Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, March 4, 1960 Township Ratepayers Gives Council Warning we would like to know what we're going to do about. The high school board has informed us they are having trouble in getting water at its Courtice site and have spent $1500 so far in trying to get a supply," he told the RPA secretary. SPEND $1500 Deputy-reeve A. L. Blanchard stated the school board has spent $1500 so far in trying to develop its well in Courtice and it expects to spend another $1000 to gel a supply which would be sufficient to run a school on. He said they are getting 16 gallons a minute HAMPTON (Staff Darling- ton township Ratepayers' Asso- ciation secretary and spokesman, Mrs. B. Budai, Thursday after- noon informed council that as far as the RPA is concerned "the heat is on". She made it clear the association does not want to work against council and be con- stantly conflicting with council, but on the other hand, the RPA still wants and will continue "to demand our rights as faxpayers in this township". Her first question of council at {ts March meeting was one which has been asked for some time now -- what about the money col- lected in the $400 land separa-|right now, but do not feel that is tion tax fees? Has council de-{enough, cided what to do with it yet? Mrs. Budai questioned why The spokesman charged there|they insist upon having a high has been so much reluctance in|school in Courtice when it is try- arriving at any kind of decision|ing to break away from Darling- as to what should be done, thelton anyway. Why don't they build RPA has been wondering if thei; jn Bowmanville, she asked. township had borrowed the| Reeve Rickard replied even if money. oi [the Courtice residents do pull out oa Y3E, bie Sulersisnding one of the township, Coustice will sil & 4 {be in the high school area an it arate lownship account bul We tl thy want & schol fn. the this time, we were wondering if . : " 1 he i ¢ He told Mrs. Budai if council council had to borrow it to assist cotld start 8 'program in: which f th ime| f : iil oERDENSES ol et | Darlington will be in sounde: Reeve Garnet B. Rickard as-|financial position in 10 years sured Mrs. Budai council has not (than it is now, that is what he touched the money. It is still [would call - good economy and thinking about what can be done|that is what council is striving with the fund, but right now therefor -- economy are many other problems, all of| Mrs, Budai retorted that 3 more serious nature to be con-| "stupid zoning" is not helping the dered. |township's financial position any He pointed out sogsel has al-|She pri) the RPA posi offered ready given a bylaw to authorize several suggestions regarding the ih e Dorrowing 3 O00. oo | 20ning but no one is even listen- addition to Bowmanville Memor-| "8 to them. ial Hospital, its first two read-| Then she put the pressure on ings and the bylaw is ndw in the Mr. Rickard to demand why he hand of the Ontario Municipal [promised the last time she at- Board. {tended a council meeting and "And at our last meeting, we asked him to attend a committee had two gentlemen from Oshawa Meeting with the RPA executive General Hospital here wanting us|and he said he would and now to contribute $90,000 to that build-|he says he won't ing fund. They told us they have +H as many admissions from Dar-|PREDICTS FUTURE {a small boy Darlington township |Ask Road Be Included HAMPTON (Staff) A Dar-| lington township Sixth Concession] resident, John Liptay, Thursday | mn urged Darlington town-| lington today has the lowest Ship council when they consider | assessment per capita of any|'0ads for paving this spring to} municipality in the Unite d|include the Sixth Concession inTo¥ Ee tnslpuati shila : i Counties and that it coupled with tS list of roads slated for paving. | Union by Insiruciing a hsiPled council should co-operate with the largest population in the] Mr. Liptay complained that/Clerk - Treasurer Walter [the Union and assist in collect- counties. the department of health would|Rundle to prepare the necessarying the dues. Deputy-reeve A. L. "I can remember when 1 was|not allow a road to be in such| bylaw for the collection of farm|Blanchard agreed with council- condition as the dust from the|union dues together with thejlor Cornish and seconded his mo- Sixth during the summer months| township taxes. {tion to instruct clerk Reynolds to is intense. h Patm Duel sore, Sires {prepare the necessary bylaw to sar e {Lewis Wood told council the pay-laccept payment of Fai Union Lihat Jie argument, ih ment of the $6 Farm Union fee dues together with township tax smetimes as many as 1000 to|l0B€ether with the members taxes payments. 