Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 11, 1960 CLASSIFIED |, svirtisive | County Vetoes "ee os -- Open Deer Season 50--Articles for Sale ONE Lettergraph duplicating machine, | : automatic feed, perforated drum type.| Ontario County Council has|Ontario County farmer and we Double fa eh ned and spring Jacke! ruled that deer hunters will not|would feel badly if it were shot," ater, 12 uge pump shotgun, .22 " b reid | id calibre revolver and nylon carrying De able to hunt in the townships he said, ; case for deer rifle. RA 5.0238, | north of Whitby, East Whitby and| Reeve John McGillivray, of GAS burner in good condition, also new | Pickering Twps. unless the muni-| Scott Twp., said that there is a gewing machine, automatic, portable; cipal councils involved individu-|lot of difference between a black 907 Doongavy mult, 42. RA 37I7 ily permit it. The Ontario De-|and white Holstein cow and a 'SEGE TERY 5; partment of Lands and Forests|deer. ARGE 1 dit 4d. TV o at Parkway. Television, 815 Simcoe had recommended to council that| Deputy-reeve Edward Oyler, of Street North a short open season be allowed Reeve Twp., said that he knew of | CHESTERFIELD with chair, good |in all parts of the county north|one farmer who had lost two/ condition, reasonable. Phone RA of the three mentioned townships Holsteins to deer hunters in the J0% muruings " ui but the council, at a meeting in|past BoASO: i Go of sale or rent, 30 watt portable, Whitby on Thursday ruled that] Reeve E n wie, Mara A lifier, tw . d tw ho- . ' : " : bh digs hil a no hunting would be allowed un-|Twp., said that "there is just as cost $175, Make offer. RA 3-9430 less the councils of each township much stock shot by rabbit and 's. groundhog hunters as there - AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes |approved. Prompt service, Free eximates Oded 'The county's standing commit by deer hunters." rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North.(!e€ on agriculture and reforesta-| Reeve Wilfred Pascoe, of East UNPAINTED hookcases only 89c with| tion brought in a recommenda- Whitby Twp., wondered if there| the purchase of one piece of unpainted tion that the department's sug-\was some rule governing calibre mes oes 9 grevens $7, des gestion of an open season be ap-of rifles to be used in the area 14, c $5.99, i pssers (o> y ; 826, record cabinet $18, room divider Proved, except that the hunting of the county under discussion. 822, bookcase headboard $15. Wilson would be restricted to residents| 'I would hesitate to see hunt. | Furniture, 20 Church Street. lof the area concerned. |ers use high powered Yifles hy WINE and cider barrels, sizes, : oi |farming communities, e said. | solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- In discussion on the recom-, nie William A ' Heron of ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624. __|mendation, Deputy-reeve Orvan Whith dered i the LLOYD baby carriage in good condi- Chambers, of Brock Twp., said tby Twp, Wo, 'ited 30 tion; bassinette. RA 58328. ~~ |that he did not want deer hunt- Ry perm BABY carriage, color whi n excel- ers on his property. He said that use oi 3 lent condition. Telephone RA 88209. |ye gid not prope nd on his| Reeve Earl Dowswell, of Ux- TELEVISION, Gener 7 ani i enV W f i Twp., moved that the TELEVISION, General U- animals if any were shot by bridge P. . inch, just overhauled, in excel ii hunters, committee recommendation be] giition, Teasonable, Telephone RA 3.2786 {amended to permit deer hunting VALUABLE COW only if the councils of the local "The highest priced Holstein municipalities approved and the| SLIGHTLY used portable typewriter, good as new, Reasonable price. Phone ; ) cow in Canada is owned by an'amendment carried. RA 8-0582 ONE bunk bed and matt variety of ladies dresse er two men's overcoats, reasonable. RA son smi" Tntar-Com. Unit dition, reason T ne RA 8-1352 HUNDREDS of new w per patterns r in stock, in both regular and pre ° pasted lines, at Edgar's Paint and Wall 1 paper, 34 King Street West, opposite Dominion Store IBM electric ty pletely overh ed by Int Business Machine Co., RA 5.9691 at writer for s com: Judge Arthur Wilmott, presid-| Mr. Oke said that he was or IDE in the Ontario County Crimi-|aware that this was not true since| nal Court in Whitby on Thursday, even the noise of a drawer be-| s told that an inter-office com-/ing opened would carry on the| nication system had tripped up inter-com set. | ico man who appeared be- ONE antique what-not wooden garage doors, } | $is, MO He said that he took a cash-| WE par h prices in the city fc m charged with theft. His box from the desk and discover- De 1 3 v told that William eq that the money which should 2000 78 and 45 F r i ' vavid Grant, 30, of Mimico, had have been in it was missing, At at four $1.00. Meagher's, 5 King alerted an Oshawa greenhouse first accused denied tampering] Street West, perator when he heard noises on with the box but later took $28 52--Legal Notices i inter-com system between. his from his pocket and handed it to ------ house and greenhouses. him. | : Grant yas Senienred wo three! ore said that the accused told ROMA jor Lhell 0° 50 TOM 254m "You have got your money, desk in the Oke home. let's forget it." Lloyd Oke, 673 King street , told the court that on the TORE SHIRT ternoon of July 2, of last year, The two wrestled, he said, and| NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF JC QUINN, DECEASE All persons ha against the Estote ouses at the rear of his home. hefore he escaped, Oke tore al Thomas: Ouinn An inter - office communication|gection out of his shirt. He later| Tonrthin: unit, linking his home and the called police and Grant was| Cort greenhouses had pes eH charged. on. who 'd or aba P fe sale, I order '| Defence Counsel H. R. wooke] man, who die 1 ol . y the 13th doy ebruory adn 4 hear the telephone ring| Toronto, said that the theft was AD. 1960, gbstiggonn p dis |"'not cunningly contrived" and fied to sen HEARD NOISE {was in fact 'one of the most signed. on or bef Over the set, he said, he ridiculous things I ever heard doy of March, 1960, full por- |heard some peculiar noises from of." Im his home and went into the Judge Willmott termed the in- house to investigate. In the liv- cident "a very stupid thing." se ng room, he said, he found Grant| Being told that the accused] ed will be distributed n just getting off his knees in front had three charges of breaking the parties entitled of a desk and entering on his record, His having regard only to claims He said that accused told him Honor told him that "this would of which they shall then have [he had been looking for his store be the last chance for treatment notice. : and also that he had been calling of this nature' as he sentenced to attract a clerk. accused to three months. DATED at Port Perry, On- ™ eres -- rio, this 23rd doy of Feb- he had been working in his green- Grant managed to get away but/f | Kiwanis Karnival Is Cancelled anis Clu f W n 1 today t I v rival n © NORM ADVERTISING loc Vethinks It's Time to Replace The Old Castle--With A Modern, Convenient Home! You'll wind that a new 'castle' is well within your budget when you build the Interprovin- cial way.Stop in at BROWN"S LUMBER & SUPPLIES for the full story on NHA and VLA approved Inter-Provincial Homes . . . with precision-cut, panelized construction Pe Tre =] that it wil not gend that many." + + « designed to help you economize! Get set for wonderful Summertime living, too, with Honor Mrs. Agg a pre-assembled, low-cost InterProvincial Cottage . 1 Pa thats easily erected in k-end's ti We' iid Mea in : y a week-end's time. We'll At Guild Meeting : deliver your InterProvincial Cottage complete to any All Saints' Anglican Chure! site within 100 miles of our yard. InterProvincial Cottages for as little as $100 down , . . and con- venient monthly payments! FREE estimates . , , prompt, effi- cient Home Town Service for ANY of your building or remodel- ing needs ! BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL RA 5-4704 -- OSHAWA, ONT, RN I J TEA - 3 Saturday. .. Third and Final Day of EATON'S Huge Sale of 2-Trouser Suifs! Save 15.50 to 31.00 Ordinarily 79.50 to 95.00 EATON Sale Price, Two-Trouser Suit 4.90 EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms may be arranged If desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT Impressive choice of Spring '60 Suits for Men and Young Men Luxurious Wool Worsteds . . . firm, yarn-dyed worsteds and worsted flannels -- imported and domestic cloths with shape-retaining quality! Distinguished New Patterns . . . subdued checks, muted shadow weaves, pic'n'pics, self patterns, overchecks, stripes; handsome solid shades. Flattering 1960 Styles , . . single-breasted, two or three button models, narrowed lapels, flapped pockets, subtly short- ened jackets with centre vent. Vibrant New Spring Shades . . . medium-light to deep tones . . . blues, greys, blue greys, browns, the newest olive tones. Full Range of Sia... , . sizes 36 to 46 for regular, tall, short and stout builds. Every suit with extra trousers. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 229 PHONE RA 5.7373 Men of distinction choose the new Birkdale 'Selec' Hals Flattering 'Inner Circle' model for Spring 1960 ! One of this year's most wanted styles . . . low crown model with narrow welt-edge brim, suited to men of all ages. Hand- some fur felt . . . soft, silky mixtures in subtle new silver tones of grey, brown and blue. Just one handsome model from our "Birkdale Se- lect" range, newly ar- rived for 1960. See the complete selection now on view , . . only at EATON'S. EATON Price, each 7.95 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE RA 5.7373 New Wallpapers For 1960 see the exciting new range now at EATON'S Whether you're re-decor- ating your home vyour- self, or having it done by professionals, be sure to take a look at the splen- did range of patterns newly arrived at Eaton's. There are florals, semi- plains, abstracts, scenics, kitchen a nd bathroom motifs; all are semi- trimmed for ease in hanging; many are wash- able; all are sunworthy. Price, single roll 33 Matching borders EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 PHONE RA 5-7373 "Bees" Flower Seeds Imported from England Choose from more than 100 varieties now at EATON'S! From the noted Bees" Seeds House of England . . . we've listed just a few. ® Ageratum ® Chrysan- ® Little Dorrit themum Alyssum ® Clarkia Soxatele ® Columbine Gereonia) 3 Comflower uble ue) elyssum) Cornflower Aubrietia © (pink) Bolsam Wallflower Calendula, (mixed) radio Cosmos Calliopsia Cottage Candytuft flowers (Hyacinth (mixed) mixed) Daisy Dahlia (double Carnation mixed) Each 6 packages for A3 .75 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 280 PHONE RA 5-7373 Moderately-priced protection against Spring thaws . . « TECO {Sump Pump Install it yourself! This model has omple "4 power for pumping flood water, seepage, backed-up sewer water, laundry water, 4 etc. Advanced design switch gives au- 4 tomatic fost - action starting and shut- off. 'Neoprene' floats should not leak or get waterclogged; steel shaft, 34" water - lubricated bushing. Screen open- Control ings permit small particles to pass, keep ay larger obstructions, Bose Japped for 1%" pipe permits ropi ow Basement yaler, Dependeble 1/3 hp. Jhotor hes . sealed-in ball arings on ive 4 Flooding ! motor shaft locked to pump shaft; mo- tor has thermal protection against over- load. Pumping copacity up to about 2,500 gallons per hour, depending on lift. Operates on 115-volts, 60 cycles. C.S.A. approved. a4 EATON Price, : Model CD25, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 456 PHONE RA -7373 Special low price on Floor Enamel For Interior or Exterior Use Freshen-up your home for Spring . . . be ready at cottage-opening time . . . purchase a sup- ply of this quality floor enamel at a worth- while saving! Good indoors or outside -- for cement or wood floors; stairs and verandahs. Medium Grey and Tile Red. EATON Special Price, quart . ,, 1 00 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 35-7373 Boys' Flannel Slacks Well-tailored rayon flannel slacks . . . excel- lent for school or dress-up wear. Styled with double pleats, 2 side pockets, 2 back pockets -- one with tab. Colours of charcoal or light grey; sizes to fit 8 to 16 years. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE RA 35-7373 Boys' Wool Sports Jackets All-wool tweeds, checks and handsome nov- elty patterns . . . jackets in single-breasted styling, two-or-three button models. With rayon half-lining, 3 patch pockets. Predom- inant shades of blue, brown, grey or white. Prices: Sizes 6 to 10 years. Sizes 11 to 16 years. Each Each 2.95 14.95 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE RA 5-7373 End-of-line clearance . . . 20% off Suede Handbags Reg. 5.00 Smart, dressy handbags in brown or black suede; deep flat style, with frame and chain handle the colour of gold. Rayon lined, with one small outside pocket, top snap closing. 99 PHONE RA 35-7373 EATON Special Price, each . . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 Saturday... The last Day of the Remington Shaver Clinic 'Attention all Remington Shaver users! Bring your shaver to EATON'S tonight (Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday) . . . and Remington ex- perts will check and oil it, and make any ne- cessary adjustments. There is no charge for this service. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 5i. [EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens. at 8.45 a.1i. - i SA A hE Special Prices On Eledrical Fixtures and Appliances! Swedish-style Fixtures For contemporary or modern hallways, dining areas, etc. Satin brass-finished fittings, 3 white glass diffusers with swirl pattern. Takes three 60- watt bulbs, EATON Special Price, each 18.95 (Not illustrated) Single-light style to match. Special (Bulbs end installation extra) Jumbo-size Broilmaster Toasts bread, grills bacon, broils chops and steaks. Ap- prox. 14 x 14" overall, has removable grill tray, chrom- ium-plated finish, cool Bake- lite handle. EATON Special Price, each .. 9.66 Goose-neck Desk Lamps Gives excellent light where it's needed! Brown or ivory baked enamel finish base and reflec- tor shade, with 15" flexible gooseneck. EATON Special Price, each . . 3.39 (bulb extra) Pin-up Wall Lamp Choice of natural, ivory-tone or black finished wood with brass-finished inset and "hob- nail" rosettes. White paper parchment shade with trim the colour of gold. EATON Special Price, 3 88 lamp and shade .... Vs (bulb extra) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 PHONE RA 5-7373

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