Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1960, p. 13

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Would Boost Age Fo ompelled Education She sharon Times | Request Study 'Of Automation SECOND SECTION WEDNESDTY, MARCH 9, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN | wy, oshawa and District Labor|members from the federal tnd PT BY dint d jl Council Picks Bl Award Winners | OTTAWA (CP)--Four 1959 win- {ners of the Governor-General's {Awards for literature were an- nounced Tuesday by the Canada City, with Le Barachois. and Douglas LePan of Queen's University. ok election cummins in - Robe! , Tr of the nk weg fu ad Pair Remanded Osh Magistrate's court this fiction, the winner was Msgr. rain - Aniome savant. auc Armed Robbery Bail was set at $5000 each in morning for Norbert MacEach- ern, 20, of Courtice and Paul Council, Tuesday night, recom- mended raising the age limit, for compulsory education, to 18 or 20 years. This recommendation was one of several, advanced as a pos- sible plan to cope with the im- pending impact of automation on industry. A resolution was passed fo re- quest the federal government to provincial governments, from sei- ence, management, churches and education," the submission said. Mr. Jennings said: "We in the labor movement shudder to think of the results of full automation if the means of production are Nowed' 10. be led by small group of our present type of company executives. . Council B iti h Pil % | Beaudry, 17, of 809 B: street, [set up a committee "to study the SLUMS FORESEEN The awards for English and ritis 1 ot RE an i ig ol ible eff full automation] "We . slums, fll with armed robbery asked the/on industry; and to bring in|with millions of unemployed, French writing xe actompanied {by cash prizes of | provi " 14 tie. council, There were no Faces Charges magistrate for legal aid, recommendations for broadening|while automatic machines bury r3 + awards for English non-fiction or / They were remanded in cus-|ils benefits and minimizing its|their owners in an avalanche of * 5 1) French poetry. . LONDON (Reuters)--A British{tody till March 17 unless $5000 bad effects, manufactured goods for which ga The award for English fiction|jet fighter pilot who defected to|each is provided by a bondsman.| The resolution was read by|they cannot find buyers," he con- RCAF BAND PLAYS AT TWO OSHAWA COLLEGIATES was won by Hugh MacLennan, Russia in 1956 was ordered Tues-| MacEachern and Beaudry are Charles Jennings, chairman of tinued, Montreal, for his novel The|day to stand trial on charges of {said by police to have held up|legislative committee and dele- 3 The band of the Royal Cana- | 1946 by its present conductor, | and radio for the British Broad- colleges and universities and {Watch That Ends the Night. handing over information of pos-|Dymtro Kocan with a hunting|gate to the council from Local dian Air Force, Air Transport | Flight Lieut. Clifford Hunt, CD, | casting Corporation and the Al- | played in concerts and parades The i Jocty prizewimmer sible Jise to Maynard Wraight % knife and took okt ete model |494, United Rubber Workers. «. Command, performed Tuesday | the band has been heard and | lied Armed Forces' Radio nmet- | . ~~ . REEL was Irving Layton, ontreal, ony | r » @, automobile, on March 7. inv x ih %. afternoon to students of the | seen by millions in Canada, | work covering Europe. Through | !0 €very maior city in Canada. {with Red Carpet for the Sun. |pleaded not guilty to violation of pyiice picked up the pair in the WANT SHORTER WORK WEEK ventor of oder, Who Ji te Oshawa Central Collegiate In- | the United States, England, | the years the band has per- | The band makes regular visits | The French fiction award went|the Official Secrets Act. He was|peverage room of a local hotel] Other suggested factors for|n. qo in about 10 years. It will stitute and Tuesday morning | France and Western Germany. | formed at the Canadian | to far-flung RCAF bases in to Andre Giroux, a Quebec pro- refused bail, |within an hour of the robbery. study, by the committee, includ. bring great benefits and ¢ reat | Wraight returned voluntarily ed: "A drastic reduction the or Ie Sey EE S at Dr. F. J. Donevan Col- | Besides concert performances, | National Exhibition, visited in- | Labrador and northern Canada. |vincial civil servant, for Malgre _ Te legiate Institute. Organized in --Oshawa Times Photo |Tout, La Joie. For French non-'from Russia in December. work week, with a suitable pay problem of displaced } as i Court Finds =a wee iiie fl Conant Street Owners i ed Opposed To Rezoning § dents attend