Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1960, p. 17

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| The Osha Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1960 PAGE SEVENTEEN CAS Plans Study Of Counselling The statistical report, present- ed at the March meeting of the Children's Aid Society of On- tario County and the City of Osh- awa, showed 407 children in the care of the society. Of these 12 were in the residence, 161 in boarding homes, 89 in free homes, 103 in adoption homes and 12 in institutions. In presenting his monthly re- port the director, B. Lewis, called | attention to the increasing num- | ber of requests for a family coun- | selling and for a marriage coun- selling -service which the society |is receiving. Mr. Lewis stressed that both these types of service | require a high degree of skill in | social casework and that the) present budget of the society | does not allow all the requests to| --- G {be met. | " | Other members of the board 420 WIKG OF RCAF ASSOCIATION HOLDS A it spoke. 'requests To such oy . . 3 |services which come to them di-| ; iH % More than 9 members of the | Group - Captain W H. | operation. Shown chatting prior | AL Jackson, Downsview and tion: Frank Hughes, president | rectly, because people know they | y 420 Wing of the Royal Cana- | Schroeder, chief staff officer, | to the banquet, from left, are | Bill Evans, 420 Wing vice-pres- § of Unit 42, Canadian Corps As- | ape agsociated with children's aid " dian Air Force Association at- | administration, of the Air | Charles Parkin, 420 Wing sec- Ment Head ae vd nt Son a ho dvi Work, and of the dilemma in de. : -- . Hn ih » : Aig tended the annual mess dinner | Transport Command, Trenton, | retary; Fred Fernley, 420 Wing cluded Ald. A. . Murdoch; § presi , ch 43, Ca ciding where to refer such re-| ps ' a oo. ii - , ha ; at ey be 2 Airport Wed- | who hee the use of charts | president; Group Captain | Fred Porter, past president of § Legion. | S] KATAINEN, 17, isla) Accident Prevention Ass Hope (right). The winner wil nesday night. The speaker was | in the air transport command | Schroeder; Squadron Leader Port Ar thur (left) won the s xth | ciations E nesday nig compete against the Western - errr ie ren ce Shisiatet Jo - Bt ---- i A inter-division final of the High | Hotel Genosha. Speaking of the i : - TTT = dent to establish a committee to 2 g Eb nos Canada winner in Toronto on - wr meron on ; mo . mw [make a survey of family coun-| School Public Speaking Con- | subject "Why Safety Makes : " |selling services presently avail.| test at the meeting of the Osh- | Sense, Miss Katainen defeated ! April 4. ¥ awa-Ajax Section of the Indus- Pauline Hodgelts, 15, of Port | --Oshawa Times Photo * M n Blind Folk able in the county and to make] a Y 3 recommendations as to ways and 4 ® {means of expanding these ser- Ld . ; Eo vices if necessary. \ ; : 7 | With regard to a specific case ea se u 1vVes |referred to the society by a gov- § #4 3 |ernment agency Mr. Lewis was| ° ° Try this sometime. Get a "Some weeks I have to pack- ; f instructed to accept the referral Sot "Suny wily 1 bave in post and sive whatever service he - 1ns UIdaiorica es bowlful of mixed nails and bolts, shut your eyes and Mrs. Pike commented "of ; % 4 Mrs. E Sims, for the public pick out all the smallest nails CO es win that meng, 3 dort a" 4 relations committee, reported| The highlight of the dinneriAccident Prevention Associa- the Central Ontario : Division, tv 2sme? No: this 7s the Wav Scv. Eel loo In > 2 N + i [that Jocen srutle Iu The Den meeting of te Oshavaajee Secs tious, She concluded, "We ste APA, presewield comtifieates to Ay d Dersons Yehawa DOES OWN HOUSEWORK . nes , een €d|tion of the Industria ccident | dents can help by employing safe- retired section chairmen. ose eral blind persons in Oshawa Mrs. Pike does all the house- " y with their permission in the Ux-| prevention