THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 4, 1960 3 SUE FOR $2,000,000 . BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP)-- The Santa Fe Railway has filed a $2,000,000 damage suit against a trucking firm ds a result of the train-truck collision Tuesday that took 14 lives and injured 72 per- sons. In its suit - against the 'Budget Delay Is Explained Ald. E. F. Bastedo, city coun-[tinue until next Wednesday at ¢il's finance chairman, complain-|least. ed today that the board of edu-| "We are in preliminaries now," cation had not yet submitted its|said the mayor. "We have done WEATHER FORECAST Chance Of Sun Short Periods nu ut Synopsis: The storm whichiday. Saturday cloudy with a few firm, the railway alleged neglig- brought heavy snowfalls to south-|snowflurries and a few sunny pe- ence in operation of an oil rig GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 Introducing our new ORGANIST From a long successful engagement in Toronto NIGHTLY 9 P.M, TO MIDNIGHT HOTEL LANCASTER Mrs. D. Arkless, second from left, President of the Oshawa and District Cerebral Associa- tion, is .shown accepting a cheque for $200 from Constable | -Oshawa Times should as the erned to HAMPTON (Staff Darling- tune". If the board decides tosee why Darlington ton Township Council Thursday move the proposed school to Bow-| assessed on an equal basis afternoon voted unanimously to manville, the problem there is/other municipalities ; ask the Durham District Highithat one of the sites proposed has with the proposed addit n in Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 to give | {2 p.m. Monday, Mar. 7, followed | Meat Specials! Sat. Only! 2:59 streets. 4 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department ambulance answered four routine calls during the past 24 hours. NO ACCIDENTS No accidents were reported by, Oshawa police during the 24 hours previous to 8 a.m. today. SETTLE ACCIDENT SKINLESS WIENERS LEAN SLICED COOKED 1960 budget to the city. grants, the fire department, CRA western Ontario Thursday was|riods. Little change in tempera-!laden with 7,500 gallons of ofl. received them from every board| : and commission in the eity/ANNUAL OCCURRENCE can seaboard and lay southeast of Lake Huron, southern Georgian | | George A. Fletcher, chairman Nantucket early this morning.|Bay regions, London: Cloudy| "Until we get their budget, it ard is just impossible to relate any-|late submission of the board'sgnow will continue today over|ing snow today. Saturday cloudy| [oudzet was "an annual thing." much of Ontario, no further seri-|with snowflurries and occasionall Mayor Lyman Gifford guessed) A that budget meetings would con-|the job," explained Mr. Fletcher, cept for some snowsqualls near(Winds north .10 northwest 15 to| | |"and our budget is about 35 per|f ye Huron. Winds are gradually|25, today, west to northwest 20 1 pays to take your time and be|tnough some patchy cloud will re-| Northern Geor| i : : 13 glan Bay, Kirk-| {careful. I don't believe in push-|p in most of Ontarlo will have land Lake regions, North Bay,| FUNERAL OF |cause somebody has to have it." 4 f 4 ; | TF : s a few light smowflurries except snowflurries today. Saturday] ARTHUR STEWART Negotiations for teachers' sal-\z. "vo, vier flurries east of Lake mainly sunny and continuing cold. | |Stewart, 480 St. Lawrence street, annual delay in getiing the bud- ; 4 : | Who died at the Oshawa General |get in, according to Mr. Fletcher,| Regional forecasts valid until| northwest 15 to 20 Saturday. {Hospital last Monday was held at midnight Saturday. Timmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy | N the McIntosh Funeral Home at 3 "We are competing for teach-|y aye Ontario, Haliburton regions, today. Saturday mainly sunny. The services were conducted|€rs;" he said. "If we settle for a windsor Hamilton, Toronto: |Continuing cold. Winds northeast| {by Rev. R. B. Milroy, minister of money to cover this figure, We|couy qr cloudy with] i . J. L. Jenkins, chairman of the | the School for Oshawa and Dis- | and PC Lavender, committee \ment was in Oshawa Union Cem-|37¢ bound for one year. a few snowflurries and a few| tonight High Saturday |" Canteen Fund Committee of the | trict Cerebral Palsy; Mrs. Ark |by boards budget 