" : SCH badly SAFE DRIVING the drop is safety education for drivers and prospective driv- ers, such as these high school students at Cooksville, Ont, T. R. Fulcher (left) instructs Traffic deaths in Canada have increased during the last 25 years but at a slower rate than vehicle registrations. Offi- clals agree that one reason fer BURKETON | evening at her home Friday evening. Hilda Stephenson underwent |surgery Friday in Memorial Hos- By. A. R. HUBBARD |pital, Bowmanville. BURKETON Plans have] Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Britton been made to hold a crokinoleland family, Pontypool, were party in the church hall March 18!guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley at 8.15 p.m. Sponsored by the McCullough Sunday. Woman's Association. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vickery The WA is collecting used wool-/land Debbie, Oshawa, were lens to be despatched March 30.|guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ste- Donations can be left at Hub-|phenson Sunday. bard's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams Mrs. Mary Dean held a socialland girls, Bowmanville, were| day. § i | yw: 'next meet Friday, fon Christian education of chil { | INSTRUCTION the class in motor mechanics and practical driving. Police at back of classroom (right) 'are visitors and part-time speakers. These extra - - currieul ar lessons guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. m.| Mr. and Mrs. Ben Angi and Adams Sunday. Debbie were guests of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. William Slinger-| Mrs. B. Hubbard Sunday. land, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. me---- P. W. Davidson, Zion, were CAR TAXES Fustts of or. and Mrs, B, Hub WELLINGTON, N. Z. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, visited Canadians can buy a car for what Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge Sun-'a New Zealander pays in sales tax alone on a larger model, said Wir. and Mrs. Wytze Vanderley| Rhys M. Sale, president of the and family visited relatives in Ford Motor Company of Canada, | Whitby Sunday. {in an address here recently. New| G. Bik, Whitby, visited Mr, and Zealanders pay 40 per cent tax | Mrs, Jasper Vandenbos Sunday. against 11 per cent in Canada. are approved by the Ontario education department and fed- eral transport department. ~--CP Photo Brilliant Recordings Of EROAOWAY & MANUFACTURED BY RCA VICTOR COMPANY, LTD. Every album includes an exclusive "behind the-scenes" story written by DELUXE ALBUM OF AMERICA'S GREATEST HITS ON 72-1MCH WI.FIDELITY 33% RAM Manufactured by RCA VICTOR COMPANY, LTD WIN A TRIP FOR 2 TO NEW YORK VIA AMERICAN AIRLINES NEW JET POWERED ELECTRA FLAGSHIP, ® ENJOY DELUXE HILTON HOTEL ACCOMODATION AT WALDORF ASTORIA @ MEET ED SULLIVAN IN PERSON @ TO BROADWAY'S BEST MUSICALS @ GRAND TOUR OF NEW YORK CITY ® SHOP WITH $100.00 FREE SPENDING MONEY, Al Due to Popular Demand this Extended and is Now Valid YOUR BEST HI-FI RECORD BARGAIN TODAY! AND DON'T FORGET TQ USE YOUR FREE 6% COUPON WHEN YOU BUY YOUR FIRST RECORD * NOW ON SALE! © SOUTH PACIFIC © KINC AND | o SHOWBOAT Other Musicals to Follow FOR EACH THE FAMOUS FREE TICKETS THIS COUPON 13 WORTH &9¢ TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ED SULLIVAN'S RECORD OFFER (CP)--| St. Pat's Dance By Doubles Club KEDRON -- The Kedron Dou-| conducted by bles Club sponsored a success-|Rev. R. H. Love. ful social evening in the Com-| Membership classes for the munity Hall Saturday evening/young people planning to become with members of Columbus Cou-/church members are being held ples Club as guests. Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love, as-|conducted by the minister. sisted by Mr. and Mrs, W. Snow-| Official board members will den, Mr, and Mrs. B. Hitchensimeet March 21 at 8 p.m. in the jand Mr. and Mrs. R. McBursie/lower hall of the church. were program conveners. : A variety hour, St. Patrick's| |JUNIOR FARMER CONCERT dance and box social were fea-| Many Kedron families were present at the concert '"Caval- tures of the evening. Mr, and Mrs. Sg [Lance Beath were winners of the|cade of Holidays" presented to a |capacity audience in Brooklin spot dance. Mrs. B. Hitchens and (Nes. L. Beath received prizes for|Hall Saturday evening by Ontario the most attractive boxes. County Junior Farmers choir. The Kedron Doubles Club will] Kedron choir members include April 1, at Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy 8.30 when Rev. H. Mellow of Osh-land Jeanine Werry. awa, will