4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 17, 1960 Mill Rate Increase Hits 10.5 Mark BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Due to the deficit budget this Increased educational and county|deficit has to be raised in 1960. levies resulted in a mill rate in-|The reason for this deficit in crease of 10.5 mills in 1960. 1959 was the figures supplied to The new rates are residential, [town council by the Durham Dis- 79.35 mills and industrial 83.5|trict High School Board and the * mills, United Counties council were At a special closed meeting | changed after the budget had Monday night, town council voted | been set. to adopt a 1960 budget of $785-| The 1960 mill rate for the high 437,83. Of this amount, $601,083 is|school board is 14.75 mills, which to be raised by taxation. Thelis ap increase over the 1959 bud- residential taxes will net $413,960 get of 3.75 mills and 2.55 mills while the industrial tax will net! var the actual amount paid to and council has little control over the education and county levies. Appropriations for genera government during 1960 were $83,504.46; protection to persons and property, $83,681; public works, $04,947; conservation of health, $7000; unemployment re- lief, $12,000; education $230, 532.12; recreation and community services $16,422.55; debt charges, $144,928.49; provision for reserve, $500; capital expenditure, $5000 joint expenditure, $89,000 and miscellaneous $12,822.21. 1/ ber three, Wednesday afternoon. Woman, 69, Is Injured BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Mrs, Ruby Phillips, 69, RR 4, Bowmanville, suffered a frac- tured ankle when involved in a two car collision at the intersec- tion of Concession street east and Darlington township road num. The victim was taken from the scene of the mishap to Bowman- later transferred to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Driver of the second car in- volved, John Thompson, Dundas street, Whitby, suf'ere i minor bruises and shock. He was leaving the scene of a $100,000 the Ontario Training School for Boys when the mishap occurred. Both vehicles were extensively. OPP Bruce Tillson investigated. FINE OPERA The Sadler's Wells Opera Com- pany of London planned its first overseas tour in 1960 to Belgium, A ville Memorial Hospital via F. F. Morris Co. ambulance, and was France and Australia. WARNER BROS, PRESENTE DOROTHY MALONE 28 Diana Barrymora $186,103. the board. TWO EXCITING TRUELIFE STORIES! Constable | FIRESTONE PRE-SPRING SALE STORES Budget estimate for public property totaled $9168; office ex- pense, $4135; fire department, $10,013 and police committee, $47,078. : The 1960 board of works budget containg $86,000, consisting of! ordinary maintenance, $11,400; subsidized accounts, $69,173; mu- picipal garage, $350; new equip- ment, $5000; building inspector, Mayor W. D. Carruthers point- ed out the educational levy in 1960 increased 8.35 mills to 40.75, the county levy increased 1.65 to 12.1 mills, the residential levy in- Yecreased .5 mills to 26.5 and the industrial levy increased .50 mills to 30.65. "In preparation of the 1 budget, a mill rate of 10.75 was included for the high school, but The 1960 mill rate for the Coun- ties is 12.1 mills which is an in- crease of 1.65 mills over the 1959 budget and .6 mills over the ac- tual amount paid to them, In last year's budget, 21.65 {mills were allotted for the public 959 school board. This year, 26.3 Imills are allotted, being an in- lerease of 4.6 mills, A part of this this rate was not sufficient so the increase Is due to the construc- high school actually received 11.9/tion of Lord Elgin School, this mills first payment of this debenture The county ry in the 1959 becoming due this year," Mayor EBL FLINY 1700 A MUCH, 700 SOON' | EFREM ZIMBALIST, JR. £47 oaseron. © RICHARD CARLSON two mates sug bs tor emg BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT $ NOW PLAYING 3 PHILCO 21" CONSOLE TELEVISION $4100; and engineering $8597. lev p Carruthers pointed out. - budget was 10.45 mills and this Fined $200 was also insufficient as the Unit-| He stated all the inereases| ed Counties received 11.5 mills. 