private home of Men's plus tiled bath, private en-|GNG ESE gentle and Co.. Accountants and auditors, Li| oF plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley. FURNACE SALES SPECIAL MODE G LL wo 8 4703 1] family. Phone for details, RA srances, heat Wd alar bplied, ale men with cooking eo To Apply 139 d Tru Bank: toy. ed Trustee in rup RA 55341 [Celina Street. t East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; |CARPENTER work, framing, trim- # | a - 2 ~ {monthly RA 8-1929 or er -- 'riedlander, B. Comm., CPA ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work AND SERVICE 40 ft. towers with all wove RA 5 3887 EMpire 2.3625. Mortgages {ROOM and board for two to share, THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apart.|ONE fully equipped Rousekeaping room, fr ------ -------------------------- - sale lean home, single beds, good meals, it irl tral. RA 58 land repairs. Mortgages arranged. All ontenna. Complete installa and Appraisal e nt, heated, telephone; in quiet home, | Suit one girl, central. sox CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting|yory guaranteed. RA 3-357. H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd tions for $59.50 ond $5.00 Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and - {lunches packed, laundry done. RA[FEL cited, tole au Nassua Siroet. ices offer c¢ pl : p | a. - Chi Hamburgers, 12-inch | | - couple. RA 8-6892. THREE unfurnished rooms, third floor, ces for small business. 184 Bond|CALL Laurier McKenna, RA $7864, allowance for your old an Ds, a { , , West, Room | Office RA 50397 after 6 p.m. Expert painting, paper- RA 5-5954 tenn : _ Hot Dogs -- We Deliver TOWN LUNCH [BOOM {fof Swe. Sentlen en to 0 share, THREE - room unfurnished basement (heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards. ace, RA 3-7608. | banging, Gyptex. Estimates free. Satis- RA 5.8978 iy ay ast, all "eonven'encsy apartment, three-piece bath, private Adults, Centra $ "*hly. 'Apply , Winter rates. -- - oo |entrance, 421 Ridgeway Avenue, RA om jection Cleanout Service-- ANOTHER SPECIAL SNOWDEN | We Delive | ROOM and board for gentlemen, in|s.1371. eway BRIGHT, furnish 2--Barristers e Deliver amr EAVESTROUGHING and flashing. All $7 labor plus parts PICTURE TUBES |private home, central, laundry done. |---- for young lady, ci n> and MacDonald, Bar. |Wwork guarant INDUSTRIAL Fish & Chips, Hamburgers | RA 5-0858 wo large Jurhished Toots, business fast f desired. RA © arp C * H ouple; 0) 0! Wo gen en i tors and Notaries Public, | With reasonable rates. RA 8-578. 15--Instruction as low as $29.95 with one BARBECUED CHICKEN | ROOM and board, good home cooking, von Apply 275 Albert Be htiom BA 6 p.m. East. RA S711, Russell ALL plumbing snd heating acy. [PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor,| 4 pn OCIOrY warranty. Up to RUBBER AND ON A PLATE, 95¢ close to GM .and four corners; also|3.2972, TWO - room, furnished apartment, with y and James A. MacDonald. |Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R , $6.00 allowance for your old garage for rent. Apply 240 Division | bath, stove, refrigerator, private ea- --g------ 16 years' experience, by interview only. A i Cc el ch | JANITOR apartment -- 46 Fairbank 3 a ; arried ZT. SALMERS, BA. barrister, solici- jaa. bing Resting, nd SUSWECt: (Aci now. RA 51054, picture tube PLASTICS LTD. ----t delivery charge sire | Street, $25 Tent, heat, lights, water sup: trance, phn: woman son » | ROOM and board for gentlemen, single | plied. Adults. Phone RA 5-1709. . 