Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1960, p. 9

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Practical | Christianity | | Explained Practical Christianity was ex- plained and illustrated by Rev. Stanley Turl, of London, Eng- land, when he Spoke to 2 Son . gregation at First Baptist Church| Tuesday night. Mr, Turl is super- Plans Dinner i |intendent minister of the West| Ham Central Mission in London's| Arra ts are complete for East End and is at present mak- the annual banquet of the Osh- ing a goodwill tour of Canada. |awa Horticultural Society which From the lovely 6ld Baptist | is being held in the banquet hall Church on Barking road and thelof the Harmony United Church, adjoining settlement house loving |Saturday evening, Mar. 19. hands reach out with help for alll A short musical program has who need it regardless of their been arranged and the guest| station in life. Since late in the|speaker is R. J. Gunnel, of Ham- last century the ever-expanding|ilton, who is known as "Dick the . \work has gone on in this crowded Amateur Gardner." district of Britain. Mr. Gunnell is an interesting At the present time there is ajand humorous speaker and at dhe Oshawa Time PAGE NINE OSHAWA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1960 '44-HOUR WEEK Masonry Contractors Arrive At Compromise masonry contractors association |called for a 48-hour week with a $2.38 per hour minimum and seven statutory holidays. 60 PEOPLE ATTENDED There were about 60 people at the meeting. They were split down the middle on the decision. N. Soady, the industrial stan- dards officer from the depart- ment of labor, threatened to ad- journ the meeting if no eom- promise was made. Leo' Stefflre, from the brick- layers, came through with the first compromise suggestion. The final proposal was reached with only a little more discussion. Jon Riznek, a non-union con- SECOND SECTION Flower Group Oshawa masonry contractorsia maximum 44-hour week to be and their employees arrived at a|worked within a 50-hour period. {compromise on working hours|The hours are to be from 7 a.m |and minimum salaries, after alto 5 p.m. with an hour for lunch; stormy, three-hour session at|or 7 a.m. to 4.40 p.m. with a half- " . fs S Adelaide House, Wednesday hour lunch. It is to include from home for aged ladies where, in|present is chairman of the Ham- afternoon. Monday to Friday and from 7 the mission's own words, t he ylilton Parks Board and president, There were both union and non-la.m. to noon, Saturday. seek to cherish these people in of the Ontario Horticultural As-| inion contractors at the meeting.| The minimum wage is to be their declining years. At the sociation. . "ilk jon and non-union employees|$2.50 per hour with time and one ~ |Marnham House Settlement| Duncan MacMillan, who is ingore also represented half for overtime and double time [Christian hospitality is extended |charge of the sales of tickets for "yy. "inference was called toon holidays. No overtime is to be to travellers from all over the|the banquet, anticipates a sell-lp ar proposals from the concern-|worked without permission from {world and staff and troubled peo-lout and urges an early purchasel oq narties who recently made|an advisory board of three em- [ple find fellowship here. It has of tickets to avoid disappointment. |, iio otion for the Industrial|ployers and two representatives [been given the charming name| In lieu of the baquet, the reg-icianqards Act to be applied injof the employees. Eight statutory Rasta While pli ular meeting of the society, Which|yy 60h ava Whitby area. {holidays were recommended for Through bequests the mission|is held on the first Monday of recognition. month, will not be held. 144-HOUR WEEK |" The first proposal, made by The agreed proposal calls for|Leo . Steffler, representing the | lowns a beautiful country estate in the | |Essex. Here there is a training i {home for boys from bad back- {grounds and at another residence all kinds of troubled people such | CELEBRATING | Yricklayers union, statutory holidays. called for a 10-hour week with a minimum