lead a panel discussion| Several other young folk from Kedron who are members of the Junior Farmer's Association as- sisted in various capacit'es. This week the choir presents Sunday service, dren. Mrs. R. Bishop and Mrs. L. Noble sang a duet, at the regular its program at Uxbridge Wednes- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 17, 1960 15 day evening, March 16 and at Cannington Saturday, March 19, with a presentation scheduled for Unionville soon. HOLSTEIN CLUB TOUR Walter Davis, Robert Fleit, Roy and Glen Hepburn, Murray Mountjoy and Harold Werry were locai members of Ontario County Holstein Club who went on the bus trip to Victoria County farms Saturday. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, William Snowden attended the wedding of the lat- ter's cousin, the former Patricia Cox to Michael Bank in St. An- drew's Chapel, Oshawa, Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, J. K. Glover and Stephen, Strathroy, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover for a few days. Beryl Mountjoy of London, spent the weekend at home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. The executive members of Ked- ron Woman's Association met Tuesday at the home of Mrs, Harold Werry to complete ar- rangements for the annual bazaar and tea to be held in of the Buffalo Hunt is becoming exclusive, at least in its upper echelons. pointing Captains Provosts and Buffalo Scouts fis being curtailed by a Manitoba government tee. but it is believed to have started with the picturesque Metis buf- falo hunts. horses and Garry in cavalcades to seek the buffalo, ELECTED CHIEF each cavalcade met in counell to elect a chief hunter, captains, proyosts and scouts. May. died when the days of the buffalo!ard. Order Of The Buffalo Hunt May Become Top Exclusive hunt ended but was revived three years ago by Manitoba's bureau of travel and publicity. In 1957 Winnipeg's Mayor Stephen Juba and a group of civic officials and businessmen toured he United States to promote the city, Casting about for a suitable way to honor U.S. officials dure Origin of the order is uncertain/ing the tour, the tourist bureau decided to resurrect the Order of the Buffalo Hunt. A delegation left with a leather-bound Devsbip book and a herd of wie: bronze buffalo. When it. returned the book had a collection of United States may- ors and governors as Cal of the Hunt, FREELY HANDED OUT For the first year or two enrol ment in the order was haphaz WINNIPEG (CP)--The Order The free-wheeling habit of ap- of the Hunt, hospitality commit- Red River carts, Every spr nters left Fort The first night out, members of The order SOOO U0000U00000UDOBOUR000UDBUOOO0Y, KAO A Ja Lp LX ARARAK SHEA in Envoy's class! oN IT'S THE NEW BRITISH CAR DESIGNED AND BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR CANADIANS! The extra-thrifty Envoy Standard Sedan (Whitewall tires optional at exira cost) ITS IE COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER MARCH 19, 1960 USE ONE COUPON ONLY FOR EACH PURCHASE. Cai 3 FREE Coupon Offer has heen * Until Saturday March 12th. 140 BOND ST. WEST, Never so much value for your car dollar? Envoy gives you four-door convenience come bined with four-cylinder economy--up to 40 miles on a gallon of gas! There's room for five adults--and you get more features, more high-fashion styling than in any other car Pa? oe 31 LR Re wo PO, > =. Agta ok 3% pA ey De Brand-new this year, Envoy offers you a new world of color, comfort and driving ease! Luxurious interior fabrics give you a chéice of 18 glowing colors, perfectly matched combinations! And Envoy's rich upholstery seats you in comfort, mile after mile} Tones, IT'S ANOTHER OUTSTANDING VALUE FROM GENERAL MOTORS! Manufactured for General Motors Products of Canada, Limited by Vauxhall Motors Limited, Luton, England: Parts and service from coast fo coast in Canada, © ®0s00000000000snncesencssecee see your local Envoy dealer ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA ONT. Price Federal Sales and Fiche Toe Taxes, Provincial a It's so easy to own! 196900 Bi Ar Coane, hse nd Door sd ic Cleapar, Heater and Defroster and OSHAWA WHITBY Includes delivery, Theo's olf yuo poy fv the Joatorepacked, fushise styled Fovey Sronderd} nding ciaigee, where applicable, are additional. EXCLUSIVE Golormagic styling Qnty tn Bavoy do you get such & range of colors! pres Fe Watton, we Low eres iis Bandar, sfvessuren fun-filled Sherwood Special, t Station Wagon! 4408 HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT.