Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 17, 1960 § IODE Fashions Successful Event "Flight in Fashion" was madejor gathered corsages with cum- very realistic last Wednesday merbund belts accentuated the evening when the House of Wind-|bust live, sheath and ample sor IODE Chapter presented its|skirts will be a matter of prefer- the game | annual Fashion Show at the Whit-/ence. MI 5. J. Beaton ARCT, was {by Distriet High School. Every-|at the piano and provided very one was asked to fasten their|appropriate music while the belt and prepare for a '"'Fashion- models paraded. able Landing". Al the first intermission Mrs. First Vice Regent Mrs. Murray |John B. Davies, assisted by Mrs, Detlor, in the absence of the Re-/R. G. Langford, Honorary Re- gent, Mrs. John Vickery, wel- gent, House of Windsor, drew the comed all present and introduced lucky winner ticket for the trip the commentator Mrs. Hugh|by plane to Buffalo for two pas- Nichol who in turn introduced cengers, compliments of Harry the local models: Mrs. Murray Donald Travel Agency and House Silver, Mise deat Correll ns: J.'of Windsor Chapter IODE, D. Sutherland, Mrs. Donald V.| npg Freel Hill, Mrs. Stuart C. Roblin, Mrs, 4 a un Sek ruuetied Donald Tuline and Mrs. John E, C, Hughes of La Boutique and Wall, Beauty Clinic responsible for The models, before parading on hair styles and garments; also the runway, emerged from ajto Mrs. G. A. Jaciw who was plane very artistically done by presented with a gift for her con- Charles H. Pedlar, in charge of|tribution of hats from her Whitby manual training at Colborne/Millinery Salon. public school. Two BOAC air stewardesses, Mrs. Isobelle Ster- ling and Mrs. Beverley Marlock added to the atmosphere of {travelling by air. All fashion minded ladies could {be seen in the vast audience. The {models paraded before a very ap- |preciative capacity audience dis- playing a wide selection of gar- ~ ments suitable for all occasions, 'in a large variety of colors, Prinis are this year a favorite with the ladies. NO FLAT LOOK As for styles, the Parisian "Flat Look' was not emphasized, . 16:33 To the contrary, the well fitted Ask $25 Fine For Trespassing A resolution, calling for a min- imum fine of $25 for trespassing while earrying firearms, has been sent from Ontario County Council to the of Lands and Forests. The resolu- tion was passed at Thursday's session of the council, in Whitby. The subject came from a reso- lution passed by Brock Twp. council asking the eounty to pass such a resolution, Rings Thump Hillcrests To Even Series 1-1 By IVAN DAVIE that Newmarket fired only two|minutes for high sticking. The A thumping 6-1 win by New-more than Whitby's 33. {Hillcrests were unable to even market Smokerings over Hille Leading the Smokerings were get a shot on the Newmarket crest Dairy Juniors, last night inWayne Maxner and Larry Bone, goal while tiiey had the man ad- Newmarket, evened that best ofwith two each while Smith and vantage. seven group finals series at oneMcKnight sank one each. Whit-| Turning point game each. The Rings rammedby's lone tally came from their came when Maxner scored New- in two markers in the first periodleading marksman, Dave Nichol- market's third goal of the night jand never looked back althoughishen, with assists by Lundmark while Whitby's Tripp was serv- WHITBY And DISTRICT To Ask Conservation Group Five-Year Plan can budget and we can't Sues-| "I this is right," said Council- tion them," said Mayor Martin. lor George Brooks, 'the fact re- "Any town can protest," said mains that not only conservation Councillor Joyce Burns, one of but other boards can ask what the town's representatives on the they like and we cannot overrule authority. them. In the case of conserva- "But only on the per (tion, we app to be committed charged to the town, not on the/io doomsday. They could ask for total budget," said. Martin, 120,000 next year. I feel some in- "Is there any alternative to vestigation should go into the sit- democratic way of doing uation and see where we stand." ty. {things?" asked Councillor Robert! Councillor Burns told eouncil The authority, operating on a Hastings. [that they were banging their * budget for 1960 of $69,500, is ask-| Town Clerk John R. Frost ad- heads against a law laid down ing Whitby for $3875 as the town's vised council that there is no way|by a government above their for the town to withdraw. own. . "If we had had some sort of FIVE-YEAR PLAN I conservation 25 years ago, we| Mayor Martin suggested that The Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority will be asked to furnish Whitby Sound) ie proposed five-year plan por have. The decision to ask the authority