Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1960, p. 16

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maa eT SP te Tawa » ] 0 |} ¥ v d ] e . a # s c ei si ™ st te I el a. am-- 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 14, 1960 KEEPS MINIATURE Z0O Claude Martel, fawns he keeps on his minia- ture outdoor zoo near Chicou- timit, Que. He started the zool Bond Refund Arms Speech Announced By Minister OTTAWA (CP--Plans, for re- funding $329,000,000 of Govern ment of Canada bonds maturing April 1 were announced today by Finance Minister Fleming its holding of the maturing issue cent bonds due April 1, 1963 the remainder of the refunding, the government is making avail- able for public distribution a fur- ther $200.000,000 of new Govern ment of Canada bonds. The new bonds are in two non- callable maturities. The first is for nine years at 5'% per cent at 51 5 on or before Dec. 31, 1962, into an equal par value of 5% per cent bonds maturing April 1, 1967 to vield about 5.52 per cent for 16 years. IN ADDITION The new bonds are in addition fo the $129,000,000 due April L| 1963, which the Bank of Canada| has agreed to acquire, and to the due April 1, 1963, dated and de- livered Feb. 15, 1960 M0 in each maturity are being ject to acceptance or rejection in whole or in part not later than 8 p.m. EST Tuesday, March 15 £200,000,000 not taken up by pri- with these firm offerings and not taken up by government invest ment accounts will be offered at competitive tender Unconditional bids will be re- ceived from primary distributors at not less than the issue prices less commission. Tenders will be accepted at the Bank of Canada in Ottawa not later than 8 p.m. | EST Tuesday, March 15. The min- ister of finance reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or in part. 4 Killed, § Hurt In Car Crash ROUYN, Que. (CP) Two couples returning home from a weekend were Killed and eight other persons, including two chil- 16. feeds two Ja { hens vears ago with Now he has seven hares. a pair of giant rabbits, eight pair of guinea-fowl, a pair of few LONDON (Reuters)--A count Hailsham, Britain's ter of science, the British political scene wit the delayed action of a bomb. The largely speech was Lords For cians on both sides of the polit- ational ical fence were excitedly plauding him Hailsham, the Conservative party, told th of his address: "When I contemplate eous weapons on both rational." MEANINGLESS PHRASES He also said the terrible de- Britain ever indulged in brain: structiveness of modern weapon had made parts of the National Anthem meaningless -- particul "send her! last week by Labor member John en- Cronin. Macmillan is expected to arly such phrases as victorious" and "scatter her emies and make them fall." "Today the only the prayer for peace," he said There were rumors that the 52- the secret Firm offerings totalling $75,000,- Year-old peer is preparing to re-| washed anybody in the last 20 sign from the cabinet and devote years. made to primary distributors sub- | Dis career to the cause of nuclear disarmament. The Sunday Dispatch says Hail- telligence chief had disclosed in sham has become "so horrified @ lecture that Britain developed The portion of the total issue of by what he has seen" as science and used brainwash techniques to do extract mary distributors in connection something positive to end the Spies in the Second World War. minister that he wants to nightmare of a nuclear The Yorkshire Post war Governor-General's Secretary Marries OTTAWA ler, 37, secretary General Vanier; (CP)--Esmond leaves riage. He is to marry some ' hd y A 6--Youth "60 7--~Komedy : 5--Playhouse 5--Ding Dong School earn About Musie Popeye's Playhouse drama- |tic disarmament appeal by Vis- minis- h@s exploded on It time un- I'he Bank of Canada has agreed noticed when the once publicity- to acquire in partial refunding of | wise peer addressed the House of Wednesday. But hy the a. . BY raya a - £ : A erspective may regard it as one a total of $129,000,000 of 512 per|weekend, newspapers and politi-| gs ay reg aP- tional history." former chairman of ° house of lords in the key section the hid- sides, a price of 97.75 per cent to yield which even in my partially in- about 5.82 per cent to maturity. formed state I know to have been The second is for three years at invented, I regard either a world 2 per cent at a price of 99.75 authority or total disarmament in per cent to yield about 5.39 per|the long run as the only rational cent in the period, with the holder objective--and of the two I have having the option of exchanging regarded the firsts as the more S