3 - . f 1 (PLASTERING, remodelling, archways (LEARN Russian quickly and easily. {beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 |~------ LARGE furnished bed - sitting room. BOWMAN. David IL. Barrister, Soiici.| and repairs. F! A. Abram. | Telephone RA 58215 between 4 - 6 p.m. T R | O 91 BRUCE ST. BUYING OR SELLING IMill Street, RA 5-7754. THREE - room, self-contained apart-|.\ on central, close to hospital RA ibe Roi Bd yl off, 162 Tey Road North, RA | LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu- CALL |TARGE, EL LT PE oi ment, all conveniences, laundry facili- 18-8397. r : rh 3.4871. | cater. Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- RA 8-1658 warm, single room, £0 ties, adults only. Apply 297 William | % : RR gett pre school acrobatic, character, Friday, TELEVISION DOUGLAS L. GOWER | board, 12 minutes to South GM; -also|Street East. ROOM for twe gentlemen, single beds, McGIBBON and BASTEDO, ROOFING, eaves | Saturday. Masonfc Temple, RA 3.7253. |large double room, twin beds, near bie|al80 one single room Second floor. Near building repairs, new and od| 3 9 {FURNISHED apartment, also dou troughs, § repairs, |arena and stores. MO 8-5092. rooms, new twin beds, 'central, Grad. North GM and downtown. Apply 204 Solicitors. Clients' funds available for 174 BOND ST. E. Tires, batteries, hose aren iii di A ew epis ot SAISE re. ga Chg, eBay nt 4 oe belting, V' belts, PIGSHC | cover of Grmtom pong vy, | 00M 2% Sd Ala re oe Ave, Hh S00 a A 5 , aries . 5 » 8, 4 BS Cartes L s GENE Jepa rs, 'workman, | In today" s auto Chatketplace. -- The RA 8-6781 ioe dishes ond tile Corner of Gladstone.Bond W. |Eentimer wing share: $e oo FIVE. room Sealed sperimen avail. coe jr sid Joums, suitable for JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA, Barris. Ship fully guaranteed. RA 5.7780. Oshawa ott las . pipe, 8 : RA 8-1287 RA 8- 1395] meals, RA 51963 able now. RA 5-0212. 74 Bond E, RA 5-1 | : ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Streets. 7. HOPKINS and Company, Certi-[FARTEY DANCE ACADEMY. Bato. coo ice WHEN YOU WANT Everything in rubber and FOUR - room apartment, refr pr a. room, for two gentle: North. Phone RA 38511 [fied Public Accountants, 173 King RE el: psnland. - plastic. | 43--Wanted to Rent and stove, in apartment bullding, cen |men, use of kitchen and_w HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris. $3506, Ban, Omava, Osarle VA ote hE Driving a day n Vv BAY DR Nai! | OSHAWA ja or three - bedroom home, or| yy oe apd 1 chine. Apply 33 Division Street, . ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; 4 amt. V.oan i p . © G.'E. Boychvn, BA; W. A. Hilltan Tes: 44 BA 1000 2 Sypous NEWCASTLE DRY CLEANERS | ~~ TREE EXPERTS |ihine accountant. at RA sass. | SELF-CONTAINED iarge inrenzoom | 45--Real Estate For Sale «LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones. DODD & SOUTER CALL RA 8-5286 AND LAUNDERERS ; : [WANTED -- Self-contained apartment. ho water, TV acetal, available Apr 1.| FOR SALE -- On Olive Ave In Jor api , pril Office, RA 5-1177; Res, RA 35-4604 or] : Experienced in trimmin , re Whitby MO 82761. Money to loan. PAINT -- WALLPAPER 16--Insurance All Work Guaranteed Commercial Loundry -- Ren- or and ra. Furnished. 