PEON IPTG EVVIT IT IRTUTE PO wwe ee {children visited Sandy Abernethy,! . Manilla, Sunday. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer, visited 0 © C or {Tom Baker Sunday. James Baker spent Saturday | Solina WI Plans Oo 1 afternoon with John Tilley, En-| * niskillen. as u a é fficers Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hardy, eC Mrs. Joe Snowden and. Bruce visited C. Knight, Oshawa, and SOLINA The Women's In-, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice aud Harvey Hardy, Bowianville { in the hall March 10|Douglas, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glover ' eH "wr Y stityte me! § husbands present. Percy Westlake and family visit- and family, Kedron, visited John{Dle don't We, said Edward 5 richer as a human being. Mrs. T. Baker, presided ed Mr, and Mrs. Frank West- Knox, Sunday. A nso yt W ry wig jhe The treasurer's report re-/lake, Sr Helen Knox spent the weekend | ies Jie can ey haven't really horn vealed a balance of $476.81 John Broome and family, Ty-|with Marlene Graham, Orono. As the next meeting will fea- rone, Howard Broome, Patsy| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer| 17, 1960 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March By HAL BOYLE with in Bucharest, : carved successful careers "Living itself is a really rare stage, screen and radio. thing. So very few people actu- 'a VORP NTT ITTII IVI VV vY rr YY But if you don't let tragedy de- The pint-sized actor, who was Romania, To the public Robinson is still Ce SREP have more courage in llfe--ana ITALIAN WORKERS WINTER TREAT |weather," the restaurant owner your life will have more import- HANNOVER, West Germany STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- A Says. ance: 6 You a5 well 28 OLhers. | pouters) -- About 1,500 Italian restaurant in the centre of Stock-| But never be sure you've workers are expected to be em- holm offers free coffee and buns SPRING SIGN really got the final answer to life ployed in agriculture in Lower|to taxi-drivers every night after] Harbinger of spring, the North or the problem of living. If you Saxony this year, according to|10 p.m. "It is because we are! American robin is larger than the do, you're finished--done for." Ithe state agricultural ministry. |sorry for the tax-drivers in cold|red-breasted robins of Europe. NEW YORK (AP)--"Most peo-|feat you, you become that much| p | on| | ture election of officers a nomin- and Dianne, Concord, visited Mr.|and family, Blackstock, Jean Cry-| i , ] ally do live. They don't venture best known for his gangster role ating committee was pamed com- and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Sunday. derman and George Bittner, Mrs. | posed of Mrs. W. Ashton, Mrs.| wir and Mrs. D. Fleit and C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger| Ross Cryderman and Nurs. M.| adie vicited Mr. and Mrs. and children, Oshawa, and Linda | Vice. dsirier delegate ois Charles Langmaid Sunday Stainton, Enniskillen, Jere Sun- a The istrict fea for| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome day visitors to E. Cryderman. h leptions ' : and sons were guests of Rev. and Mr, and Mrs. J. : . : 4 the eepiions. z Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Millbrook, children, Oshawa, were guests | wound up a rich and famous ac- mer of his profession high. T'wo Sermbers Wo are thovins Sunday ; of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman tor, is convinced that the thing| way, Mrs. Mrs. E. 3 ; Abe A were presented with gifts L. Squair, Salem Mrs. H. Yellowlees, Mrs. D Langmaid. al rs. | , i Flett and Mrs. C. Langmaid were| Mr, and Mrs. H. Knox and sons 2" visiied og WR IE appointed to purchase some need-| visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Tink's, wg ane RM oye rermat Yuen ; a: An ed additional equipment for the Ehenezer, Sunday 1and family, R. ! ason, Colu s, over a luncheon steak. kitchen " . |were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Rus-| "we are 3 nd Barbara Hooey The 4-H Club girls were inieq Vice, Saturday. i Heley Buck 20 oa Yonors. in Orono for Achievement Day Sat- his na | y the home-making course of 12 Hay: ud Mrs, J. Large and ehjl- units and the Women's Institute dren. Bowmanville. visited M will recognize their achievement lan Mrs, W. Parrinder. ne _ The program vay x Sharge of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and (tren 8 3 x Group 4. In i gusence 0 Mrs Elizabeth, Oshawa, were guests/record - players into the 'lamp happiness are interwoven in| leader, Mrs. , ance, Mrs. ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, sockets of telephone booths, tolevery life C. Langmaid took ropes Wes, Sunday A hold jazz sessions on the side-| "Tragedy Irish songs, led by Mrs. Wes wi. "ang Mrs. Don Taylor and!walks. could be, which is--themselves.' At 66 side New York boy who yearned ness scientists, tycoons to Sunday visited Roy Mr. and Mrs. .\W Knox, Brough- he mused YOUNG PESTS LONDON (CP) -- Bermondsey |ing because they are unwilling to we must re-evaluate things. "Many people are afraid of liv-/in doing it Here is his own d among teen-agers who plug duck the price. Happiness and un-|of active living: "Don't hurt people "Have a goal that eomes #0 everyone, you, and more important forth enough to be what theyli, Little Caesar, but in some 40, {stage vehicles and 70 films he, Robinson, a lower east has played everything from busi- Leger and (in his youth to be a minister and likes variety and flies the ban- ' 4 Robinson, who has a speaking | which defeats most people is fear. knowledge of nine languages, 'be- "They are afraid of living it-/lieves living is complicated by the torment and conse- too many unnecessary barriers. "I like to break down all bar- riers that separate people from raised up narrow- people," he said. "It is the most __ |minded, and if we are to grow vital need in the world today. Somehow we haven't succeeded philosophy, police are worried by a current pay the price. You can't really based on more than six decades is beyond than land T think I've had my share. you are. Serve if, and you will | Yellowlees, were sung with Mrs Don Taylor at the piano. Comments on the motto were prepared by Mrs. R. Best and | read by Pearl Leach. Dianne Tink rendered two piano selec-| tions. | The main feature of the even- ing was thg showing of slides of the Bowmanville Centennial two years ago by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenham. The record books of the 4-H club girls were displayed. | Lunch was served by the group. | THREE M's MEET The Three M's met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees with vice-president, |§ Stan Millson in charge : Lois Yellowlees, group con- vener, had charge for the pro- gram. Joyce Taylor conducted de- votions. A discussion followed and a reading was given by Gladys Yellowlees Lunch was served during the? social hour. Next meeting will be on March 28. EXPLORERS MEET The Explorers met in the church basement, Saturday after- noon Mrs. M. Vice conducted the study period on the Union of] South Africa and the service was | eonducted by Mrs. Bruce Tink as-| sisted by Dianne Darch | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and children visited Bruce Ormiston Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor| spent the weekend with Rev. and | Mrs. R. Sherwin at Belleville and attended the christening ser- vice for their son, David, Sun-| day g Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited Orono Tuesday | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery were guests of Mr. and Mrs Bruce Taylor Sunday. Edwin Cook, Bowmanville, and Viola Zachanovich, Courtice, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Westlake Jr., Sunday. PAN-CAKE-- the most glamourous make-up in the world --gives you a flawless, smooth, evenly tinted complexion .. . will never dry your skin. Special Offer - from MAX FacTOR When you buy PAN-CAKE, or PAN-STIK, in