Incentive Management Committee's council - approved Traffic Committee Will Spend $72,650 This Year the traffic committee. The $1500 Transportation and Traffic THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 17, 1960 § is for a traffic light at Alma and Whitby Driver Wins Dismissal Kent St., Whitby, had a charge Unlawful Hunting Charges Dismissed STRATFORD (CP) -- Magis. Marlee Burnside, 17, of 505/(rate A. F. Cook Wednesday dis- : t 15 men Plan Cited Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants of Ontario at their local chapter meeting in Hotel Simcoe streets. Traffic studies, $10,500. This money will enable the engineer- ing department to carry out many studies and traffic counts in an attempt to build a backlog 1960 budget totalled -$72,650. The budget was read at a meeting of the Traffic Advisory Council Wed- nesday night. The TAC budget is included in the above figure. Only one item of failing to yield the right of way Members and guests of the dismissed by Magistrate A. S. driver involved in the. accident, Arthur De Clare, of Scarboro, said he didn't see her car until Mitchell Tuesday after the other 1 IM. N. Vuchnich, president of Lin- Genosha, Tuesday evening heard of $1200 was cut from the TAC|of information which will help in d a charge of unlawfully hunting in a party of more than 12 persons without the permission of the landowner. The charge, against the men from the Windsor - Leamington area, was laid under the Ontario ~~ B'NAI B'RITH PRESENTS SUCTION PUMP TO HOSPITAL amining the new equipment are Carol Osborne (left), a stu- dent nurse and Doreen Mill- | son, Reg.N. The suction pump | the Seen Gomeo Suction Pump fo Oshawa General Hospital with Mr. Rich is Ken Wright, hospital business manager. Ex- On behalf of the members of the Oshawa B'Nai B'Rith Lodge, Al. Rich, second from right, Wednesday presented a | floor. will be used on the paediatric --Oshawa Times Photo Storms Strain | OBITUARIES coln Electric Company of Canada Limited explain "Incentive Man- agement." ! He said that at Lincoln Elec- tric they prefer to call their plan "Incentive Management" rather than "Profit Sharing," the differ- ence being that employees get a bigger piece of the profit pie rather than more people getting a small piece by sharing in profits. In incentive management, jobs| ¢ |are assessed and rated, Workers - { |are paid at going rates bul al| the end of the year in addition they are paid a bonus related to their annual earnings and the amount can be greater if per- formance against their job rating is high, These annual bonuses normally are over 40 per cent of regular earnings and have been as high as 90 per cent. He pointed out that better bonuses are not paid for harder physical work but rather for bet- ter planning and organizing flow and output. Bonuses come from earnings after dividends are paid and commitments are met for planned needs of the business. Employees are aided in purchas-| ing company stock and 55 per cent of them are shareholders. Thus they know the financial pos- ition of the company and feel| they are an important part of| the organization. | As the company progresses so, will they. There are free and| easy inter - communications be-| tween all levels of supervision FUNERAL OF MRS. WILBERT W. DAWN The funeral service for Mrs. tion. Following the war he ei Wilbert W. Dawn, 370 Richmond tered the merchant marine. Township Budgets |was awarded the Purple Heart |decoration when wounded in ac-| n- COBOURG (Staff) -- Most mu- nicipal engineers are viewing the latest snowstorm with some- thing approaching dismay, ac- cording to United Counties En- gineer George Totten "It's something no one can bud- get for. with any sense of cer- tainty, so that it becomes worse with each successive snowstorm We've not been able to make any realistic appraisal of costs yet, and I don't suppose we can until we've finally broken loose from winter. However, on a conserva- tive estimate,. I would say that our snow removal costs this year will be up 50 per cent above nor- mal," he said COSTS HIGHER "As far as other types of muni eipality, the townships, the towns and cities, T would say that their costs are much higher than this. Our job in the counties is rela- tively easier than the operations necessary in the municipalities. "The difficult part of the oper- reet east, who died at the Osh. Commander Mulvey had been a wa General Hospital last Sun-|resident of Prince Albert since 1 had been some changes in the administration at Queen's Park such a proposal, in view of this|day, was held at the McIntosh|195 : : year's experience, might meet Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wed-| He leaves his wife, the former with a better reception inesday, March 16 E h J. Vernon-Roberts, whom he| eo & * ! ; "od : : UF 50 PER CENT The services were conducted married at West Palm Beach, Ontario County costs f Rev K. Moffat, minis-/¥' 1951. He is also sur- the hens oF oe PS 'h. Interment was in Osh- John M. Mulvey, of . 