university, and the|s2ying "it is too late to educate | B B k taking of the means of produc- tion out of the hands of ate nic : us Drakes private! Jill have to be provided with in- A deputation of citizens, armed the board that homes in the area] NEED MORE SPACE with a 70-signature petition, ap-|were in the $12,000 to $15,000| Said Ald. Dafoe: "The board of F& capital, completely." peared at a public hearing of the class and the homeowners feared |works is in need of space and this ¥ Bei it has appeared on television | numerable secondary schools, RK of the submission was to le-| cilities while the younger genera. = | Inadeqate ment a similar one endorsed by|tion is educated to work with its | the Religion - Labor Council of|minds, instead of its hands." Canada, Feb, 29, . "The com-| Sir Watson-Watt lives in Thora- mittee is to composed of hill, Ontario, Former bus line operator Clare Garton was, Tretday fined oy and costs when he appear fore Magistrate R. B. Baxter SCHOOL BOARD SAYS Tuesday, on a charge of permit- ting a commercial vehicle to be # | operated with a brani System * * fl | not adequate to stop the vehicle. i t Because he was not satisfied, our 1Ce 1 & from the evidence against Mr. Garton, there was no emergency brake on the bus in question, Of New School Magistrate Baxter dismissed a second charge of failing to have the vehicle equipped with two| ORONO -- Durham District|was still not approved by some separate braking systems which High School Board, after almost|members, rE 3 3 a An BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Mr. Jennings said the purpose|creased recreation and hobby fa- Oshawa Planning Board Tuesday |property devaluation would fol-|jooked. like the best possible use Es night to oppose rezoning of city-|low zoning of nearby land for in-|for the land." owned property on the north side/dustrial purposes. When Mr. Harper heard the list of Conant street, east of Ritson| Allowed uses under the new of possible industries that could ks¥ v road south. zoning would include the follow-|ocate on the land, he said: "We After hearing the deputation's|ing: an iron foundry, brewery, cannot let this go through." E arguments and comments, the poultry killing plant, machine planning board chairman Wil- f board decided to table the mat-|{shop, stable, sheet metal plant, jiam Woodcock told the group | ter until Mayor Lyman A. Gif- bulk pil storage, animal pound that divisions between residential ford could be present to hear de- and forge plant. and industrial areas are neces- tails. : Ald. Finley Dafoe explained sary in a city. Planning board is requesting that the board of works felt a| "Our job is to determine the rezoning of the land from R3 to|need to expand city yard facil-|best locations for these divi- M2, which will allow the area toljties. sions," he said. be used for industrial purposes. | iE . . The city already owns land im- |." Harper commented '1haliGoon NEIGHBORHOOD -- would stop the bus. two years controversy over a| It is understood that tenders mediately east of the land in from the present city yard now| Mr, Harper told the board that © : 2 CKED BUS site for a new 500-pupil high for the new school will be called question, which is zoned M2 and|, ." Los poser been a particu. builder had recently built "four CHE ED Jim McDonald school, has decided it will be lo-| within a few days, and the board is slated to be part of the city|[0 rol pa {or five homes in the area and has OPP Constable Jim McDonald ated at Courtice in Darlington hopes to have the school ready y clean place to live near. said he checked a Garton bus ony on chipn for occupation by the fail of 1961 Highway 2 at 9 am. Jan. 20 The site was actually decided . yard. {had no trouble selling them. ich which had been stopped by De-| 100 fa and a debenture "With previous zoning of the| "wwe fee] we have a good|] FEAR DEVALUATION city yard," said Mr. Harper, "We neishborhood and we would like! | 37 4 4 : i Sonny : Jack Harper, Sylvia street, were not told what kind of indus i; i remain that way," he said. | | ry : ro ; partment of Trauspon Inspector issue was approved by United » - spokesman for the group, tolditry could locate in the area. There WAS.DO ition to a) ; 1 a : ; Irvine Hunter al wh, e Jequestad Gounties council at its last meet- i u on brakes. ; ior ? Sh Cost Prohibits [the H. Gay Co. y on Bruce Constable McDonald said he| It was later decided that a full Purpose of this rezoning was to propert street from R 4 to MIB. put a brake tester in the bus and watep supply was not available, Is Po ul ar make the existing manufacturing instructed