37500, 2 orgs Mian] pi in par ment buiding. Ra S990. race, four rooms and bath. Tmmediate 4 STORE for rent, 16 by 50 ft. Apply 445 JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici-| PAINTING & DECORATING |ATTSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to tal Linen Supply. Enquiries for and Notary Public, 18% King Street CONTRACTORS 20 per cent, six months fo pay. For . OSHAWA invited. Jack Lees, Newcastle R A 8-1] 629 Ty pam Simeoe Street South. a. 1] ths old, owner Ee fli yivae FAVS nee Sat RA ig] a 48 Your heme. €31 ELECTRONICS 388) Si Segers, Oshawa, FREE ESTIMATES oald he % To house Mut be in FIVE - room, furnished apartment, FE - nan a - RA 8 -- Den Hertog, good Sondition., Wi central. and GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl- . nes. . stove, private' bath. 481 Drew Street, tors, ete, 7% oly, = street South.| EVENINGS RA 5-7426 17--Money to Loan EXPERT ANTENNA Bowmanville, MA 3-5041. 36--Female Help Wanted Box 535, Times. stove, Lyn 3 Dial RA 3-278. Residence phones: i CLIENTS monies available for first : _--|44--Houses, Apts.,, Flats |THREE- and four - room apartment, zoned § J. M. Greer, BA, Sc. RA 53368; Ter- 107 Byron St. S., Whitby mon a4 31--Articles For Rent {MAID for upstairs work, steady em- sy APES,, LOTS 50° by 60° frontage, for and second mortgages. Mortgages and AND TOWER { ployment. Must be reliable and have For Rent OY hs single family Ty pee. New 'Homes ence V, Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 8-5832. agreements of sale purchased yay SUMP pump for rent, $20 up, to buy. good charscter references. Apply Hotel near SGM, 464 Eulalie Avenue surrounding. RA (RALPH JONES, Ba, and Thomas M. F. Swartz, Barrister and ii g SIX room furnished house, available - h - "'H. Greer, Associate Barristers and TED VEENHOF Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA| | INSTALLATIONS AR sepalty yh 2e pau | by spring | Lancaster, Oshawa, bamotgl rrr TWO - room furnished apartment, with Solicitors. 130 King Street East. RA 3-4697. | ALTERATION hand wanted. Apply|g FOUR . room house for rent, 221|0ath, water, hydro, and heat included, 86246. Mortgage loans available. WE have clients' monies available for All-Channel Ante Len Pullan (tailor), 10 Prince Street, po. ty Avenue. Telephone RA 8.8475. |2vailable now. Phone RA 80964. RISTOW THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli. WELL DIGGING loans on first and second mortgages es WEBBING'S RA 8.5311, THREE - room excellent apartment. Stor and Notary Public, 20% King|. ~EMENT AND FROST [2nd sso purchase of mortgages and os low es $24.00 B | SIX . toom house for rent at 235). 'be seen anytime. Apply Apt. 3, 103 Street East. Ph RA 81763. agreements of sale. Louis S. Hyman, | PART time waitress wanted for snack|Clarke Street, oil heated, suitable for 2 ind Q.C. 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA TV. Service 24. Hours | bar, married preferred. Must work |two couples. Apply 335 King Street|Wilson Road North. SA TGHAON: FRASER, TRTRAR Fo BREAKING 34943, WV. | | ARDW ARE weekends. RA 38-6812. East, THREE unfurnished rooms, sink, cup- BUSDOCH, Barta, Sond hag. RA 8 £97 4 CLIENTS money % joan on Tost mort. (House eall $2.50) * |WATIRESS, with experience preferred, [FURNISHED apartment, private en. |00ards; child welcome. 71 Warren Ave- REALTORS § Simcoe Spee; Nom 2A 3-34. 2 T. gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale S for shift work, Apply David's Drive-In france and bath, in Zoartment build- SHEE WH Creighton, QC; ser, QC : G. K. NHA ' RENTAL SERVICE Restaurant, Whitby MO 8-4066. ng. Available now. -0195. = 'room apartment, vate be Co Murdoch. mort. bed pre ro Crel Fraser, Drynan and Mur. Len & Lou Ss TV ee a PATENT Fie citer bath and entrance. siove. FV antenna. JUST LISTED : tage --Business Oppo ol OF TOOLS business, live in, year round employ-| tained, kitchen and bedroom, refriger-|s; Tt TAC, CEH : ainers.