Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1960, p. 8

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VARIETY OF COSTUMES MAKES FOR FUN AT MASQUERADE PARTY Winners at the Masquerade Party at the Knights of Colum- bus Hall last Saturday night were Barbara Gunther and Margaret Ludwig, the cave | women, and Ernie Jukes, a gladiator; Marion Bauer, a Ja- | panese lady, and Vickie Hardy a colored minstrel. A great var- iety of fancy dresses lent color and fun to the evening especial ly when the time came to un- mask, Rudi Maeder was the genial host and organizer. '--Oshawa Times Photo British Housewives Intrigued Life In Jamaica 'Depicted By Film By Canadian Electrical Gadgets By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Attending the huge Ideal Home Exhibition housed British home equipment, but the| Adelaide House. | under the 14% acres of roof at London's Olympia, I was im- pressed at the interest being shown by thousands of British housewives in electrical equi ment and appliances for their homes. They seemed especially in- terested in the exhibits of such home equipment displayed by a number of Canadian electrical firms. These types of household gadgets and electrical aids not ' previously marketed in Britian, but for which they are now hoping fo build up a subsfantial export trade to this country. Electrical trade experts empha- firms presented] homes have steam irons, compar- ed with 56 per cent of American | homes. At Group Meeting The Women's Progressive As- sociation of Oshawa held its regu-| group in the Caribbean Sea, dis- covered by Christopher Colum- bus. The language spoken is Eng- lish. There is a two-party system in Parliament. The Prime Minister, Mr. Norman Manley, is stressing education and plans to obliterate illiteracy in the peasant popula- This gives a revealing look at|lar meeting in the library at); within a few years. The gap is being filled rapidly as a in British families, | 1 was amused, at the exhibition, to hear a woman demonstrator at| a Canadian display refer to a lB of the increased prosperity massive Canadian electric refrig-| The entertainment committee ago, erator as an "ice-box". | | She was an Englishwoman who had never been in Canada, but iwho was employed by the Eng- [lish representatives of a Canadian] |firm. I remonstrated with her, | and described for her what used! to be known as an "ice-box" in Canada -- the square insulated box into which the ice-man deliv-| The president, Miss Peggy| Jackson, welcomed the members. | The secretary, Miss Leona Stain- ton, read the ; Miss island offers vacationers beauti- ful scenery with mountains and an abundance of flowers. Agri- culture is sugar, tobacco and Stella Brown, the treasurer, took care of the membership cards. reported on plans for a penny sale and card party to be held in the near future. | The i are a happy people, composed of many races intermingled generations Mrs. Orville MaGee expressed thanks to Mrs. Akin. More than 350 people, some of whom came from Hamilton, To- ronto, Port Perry, Newcastle and other outlying districts, attended the dance on Saturday, March 5, Old Country Dance Interests Many In Oshawa And District Boakes, secretary; Mr. Larry Homer, treasurer; Mr, William Exley, 'membership; Mr. Arthur Watts, entertainments and Mr, Daniel Exley, building fund. HOUSEHOLD HINT Bothered by eandles that bend in over-heated rooms? Before use, spray them with shellac. When dry, the shellac will hold them erect. pi rather than to have weekly or monthly d Each i dance has been increasingly pop- ular culminating in that held on March 5 for which tickets were in Wonen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 at the UAW Hall organized by the Oshawa and District. Old Country Club. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 9, 1960 This Club which has been in existence for nearly four years runs, in addition to its other ac- tivities, only four or five dances a great demand. The Music Makers supplied ex- cellent music for dancing and the master of ceremonies, Mr. Mervyn Dale, soon had the danc- ers in a happy mood participat- ing in suck Old Country dances as the Lambeth Walk, Palais Baby's Colic Pains {Brown and Alice Jackson Auxiliary Holds CGIT Re-Aftfiliation Service The March meeting of the Alice] A shower of greeting cards was Jackson Evening Auxiliary of|held for Mrs, Beal, Ritson road King Street United Church was south, to assist her in her very held in the church parlors. | worthwhile work, The president, Miss Mary| The WMS family party will be MacLean, welcomed the CGIT, held on April with Mrs. P. A. year and concentrates on making each dance a special occasion 5 at 8 o'clock, The WMS spring tea will be held on March 15 at three o'clock. Mrs. Meredith Moffatt reported on the morning session of the Gshawa