1 offer 10 25 | Oshawa Police Association. | less; Miss Lorna Bellingham, | Canteen fund The pallbearers were Maleolm|bY 0% Nf ige! 1ater and gd temperature. Winds northerly 15g; Thomas | From left to right are Mrs. | physiotherapist holding Judy Gray, Matthew, Be, Cony to 25 today, becoming northwest|; ' , Nicholson en| ' |schools. Suhail ---------- Humphrey and Charles Stewart. "we are caught in a system| Eastern Niagara region: Fre- Toronto quent snowflurries and squalls to-\ Trenton ar x : ly three boards in the entire y liam Ward at his/OBY Joan wil am 3 ar died A orth, | Province which have seitled their Muskoka . |Earlton ... year. ¥ i v the education budget before the Born in Toronto, Mr. Ward Was city's budget committee by the msg Finn on Bo be Agnes Ward. He was married in| "we have had over 30 meei-| It has been drawn to the atten-| pprove : . Prior to his retirement, Mr. gminister and it means a lot of|tioned in a news item in Thurs School Board if unable to|water but no sewers. Bowmanville Mernorial Hospital HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling- Ward was in the wholesale hard-| work. There are many variable day's paper, lives at 762 Lake-| rigs ab EO A pi + haw g .c for payment the February town-! Westmount United Church. 300-pupil school, or in the Cour-|trict high school which would not patients i Osha wa as it doe Rami oy bits the STREETS CLOSED tice ares, to consider another mean any revenue to the town.|He said council was informed by The following streets will bef "ap ed for payment were the town- hters, Mrs. A. Young (Doro-| Council has promised rather install sewers on industrial|General Hospital iglladin dayghier wh onng To ts in A Baldwin street; Guelph street | Hh hip patients In .ount $7285.94; winter works in-| Ales surviving are a brother, Reduced B which to locate the new high He continued that he wonder-/OGH as there are in BMH : Courtice site fails to 3 , t rill be partially o d | $n the Sour) {attempt to assist the school board|to give to shan 2 hot for hat aries for township employees, william Young. : gle movements Yot Plocal in locating a site "because surely matter are We ObUged 10 EIVE 70$1043.02, The funeral service will be held Surrender | Reeve Garnet B. Rickard told township -- it can't be that dry." : : " 1 1 those attending the council meei- Bowmanville they just won't have Deputy Reeve A. L Blanchard, ANT SITE their hospital. If on the other told council $3383 of the total| ei oiery Rev. W. A. Gibb, min- Blakely got two years in Jail of DDHS board and Darlington|cated in Darlington if at all pos-|in order to assist council Monday night was: sible. Our argument is that Dar- would cause tension among the sist township roads department jes | Thursday she convinced him to give himself up and admit the : i ially when they have to make| As the relief account passed, a ly fails, will|the United Counties And there is|Cially when Y ave i the reli | 1 om gh ng Faved the|the possibility, if the school is lo- up what we don't pay," sa id Reeve Garnet B. Rickard com {yy residence, 455 Rossland Rd.| 'we want to make a new home fe W., Thursday, March 8, of Wil-\for ourselves and our three chil- rea to fill it. ;|be was getting relief {husband of the former Alma Gam-| # Addison in suburban y for a school would are Deputy Reeve Blanchard sald lerk Walter E. Rundle ex-|i, |trate Josep! ison in suburi A i f pi Togo "a small for-|. We feel the students will be; "eooreq to him Darlington ble. The deceased, who was iniEiohicoke court. Harry and Paulire Toenjes of 12," said Ald. Bastedo. 'We have mates." 8 1 which developed along the Ameri-|day, northwest 15° Saturday. ri i h y | In failing health for about six province, I think there may be| . Hamilton ..... * . | P t Mr. Fletcher hoped to have To Consider Another Site |Faymenis LL Ry awa three years ago. "We have a $15 million plant to|Lawrence J. Neill, who was men- posed Courtice site for the new want to install a sewer for a dis-|have so many township residents afternoon approved and passedivears. He was a member © Ave. as stated. Jail Term | veasl t Taylor avenue from Farewell to) - h : residents of oy ount of $19,437.99; roads ac-| Sheepway, of Toronto. | ing another site in Darlington on by