| $7,700 is the full listed price IN Col ty. Mia voparrister;|FOR SALE -- Complete food market|FIRST and second mortgage, sale] Antennas .... RA 5.7844 ment. For information and particulars ator, stove, sink, cupboards, TV out- for this five-room, three= Bolicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- 80) en- please phone RA 5.7113, let, etc., private entrance, parking FURNISHED room and kitchen, sink bedroo bungalow on Mits and an slate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry , earnin h net profit (Bick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 RA 8-5804 space. Apply 184 Beatty Ave. stove, heat, hot water, electric, suit- J : Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697|5°°0 turnover, ex ns hg P Street East. RA 3.7232. SCAFFOLDING LADY interested in sharing home with : able for ladies RA 58923 after 5. chell Ave. This modest home Long term lease. for 1i SIX - room house, available April 1st. roid he - Residence, dial RA 3-4028. Consider property exchange, Write Box CLIENTS' monies available for first Widow 2» exchange for Jat hevaswork. SIX. 7, SU0M house. av P 480 Drew Street. is in very good condition, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister,|437 Oshawa Times. and second mortgages. Mortgages and T TWO bedroom apartment on Si nicely decorated and has @ jp Wiicitor. Money to loan. Office i FOR RENT -- corner store, suitable Aprocments of sale Purchased, apply Nu Other Construstion RELIABLE middle - aged Seusekospet SEVEN om Bos, King Sires; Kast, Derme fully equipped phone RA 5833) jorge modem kitchen. Taxes # King Street East, Oshawa for amy business, central, Simcoe , Barrister quipment. B-H Paint. references. RA 96812. Cadillac Avenue, $100 monthly, lease; Pc cor nine and five. only $88.00 per year. Full H * Residence, RA 5-3405. Street, parking. RA 5-0081 or RA 5-9544 Publie, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA 3 Pp 3-46 OPERATORS RELIABLE girl for light housekeeping | {Fivesoum bungalow, Sse tik n yment $1,000 with DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister - store, King Street {School and hospital, $95 monthly, fur- and Solicitor. 26% King Street East. LR i Building, 18 ASSOCIATION UPHOLSTERY AND RUG and to watch children while: mother | {nished Call Carl Olsen. RA 5-6165 or OFFICE SPACE the balance on one private Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi-| ideal | for an office. Ample parking' a--Mortgages ; SHAMPOOER VA works. RA 86741 after 6 p.m. RA 5.9291 evenings. Ristow and Olsen, 10-year mortgage. For op- dence. RA 83-5373. Phone 5.4555, FIRST, second mortgages bought (In co-operation with the Nn Cc OFFICE clerk, single, German prefer- | Realtors ' pointment to inspect call Roy 16-1753 " » ¥ dk ol and . Don Hill, 200 Brock Street/ Oshawa Chamber of Commeree) red. Apply Four Season's Travel, 57| MODERN three - room apartment, pri- Fi # 4--Dentists South, Whitby, MO 8-5323; OLiver 5-4471 To restore original beauty to [King Street East, RA 8.6201. gut Ba Bei LL OR at RA 5-6165 . 7 TV-HI-FI-AERIALS furni RECEPTIONIST -- typist required for|ater, completely private, garage, best ; a, os WELL DRILLING ¥9--Personols your furniture end rugs manufacturing concern. Located in residential area, immediate occupancy. RENT RITSON AND ALICE ST. imcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. TRANSPORTATION wanted To down Dean Kelly TV--RA 5-5121 Ajax, OA et have meat ap- 5 A ABA X-room, one and oa me © xo oma io 2. 