of 2.85 per hour. It included nine tractor, was strongly against the proposal. He claimed he could rally support of all non-union bricklayers and contractors and BIRTHDAYS | Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their get a larger petition to present as mentally - disturbed men and to the board. women and unmarried mothers are loved and cared for. The donated, which is down from [Work in London included many oi iio*e Ye _ |mid - week activities such as last month's total of 407 bottles. |Scouts and Guides and Boys' and --Oshawa Times Photo |Girls' Brigades. The first proposal made by Giles 'Goulding, president of the $1890 Unclaimed In District Banks OTTAWA (Special) -- There's|street, Oshawa, $5.59; A. E. a total of $1,890.49 in unclaimed Jones, 364 Simcoe street south, bank balances stored in the|Oshawa, $5.90. © vaults of the banks of Oshawa Royal Bank of Canada, Oshawa /" and Whitby waiting to be col-|__ Milton O. Arnold, address un- ected. |known, $52.97; Digby Michael The latest issue of "Canada Burnell, 187 Simcoe street south, Gazette" publishes a list of all| Oshawa, $7.35: Charles Gamble {unclaimed accounts in all the| Greenfield, 915 Avenue road, To- chartered banks in all commu-|ronto, $4.47; Jean Margaret Hill, [nities across the country. Allladdress unknown, $12.76; Orville [these accounts, current savings| McKee, 156 William street east, and other kinds, are 10 years Oghawa, $11.97; Jean Platt, ad- old. dress unknown, $95.56; Clifford The largest unclaimed account|Harold Rees, 6 Silverton avenue, Toronto, $6.69. lin area is one of $1226.99 Listed in the name of Evangelist Chal- Ss oux at the branch of Toronto- Bank of Montreal, Oshawa Dominion Bank in Whitby. {Marjorie Elizabeth Babe, 41 Drew The list of unclaimed balances, street, Oshawa, $2.44; Doris with the last known address of|Cameron, RR 1, Hampton, $24.11; Robert William Gulliver, Brook- lin, $3.83; Edith Johnson, 495 Al- Tax Night g the depositor, follows: bert street, Oshawa, $32.51; Brian R. A. Lachance, head of the tax| Toronto-Dominion Bank, Whitby department of Riddell, Stead, Evangelist. Chaloux, Brock Graham and Hutchison, of To-|street, Whitby, $1226.99. Alfred Johnston, 225 Olive ave- ronto, will be the speaker when| Toronto - Dominion Bank, King nue, Oshawa, $3.93; James Keith the Lakeland Chapter of the Na- and Simcoe, Oshawa--Arthur M. Lawrence, RR 1, Oshawa, $4.10; tional Office Management Asso-|land M. L. Brigham, 414 Weston Vera Ilda McLean, 1333 Simcoe ciation holds its monthly meeting oad, Wellesley 81, Mass., U.S.A, [street north, Oshawa, $18.14; Osh- in Hotel Genosha on Thursday, 776, awa String Ensemble, care March 10. |" Toronto - Dominion Bank, South|Thomas Cinnamon, 110 Dunlop The members of the chapter gimcoe, Oshawa -- Theodor|street, Whitby, $12.82; Harry are looking forward with con-|Apranyk, 634 Brassey street, Osh-| Walter Tresise, 114 Central Park { boulevard, Oshawa, $10.69; John Louis Vaillancourt, 109 Alm a siderable anticipation to el awa, $8.61; Frank Dubos, 567 {Hugh and Annie Gorin, 222 Annis street, Oshawa, $2.30. Awards Presented By WCTU Branch A native of Quebec City, Mr 1. Marjory Stiles; 2. Lorraine Lachance started in public ac- counting as a student with Gunn, Stiles; 3. a tie Elaine McGillivary and Bonnie Curley. Roberts and Company, Toronto, in 1941, He 'passed his chartered Consolation -- Bonnie Cubbage. Grades 7 and 8 -- 1. Sandra accountant's examinations in Phelps, Salvation Army; 2. 329 BOTTLES OF BLOOD GIVEN AT CLINIC Two members of the St. | day at St. Gregory's audi- | 222 Hibbert street, Oshawa. | John Ambulance Brigade (Osh- | torium. Donating blood are | The two volunteer members of awa) are shown with two blood | Police Constable E. C. Shep- | St. John Ambulance are Mrs, donors at the regular monthly | perdson of the Whitby Police | P. Colbourne, left, and Mrs. F. : blood donor clinic held Thurs- | force, left, and A. N. Knight of | Coombes, right, both of Osh. birthdays gi BN ee -- cE hh Mrs. Leo Keeler, Nas- je, Jr., 12 Mill street; Jim §o00 PINE ae | J ~ " aig oa Kon Newcastle Man