for this information came out of a discussion about the authority's budget, when eouncil learned that there is no recourse but to pay over the amount asked for by the author-|this share. Mayor Stanley Martin said that the authority has plans to de- velop a property in Whitby Twp., as a recreation area and soil con- servation project. However, the bone of conten- tion, according to many council lors, was that the authority could set its budget and councils par- ticipating in the authority have no recourse but to pay over the amount requested. Responsible for this most sue cessful social event were: Con- veners Mrs. John B. Davies and Mrs. Donald W, McQuay and all to Mrs. Herbert Cole, Mrs. John Harvie and Mrs. Arnold Hendriks in charge of decorations. BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES Factory Authorized Service to all makes of , , ® Washers ® Dryers ® Refrigerators Electric Ranges 118 BROCK ST. 8. WHITBY MO 8-3707 "But what good would it have done if we had done 50?" he ask- "2nd Period UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and repairing for old quality value with modern re-styling. 2:33 5:27 14:37 g the iim fine fob tres. Although the score was lop-last half of the first period when|to one goal but this one gave on gun licences." | LJ . k Wi Es matsyers Members of council, discussing A R | . the resolution, said that the cur-| jax in 1n jon two occasions, only to have {an out-of-town curling rink walk-|scored 25, and third was the Ross considerably and unable fo get area drawing water for their| Following discussion, the bud- Youth Rally The "spiel held at Whitby Curl-|eiubs were rinks of the Kinsmen, [the Whitby arena on Monday I am in favor of a reasonable/to supply the eouncil with any represented rinks from the z Kinsmen, and the unanimously P w and earned major penal "This is another group which|them nay." said His Worship. |the Whitby budget. The Whitby Pentecostal Taber-|men rink. = TT -- I a rink and there was also a rink A 1 03 Men's Association. (McKnight) .... away. lone extra point. This extra point| - . own municipality," he said, "and|ville, a well known youth speak- 13:18. | i in th ed 11, Marsh séssions in Whitby, has|bridges than was spent last year Thorah paid 2.2 per cent of the|Trio from Eastern Pentecostal|!: eir three games score * Nomiih, McKnighty ... 16:50 Al Schatz, president of Whitby of the United Church was held at 3 4 n di t "w H rt i N ry owmicipalities. The new budge did go YN Anz] IT think you will find that all] The rally was typically Pente The present' conducted. the srd Period county rate. Last year, the road|made in the budget for three new|think this budget is in line with|-- (ore Whitby K-40, skipped bY fund again this year. The wor-/6. Newmarket: Bone i (Hills, Horner) a score of 24 and third was Cam {he study was "Inside Angola",| Penalties: Nicholishen (high a Jo vy fon states: the De Whitby managed to narrow theand Mills. ling. a two-minute sentence for be requested to pass legislation | lead to only one goal late in the An indication of the troubles roughing. Up to thal point, Whit- second period. that faced Whitby came in the|hy had whittled the Rings' lead 25 hile Sarr ing hreun hi sided, the shots on goal showedBone, of Newmarket was off two them a two-goal spread and New- such trespass be plainly printed Fes TT" imarket went on in the third to { {fire in three unanswered goals to Early in the third period, Elmer Tran, for Whitby, made rent penalty can be as low as $1 . . 1 i aot thie, Newmanet: mw 'ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS| In Kin Bonspie Jim outguess him. ON PAGE 18 | AROUND THE RINK: Whitby would be beiter off today," said/the government, which pays the For the second year in a row skipped by Art Crawford, who club appeared to be off the mark Willi Davidson, "Ijother half of the authority's bud- 1 2 ii Wap Du in this|get, has a five-year ity {ed away with the A. J. Schatz| Murray skipped rink of Ajax|that puck behind Armstrong who {Annual Whitby and District Ser- Kinsmen who scored 24% points.|/played a sharp game ... The stock. There is a great need for|get was referred to town property [Vice Club Bonspiel Trophy. Representing Whitby service|lext game of the series goes at conservation ¥ we are to save and the secretary of the Con- ! 