Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 9, 1960 15 : SPORT OUTDOORS By Jack Sords |UAW LEAGUE Announce Dates :| For Title Series ATR Final arrangements have been Steffan. Both have hard driving] ei 15, Whirlwinds 15, Bombers 14. completed with the Bowmanville {slapshots from their point posi-| Pinups 11, Slowpokes 7 and Six Luckies cAsTcM.A |Arena for the UAW Hockey tions. --- OOF OF ROPE |League's best 3-out-of-5 cham-| In the Tony's corner, they put CUSTOMS LEAGUE OR LEATHER |pionship finals, between Tony's forth three strong attacking units| Points taken: Dr. Jaks, 4; Jean's i er oF iRefreshments and Belko Redy-|and a reliable netminder in Joe Team 0; Unknowns 4; Clowns 0; Slow SHOULD CAPSIZE YOUCAN | MIX. | Melnick. Melnick has been play-{3oce o° O°" 1 Serewballs 4 and HANG ON TO THE LOOP | "Wib" Hall, spokesman for the/ing especially well during the! 600 Games: Jack Bishop 643. loop's four-man executive com- Playoffs and was the big man in (ack Same: ne Bishop 204; hs Bradley's, | 32 ac) cCaffrey y Taggs| pg mite, has arranged that the sr Cc en the ll Limit of thee 2; Soc, Tok, it Bn MESH 35 ./ which wen e full ma ree| : nkin H Fi ies get started this Sunday mors games. [Louise Cantield 202 and Elsie Mar. ing with all game times on five : ... lcinek. {successive Sunday mornings, Tony's captain Sambo Smith, Lemon League: Jean Weir 79, 75: starting time of 11.00 a.m. Mr, although slowed down a lot on Jerry King 77; Elsie Marcinek 83; Bill Hall also said, that there is an skating, has still to be considered Howard 32 and Marg lee 92 outside chance that some of the|a threat as the big centre is doing frey 199.6 and Bob Wrig play-off games may possibly be| the pivot work for Bobby Harmon| Ladies' High Average: Jack MeCaf- ht 199.5. 160. | Congratulations girls. [paved on the Sabbath afternoons, SES a pair goal: "Nios High Single: Jack MeCatirey| The Blue Jays started the last roviding suitable arrangements Eve Manning | 319. can be made with the Bowman-| Their second unit of Joe Reid, Ladies' High Single: Louise Canfield | ection by Sekine 2 Lod and ie Cotsen Hockey Lavon, Kot, Wd LS or "hs, rg, wr, 1, MES US pts om he G3 's sist Ladies Hig! riple: ve lanning Both Tony's and Belko's are no Getters and the Bell Ringers took Whi 4 "final play-offs, hav- [Bom Davis, Bob Bivive SSE Men's High Single Handicap: Gord fire polis from te Slow Jost Tonkin 330. e Pin Pick- battled tooth - and-Go. o.oo 2 stout argument as Ladi ig A oycals an CUTTING AND SEWING LEAGUE (231, 206, V, Mason 228, M, Camerom"* High Triples: B, Blight 691 234, 27, |223, T. Mikolosh 320, D. Woodcock 217, 7 po 220); S. Bell 672 (227, 246); A. Des- D: esfudins 8 2) IL partes 201, [A jarins 656 (258, 219); J. Cameron 643| Lemon League: N. Norton 99, J. wr (267); A. Reece 639 (235, 219): M. Mec- (88 and R. Lehebauer 80. Grath 627 (223, 240); R. Elliott 619] Points Taken: Kookies 4, Daredevils (263); B. Bevin 609 (238, 208) and Z.[|0; Wildcats 4, Six-Shooters 0; Itchy~ Moreau 601 (248, 217). Fleas 3, Sizing 5 Six 1; Stanley Si teams 4 High Singles: P. Knopp 238, J, Hilllers 3, Spare Tires 1, ] NEW REDUCED PRICE mim STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery VIGOR OIL CO. For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 BROOKLIN AJAX OL. 5-3221 550 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 622, Bill Baker 613, Peggy|CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS 610, Helen Read 603, Stella| gure was nice to see Ron Swartz Barnett, Tom Corneal and Stan John- well again and back in bowling form, son 602, Lily Rae's 601 and Bea Hale and topping them all with 780 (317, 256); Lois Gord Hudson 758 (248, 269); Arn Greene High singles ware: Al Hale 200. 