Admits Boa Charge Of Conspiracy Fox street; Elma Turrell, 227 Montrave avenue; Mrs. Betty Moore, RR 3, Bowmanville; Sally Plume, 851 3 street; Ricky Lowe, Nas yad, Courtice; Lynda P. LINDSAY (Special) -- Mervin Werry remove the serial number Bs 308 io iC, Werry, 26, operator of a service|from the car. Mrs, Carl Fice, RR 1, Osh- station at Newcastle, pleaded| Witness said that he knew How- ava. Marion Ficher, 300 High guilty to a charge of conspiracy ard Black to see him and he alsc street, Whitby: Donna Code to receive a stolen car and was|said that conversation had to do 191 Cadillac street worth: fined $300 plus $39 costs by Mag-|with Paul Russell, although hc To: oF Noni i i : itnes Joan Doble, 45 Albert street; istrate R. I. Moore. Werry was did not know Russell. Witness Oa chara, 315. Bal: represented by R. D. Humphreys, [also said he thought he heard soapy. re. iy 4 oA of Oshawa. |Black tell Werry to get rid of lard avenue; Ray ope, 9 The case, which aroused con-|the car. Witness told Magistrate Park road south; Betty Lou siderable interest because two|Moore that he did not know why Snowden, RR 3, Bowman- other cases of conspiracy in the/Werry had removed the seria' ville; Lloyd Hicks, 637 Brock theft of a car are also being number. street north, Whitby; Mrs. heard against Howard Black and Cpl. Dennis of the Lindsay de- C.C. Hamilton, 840 Dundas Paul Russell, both of Lindsay. tachment of the OPP stated that street east, Whitby; Elwood Paul Russell surprised the|according to information Werry Masters, Myrtle Station. | Crown when he asked for an ad- and Black were friends; that The first five persons to in- journment in order to secure Werry was paying $150 for a form The Oshawa Times of | counsel. Black intimated that he wrecked Ford 1955 model; Werry their birthdays each day will Wished to be tried by judge and Eppasendy jssusd a Chem J receive double tickets for The ry. the 5 when Was. '0 Regent Theatre good for a W. Hackney, of Hackney that the Meteor car replaced the ' he - week period, The cur Motors, Lindsay and his son-in- Ford and that it was hot" that rent attraction is "Samson law, Richard Fuller, stated that/Werry phoned the bank to stop and Delilah" and "Ulysses." a 1956 car was found to have payment on te $150 Shegue ut Reports on birthdays, will been, stolen fom jell, jised Sa ust > ayment had gizeady be received only between the stolen car as it was sitting on| The officer stated that a Ford the Werry car lot at Newcastle car, reported stolen from Ban- The serial number on the car had| croft, had been located on High- been removed. The car was Way 36, north of Lindsay, that hours of 8 am. and 10.a.m. valued at $1400. the plates were missing and there {1946 and was admitted to mem- Elaine Gulliver, and 3. Nancy Li Sal R Hicks, car wrecker of| Vas one flat tire on the vehicle. : cence d e Newcastle, told the Crown that There was apparently a discus- L . H | agging er {bership in the Institute of Char- |tered Accountants of Ontario in Mills, Northminster. Consolation awards -- Margo 4 iv, pe 'Ision between Werry and Black he Was 10 RCV 8 2 regardine a hood for the Ford Motorists should renew their|jgq7, drivers' licences and permits for| Mr. Lachance is a member of| Two bronze medals were won Slocombe and Hugh Popham. by Lynn Butler in Group One|. Glenholme School Garry : car on the Werry lot. When he went to pick up ie ear) Barrister Humphrey asked for| Werry was in Oshawa but hel, ion.v for the accused. He had (Hicks) was told to take the first a good reputation, he said, and] auto. his record had been clean up to land Donna Dragomatz in Group|Nichols, Susan McPhaden, Ralph Two. The silver medal was won Douglas and Donald Sloman. The by Rhonda Bryant. | Reverend H. A. Mellow offered The judges, T. D. Thomas, prayer. IMPP and Mrs. Thomas, Mrs.