Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1960, p. 1

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« Jheaps of stones and twist THOUGHT FOR TODAY There are senile delinquents, too ~and they would probably be worse than juvenile delinquents, if they could. be Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy with a few scat- tered snowflurries Wednesday, little change in temperature, winds light. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy RL TE VOL. 89--NO. yor. 99--NO. 50 OSHAWA, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1960 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES sman Offers |March Came! City Of Like Lamb » In Ontario Chessman wrote that he earn- | |estly wanted the legislature to, By THE CANADIAN PRESS |frame -a' bill abolishing capital [punishment in such a way as to wrote Gov-|exclude him. Brown that he| Before the letter showed Top-Seeded To Die For Law In Vancouver VANCOUVER (CP)--The world SACRAMENTO, Calif. Caryl Chessman Monday night many votes. offered to die in the gas cham-| ber, bringing a dramatic new ele- ment into California's legislative nalbattle over capital punishment. : 13 countries| The convict-author seeking four separate titles. ernor Edmund G. Canada is favored to win twolis willing to end h {of them, the United States one if the California legis] |and Britain the other. vote to abolish the dea Carol Heiss of the Us. de- for everybody else. Brown would succeed in either fending world and Olympic cham-| "I offer , . : my life," said | repealing or modifying the law. |pion, is highly favored to win her|Chessman who was condemned in| Chessman was convicted of | night--the coldest at Prince A [fifth world title. Wendy Griner,(1948 as a perverted sex kidnapping, robbing and sexually pers Sask., with 24 bel 15, of Toronto, 12th in last week's| kidnapper. |abusing two young women in a| T%, Sask. wid Bow ser {Olympic figure skating, is the] "I give my solemn word be-|Los Angeles lovers lane. Kidnap-|Put the day dawned clear. fore the world that I wil never ping-robbery with bodily harm is|outlook was for more cold toy (AP)--|the Chessman letter would swa ) THIS IS A Waid. 2 4 GADIR AFTER CATASTROPHE FROM THE AIR Horror Tales By Survivors MOGADOR, Morocco (CP) --/|destroyed and there Terror-filled survivors of a vio-|dreds of casualties, ature willithe governor said flatly there it was cold and clear. th penalty wasn't a ghost of a chance that | e during |* were hun- im -- |leading Canadian contender. oe - But in the men's singles, where|challenge such a law in thea capital offence in California. iti i Closin Of 19-year-old Donald * Jackson ofjcourts and I will disavow any] Chessman has insisted through- In British Columbia Oshawa is top Canadian entry,|attempt by any lawyer purport-|out he was innocent. sunny and cold. Te and in the pairs, where Canada ing to act in my behalf." ino (were down to a fn L T has Olympic and world cham-| IZ YEAR BATILE | - [Vancouver and Vj pions Barbara Wagner and Bob| For almost is 38 years, | |the night. /7 hs ong our |Paul of Toronto, the host country|Chessman has fought to escape | ViS aC | B At if the first : SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)--pro. Das the favorites role. the gas chamber. But now, he| lent earthquake Which shattered CRIES OF AGONY nounced fit des due tA --Pro- Britain's hope lies in the ice- told the governor, if his death | day of Magh, jike a lion and the port of Agadir during the He said. he h . lounced fit despite the gruelling dance competition where Doreen Will ease the way to the abolition| {menth has 4" night straggled in here today and| sald he rushed outside when pace of his South American jour- 0 pe y of capital punishment, he is will- ome a e LOL iol told harrowing stories of seeing The Hotel a kg he was saying ney, United States President DN Pousingy Sones ing to die. : : | y jin likelg lamb-like entry indi- their city start collapsing around "cries of agony. Liter iC Eisenhower faced another full are, CurTen WITHDRAW | ile said he had asked himself) T a [versely blustery end to the them shortly before midnight itor