18 1 sta J pre Tel ; T preity J, ral a again, it was pointed out that the wa Union Cemetery University, Milwaukee, hd se . v ™ a aa county, with a much greater, . pallbearers were Scott SIT. . ; " we, Taylor, Don Wanless. Keith Har.| The remains are at the Gerrow amount of money to handle, could/; 2¥'0r, Don aness, Keith Har 3 | . Th cin ; d die. Everett Shultis, Frank Reeves Funeral Home, Oshawa, for re- absorb extra costs much betier 916, fvere uitls, Frank Reeves vel A n Ta aatitine land Ernest Wanl quiem mass in St. Gregory's than the small muniéipalities|8nd Hrnes aniess. . ; : with limited budgets Roman Catholic Church at 10 YY Olficials agve ed 'that 3 carey MRS. HELEN IRENE CASKEY|a.m. Saturday, March 19. Rev. als a : over fund for snow removal Following a prolonged illness A. Marynes, SCJ, pastor of would be advantageous, How- the death occurred at Princess Sacred Heart Roman Catholic ever, the municipal act was Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Church, Uxbridge, will sing the 4 Tuesday, March of Helen/mass. Interment will be in Pine sweeping in its regulations 15, : 1 os : concerning the disposal of surplus! Irene Hughes, beloved wife of Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. funds from uncompleted projects. ee J. Caskey. Mrs. Caskey, who, " " -- - _-.™E ived at 141 Church street, Osh-| DONALD. JOODRW HH . Pn ee Tong year. |columbus, one of the district's ecord Rink led aug Re e late George| mst prominent livestock import- ward a a Hughes, the de-| ers died at the Oshawa General ceased was born at Toledo, Iowa Hospital on Wednesday, March orida, n Professor Marquette Wiscon- and staff and every worker is in- terested in the products and how well they will sell. Two Accidents Are Reported With few cars moving because of the storm only two minor acci- dents were reported by Oshawa police during the past 24 hours. A car driven by Gordon L. Buchanan, 1464 Bala drive, was involved in a collision with a parked car on Simcoe street south Wednesday evening. The car was owned by Amerigo Cos- carella, 326 Simcoe street south. Kees Vandeen, a commercial traveller from Ottawa, reported that his car was struck while it was parked in the Genosha Hotel narking lot Wednesday morn- ing. proposed budget. standing committee of council ar $21,550. This appropriation was cut back $10,150 from the $31,700 originally asked. $5000 |B Allocations for work under the e: Signing and pavement mark- ng, $33,500. Installation of traffic signals: maintenance, Traffic signal Pedestrian cross-walks, $1500. the design of an overall. traffic safety program. Traffic safety program: $200. And miscellaneous, $400. Signing and pavement parking includes traffic regulation signs he was 10 or 15 feet away from the intersection. main where you are going," the mag-!charge on the grounds two of the istrate told De Clare and dis-|party who were waiting with cars missed the case. Game and Fisheries Act. The men entered a collective plea of "You can't drive around oninot guilty. streets without looking| Magistrate Cook dismissed the on a sideroad were not hunters. ($12,300); parking signs ($10,- 000); pavement marking ($6000); and street name signs ($5200). Possible traffic signal installa- tions include King street west at Stevenson road and Park road at Gibb street, This was eut back voluntarily by WEATHER FORECAST Storm Moves On Clearing Friday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 5 am.: Synopsis: The third major storm to affect Ontario in less than a month was expected by noon to have spread over all but the northern section of the prov- ince. It will begin to taper off to flurries in Southern Ontario. There will be partial clearing Friday in most southern regions as the storm moves into Quebec. Cloud and occasional snow will persist in the north country. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday. Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, south- ern Lake Huron, Niagara re- gions, Windsor, London, Hamil- ton, Toronto: Snow and drifting snow this morning changing to snowflurries in the afternoon. Fri- day sunny with a few cloudy in- tervals. Little change in tempera- ture. Winds south 15 to 25 today, west 15 Friday. Northern Lake Huron, Georgian ay regions: Snow and consider- able drifting today. Friday mainly cloudy with a few snow- flurries. Little change in temper- ature. Winds southwest 20 to 40 today, west 15 to 25 Friday. Haliburton region: Snow and drifting snow today. Friday mainly cloudy with a few snow- flurries. Little change in temper- THREE AMBULANCE CALLS The ambulances of the Oshawa Fire Department answered three routine calls during the past 24 hours. ature, Winds east 20 to 35 today, | {southwest 15 to 25 Friday. | Timmins - Kapuskasing, Kirk-| land Lake regions, North Bay, | Sudbury: Snow with considerable drifting today. Friday cloudy with snow. Little change in tempera- ture. Winds east 20 to 35 today, west: 15 to 25 Friday. Uxbridge Mayor Quits UXBRIDGE (Special) Un- ruly, rowdy meetings which have resulted in bad publicity for the town, and attempts by council to gag him are the reasons given by Mayor William Hochberg for his resignation. Council had taken the mayor to task for speaking to the press on attempts to have Chief Con- stable Graham Chatterley dis- missed. The mayor apparently had taken the stand that the |campaigr against the chief was not justified without proper evi- dence and, in fact, was not legal. '"There has been too much hag-| gling and too much rowdyism in council all year. It has been dif- ficult trying to get things done. There's no dignity or decorum in lour deliberations. It's too much {for me. Unless you have an in-| |telligent council, it isn't worth the trouble," said the mayor. W2bot) T MARKET FRESH YOUNG ROASTING OR FRYING 12-01. PKGS. 1-LB. PKG. BACON 41° SWEET PICKLED -- CRYOVAC WRAPPED COTTAGE ROLLS - 45° PRESSWOOD'S DINNER STYLE BONELESS FLORIDA NEW WHITE POTATOES §5..59° fad was married in Regina in|16, His death was the result of Wins Playoff ation, of course, is getting el ms ayo. 1916 | a motor accident at Maple Grove 4 funds for the job. Any increase inl PORT PERRY (Special) --| Mrs. Caskey had been a resi.|last Feb. 13. snow removal costs over the bud-| Bayne Secord and his rink from|dent of Oshawa for three years| A lifelong resident of the get must come from funds ear- the Tam O Shanter Curling Club|2nd had lived mainly in Saskat-|Columbus - Raglan district, Mr. |echewan, She was an active mem-|Smith was a son of Mr. and Mrs. marked for other purposes, usual- won the play-off between Dis- Tih } i | ) ly new construction. This euts victs 5 and 6 in the Ontario mix.|ber of the United Church in Re-|Arthur L. Smith, of Columbus. into the road program, and some-led curling competition at the lo-|&ina. {He was horn at Bowmanville thing has to be left undone. It's|cal club Wednesday | She is survived by five daugh-|Aug. 6, 1927 and was married | unfortunate, but there's no other| The Secord rink. which won|ters, Mrs. B. Bronson (Laura),in Columbus United Church way of doing it. In our case, it is|out in the playdown at the Whit.|of London, Ont.; Mrs. M. Hand- April 25, 1953. i not too bad, because our pro-|hyv Curling Club on Tuesday, won ford (Beatrice), of London, Ont.;| With his brothers Mr. Smith gram is a little more elastic than |e first two games of a best-in-|Mrs. N. Handford (Irene), of|¥a3 engaged in farming and the the programs laid out for the mu-|three series from the rink skip-| Petawawa; Mrs. H Haines livestock trucking Business. Be; Asked if a fund of some kind|ronto Curling and Cricket Club, |Mrs. L. Cammack (Ruby), of pocroq livestock in every state | could be set up whereby a sur-| The scores of the games were|Oshawa and six sons, William, . oof the Mississippi River as | plus from one year could offset|13 to 4 and 9 to 7. Don Camp- Glen, Clark, Lorne and Lee, all well as in Florida and California. f higher costs in other years, Mr.| 11 a former member of theof Oshawa and Albert, of London, = pp. "Smith was a member of | Totten said the Ontario Municipal | on Campbell brothers rink| Ont | Columhbus United Church and was, Board had turned down a PrO-| hich won several Briar 'cham-| { | | } Also surviving are -a sister, 3 yalued member of the board Do sonny new that there Pionships, played second stone|Mrs. E. Saward, of Santa Ana |of stewards of the church. He : P y {for the Secord rink. |California; a brother, Alfred|was a member of Mount Zion | COMING EVENTS | Hughes, of Minneapolis, Minne-|Lodge, No. 39, AF and AM, RUMMAGE sale Friday, March 18, 2 o'clock, CRA Gibb Street, sponsored by sota and 17 grandchildren. | Brooklin; Keystone Chapter, The funeral service will be RAM, Whitby and the Toronto | held at the W. C. Town Funeral|fodge of Perfection. He was also! Home, Whitby, at 10.30 a.m. Fri- a member of the Transport Asso- | Dorcas, First Baptist Church EUCHRE, Scout Hall, Gibbon and Beuna Vista, Friday, March 18th 8 p.m Six prizes. Refreshments. INTERIOR DECORATOR OSHAWA 15 KING ST. E RA 5-2686 Drapery - Furniture - Broadloom Sprung. 0 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, - FRIDAY, MARCH 18, SATURDAY, MARCH 13 day, March 18. Rev. J. W. Mc-|siation of Ontario. :| Bride, of St. John's Presbyterian| pe is survived by his wife, the | 1{Church, Toronto, will conduct the| former Doreen Jane Fowler and | {| services. Interment will be in|two daughters, Elaine and Karen. | i Oshawa Union Cemetery. | Also surviving are his parents | . rok ' land two brothers, Neil and | COMMANDER J. F. MULVEY Glenn, of Columbus. | | 4 The death occurred -at Prince The memorial service will be Albert, Ont, on Wednesday, peld at the Armstrong Funeral | {March 16, following a lengthy ill-| ome at 2 p.m. Saturday March | ness, of Commander John F. Mul-| 19, followed by interment in Osh- | vey, U.S. Navy retired. He was in|awa Union Cemetery. Rev. R.