Associations, at Hotel|ty into all our activities." |honored were: J. R. George, lead a useful, productive life work in Yer neat little home. : i i |bridge newspaper. Genosha Wednesday night, was| Miss Hodgetts, the second |W. F. Taylor, W. R. Branch, Wil. Typical of these people is Mrs This includes cooking on a wood- alg " ; : | Mr. Noble, for the Dpersounsl) he sixth inter-division final of the| speaker, said that 35 per cent of liam Boddy, H. A. Washington, Reg Pike who lives at 387 Albert SE e : ; oh § [mm lee; Hopuried tha) veces) high school public speaking con-| all industrial accidents occur in/Jim Presson and Ed Mulligan. street. Mrs. Pike lost her sight ing. Around the kitchen windows ; a i nating Alton el pned joy a Nich is sponsored by the the pending of mater. She out-| Guests at the head table were completely, following an opera- ,. o.n viains hick : . 1 5 : APA. lined the proper rules for the the two contestants, and the tion eight years ago. She is one Ie Jey Jace pig pin « Xo : § bS 3 i being considered but that the ad- "ye subject taken by the speak-|handling of material. She sug-| following: A. Roath, General Mo- of the many people who could housewife Galle a 4 i K 5 : 3 g : i vertising for a casework SUPeT-| oc was 'Why Safety Makes gested: "Men must have the tors of Canada: W. F. Taylor, once see. and have learned to "mpis' year Mrs. Pike is presi : : ow : ; Visor had brought mo replies. |gence" The winner of the com. mental or physical requirements Duplate Canada Limited: S. New accept the heavy handicap of sont of the Oshawa Humoresque vt , ; oa : | The protection department WaS| netition was Louise Katainen, 17,| for the job." She said it would be ton, chairman, Cobourg - Port blindness. She learned to do her orn © the Oshawa ] giving service to 167 families in- of Port Arthur, and second was, | foolish to employ a slow thinking! Hope section, Central Ontario Di- housework in darkness then de- Club, a club for the blind, which 3 % 4 " J hy 3 | volving 521 children and the up- Pauline Hodgetts 15, of Port person on a crane, or ask a tall|vision, JAPA; G. McKee, Victory ousework iu 4a comething else TeC!s every second week. This fig 4 : a married parents department is|Touine Hodgetts. 13. of Port PECeRS on a shane, of 2s lifting. | Soya Mills, Toronto: J. Morris, to occupy her time. She decided Wogh, 56 1s busy preparing for {helping 93 WmarTied mothers S. MacDonald and G. McKee.|She suggested that, the preven-|field supervisor, IAPA: D. 8. to count and package nails the club's St. Patrick's Day so. $ h . . " and has contact with 5 putative p11" the contestants gave excep tion of one accident, could save MacDonald, International Busi- backag : cial, which will be held next ¥ 3 A vo ra : " a Ba fathers. | tionally fine talks. | enough money to pay for proper ness Machine Company, Toronto; BLIND IN INDUSTRY ov 70 sal ive 3 * tg : . E. ; i SABITY RULES | handling equipment, D. Irc'and, Public Service Man- The R. D. Werner Co. (Can- rs. Pike 1s also an active gf § 3 ) oe § 1 LES C | . ager, IAPA, Head office; K. E, ada) Ltd, of Oshawa makes as- member of the Women's Auxil- "FF i. ; i The winner, Miss Katainen, out- LOSER COMMENDED {Cow: , Dunlop Canada Ltd., sorted nails and screws, and de- iary of Albert Street United & J" ¥ i ; 2 lined, "safety rules", and men-| Don Ireland commended Miss whit y: E. Wickerson, chairman. jivers them in cardboard boxes Church, participating in the work i 4 4 2 : Xecu ive | tioned the various parliamentary | Hodgetts for the way in which cenral Ontario Division, Mead to the homes of the blind persons of two of the WA groups. 4 tes ON i . |acts, in Britain and Canada, that|she delivered her talk. He said| Johnston Co., Belleville: H. C, who count them. The company, With all these activities, she a _ : a i {led to the Workmen's Compensa-| this was JDe fist time she had| McKean, Public Service Dept., delivers the envelopes, in still finds time to baby-sit with . a | f I [tion act. She told about the given it in public. i TAPA Head Office; J. Davidson, Sin the counted nalls are pack.