the driver, George|and the whole question of a site UIC Elevator | | Michael Starr, minister of erected for the department of Range Lack | building a conforming use. | public works, which provides for Inia, to drive the vehicle at 20|began to shape up again. miles per hour then apply the brakes. On the first application, the bus travelled 60 feet before it came to a stop. That represented a 23 per cent effectiveness of the The well driller had reported that a pressure of 16 gallons per minute was available. Some members and Darlington town- ship council, said this was not brakes. The second time the brakes enough to supply the school. However, at 3 meeting in Orono The Oshawa and = District Aquarium Society held its first tropical fish auction at its regu lar meeting last Monday night, A very large audience of mem. bers and visitors was delighted with the auctioneering of Ian Me- ES RRS Labor, has refused, point-blank, to have an elevator installed in|the UIC, It is a definite policy _ Oshawa's new, two-storey, Unem.- of the department not to instal H z ployment Insurance Commission|elevators where a building has dampers } | were applied at the same speed, Tuesday evening, figures were Donald geri A buildin Si tres south. Viwo. fi d ab t "| the stopping distance was 70 feet|produced to show that this >: Prop: of "The hw E On himcoe Brod Sou a} Yo pith led Ri fl Cl b he | which Tepresenls puly 2 per cent amoupt of water would supply a gi virion Toronto, . istri { 3 effectiveness the brakes. school nearly three times as big uring the evening W. L. Whit- er She Osowa ng Disretoy Sat yuorle do wes ws wins! TUITI @ 15111 When instructed to pull on the|as the proposed high school. ~lern, FZS, of Toronto, gave a "ite meeting. Tuesday ni - " : 1 . : . i) [emergency brake, then put the| Considerable discussion finally|lecture and showed a film on g, Tuesday night. The| "But usually arrangements can| The inter services rifle associ- inle i : " council. at its February 7 Lidl ie vehicle into first gear and put the|led to approval of the site, which|animal and fish life. . y meeting, be made to look after them on|ation is a very active group bus in moti the vehicle rolled . ' «+ had decided to ask Mr. Starr for|the ground floor." which is only limited by lack of Tos m on e Hoe cle To! After intermission ard refresh. the elevator in order to retain the adequate shooting facilities in ' . own of Hie o K ncline, moving ments E. Straight, of Hamilton, eommission manager who was Oshawa. | Port Perry can easily claim | sprang: a leak. The steady | the tower, sprayed constantly |again e brake. CELEBRATING showed slides and spoke about resigning because of his health. Full Sto Case The Oshawa Inter Services| to have the biggest icicle in On- | trickle of water formed an | throughout the winter, have | TWO BRAKE SYSTEMS his trip to Ceylon where he did In his letter, Mr. Starr said, Pp Rifle' Association was formed in| yi County. It started when | icicles Which grew larger and | yoo 4 the firm grasp of a | Mr. Garton pointed out there BIRTHDAYS collecting of fish from the native 4 even if the elevator was desir- . 5 December, 1959, consisting of | or room tr " larger until now it touches the Gate. of Ye for months were two separate braking sys- waters, » able, the cost factors prohibit it. I D d members from the Ontario Regi-| the water tower, on the north | ground about 40 feet below the . . |tems on the vehicle, the service Congratulations and best Mr. McDonald and Mr, Straight "It is believed the use of an ele- S 1Smisse peut (Sergeants! Mess); Th el side of Queen street west, | hole in the tower. Bushes near |--Photo by George Mackenzie |, + park brake, Wishes 13 the Sollowing of judged the fish show with follow- vator in a building of this kind 7 n _|L-anadian Corps Association, Unit = = Inia replied to Mr. Garton's en awa a is- |ing results: {}is not sufficient to offset the cost|p ar o gh his a The Noval Veterans Assoera: ° question pro] the road condi] trict who are celebrating their | mish of the month: Sunset Var- of installation and maintenance," vehicle to a full stop before enter- on = anacian Legion, Cit Schools Plan Ask Ban On tions that he was driving on ex-| birthdays today: iatus -- Roy Wilson, Uxbridge; . he said. ing a highway against Hugh F.