| A lunch of cookies and tea for When he examined the carithe present time. He admitted he Hicks told Werry later on that in\had made a mistake in removing Davidson and Mrs. Clayton Lee the seniors with orange drinks for presented the awards. the juniors brought an enjoyable his opinion the car was "hot"./the serial number from the car. Temperance in Sunday school evening to a close. Hicks stated that Werry said hee had paid $150 for the Ford would call the police and report car, which he was not delivered | ea were presented by the | superintendent, Mrs. Fred Wil- B R d awa. 329 bottles of blood were Eald R. A. LACHANCE NOMA Will Observe rTy § * PRN. ER SH Tae 3% TR JER AMY (DIANNE HERGOTT) | Pilgrim Players next week on left, and Kitty (Susan Har- | Thursday, Friday, and Satur- greaves) right, are the cause of | day, at the McLaughlin Library all the trouble in the rollicking, | Theatre. "Charley's Aunt", by laugh - filled play, '"'Charley's | Brandon Thomas, originally Aunt", to be pr ted by the ! d at The Theatre Royal, Play Will Arouse Many Memories The Oshawa Pilgrim Players' er. Mr. Murdoch recalls that he | presentation of "Charley's Aunt" (was around 18 years old at the| |at the McLaughlin Library The- time, Amateur theatre was very| Slav Church Eid 2 Thrsda, Friday and active a few years ago. | Saturday of next week may in-| Next week' roductio) | 9 ssociati voke nostalgic memories among |Charley's iid vw the op a] The Trent Valley Asscciation those who saw the play in Osh-|at the library theatre should re-| awa about 25 years ago, or in/vive many happy memories, and| other countries. much of the laughter will pos-| The Pilgrim Players presenta-|Sibly be just a little nostalgic. | tion on Mar, 10, 11 and 12 will] The dates are Mar, 10, 11, and| SAY % AN EN i i NE AOR oR Bury St. Edmunds, near Lon- | don, England, in February 1892 |195) immediately said L. G. Wal- the Canadian Tax Foundation and & bp At a large gathering held re- |cently at St. Andrew's United Church the Oshawa Branch of the Women's Christian Temper- |ance Union presented prizes from [the McKay Memorial Fund. Pray- ler was offered by the Reverend |R. A. Dargan and Miss Marlie Bryant played two piano solos. and has Played Hirough the ters, department transport was a panelist at the founda- fof o oe : Soversigus and (agent, today. {tion's last conference. He is a ro = hin ih i every With only eight business days member of the Toronto Board of A rs To left till deadline on March 16 the Trade and the Board of Trade shawa Times Photo | inevitable result of putting it off | Club as well as being on the will mean standing in long line- membership committee of the ups in the last few days before Toronto Board of Trade. the expiry date. go To date in Oshawa the sale of | permits is down from last year. od h C Finch Case New Baptist er Sole ge Becisien Now Close plates were purchased. So far |this year, only 23,600 have been sold. There will be no extension of with the Baptist Convention of the issuing of permits quickly at 0S ANGELES (AP)--In the liams. 5 : Ontario and Quebec, Will hold athe department of transport Wow 8 gh aging BH iy ore recognition service for a new agency at the Oshawa Shopping|nis prosecutor contends, Dr. {i Ti Evan Stasiuk, Paul Baptist congregation. Centre. The office is open daily | Bernard Finch has eoncocted a Law od, Pola Miller, Joan of Will Induct the matter and that he (Werry) land he did not know the Meteor did not know the car was "hot".| was on his used lot. Lawrence Avery, an employee, Crown Attorney Jordan agreed at the Werry service station, 'said | with Magistrate R. I. Moore that that when he walked over to the the case was not one in which Werry lot he saw the Meteor car, [there should be a jail term and but the wrecked Ford car was added that Werry had been very missing. Witness said he saw Mr. | co-operative with the police. Oshawa Jaycees To Attend Rally A large delegation from the|Chamberlain of Toronto | [ : ) Mr. Walters reports that - suf-| of Baptist Churches, in fellowship !ficient staff is available to handle the expiry date beyond March 16. is the The new church is "Th é€|from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday Oshawa Junior Chamber of Com-| current president. merce will be attending the an-| The district executive w nual spring conference of District Friday evening