| her (two grandsons. She admits: establishment of the safety asso-| The winner, Miss Katainen,|tield representative, IAPA, To- py "I spoil them, but that's a grand- &1 ; 4 ri ; ciations, including the Industrial will compete against a speaker ronto: J. R. George, Pedlar Peo- Mrs. Pike has an efficient Mother's privilege." | ; i ; ' ; i from Western Canada, at an all-| gle Limited; D. Newman, Cam. counting system set up on "er BOUNDLESS ENERGY a BY Y . ; S ecte w | conference luncheon of the IAPA {5iq td. Ajax; W. R. Branch, « ibis # . L 2 i : |in Toronto, April 4. Fitti -W y d Vi w ar At the di 29 | Fittings Ltd.; W. Boddy, Robson le canner, oremen, SU-|} eather Company; O. H. Pres. kitchen table. She has a wooden| Like so many sightless people, box filled with assorted nails, Mrs, Pike appears to have bound. MRS. REG. PIKE | The section executive commit- perintendents and executives | od pan) 4 Rue -- -- ; © son, Goodyear Tire an ubber behind which is secured a metal joss energy, and an ever-present! -------- - - - Se --------itee, for the Industrial Accident | . from 21 Oshawa and district funnel. She has a box to the left conse of humor. She seems to |Prevention Associations was ects 1Cers firms 'were represented. Cy : Bowmanile; B. yly, ston Puri 'ompany of the nails from which she takes|enjoy everything she does, and, hd {elected at a dinner meeting of i: an envelope, which she places strangely enough, is very fond oa e air ee S an als the TAPA at Hotel Genosha Wed-| H. Waite was elected president CERTIFICATE PRESENTED Ltd., Whitby; C. Carss, General ores the Hozeje of the Suave; lof bus trips [reste kerson Sliairaian. of the of the Eastview Park Neighbor-| Elmer Wickerson, chairman of|Foods Ltd., Cobourg. er hands moving like light-| 'People think it is funny that war 1) Wnieiel h ociati: ning, she selects the proper nails!I should like tours," she said 9 Central Ontario Division, IAPA, 00d Ass El akion a ifs March [) from the box--in fours and' but there are lots of things u S T1 u e n I invited those present to the an- (meeting. Other officers elected drops them into the mouth of the blind people enjoy that other ™ i : nus] mesting of the Central On. (for he ensuing year Were: red Ira 1C Ir 8 funnel, which shoots them into folks never think of. Too many The band of the Ontario Regi- aro Division, which will be held| 1, McLaren, vice-president; the envelope. When she has people think that when you lose! The City of Oshawa is fighting wrecking the automobile. Why ment will present its fourth Pop et the ge Canarra, Belleville, Mrs, C, T. Hewer, secretary; counted 24 nails /into the en- your sight you should be an in- a losing battle in its efforts to does this condition exist?" it Somcert id his, season in the Elected io th t : ; Mrs. A. Gardner, treasurer; E.| velope, she secures the flap with'valid, and sit in a wheel chair. keep ahead of its street improve- asked | )CVI Friday, March 25, at 3 lesied A le gISOTIE Nore! Landry, sports chairman, T. Ro- roup ee ere a staple, and places the envelope These people should see our ment program, said City En- Mr. Crome admitted that many po, the conclus f the last Motors of Canada ers manski, assistant sports chair- in her "out" tray. In this way, Humoresque Club meetings, and gineer Fred Crome in answer to streets were badly in need of im- Fooly Philp iy His Wor [chairman A Brennan R D. she makes up as many as 1000 sce how much fun we have, even a question by the Oshawa Home- provement, but the roads budget ship Mayor Lyman Gifford in- Werner Co. Ltd., Oshawa; secre- Cook d Graphic Arts Association is hold- 7mm" Cook an sb fir Tie though we can't see yuilders A Of. in" any year was not nearly suf- 4 4 S.. Misztak rs. H a iont % ne timated an additional concert be (tary, J. R. George, Pedlar Peo-|S. Misztak, Mrs. H. bi i - - cient for the work to be carried given, the large audience by its|ple Ltd., Oshawa, |Mrs. R. Elston; membershiplie a, techuical seminar ai the | Yenos y, . : J | quests. _--Oshawa Times Photo | "he hoard directed the presi- counting them as you go. A par- man, Entertainment committee, Mrs.