3 \ h : the community from drying up. servation Authority will be asked At Pentecostal ling Club was highlighted with 8|Kjwanis, Lions, Legion and Rot- [night at 8:30 . . . At 17:17 of the David and Goliath game between|ary organizations. Oshawa was ast period, Cullen of Newmarket program." five-year plan which may be the 1959 trophy winners, Oshawa {and Mills of Whithy mixed it up "1 object to having to budget available. The money for the au- Taber acle 1sly| Kingmen and Lions Clubs; Rotary 2 Dit NO QUESTIONS {for a group and we cannot tell thority, incidentally, is already in [rated underdogs, an Ajax Kins-|and Kinsmen rinks represented ties. BUSIWARY Ajax, Uxbridge Kiwanis entered 2¥ pacle was crowded to capacity] The game was equal up to the 1st Period for a special youth rally. A num-|last when the Ajax rink edged | representing Brooklin . Business 1. Newmarket: Smith ber of carloads had to be turned|out the Oshawa club by scoring oa u e 1s] ed, "if there were no roads lead- 2. Newmarket: McKnight ing to our township." Guest speaker for the evening|made them Wishers of the 11 2m, . " » (Wanner; Adame) a 5 " " i i .|draw and of the entire bonspiel. P enalties: Bone (high sticking) Mill T C I 'We must not just look at our was Rev. Laurie Price, of Belle-| Eig Te Kinsmen Rss was Miss M. rice | 1 boi its| er. ni ont 1 {skipped by Glen Small, with Vic ; ne ) 1 (o] oun Y a ate the board on it & Specia) Sig i Mg Fy vice, John Galloway, lead; Is Aux Hostess 3. Sai: Nichol shen [ ' win Smyibe, second, wi (Lundmark, Mills) Ontario County Council, at the he said, is $57,000 more for| Reeve Scott replied th at Toronto, and the Ambassadors|and Elwin Smyile, seco wo » i2. Newmarket: Maxner approved, in committee & roadjand $30,000 more for urban re.county levy but had 8 per cent|Bible College in Peterborough|9, and 11 ends fo win the game. The Senor Fivening Auxiiary| (Siwith, METS@OG oo S620) budget for 1960 which will ad bates than was in last year. of oe roads operated by the nd 5 Spear of Oshawa cinsmen Club, presented the rink the home of Miss Mildred Price ing) 6:01; Maxner (boarding), evamicipalities. The new budget[NEW EQUIPMENT ) ry |with the silverware. on Monday evening. 12:34; Tripp (roughing) 18:36. plans expenditures $240,010, road budgets are up this year in tal in fashion, and ny young| : x ty, greater than the 1959 budget|chairman of the county |all . said Reeve i Ro on a a ouz| OTHER WINNFES | am. draw business and it was decided that 5. Newmarket: Maxner and will cost six mills of the|board, noted that provision is Rae Ferguson, of Uxbridge. "I|at the close of the service. i ihe ers o 2 aW we support the Central Floral (Smith, McKnight) .... ) i ' n] | ; " i -- Par t, with a score of 30; |g " t Miss (Hor tellow) rate was five mills. sanders and two new snow-plows, the times. | {Earl Bryan wn ; {ship was conducted by Miss (Horner, Goodfellow) .. vi . citing recent weeks when the job| i | . second was Whitby Kinsmen, narion Bromell and Mrs, L. F|7. Newmarket: Bone pope, Dodge vil, re apostles Chopng roads pen tad been yreeve Err, Quoi, of (ttenbrites covet by we orion wi micharison and, fhe subject tr ] McKay's Whitby Rotary rink which was well covered by Miss|sticking) 7:46; Clifford (high Win Opener {who scored 23. Marion Bromell and a discussion|sticking) 7:46; Luke (interfer- { The winners of the 11 a.m. period followed. |ence and five minute major); 11 but impossible because of the A the form of a bylaw before it re-|2 4 {will give the county $43,370 but eeives official approval. Ruin Gjuipment now owned bY jas no county roads within its In explaining the increase, county. ~_ |borders. He noted that in 1959, R. E. Sims, county engineer, re-| Reeve Sherman Scott, of Pick- pjckering Twp. had contributed Special low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) Mills (five minute major). |draw were the victorious Ajax| The hostess served refresh. ported that the mileage of road maintained by the county is ap- proximately the same as in for- mer years but the cost of build- ing and maintaining roads has risen, due not only to normal cost increases but also because the Department of Highways now de- mands a better standard of road construction. For example, he cited road construction, which ering Twp., who asked that the|sg7 000 to county roads and $105,- road board reconsider their bud-/000 had been spent there on the Kinsmen rink with 31 get and try to bring one back with a five mill rate, said that his township shared 20.455 per| cent of the county costs. On the estimates before council, he said, | it would appear that $70,290 would | be spent in Pickering Twp. but| the township would contribute| $93,600 to the county road costs. county roads. Reeve Mills said that $23,000 is included in this year's budget for preliminary work on widening and improving the Brock road. In years to come, he said, possible $75,000 will be spent on that road. "After further discussion, the Deputy-reeve Duncan Wallace, (Committee approved the budget of Thorah Twp., said that if|as