prior to Seven, Junior Chambers of Com- conference. merce, at the Empress Hotel, Jaycees policies and projects Peterborough, Saturday, Mar. 19. will be discussed at the confer- Germany, and France. saw the Peterborough junior ence. Any proposals made at this|;¢" "2 The e be meeting will be passed on to the bd y chamber of commerce will host to the gathering for the firs time. Some 75 delegates are ex- pected to attend. | District sefen takes in Toronto! junior board of trade, and junior chambers of commerce from Eto- bicoke, North York, Scarborough, Oshawa and Peterborough. : Sam Lee, president of the Peterborough Jaycees, said to- day an election of officers will be among the business topics. Jack! Four Lane Bridge Club To Be Open High Scores | This Summer COBOURG Eleven tables were in play when Janes on Highw. 401 t the Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Newcast] is oy H between Club members played at Adelaide" as e an ort lope wi be House Tuesday night. The high/opened this summer, an official scores were: of the department of highways, North and South -- Mrs. E. Port Hope, said this week. Wadsworth and Mrs. M. R. Clarke| However it is improbable that 144 points; S. Sheridan and G.|the highway will be opened from Adams, 137% points; Dr. and Mrs. port Hope to Brighton as there Kandel, 127 points; Mrs. H. Wash- is still much work to be done. ington and Mrs. H. James, 5 Excellent points: Mrs. and Mrs. R. Davis, made on 119 points; Mrs. G. A. Rundle and|Highway Mrs. E. Culp, 113% points, the weather is kind, it is possible t Ontario conferences of junior chambers of commerce in Toron- to in May. Mayor Donald A. Loucks Peterborough or another repre-| sentative of city courtil will at-| tend the noon luncheon at conference. e progress has the grading between and J. McLachlan, 142%. points; |can be called this summer. D. Calhoun and Bob White, 130% The special cloverleaf approach| Hayward -- Four traffic -- Corvair Plant nt. enley at the Globe Theatre London. | It is also possible that some of forget about the atom bomb, in-| ¢| the members of the cast who per-| come tax returns and prepare for ofl formed "Charley", in Oshawa 25|@ hilarious evening at the theatre. years or more ago, will be pres-| h Stephen G. Saywell, the directed the group, said that the __|play was taken to many of the |surrounding towns and villages, where it was hugely enjoyed. | There was another play by [Brandon Thomas who wrote; To ensure |"Charley's Aunt", achieved much success i area. It was called, "The Private Secretary', and involved manyiold E. of the citizens of Oshawa includ-| pointed station agent for the| ing Harry Stafford, Mrs. Wilson, [CNR in Oshawa. The agent and Murdoch and Ollie Mil-|{his staff of 10 direct the move-| |ments of more than 300 freight] Poland, [tickets are available at the door. in| who n this nithe Corvair plant Rumors to this effect were cir: 45 and Grafton and if culating in Oshawa yesterday. spokesman told| East and West -- J. Buchanan|that paving contracts for this area|The Oshawa Times there are no| pl The company ans for layoffs. Cut Denied points; Mrs. A. Bonnetta and Wm.|which will serve Highway 45 atlfers, of course," he said, Cox, 126 points; Mrs. Wm. Doe|Cohourg and 401 is Iwi 3 | s expected tow and Mrs, R. Morris, 120% points; [be completed this summer. al and Mrs. Cruwys,! The McFarland Construction . Co., Belleville The lucky draw was won by for this including structures, |B J. Buchannan, grading and paving. e cut out of Australia, There are no reserved seats ex- The audience will|cept for members of the Golden also include one member whojage club who will be admitted | cator of the role of|free of charge, so it will be wise ancourt Babberly; W. S.|to be early to get a good seat. Henry Chapman, the director the play, suggests that you Handle 300 'Cars Daily that a carload of w h ic hiautomobiles, consigned to Van-/be conducted by J. Hale, Moder- couver, does not arrive in Mont-|ator of the Association, and Rev. [real is but one of the many prob-|John Ward, of Whitby, the clerk. {lems which daily confront Widmeyer, recently ap- |cars each day. Mr. Widmeyer replaced A. C.