the industrial assessment Darlington towns Jug ey ol lig enue. Whenever ssible these] ed whether or not council should| 'Of course, we're not obliged ¢1064 32: relief, $2250.04 and sal-|chiidren, Dorothy Sheepway and Po! ; PRIME FACTOR WATER PRI contribute towards the addition to the roads committee chairman, result in the closing of other| by interment in Oshawa Union| by the board at a joint meeting Re . x 4 y Oshawa used for hired bulldozers to as-| ~~ +" im "eonduct the serv-|his wife told the magistrate ' i y ici yi ay for Bowmanville espe- the recent heavy snow falls 3 e property Population of any municipality in to pay lor : builds on. the Courtice Prop The death occurred at the fam: pakery a year ago. ¢ wondered if anyone who shouldn't According to Reeve Rickard, to| Pe enough students around that OSHAWA FAVORED 1 fred Paul Stephenson, beloved per cent subsidy fro tc wey.|health for five years. |were hanging over him and 1|2f court to pay Frank Seiden| $2,000 for injuries received in aj "Buligets were called for Feb. and property committee esti ' absorbed by a new intense storm|ture, Winds northerly 15 to 25 to-| except the board of education. ; , of the board of education, said|Although some light intermittent with intermittent snow and drift-| thing to anything." id We have 'ewer people to dolous accumulation will occur ex-|snowsqualls. Continuing cold.| OBITUARIES jcent of the total city budget. It|jecreasing. On Saturday, al-|Saturday. I |ing a budget through just be-|g.oqyent sunny periods and only|Sudbury: Cloudy with a few light| | The funeral service for Arthur|aries is another answer for the Huron Winds northerly 15 to 25 today |W. COMPETE FOR TEACHERS Lake Erie, western Niagara, With occasional very light snow yo {p.m., Thursday, Mar. 3. OSHAWA POLICE ASSOCIATION AIDS RETARDED CHILDREN ry ager 'miCunay with itermitest Lgats day, Neht Sanday. {Knox Presbyterian Church. Inter-| member of the Oshawa Police |etery. If we budget early and near-/i, nu periods, Little change in| yi dsor A [trouble attracting teachers to our Margaret Beamish, principal of | Macy in her arms; PC Jenkins Photo Chubb, Carl 15 Saturday. |Wingham ... Ps ! " WILLIAM WARD {that applies over the whole| . Ask Durham High Board Darlington FA this morning. He was in his goth | Salary negotiations by now. feo, la son of the late William and| '34ie of next week. Agn Toronto in 1909 and came to Osh-|j,o¢ on this budget," 'he said. tion of The Oshawa Times' that| : to i yw. 5 " Rawr ol | secure enough water in its pro-| He said Bowmanville would not/and be so close fo Oshawa and ton Township Council Thursday|ware business in Toronto for > that cause trouble. view Ave. and not 738 Lakeview | A re Ozki Included in the accounts pass-|former Maude Scott; and two| site in the township He said Bowmanville would far|representatives - of te Osha | closed for construction today: | ¢ : : 3 Ae fIeré ar€ chip general account in the|thy) of Oshawa and Mrs. Ferne| assistance to the board in locat- sites where the town will benefit nearly as man from Taylor avenue to Olive av-| centive program account, james, of Oshawa and two grand- yield a sufficient water supply to " i it n ' ae traffic. Extre heavy rain | there is water elsewhere in the Bowmanville. Bu we don't] Explaining the road account|. she Gerrow Funeral Home at ratic. wx.reme 18avVy may J TORONTO (CP) Stanley ing the pertinent question raised WA : y ; : Fis ; 4 'We want the school to be lo- hand we assume a lesser share February road expenditure was. ™ of westmount Unite d|rather than the possible five after s ahead and|lington township has the largest other municipalities who h a ve employees in clearing snow. after J the Doarq gues snesd WILFRED PAUL STEPHENSON | 3 med robbery of & Peterborough puilding with water? ated in Bowmanville, there will| Reeve Rickard mented it was quite high and : | dren," Mrs. Blakely told Magis- awn in by bus anyway, there, 14 nave to go along with plained the township gets an 80 jis 79th year, had been in failing] "we can't while these charges|Oshawa Wednesday agreed out| |fore if the school is mot located i ; " Oshawa, especially when the in the Courtice area it should not | onship has about the same |number of admissions there as it has in Bowmanville. 