presented. Thorah Twp. had kept all the = Soy oss since 1904, i tv H. Marshall Aux. wi e to pave every, . Is Invited To West Hill Meet road in the township. The Helen Marshall Auxiliary of ®t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WMS held their March meeting in the church hall on Tuesday afternoon with the pre- sident Miss M. Ross, presiding. During the devotional period the scripture was read by Mrs. H. 8. McCann and Miss B. Wil son led in prayer. Following this was two minutes silence in mem- ory of Mrs. D. Marshall who had three or four years ago cost about $12,000 per mile, Because of the higher standard required by the department, road construc- tion now costs about $30,000 per mile. Included in this year's budget, Canadian | Development Plan Seen | large sections of Northern On-| Pearson, chairman of the Senate tario and the northern wooded | oq" yo auxiliary faithfully OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Arthur land use committee, salu in an areas of the Prairie provinces. interview Thursday he expects, S. F. Shield of Swift Current, the committee will recommend Sask., described pilot projects in| that Canada adopt a scheme com-/the states of Washington and parable to the United States rural Montana, development and unselfishly for many years. "Which Way Young Africa" was the theme of the study book |and was conducted by Mrs, E. ps P, . program. In each area, federal and state | Wilton and Mrs. P. Newton in the The Progressive Re pservativel oll si worked in co-opera- | form of a questionaire.' It was senator from Manitoba made the(tion with committees of local POinted out that the young Afri. statement after the comumittee| people. The U.S. experience, said | C0 are poised between two eivil- held its second sitting on a fed-|the report was that these people izations, the old and the new, and eral agriculture department re-hecame interested in making find it difficult to decide which port of the U.S. program of self- needed changes ater personally Way to go, hence it is the Chris- help to economically-poor rural participating in surveys of re. |tian church's duty to fully inform areas. sources. {them that Christ's church is the Dr. J. F. Booth of Ottawa, an ore tfUe way and the only one that agrioulture department official In many eases, farmers WeTe | asts forever. who headed a delegation from the part-time jobs in industry| = ou von erom the Melville department that studied the U.S.|and farming as a solution 10|\WMS of West Hill A | S es was extended plan, reported to the last coms|their income problems. In others, is the members of the Helen mittee meeting March 3. {they were changing crops. Inine. pan Auxiliar ¥ % Be ary to attend their The committee had him back|some areas, more efforts were| : it . B Faster meeting which will take Thursday 'o amplify on his re-|being made to develop the tour- the form of a Spring luncheon on i ist industry. | € e port, along with the three other| {April 14 at 12 p.m. In Mercantile ey League, Ottenbrites scored five goals in the third period to take the first game in the play- offs. The big gun in the game against the Independent team was Gerry Barnes with a hat itrick. Gerry MacLean fired in [two while singles went to Irwin |Reazin, Ted Brown and Pat Neal. | Independents held Ottenbrites to a 3-3 tie for the first two iperiods but could not keep the |Ottenbrifes' power back in the |final period. Independents' goals were scor- ed by Chuck S a wd on, Harvey Roberts and Bob Harman who netted two. The final score 5-3 in favor of] Ottenbrites. | In the second game Sports- man's Corners beat Larrys 8-5, with four quick goals in the sec- ond period to take the lead and hold it for the remainder of the game. The Tran brothers, Herb and John, each scored twice while singles went to John Greer, Bob Cherry, Jim Sutherland and Butch Maw. Larry's big gun was Al Mac- Donald with two goals, while teammates Roy Beckman and Ernie Stoneman each socred a single. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. William Sharp, of Gren- wich, New York, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norm| Corner, of Brock St. N. She also| was present on the occasion of] Mrs. M, Matthew's 86th birthday.