significant $200,000.000 of 5% per rent bonds Prayer in international affairs is outright whether any British gov-| 7 says the peer had made "the bravest and ond Bul-'tised in Britain. But the question, to Governor- G a Ottawa after the war's end, still seemed Tuesday for England and mar- {og await a firm answer S Georgiana theme Sunday by pointing out Mary North of London, 31-year- that Soames only said brainwash- rome Canadian Flyers ~~ Put On Air Alert in which direction the sighted ob- ject is travelling, its altitude and] speed, and its general description | including size, shape and any identifying marks. The circular asks pilots to make every reasonable effort to identify what they see. CIRVIS reports need not be addressed to anyone in partic- ular. Radio stations will auto-| matically pass them on to appro- priate defence establishments. A pilot only has to 'CIRVIS" three times and pro- ceed with his report. The reports are to be made by Canadian pilots flying anywhere over Canada, the U.S., Greenland or Iceland. i OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's civil- t+ lian flyers are being asked to lend +4: |the North American early warn- ing defence system a hand. "| Starting April 1, pilots are to report any unusual sightings on A b land, sea or in the air, but par-| ticularly in the air. U.S. and Canadian air radio posts have been briefed to handle [the reports on an "urgent" basis| and pilots are authorized to use| the international urgency call if { a station doesn't give their mes- sage priority. The new plan is called CIRVIS, pronounced sur-vees. A transport department inform- ation circular to airmen asks them to immediately report any- thing that appears. "hostile, sus. ------------ picious, or unidentified" and gives as examples: Guided mis- ives 4s examples: Guided mis Newfoundland Boy siles, unidentified flying objects, . aircraft or their contrails which Dies Under Scalpel eww appear to be directed against North 'America, submarines, sur- ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)-- face warships identified as not| Five-year-old Billie Coombs 4 [Canadian or U.S. or any extra: and Jimmy Morairty had a * |ordinary ground activities, partic.| lot in common. Both were \| ularly in the polar regions or| born with a congenital heart {other sparsely populated areas. gondition and were sick since To be reporied on first land- "th. we Fas ; ling are such indirectly - hostile] Billie, accompanied by his & | i irfi mother, was sent to Toronto © [things as unlisted airfields or fuel I Thome for. treatment. of damp, weailier stations, Tadiof the ailment and returned stations, or air navigation aids. fic ciel and well for' the CIRVIS reports should be as first time. complete as possible, the trans- Little Jimmy also went to port department says, but should Toronto for special treatment. never be delayed for lack of Last Thursday, Billie sent a complete information. telegram to his pal wishing The ideal report would him luck before his operation. what is being sighted, Jimmy never read the tel- where, and how many. egram, He died following the It should, if possible, also say| difficult operation. TELEVISION LOG Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 7--Buftalo WROC-TV Channel WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo say when, | fan-tail pigeons, several | sants and partridges and | fawns, a male and female. CP Photo phea- the CHCH-TV WKBW-TV Channel | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo | 5-2--Adventure Theatre | 4--Edge of Night | 4:45 P.M. 6--Maggie Muggins TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 P..A. 11--Family Theatre 6--Sportstime 5--Playhouse 4--Learn About Things To Do 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 6--~Children's Newsreel | 4--Feature Film Dough Re Mi 5:30 P.M. Red Rowe Show Vino ard rin 10:30 A.M. Friends 8:30 AM. 7--Devotions 9:00 A.M. Romper Room Korner MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 11 2--Three Stooges 2--Martin Kane | 5:15 9:30 A.M. H 5:15 P.M. . --Feature Film 11--Movie ' 7---Romper Room 5:30 P.M. 5--Burns and Allen Rin Tin Tin i--~McGraw --Superman probably the most important speech of his life." adds that like Lincoln's h Gettysburg address, outlining the whole point of the United States 6:00 P.M. Civil War, the speech '"'may for 7--Early Show i réceive ardly !1-6--News Be eR re a Cee James 7-Moming, Show iy 6:15 P.M. -2--Play Your Hurch = | 2 aw epoch with a longer and a clearer ¢_ me vikings 4--On The Go | 11-6--News 6:30 P.M. ina. 6:00 11--Family Theatre J lane Gray. Snox 6--News 6:45 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy 7--Early Show -4.2--Weather; News 11:30 A.M 2--Willie Wonderful 1-6-4-2--W iN iu "V1. qR Canim *¥* 11--Bob McLean Show 6:15 P.M. i Report 5-2--Concentration 6--Lawrence Welk | 5:00 P.M 4=--December Bride 6:30 P.M. s--Pabloid 12:00 NOON 11--Family Theatre 5--The Four Just Men 11---Cartoons | 5-4-2--News; Weather | 4--Death Valley Days | 7 Restless Gun 6:45 P.M. 2--The Vikings Suis OX o'1 s42-News 7:15 P.M Dlisequene | 5--Huntley-Brinkle oN IY 4--News: Weather | y y 7--~News: Weather 12:15 P.M Report 7:30 P.M. Hit eg 7:00 PM. 6-- Tabloid 6----Matinee = . ™ 11-5--Don Messer 4--Speaker of the House i 7--Ch nne 9. 