| The East Central Ontario packages of nails in a dav. The executive of the a a d | rouzh it ssident. Her-| Out: § 2 ic | Electe: i . | co! ittee, D. Va Mrs. S : i tion, through its president, He pontaneous applause indicated| E ed to the Section Execu-|comm e. ann and Mrs (19. This group was formed in . LJ] 20 man Kassinger, said it "would He said that the city has 163 ve \heiming approval of this|tive Committee were J. Emmer. Misztak: Central Council repre- mile: "03 } iles 0 ' . * : y yoy : S p 5) Pilgrim Pla Y ers like to" put forward a vote of miles of road. Of this nies suggestion so a spring festival of [son, Goodyear Tire and Rubber sentatives, H. Waite, C. Grim. (September, yo a Fig of | for|are paved, and of this 33 miles, io has heen arranged Company, Bowmanville; W. R.|bleby and S. Paradise. the Graphic JTS 0usiries Asso; y ciation of Canada, The Master: thanks to the City of Oshawa fi ty. were laid down over 30 years, 'qe band, under its Director of {Branch, Fittings Limited, Osh- | It was decided to change the Printers' Association of Great rontribution fo traffic 3ecause of the condition of city 20. A study carried out by the music Lieut. F. J. Francis, has/awa; A. Brennan, R. D. Werner | nigh iati ing: ! 4, toss Set Pla V Dates og mpossible to drive City with the department of high- prepared a program fo suit the (Compahy (Canada) Limited, Osh. | hom OF (Ne apsoeiation meetings Britain, Affiliate of Printing In- excess of 20 mph without Ways in 1958 showed that Oshawa| musical taste of everyone and/awa; A. E. Roach, General | onth to the second Wedn day| dustry of America. i ! vould require at least $27,000.000 has included the *Enchantress/Motors of Canada Limited, Osh.|m°th . ednesday| The technical seminar is the Henry Chapman. director of Plane reservations were chang to carry out its arterial street|March", "Overture Bronze awa; W. F. Taylor, Duplate Can.|® ©A¢ h-month. first time this group has as-: the Pilgrim Players told the ed, and changed again. Some CELEBRATING program Horse", "Comedians Gallop", |ada Limited, Oshawa; H. Ding-| The meeting also discussed |sembled in Oshawa and the pro- i Oshawa Times in -an interview money for the. re tickets was re-| vy At the present fime we are "Brass Band Sketches" by Sie.|ley. Robson Leather Company, plans for the ensuing year. | gram is part of the policy of the today, the new dates for the Osh-| funded, new dates were set for pending $800.000 a year on the bert, "HMS Pinafore", Rhapsody Oshawa; H. A. Washington, On.|------------------ . set fo awa Pilgrim Players production the play: and then newer date | BIRTHDAYS program "but we need al least on Negro Spirituals and, in keep {tario Steel Products Co. Limited, y y "The ing with the Easter season, the|Oshawa; R. W, Fairthorne, Hou- Charley's Aunt at the McLaughlin | $ ),000 a year," he said hd Library are Thursday, Friday SQUEEZE FORESEEN Congratulations and best question is, who should supply Hallelujah Chorus from the Mes-|daille Industries Limited, Osh. | OSPl a rug S. Saturday, March 3 pril Mr. Chapm: J { ; Jos v and 38 joa larch 31, April 1 now Shay Sontied of 3% wishes to the lowing resi the money? siah awa; L. Gomme, Oshawa and 2 4 a xpecied| aonts of Osha and district "We spend about $450,000 a There will be two guest artists| Wood Products Limited, Oshawa: He said n Hill is recovering aby erent ould occur Ont who are celebrating hirth- ear on maintenance, but - you for this occasion, Ross Metcalfe, |R. T. Wilson, Ontario Malleable | from h s and should he Re han ik I = I that! gavs today can't make good roads by main-| tenor soloist, and concert pianist,|Iron Co. Limited, Oshawa: J, R.