| agent. Mr. Stonebridge had been in Oshawa for more than four |years. An official of General Motors| Mr. Widmeyer started with| in the Stratford Har-| {ll meet|be attended by persons who have|!2, the time is 820 p.m. and| ) 2 . the seen performances in {Slavic Church of Evangelical England, | Christians and Baptists" with the [lay leader and Pastor Mr. H. For the formal recognition, the {Baptist churches of the associa- [tion will send their ministers and {two representatives to the First |Baptist Church of Oshawa, and the new church will be received |into the privileges and responsib- ilities of the Baptist Association. Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer,| minister of the First Baptist Church will conduct the service and Rev. J. Zeman, associate |secretary of the Home Mission {Board of the Baptist Convention {will preach the sermon. The service of recognition will France May Okay Allied Arms Plan WASHINGTON (AP) -- Diplo-| mats said Thursday that Prone Stonebridge when the latter was|ma i 3may yet agree with other West- transferred to Peterborough asiern powers on a single d ; isarma-| ment plan to present to Russia. | Differences between France and the United States, Britain, Canada and Italy were said to of Canada Ltd. denied today that|the CNR in 1925 as an assistant|have been narrowed this week in there would be mass layoffs in/station agent onening of a 10-nation, East-West|_ able to obtain permits in the day | ¢ a class B movie. time, the office will remain open| on the following Friday till 9 p.m. March 4, 11, 18. Y opera, | |death scene so sugary and syn-|tapleton, Kervin Dancy, Reta to Friday. For those who are un-|4p tie that it would be tossed out|Goldmans, Shawn Hagerman |Mauvreen Sullivan, Dougla TORONTO (CP)--Edward Wil- o/som, 6, was saved from drowning in the frigid water of a 10-foot It is a drama drawn from soap|Campbell, Madeline Lovell, Cher- pole Thursday after he clung to the prosecution says, ay] Clarke, Beverly Hainer, Eliza-|the foot of Mr: De. ; drama the doctor tried to lather|heth MacLeod, Bryan Dash, and o s. Boris Tipoff, 33. She pulled him out after David Motor vehicle owners applying with his own tears on the witness| Ronald Masters. for plates must bring with them, |stand. But when he was finished, the state maintains, all he had|chard, Bonnie Leavett, Sharon|while taking a short cut home was an unbelievable bubble, a Henning, Joy DeGeurre. their liability insurance certifi- |cate to avoid paying the $5 fee. Seal Drive Realizes $24,500 | | | culosis and Health disclosed at the Management| ciation, Tuesday, at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Last year the Christmas Sea campaign grossed about $28,000 The reason for the decrease in donations this year, 'it thought, is due to the erroneous belief by many people that! Christmas Seal money is being used to bring TB refugees to Can- division. In 1942 he became an|disarmament conference at Gen- ritton, Ont., before coming tol Oshawa. | In their new home at 173 Wav-| live with their| Marian, Jean, 13, Margar-| "and et, 12 and Baird, 7. a heavy overtime schedule a few weeks ago. The three children are all stu. dents at Westmount Public "The overtime was an. attempt! School ut inow."" has the contract to catch up after the steel strike imercs. operator and was agent in Mer-leva in two weeks. Appreciation for the assistance ynelt sobbing beside his dy {bubble that burst under the bom- |bardment of evidence. This was the attack of pro- ay as he neared the end of his searing summation in the murder | Eaton, Danny Dargan and Shar- Cedardale Heather son and Gail Moak. Simcoe Street |secutor Fred N. Wichello Thurs-| Yearsley. Methodist Free trial. And today, after nearly two|/ran Graham. months of testimony and argu-| v ment, the jury was expected to POSTER PRIZES get the case. Association | conspiracy [Christmas Seal Campaign gross-|Mrs. Barbara Jean Finch, 36, last! ed approximately $24,500 it was|July 18. {Committee meeting of the Asso-|CALLS CAROL