'However, it may be that the make that much différence," Reeve Rickard stated. G. Smith raised vincial government for its wel- fare expenditures. He stated he did not think anyone who should not be on relief was getting it from Darlington as all cases are A son of the late James and Hanna Stephenson, the deceased was born in Oshawa Oct. 19, 1881 and was married here Dec. 26, 1910. A resident of Oshawa all aa er itor, Auspices Whitby wii gE - Re re fWo gentlemen who came re Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. jaca 5 b bo e Lou oe last meeting were sent out as FROGRESSIVE Euchre, Sixth Scout (ard there is "bound to be qu te] feelers' and the Oshawa board Mothers Group, Thornton's Corner Com-|2 squawk if the bus drawing chil-| pn ay settle for a lesser amount," munity Hall, Mareh 4, at 8 p.m. Lunch, dren to the school goes by andine yaig, Futons, home-baking sale. Admi Soom Bick 9p on Ha fre Reeve Rickard replied: "Even a w. . Desp 7 e Actly 7 ayer ZI Luv Shou (he wile iH nee sone io Ooh Tovuns Come and hear Paul Martin parents see their children walk-| awa should be taken off what we MP at the McLaughlin Library ing and the bus goes past, there contribute to Bowmanville torium Tonight at 8 p.m HE be a big squawk," sal led out the township's unmatured Livers] Association. | councillor Smith. District TEXT OF MOTION Oshawa ny CLUB | The first motion drafted by| debenture debt to date is $377,122. OLD COUN |clerk Walter E. Rundle which|In addition, Darlington's share of Admission to the DANCE |read: the cost of constructing two new RCH 5th will be by | "This council feels that as Dar- high schools will. probably be on MA | |lington township has the largest|$18,580 and the public school de-| tickets only. All tickets population in the district and the benture this year will likely be h been sold {population pressure is located in|$50,000. He stated the bylaw to| ave bee : [the Courtice area, we feel the permit the borrowing of $140,000, -~ {new high school should be lo-|Darlington's share of the cost of cated in this area. This council|bullding onto BMH has -been| will give all possible assistance given its first and second read- {to find a suitable site on which|ing and is now in the hands of to build the new school," was the Ontario Municipal Board | stricken out pending a newer mo-| Thus the township's unmatured {tion by Deputy-Reeve A, L. debenture debt could reach | Blanchard. around the million dollar mark, | a 0 he pointed out | Deputy-Reeve Blanchard's me- Reeve Rickard raised the ques- tion what happens if Darlington | 'This council ask the Durham|y.. t; av "no" to Oshawa District High School Board, it it Councillor Sid Cornish said he {is unable to find sufficient water ¢o;i OGH couldnt refuse admit- |in the Courtice area to consider tance to patients anyway |another site in Darlington town-| Reeve Rickard agreed with | hip. Council will give all pos-| Councillor Cornish, but he point- [sible assistance to the board in 1o-/eq out on the other hand if Dar- cating another site. {lington needed assistance from Reeve Rickard stressed the Oshawa, then Oshawa could say seriousness of the school prob-|"no" louder than ever lem by telling council Bowman-| 'Issuing debentures |ville High School was being buildings in other municipalities forced to go on shift work next may be sound business -- but it |September. still doesn't look right," Reeve {Rickard concluded SOUGHT HOSPITAL DATA The discussion ended at tha The discussion regarding the point and no decision was made DEBENTURE DEBT DETAILS | Clerk Walter E. Rundle point- Aud! Ontario Riding TO EVERYONE WITH A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR: Great European-style Costume Carnival on the Sth of March, 8 P.M. of the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL" 184 Bond Street West, (West of Ontario Motor Sales) Please come in mask, end bring a friend. CALL RUDI, RA 5-993] HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor end Simcoe 20 games $6 ond $10 Share the Wealth. 5 - $40 Jackpots. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M very carefully investigated. Darlington Joins Group HAMPTON (Staff)--Darlington|Cecil, of Oshawa. township council voted Thursday| Ajse surviving are 10 grandchil- to join the organization of reevesiqren A brother, Edward J. Ste- snd mayors for the first time henson, predeceased him in 1910. and pay the $35. fee requested.