| Work X an © fit and ready to give the per- tht 1 su Jer 1 discovered Curt. Polow. 1141. Clover enance alone. We pave two or James Mayhew, | George, Pedlar People Limited, formance of his life." vould : SE ne aut io} o| dale; Michael Scriver, 72 three miles of road a year, and Ross Metcalfe, of Bowmanville, Oshawa; T. Twine, Coulter Man: tld have pos itn I ii ye bo flo Emerson avenue; June Wan- there's 110 miles to be paved. is a graduate of the Royal Con. (ifacturing Co. Limited, Oshawa; Oshawa General Hospital| "In the past year or so," he sibly conceived the following and eecoid. mot of Charley's] namaker, 134% Simcoe street What is the solution? We don't Servatory of Music, Toronto and y! E. Cowan, Dunlop (Canada) [Board was given a picture of the said, there have been a number Li appa: en I items would Aunt "| had visions of myself South: Mrs. Patricia Maguire, |know," he added. is organist and choirmaster of Limited, Whitby; A. Whyloy, Ba feperation of the hospital phar-{of medications imported, 'by peo- DAVID MacLELLAN conspire t / or even prevent hs 1yse 131 Patricia avenue: Mrs. "At the rate we're going, then. Harmony United Church, ston Purina . Company, Whitby; macy, Tuesday evening, when|ple who are simply interested in Charley's 1 covered lawns from the city halll A. B. Twaites, 95 Wilkinson we're never going to catch up," _ James Mayhew, who is a na- b Nn. Maclean, Dupont Canada Hospital Pharmacist John Cook the dollar. Many of these drugs ECO to bring to its members the stage; a I: id, a Kid- (5 the 1it . playing Bassett | avenue; David Gatchell, RR [sad L. Pantaleo, vice-president tive of Renfrew, was supervisor mis = hithy; E. H. Gage, (addressed the board. |are of low quality, and have no| technical advances which are be- ney the immir arrival (ne butl Fata back, 1 Oshawa; Rev. Mervin A. of the association. of school music in Arnprior, Slr : Antennae Corporation| Mr. Cook pointed out that when reputation behind them. Many | ing made in the printing industry, of twins; a legal convention, and (<n > the examinations un 462 Simcoe street ------ IS now studying piano under | d., Whitby; D. Newman, Cam- (he came to the hospital 13 yearsjare from Italy, where there is|It is the fourth largest industry in the date of a jsurieym Hime ne ram Betty Sullivan, 151 {ire Suvaris at the SOEUA Linkied, Ajax; E. Mulligan, ago, he "Srug room Md Sas no Food ang Drug act, mn | Canada. ers' examination date > ards ty ai S lawn street: Dannie Conservatory Toronto and will|Dowly E ompany Lim-|then called, had a stock of abou "To use these drugs woul e | ist i : : UNFORESEER 5 ig td Ae Gravelle, 92 Elizabeth cres. Res onse To qualify for his artist diploma this|ited, Ajax; G. Schell, Atlas Tag|100 drugs. Now, he said, there as foolish as to use a car witlonthoi SuE te Siskin ished Suesly STONE UNFORESEEN 2 iced The tri > re cent: 'Pat Mosienko year. He is also studying organ|Company, Ajax: H. Smith, Bayly|are more than 4000 different brakes," he said. "In this ho:=pi- Gq. w. Gostling, CBE, president He continued , I y 1e trip to Mary and choir directorship under Reg|Engineering Limited, Ajax; E.|drugs in the pharmacy. In his/{al, as in most Canadian hospi- of the Graphic Arts Tndnstrics As- the trip to Marylar sprinting madly across the snow n land was tak by anothe hel Taunton road we: i 4 Pipi Rat " x A A ww another, T Geen, LTCM, SCCO, who pre. Smith, Rowe Brothers and Com.