OF Tens pores the Found of A pearances today Withdrawal of David Jenkins of| What he could do to "divorce the| X 1r cates iia i viv : " =/iS tour neared its close. T rin" ugly, emotion-inflamed image of| e as id The sur s fl os , BBE 1S. & ' gly, A ge moy' : after the i nut oe ks Sapng ike! He was expected to spell out He a Jam oli Caryl Chessman from the grave) A .! JS Canadian Press survey picking their way in cars along The first ar sh v again for Chileans, who gave him singles makes Jackson the favor. social issue of capital punish FRANKPUBT tRelters) vi wei blowing snow be "with DIC SLBWE and. polls ceeds HES: BFriY Te Was aia roaring welcome Monday. his|; id i "|ment." [Presley rocked his die-hard fai$)f +i hc of eastern Quebec with le sinew and 1 psed enchman wearing nothing but(hopes for world peace, under- He akin. wi ot w Chessman's 7.000 - word letter today--announcing he wants to "0am "an" niles an hour in Jud io Suis eoutve 0 miles|his shorts. He had not taken time standing and economic progress oO ep £ins, winner last week of an ag delivered to the capitol Mon-(go straight as an actor. IQuebec City which also had some nt Ag vo to dress when the earthquake hit. | Toda¥'s schodide' tae . ympic gold medal, has retired|qay night by .a highway patrol-| The gyrating rock 'n' roll ser- | vnurrios. There were some It was a nightmare" one Most of the other arrivals had Jays | 3 edule included a to concentrate on medical studies, man 1 arrived on the day the|geant--flying 1)back home from Sowflurries over the Maritimes young Frenchwoman said as she little more than the clothes they nesting With members of the U.S.and Divin, second in the Olym- legislature reconvened with West Germany Wednesday, nd temperatures were lowest in arrived here with her family. (Wore and a few belongings they, °° Sn and Chilean-American|pics, has gone back to Czechoslo- strong evidence it would refuse|await demobilization--said today . "oon in some areas. Frederic- When our house shook we snatched up as they fled. opganizations,. an address to|vakia with a hip injury. to_repe: {he had. lined. mp. three films. to dashed outside as it started tol LONDON |Chile's parliament, a helicopter| Jackson, world | app : collapse and drove away as fast] LONDON (Reuters)--The worst|inspection of a housing develo runner - up a Bro Jp pe the be called The G. I. Blues, the 2- year-old singer told a press con- ference, Lest the news of Presley's "straight acting" ambitions rock his awaiting public too much, he; said he wanted to start making not efti and Alafn Calmat as theltion Feb. 18. The governor has na and took the lives of anlident Jorge Aless two skaters risong 18 men herelcome under withering. Criticism-- an ed metall estimated 830,000 persons. |" Eisenhower and Alessandri/that he must beat to win his first even talk of impeachment--for from fallen buildings. Some peo-| pe quake, centred in Shensi spent part of Monday reviewing|world title. {linking his action to proposed ple jumped out of windows andiprovince, occurred in 1556. {plans for eurbs on the arms race| Giletti finished fourth at Squaw rewriting of the death penalty Tan away. Many people were in| Tn recent years, earthquakes|--an idea favored by both, Valley. law. as we could in our car. {earthquake ever recorded took|/ment and a di "The streefs Were tered ' north with was no comment from There low, freezing most Or.the day. Brown on Chessman's offer. An R --. The month of March blew into eastern Quebec and parts of the numbers, offj Atlantic provinces like a lion to-|Scene Tepoy is fight for life lawmakers normally friendly to day but, for the most of Canada,| - "It is Temperatures were below, zero|re at many prairie points during the |cu 32 at|mand post set up outside the city| {as the Casbah (Moroccan sec are destroyed and a mass of damatel. or. (oa Tradition sayf¢ stormy the ruins," said one returning eyewit-| came at 11:41 p.m. GJ : Tike " ness. SA like a lamb. Con-|; [Tt ; {There is blood on the walls and} A Spanish ship, the Avelino was sundy and cold over t of Ontario. Liownst Sepeta- was "at White River where neiow was the country's lowest have burst and repding. It was generally cold injbringing in water. t ith. temperatures in|are down. [the south expected to remain be-|being flown to the | P ile O from the Canary Islands and A{da1|French ships are on the way. 