'mentioned include the deficits Or 1 Month BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Douglas Graham Betts, 32, of Whitevale was Tuesday fined $200 and costs, or one month, when he appeared before Magistrate R. B. Baxter on a charge of driving while his ability was impaired by alcohol or a drug. On a second | charge, having liquor in a place {other than in his residence, he WITH TRADE with approved trade ® Aluminized picture tube © Deluxe spur switch tuner ® Top front tuning Walnut, mahogany or blond Ask $13086 'For Recreation ToBy TYLER 5 CIRCUS --Andy Goldie, all future sub-division agree. was fined $50 and costs, or an 4 Su vitha Gilg x x ments include the requirement| additional 10 days. : TROON yy 2 28, that "Red Seal" wiring with al The magistrate told Betts he ¢ re SAN WAT DSNEYS 777 #22 minimum of 100 amp service.|"has no sympathy for anyone ZS Coon CARTOON FEATURETTE 7 The letter also suggested that!ywho has had a warning before = this clause be a part of the town | about drinking and driving" # = GOLIATH Hz building bylaw which would elim-| Betts was convicted of impair- 3 2 > inate the possibility of it beingled driving in Nova Scotia in overlooked when plans were|June, 1957. CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 drawn. | OPP Constable Wes Reimer i BEL Re EA ------ lsaid he found a card in the ac- |cused's wallet which stated he] used "Antabuse, a drug used by| 1:50-3:55-5:50 alcoholics to combat drinking. | |He said at times the accused was| 7:50 and 9:50 3 HH EA ' 1 960 quite co-operative and at others. au PHILCO DRYER rested. | . . . I N The officer stated there was| as the east representative on the Enniskillen no evidence or symtoms the ac- H ° Philco-Bendix PUSHBUTTON DRYER Metro planning board. The ap-| can cused had been using Antabuse | poiniment is for three years. BY MES. RUSSELL GRIFFIN | 0 the night he was picked up for | . with patented criss cross tumbling Mayor William Parish said, 'I| Fine wea-|impaired driving. think it is iniquitous that the|ther and newly ploughed roads town of Ajax has no representa- brought a good attendance to the © 3 push botton heats @ Auto- matic de-wrinkling ® Safe for all tion, they can come and tell us| WMS March meeting, with Mrs. | what we will do and we have no F. Toms presiding, "at the par-| ew amps or voice." |sonage. Mrs. W. Logan was host- | fabrics ® Safety door ® Lint trop © 10 Ib. dry capacity * WALT DISNEY"S 3} ww » AJAX (Staff) chairman of the recreation com- mittee, presented his commit. tee"s budget to the town council and asked for $13,086.19 to carry on for 1960. Mr. Goldie said that more than 80,000 persons had used the com- munity centre during 1959. His committee had tried to provide as many forms of recreation for as many people as possible and with more space available he hoped that still more could be accommodated. LETTER RECEIVED A letter from the Metro plan- Good Turnout ning board secretary confirmed For WMS At the appointment of W. G. Messer FEATURE DAILY ..., SUNBEAM MEN'S SHAVEMASTER RAZOR THIS OFFER GOOD FOR THURS. - FRI - SAT. ONLY A letter commending the pub- ess and guest of honor was Pres-| : lic works department for 'iis|byterial president, Mrs. M. C. Old Is Project snowclearing work during past Fisher of Newcastle, storms was received from Rob- Devotions were conducted by| UXBRIDGE (Special) Ux- ert Hartogg, president of the Kit- Mrs. E. A. Werry and the scrip- bridge United Church will be the chen Installations Company, Mr. ture was read by Mrs. J. Slemon, (venue March 23 for.a display of 088 said, '1 was pleasantly | who also was in charge of the pro-\m any attractive lampshades ised to find the roads in the gram. made by members of the Local|' town so clear and none of my, mrs. M. Christian | Leader Training School. The proj- em jovess had amy difficuliies in| stewardship secret explained lect is 'New Lamps for Old". getting to work, now that fac-|reas the { i i vi tories were isolated elsewhere. | monthly RO L savelopes for ALL Sroups in Ontario Eoutty wit The public works department is| Reports from Presbyterial veld and exchange ideas with mem- to be complimented for an ardu- at Simcoe Street Church, Osh-| bers of other groups. ous task well done." awa, were given by Mrs. L.| Jeanne Armour, home econom- Notice was received from the Wearn and Mrs. W. Logan. ics services, Ontario Department Department of Highways that| Mrs, Fisher told of the birth-lof Agriculture, Toronto, will tenders would be called late this day of the WMS in 1825 at|comment on the displays. summer for the new traffic inter |Princetown P.E.L and the faith| The Local Leader Training change on Harwood avenue and and vision of the pioneer women. School service is sponsored by the contract would be awarded Refreshments were served by|the home economics service of by Oct. §. {Group 8 followed by a social|the Ontario Department of Agri- The council was asked to have hour. culture, all land purchases for the right| Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, supply] A two-day Leader Training of way taken care of before that secretary, explained the great|School is attended by a leader date : need for additional supplies. Aland assistant leader from each A letter from the Ajax Hydro COmmMittee was appointed to pur- {sponsoring group. These leaders commission recommended that/chase material and arrange for return to their community, or-| ee ee --- |two complete layettes. ganize a group and carry on the {EUCHRE PARTY [course of study. Summary Day | The Enniskillen Service Club gives an opportunity for groups | - Will Present held a successful euchre party at|to display their accomplishments the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.|and to gain new ideas from each| i J uy ION a man like SHANE REDUCED ...the suspense of HIGH NOON! To CLEAR #50 RADIO PICTURES PRESETS i 1 fi Re ENSION a ARIE Rock", FIRESTONE REFRIGERATOR ONLY 1695 WITH TRADE £. 10 cu. ft. Firestone REFRIGERATOR Ww No Down Payment on Laundry Equipment © Use Our Budget Plan Features Deluxe storage door with egg racks and butter compartment. 43 Ib. frozen food storage. Requires only 24" floor width, |D. Lamb; high man, |Yeo; lady, Mrs. G. Yeo; low|1.30 p.m. | - | cotor == Sn | ~~ sa By MRS. A. L. HOOEY for the two top students of the $ 95 BOWMANVILLE The Me- graduating entrance class, also ONLY Up to $100.00 for approved trade meeting several pair of baby| net and puck for indoor hockey. |man, Lorne Lamb. SPECIAL DANCE morial Hospital Auxiliary met purchased 50 school pins to be Stam n 1 \ FCKAFD EGAN: DOROTHY MALONE CAMERON MICHEL Leadbeater. other. | / Technicolor | Winners were: High Lady, Mrs.| The public is invited to the| bao Bootees For Gordon |Summary Day which starts 02 Po -- 3 Regular 269. $269.95 ew Bab { Recently the Service Club set| 1eS {up a special bank account to| cover five years of scholarships] NOW Tomorrow Nite Friday. afternoon with Mrs, L. C.|Presented to graduates. | Mason re Is The club also purchased for| YWCA 199 Centre st. Prior to the opening of the Sigma C Boys Club, a volley ball, | | | bootees were wrapped. A pair| f will be presented to each new Mightiest Motion Picture Ever Created !:! baby at the hospital The bootees have been knit by | women in the area under con-| vener Mrs. William Rudell. | The treasurer reported $725 on. hand. Mrs. W. Cawker and Mrs. | A. Sylvester were nominated to! the slate of officers of the provin-| cial hospital auxiliaries board. | p) ONLY $17 DOWN DELIVERS 0 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING WE NEED USED T.Vs and REFRIGERATORS STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE ® 6 PIECES (3 POTS WITH LIDS) 1 95 Fivestone ® REG. 27.95 NOW . .. They Last 190 KING EAST STORE RA 5-6566 Mrs. J. O'Neill reported $78| was turned in from Marathon | bridge for February. The final game will be held at the Lions Centre April 21 | Mrs. W. H. Birks reported for the visiting committee. One visit will be made each week to the TECHNICOLOR® Nat! patients by members of the auxil-| ; » FEATURE SHOWN A < 77 1:45 -- 4:20 o 6:50 -- 9:25 iary. | ad C.R.A. SUMMER STAFF APPLICATION FORMS Now Available For Summer Positions In -- eo PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS Adult Entertainment NE Ei | A Value of 12.90 || Now FOR ONLY . . 6.45 With the purchase of this album David Oistrakh (violin) perform- ing Beethoven's Concerto in D Major, op 61 (Angel 35780) [I Rr You will receive a 'Bonus Angel' Recording, featuring Great Ar- tists", @ Available in monophonic or stereo. (For a limited time only) Forms May Be Obtained At C.R.A, Centre 100 GIBB STREET RA 5-1111 APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, 1960 2 WILSON & LEE LTD. "Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre" 87 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5-4706