THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16 1960 21 wanivies- Ooo) | | i el] aie rmcas i By [Hospital Plan SAID, THASS PRIVATE ?. ; : AND HELL TELL = { me x Cost Rapped By Thomas IMPOSSIBLEY TORONTO (CP) -- Thomas D. Thomas (CCF -- Oshawa) said Monday the Frost government is charging too much for its hospital insurance program. And if the government con- tinues with the high rates ($4.20 a month for a married couple with dependents), it should at least give more extensive cover. age, he told the legislature. During discussion of the health department's $92,195,000 estim- ates, Mr. Thomas said an obvious discrepancy shows in the govern- ment's contribution to the insur- ance scheme. He quoted Premier Frost as saying last year that the plan would cost an estimated $236,000 + 000 a year--the cost to be shared equally by the province, the fed- LI'L ABNER JULIET JONES eral government and the pre- mium-paying public. The 1960-61 estimates, said Mr. Thomas, provide $7,013,600 for tuberculosis, $46,055,000 for men- tal health and $30,000,000 for the Ontario Hospital Services Com- missi a total of $83,068,600 or about one-third of Ontario's con- LAN | ANIL ATZ Care Or W |tribution to health. Ny ANS os. is U \ : ILL BE BACK WHEN THE ~ i ToL Ake rh However, Mr. Thomas added, WHAT WN THE a ROUBLE 4 * 3 i KILLING /S DONE. the health department has al- WORLD ARE YOU Sl Pal? "AY a - ways spent large sums on tuber. A-DOIN UR culosis and mental health treat- THERE 3 ment, The insurance plan be- came effective Jan. 1 this year. "The contribution of this gov- ernment to the hospital plan is > © ¥ Gh only between $40,000,000 and $45, 4 0 DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER I JUST 2) 000,000. Therefore I submit to you that either the contribution of A] : 4 & the premium holders is too high ~ A Wo or, better still, the service should gf (a! i rl be extended." n [ot A ------ - BRA As MAC LEAVES HONE WETTEST AREA JOHN'S OFFICE == Rainfall at Mount Waialeale in Hawaii averages 471 inches an- nually, compared to 450 inches at Cherrapunji in India. bi ERR, i > 7 " 2 . =" ALL THIS WORK BUT, BOSS, . AN EXECUTIVE, i chy | ; \ 7% | [SALLY'S SALLIES BEFORE YOU LEAVE x TOO? 7 on Z 5, THE OFFICE TONIGHT THE LONE RANGER NAT For The Best Value... Choose A GOODWILL USED CAR |=: wom the CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID. | On a a, and RINKERS CLEANERS NO, THANKS, IVAN | [WHEN'T HAVE T' SIT THAT | ["T GET SO BLOOMIN'] | NEVER LIKE T'GOT* LONG IN ONE PLACE...;| [STIFF I CANT GET RA 5-11 91 ON THE CONTRARY, HE GAVE SOME VALUABLE /NOW \OOK, IF YOU'RE TRYING TH @& | I HAVE LONG SHOWS ANY OUT O'MY SEAT aN INF ON. BY THE WAY, WHAT ow TO GET CAPTAIN PEACH NICKNAMES "FUZZ ENOUGH. {2 L MORE // i T "Th A INTER~ ABOU DOW MYRTLES Jin WVOLVED, YOU'RE ALL DIVORCED IN '58... 5 i % n 0 4 VIEWING THE NE Hiseano? ~~ ia i WET. WES IN THE MED, ; REASON: MENTAL. | : / ? The Best In Town ADMIRALIS COOK a ¢ ! WITH THE CRUELTY, PERIOD. : HAS GOT US BACK So a So \ Lo TO NOWHERE wv SAWYER. LY Loy A i : A w f p © 1900, Khug Pratures Fyndicais Wort righis raoncred BUZ SAWYER Me. haze, THIS 1S MADDENING! § HOW CAN THEY MAKE CHARGES \ £ Eexecunve AGAINST You, erick 2 AFTER SCHOOL MATINEES AT 4 P.M. CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 , " oo A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE PROBABLY PLEAD ERY VES, MRS. MARKO MADE =] E74 A COMDLETE CONFESSION! ye WASN'T EXACTLY A STERLING / BRICK BRADFORD JANE ARDEN LL > oY . ITS GOOD TO SEE OUR VERY | J 60LLY- YOU IN~ON MY WAY TO THE HOSPITAL == | OWN LITTLE HEROINE UP |{ DON'T THINK THE HOW COULD ARE ALLRIGHT--AND YOU ARE == J 11 | | £523 | "AND AROUND AGAIN we DS § M ills Hi i GO TO SCHOOL THIS MORNING == 1 i § > I IMAGINE YOUR SCHOOL= READ ABOU SIE PICTURE? ao a Fuel Bill High?. This May Be Why . ' PL" 4 MATES WILL GIVE You T00,D0 You 2? BE QUITE THE HEROINE "Too Thin" Insulation Lets Costly OH, THANKS, MRS. b QUITE AN OVATION = | OF THE HOUR = LONE-I FEEL SWELL | . re y THIS MORNIN' 5 CLA EY Bring your attic insulation up to the proper fuel-saving level LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE INSULATE with , ZONOLITE POUR IT, Have you checked your attie insulation lately? Was if "too thin" when installed? Or, if originally adequate, has it "gone flat" ? Shrunken insulation robs you of comfort, causes your fush bills to soar ! 3 1960, King ¥onturns Syndicat Tat, Workd eights En, = LL! {ER { WOMAN LIKE STE) R GREAT SCOTT. THE ) "PECOS QUEEN," SHE KNEW a / PARC R 1 JEWEL THIEF 16 THE COMBINATION OF THE 4 GENS, MY DEAR 2 HRS. WOLFORD, id v Cut your fuel bills up to 40%, = See your lumber or building I~ supply dealer for free estimate BATHE & McLELLAN sy ©1060 : . DEL Yo Building Supplies alt Disney Erosion 1/2= Vor! ts Reserve pe 2 81 KING W. RA 5.4761 = - . J ROY ROGERS