'port | Helicopters are relaying supplies 1,000(and French Moroccan and United equal [States planes are on hand. "from the By dawn Wednesday, officials hope to have organized an airlift everywhere," |to remove casualties. Some of the |injured are already eng flows injured may from Agadir to Casablanca. si when res-| Amateur radio operators in Mo- e4¢ are able to make an!rocco have been assigned a spe- aC 1ally, the officials said. |cial wave length to olay relief reports were made after and emergency messages. feturn from Agadir of Crown| Fire brigades have arrived | towns. fice Moulay Hassan and al|from nearby arty of officials who had accom The government commandeered | CASABLANCA, Mor | Two earthquakes, fir; {wave wrecked the | city of Agadir t |persons and i |one sai Th 1- Ipanied King Mohamed V to the|landlines from Morocco to the out- {stricken city. |side world to route priority com- i ial com-| munications, The king ordered a special co! Re annie , aly hour asa i i inutes apart, were of su direct relief work. {4c min , e of i "The new city of Agadir as well ude that ing instru tion) {mnets in the Casablanca observa. gf tory were damaged. The first T 122 0 {p.m, EST) Monday night, the sec- "Rescue parties are remov- ond at 1:03 a.m. (8:03 p.m. EST) ng the dead and injured. Most buildings are at least partially de- stroyed. "In places beds have t ay. " Fires broke out while, rescue umbled Work was in progress. The tidal wave apparently into the streets from apartments. |p ed 300 yards into the cliy CHILDREN SCREAM |through the harbor, overlook ed by i could hear buried children|a massive citadel atop a 720-foot screaming from piles of rubble. |rock. is destruction everywhere..cUT IN TWO Correa, radioed that the dock was cut in two and all the loading ms were wrecked. ie military estimate of at least | 700 dead, the first Uifiglal acco i or of casualties, was radio rom {and S50 helping the gid ng Force base just t ins in the city|outsi adir, THe ie go cars i Morocco has been an independ- Electric lines ent kingdom since 1958. Both workers are French and U.S. forces, however, city. retain bases there. The United have arrived|States has five bases, air and naval, which it expects to give lon the streets." | The city of {miles southwest of has been completely {i moaps as-2 hi and to stop looting. 40,000, Jabout 265 sablanca.| cranes collapsed. of}; 'Gor mei rench sail an soldiers Repair Spanish warships records again as soon as ib] and hoped for the best. Capt. John Mawn, information officer of the United States 3rd Division, told the press aide said the letter was released to the press before the governor took it to the executive mansion to read. their nightclothes in the streets.nave taken their heaviest toll in LJ U.S. Senate Fights LATE NEWS FLASHES up in the next couple of years. The French hold bases they built up while this Jor vest Arica terri was divided into Frene Span h protectorates and the Reaction to Brown's decision to toss the death penalty question|COhference that Presley -- who fo the legislature hgs been so|fSF TOR 8 tuck driving VE 1 iherian Freighter Sold violent that it appeared doubtful," ojoation of achievement Mon-| HALIFAX (CP) -- The The time is about that required day. | CAREFUL THIEF. The citation said he had set al 000, In Japan's worst disaster, in We passed a drug store on fire| fran. Three-th nd di and one whole section of Agadir | there in ty AE in 1987, i Was In ruins. More than 25,000 died in trem-| A Frenchman said all the large|ors in West Pakistan in 1935 and | hotels along the seafront were| five years later a quake in Turkey Ci . 