Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1960, p. 3

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a : a aii 3 i iy " ir "1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 1, 1960 3 | FACT OR FICTION Conservation Officer Tackles Bear Problem rk, Building J" odern build-jand wall boards: hardware, ns in Eastern paints, floor, ceiling and wall opened when coverings; and parts and acces- Gifford snips sories. Well over 1000 different; One of the ing supply shy Ontario will Mayor Lym the ribbon std between the lines of materials are carried by doors of Mi¥ and Building the firm. | Supplies Ltd Simcoe street . { north, OWN JILL nd Builders Supplie Conservation Officers receive|up a bargain whereby he agreed(him most unceremoniously back ; Civic dls. contractors. ong = Mp Sup es many strange requests for assist-|to pay $20, sight unseen, for alto the ground. 2 home ownefid the general a5 1S OFF HE Ho that * |ance. The latest in the realm of|"nice litle bear cub". | At this point the gent decided 3 public haveh invited to the Fe em ia D Sagar a 4 CR (the 1 was the telephone call| Arriving home by and by, the|that a strategic withdrawal was re opening at .m. Wednesday. |the shawg Pros residents re ' { A ' : "477 | received by Officer D. K. Powell|gent was somewhat taken aback|in order and the call for assist~ There > will more than $1000ceive only the finest grades of 1 . lof Orono on Saturday night, Feb. to see this large brute of a bear ance went out to Officer Powell, lumber. All sash and door frames = (13. chained to a tree on his front Thtough the entire conversation in special gprizes and draws In a very excited voice, an Osh-lawn. The situation deteriorated|the man's main worry seemed to i for those Pding. All ladies and finishing is done in the Osh- | ! will recedfoses when they aWa plant, rest. thos 4 ' lawa man informed Doug that a|rapidly when Mis Bruin suddenly be what "the woman next door' arrive ang 19 grest rene © |large, black bear was up a tree broke the chain and scrambled would do if she learned of the The op of the modern d 2 N nt and Edward just outside his house in the mainiup the tree. Our hero, however, situation. stone, gldind panelled build. {gent Norman Brunt a War part of Oshawa and that Doug|fortified by his afternoon's activi-| Officer Powell, with tongue in Lupton, vice - president and gen- had better come over right away. ties, was not afraid of any old|cheek no doubt, advised the man another completed phase inf rapid expansion of Millworkfl Building Supplies Lid. Th@mpany started just less th years ago with a small and two storage Expressing disbelief, Doug ques-|bear and he too scrambled up the|that this was a case for the po tioned the man further. It ap-itree bent on pulling the animallice and dogcatchers, not a game pears that while "partaking ofidown. The bear, however, was|warden. As far as we know the the cups" with several of his quite excited by now and placingproblem of Mr. Bruin was being cronies in the local pub thatlone large paw, not too gently, onjturned over to Oshawa's "finest' afternoon, the gentleman struckitop of the man's head, shovediat last report. CITY END | WEATHER FORECAST 1 AMBULANCE CALL ! Partly Cloudy The Oshawa Fire Department {ambulances answered one call during the past 24 hours, now 3) 123s] ay PENSIONS ADJUSTED : A total of 505 adjustments a TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Huron regions, London: Partly veterans' pensions worth $132.0: '|issued at 5 a.m.: {cloudy with a few snowflurries to- were made at a recent quarterly Synopsis: Mainly sunny condi- day and Wednesday. Little meeting of a board of Pension ions will continue over most of change in temperature, Winds |referees, it was announced Te- the province today. While little light, except west 15 in the after- jpenay, Iva Spokesman Jop ine change is expected for northern noons. [Canadian 15 gon ina pes Hrors|areas Wednesday, partly cloudy | Forecast Temperatures {include > perials skies with scattered snowflurries| Low tonight High Wednesd all 10 provinces and also include) ae the prospects for southern