Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1960, p. 10

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VON Board Names| 1960-61 Officers At the annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses held at the City Hall on Tuesday, March 15, Mr. A. H. Collins was elected as president, Dr. H. R. Rowsell was named as first vice-president and Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin as sec- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 [ond vice-president. Miss Helen Boddy was re-elected as secre tary and Mr. F. A, Mcllveen as treasurer. The committees for 1960 are as - follows: finance, i Fn 1 Ilveen (chairman), . D'Arcy Value Of Work In Community [ye ume, Ms: Bar > don. 'Medical Advisory Conn, (chair- | Stressed In VON Annual Reports fm or = x Fowel: "or ore n ua e S Bryce Brown, Dr, Daniel Rogers, | Dr. W. C. Sands; Supply Com- In her report at the annual mittee, Mrs. Uriah Jones; edu- _ meeting of the Oshawa Branch of 3 icity, Mrs. Walter the Victorian Order of Nurses gation and Publius, Mrs. John 4 held in the Council Chambers at / h- ~~ the City Hall on Tuesday, March ; iB ar a Fred Lind. . 115, Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse- {le nom nan). Mrs. CM - © in-charge, stated that the yox , soy ik nid hails had been serving the City | . i Oshawa for 26 years, bringing © | The members of i bord + uv : part time professional nursing | management are r. : | Murdoch, Mr. E. F. Bastedo, Mr. service to every home in the city where it was requested and had - ' : S, F. Everson, Mr. R. B Broad- | {| endenvores 10 maintains high ent, es enmas cue | 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA standard of nursing. § 3 ¥ tine Thomas. | - 3 Sra 5 p » | 4 : I [pity SE rRSONALS § Open Every Night Until 10 pm. | i +... chronically ill and aged was in- : i | 'The sixth annual Open House Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat. - March 17, 18, 19 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 17, i560 Gas ; a > a pean |creasing. In 1959, 4153 visits were § ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBBIE [rate aliens Tui oy : : ! |was held at Sunset Heights school ! on Monday evening, March 14 472 over 1958. Ninet nt Celebrating his second birth- | Island, and Mr. and Mrs of Dyer 1955, Ninely Jug percent i (Mrs. A. W. Wilson, president of I day today is Robert John, son | James McCartney, Muirkirk, |gige nursing care to medical, sur- |Sunset Heights Home and School ALL POPULAR BRANDS Carton Ayrshire, Scotland, and great- | Association, welcomed the par- =» of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- | : gical and maternity patients. The Cartney, Hortop street. Bobbie | grandson rs Robert |remainder were to give health 1 ents who visited the school. The| is the grandson of Mr. and | Heayn, Scugog Island. teaching mostly to maternity pa- § |arts and crafts of the pupils were Mrs. Earl Heayn, Scugog ' --Photo by Robert Aldsworth |tients. . lon display in each classroom, ib sy _-- - -- | Eighty five percent of the visits MISS ISABELLE SORLEY. [teachers were present and the . € were made to people over 65 (Nurse-In-Charge) grade mothers registered those / f ed to fifty y . Yellow and whit Extracts From Rare Books Make ity oir oo Five It had been found necessary [Re siiended Se il 2 g Bo e " percent of the yisits were to during the year to raise the fee |tapers graced the buffet table. | MAXWELL HOUSE fo Regular Grind ib. [J : : 4 mothers and babies just returned to $3 per call for thos ' | Refreshments were served by| e 1J t u ateria or eeting from hospital. | pay for the Jervice. The ser- irs, Ralph Kimmerly, Mrs.| 5 . | vice was for all people wuo u...