| "ppe purpose of the association Y tremely icy roads and others that| _ Mrs. Ruby Henry, 325 Bald- |Gerry puttikhuis, Oshawa; Dun- He said it was suggested the| Winsor, 21, 292 King street east,|;s to Pose eR on had been salted prior to the] Win street; George Bartlett, |oap 'Syer Bowmanville, lack of an elevator was not the was Tuesday dismissed when held." io r wih wea Te on Nuclear Tests brake test. He said prior to the| 1209 Simcoe street south; Egg layer Jim' Pater reason for the manager's|pleaded not guilty before Magis-|"C 'amid pons test he had no trouble in stop-| Joan Dalby, Courtice; i ye a ergon, Hos civil defence purposes and to or 2 y Oligolepsis Barb; Don Townsend resignation, trate R. B. Baxter. fe a re io The public action committee of| PINE to pick up school children he| Frankie Edwards, 13 Garrard |g "pr ? ? Norman Hodgson's letter of Witness George Thrasher, Ee rvs, the Oshawa and District Labor|Was transporting. road, RR 3, Oshawa; Mervyn Liv > resignation stated: "for several King street, Bowmanville, said| Many ex-servicemen are very Canadian Education Week is Education a few weeks ago, ad-| Council advanced three main pro-| Garton bus mechanic Delos C. Allin, RR 4, Oshawa; Mrs. e Bearers -- Jim » his doctor has been urging|le was involved in a motor ve-|, i i diol. bene entirely - nelected -inlding the " i 'wt it. |posals at Tuesday night's meet.|Sparks, who told the court he has| Robert Southwell, 82 East |Guppies; A. Pankiw, Green Mol- Pe 18 ot oe heen u BING, "le accident with the accused| interested in shooting and would not being entirely neglected in| ding that he was not in favor of it. hE y nig mee hE : glen drive; David Boucher, [lies; Don Townsend, Green ; work only half days",| Ya |like to be able to shoot with the Oshawa. | ati . buses for s eren Dan y > LMr. Starr's letter went on. [Feb 12.0u Highway 2 at Darling- jor services rifle association, For the first time, Ontario wiltlgoorl, Joderation tel thai the It recommended a strong letter| Companies and has 35 years' ex- » Elana. since; 2 BR ue Spoons. "Therefore, even if there were| . but since the facilities are very hold its ~wn Education Week be-|the burden of Education Week|Of Protest be sent to the Diefen-|Perience as a mechanic, said he attergooc, awa; The tank draw was won by Mr. an elevator, his health would not limited for shooting, only a few|ginning Nov. 6 and mot with the for the rest of Canada for 'too|Paker government, on what the examined the bus on the day in| Cathy Tresise, 577 Grierson |M. E. Whiteside. 2 be good enough for him to pro- ex-servicemen are able to shoot|rest of the country which began|jong, and this year had decided|COmmittee termed "atrocities" (question. avenue; Mrs, Marjory Grant, | Door prizes, consisting of plants vide reasonable service to the a. or ongress |several times each year. | Education Week Monday. Oshawa|to Jot the rest of the country go|inflicted on the working people at| He described the brake linings 213% Hillside avenue; Dianne |gonated by Mr. McDonald, were eommission." At the present time the associ-|will be the centre for Education|ahead in March without them. the Avro plant, Elliott Lake, Ban-|as being 'very slimy and wet| McDermaid, 297 Oshawa |won by Bill Crouter, Dennis Reid, * _ lcroft, and in the Maritimes, |which is caused by the salt on the| BIvd. north; Mrs, F. David- |Michael Mitchell, Bryan Latta, & ation is conducting a winter-long| week in Ontario. ; . 2 | Week in Ontario The week they have chosen in A New Party Forum was also|roads. He said brakes won't stop| 590, 101 Oshawa Blvd. south; [gd Kitchen and Udelle Usher. wood. The letter said the building was V : Th ks I fe | shoot, on Tuesday evening, and| But in the city's public schools|y ve soinci i . i voices an Saturday mornings at the throughout March and extending Noverher Solncies mia Xeuca recommended for early fall. The|a vehicle'as well when wet with| Linda Flintoff, RR 1, Osh- "(details are to be arranged by the|the slime from the salt which| awa; Dennis Tripp, 1367 [ AX Armories of the Ontario Regi-| into April open house, associated Novel Sets ' Wg Bi Bh gy a met. Tis Soupetim will endo, the wh with Canadian Open House = be ded ater | committee. acts like grease on the linings. Cedar fires; Romala Bobi, H {Donald MacD ; .|at the e May, when each|mqucation Week, will be held. [IMS month IE Apr i ion w In a i 1 Wolfe street; Claire er, Be Donala Lira team entered in the tournament | "py," CM. Eliott, superintendent | Oshawa, will be at Ritson, Sun- soa le fiir tecommendation wa while ile bis moving Bujold, 213 Pine street, Whit- alcro t Téa gress, expressed thanks for a pro-| Will have had an opportunity for|,¢ public school education and|set Heights and Woodcrest, Mon-| oe" yp "nanadian Labor Congress,|on he said the hand brake will] by; Brian Cranfield, 949 or a test conterning the abstention of|five shoots. |W. J. MacDonald and T, Heath, |aY, March 14; South Simcoe, uy oina"it "to give consideration|allow the bus to move while the| Chevrolet street; Mrs. Lillian the Canadian delegation to the| A trophy will be presented to| vii school inspectors, will ad-| Fuesday, March 15; Cedardale,|y, tho possibility of conducting a|drive shaft is stopped as one] Lemon, 461 Beverley street; To Get Re 1 TE United Nations in the vote on the|the team with the highest score|q occ sroups of parents and teach.| Thursday, March 17; Coronation, a ¢ion.wide postcard EE wheel is going forward and the] Mrs. V. Johnston, 178 Park P ) 4 manufactured from pages of The|duestion of South "Africalwho have fired as a unit. Thelers ip schools where open house| UNERIAY., arch M; Harmony, asking the government to give|other backward when the vehicle| road north PETERBOROUGH (CP) m two apartheid. 'lis held. . [Ong AY, . leadership in seeking a world.|is in gear. The first five persons to in- | _ ini shave fmes, he Fin oft wal The protest was mailed in a|Unit Will be chosen to compete| "mpg 'gate for Education Week wide ban on nuclear explosion| Garton said he was travelling] form The Oshawa Times of Trade Mimister Churchill pas ro pit a aR and letter of Feb. 15. for, Ye mam wovhy. 2 frophy | in Ontario was changed by a de- » tests." to Toronto on the day in question| their birthdays each day will Ji 3 hacia} delegation 3 |w presented to the highest| {i NATO JAS LEECH Here OPP Cruisers and found the road (Highway 2)| receive double tickets to The | oo. act for pny Boi TY 2. not dry until he arrived in down-| Regent Theatre good for a 3 town Toronto. He said it seemed| four-week period. The cur- 0 0 Soraces at 0 a hard to believe Highway 2 would| rent attraction is Walt Dis- transferred its contract to Guu. be dry that day. Sev ony er ju [per Mines in Saskatchewan. GLARE ICE eports on ys Wi In a telephone interview from He charged that DOT Inspector be recelvad only between the Ottawa Tuesday, Rev. H. J. Hunter first stopped the bus when S J, 8 "Maloney, delegation leader, also trimmed with black are part off Mr. MacDonald pointed out, in|scoring marksmen of the season. | 3 the set for the Pilgrim Players' his letter, the Congress executive Trophies will be presented at| Federation's committee on Edu- production of "Charley's Aunt",|council at its meeting in Winni-l]a smoker some time after the cation Week. a Labor Wants to be presented in the McLaugh- peg, in August, 1950, registered last shoot in May. | George L. Roberts, principal of | Not Ambulance lin Library Theatre, Thursday, its Sirong Shoeption to the racial| Plans are underway for shoot- | £1€ ON Collegiate, 2d oo Friday and Saturday this week. [policies ing followed by theling to begin earlier in the autumn ional Institute, explainec | ; ts were designed and|South African government. | : Senintd [reasoning behind the change at aj TORONTO (CP)--Reg Gisborn The seis were gl a 4 so that the rifle association may | eeting of the Oshawa Board of| (CCF -- Wentworth East) urged ames S manufactured by Henry Chap-| "More recently, we included an have a longer shooti ear, | man, the director of the play. emphatic reference to our posi-| 8 ng y | BE ae a the government Tuesday to con-| The Oshawa and District Labor jt wae on iare ice and the eer said Prime Minister Diefenbak "Three separate sets will be used, [tion in this connection in our an- . vert provincial police cruisers in Council will ask Radio Station b ; le. 1iinisler Die'enda ser Want Canadian remote areas into ambulances. |CKLB to revise its program "Call geney Sake Sle works on the T P : had promised to give the delega- Many lives had been lost in|For Help", so anyone speaking one A is on 1% Sold When 0 ress 1ews toms rie | serious and careful one for each act. The sets are: nual memorandum to the govern-| Atlas Succeeds Mr. Maloney said that at a a library, a garden and a parlor. ment of Canada, presented on Tul " fi . a ) aes re on ope. 8 les 5") Bot Titan Falls | Products Used [oe tem mes ao of cite ms eve sane LS ie Promos represent tapers, set in papier .. | caPE canaveRAL, ma. ap) & TOGUCTS US ances. | Secretary 'Keith Ross 'eited|icy roads ther on wor oes. obs Lac meeting with Mr. Shou] ie : ; the can- | lh | ize . ar] > wet ones. delegation was told . the govern- mache sconces, on Charge Dismissed --The Atlas scored its 21st con-| The Oshawa and District Labor| Attorney-General Roberts said|several cases where a name and| Constable McDonald i h govern delabra. Setiive Ha cOrEy AS en am e Oshawa and District Labor| 0 Co te, Pegi indhn gn 8 Do stable McDonald told His| The Oshawa Labor Council was|ment considered the Bancroft The theatrical sets designed . . S¢ succes Titan| Council, Tuesday night, decided Pp clal police would not address should have been obtain-| Worship he expected, when he| assured, Tuesday night, the Cana-|would be the hardest hit of Can- and executed by Mr. chapman Against Driver fizzled in flight Tuesday in alto ask the Oshawa Board of Edu.|consider this. ed. He said: "I'm afraid if this had the driver put the emergency|dian Labor Congress willlada's uranium mining areas if are planned to provide a compli. double launching that could have|cation, if building a new school,| 'Policing of our highways is a|goes on, it could prove very ser-/brake ou, it would hold or at|continue to press its views on|the mines there were allowed to mentary background to the color. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|[a0 important effect on the future) "check the architect's drawings|big enough job in itself," he said, ious. least would not allow the vehicle|the matter of unemployment in |close. ful costumes worn by the cast. |A charge: of careless driving|of these two intercontinental |carefully, to see what type of|"It wouldn't work out to turn the| He quoted one case in which a|to_move so freely. Canada upon the gover ; The play, 'Charley's Aunt, will against Garton Coach Lines bus| range missiles. |products are to be used". force into ambulance people." woman made many erroneous| His Worship said he was not|"with the utmost vigor". be performed by the Pilgrim driver Thomas Smith, Burketon,| The Atlas raced 5,000 miles to| Keith Ross, secretary of the| The legislature approved the|statements about the General satisfied from- the evidence that| A letter from Donald MacDon- BETTER SUB SPOTTING Players March 10, 11, and 12, at|Was Tuesday dismissed after he|an ocean target and tested the council, who' introduced the mo-[$12,000,000 budget of the provinc.|Hospital, over the air. He pointed|the bus in question did not have|ald, secretary-treasurer, CLC,| OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian de- 8.20 p.m, in the McLaughlin Li-|Pleaded not guilty before Magis-|{missile's inertial guidance sys-|tion to write fo the board, said:|ial police force after hearing|out that, if her name and ad-|tWO separate braking systems|said, "the congress has been giv-|strovers will be equipped with a brary Theatre. Tickets are avail-{trate R. B. Baxter. {tem for the first time. When|"All the bricks in the Donevan criticism by the opposition that|dress had been obtained, she|2nd would, therefore, dismiss the|ing this matter its attention on|revolutionary type of submarine able at the door. | Witness Thomas Cowan, 11|0Perational, this new system will|Collegiate Institute came from the the force is working too hard. [could have been corrected on the charge. the basis of its long-standing pol-|detection gear, known as variable There are no reserved. seats,|Southway drive said he was in-|permit salvo firing of 10 missiles| United States. They were im.| Mr. Roberts admitted that the Matter. He said the other charge, of not (icy with respect to the necessity|depth sonar, developed at Dart except for members of the Gold- volved in a motor vehicle acci. (from one base. [ported and used at a time when|1,855-man force pat lling 74,000 "There have also bee having all brakes in good working |and possibility of full employ- mouth, N.S. The equipment is en Age Club, who are special|dent January 27 on Liberty street] Five hours later the Titan/many Canadians were unem- miles of roads nd hi -- in|cases," he oi wit - iA order, was a double-barreled ment in Canada, and the elimina- (towed behind anti - submarine Biste. Sou are vised to ey south, a Queen street, with a|soared skyward. Its first stage ployed. |the province is still how goin Bh crackpot ep old. Shivge and Be Sd pd t u Sn hiopmeul ie hi. ANium at Ira early and enjoy a nostalgic laugh|Garton bus driven by the ac-|functioned smoothly, but it - "It's about' ti Jang bw red "satisfied" wi i ai '| necessary fo register a convic-|greatest possible degree, by thedozen of these sonars went te e y, but its sec It's out time Canadian week but seemed "satisfied" with|are given over the air and taken|tion for the emergency brake be.|proper utilization of our human EMI Cossor Electronics Lim- filled evening at the theatre, eused. stage failed to ignite. Iproducts were used", he said, 'working eonditions. seriously, for home treatment."jeause of the other eonviction, natural resources. Woodside, near Halifax.

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