re- ow -lonig 8 nesday eral supervisor of the Oshawa operations. Other members of the capable staff include Norman! Woodward, general manager: Tom Cook, office manager; Alec Biro, shop supervisor: and Ralph Fice, yard supervisor. i The new showroom includes a THREFAREHOUSES number of unique features. One now is a revolving display which auto- includde new showroom. three matically selects the complemen- rarehouses, recently en- tary colors for shingles, bricks ishing plant, and foun- and paint oured for another ware- SP be completed as soon as NEW CONCEPT conditi will permit Another new concept in retail- ing lumber and building supplies will be instigated. The customer andpique services are designed Will now pick up a cart when he e a much improved oppor- enters the building and serve to the Wome owner and himself supermarket-style while r to select their supplies. piped-in music plays softly. Adce and instruction in the best Two other ungiue services will f these supplies will be offer- be offered the customer on the 0 the home owner who wishes second floor of the building. A nake his own improvements. large planning room will be Tillwork and Building Supplies equipped with plans of houses, ters to both the contractor and garages, cottages, recreation] home owner. However the rooms etc., and customers are in-| i oh rgest part of the showroom vited to browse at their leisure. | pensioners from several Amer-|giong | Windsor ... 30 prea is designed for home owner. The second feature is a class| {ican states. | Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Ni-{St. Thomas 30 The customer will be able to reom. Each Saturday a Home| i STREETS CLOSED agara, northern Georgian Bay| London 28 completely outfit his home from Owners Clinic will be held where | The following streets will be|regions, Toronto, Windsor, Ham-| Wingham 25 bath mat to snow shovel from expert instruction will be given in| closed for construction today: ilton: Mainly sunny today. Partly|Toronto .e 30 the displays offered. There are various aspects of home im- [Taylor avenue from Farewell to| cloudy with a few scattered snow-, 1renton ees 25 special areas featuring plywood provements. [Baldwin street: Creighton avenue) flurries Wednesday. Little change St. Catharines . 10 30 _-- pe from Stevenson road to Harris|\D temperature. Winds light, ex- Hamilton . 30 street: Guelph street from Tay-|cept west 15 in the afternoons. Muskoka . 20 CAPSULE NEWS lor avenue fo Olive avenue | Haliburien, Kirkland Lake aw Kifigloe ve 2 : " |Timmins + Kapuskasing regions, Earlton .. Nig sii J 9 omit | North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny and Sudbury ve 15 {movement of local traffic. Ex- cold today and Wednesday. Little|North Bay .. 15 } j 1 H treme heavy rain may result | Change in temperature. Light | Rapuskasing 10 | . os | winds. hite River 135 C O00 us, | ® - the closing of other streets. t Southern Georgian Bay, Lake Moosonee ....... ees #15 10 SENTENCE SUSPENDED | En in wo Truck Crash | CSHSWA FISHERMAN BORTS NEARRECORD SALFISH ~~ Wi", ecs,t TV-RADIO COLUMN : ; : : Yvan ax fc agar. sin a, is s er > 2 > sal- | ha id rolling for about 10 Auk A a fmt ; : COOKSVILLE, (CP) -- 'A full silverware, some makes of cam. Cedar street, Oshawa, is shown | ernment stating that the sai | had been trolling black. Mr. Huzar said that he |he had pleaded guilty to a charge - school bus "collided with a light eras. radios and sporting guns. ih @ SLU € LOVE OCH | inches 'long and. weighed 188 his bai when the fish struck =, 04 2 70.foot whale and |of stealing an automobile, He was anneq ns IO aris |fined $50 and costs for driving u m truck five miles east of here marmalade, cocoa and coffee/ eight miles off the coast of | inches long and weighed 184 his bait. The fish was all the 1 school hark ; Meoxi " . 1d record for | colors » 1a A on | several schools of sharks on |™% ie 13 Acapulco, Mexico, on Feb. 17. | pounds. The world record for | colors of the rainbow when \ S | while his licence was suspended Monday, but none of the 40 chil- with evaported milk. Toro b ficial d Bo 1 Ifist 192 | ft but i A tl th 4 £ hi tch wel ore iI Mr. Tuzar has an official docu- e largest sailfish is 192 caught, but changed within e morning of his catch, i icker- - re rer Rou TO STAND TRIAL a TT jon 2 Chase a he was ow ewest ashions Johnstone, 16, of nearby Port PEMBROKE (CP) -- Keoneth {apprehended with the stolen car. Credit. was. Coated for cuts and Risto, 55, of Pembroke was or- Oshawa Seaman OBITUARIES | Pu ils See ARY By CYNTHIA LOWRY Speaking of goofs, NBC's Hunt: ruises *harged v eT to sia rial whe - | EAR 4 4 id . careless drwing he" peared for preliminary - hearing, Gets H Medal P VISITORS AT ROTARY = | NEW YORK (AP)--Skirts arelley-Brinkley team practically ig- SS g. P 3 aring (18 onor, a Visitors at the luncheon |short. Hats are huge balls which|nored Princess Margaret's en- La : IE here Monday on a charge of at- | ling of the Rotary Club of Osh- he ; é J SEEK LIQUOR OUTLET tempted murder. Risto was Able Seaman John Grapam| WILMOT J. L. CAMPBELL |many beautiful floral tributes our or |awa, at Hotel Genosha on Mon- over a lady sown b her (Shin. Sagemen: a Saeie Frigay night _ Theicharged after Mrs. Howard|Strachan, 20, son of Mr, and Mrs. SUNDERLAND -- The ¢om-|show. he esteem i »h. he | 3 ini ese are the words from Parisinewscast. Huntley s over it DERL Tye 39m jsiiowod ihe. esteem.un, which. Be day, included Rotarians William], spring, if Monday night's'with a couple of sentences and +» HAGERSV. Z (CP) municipal councit of this village Swant, 44-year-old motel owner,/James Strachan, of 742 Oxford munity was shocked to learn of was held y d Clane Garton 2 17 miles southeast of Brantford was shot in the abdomen with a|St. Was awarded the "American(ihe passing of Wilmot James He took a keen interest in Ma-| Approximately 5 dent Thiesurger Fo and Rev. John television fashion show reported two still photographs which were has asked the Liquor Control revolver on June 6, 1957, at her|Spirit Honor Medal", at a cere-\jawrence Campbell on Saturday, sonic affairs and was a past mas- so raximaley Wad) stu en > of owmany wi Whitb: 4 correctly. . |flashed on and off the screen Board of Ontario for a brewer"s/motel near Pembroke. Risto has/mony in Great Lakes, Illinois, peh, 20, 1960, on arrival at Ross ter of King Edward Lodge No. 464 jege, accom: ya Eonay dl Van Harmeon, Gi The fashion news was de-|with the speed of light. Both warehouse and a liquor outlet. A since spent two years in a mental Saturday, Feb. 27 ; | Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, GRC. Mrs. Violet Pall br Bg vd BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED livered by NBC's special Paris alother networks led off with the plebiscite, discussed several institution. | Able Seaman Strachan will re-| here he was rushed after an ill-, Wilmot was always active inlays' magistrate's court Monday ight bers of the Rotary |!3 Mode, as mannequins from the announcement. i i y ¥|. Fight members establishments of 15 of the top was {turn home, tonight, for 14 daysiness of a week at his home. the community and in sports. Helin connection with their social- Club of Oshawa, who eelebrate weeks ago by the council, found unnecessary as the town leave. He will then go on to the| 'Bory in Brock Township. he was a director of Brock Agricul: giyudi Fi ress ; e | Recommended tonight: f 3 av ship, as 4 lies course. hi : rench dressmakers showed) is already in a "wet" area. Finch Co ns 1 Naval Base at Norfolk, Va. The yas the son of Mrs. Maud St. tural Society, and was a past es ise welcomed. to the oer birthdays this week, Were clothes from new collections. And| Jeff McLeod, the Last Reb, u e award was made "to the one re-|j,; Campbell of Oshawa, and president of the Sunderland Curl- court by Magistrate F. S. Ebb honored by the presentation of in color they were gorgeous to/ NBC, 8:30-9:30 p.m. -- A Civil cruit Orin 1a S-|spoons at the club luncheon om _, =. {War story with Robert Horton CUT CONSUMER PRICES who showed outstanding tne jate Stuart Cam a aling C 3 eacentiv. Was. chair. Ee : bod | 8 pbell and aling Club and recently was chair-| crown Attorney Alex rApih . : MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Pl x' Juaiities. of leadergnip: during grandson of E. C. Campbell who man of the Bonspiel committee. io {ne Altres ex hall smoke Monday. - Those honored were|™n b= oo Gore of theand Ricardo Montalban. {3 Union Monday night announced uc al S i He Noni 'Collegiate ana |Practised law for a number of He was also manager of the Sun-| osc George K. Drynan, Notan Mo- show, but between the fashion se-| Red Skelton Show, CBS, 9:30- 5 : J i | r h\ p rs in Vixbrd iz of} aseba ¥ Fr 046 " $ a 1% 5 . » ead, » GN : price cuts 'on a wide range of i Vooooor Insiitate: gudent, "John Years in Uxbridge and Louisa M. derland Baseball Club from 1946) He outlined some of the his-[*2™ E. A. Donald Jo TF oborts. | QUENCES there are some interest-| 10--With guest Mae Wes consumer goods, including sev- | foined the U.S. Navy at Ni (Hunter, daughter of Dr. J. J.|to 1949. tory. of English jurisprudence. |Nick Jenkin, George L. Roberts, = 4 cing, some songs with eral in the luxury class. Tass estimony joie he oS oi Ee os Xiogara Hunter who practised medicine! Rev. J. Newton Reed conduct-| «gu. jaw puts a great empha- Maurice Hart and Dr. W. J. 2 histicated tori 4 I said the list included polar fox Falls, in December 1959. He was|i, giouffville. The Campbells ed the service, reading the 23rd gi. : A mpha-l; o emaid. witty, sophisticated lyrics, su - po sent for basic training, at Great 4 sis on the importance and dignity ang Earl ABC TV, Bing furs, electric sewing machines] LOS ANGELES (AP)--A de-'Lakes. Tl. He finished his train.| sere, of Highland Scottish ances Psalm and the lth chapter ofif the individual," he told th Aer on 2PC ay ae| + WO en In fence counsel in his summationling last Saturday. | [UeArEvie) John, and speaking on 'his belief si gonts, : ° COLLECTIONS UP Crosby pil 9 8 8 happy ¥rame has listed a dozen *'discrepancies"| g a y: | Left to mourn his passing aré/in a future life. At the re-" jgo"ooue (his as the reason! Collections of customs for the| of mind with an easy and relaxe . i lin 2 Tousen dd. st rth {his sorrowing wife, Madeline R.|quest of the family the hymniyne in English courts. the ac. Port of Oshawa during February [hour of music, Guest Perry Como oun - rh Semaui's stories o: ihe Rynard Campbell and his daugh- "We'll say goodnig ere, bu Vag is) -COUrls, Tie ce) eons inland Bing made a fine singing night socialite Barbara J P k T d yIeynaic, Camp 8 Il say goodnight here, but|eused man is always given the Were considerably larger than in| ! ip lain Jean) Pancake luesda ter, Elizabeth M. Quantrill, of say good morning up there', was panef sland : stfteam and three of the four J Finch was slain Ty, ! I benefit of the doubt the same month of last year, it } : Two persons plegded guilty Throu h Drifts | But the lawyer called 18vesr Is Old Festival | Whithy. 3nd tv granddaughters, read : , old & he Mr. Hall emphasized that it|was reported this morning. Col | Crosby Boye Sd 5 tuneful ue Monday to charges of \being found 4 ; wyer © year {Susan and Cathy: his mother:| The funeral was held from the ya hot t Tide collections last month totalled/With dear old dad. in 1 h offe ld Marie Anne Lidholm as "lov- i three sisters Mr: Freda Pinkhs ) 3 srme tye ol up lo a judge or a jury| man of {a a pace were 4 nce {o ; ci p sisters, Mrs, red a Pinkham Chapel, Interment St. 4 . . an's 4 snap : total for Feb- nu ag i i 2 . ing, wholesome girl" and told the| Today is Shrove Day . . . O'iHolman, Dorothy (Mrs. E. Wil- John's Cemetery, Bfock. jo deal With mans innocence $14.628,757.96. The Jotal for, Thel Bud Palmer, CBS - TV sports| against the Ontario Liquor Con- ] KEDRON (Special) -- The uv. "I do believe she was try. more particularly for the smallison) = Phyllis (Mrs. A. Deten.| but rather, they had to decide ruary, 39, 139, Hk ) specialist, apparently didn't re-| trol Act was committed. ; news only leaked out today that j,."1, tell the truth." Yliry, Pancake Tuesday. However, peck) amd sis brothers, George] MRS. HERBERT HARRIS |Whether the accused was "guilty {breakdown of last month's COl-| 0:0") ooop when a big one| Gerald Haight, 209 Currie Ave., two five-year-old Kedron girls. mn. gu 3 few if any restaurants will fea- Wo ey b t' Phe death occurred at Fairview|or not guilty" according to thellections was: import duties, i iC 1m |and Clare Flintoff, Taunton, were " old e Swedish maid was a key 3 | Harry, Kenneth, Earl, Ross all of he death occurred at Fairview |... 