6| GERALD FULTON [Biers ie 7% nes | ovate N82 33% | 282 KING ST. W. |e eal, al bon See et iB ope ions in, | SD lomo : Open evenings by appointment. 259 im- Telephone RA 5-7279. Parkway TV....RA 3-3043 Write to Box 534, Oshawa Times. wrt Bee Bis Bhi ar gv ger. . G.M. plant. Oil heated, gar- _ coe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. Under contract we can guor- |WANTED -- experienced driver for| Mel Pollord TV. RA 3.9512 OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 |WATTRESS, full or part time. APD |THEEE smarimeni Ton imac oma| NeW building. Centrally le- age. Listed ot $10,500 with trip to Yancouver, leaving April 5. Premier TV... .RA 5-1179 Mr. C: G ha Hotel, RE rumen Two, re wy cated in downtown area. $1,500 down. For full infor- S--Nursing Services PHONE R A 5 4067 Phone RA TV Enterprises. .RA 5-2905 |32-----Articles Wanted cluded. Apply 35 Ritson Road South, Moderate rent. Leases now mation call Carl Olsen at RA Man, -- -, INVESTIGATOR -- Private, all types of TWO - TOOm apartment Dalcoms = - - " BO EN ve mer. investigations, reasonable rates. Phone] APPLIANCE SERVICES |WANTED -- steamer truunk. Tooley,| WANTED IMMEDIATELY vo Toom Spartnent. Balser. Teav avoiible F1¢s or RA 5.9291. even. Tray service and bed care. Private . & S I A 8-0891 725 Cedar Street, Oshawa. Responsible young lady to working couple. RA 8-1877. ngs. joutes aud XV. For particulany Yiken 13--Gardening upplies Eo ONONAL eard reading by Mis.| Jack Christie... .RA 5-1179 |WiLL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian] Manage an up-to-date record [FOUR - room modern apartment, pius THE TIMES LOWER TAXES a TARE to buy it? See the Want Ads.|c, 00, "00 TS JOT a. 8 Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 [silver dollars, also certain type *47 .-RA| bar. Applicants should have |bath, two blocks from Shopping Centre. : Neot. well preserved, . six » ANDEN Nursing Home, Licensed, 2 | They lead you straight to Star Repair RA 5.7743 5.5227. a pleasing personality and an Parking area, available now. Apply 112 ' p ' ~ Street West. Exclusive for elderly Fay ve : : ) Stevenson Road. B D NG room, older brick home in Warner Williams RA 5-3531 ear for music. Full time posi- Shia ain | J 4 : : KINGSCOURT apartments, Ajax, one- IL I central North end location _ {men and women) Nurses and r : EE ty Tv We Ish mmortioy. HARDSAND HARFIELD STUDIOS | wv; jonor inTeRNATIONAL |! | CASH FOR SCRAP 1 ditions and requler company | uo-bedroom sites, SIO4TS, SH0483 (North Simcoe School area). RA 520. LANDSCAPING Portraits taken in your home, CHARGE CREDIT CARDS | WEBUY | benets Tor mia WH Bae ae VHB] Contact T. L. WILSON ee ! : ; : en ; ; 3 2 Ro yard, i young _ family 6--Optometrists | Power Rolling Weddings, Children @ spe- |23--Women's Column PAPER, RAGS, etc. Mrs. Waid ion Tye Tie TTT Tvs Md Phone RA 3-3474 home listed at $11,500 with , Fertilizing refrigerator, private entrance; Also n - FE SICHAED Slack br = Optom, Tractor Roto-Tilli ciality. Social events. SPECIAL: He at Jermanents, $650; Open All Day Saturday Cherney's Furniture single Juisked 'youm, [very central, $2, 300 down payment Mid ol e exam! ) ractor o-Tilli old wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, i pply Centre. i it - to 3% Pine Avenue, RA 5.3963 M. GREENBURG & SONS 86 King St, E., Oshawa . Poul Ristow eo i ver. Top Soil - Sod - Manure MO 8-361 1 RA 5-8260 LTD. UPPER duplex apariment, four Targe PARKWOOD or RA 5-8152 evenings A : Flagstone - Patio Slabs 25--Pets and Livestock RA 3- 7373.00; Bloor