1 R . ] 5 1923, more than 100,000 were r= {killed in an earthquake followed| WASHINGTON sp) -Senators| {by a tidal wave and fire in Tokyo supporting civil rights, legislation|for a quorum call in an ordinary and Yokohama. | |passed their first middle-of-the-| de¥time, session. The auitk = Lisbon was destroyed by a ser-|nignt test early today, rolling out |took the lives of more than 30, CITY EMERGENCY {ies of earthquakes in 1755 and 150 rest afforded southern senators PHONE NUMBERS good example during his service {years later, in 1906, the city of of emergency cots and office speaking around the clock in an WITH APOLOGY POLICE RA 5-1133 in Germany. FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6574 ustol LEARNS or it this way: | 0 [San Francisco was practically couches to muster a quorum in effort to prevent action on the WASHINGTON Jap) Stolen |"I have learned a lot more about HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 '\cygiieq by fire following a quake, '21 minutes. (subject: | SPE RePOt 10, Police." otice [how to fit in with other people] - ---- ---- Many of those responding to clipped beneath the windshield i [the roll call turned up sleepy-| of an automobile parked in g feved and yawning, but they Indians, was fined $2,000 by game in Springfield. and life in general." He sui that he hag been) i out several times with an er-| helped provide the majority of Nowuiows Washington, paper [ican girl, Priscilla Beaulieu. He 7 |senators needed for continuing| was a note of apology to the |Said she was about 16 and came] {the session. With the test passed,| car's owner -- 'circumstances post of them left to go back to were urgent that I get to Wash- % |sleep. HAMILTON (CP) production of its Hawk line Georgois A.," abandoned by her owners, was sold at sheriggg auction here today for $159,000 to settle claims of creditors. | Hockey Club Owner Fined $2000 NEW YORK (AP) -- Eddie Shore, owner of Springfield today as the result of an officiating rhubarb in a Feb, 19 Studebaker Starts On Hawk Line Studebaker-Packard - today started spurt in car sales. Gordon Grundy, S-P president, said pro- duction of the Hawk was delayed in order to use all avail able stee] in the fast-selling Lark program. Tangier international zone. About 5,000 of Agadir's people are of European extraction. Ho- tels of the town, a favored tourist were booked heavily last spot, iba eporte the thickly said native quarter was Vinal Sei a the modern | section of buildings and {shops built by the French was about three-fourths destroyed or (damaged. Many tourists, most of them French, were reported in hotels of the new quarter. : HOTELS APSE Two hotels, and possibly three, and a dormitory for French com- 10,000-ton Liberian tedighter the American Hockey League in preparation for the spring from Texas, but now lived at| Wiesbaden, where her father is ington in a hurry. I had just |an Jit force pdt. t hor. bat lant e h money for gas--not a | "I am very fond of her, bu 3:30 AM. CALL Snoug yin 8 there is nothing serious, really," ] Senators Spessard L. Holland] The note continued that the |he said. "'She has about two years (Dem. Fla.) forced the quorum| car thief used only the best gas- (still to go here, but I will cor- jcall at 3:30 a.m. After talking--| oline and didn't speed, then [respond with her." with an 80-minute interruption for| ! { |other matters--for three hours _ |and 20 minut tm Cre er Yu | . la minutes, ouldn't leave the 8 0 yu" | A caste sighi quorum | 3! South Africa [call is a time-honored filibuster Boycott 'Under Way Police said the car is owned by E. Kenneth Mullis of Lan- i inati ter, S.C., who reported it tactic, to test the determination| €aster, 0 rel of the other side as well as to Soja Suiday night in Rocky | provide for those carrying on the| Mount, N.C. |talkfest, % | Holland poked fun at the idea |that a strongly Democratic Sen- LONDON (Reuters)--Opponents of South Africa's racial segrega- tion policies today launched a month-long boycott of all South African consumer goods sold in Britain. |ate would accept a Republican- House wives throughout the Car Excise Tax | Resolution Studied WINDSOR (CP)--A resolution calling for removal of the excise | {tax on Canadian-built new cars| Debate on the election-year|wes referred by city council] : |legislation, aimed at helping Ne-|Monday night to a four - city groes get the vote throughout the mayors' committee currently AN" UNIDENTIFIED man' sponsored civil rights program and "have the leader of the min- ority get the lion's share of] credit." United States, began Monday aft- studying the Canadian auto in-country were urged to avoid such : ernoon. 