1500 cars a day travelling the|'® strictly voluntary and being road and the dust caused by the done in many other municipali- Ask By-Law For Collections HAMPTON (Staff Darling-/from the Farm Union nominal ton township council voted Thurs- rolls, ay to assist the Ontario Farmers| Councillor Sid Cornish suggest- |was one of the wealthiest muni- |cipalities around but it has now depreciated to the point now with the work we are doing in the township that it wouldn't be very many years before the Ontario Municipal Board took over Dar- M : y ties lington completely. Then the law|intensive travel could interfere M Ww a hei : L iy : i S | Mr. Wood explained by payin would be laid down," he said. Jah the Less of Sixth Conces the membership dues together 00. rus fe Mrs, Budai stated the RPA is] with the taxes it saves the Unio Dominating Boss Cause Of Illness MONTREAL (CP) -- Family| doctors were told Wednesday to remember that patients go to them not only with damaged bodies but also with broken hearts and lacerated consciences. Dr. David Lander, from Black Diamond, Alta., urged other fam- ily doctors to look for something besides a germ as the cause of illness--a nagging wife, a domin- ating boss, infidelity, a broken home, marital incompatibility. Unhappiness causes headaches, heartaches, backaches. Dr. Lander, explaining the role of psychosomatic medicine in general practice, told some 600 | Cy ye years he had 30 such cases. Patients had a displacement of the intestine that could be cor-| rected by surgery. | Dr, Maurice E. Hobbs of Mill- For Non-Teachers brook, Ont. retiring president, TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario said "the people of each province government is considering legis- of Canada will soon demand--and|lation covering pension plans for --some form of prepaid med. non-teaching em-loyees of the ical coverage." Any ins ,{province's schools, agency "must get. the co-opera-| H. Leslie Rowntree (PC--York Consider Pension tion of participating doctors," he| West), chairman of the legisla- added. {ture's committee on private bills, |disclosed this Thursday as the Dr. E. Kirk Lyon, deputy to the president of the Canadian Med- ical Association, told the geners! practitioners to abandon their persecution complex against med ical specialists. {ship of Etobicoke. He urged family doctors to be, The plans cover such non proud of their speciality of gen-/teaching personne! as janitors eral practice. land office staff. Teachers are Dr. Lyon is chief of the sur- covered under other legislation. gical department of the Leaming-| The committee also approved a ton District Memorial Hospital new pension scheme for m and depu'y to Prince Philip,/cipal employees. of the City of CMA president. Kingston. {committee approved pension schemes for such employees be- ing set up by the collegiate in- |stitute board of Ottawa and the "|board of education for the Town- looking for regulations which willl Reeve Garnet B. Rickard told|director going out into the com. {meet the needs of the people of Mr. Liptay council would defi-| munities to collect the fee. Darlington and in answering Mr, |nitely check into the condition ofl He produced a requisition form | Rickard's question to what those|the road as he was aware it was|which the Farm Union members| TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario needs are she again snapped --|a very dusty area. He pointediare requested to sign, The form School Trustees' Council was certainly not the stupid provi-jout the roads committee, togeth-|yermits payment of their mem-|charged Thursday with "declar- sions of the present zoning by-ler XU roads superintendent papghip fee together with their/ing war" in a dispute between a law. 3: M. (Max) Shortt world have ives |board of education and a group . } Fog : | | Councillor Fred G. Smith told bp Jovk Ze Situation Sues Lo, Suef He stated the Union is askinglof high school teachers. her that if small places which. > felis Pas Ithat the fee be collected by July Ng {have been springing up around|™® 6 th med: oY "hii Union| S. G. E. Robinson, general sec ] "Sr Skiing Tip oR | Mr. Liptay told council it coyld|® then turned over to the Union retary of the Ontario Seconda the Courtice area are permitted In order that a member's 1961|School Teachers' Federation, said to continue building up and not|take his word for it, the road 1s|dues be paid. He said the Union's| {hat by circulating a letter to paving, thelr way, 5 will bank pretty solid and should be ready fiscal year ends in November|hoards of education throughout supt oo ing mn 2 yea $s hy for paving come spring and the 1960 membership fees the province the council has "de al Shey a e Jee a irs thal pe "have been collected in cash pay-iclared war and wishes to create goes ad -- they have to be cui SPECIAL GADGET {ments from Union members an issue." be Hund : | Reeve Garnet B. Rickard rais-| Mr. Robinson claimed the let-| | Councillor Harold C. Muir stat | MONTREAL (CP)--A machine|eg the question where would the fer requests the boards to refrain led "It's the same as I said last|called a "'ciglitron" was built by township be if the Union mem-!from advertising for school teach [time if the ratepayers can engineering students at McGill bers' taxes were not all paid anders for a week or more because | show us any hing any better than| oii ersity for their annuaidoes the Union accept partiallof a dispute centred oz "an acute {we have, we are perfectly will-| 1 bers" ball 1 2 payment salary difficulty ling to consider what they have |P'Umbers all. The machine" ar. wood answered it did not The advertisement normally| {But so far they have produced lighted and dispensed cigarets at/and if the dues were not paid, lwould appear in the piess this |nothing," he said {the press of a button. {the member would be dropped week doctors at a convention of the {College of General Practice of Canada: | "We know that illness makes us unhappy. Now we have come to realize that unhappiness will make us ill. This new concept ex- plains the complaints of probably (half of the people who come to {the general practitioner's office." |CAUSE REAL PAIN Emotions can cause pain--real |pain and, to the patients, real |ailments, said Dr. Lander who [received the Canadian Mental Health Association's award for | his work in the field of mental health in Alberta three years ago. | DF: a young Montreal sur- 1 that some people grow {up without realizing that their on-| ain, off-again stomach ailments may be ¢hused by a twist or dis- Iplacement in. the intestine | Dr. Roberto L. Esirade, 40, a| demonstrator in surgery at Me-| ACT NOW ...SEE US! Money Making Opportunity RETIRE ON A LARGE LOT WITH NUTRIA BREEDING STOCK First Of Its Kind In Canada PHONE ANYTIME PICKERING 394-) AJAX STR IGill University sald that in six lington as does Bowmanville --| so what are we going to do about | that? He replied he felt he had no| right to sit in on RPA executive, meetings but would gladly attend | "We also have the high school |any general meeting he was ask- problem which is definitely aled to serious one. That's another one The reeve continued that Dar- Dog Control Expenses Cut HAMPTON (Staff) -- Council-/the usual $1000 to $2000 per an- for Fred G. Smith, Darlingion num, township council's legislation and| It was pointed out the per capita | by - laws committee chairman, cost for fire protection in 1952 in| Thursday advised council his Bowmanville was 70 cents and jn committee met with Bowmanville| Darlington, 45 cents. In 1959 this town council -- the result of the per capita cost in Bowmanville| meeting being the discharging of was $1.20 and in Darlington was| Dr. F. M. Wheatly, Bowmanville only 50 cents. i and Darlington dog control of-| Councillor Smith told council] ficer. his committee has not yet had a| Councillor Smith stated the de- meeting with the Courtice Vol-| eision to dispense with the ser- unteer Fire Brigade but he feels | vices of Dr. Wheatly was in order a lot of people in the area want! to cut expenses in dog control. |fire protection but don't realize He too pointed out is was not what it will cost them to equip | true that dogs to be destroyed|a brigade properly. | would have to be sent to Oshawa] According to Councillor Smith if but that assistant dog control of. the equipment is not up to stan-| ficer, J. Archie Hoskin has the|/dard, the brigade can not get equipment at the dog pound in/mutual aid and if it happened Bowmanville and can do the job!the brigade had a fire it couldn't] for both communities bring under control and its equip- He stated the discharge of Dr./ment was not up to standard no Wheatly will represent an annual|one could be called in to assist. saving to Darlington of approxi-| He said it would cost over mately $1400 in the cost of dog $20,000 to equip a brigade proper- control. i and this would be charged LICENCE FEES against the properties of the peo- He added among the committee Peapanaitiitr® Weigade's. ses o| | Ike Begins sidering raising the dog licence fees in Darlington and including Homeward Journey in the by-law to raise the fee that it must be paid by a certain date "We have to do something to] control this stray dog business| around the township. Not only] because of the damage these strays do to livestock--but the rabies threat is not yet over. I feel we should protect small chil- dren going to school from these MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) | {President Eisenhower began his| homeward journey today from a] triumphant Latin-American tour marked by huge, enthusiastic crowds and a smattering of tiny anti - United States demonstra-| tions. | The