-|1,, W. Barber, Mrs. Norman Fascinating extracts®from rare|around us, magistrates, senators, BAN SER it the it whether they were able 10| Laughlin and members of the) A GLECOFF 6-0z Jar Py books on aspects of life in young counsellors and colonels, employ-| oqucation of nurses was a Vi "pay or not and a large percent: |eyecutive. f BRAND . Canada made absorbing listening ed at manual works without any!: oa In A age were unable to pay the full| y ioportant, filiclion 1 Whith ae fee, | Among the outof-town guests) gppH SHANKLESS --with or without dressing for members of the L) eum Club [feeling of degradation, we fairly VON participated. - During 1959, Another change that took place|who are expected to attend the | and Women 5 Art Association onjset to, in the spirit of emulative|gg ypdergraduate students from | during the year was the securing banquet to be held on | Monday. The choice excerpts and industry, and have already €X-the Oshawa General Hospital had of new office space. With the |p '9. in {he UAW hall under) notes on collecting writings of hibited pretty fair specimens of spent two days each observing growth of the city, the demands the So Sie of the UAW Auxil-| ib. ([ J lglg Rare i clearing land and|yith the VON nurses. Two post-op the City Hall made it neces- jary are Mrs. Albert Gelles of} 3 0 of the Rare ploughing it'. graduate students in public health (gary to give up the office which Detroit, international director, RINDLESS, CENTRE CUT, SLICES ONLY, FLAT PACK ar Department of the Usiver: in Bart eds ring spent a total of six weeks gain-|the city had given free of rent. women's auxiliaries, and Mr. " i ton he § y 4 lation [D8 Practical experience The new location is in the CKLB . William e of Miss Brown deplored the fact groundwork of native population Fi x |Gelles; Mr. liam Rodg ed | % that Canada had produced few at all. 'Everybody is a foreigner STAFF CHANGES building, Kine Sree! West, for|ottawa, vice-president, Canadian) 1-1b. pkg. c book collectors with the result here and home, in their mouths,| During the year Mrs, Norma | Lo of $500 ouily paying ay .hor Congress, and Mr. George| that much of the most important invariably means another coun-|Bingham, who had worked as re- Burt of Windsor, regional direc-| " : : ; A : mn, Wh x It had been necessary to add Il LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS, ONLY AT GLECOFF'S Canadian material had gone to try. The Canadians are neither lief nurse, was appointed to the |. ther Birse 10° the SAF uring tor. FOR ROASTING, v2 OR WHOLE the United States or abroad British nor American' staff. Thi ht the number z | The University of Toronto had arses brig oe Mrs, |the past year. Three nurses were| Accompanied by her daughter, | been trying for years to acquire THE UN-LOVED CITY Bingham resigned on August 3i iow Working o i id (Mrs. Douglas Lenaer, Yorker | E H P RK H Ib , v 's| "The 'Let's All Hate Toronto' y i | woul necessary to provide a son, Mr. Leonar an Volken- a copy of Oliver Goldsmith's and was replaced in October bY | hird car so that the work could pyrg, Mrs. Elgin Van Volkenburg | . € "Rising Village", but has yet to|Campaign started early," Miss ypc Roce Lunney. Mrs. Ellen| a , 3 : hor| Brown commented, quoting from, A be caried on without transporta- spent last Wednesday and Thurs-| find one, she said. The author Durant continued to assist as tion difficulties. Je in Ret attending the| CHRISTIE'S FRESH was the nephew of Oliver Gold-|2 book written by Anna Jameson | ..iief nurse. 4 } Den Soeding tue smith, English poet and author in 18 i lev paid tri {funera her 8 ) of "The Deserted Village". The| 'Miss Jameson wrote: 'There ise Sorley paid site 10 her SECRETARY'S REPORT [Mrs Ard Wagar. 