Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Mar 1960, p. 32

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of news, including 100 columns, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 26, 1960 39 of Canadian, | -- More than four-fifths of CP|Farringdon Street, another job|sociation, the organization of the members receive their wire news of sifting is done by three Cana-| United Kingdom's dailies, Jand in upper and lower case in col-|dian editors who have gvailable JOINED umn-width lines, This system,/the complete report of Press As- known as teletypesetter and adopted by CP in 1952, permits automatic type-setting if desired. 'I'wo-thirds of the papers use this method, the others setting copy manually As a special service CP trans- mits to a number of papers a service of stock market tabula- tions by teletypesetter. The Canadian Press does a business involving expenditure of $2,500,000 a year but it isn't in any list of commercial firms. Until it built its compact two- storey head office on Toronto's University Avenue in 1948, * it owned no buildings or property except the furniture and fixtures \n its bureaus. The annual bud- get is fighred out and met by Jumping the general charges-- such as wire rentals, salaries, etc.--and dividing them, city by city, where there is a member lA newspaper, on the basis of pop- ulation. Where there are twe or more papers in a city, the charge is divided equally between the members except for a minor variation reflecting circulation. The assessments may shift each + h e year if the budget varies and they do change every five years when census figures are issued. | Acoustic Tile Ceilings 200,000 WORDS A DAY | Core of The CP's wire system | . is the head office at Toronto, : mn the new where 40 editors and 30 traffic men handle eastern news for the West and western news for the TIMES (Continued on Page 34) GREAT SLAVE LAKE Ven Sg Tn DOMINION SOUND EQUIPMENT'S LTD. 45 WINGOLD AVE., TORONTO - RUssell 1.6161 We're pleased to be chosen to install -- 8), Y ! Da Sky GQ / ---------- 'ol TT ------ el { i Prince Rupedt i ! SA 1 SASKATCHEW A N MANITOBA QUEBEC Flin Flon s \, "+ Naiaimg +L Vigra \ AR ONTARIO ------------ Brandon Winnipeg L/ $ New Glasgow Truro ro! Halifex rose" prairie Port Arthy, Fort William Toronto 2 BE y ri Osha » Y Fe) cid?" : Lipids usa. [i gr 7] Windsor f8 ' ¢ 7 N Fast, watching the flow of copy| for accuracy and style and for| development of obscure but in- teresting angles. The boiling brew of internation-| al news makes London and New| York key points of extreme im- portance. Throughout the Second World War, the bureaus at Lon- don, New York and Toronto never closed and the busy tele- printers were never silent, In New York, on the fifth floor of the ultra-modern Associated | Press Building, eight CP men select with quick decision the news report that is then piped] into Canada 21 hours a day,| seven days a week. These edi-| tors, with news sense sharpened) by training in CP bureaus across NEWS WIRE RU, Si Semele STAFF CORRESPONDENTS ® © wus. Southwestern ¥en in Ontario BUREAUS MAP SHOWS HOW CANADIAN PRESS NEWS WIRES SPAN VAST DOMINION FROM COAST TO COAST TO BRING NEWS RAPIDLY ~ Times Joined ~ CP In 1947 ert he Tt The Oshawa Reformer held daily papers. Some of the news words a day to the 75,000 words Associate merbensiip n CP|it gathers itself, some of it itgoing circ i carry] from 1023 to Wien Jt was si ex-lat 60 words a miuuic. The CP represented by J. C. Ross. It Sunes. from ithe gis > {editors at New York handle a was admitted to full member. change arrangements, but most, "of news that rattles into| ship in 1925 and A. R. Alloway of the news it draws directly; office on eight teleprinters| a |became the member. {from the 97 newspapers (all but|from three main sources--the The name of the newspaper four of Canada's dailies) receiv-lontput of the CP overseas staff |was changed in 1927 to Oshawa|ing wire news services in itsibased on London Bureau; the {Daily Times. Due to economic membership, After: sorting, re-|complete world news report of conditions The Times in 1932 was| writing and editing The Canadian/The Associated Press, the co- forced to withdraw from mem-|Press distributes this news sup-|operative of United States news- |bership. It returned in 1941 as|ply back among its members (of papers which spends more than [an Associate member taking its| whom more than 70 depend on|$30,000,000 a year to deliver its service three days weekly by|it entirely for outside news) for news to 7,000 newspaper, radio, telephone. Later that year it|display to the 13,000,000 daily and other subscribers around the |amalgamated with the Whitby newspaper readers in Canada. | world; and the world service of | Gazette & Chronicle and became| Thus The CP, might also be call-| Reuters, owned by the news- |The Oshawa Times-Gazette. | y | nh : | ed a clearing house. The fact papers of the United Kingdom, | TO THE i The Times-Gazette was grant- » that it rewrites much of the|Australia and New Zealand. | ed full membership in 1947. Mr. CITY OF OSH AW AR DAILY TIMES FOR THIS news supplied by its member A staff mam at pasiugon) Allow. papers and distributes it for watches for angles of special in-| ve evntinied as 3 FOPUS:|iem under the familiar (CP) terest at the capital or else 1953. He was succeeded by T. L.|l020type does not alter the defi-|where in the United States. - | Wilson, Mr. Alloway served one|mition. At the London bureau, in the RE-WRITE MEN AT CANADIAN PRESS OFFICE ON UNIVERSITY AVE., TORONTO r--. TELETYPESETTER NEWS DESKS AT CANADIAN PRESS OFFICE IN TORONTO No Nerve Gas | Test In Canada, OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min-| ister Pearkes said recently that no nerve gas is produced at the Suffield experimental station of the Defence Research Board. He said in a statement that the Suffield station, Hat in southeast some gases and al r tests bo discover antidotes and near Medicine 'n Alberta, uses che : : al means of protection against vari-| |year (1929-30) as a CP director. He died in 1957. | The logotype (CP) in the date- lines of uncounted news stories is the emblem of a Canadian |news commonwealth, built up in four decades from an idea to a $2,500,000-a-year enterprise. This enterprise--which sells nothing, makes no profits, de- clares no dividends--is The Ca- nadian Press. Forty years ago the original idea reached fruition in a Canada-wide association of daily newspapers. Since then The CP has grown until Cana- dian papers are receiving what can fairly be termed the finest news service in the world. Newspapers of no other country carry an international news re- port so broad, so complete, so closely tuned to their needs. | The Canadian Press is the co- operative news-gathering and dis- tributing association of Canadian Of the very essence of The CP is its 30,000-mile system of| leased wires. A sixth of the money CP spends yearly is for wire rentals. CP trunk eircuits, leased from Canadian Pacific! Communications, run up and down across the country from St. | John's, Nfld., to Nanaimo, B.C.| Capillaries of provincial wires| fan out the flow to newspapers off the main line. In Ontario| alone 28 papers are served on| circuits out of Toronto. If the, copy transmitted over the leased| CP circuits were handled in-| stead on a toll basis--press rate| is threetenths of a cent a word) between 'Toronto and Montreal for instance--the cost would be a fabulous figure. On a day when| the budget comes down at Otta- {wa or a world statesman makes| |a vital speech, each of the pa-| {pers on the three-wire CP net-| | work in central Canada would] receive more than 175 columns «STO ous forms of chemical and biolog ical weapons that might be used against Canada. { All experiments were of a, purely defensive nature. The minister had said earlier n the Commons that he did not think Canadian research scien- tists were experimenting with deadly nerve gases Hazen Argue, CCF. House, leader, had asked for comment] on a Financial Post report that Canada is p nerve se perhaps even more deadly than H-bombs." Lots of Luck to . . . THE OSHAWA TIMES on their OPEN HOUSE LOFTHOUSE PATTERN CO. LTD. KINGSTON WEST RA 5-3232 | THE OSHAWA MAGCKIE'S VAN & STORAGE LTD. « MOVING RAGE FULLY INSURED Local and Long Distance Reasonable Rates Agents for North American Van Lines Congratulations To DAILY TIMES RA 8-6279 555 KING EAST --- OSHAWA Associated Press Building on|' WE CONSIDER THE NEW OSHAWA DAILY TIMES A SYMBOL OF FAITH IN THE FUTURE OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT TO THE DAILY TIMES ON THEIR ENTERPRISE We Ore Pleased. TO HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE ROOFING CONTRACT W. F. BOWDEN & SONS 54 BURK ST. OSHAWA RA 5-5543

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