INSTIGATOR | savage was! ©} i | off dealt with Finch. On its decision rests the lives| |of Dr. Finch, 42, and his 23-year- |old mistress, Carole in the shooting Whichello threw some of his| thrusts at the in the purported plot to do| nquisitor earlier in the trial, tore his' velvet gloves when he The doctor had testified that he ing| The Washington phase of West-|by Northminster United Church|yife outside their suburban home| ern preparatory talks is come to an end, these be! the Western proposal will made at discussions NOTED PLAY It was stressed that more| about to in collecting of canned goods for| {he night she was shot, and that! inform-|some of the families of patients they { f jerly St., Mr. Widmeyer and his|ants said, and. final decisions on|Was expressed at the meeting. - wife, We have changes and trans-|three children, change before she expired. ; beginning effort should be made to obtain Whichello snapped: Monday or Tuesday in Paris. volunteer drivers to transport the| 'Now I think (this) next ab- wives of patients to and from|surdity is the crowning one of all.|(o the hospitals on evenings and|This really takes the cake. This, M. 0. Oscar Wilde's witty farce, "The Weekends. Services of volunteers|] think, is the p P . Mr. Widmeyer is a member of Importance of Being Earnest,' are very greatly appreciated. we are back in balance the Oshawa Chamber of Com-!'was first produced on the Lon- Idon stage im 1695. : intelligence in this case, It comes| Mrs. R. H. Bedell, Whitby, was pretty close to being sacrflegi) the chairman of the meeting. |ous. had engaged in a tender ex-| Referring to the death scene, ife. But Whichello, a seemingly soft|-- of Many poster entries were of a Charles Lang-| high order. Mrs. field presented the prizes. Tregoff Grades 1 and 2 were 3 op) : : :'by Northminster United Church: | The Ontario County Tuber- They are accused of murder and |" Debbie MacDonald; 2. Tommy | of Griffin; 3. Susan Jane Sage. went to David Marlow, Margaret Tooley, | Margaret Drew and Terry Rich-| ardson. {James W. Daley, 94, mother of Grades 3 and 4 were all won| | 2 pretty, by Northminster: 1. Janet 1 Plumpish co-defendant. He called|ardson; 2. Susan Hicks; 3. John] (her "the instigator--the pressing | Jeffrey. | force" away with the wealthy doctor'siwon by Glen Jeffrey. Grades 5 and 6, Northminster: Consolation awards The consolation 'Murder Sentence Will Be Appealed Rich-| award was| | Trotman grabbed the boy's hand. Blan- Edward said he fell into the hole from school. | Albert Street -- Keddy Harri-| Mr. Trotman's wife said she heard children shouting and ran Michael to investigate. When she saw the |boy in the hole she ran to get Mrs. Charles | Tipoff and shouted to several |teen-age boys but they only stood and looked at her. She stopped a man and told him a boy was drowning. He re- plied: "Oh, that's too bad," and walked off, she said. Labor Minister's Mother Mourned ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Mrs. 1Ontario's labor minister, died in a convalescent home here Thurs- day. She leaves two other sons, one |at Niagara Falls and the other at Niagara-on-the-Lake, and two married daughters at Niagara Falls and Newmarket. YACHT SAFE WILDWOOD, N.J. (AP)--The yacht Atlantic, fastest sailing ves- |sel ever to cross the Atlantic BRAMPTON (CP)--The mur- Ocean, is safe in port today after John Hartford, 18 of |der conviction and death sentences wild, storm-driven trip info the Port| Credit will be appealed, his de fence counsel, G. L. Pallett, said Thursday. Mr. Justice P. D. J. Kelly sen- loose from its moorings and blew nced Hartford to be hanged jt out across the Shawcrest Yacht € ay 16 after his conviction by| worst insult to your|an all-male jury of the rifle-slay-| ing of J. Beverly Wright, 20, avear-old 300-ton TCA operations clerk at Malton airport. open sea with no one on board. |snow-filled winds Thursday ripped {the 180-foot three-masted schooner |Basin toward the ocean. The 60- | yacht ran {aground a mile from its dock and was towed back undamaged.

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