the fashionably new PEARLIZED pink or blue eontainers, you get FREE, a lustrous Hi-Fi Lipstick of your choice, (Value $1.00). This offer is good for a very limited time only! PAN-STIK --the one cosmetic that's a fabulous make-up and an all-day beauty treatment too. Pan-Stik will create a beautiful eomplexion for you. Cosmetic Dept. OSHAWA---BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY QLEARANeS HOUSE --- AJAX (G LADIES' Better Blouses ; Every Weekend Friday, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m, No Exchange or Refunds 4 ONLY! LADIES' EVENING GOWNS Reg. 39.95 4.95 Slightly counter-soiled Men! Save 23.18 ¢ ON 2 PAIR PANT SUITS 50 SUITS SENT FOR CLEARANCE These are all First Quality Suits, which sold for 39.95. They are now discontinued and you save the difference. Melbourne Flan- nels, Checks, Ivy League, etc. SIZES 35 to 46 ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE 6-77 MEN'S ASSORTED 45 ONLY! DRESS SHOES| LADIES' BETTER Reg. to 5.95 Regular to 19.95 n']-99 « 3-99 GIRLS' -- LADIES' KIDDIES' SPRING CAR COATS Sizes 4 to 18. Reg. 18.75 from 2.99 MEN'S SPRING (AR (OATS 3.99 Fully silk lined. Reg. 11.95 Slightly counter-soiled DRESS OR WORK Trousers Sizes 36 to 44 Reg. 5.95 2.69 39-PIECE MELMAC DINNER SET Reg. 44.00 ALL TOYS, GAMES REDUCED Not exactly as illustrated Broken sizes. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT AJAX MAIN STORE OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M BOTH STORES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FAMILY ALLOWANCE oh FV TO THE ORDER OF Twenty-Four OSHAWA 21 BOND ST. W. FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE NO OBLIGATION TO BUY GIFTS WHEN YOU GASH YOUR AJAX HARWOOD NORTH MEN'S Ist QUALITY JEANS Rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-44 BOYS' NYLON GABARDINE TRENCH COATS fy Tent 994 GIRLS' ALL WOOL _ SPRING COATS SLUR soiled. Reg. 10.95 GIRLS' CORDUROY CAR COATS Fully lined. Sizes 8 to 14x Reg. 5.95 KITCHEN CURTAINS Waffle plastic, beautiful pat terns (by Hees) Pennyworth's Annual Men's 8-Piece Spring Wardrobe BOYS' SUBURBAN CAR COATS Fully quilted lining, storm cuffs, 2 pockets, Sizes 6 to 2 50 1] 14. Reg. 6.99 LADIES' FULL SLIPS Lavish net trim. Assorted ¢ colors. Reg. 1.99 99 MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Cello wrapped. White. Sizes 142 to 164. 1 1] "in . Reg. 3.98 Men's Thermo Insulated Leather Work PYJAMAS Printed cotton broadcloth, 2- 1.00 piece. Sizes 2 to bx Reg. 1.88 LADIES' Nylon HOSE aw Ist quality, 51-18 Reg. 79¢ 2.99 NYLON PARTY DRESSES 3.99 BOYS' SHEEN DRESS PANTS, Half elastic waist, zipper fly, 3 ¢ pockets. Sizes'3, 4 and 5 only. Reg. 1.98 99 basta basa Girls 7 to 12 Reg. 6.95 DIAPERS CURITY -- Reg. 4.99 HOSPITAL-- Reg. 2.98 LADIES' BETTER PAIR SHOES. DRESS SKIRTS SAVE 1 ASSORTED SUITS, 2 PR. PANTS, NYLON GABAR- DINE TOP COAT WITH ZIP-IN LINING WHILE THEY LAST (BR CAR COAT), SHIRT, TIE, SOCKS, AND KIDDIES' NYLON REINFORCED TRAINING PANTIES Sizes 2, 4, 6. 1 for 1.00 Reg. 19¢ KIDDIES' 2-PIECE HIGH QUALITY FLEECE LINED Plastic PAIL SLEEPERS ; Sizes 2-6. Reg. 1.59 LADIES' BAN LON PULLOVERS Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 4.49 Helene Curtis SUAVE Hakes hair obey new soft way. Reg. 69¢ 2 FOR 88¢ 46° GIRLS' SPRING SHOES 1.99 Pre-season's clearance Reg. 3.98 .. CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX OPEN EVERY WEEKEND NO EXCHANGE OR REFUND FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MEN'S TYCONIA DRESS PANTS mon 999 FOAM PILLOWS 1.6 2 FOR 3.00 LADIES' BANLON CARDIGANS TRANSISTOR RADIO 29.00 GIRLS' COAT SETS All wool 2-piece Reg. 12.95 Fully guaranteed Reg. 39.25 Sizes 3 6x Reg. 1.99 ... MEN'S SOCKS Nylon reinforced toe and heel. Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 4.95 1.99 CHIX-- Reg. 3.98 ... Assorted eolors, Sizes 1012 to 112. 3 for 99° Reg. 49¢ pair Wig 3 4 44 4, 4.00 complete "Lady Fair," single-bed, 55 x 90. Snow-white Reg. 3.98 pair. PAIR 2.99 Sizes 12 to 20. 3.99 esr: L Reg. 5.95