'dustry. items as fresh fruit imported from { South Africa--chiefly grapes, : | pears and plums at this time of 1] Demonstrations 7 me mma § i of -the Labor party as "a gesture of solidatiry with those who are fighting against the evil policy of apartheid." . |The Negro demonstrations for|drug store lunch counter. They iment, its organizers claim they equal rights at traditionally segre- were released later to a college have the support of many Con- gated Junch Sonnters in the South official. servative pany members. appear to slowing down to- a The. organization. of the cam- day. CLOSE COUNTERS [paign is based on 120 volunteer At Tampa, Fla, tion of abandoning the *'sitd ter. They were refused and STILL EARLY which mushroomed across the|the counter closed. Police said At the central headquarters in South during February. the only violence occurred when London, organizing secretary Mar- Students at Alabama State Col-|the counter manager struck atin Ennals said country-wide .plans lege for Negroes in Montgomery photographer who tried to take went smoothly into operation this student is expelled for taking part|dents occupied the entire sérving|cott itself. j in anti-segregation demonstra-| counter at the Chapel Hill, N.C.,| The 'boycott headquarters, lo- die ions, bus station. The counter was|cated. in a' vacant shop 'in the iy The idea: was: advanced at alclosed after they refused fo move [Fulliam district of west London, meeting of students Monday night [into a section for Negroes only, was attacked late Monday night about you pe vho forgot | world will try to include pan- | ing a prucahe on a Skillel The jaf Se Muiigotay Coy ttionse Ellen Tsim, 17, of Durham, Sas five Meeks. ! ye Soa nm inkac di at lon twa | reason for the pancakes is lost lunchroom ursday shou e charged with assault and battery| e offices were unoccupied at| i a what day this is". this young. cakes in at least one meal. In | obscurity, but they have lent |expelled from Alabama State. |after police said she spit on ajthe time and the pA us| J0uggles a5. police remove ster seems to say as he tucks | England, some villages will | their name to the Tuesday be- | Fourteen Negro 'students from negro picketer and Ronnie Dale|caped. Commitice workers blamed| him from the foot of Lord ay a Shrovetide pancake. | Mave their annual pancak | fore Ash Wednesday. [Voorhees Junigr College were ar- Broadwell, 1870f Chapel Hill, lay being 'Pancake Tues" where women dasg (8s year--and such canned foods as i Though the boycott has been * But some of the Negro student 57 negroes committees throughout the coun- planned to meet again today tolhis picture. morning but it was too early to ge # ' oe PANCAKE DAY TODAY! after Governor John Patterson in-/ A Durham, N.C., two white and five plate-glass front windows was|right-wing extremists for the at-| Nelson's column in London's races, --Oshawa Times Photo rested at De uct. tack. fruit, vegetables and meat. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-- repeatedly seeking service at a deprecated hy the British govern. leaders said they had ne inten-|service at a variety store lunch try. consider a mass walkont if any|. Fifteen Negro high school stu:|estimate the success of the boy- this Is pretty good! Poo bad day" people in all parts of the | through the main street, carry- [sisted leaders of a Negro sitdown teen-agers were arrested. Linda|were broken for the third time in rk, S.C, after/charged with disorderly cond 3 afalgar Square. The incident "munications workers collapsed. from the scene 'aftér he climb- ed on the speaker's platform, grabbed a microphone and shouted: 'Stand by South Africa)' ; --AP Wikkphoto took place at. start of miass rally launched at the start of the month-long boycott of South African products because of | that country's s gation pol- icy. The mon as removed

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