president was in a buoyant | mood as he took off for Buenos| Aires. There he changed to his strays and the danger of being bitten by a rabid dog. avment of yr _| Boeing 707 Jet for an all-day flight for non-paym of dog tax. Dar [to Puerto Rico and three days of Two cases of rabies in cows| have been reported In this area| lington's share of dog control is 4 estimated to be approximately Fost before going on to Washing- UNPAINTED FURNITURE These items are shown but there are others, SMOOTH-TOP VITA-POSTURE® MATTRESS Why not enjoy a good night's sleep. | including tables, chairs, bookcases, etc Sleep on a ""Restonic" you'll feel better, look better! Sleep Better! Each Piece Smoothly Sonded, Ready to Paint 3-DRAWER CHEST 4-DRAWER CHEST DOUBLE DRESSER NIGHT TABLE BOOKCASE HEADBOARD KNEEHOLE DESK 16.95 22.50 34.95 1.95 11.95 12.95 REGULAR 19.95 REGULAR 26.50 Ld REGULAR 39.95 REGULAR 9.95 REGULAR 13.95 REGULAR 14.95 Matching Box Spring Same Special Price 3 Pce. KROEHLER Bedroom Suite It's @ "smooth top" and It stays smooth, There are no buttons or bumps ANY- WHERE. It has 252 heavy-gauge coil spring construction. White felt "'pre- built" border, sisal pads . . . silk-taped edges and a colorful ticking. It's avoilable in all standard sizes at the same low price 3-PCE. METAL BED OUTFIT PRICED COMPLETE so far this year -- one in Dar- lington and the other just north of us in Clarke," he told council. Councillor Sid Cornish said he was opposed to raising the dog tax. However he felt there should be ¥a good stiff penalty imposed" | $285 per month this year The committee was intructed to look into the registration of dogs by a definite date and report back to council with a motion| prepared by its next meeting Just before leaving, Eisenhower and Uruguay's president issued a| {joint Declaration of Montevideo! repudiating all types of anti-| democratic actions. They pledged | 3 {their adherence to the principle March 17 |of non-intervention in the affairs ANOTHER POINT of other American countries and Another point discussed by the agreed to use their efforts to in- by-laws and legislation committee Crease economic, social and cul-| was a new agreement with Bow-|tural co-operation. manville for fire protection. | To accommodate Darlington, | KEPT HM SMILING 3 Bowmanville increased its equip-| The cheers of millions along 4 the way through Brazil, Argen- ment last year at a cost of ap- Chil U kept Ei proximately $22,000 and now tina Chile and Uruguay kept Eis- wants: {x retaer' raised: f enhower smiling and in high . dled ised rom|cnirvits from the minute he reached South America on his goodwill mission 10 days ago Shrugging off the only hostile) Fe L 3-PC. OUTFIT COMPLE ¢ 4 i A perfect match for a dork chest or dresser © COMFORTABLE SPRING FILLED MATTRESS © FULL PANEL METAL BED Church Opposing | display that amounted to any- pe | Death Sentence |iinghere in Montevideo Wea: © RIBBON SLAT STEEL SPRING AL TORONTO (CP)--The Anglican rap 08 10d, Uruguayan Pres Suite EXACTLY AS ) Church of Canada Thursday re- jeers of leftist students did not BEDROOM ILLUSTRATED iterated its stand opposing the bother him a bit 9 principle of capital punishment. |" : A i alemzant in sa The acrid fumes of tear gas 1 7 $ I i In 2 ta em 3 1 3 tg tired by police at one group of 2 Regular 329 Value + ries Ya ye atl emonstrators brought tears to A comfortable unit with o spring-filled mattress field, general secretary of the |b. cenhower's eves, and spray supported by a hing box spring mounted 29.00 Shure A eouned for Sa ght tory diseivlinars fire hoses bl. Yi on sturdy hardwood legs. Each Styled for the penthouse yet priced for a tiny budget. It consists of a large Triple Dresser, Chest of Drawers and full-size Bookcase Bed. It has a beautiful e, 8a the council's 1958 an-|* = A en" p " sd i So Son in OR ictiog with |across the path of his open car, grained walnut or cinnamon mchogany finish with sculptured brass drawer pulls and brass finished trim." It is quality constructed with dowel points, dovetailed but he was not ruffled. The president coughed slightly] the executive council of general synod, declared itself in favor of the principle of abolition of cap-|for a moment and wiped his eyes, | ital punishment. but within a minute jumped to) A resolution was passed 58 to his feet, again waving greetings| 40 for a petition to the federal|to the enthusiastic crowds, esti- government "to initiate proceed- mated at, 400,000 who drowned| ings leading to the abolition of jout the two small groups of eapital punishment in Canada." 'hecklers. | centre-guided dustproof drawers ond on oven baked, hand-rubbed finish. SHOP CHERNEY'S TONIGHT DOWNTOWN OSHAWA -- OPEN TONIGHT "TIL 9 P.M. WITH SUPER VALUES |

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