270; 754 (246, 271); Art Brown 705 (240, Ron Morrison 254, 229; Bana Biker 248); Wess Richards 681 (221, 242); Al 4 , 278); Morin 666 havior 530, "sz5; | Smith 667 (200 Gerry Morin H Elliott 665 (265, 209); Helen Fisher 227, 225; Audrey Keys| oo 20; Bil Bob Spiers 663 (262, 270); Barb Pisani 223, 222; Dot Paradise 281: Mac Barnett 266, 220); Tippett 630 (295); 270, Blanche Norton and Gren Wil- ib « Di Fe 4 . im Nemish 630 (231, 207); Ford Ben- |liams 264, Alex Alexander 258, Flo iis 619 (269); Don Brown 616 (208, Lovelotk 255, Stan Paradise 253, Phyl|gss); Keith Clarke 612 2 an, 222) and Johnson 250, Bill Baker and Tal Ryan|y,cky Wills 611 (293, 24, -- Bara; ing 2 Bare STO Games over 200: pled "Hircock 246, Harding and Bill Gutsell 234, Bruce Dalton 230, Joan Gray, Mary Horn and Henry Bickle 228, Steve Lovelock and Leslie , Stella Barnett, Olive Meinioh and Irene a luey 226, Glad Williams and Don Thompson 223 Ede Ryan 220. WEDNESDAY NITE LADIES The Alleycats are the winners|s {of the third section by having the {highest total pins in the section. THE FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE Singles -- Gladys Gwilliams 255, Bar- |bara Ryerson 217, Irene Hann 210 and Elsie Bathe 203. % Whirlwinds 3, i Bombers 4; Jets Kd Six 9) Hope 1 ang Bes inups 1. Crossman Brown 3 Killen 213, Norm O'Reilly 212, 3 Helen Hircock 209, Ron O'Reilly 3% Jim McConkey 205, Joe Flynn and |206; Steve Artym and Millie Brown i aud I Don Robinson 200. Hi-Bawls, and 1 Lucky Strikes 9; Don'ts 8 , Yanks 7 diets 6, ; Jinps and Jesters 4, Rangers and Hi-Lo's 1. SOME ANGLERS LrAM THIS BEATS PORK RIND FOR BASS AND PICKEREL Men's High Average: FIREMEN'S MIXED LEAGUE We do mot have any 600 triples to report this week, but there are some good 200 singles. singles -- Joan Marks 266, Casey othr 237, Jack Peeling 230, Ernie MacKenzie 226, Palmer Knight 224, 216; Vi. Knox 222, Art Tuson 219, Gord Brough 217, 215; Joe Garrett 215, Jim Little 217, Eddie Smith 211, Jerry Hick- ey 210, 207; Diane Robinson 217, Scoft Smith 217, George Robinson 203, Keith Knox 201, Vern Johnston 201, Gary Hooper 200 and Don Marks 200. { Points taken -- False Alarms 4, Laggers 0; Dummies 3, Slow Pokes 1; High Pressures 3, Fire Balls 1 and | CO2's 3, Smokey Six 1. Team standings -- False Alarms 6, High Pressures 5, Co2's 5, Smokey Six 4, Dummies 4, Laggers 3, Slow Pokes 3 and Fire Balls 2. at SSD METHOD 10 PRE + NT LINE KINKS WHEN ing €UT OUT THE PIECE OF GRISTLE ON THE UNDERSIDE OF A PICKEREL'S JAW #T HAS FROG-LIKE ACTION WHEN RETRIEVED IN JERKS Every racing secretary dreams|track is clear now of a race the best pacers in the horses have taken new country. Here is the opinion of records. this winter with the eight best! Arthur Hansen handicapped on past position: |Hal Can 159 4-5 in 1. Debora Frost 2.00 (H. Mc- Bondsman 2.07 H in .34 Kinley); 2. Great Adios 2.00 2-5! Gordon Kingston trained Darn (J. Guigere); 3. Dares Direct Tootin in 2.35, Mr. Forbes Key in 2.03 3-5 (D. McTavish); 4. Scotch , Demon Day in 2.42 and the lite 2.00 2-5 (F. Redden); 5. Sir two-year-old trotter March Van Winston Pick 2.02 45 H (R.|continues to improve being re- White); 6. Chief Mad igs $5 peated in 2.45. (B. Cote); 7. Champ Volo 2. -5 > vale Bs H (P. Dussault] and 8 Mighty yoo Hay aed Lasse trained Rocky 2, 208, S. 2.34 also |® WHITBY is available in any quentity et the following . . . VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATIONS ® OSHAWA eo 78 BOND ST. WEST SIMCOE ST. SOUTH at Lakeview Park KING ST. EAST at the Townline ® WHITBY e 500 BROCK ST. NORTH WIRD SB Ww a am FENPILRN R New Building Material Supermarket GRAND OPENIN §-) THURS. FRL SAT. MAR. 10 MAR. 11 MAR 12 Tpm-%9pm -- %em.-9 pm. -- 9am.-9 pm, 419 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY Blanche Norton CISPR Wi Why Do Canadians Shun Immigrants ? Would one of your friends shout 'I'm sick of all you filthy immigronts!"? In this week's Star Weekly a South African couple tells you why they left Conade broken-heatred. ® AJAX © HARWOOD AVE. N. © BROOKLIN eo JCT. 7 & 12 HWYS, Ladies' High Single Handicap: Louise] lers split, with two points each. nail last season both on the ice|¢o" y,ct who is going to be p! P Carrie 772 Eveland the Hot Shots none. I" last spring, coppin a the laurels las g, pping| PLAY.OFF DATES Team Standing -- Hi Bawls 17, Alley|799 triple (274, 210, 315). Very ties in five games. | HARNESS RACING je [March 27 --Belko vs Tony's Pins 9, Merry Six 8, Gay Six 8 and | ; necessary) 1212, 244); S. Power 646 (240, 210); to their rostér over last 1 Pinfall Standing -- Hi Bawls 15,155, = 3 3 Head Pins 14,703, Go- | Misztak 613 (258). clude goalie 14, 333, Lucky Stirkes 14,483 and Merry T tak 258, T. Rogers 251, 209; T. g Iby 751 (351, 251, 249); son. All five players have had Belko sees 9 yh. 28 , SERIES "B" SEMI.FIN {Sanford 618 (256) and I. Fowler 0 fa 232, 216; F. Barnum 232, and some the now defunct Intermediate Ww T Murray 244, B, Badgley 241, Robson" 225, O. Wills are former Junior "Cees" |Bradley's Armoteong 212. J. Sroith 21, R. Bathe 209, T. Barcley 213, L. Roser 213, M. Morton 209, ve v hockey wars was a member of the PLAY-OFF AVERAGES Lemon League -- M. Tucker 95, 78; Dewell 202. bines later Melnick, Tony's Zieey ) High Singles -- B. Sanford 335; Hand. and M. Henson 86. t ; Robinson, Gdm's 13 0 13.00 PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES LEAGUE same with the exception of four Corner Pins 26, Sometimers 25, The udley 1.59 3-5 H (K. Waples). oe Coons King ir Arnold. Ei Brats 24, Headliners and High Hopes 4 Dudley 1.59 Pp ing's First and Keeper's King in men. B and Mortis old, Belko % 10 117, For Your Convenience " o Mo Bryan the rearguards 10 and - Goose Eg 19, Handicappers 17 Much was accomplished t his Brook, in 2.42 handy. Richards, Belko week at the first directors' meet- Dunlop's Gord and another ex- HOCKEY DYING West. Tony's Madeline Morrison 753, 683: Stan Cook ' ) : 816, 613: Howard Read 710, 673; Alf Pres. Les. Ehrlick reported the ine-up, is last year's scoring Harmon, Tony's membership has grown to 350. champ Bill Berwick, who was 616; Ray Branton 653, 648: Se ------ -- ayle 664, 620; Don Brockman horses) 4 per cent up to $5000 and 3 dying as a high school hockey playing for this season. JOCKEY SPILLS 625, 609. : 3.7 per cent above also fire and sport in Canada because of The Cementmen feel confident Those with one high: triple are: Bob forced to cancel his remaining|ess. Ben Fisher and Joe Horn 662, Elsie Y per cent. The rate for fire and principal of St. Columbas 'tain Jack Armstrong and his/mounts at Gulfstream Park after Smith 658, Ev Harding 653, Henry ; 2 f z : ; theft on equipment will be 1 per Boys High School here wingman, scoring leader Syd Ar- 3 ing 63 the|Jured. Kee 630, ers, owners and grooms will be them (the schools) of their |"Gold Dust Trio" by manager| 3, ry " young players," he told th available to the one day meets y pia) he points during the year. During] 4 broke Junior Little Lumber the regular campaign they tal- "Gn s caiord was Johnston oy Kings to last year's Memor- | prominent role in winning the their purse schedule this year to }ég2es and universities should Series 4" Semifinal against $360,000. They expect to start a Offer hockey players good ath- of 31 points in the two contest. | The snow storm disrupted the schools. Duer hig. mei to Fateh for In} Jocal training schedules but the Canfield 294. land in the protest committet | crowned the 1cague-play-off win- Steve| | That leaves the Slow Jets and the Ladies' High Triple Handicap: Ev Campbell was just one point ns (one a pro- the title on two wins p March 13 -- Belko vs Tony's | Mix 4h] ant] [Cats 12, Pin Pickers 10, Hi Jo | nice Ev. Congratulations. C. Col- Redy-Mix, this season's penna April 3 -- Tony's vs Belko (if {faces : ™ re (i 4 r --- y y's ( a finalists. Newcomers in| APril 10 -- Belko vs Tony's (if gay six 14, tt Hi Lo's 14,627, Jesters| 209 games -- E, Campbell 274, IO ers n acCers wards Lucky Wills, Maxie Yourth, SERIES i 00 SEMIFINAL , : 631 (302); M. Shorten 0%) Brown 207, 212, 244; S. Powers previous OHA experience. Hawe Goodman's he J. Taylor 231, N. Reid 227, M. season's Intermediate "A" Bowmanville 21, W. Snow 225, L.