| The memorial service will be Council received a letter from neld at the Armstrong Funeral the association requesting the Home at 2 p.m. Monday, March membership fee and it was point- 7 Rey. John K. Moffat, minister ed out Darilngton never joined of Simcoe Street United Church the association before. will conduct the services. Inter. Reeve Garnet B. Rickard told ment will be in Oshawa Union council he had a feeling that Cemetery. some of the larger communities The family will be at the fun- are dominating municipal con-|eral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 ventions and by not joining this/p m, on Saturday and Sunday. his life he farmed on Rossland Rd, W. until his retirement in 1953. Mr. Stephenson was a member of Simcoe Street United Church. Besides his wife he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Harold Edmondson (Marion) of Toronto, Mrs. Bertha Dier and Mrs. Wilma Wright, of Oshawa and one son, can't live in fear. car-motorcycle accident on Osh- Blakely called police from his : suburban Long Branch home to|2Wa's Simcoe St. in August, 1958. admit the armed of the| Tie settle) Mote Pp by Trent Valley Bakery on Feb, 7,|° * fg lenin at Os- 1959. and five shopbreaking a en, the motor-| charges. He had just come out of| CYC. had o ginally sued the couple for $50,000 damages. | {prison last month after serving a | nine-month sentence for another DELEGATES NAMED At a recent meeting of the 69 39 SLICED BREAKFAST BACON ™ shopbreaking. He was sentenced to two years| executive of the Oshawa branch ju ol Soneurently on each of [of the Canadian Red Cross So-| the six charges. ciel . C. C. Magistrate Addison said: "All Sey ns uy sq D. 8, are five-year charges but because|to attend the annual meeting of| you gave yourself up the sentence the Ontario division in Toronto. will be lower." : Mrs. Blakely said she asked her |, husband "to get it all cleaned up whole our children are still too young to know what's happened." In the Peterborough robbery, Blakely admitted carrying a shot- gun in a holdup in which one of the other two men involved struck a bakery employee over the head with a revolver. The men took $3,316. The other offences oc- curred between Feb, 7 and April 28, 1950, he said. OFFERS YET ANOTHER FEATURE out on some of the resolutions that are being made at its an-| nual convention | Reeve Rickard is going to ar- range a public information meet- ing, to be a kind of open forum and feature round table type dis- cussion some time toward the end of March, 3 i Council plans to have the plan, BRANDON, Man. (CP)--Bricks ning board, township solicitor,|were reported hurled through a representatives of the depart. non-striker's window and a young ment of municipal affairs, bank woman employee of Brandon manager and the general puplic| Packers Limited allegedly was at the meeting. Its purpose if roughed up on her way home association Darlington is nrissing| to build see what shape Darlington is in {tom Work Thursday as tension| former president of the union's mounted in a United Packing- financially and have general dis- t : house Workers' strike against the cussion for township improve- ments. company. All councillors were given a Police were investigating the copy of a proposed schedule of/first two instances of violence to house sizes for the township/occur since the walkout began Tension Mounts E=CALIF = Strike Seria] | Kaczmir Wiercinski told police |a group of men hurled bricks {through his living oom window. |He ignored the strike call Mon- day. | Meanwhile, William Fisher, |Brandon local, said in a sworn |statement that UPWA officials | pressed him to lie to members of (the local about a company pro- posal aimed at averting the strike. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD A850CIATION ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL |high school situation was|concerning Oshawa's request for which was draughited by the/Monday. Since 115 men struck to Mr, Fisher said he did not (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 | | Darlington Ratepayers' Associa. back demands for higher wages, tion. The councillors will take the company reported all strikers the RPA housing proposals home had been fired and replaced by {strike because he believed the, |general membership was not in- |formed of the offer. | Whether painted or stained, California Redwood will for further study. {other personnel. In the absence of Reeve Rick-| Mrs. Josephine Thomassen told ard, who was guest speaker at police three men and two women The union's western director,| Norman Riches of Calgary, de-| nied the company made any| hold a finish longer and is durable even after long the Westmount Kiwanis Club's who claimed to be members of proposal in final negotiations. exposure. ' luncheon meeting, Deputy-Reeve the union approached. her after A. L. Blanchard took charge of she alighted from a company bus. {the meeting until after the read. She said they attempted to con- -BINGO- CORONATION TOLL RISES the proposed addition to Bowman-! General Hospital Building Fund ANGUS STEER {ed officials of the Ontario Hospi- t or. Nei M ent gift, Neimann-Marcus in SHANNON, Ireland (AP)--The preceded by a discussion concern-'a contribution to its hospital ville Memorial Hospital and a re- Reeve Rickard opened the dis- IS RARE GIFT {tal Commission in Toronto and] You are assured of the best in workmanship and ORANGE TEMPLE Dallas have the answer. They offer a live Black Angus steer ling of the minutes of the last informed them of Darlington's {month's council meetings. Reeve position. He said all he was told| | vince her she should quit her job. {When she refused, they slapped death toll in last Friday's 'crash of an Malian airliner rose to 33 material when you plan your BEAU VALLEY DREAM ing Darlington's contribution to building fund quest for $90,000 for the Oshawa| cussion by telling council he visit- If you want to give a differ- | | was the "township certainly has| | a problem." According to Reeve Rickard] |the purpose of his visit to the] {hospital commission was to in-| {quire about the zoning of hospi-| [tal areas. He said he explained ithe situation which prevails in| | Darlington. KNOTTY PROBLEM Mr. Rickard stated he could not "gift wrapped as best we can"! Whether you're selling a steer or a whole farm the "World's Best Marketplace" the Oshawa Times Classified section will bring fast results Dial RA 3-3492 now to place your ad Saturday, March 5th 8 P.M. SHARP | | | 2nd MAMMOTH RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, March 5th, at 1.30 p.m. Alger Building, 37 King St. E. New and used articles sponsored by Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce RUNDLE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1960 SEASON TO BE HELD MONDAY, MARCH 7th AT 8:00 PM. IN THE RUNDLE PARK CLUB HOUSE P/ "K ROAD SOUTH VOICE 1S MUFFLED FREDERICTON (CP) -- The voice of the Maritimes is not strong enough and is not being heard in Parliament as it should be, Grattan O'Leary said Thurs- |day night in a Founder's Day ad |dress at the University of New { Brunswick. Mr. O'Leary, presi dent of the Ottawa Journal, said the disinclination of Maritimers to enter politics had worked to their detriment. EDITOR DIES | LONDON (AP)--Percy Elland, 51, chairman of the London Even ing dard, died Thursday of hromhosis. Elland was Standard from 1950 ¢ We must have your support if the Park is to operate Rickard arrived just as the read- her face and pounded her on the ing of the minutes was com- head. She threatened to call po- Thursday night with the deaths of Rev. Giuseppe Cocioli and Mrs. HOME. pleted. |lice and the assailants fled. Maria Profita. OVER 33 YEARS SERVING OSHAWA Insurance by Murdoch . . . A Family Tradition MURDOCH GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICES RA 3-3843 OR RA 5-6871 25 ONTARIO ST. -- OSHAWA Joa 'of The this coming secson. ~1to 1058. BEAU VALLEY offers prepaid serviced home sites with underground hydro and telephone lines . . . hillside, ranch, split level and two storey designs with lot orientation. Start planning for yours today. DIRECT ENQUIRIES TO SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC. RA 3-2265 HARRY MILLEN REALTOR RA 8-1679 RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS RA 5-6165 DON HOWE REALTOR RA 5-7732 >