0. "0 Cte inl . 852. dropped into his lap at the Olym- |. Lauretta McDonnell and Jean-i . oc wiinace in the murder trial ture What was once the symbol of oshawa and Bert of Ajax. He Lodge, Whitby, Monday, Feb. 29, S¥iRenze presented' to them in SAS. 1: sales tax ry pics Sunday. Palmer was having hrcd $10 a sour costs by ette LeBlanc, students at St.| =" 0°" p nam) "the feast which preceded Lent. |. BNO en tov hic wbert: Harris. ,. court. 130.43; other excise taxes, $4,000.17 "= J0 oC 4 = {Magistrate F. §. Ebbs. Gregory's Kindergarten School, of Dr R. Bernard Finch. 42,6 Gil oF the' festival is ost In| Kioinons anc ready hein nehens ceased, who was Harris, Whe d¢-| The crown attorney also warn-|259.86; excise duties, $445.50 and|20 Intervich larded with the] $8 Vy hel s, ceased, 2 VEAL. od the students against picturing sundry collections, $2,101.00. : ities wl | The charges were laid after de-§ "< - [usual banalities when the coach oC CHEPEES WEE a pr 3 1. handsome surgeon, and Carole ; 3 i made a three and a half mile fang . tan antiquity, but Shrovetide, th e(hic friendli ¢ a e" Phells te od 90 . . X sf trek home last Friday after the 1 c80ff. 23, his shapely mistress|ipyce days preceding Ash Wed. |1is_friendliness' and humor. The had not enjoyed good health forse Jaw and courts as they -are jof the United States hockey team|go oth McFadyen, 264 Verdun : or wie and former receptionist. ; : In i i. several years described lern ficti {volunteered to tell how a few : pid blizzard Thursday night Marie Ante listened wid : | nesday, was observed in medi he former. Ida. Maude Bond € d in modern fiction. . . | whiffs oF vail. nizzested US # d., executing a liquor warrant The children went to school as , : d wide-eyed eva] England by "shriving" or| - . decersad was. a d OF ~~ TTT M Ad t ; ygen, suss Y a at approximately 1:30 a.m. Jan. usual Friday morning and found Srmong the Spe fairs Youdey as confession on the Sunday, follow 1 u 0 He eu a va 8 daughter of Rite d 1Nors mi jRassian hockey Plaver, rived y i ud . : a Finch's counsel rant B. Cooper, v iw ays of merrymaking. : late ' 4 id Var) ) jour team's delfeal into victory. p it closed. They immediately set joi by two day Ymatin James. She was married in Osh- endance {Palmer, supremely uninterested,| McFadyen had pleaded guilty dissected her accounts. | 'Small, sweet pancakes were [to permitting drunkenness at an * - out to walk home, and apparent- =. = 00 SHC : { ara: Tor og | era odd ! per said his summation to|handed out to the children on the awa and lived in Toronto for a . g qu returned to a discussion of Squaw 4 : y made te Jug I rae jury of seven women and five ome gdh there was a gen-| erate n number of years. On her return to At Collegiates avin or Valley weather, Carlier NI of se court, he out: incident. , {men probably would continue eral feasting to prepare for the| |Oshawa a few years ago she . . | PICKERING (Staff) -- Five] CBS' photographic coverage of Were declared a bon through today and into Wednes- long fast for Lent. {lived in Alice street. Mrs. Harris Well Maintained {Oshawa youths pleaded guilty to|the Winter Olympics was magnif- under the salon of Cher i ae Supried parents xe day. The custom is ast dying out w d d Was 2 member of the United charges of having liquor and ob-|icent. It fell down on the com. tario Liquor Control Act by Mag- § 3 us except in places like Eton and| e hurch. Sciiool attendance reports for taining liquor while minors, inmentary, however. is ii dren made it. ONE IMPORTANT Shrewsbury schools in England, nes ay | Predeccased by her husband Januiry presented to the in Boon Sh court, Monday. Jee istrate C. .W Guest at that me. The attorney said many of the/where the boys get their pan-| ay many years ago, Mrs. Harris is Oshawa Board of Education Mon-!