Presbyterial held recent- ly. Miss Isla Barker reported on the afternoon session, Miss Mur- members of the auxiliary and| Tresise convening. The Thank- friends. The members of the CGIT pre- bined. meeting of the afternoon| sented the worship service as-/and evening auxiliaries on April iel Wilson on the evening session. |offering meeting will be a com-/Miss D. Cooke spoke on "Bible ing the dance and English of Japan' and show- ed interesting films on Japan. For those simple elie pains which dis- tress and upset , when in of 8 corrective, give Baby's Own Tables, Thése mild lirtle tablets Speedily help sweeten tummies and clear bowels of their overlon of waste and gas. Then see how quick! "settles down" i Glide, Gay Gordons, Bunny Hop, ete. The supper buffet was provided by the members of the ladies group. The door prize was won by Mrs. Edward Dobbie and the two raffle prizes, (held in aid of the Soccer section) were won by Mr. | Edward Kennedy and Mr. Frank Smith. Those responsible for organis- were Mr. James FH bal vps comfort, Cliaically and time-tested le, Taste good. Especi © NEW! BABY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP |made especially for jhables. Soothing quickly sq McNab, pr Mr. Riley, vice-president; Mr, David sisted by Mrs. W. A. Gibb, pres- byterial secretary, Mrs. Robert Miss Rae Howell. {The scripture reading was. a mis- sionary story on Africa and sev- eral interesting skits were pre- sented. The re-affiliation of the CGIT with the Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary in which Mrs. .W A. |} |Gibb and Miss Mary MacLean [jf |took part, was most impressive. | | Miss MacLean presented insignia {to the new members. £7) A very interesting story of the | origin of the Alice Jackson Aux- ¥ iliary was given by Miss Howell. | ! Miss MacLean took charge of | [5] the short business period. Mrs. | [™ bs. Meredith Moffatt, assistant re-| |cording secretary, gave the sec-| retary's report. Mrs. E. D./| Shreve gave the treasurer's re- port. H Roll call showed 36 members | present, ! PERSONALS | | Following their marriage in | Bradenton, Florida, the former| Mrs. Marion MacKellar of Osh- awa and Mrs, Walter Eskou left | for the west coast where they spent a few days before leaving | for Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Eskou| plan to take up residence in Cali-| |fornia. | | 1 Under the convenership of] Mrs. Uriah Jones, Mrs. Frank| Gay, Mrs. H. F. Brown, Mrs, | C. B. Theberge, Mrs. W. H. Sheri- | dan and Miss Velma Kaiser have| planned a buffet luncheon for| members of the Lyceum Club at the McLaughlin Library on Mon- FREE PARKING Check These Items day at 1 p.m. Guest at the lunch- eon will be Miss Marion E. UDGET TERMS TREMENDOUS is the only word te describe the savings you'll find in oll departments ot Gloxier's this end every week of the yeer. For the entire family, for the house you'll save money and get the finest in quality too! Brown, head of the department] {of rare books and special collec- {tions at the University of To- ronto. A specialist in American Colonial History, Miss Brown will address the meeting following the| luncheon. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. is of s, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and go-| ings are always very aca ptable| and for which there is no charge. | Please write or telephone RA | 3-3474, local 18. | Mrs. Ian McCullough received) the lucky draw prize. | The president introduced Mrs. | Lloyd M. Akin, formerly of Ja- maica, now a Canadian -citizen| residing with her family in Osh-| size the great extent of the mar-|ered a 25 or 50-pound block of ice|awa. Mrs. Akin, with the culture! ket which exists over here for all two or three times a week. I as-| kinds of electrical goods for use| sured her that the term *ice-box" | Wardrobe by Numb Choose your Spring With five of these beautiful outfits you can be the star of any group, anytime. er Don't miss this eight- LADIES' WINTER COATS Entire balance of Winter Coats reduced to 14 1) fantastic low prices. PRICED FROM LJ ' GIRL'S WINTER COAT SETS 10.00 All this season's latest styles, fabrics. Sizes 3 to 6x-and 8 to 12. Volues to 24.98 . LADIES' SHOES Broken sizes and styles. Oxford Casuals and Pumps. Values to 7.98 SPECIAL PAIR 89° FINAL CLEARANCE MEN'S CAR COATS All wool, quilted interlining in srtipes or attrac- tive patterns. Regularly sold for 17.98. Sizes ub 34 10 46. SPECIAL . .. .. . BOY'S T SHIRTS "Penman's" brand, some with gaucho collar, short or long sleeves. Reg. sold for 1.49. Size 8, 10, 12. SPECIAL . ...... BOY'S PANTS jeans, twills, In a group of etc. In broken sizes 8 to 16. Values to 4.98. SPECIAL PAIR .e ¥ -SWHAL iJavang HEE DNIHUUYd IIH and interest of Jamaica at heart, | gave a talk and presented colored {film of the island, starting from ithe days