24.07. is no society. in Toronto which is| ir..0ya.'y In her report, Miss Helen Bod-| Mrs. D. K. Stiles, Oshawa, and| LOAVES L Mrs. D. K. ' va, nephew was born at Annapolis | NS. lpia oghs poem a like a fourth or fifth rate pro-|operation and expressed thanks gy secretary, stated that the f i i le' vi wn wi to the members of the board of| ; ttt Mrs, Turner of Port Credit met| ation of biz uncle . famous work. S/ncial town wi the pretensions directors and to all others in fhe|Soard of Seniors gg i with Mrs. Kate Aft-| The poem was published in Lon-|of a capital city'. a a en | voting members had met : Ait don in 1825 and in St. John in| 'John Duncan commented: | CommUNLy who had help 16 MAKE monthly in the board room at/ken in Toronto to discuss the Grade A Large doz € 1834 the City Hall with the exception forthcoming conference of area] gi i ' i line (the VON service available. Probably I lost little by failing tlorgnce of ee "Collectors have many fields|to obtain lodgings at York, for pRESIDENT'S REPORT of July and August. There had|representatives . | open to them," she said. "Going|after rambling about for an| Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon,|been an average attendance of for UNICEF campaign, To. | back to the 17th century there hour I believe that I left little qtiring president, stated that it ten. {conference 15 10 Be Ne. Aken) PICNIC 16-0Z. were books of poetry, of art and unvisited except the garrison. p,q heen a great privilege to| All phases of the operation of {fOnt0 APTLY 2 2 | BRAND JAR ¢ botany, dealing with Canadian The town consists of one street| co. o'in this office and paid trib-|the Oshawa Branch had been | Ontario chairman, presiding. herbs." lying parallel to the lake and the yi (5 the support he had receiv- dealt with at these meetings and| you are invited by the Socialll SCOTTY Miss Brown recalled Catherine| beginning of two or three at right oq" from all members of the matters requiring special atten-| y wh a . 1 is , rtment to send in any little Parr Traill's "Canadian Wild angles to it'. board. tion had been referred to their Depa of interest. News of teas, | Complete, Reg. 1.98. Flowers" which she illustrated] "Edward A. Talbot was even pycollent co-operation had [relative committees. |surprise parties, showers, an- | Special veg. 1094, | al ' tetessscssssnane r- herself, making the designs and more caustic: 'He who first fixed fw i | tv 4 i cutting the stones herself when no/upon this spot as the site of the Jess yeseivad Hom the ity ud FINANCIAL REPORY resol a. ily "Very 'accept: lithographer could be found. She|capital of Upper Canada, what- yijeq the money necessary toby the treasurer, Mr. F. A. Mec. able and for which there is no FACE-ELLE--REGULAR 2 FOR 39¢ and a group of friends hand- ever predilection he may have|,., " V i tele- | ¥ : % carry on the work of the VON. Ilveen, showed total disburse |charge. Please write or e- | SHiored fe {llustrations in the had for the roaring o frogs OF with this financial assistance, ments $13,636.74 as against ih phone RA 3-3474, local 18, ve hundred copies printed for the effluvia arising from stag- plus a provincial grant of $350 (receipts, $13,508.32. | - m-- pkgs. - ¥ nated waters and putrid vege-| d f llected, it had b ) FAMOUS BARD PRECIOUS RECORDS tables i e J and fees collected, it had been Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon| f Jesuit fathers' accounts of ole 1/28 Say fave hoe po possible to operate without a de- presided at the meeting which| Geoffrey Chaucer, first to wear| travels and annual reports to the lives of His Majesty,s subjects'. ficit. | was opened by prayer offered by the title of poet laureate in Brit- Mother House in Paris and the, "walter Henry, a British Army {the Reverend George Telford. 'ain, died in 1400. | diaries of Champlain and Cap-| surgeon, liked the look of Toronto| nounced the formation of another| ~ tain George Vancouver were in 1834 from the harbor, but on Auxiliary at Port Perry packed with precious informa- nearer approach, found fault.