| Constable David Fleming of the The Oshawa Ski Club will start ¢svived by a sister, Mrs. Greta day night by the 'superintendent Pickering Township police testi- COMING EVENTS "discrepancies" : seemed minor| cakes and a half holiday. i vi but one was critically important: | | Wednesday afternoon skiing atimyck of Toronto and a brother, of public school education and fied that he stopped a car at the Miss Lidholm testified that Mrs. . {Kirby this week on a trial basis. Orville Bond, of Sunnybrook|the three secondary school princi- intersection of Harwood avenue y PLAN fo attend seal evening ai St Finch got into her car from the) Ivan Richards, club president, Hospital. She was predeceased pals. and Highway 2 at 4.30 am. on HO eo right-hand door when the doctor an 1e ASe said that all tows will be running po 5 hyother and three sisters. Dr. C. M. Elliott reported that|February 28. ordered her into the car moments! {and snow conditions are excellent.| zi, qryiving are a large num. a total of 8809 pupils were en-| In the car were five youths and | ments. 18 the Liberal party in Canada sun before her gunshot death on the, i He said that the decision to op her of nieces and nephews volled in the city's 21 publiciyyo juveniles. He found several Paul Martin, QC. MP. eT aly of the Finch estate late last Goes Before {erate Wednesday afternoons was. The funeral service will beheld Schools. The average aitepdance oils of beer aul Martin, QC, } at the McLaugh- , oh . ¢ 4 TAPE ~ vas 94.7 an 3 re or & . July 18. {taken because of the increased at the Mcintosh Funeral Home at WAS 94.31 and 4943 were never! n.... to the Pickering police Tender EAT'N tin Library Auditorium, 8 p.m. Friday, f A ine! S 2 | i i sk i shawa '« ate 4 absent and 8140 wer over 5 . March 4. heh Said he entered through |interest in skiing in the Oshawa 2 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 2. Rev. bsenL 2 t 0 were never ne | ke the youths admitted that TRUE-TRIMBEEF RUMMAGE sale ai Si. Andrews the left-hand door. His version ex. {area. The tows will be running A Mellow, minister of North-|,. - 8 0 HOTEEA ARC eal they had chipped in and got some- --_---- 7 Ce ap anestay, | March : plained how bloodstains got on| d e ury {for the next two Wednesday after- minster United Church, will con- sere) of w DB oi otal one to purchase the beer. The| g \ p.m. 20 games $6 and $10. Seven $40 the driver's side of the seat. He noons as an experiment and will g,ct the services, Interment will 1007 81 Ss he ate Attend. | WO juveniles were not involved. 12 KING ST. E. RA 3-3633 said Mrs. Finch was bleeding! tinu f sufficient interest p. rosbeel Cemoter oF - Bid > CY re a edi BOSTON (CP) -- The case of {Df COI ly ed if suitic] €rest be in Prospect Cemetery, {ance, Principal G. L. Roberts re- The accused were William Da- piifom 3 head wound fe mitered Dutch wireles erator Willem is shown. {ported mant, 18; Ben Mitchell, 16; Her- 6 prizes. Refreshments. Admission 50c. gle for a gun Van Rie, charged ita murdering re Richards esiimated thal is 4RTHUR STEwaR? oh IF ped, enrolment at Contra] Cols oh, ed "Smith, i ok -- i Agi y saw the largest crow : ! a "ropa for: 33 Was i his shipboard paramour, was to Sunday saw We EES COPE Co General Hospital Monday, legiate Institute for January was|and Michael Roome, 17, all of > » 620, Principal H. E. Murphy said Oshawa. I me However, Cooper said, Marie & . | : he it . 20 to an all-male jury today after ®% a hod eh 9 stip owart TO EVERYONE WITH A Anne admitted on cross-examina-| arguments by both the de With over 500 people paying for Feb. 29. of Arthur Stewart, of; "hic range The average atten.