St. E. ATTENTION: electric stove and refrigerator, laundry N $1000 DOWN ° RA SIT) ELECTROLYSIS [Eeamns iam: Wester ise ro tt ens inc MANOR Burk 51 -- Sroom oder wv4G. T, HORTON and A On- : dogs), registered, tri-color and sables, Do you have an Avon Repre- |Re or Soup e OF Couple sy : : » tario Land Surveyors, Professional En-| Puppies and one lovely year-old-male' SHAW yoL v P! Rent $105 per month, For appointment AP ART MENTS one and a half storey. Oil . ig vy 235 Dundas Sireet West, hid COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES | Removal of superfluous hair. |Wm. Raynsford, Newcastle, Phone 318% AUTO WRECKING CO pi in Salling mht you Iphone RA 3314 or after § pm. RA 3 heated, large lot. Only : : + % = » regularly you nt, per- a em -- ,900, balance on SONALD H TROLIOPE. Ootorc Land LANDSCAPED DESIGN Marie Murduft will be in BOARDING, timmiing, bathing, @ deflea haps it is an open territory, |THREE furnished rooms, available ON 350 Call Carl Olsen oA "lurveyoy, 26 Alles Street, RA 36881. AWN FERTILIZER with ALDRIN| Oshawe, April 12th end 13th. |r permed Wants cars for wrecking, which could offer you a good [ahi 15 quiet couple, all conveniences. RA 5.6165 or RA 5.929} electrically equipped, _two- SAGUENAY AVENUE evenings. rT Phone Genosha Hotel on |budgies, talking strain. Largest assort:| @!so scrop iron and metals, earning opportunity. [If you TR _8--Building Trades {Spreader on. Loon) these dates for appointment, |Teat Of tropical fish. Complete fine of| etc. bought. Open Saturday would like to sell Avon, [Me romm apertoaciiy, Siuipped, two-| (PARK RD. & KING ST. - AT FAINTING. decorating by _irades. VAN BELLE pet mpplies, Sportsman' » Corner, 1081 all day. Phone please call LE 6-0627 collect. |Whitby, MO 8-5220 DISTRICT) $2,500 DOWN or TRB GARDENS 20--Cartage west of Four Corners. Open il 9 p.m. RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E.| three rooms and bath. porte, ae:| OPEN FOR INSPECTION NHA financed at £55 in: GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appil. PUREBRED Cocker Spaniel pups, 3 HAIRSTYLIST ous and ath, private, share ; terest, a five and a half room Z, 3 miles east of Oshawa ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully|seven weeks old, blond or black, $20 rent for nly of Tight bid Quiet, residential street. brick bungalow with garage; 24 CLIFF BROWN on Highway No. 2 insured Call day or night. HA 5-4498. each. 96 Westmorland Avenue. CEDARDALE EXPERIENCED Box 523, Oshawa Times. Children welcome located in the. north-west 'GRAVEL & S AND MA 3.5757 MOVING -- evenings and Weekends BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, resdy for 1 & 2-bedrom Apartments. : This. three 0 Have small truck. Phone ,| training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, For Oshawa's newest and Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, ; LOAM BOWMANVILLE Whitby: Broad, i14 Elgin Street East SCRAP ag ne BUCKINGHAM posi Blige home, under three year oid Prompt Delivery PLETE" - r IRON METAL LTD MANOR Rs fi 85 month . 2] Perional Service 26 Farmers Column IRON--METALS THE MAYFAIR SALON APIILINOR vs ents from hi ly Bonne, screens na doors, RA 8 8951 G/ \RGEN SUPPLIES Quality work, Peo and delivery. RA bales, oe. Py hg Som Ye: Square PAPERS--RAGS RA 8-0662 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, RA 5-7272 pro RA 5-5787 just around the comer. Te = FERTILIZERS S308. DEAD farm stock picked up prompily.| OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY electrically equipped, best inspect, eall Ray at RA ° BE ----ryP§--_ and h s| Phone collect, Hampton, COMfax 3.2721, RA 5-3432 37--Male Help Wanted location. $85 and up. Apply |44a--Rooms For Rent $-6165. FOR EVERY NEED d plain d r Farm, me. # 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. . HOME IMPROVEMENTS A Peovr Brent drapes 'a specialty, RA 8.5612. RESID Ion a 0 Noe work Hit Bo FU 'RA Sacre P! ONE large Furnished room and Kiichen, COMMERCIAL -- REMODELLING--ADDITIONS | 29--Summer Properties Jr 310 ye suit couple. Also single furnished RESIDENIAL REC ROOMS PEAT MOSS dividually designed; also Spirella. Ret. | For Sale or Wanted 100 ANNIS STREET for gentleman. Apply Street FAMILY ROOMS LAWN SEEDS corsetier, Mrs. John Hendershot, ---- Five-room modern apartment Solidly built, seven-room, rug Park Road North, FURNISHED room for rent, in_ quiet ; ; Tile 4 | available in new modern | + brick home, glassed-in front ile, Hardwood Floors, INVISIBLE mending and general 7s. 30--Lost and Found LABORATORY triplex. 1100 sa, ft., large [man preferred Apply 340 Buk Street,| for retail showroom use deep a NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES pair on all clothing done. 216 Chad: [vost = Mans' bill-fold, vicinity of WANTEL ASSISTANT rooms, stove, refrigerator, |RA 3-9661. lot with large cement block S SHRUBBERY n_Street. A and P, Simcoe Street North. Re- SCRAP IRON, POULTRY washer and dryer, paved |TWO or three rooms, furnished or un-| warehouse. Prominent loca- HUGH CROSBY ALL types of al ward. Td RA 83-0583. AND FEATHER TICKS Young man for control test- parking, T.V. aerial. Phone [furnished near North General Motors ton with great variety of RA 5.3937 Fruit Tree SPRAYS one expertly, Phone MO 8.4427 FOUND -- Man's wedding band, GM I. TURNER ing. Experience preferred but Lloyd Metcalf Realtor, RA [Plant Call after 4.30. RA 3-4909. uses. Excellent terms avail PRIVATE Spanish guitar | parking lot. Phone Orono y ¢ ) BUG KILLERS in yrvate home, Apple HI dtoiriet, LOST -- wallet, English type, FET RA 3-2043 not essential, Educotion Jun 37 yi after 5:30. call ried able. For information eall otri ivalent. Op- : W. WARD . FUNGICIDES aldnaa ee | Bases. Vemma nr. Hever A RA 3.3374 portunity for _ advancement. Lona] ee J OC WELL DIGGING BY COOPER 22--Radio & TV Repoin [iv (collect Paid vacation this summer. 2 BEDROOM ee los cosets, WE. mony, iti Apply: Pt a a MACHINE gay vie io fs, Doll, Your: Your [32--Articles Wanted 35--Employmen* Wanted gy QUIET, MODERN ONW large room furnished, board I 19 Athol gh " SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE SMITH CO. ig Tp LJ 'oh Siation: Tout BORTE ily auipped, T5foot "Fibre PERSONNEL DEPT, APARTMENT |desired. TV and home privileges. Near RA 5-6165 WHITBY, ONTARIO 16 CELINA 53. 81 Fang West Oren dally 1 mide 1. wood condom WA pay nuh No| TOUTE. ln, Grade IL ie trong, de | DUNLOP (CANADA) LTD At 15 GIBBONS ST. |e. Teephore RA sams. = "| 209 Brock StS, Whitby MO 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 Lk __ (dealers, please. RA 5.4668 |496, Ock=wa Times. w BRIGHT room in new bungalow, near 5823 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. RA 3-2312 Dy ADI sy a Takes. PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, will PART time housework required. four HITBY APPLY AT Duke of Edinburgh School, laundry Member of Oshawa and X 329 Doily Delivery RA 3978 Fred). RE Give Tian" 410 Prien. Welle [hours a ng drvioired by wx MO 8-3361 2] GIBBONS ST. [sich Foams Sol District Real Estate Boord.

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