| Mrs. Matthew is the mother of] Mrs. Corner. | | Mrs. George Eastwood has re-| turned to her home after spend-| ing a few weeks with her son and daughter-in-law, Censtable and {Mrg. Jack Eastwood, and grand-| daughter of Minden. | Mrs. G. R. Blow, of Euclid IStreet, is back from a acation| spent in the Southern parts of Californi | | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hegadorn| of Picton, speni a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- {mond Johnson of Greenwood] {second was a Whitby Rotary rink, enjoyed by all present. In the Whitby Mercantile Hock-| er Referees: Jack Shropshire and | points, ments and a social hour was| Phone MO 8-2344 Al. Promaine. A. E. Barrett of Ottawa re-| jt 2.30 p.m, those in New Brunswick along the The Whitby Boy Scouts will} At Almonds H&S results in the northern lake states noon. Whitby residents wishing to {evening at the school and opened WHITBY I business meeting was held after their home after spending a few| |the entertainment. Mrs. R. Wea- days in Picion as the guests of] fel yh id department officials who made meeting closed with the ported on results in Washington| --e---- U.S. border. |conduet their monthly paper col-| The regular monthly meeting of Minnesota, Wisconsin and have papers picked up are re- |with the singing of the "Queen". Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson BROC Phone MO 8-3618 | therall turned the meeting over Mr. and Mrs. Ben Begbie, par- He Sra est I T Nidely sige | Ma Benediction. The auxili- tered areas of » | ary will next convene April 12 County, Maine, which he said has DAY-BY-DAY 8 bl imi land Le DToblems Similar io) SCOUT PAPER COLLECTION 'Have Open House VISITS MIDWEST |lection in all parts of the town on] A. E. Stutt of Ottawa described Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 12| of Almonds Home and School As- Michigan which have physicallquested to leave tied bundles at sociation was held on Monday Crescent. conditions similar to those ofithe curb. |As this was "Open House" and and daughter, Kimberly Ann, of the children were present the Byron St. N., have returned to} : [{ A y |ents of Mrs. Johnson. N Pl ' Evening Shows ot 7&9 p.m. 0 Mrs. A. Lawrence, teacher. ow aying FeatureStarts At 7and 9.25 THEY Made This Year's Big Picture Mrs. Lawrence called on grade I, who recited a poem called "Strange talk", followed by few | members of grade II also recit- ing various little poems. A two part play called "Sing a song of six pence", was enacted by the On Saturday, March 12, the 5th Scouts and Cubs Mothers' | Auxiliary are holding a rum- {mage and home baking sale at |the Council Chambers. Convener in charge is Mrs. L. Bedard as- sisted by Mrs. D. O'Hagan, Mrs. Colorlok Action in new Ciltone Satin Pairit means no color fade-out from vzashing! The premium You'll love the way Ciltone Satin's Coloriok Action gives lasting beauty to your rooms. When you apply Ciltone Satin to your walls, the latex base fuses with the color pigment - . . surrounding the color 80 it can't escape. When Ciltone Satin is dry, you have a rich, smooth coating of color that stays bright and fresh until your next repainting. And it's Colorlok Action that keeps Satin from fading --washing after washing after washing. New Ciltone Satin comes in hundreds of odorless colors. It dries fast (in less than 30 minutes) with no streaks. Spills and spots are cleaned up with a damp cloth--equipment with warm water. Ask for New Ciltone Satin at your neighborhood C-I-L Paint store. paints at regular prices vu GARY COOPER - RITA HAYWORTH VANHEFLIN- TAB HUNTER THEY CAME TO CORDURA PAINT AND WALLPAPER MO 8-5231 PAINTS AND WALLPAPER RA 35-3529 PATTE' 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DODD & SOUTER 107 BYRON ST. NORTH, WHITEY young pupils followed by several Oetel 5. W Seer in which all grades Took | Henry. and . TRE | re ei---------- Pleo damian The business meeting. followed . with the minutes of the last meet-| Mother Afraid ng read and ppivie and also various reports given and ap- A : proved. A nominating committee F or Missing Girl was appointed with Mrs. L. At kinson as chairman, assisted by| DRESDEN (CP) -- Mrs. John Mrs. J. Wastle and Mrs, R. Clark. | Yoft says her daughter Judy, 13, The meeting was adjourned 18 either a captive or lying dead and lunch was served to the par- Somew here. » ents and children A province - wide search was -- -- eo. Started Thursday for Judy, who {isampearsd after she left school | eb. 19 in this town 32 miles Bank Of Canada south of Sarnia. { 1 "The kids at school were pick- Interest Rate Down ing on her," said Mrs. Yott, who| added that the gir! had been up- OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of set since learning last summer [Canada interest rate dropped she was a ed, ] sharply to 4.59 per cent this week| Mrs. Yoit sald she was told --lowest level since early last/Judy may have entered a blue April--with the sale of £100,000.- car driven by a man about 35 joo in 91-day treasury bills. Last years old the afternoon she dis-| week the rate was 4.82 per sent. |

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