5~The Rifleman Stir Britain nt fan Hut 12:30 P.M. 4--The Traces 4--Kate Smith Show 2--Sergeant Bilke 11--News 2--Riverboat Io Lave That Bob i 7:15 P.M. LONDON (AP)--Prime Minis- 8:00 P.M. ahi ly 7--News: Weather ter Macmillan has been asked for 11-6--Danny Thomas 7:30 P.M. a categorical answer to a ques- 4--Search for Tomorrow 5-Film Feature 7---Sugarfoot [tion stirring the country --- has P.M. of the great turning points in our 1 and perhaps interna- 12:45 P.M. Fim 11--Movie Matinee 4--The Texan : i 6--Donna Reed a : 4--Guiding Light 116M 00 PM. | rhe 7--Bourbon Street Beat | 7--About Face | 8:00 P.M. 5.2--Tales of Wells { 11.6--Chevy Show 5--Movies Fargo 4--Film Featurette 4--Meet The Millers &--Father Knows Best 2--Mid-Day Matinee 9:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M, 5 P. G 7--Divorce Hearing rss O «The World Turns 9:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. Music '60 7-Day In Court Adve atires 6--Che? Helene | 5:2-Theatre A--For Better or Worse Diana 2---Queen For A Day 2:15 10:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M. $3. Steve Allen 11-8--Nursery School 4--Hennesey 2:30 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 11-6--Open House 11-6--The Town Above Jersiale Sip) vy 7--Mike Hammer 3=lame So0king 4--June Allyson | 1 A a ng a 1:00 P.M, "Pheatre | 3-Grry Maore in rity 3:00 P.M. [7 0:30 P.M Pla cae 11-6--Mantovani whi . 18 7--Beat The Clock 11-6--Press Conference : : 11:15 P.M. 52---Dr. Malon | 7--=Coronado 9 he statement, attributed to 7 _piavhouse --Milfonarr 5--Black Saddle Dr. Alexander Kennedy, now pro- ? 3:30 P.M 2--Johnny Midnight fessor of psychological medicine 11--For The Ladies 11:00 P.M. at Edinburgh University and a | 7--Who Do You Trust | 17 HE News: wartime general staff officer of Shaker nd Yooks 1:15 P.M od : : . | 52--From These Roo :15 P.M. intelligence, shocked the House of 4--Verdict Is Yours 7-Phyhouse Commons. a" 4:00 P.M. Viewpoint * War Minister Christopher 11--Popeye 11:30 P.M. Soames issued a quick denial that brainwashing had ever been prac- washing? The question was formally - tabled in the House of Commons give his answer Thursday. Cronin wants Macmillan to say 11.6 11-6--Front Page Challenge 7--Rifleman 4---Tightrope 9:30 P.M, 11-6--Startime | 7--Philip Marlowe 5-2--Arthur Murray 4--Red Skelton 10:00 P.M. 7--Alcoa Presents ernment department, service, including has brain- Two weeks ago the Sunday Ob- server said a former British in- secrets from. captured | §--Viewpoint 2--Sports Ree! 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 999 k Parr 4--Mytery Theatre TUESDAY 8:00 AM. 7--Buffalo A.M 3 'omedy 5-2--Today sie 4--News: Roundup | 4~The Brighter Day 8:15 AM. 4:30 P.M. 4---Captain Kangaron | 8--Friendly Giant CROSSWORD PUZZLE Theatre | 6 coming out of the blue 15 years The Observer returned to the old interior decorator, March 19./ing had not been practised "in| . The Butlers will livé at Rideau this country." He had not denied Cottage on Government House |that the technique was developed| 3. grounds, traditional home of gov-/here and used to unearth spies' | student ernor-generals' secretaries. ACROSS Cornell 5. Christmas tree decora~ tion 6. Tibetan priest 7. Touch end . Thick slice . Voided es- cutcheon secrets, The Observer said. | 8 : re |) dren, were injured in a two-car crash early today near the village of Evain, five miles west of thi northwestern Quebec mining cen- tre Police identified the victims as'® Mr. and Mrs. Etienne Bilodeau of Rouyn and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fortier of adjacent Noranda were in their mid-40s Two of the injured were Bilo- deau daughters--Claude, 7, and Danielle, 12----and the other six| All were youths bound for their|%} homes in Kirkland Lake after a tending a Sunday night hockey game here All the injured are in the Nor- anda hospital and are reported in very serious condition." The youths, all in their early 20s, were identified as Brian