of slavery until the pres- ent time, The island is an old| page Picture Section Canadian Fashion preview in in the home. They use United| Was quite out of date now. On a this week's Star Weekly, States figures for comparison|later visit I noted that she had with their use in England, be-|learned the lesson quite well, for Of higher priced items, dresses, blouses, house coats, girls dresses, etc. Values to 14.98. SPECIAL cause no one seemed to have the|she was talking glibly * about Canadian statistics available. |these '"'wonderful Canad re- civilized one, being one of al These figures for Britain show|frigerators™. the size of the market to be de-| veloped. | In the United States, 93 per cent| SOCIAL NOTICE of the homes have washing ma- chines, and in the United King-| MARRIAGE dom, only 39 per cent. The marriage of Mrs. Marion Eighteen per cent of American mMacKellar of Oshawa and Mr. homes have spin dryers: In the walter Eskou of Milwaukee, Wis- U.K., only three per cent. Floor polishers are to be found in nine per cent pf U.S. homes,| consin, took vlace in the chapel of the First Methodist Church in Bradenton, Florida, on Friday, Take the casual view of Spring With Our talented LADIES' SLIPS In a choice of styles that normally sold for 2.98. Some KAYBAR, regular and built-up shoulders. In 1 00 sizes 32 to 40. Broken sizes and styles. Special #5 MEN'S, BOYS', GIRLS' MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS AN made by well known mekers, normally sold fer 3.98 end 4.98 in printed end woven potterns. Sizes S, M, L. and XL. Some white dress shirts in 1 99 this lot. SPECIAL ® MEN'S TIES WINTER CAR COATS Bu 4 thet up to 2.00 each SPECIAL .. 31.00 but in only one per cent of British| February 5, 1960, with the Rev- homes. {erend Dr. D. A. Cooke officiating. Britain does much better in vacuum cleaners. These are to| be found in 71 per cent of the| itish ho < it British homes and 73 per cen oF rs. D. R. Spence marked their United States homes. i : In refrigerators, the gap is tre-| 68th wedding ' anniversary here. mendous. Only 16 per cent of|At 94, Mr. Spence is still active] U.K. homes have a refrigerator,|in the cattle business and drives! while 98 per cent of American his own car. Mrs. Spence, 89, de-| homes have them. votes her spare time to the work| Sixteen per cent of British of the local Women's Institute. | 74 EL) : WED 68 YEARS g «> LINDSAY, Ont, (CP)--Mr. andl] # . Z In broken sizes values to 12.98. AL MR. MORT end his new sportswear line! CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS & CAR COATS Reduced to low, low prices. PILLOW ALL DRAPERY CASE MATERIAL In sturdy quality, well made, plain hem. Normally sold for 79¢ 39 In the store reduced te a price. The patterns are so attractive and in such each, SPECIAL EACH . . .. lovely shades. 1.99 1.49 Many, Many More Bargains on Display, Come In And Shop Around. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING @ USE YOUR GREDIT, NO CARRYING CHARGES Open All Day Every Wednesday OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. PHONE RA 5-3411 ¥.v4131:% DEPARTMENT STORE 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (ACROSS FROM SOUTH SIMCOE SCHOOL) FREE PARKING HEI BUDGET TERMS MEN'S PANTS Clearsnce of discontinued patterns in broken sixes. Values to 9.98. : SPECIAL PER PAIR ..cocecoccisecenes /3 (7 pr ODE a [£ 7 * Aa i His charm is as irresistible as his young-hearted separates in exhilarating, color-matched pastel checks, plaids and solid spring wools of superb quality ! All made for each other, .. taking on a costume look with harmonizing fine Egyptian cotton blouses . . . or Kitten sweaters. Give spring to your wardrobe right now . . . at Blacks SPORTSWEAR DEPT. Lower Level CHILDREN'S LINED SLAX In plain shades end in plaid, poplin. Al warmly interlined nd sinforized. Velvet to 1.98. Sizes 3 to 6x. 11'S SPECIAL . .. BATH TOWELS ji 3 oh HEN HOMESPUN BEDSPREAD In attractive woven checks. Beige background with biue, yellow or brown. Single or double bed size. Reg. sold for 6.98. 3.99 SPECIAL Reg. 3.98 yd. NOW YARD WEEKEND SPECIAL THURSDAY ,FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY BOYS' FLANNELETTE SHIRTS LONG SLEEVES Sizes 8 to 16. Reg. 1.98. FINAL CLEARANCE terns, in @ host of shades, SPECIAL EACH Reg. 2.98 yd. NOW YARD ® OATMEAL ® SALTBOX CHECK lustrated: "Pop-over Jacket .eveseesnsnes. $10.95 Box-Pleated Skirt .,. $16.95 Bow-Tie Blouse, 34 length sleeves . $8.95 ! Sizes 9 to 17 ' Blacks LADIES' WEAR LIMITED 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 7: BUDGET TERMS BEEESSSS FREE PARKING BEESGEES BUDGET TERMS ISSSSSES FREE PARK'NG BESS BUDGE DNINUVd 334] EEE SWUZl 13pand BEES DNISTHE I Sous 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Fridoy Evening Till 9 p.m.

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