|first year at the hospital, 2000 tals, the only drugs used sociation, the national body em- } ; 2 dates of the o dacr John McCartney 5 y : convention ard the pumocrs ex vith: the plumbi siding top: Doublas Greer, 8 Win ed S pared him for his audition when|Pany (Canada) Ltd. Ajax; _J.Jorders were dispensed. Last year|are those provided by reputable, bracing all local and regional as- ecems as if the twins sor street Ajax; Cindy Proc {2° on his $chojarship ; Soith, iy Jutomative his department filled 570,000 tested manufacturers. sociations of employing printers } fa vell for » 'oDening. nig tor, 119 Gibb street: Myrtle | he master of ceremonies for | " Jax; . acGregor, orders. y A 2 for the open of the j The [vel etore the oe ning night; Cornish, 9 Mill street: Timo- . this spring festival of music will/Stark Electronic Instruments| "The average hospital stay of TRADE NAME USE from coast to coast and David i : easing be George Fletcher, chairman of Ltd, Ajax; and J. Halligan. . |a patient has been reduced by 50| "There has been some talk amination were known and safely sidestepped when we set the dates MacLellan, general manager of the association. | noted. "A big factor in this re- drugs, rather than their generic| General chairman of the meet: duction is the number of new | names," he said. "There are sev- ing will be Michael Clayton, | medications." eral PeBsons ii using trade|vice president of the East Cen- {names. birsi, by using the gen-ly.) Ontario Graphic Arts Asso- coe Hall, have expressed appre- : Resigns In Toronto SYSTEM COPIED eric name, one might unwitting-| ciation to the people of Oshawa I k street: Richard Moses, on n 3 . 3 p iati Mr. Chapman said: "The plans "Oh, I'd almost forgotten the] RR 1, Osh: Beth pind througk The Oshawa Times for Die In House Fire TORONTO (CP He said that shortly after he ly order the sub-standard medica-| ciation. 4 'P)--Ralph Allen, arrived at the hospital, a system tions I have mentioned, whereas| The area covered hy this ECO for the opening night went for- legal convention, but never mind,| forth. Anderson street, |the wonderful response to the re- PRINCE RUPERT; B.C. (CP) editor 3 's azi . ibi ward con dently and almost Don Dodds who will be attend-| Whithy: Mrs Phillip Short, ee Tees! > clothing, Three DE RY and op) Sor of Waviean's Magaune fir ot proseribing drugs 30d yecont fe Irate hame assures the use group is from Kingston to Ajax calmly: but oh, the best laid ing, has never been late for an RR 2, Oshawa: Stephen Toth, | M! JNel old The Oshawa other family members were in- get .more time for writing. He is ing reser or stil oo eftert. Aol cs e Produc} Aid 2 Teputable and north to Orilliz and Lindsay. piass of mice and men, 'oft gang entrance yet > Ritg Sire east; us z I or response was truly|jured Wednesday when fire succeeded by Blair Fraser, the added gory hot boss copied by rg ge vik The membership hate i ot agly'. - - ouglas Brown, 293 Olive |W > fanned by a 40-mile-an-hour wind zine's . 4 Hor si g NC : % ol : dn 4 ,»| printing firms, large and small, "Out of the blue, on the day of C . avenue; George Riddell, 126 Mrs. McNeil said: "We were! "oared through their home. a I aganne 8 Oltaw edie sitios is i ig Suspigls, yeh Le ing far Ep has & Jotgers: in tig gree. the dress rehearsal came the onstable Injured | West mown ar ad Ern- |able to clothe several families other member of the family) Allen, 46, will keep his -sso Oy of a he of Hoi Fig Sy ue yam The president of the ECO Group idney stone an t Ron Hill in es naggs, ntari wh eded |i iate atte, SC aADe ure 4 ' s 8 §80- & § 8S. ) V gs Vl: : Br el ame ici re fin yy WR streets; Barry Shackelton. 9 AD» a eats alton oped uninjured. > x ciation with Maclean's as an Speaking on the recent pub-|"Last year alone," he said, a Siomeliealy i Sn 2 hi He P p.