O'Grady who was driving the sec-| ond car, Wayne McCabe, Robert Hutchison, Craig Currie, Stanley Bryndza and Joe Babel. They had been to Rouyn to attend the Juve- nile A hockey playoff between the, Kirkla: | Lake Holy Name Irish and the Noranda Toilers Police said the head-on occurred on a stretch of road about 300 feet from Evain. The| Fortiers were in the front of the| one ar and the Biledeaus and their children in the bh sea All six youths were in the other car. crash | son of ASSISTING A 100-man RCAF contingent plays a vital role in ferrying and supplying Canadian troops erving with the UNEF in Feypt. Wing Cmdr. Russ Man- Winnipeg, shown here talking with Otter pilot Fit. Lt Frank Steven of Vancouver, is | to end 8. Buffaloes 11, Game on horseback 13. Epochs 15. Raw iron 17. University officer 18. Ogled 22. Secluded valley 23. Misplaced 24. Exclama- tion (slang) 10. Japanese sock 11, First-class 12. Entertain 14. Biblical name 15. Henry Clay, for one 16. A banker is one . Natrium (abbr.) . Gold (her.) . Monocle West . Humble 30. Rejects 31. Apri. . to] Sots [SET NEMATITIA (Jap.) EI 34. Travels Saturday's Answer ers' stop- over 36. Girl's name 37. Former New York Senator 38. For fear that 41. Exclama~ tion 42. Arabian garment . Ruthenium (sym.) Land measure . Hymn of praise . Snugly . Open (poel.) . Rascal . Detests . Very (mus.) f .Adam's son VY.) . Malt kiln il a , "Laughing THE ARMY | painter painter in charge of the air base at El Arish. The unit operates three [ Dakotas and four Otters, the latter u ed mainly for delivery of raticns to isolated desert mercy missions and as aerial eyes for ground patrols. | DOWN 1. A nook 2. Constella« tion 3. Tree 4. River (G.B.) posts TRIPLE STAR TAG SPECIALS call 5--Rochester 3-Pce. Grouping For Living Areas Specially priced for savings . a group for Yiving room, den or rec.room tony Danish bronze finished bright and modern ph Approx, 25" square metal frames, reinforced repp-like plastic covers in beige, coral or turquoise comer table hos matching frame and rich walnut wood-groir top EATON Special Price, left and right ends and corner table, THREE PIECES Chair to match, each 24.95 Smart plastic EATON'S LOWER LEYEL, DEPT. 370 PHONE RA 5.737 9.95 LOW SPECIAL PRICES ON Electrical Fixtures A. Swedish B. Swedish Modern Pendant Modern Fixture For dining areas, hallways, etc o stibules ard entrance hol satin brass-finished spacer with diffuser, alass desion 12.99 gloss fini white swirl diffusers. EATON Special Price, each (BULBS EXTRA) three hed fittings Price, § 4 ' each (BULBS EXTRA) Ils white cocoon design polished bross- EATON €~-~zisl 16" diameter white glass diffuser with breec.col- red 73 Pia i ring and fittings. Perforated white top metal def " diameter to hold 3 bulbs. { EATON Special Price, each .... .... (BULBS EXTRA) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 277 or, g.:8 PHONE RA 5.7373 Semi-Sheer Rayon CHROMSPUN makes light and airy draw curtains sheer rayon chromspun shot through with t glint of Lurex thread! This filmy fabric comes specially priced for thrifty home-makers! For many different rooms in your home . . . living, dining, family or guest room . . . semi- he in pink, beige, white, nutmeg, blue, yellow or green --a wide assortment of delightful shades to com- plement your home decor. Approx. 48" wide, ORDINARILY MUCH HIGHER PRICED! EATON Special Price, yard 1-79 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 268 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S HEARING Centre is particularly : well-equipped to help The Hard of Hearing! "BONDEX" Cement Paint Plus Brush ! Helps seal cracks and pores in cement, stucco, masonry wolls, Colourful, ivy, green, buff, Carthage cream, grotto blue, monastery grey, antique ivory, Spanish buff, brick red, Capri blue, Bermuda yellow, flamingo pink, ming green EATON Speciol Price, 5-1b. Pkg. "Bondex" PLUS 7" Brush -- THE TWO 2.09 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 5.7373 particular needs. Modern fitting and service facilities Fitting specialists Scientific Audiometer tests Private consultations too, in Home appointments if desired Phone RA 5-737 3, Store Manager's Off ce, For An Appointment Cords and batteries for most makes of hearing aid are available in our Camera Department, Mall Level. A trained consultant is on hand each Saturday to test your hearing scientifically and thoroughly, and recommend the hearing aid that's best suited to your Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Mon. to Sat. Open Friday Nights Until 9 -- (National Defence) 4 " )

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