| 7ydoe 219, M. Wilson 216, M. Top- aduates from the Brooklin club|Tony's wins series 21, 208, B. |Clarke 207, E. Lynburner 206 H. Langley 208, M. Godden 208, | old Oshawa Generals back in the GA SO AVE. p "McCloskey 83, W. Mallette 82, F.|V There were only two bowlers in| 4 Fi eld lev's 3 2 icap, F. Fowler 329, B. Gibson 352; On the Tony's roster, the de-|xiicp it: Brac: 3.8 oti Te Team standings this week are: Jets A : TOP LAY. newcom which includes two OP TEN PLAY-OFF SCORERS 3, Eight Balls Mavericks 21, The The total earnings in 1959 was 2.40, Scotch Honor in 2.43 and Armstrong. DBeiko 5 510 while the other new faces include Goofers 15%, Maudettes 15 and Sweets | STOVE OIL " and Sour 13. Lintner, Belko Those with two high triples for the ing of the recently formed On- General of yesteryears, Ted De- Brisebois 706, 644: Bert Mewett 690, Mapes, Bradley's Available to the members will SCHOOL SPORT sidelined for the season suffering) : A ckms A s 1; Oscar Morrison 620, 615; Jim MIAMI, Fla, (AP)--Walt Blum,| se ny poi transportation insurance good 'he influence of the profes- |in the series as they are counting Santer 725, Ed Leslie 731, Mas Bamett he fell with Mistral in the first Bickle 642, Olive McIntosh 640, Maudie cent to $5000. "The professional hockey nold and George Westfall. This Les Childerhose and these boys Pembroke Rotary Club, for $25, 20 per cent of this will be : Se Sugry td lied an overall total of 115 points Raceway ex- ial Cup playdowns. Lorne Goodman Plumbing and Futurity for two-, and three-year. etic scholarships as is done the Redy-Mix squad, are rear- Men's High Triple Handicap: Irooms. Tony's eventually won all [ners. {Go Getters with one point each Manning 779. | tiful ) a loss and a pair of | x WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE [off the 800 mark with a beau test triumph) a p March 20 --Tony's vs Belko 10, Jesters 9, Lucky Strikes 9, Head |lins 683 (288): T. Brown 663 (207, {winners, have added five new| or 2 , B. Grant 618 (216, 232) and C. years Ross Hawe. for- necessary. |Getters 14,632, ry F A |210, 315; C. Collins 288, C. Misz- 1 George Westfall and Elmo Gib- = . : - F. Fowler 763 (315, Cif Id n or eason : D. Walker 628 (239); D.|540, 210, M. Fitzgerald 236, B. 1 and Westfall toiled last year with Belko wins series 2-0. Over 30 -- H. Walker 286, M. Mul- Martin 22, N. Orono Combines, Gibson and|Tony's Suow 255, Li 2 ping 214, F. Bracey 214, S. Hanna while Yourth, a veteran of many GOALTENDERS Clarke 20 and F. a f N. Blasko 206, E. Therien 203 and 40's and with Bowmanville Com- Hawe, Belko ~~ ...... 2 1 1.00/Snow 79 and A. Trick 78 the Lemon League. 0. Martin 8] Nicholish Ys 10 OI Handicap, D. Walker 339. : Nicholisheon, Gdm's .. fending titlists are pretty well the e015 3601 ms 10 0 10.00 Happy Gang 27, Do Littles 26%, ESN a forwar da couple of defens- Pts ) Dinkys and Shocks 20, Six Blind Mice $266,491. he two-year-old pacer, Dale G. Westfall, Belko Al Myles, brother of the Whithy Wills, Belko two days are: Mavis Taylor 822, 634; tario Harness Horseman's Assoc. Gray. Missing from the champs' y : Muriel Crossman 717, 620; Harry Middleton, Bradley' Eee or be a mortality insurance (for PEMBROKE (CP)--Hockey |a leg injury which ended his Morrison 620, 615 and Steve Barta leading rider at the meeting was 75" Li" paris 699, Nancy Brisebois anywhere in Canada or U.S.A. at Sionals, says Brother Paul, [heavily on the big line of cap- Cook 6: race. He was not seriously in- An accident insurance for ariv- organizations are robbing [trio has been nicknamed have really picked up the scoring borne by the Ontario Association Brother Paul coached Pem- including goals. They played a pects an 8 per cent increase in He 'also said Canadian col- Heating, in straight-games rolling olds at both gaits. in many United States guards Neil McMahon 2 and Larry O Plymouth (AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU) Meet the car that puts cotton in