| There will be no meeting next I tion. March 22. The char-| i | d ) - .|'The Parliament House is dispro-| Tuesday, | ) The accounts of travellers in|portioned, the College looks like tered bus for Whitby will leave | Upper and Lower Canada in the! mapufactury and the Court|the terminal at 7.30 p.m. sharp| late 1700's and early 1800's are House and gaol are utterly abom- on Wednesday, March 23. On| gems of historical data p March 29 a social evening will the inable spealfer continued. '"Most of the be held with other auxiliaries | H i travellers were of British origin. KINGSTON FAVORED as guests. There will be a pro- 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Macaroni & Cheese Loaf or CELLO ¢ Li arrived via New York and! "There was a general impres- | cram and refreshments. The next Fi Ib. Cc PKG. Niagara and went to Kingston|sion that Kingston should have]; 1 I 3 Thi . and Montreal by boat and por-|been' the - capital city, being Slent > cards will be .held on I Chicken Roll Sliced n NEW tage, covering about 18 miles a'healthier and more attractive." § : ! I LB. CW Bhan ie SEL Ree se hme vr THIS WEEKEND ONLY | TEXAS CARROTS 3.5.21° "In 1818 John M. Duncan cerpts Miss Brown held the un- Yourth and Mrs, Stark ill in the | CELLO FRESH wrote: 'I could have endured the divided attention of her audience. | "= PORK HOCKS 5 1 00 CHOICE rain for an hour or so to listen to{She was introduced by Mrs. Oshawa Genera) Hospital. Tapered Les. eS the boat songs of the Canadian James Walker and thanked by BATHE PARK AUX. ® FRESH RED GRAPES 2 35° voyageurs which in the stillness Mrs. S. .V Barlow, who presided.| «qne president, Mrs. Cleve Me- | | of the night had a peculiarly |The meeting was preceded by a nann opened the meeting. The | | PIGS FEET 3 25° REG. TO 45¢ ¢ pleasing effect. They kept time buffet luncheon. minutes were read by Mrs. Rob- | S ! i M ] I 18, L WER SPECIAL EACH 29 to these songs as they rowed and ert Hewitt. Roll call showed 16 i! D.1/CIOUS, TENDER \§ FRESH the splashing of the oars in the members present. I FOR ROASTING I Cs | BEEF HEARTS ™ "25° || FRESH ASPARAGUS". 39° ness of their cadences gave al Ibingo report and Mrs. Robert romantic character to our dark- Hewit the whist report. Th i if RED OR BLUE BRAND ROLLED (NO BONE) BRISKET PHS. AUXILIARIES ewitt gave the whist report. The 100% Worsted Authentic 3 5 ¢ For Your Health's Seke Eat Fruit end Vegetables LB. some voyage' treasurer's report was given by | Tortons i POT ROAST Mrs. John Fisher and Mrs. Byard | 3 Potaioes At Lowest Market Prices report Special purchase enables us SAME OLD MUD FRIENDSHIP GROUP The Auxiliary decided to make to offer you these Slims at f RAYOVAC COLOR BLUE -- 150 Yards Reg. 45¢ each "Captain Basil Hall RN, de-! The Friendship Group of Cour- scribed a trip between York and tice United Church W.A. met at 7 in the, following the home of Mrs, Harry Vetzal : f $95 ds. th this low price Wear them Res. 25 ch h e corduroy |The president, Mrs. James Mac- donation of 3a towards the ! ( 9g. sew J TT roads again made their appear- Gregor, opened the meeting with Oshawa General Hospital build- any where any time i BATTERIE 2 for 25 CROCHET co ON 6 for 1.00 tund I AYLMER ance in a more formidable shape a reading entitled "Yesterday 5 i by the addition of deep, inky always, but a memory", The hostesses, Mrs. John| e Toulon 3 BABY LIMA BEANS 13a. 25¢ LISTERINE We Jia 25¢ holes which almost swallowed up Mrs. Vetzal led in the worshup | Fisher and Mrs. Robert Hewitt, | o Ancient Munting Fraser Te Jour wheels of He wagon Ji service and read the minutes. served reffotmenis Lucky cup | & Moeloip or hn 2 | { | UNICO R 29¢ 14-08 not compare ft gging iscussions were hel y { Mrs. | e . peer plunging hs , ns tig Sue pe ro iy je owl fies. Robert| ® Monteau SPAGHETTI SAUCE Tins 29° GEM MARGARINE g 5 fos 1.00 