| his 58th year. Love, minister of Columbus Unit- i! Born in Boston, Massachusetts, eq Church, will conduct the serv- the deceased served as a PT-ijces. : |Boat commander, under Admiral| The members of Mount Zion Halsey, during the war in the Lodge will hold a service at the Pacific. His bravery in action/funeral home at 9.15 p.m. Fri won him the Bronze Star and he day. CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED has been appointed to the plan- )! | The following streets will be ning board to comolete the term dence in Oshawa. He eom- closed for construction today.|of former chairman C. C. Me- pleted 40 years in the com- [Rossland road west closed from |Gibbon. The term runs out in munity on Wednesday. He was |Stevenson road north to Gibbons 1960, an official of General Motors |street. Whenever possible these | for many years before becom- [streets will be partially opened | ing proprietor of the McIntosh |to permit movements of local Funeral Home. traffic. Extreme heavy rains may -- result in the closing of other UXBRIDGE MAYOR QUITS [streets UXBRIDGE (CP)--Mayor Wil-| liam Hochberg of this town 35 {miles northeast of Toronto re-| John A. Cameron, Oshawa bar- Share the Wealth. signed Wednesday because, he rister, was elected president of| said, there is too much haggling, the Ontario County Law Associa-| too much secrecy and too much|tion at the annual meeting held| COMMITTEE NAMED M! 2 2 | RUMMAGE SALE rowdyism in council. His resigna-| Wednesday evening. | | OSHAWA ARMOURIES|tion came after a unanimous non-| Oshawa Traffic Advisory Coun- |confidence vote in council Tues-| TO ATTEND CONVENTION {cil members E. A. Middlemass | FRIDAY, MARCH 18thlday night. The councillors chas-| Traffic Engineer Robert Rich-|2nd J. M. Macleod and Traffic At 1:30 p.m {tised the mayor for speaking to|ardson and Sgt. Ernest Barker of | Engineer Robert Richardson will : 3 . [the press about attempts to dis-/the Oshawa Police Department comprise a eammittee to Meet( Officers' Wives Association miss Chief Constable Graham|yill attend the Ontario Traffic] With superintendent of buses Reg | of Ontario Regiment ' Chatterley. |Conference convention at the Sea-| Si to seuss the relocation | way Hotel, Toronto, from April 4| {through April 6. Of the four vot- BANQUET SATURDAY ad \ ing delegates allowed from Osh- : , awa, two must be elected offi A story appearing in Wednes- cials day's issue of The Oshawa Times save the wrong date for the an CROW FLIES r nual banquet of the Oshawa Hor Mrs, D. FLIES SOT ames | ticultural Society. The banquet road, told The Oshawa Times is being held at 6.30 p.m. on Sat- Ithat, looking out her kitchen win.| Urday of this week. dow at 8.45 a.m. today she saw| a crow fx south, Perhaps the bird thought winter was here {again HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY. NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner ;Bloor and Simcoe 20 games $6 ond $10 Share the Wealth, 5 - $40 Jackpots. Come in and browse Special Display Order your drapery now NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 BINGO AT THE AVALON On Thursday March 17 at 8 pm. Eastview Park Neighbourhood Association. 20 regular games at $6 and $10, é jackpots at $40. also ... for Spring at Terrific Savings. Pick out the material of your choice For three days we will have with us an expert on Broadloom . . . Come around during our New Opening. Talk over your 40 YEARS IN CITY : decorating problems, or C. Roy McIntosh, who today | starts on a new era of resi- and we will make them | we will come to your in and discuss with him home with expert decor- any questions you may FREE. Prices from $1.98 have on which rug you yd. Cottons from 99c. should buy or regarding During our Open House cleaning, etc. ating advise at no charge BREAKS ANKLE Oshawa Assessment Commis- |sioner W. E, Kerr broke his right ankle in three places while inspecting 2 new building at King and Ontario streets Wed- nesday. He is thought to have caught his foot in a hole in the flooring. or obligation. Celebration BAR PRESIDENT A FREE ROSE FOR THE LADIES otty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR Production of CHARLEY'S AUNT McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY MARCH 31st APRIL Ist and 2nd TICKETS AT THE DOOR -- 8:20 P.M. TO CONFER HERE It was announced this week J that the Ontario Federation of : : Printing Trades Unions will be ON PLANNING BOARD holding its 16th annual confer- Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate ence in Hotel Genosha on Satur- {Igstitute Principal Norman Siscoiday and Sunday, May 14 and 15 15 KING ST. E,, OSHAWA Open Friday Until 9 p.m. RA 5-2686 ' PY ny