| They were fined $25 and costs 03 or f or one month on the first charge GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR: tion that she had told a sheriff's coo "04 the prosecution and the|tow tickets and 300 to '400 non- 480 St. Lawrence avenue. The de- qi nce was Greot European-style Costume [investigator that Mrs. Finch en-| 00 py Judge Frank J. Mur- skiers present. ceased had not been in 200d "NA Sisco principal of Dr. and $10 and costs or five days on Carnival on jhe Sin et March, tered on the left-hand side and... A large bulldozer was operated health for 11 years F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti-the second charge, Mitchell and KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS {the investigator told her He had) Conviction could bring death in by the club Saturday and Sunday. A son of the late James P. and tute, reported 626 students were Roome elected to take the jail HALL" {to be mistaken. Cooper said she|ihe electric chair for the 31-year-|A road was broken through the Mary J. Stewart, the deceased enrolled in January and that the term as they had no money to {changed her story after that. old Van Rie. . huge drifts to the club premises was born in Whitby and at an|average attendance was 94.52. |pay the fines. He added: "She said, 'I eor-| The prosecution's charge says|by 10 a.m. Saturday and several |early age came to Oshawa with! - jackpots, door prizes. EUCHRE -- Scout Hall, corner Gibbon and Beuna Vista, Friday 8 p.m. in subduing her in a furious strug- Meat Specials ! FOR WED. & THURS. Fresh Sliced or Piece Side Pork 184 Bond Street West, { | igh isi So |rected Nig because was wong! Van Rie Dept, Kickes and ther (large parking spaces were clear-his parents. He was married in| Should = brin f ' --as she corrected many things/wise mauled pretty Lynn Kaufl-led Mr. Richards said the bull-/Oshawa in 1927. d cal RUD! tend 031 later." man, = ito UCOlseioueness: dozer will be retained if new A coremaker at Fittings Limit- ? DON'T MISS THE 2ND Pork Chops ---- - wp then threw the gay divorcee into ¢now falls od for 35 vears. Mr. Stewart wa ! Boston Harbor 10 drown as the 5 Ro 5% as Stewart va MAMMOTH RUMMAGE SALE KINSMEN BINGO TEENAGERS ARE Dutch freighter Utrecht steamed {Church Small Link [for New. York the night of Sept. | NF DEATH Be iver on Saturday, March 5th-1:30 P.M. Pork Sausage JUBILEE PAVILION | GETTING RICH? "in. ny young woman's body--| tone Raster A a AT ALGER BLDG., 37 KING E. J TUESDAY, MARCH 1 The avera ss |she weighed 9 nds -- Was| LAWRENCE, Rosina Jane --Sud-|three daughters, Mrs. J. L. Sulli- ' ge teenager's [She weigh pou vas 4 i L ; s, FREE ADMISSION pocket money has increased [found the next day on a harbor|denly at the Voronto Hast Genelfl van (Monar, Mrs. K. Code NOTE! Bac Breakfast EXTRA BUSES from $2.50 to $10 per week in |island. 1960, Rosena Jane Bell in her gath| Dorothy) and Mrs. E. Lukow : Juckpot Nos. 53. Grd 5) 15 years. Teenagers represent |SAYS CIRCUMSTANTIAL year beloved wie of Frank Lawrence | (Norma), all of Oshawa IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD USED APPLIANCES, acon -------- per -------- = hilli 3 3 v No. enwic! ve., Toronto, ar| Als rviving are & ar ty Ss bigs neh. | oa Shira stay sae FE A Hh EE Ae irvine' wor | FURNITURE, CLOTHING, ok wha WAVE fl 3 4 3 ; : "| (Mrs. K. R. Wagg) of Oshawa, Gord : is | icnic NEARLY NEW SHOP which they earn themselves at |cumstantial." |and Eva Mrs JA, Nichoisom> wr ErEndehildren. " | YOU . .. TELEPHONE RA 8-5333 Shoulders art- V The j 5 s Si sti. | Toronto, beloved dmoth: f Joye: he funeral service will be hel x a A - SPRING SHOWING Pos me Werk anu Summer mone Se osha 3, Bourne) and Bill Nicholson, at the Mcintosh ius be hela) Articles Will Be Picked Up During Week Thursday ond Friday A quick way to 'get part- senger that she identified Van Rie|Dtloved greatgrandmother of Naney|s p.m. Thursday, Mar. 3, followed MARCH 1 -- MARCH 4 INCL. 29 PM time help is to p'ace an ad in as the person who ran up a flight!Anne and Percy Bell of Toronto, hy interment in Oshawa Union s d Y / % awa 'Ti Nassif stairs I "ner rection | Friends may call at the Trull Funeral Cemetery. Rev. R. B. Milroy ponsored by the # ST. GERTRUDE'S the Oshawa Times. Classified of stairs in the general direction) nerds Wow Cor sb the Full CHE : iid ¢: y section. Dial RA 33492 now. |of Lynn's cabin although she saw | Semmes Traber oo ming si 11 wrime- (minister of Knox Presbyterian] OSHAWA JUNIOR CHAMBE F S. €90 King East loaly his legs. |Interment St. James Cemetery. Church, will conduct the services. ! i R OF COMMERCE | :

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