é In Sudbur Assault 4 1 J ar'y ples Killed were Yvonne Arbutus litorial consultant d writer, |licity regarding the cost of drugs,|" there were, 300 new drugs put Graphit Arts Industries Assocs was quite a disaster. Had it been Y High street, Bowmanville ed. with the number of service- Morven, 19, Linda Marrietta, 15, et 3 12 ES an i Writer, iz aid: "You cannot make n the market." geo |tion of Canada and represents this a nice tidy sort of illness. one SUPBURY (CP) Constable The first five persons to in- |able shoes and rubbers for chil- and their brother, Desmond Cuth. Ble as Bir a same Way as you maker He S Ina that although there|StoUP at the national level and that was reasonably predictable, charles Bibby, 26, of the Copper' form The Oshawa Times of dren bert, 13 ted Sune compaty Lim, cars, where the product comes has been an outcry against the has a voles Im the policies of the we should 'e known what toleigr police for in serious| their birthday ich day will There is a continuing need for! Firemen said they were trapped '¢% I off the line and is given a two:|high price of drugs, many drugs|Printing industry in Canada. do, but possible that hel... ition "in hospital T wilh receive double tickels to The [clothing at Simcoe Hall, as the by the small windows of their ~ Peter C. Newman, an assistant year guarantee -- a drug must behave dropped tremendous] y in| The immediate past President would be better tomorrow, or the to 00 TL (OER, IESCE 'night| Regent Theatre good for a |stalf at Simcoe Hall' distributes bedroom and had huddled under editor at Ottawa, succeeds Fraser perfect when it is made. There is| price during recent A He|it Peter LaBranch of the Review next day, or the next and so we (TLS <5 © © 777] four - week period. The cur- [clothing and aid to persons inlthe bed to seek protection. as senior Ottawa editor; no substitute, no room for sub- noted that 13 years ago 200.000] Printing Co., Peterborough and had the poor benighted director ent aftaction is Walt Dis- ) Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Morven,! Leslie F. Hannon, managing standard. I have seen the work-|units of penicillin 'cost. $8. Now|the present president is Len ; Taylor, Ontario Intelligencer, Belleville. » play vast ¢ Ta He uff a sh act ay woe wl ww - ) st Nay . . of the pla y, ihe A L b Be ve ered ig ; " Rre ney's "Toby Tyle Simcoe Hall, a Red Feather and their two other sons, Grant, editor, opens an European bur- sheet for one hottle of pills with he said, twice that quantity can Stage gre v, the wa i 4 hy : ml e : Repor mm - birt 3 wil Agency, is under the direction of 11, and Nelson. 24. ¢ caped by eau for Maclean's in London: 200 signatures affixed this be purchased for 48 cents. Im- mir tior , head ir ¢ ¢ po Ih tween | | omen's Welfare AU shing 3 . nd irr ¢ i ton oS : oti " e adminisir: ( : e a Sud eT i een the The Wom y Welfare X 1 y af mashing a window and ia Ken Lefolii, Quebec editor, suc: gives an idea of how frequently jproved methods of production The Oshawa printers are hosts awa and is a member of the feet to the ground. Their in- ceeds Hannon as managing ed-|drugs are checked and double-| are responsible for the drop i P i i tt $ i gs 2 } i S 3 in{and organizers of this technical xiowsly awaiting the outcome, the time. 5, Boys' Clubs of Canada. Juries were not serious. itor; shebted in manufacture, Iprice, he said. Pp seminar. presence of the kidney stone was rd thy Hickie, Taunton road ERS unknown and undreamed of and, The director continued, "the yo. ye Taunton road the Oshawa Board of Education. ---- [per cent since that time," he about using trade names for therefore, could not be taken into new dates again, March 31, ill Rowe street Frank Thomas Admission Se at the door. | account. We knew that the wife of 1 ahd 2: that's a Thursday, Fri-| 208 Cadillac dVante Soutlt: = 3 | ' . "one of our members was ex- day and Saturday at the 1 Clark Huffman. 1228 Valley Simcoe Hall and the staff of Sim- Three Teen-Agers Maclean 8 Editor Harold McNeil, the director of pecting a happy event sometime Laughlin Library and we'll give! drive; Dianne Brook. 954 Mo- during the run of the play". you a show to remember." aircraft technical school. all an. bury hotel. He was off duty at] hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m

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