your ears, a cloud where you sit, a smile on your lips. A car so silent, so smart you'll wonder why all cars aren't built this new solid way. A car that's every ounce the Whisper-quiet riding is one won- derful benefit of Plymouth's new Unibody construction. Frame and body are one solid piece, with nary a bolt to jiggle loose and rattle. In tests against body- bolted-to-frame assemblies, Uni- body proved one-and-a-half times stronger, twice as twist-resistant. Whistle-provoking beauty goes hand-in-hand with Plymouth's array of engineering changes. Plymoutn's new look says "luxury" like no other car in its class. And you'll find Plymouth's contempo- rary beauty follows you into its roomy interior, adding immeasur- ably to your riding pleasure. Whisk-away power plus fuel- saving thrift are yours in any of Plymouth's four engines for 1960 . .. from the new 30-D Economy Six to the Golden Commando V-8. Mated with famous TorqueFlite, PowerFlite.or manual transmis- sions, these modern power plants put a new kind of go at your toe. If you love your home -- you'll love this big, bright building raaterial "Supermarket with speedy self-serve and big roomy home help and planning. Everything En home is on display. Even the lumber and moulding greatest Plymouth ever! is in the store with bundle buggies for easy shopping. You'll find that eo visit to this wonderful store is an exciting and refresh ingly new way to shop for your home. Kit- chens, built-in appliances, recreation rooms --all on display--plus aisles of speedy self- serve merchandise well displayed. - This new store makes. n d! SEE IT! Everyone Welcome Pping af The the first 250 ladies visiting the new store Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we will give a beautital rose. FREE Joe Beaver Hats to the YOU COULD HOME IMPROVEMENT CREDIT NOTHING TO BUY ... NO OBLIGATION . . . simply fill in a coupon and you'll be eligible to win the wonderful $500.00 Home Improvement Credit good for 1 year at Beaver Lumber (Whitby). 3 BIG DAYS THURS., MARCH 10, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, SATURDAY, MARCH 12. FREE ROSES A quality product of Chrysler Corporation Here's Unibody . . . the strongest autemotive structure ever. Solid Unibody cuts twist and sag to sur- vive years of tortuous driving. To protect your investment, Unibody undergoes a seven-dip weather- proofing process that keeps your '60 Plymouth free from rust and corrosion year after year. THIS YEAR PLYMOUTH mAKES THE BIG CHANGES! CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH The only all-new Six in the in- dustry, Plymouth's 30-D Econ- omy Six is inclined 30 degrees (like modern race-car engines) to incorporate separate fuel passages for each cylinder. Unlike ordinary Sixes, the 30-D Economy Six gives you smooth, economical perform- ance plus peak power every thrifty mile you travel. Improved Torsion-AIRE teams with new Unibody to top any car ever made in ride and roadability .. to keep you more level even on bumpy roads. It's so easy to pull the reins on Plymouth's power with fast-acting Total-Contact brakes. New 3- platform shoe supports give extra stopping power and lining life. Every part, every pound of Plymouth's solid anatomy has been designed with one end in mind: your complete motor- ing satisfaction. Plymouth has made the changes others have overlooked and, in so doing, has surpassed its class by every measure of comparison, Look at the other cars. But before you buy any car, drive Plymouth. It's solid for 60! OSHAWA, ONTARIO BARGAINS GALORE Act now during the Grand Opening and save! Hundreds of home items have been put on sale for the opening . . . nothing down with convenient budget terms. See for yourself at the opening. » Speedy - Self Serve ¥ Home Improvement Dept. ¥ Farm 'Rep' at Your Service ONE STOP BUILDING MATERIAL CENTRE LUMBER 419 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY i le ESS

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