down stairs for there would be Church on May 7, the proceeds Hewitt. ® Ancient Grant 4 FLUFFO SHORTENING 2 » 55¢ ) 8. Same kind of Teguistiiy in the/to be used for landscaping the| CHRIST CHURCH W. © Fontaine ped? HEINZ evelopment of the bumps; with Church grounds. § JRCH WA AA ALL-PURPOSE -Ib. Reg. 2 for 31e 20-02. us, there was no warning, no| The bake sale that was held| The March meeting of the eve- ® Ancient Green Douglas co | FLOUR Bags 1.69 TOMATO JUICE 5 Tins 69 CHRISTIE'S nd when we leas sot- , i : : #1 Ba may as 1 i Eo on March 3 rote ing ranch of he WA of Crt | Sizes 810.20 in all patterns. (EH KAISER ROLLS 8 ico 25¢| ACME ICE CREAM 1: cauon 79° I dash, forging like a ship in a one is being considered. cently. I You'll want 2 pair at this oh ; gall head sea, right into a hole half. Following the meeting games| The president, Mrs. James | . a yard deep'. of whist were enjoyed. Mrs. Vet- Howard, welcomed the members || JOW « . . low price [J "Travel in winter was much zal had high score and Mrs. Leo- and visitors in the Kindergarten | I 1 LBS 75 easier when snow lay deep and Dard Somerscales low score. room of the church. Mrs. Stanley { I : there was Joo sleighing. Gen- oe ext meiing 3 to be held Lawrence introduced the guest PO BIRDSEYE FROZEN erally the hospitality of the peo-|al the home of Mrs. G. W. '€ | speaker, Mrs. T. W. Barnett of I TATO CHIPS 17 & f 1 00 p . REG. 2 FOR 39% c or i. King gave the sick convener's | ple was commended, but the inns on April 11, the Diocesan Centre, Toronto, | were not, s f th : 2 woke i [ J food Frill was most or le CANADIAN LEGION Aux. Jho Siowed slides of the work of| y ate Sevetul accounts of nis hg ge Cantar | FROZEN S RAWBERRIES Sg spent fighting against ots of | 1468108, Branch 43, met on Tues-| Mrs, Barnett used as her ; I 1 REG. 39¢ gs. [ one sort or another. .c [day evening, March 15, with theme the WA motto, "The Love] in the summer, other sorts, in. President Mrs. Herbert Bathe, of Christ Constraineth Us" -- to SPORTSWEAR DEPT. doors, at all times presiding pray, to learn, to work and to| A hearty welcome was given give. In viewing the slides the| Lower Level GENTEEL HOST to Miss Rose Bate Zone Com-|members were able to see the! "Captain Hall stayed overnight mander, also to Mrs. William H. many facets of WA work in Can- | in the village of New Market and Bates, president of the Bowman-|ada and around the world, Mrs.| was surprised at the refinements | Ville Ladies Auxiliary Barnett outlined the history of ; J in the home of his host who 'al-| Mrs. Gwen Robinson was inj- [the WA in Canada which is cele-| : M 1 ... will cash your Baby Bonus, Pension or Pay Cheque though he had never been out of tiated and welcomed into the Aux- brating its 75th anniversary this] Canada, acted, looked and spokeliliary. Mrs. James Anderson|year. | ' H like an Englishman gave a financial report on the re- Mrs. Glen Drury thanked Mrs. | LADIES WEAR LTD. Remember, We re Open Daily to 10 p.m. "Some idea of the daily life of cent night of cards which was 2 Barnett a settler can be gained from a decided success. Work was given| Refresh ts iw od by letter written from Erindale injout to be done for the bazaar reshmen ere Serv f fs by Thomas W. Magrath: and some fine donations Darast! oy Edwin Roberts, Mrs. Bruce 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 35-1912 ON ALL ORDERS or 'When we first came here our| It was decided to send a dona-!Jackson, Mrs. John Bellingham, | hands were soft and delicate, tion to the ( Mrs. Hedley Element, Mrs. wil- Oper: Triday Until 9 O'Clock 10.00 AND OVER I. . . 0 awa General Hos from being unused to laborious! pital. Missa late spoke brief- liam McFeeters, and Mrs. 4. E. occupation, but seeing everyonelly om Auxiliary vylaws and an- Powell. i

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