HEAVY DRAMA BUDAPEST (AP) -- The Hun- garian daily Magyar Nemzet joined a campaign of ridicule against bulging actors' waistlines with comments such as: "It is| far from an edifying spectacle to see a corpulent Hamlet waddling across stage." A weekly film journal suggests actors should gxereise more, and eat and drink ess. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 1, 1960 Today's Stock + Market Listings Abitibi Co. Announces 'on Toronto Exchange TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Ci Press Toronto Stock Exchange--March 1 rights, xw--Ex-warrants,) INDUSTRIALS High Low 11 a.m. $36% 36% $19 19 19 150 240 190 92 823% $5644 Sales ygepynst yguoscuyroysty $20% $41 $7 = & 53% Ha i 8 8 L] cago WY SD rye x 8 EBERLE ENLER nS REEE >, SERRUvpuggusggnes, 28888 ] ; gizvy Stock G Dev $4044 $915 $9% pin ge 20 $10 % % ---15 +4 ++ 1 FIFE FF +++ 14 + FEREEF +1 #F rp St L Cp A pr z10 $90 St Maurice 1500 Salada-8 z115 Shawin 100 Simpsons 325 SKD Mfg Slater St Pav Steel Can Steinbg A S Propane Texaco Can Tor-Dom Bk Tor Star pr 210 T Fin A 5 Tr Can PL 790 Un Gas 100 Un Gas A pr 70 Walk GW 690 Webb Knp 250 Westeel 225 Weston B 50 125 + & 240 220 100 200 110 225 150 z10 210 $5014 $35% 330 $14% 832% Curb Anglo Nfld $7 Sales High Low 11 500 817 17 $43% 43% 0% 0% ane 9% 9% 80 = 450 1 % 6% 26% 10 bd Net a.m, Ch'ge 17 1 43% -- 4% Stock £8838 BH Bailey S A Britalta Cal Ed Cdn Dev C Sup Oil C Dragon C Mic Mac . C West Pete Cree wis Dynamic g £ @ 4 - Anglo Hur 600 8 Ang Rouyn 17500 Arjon 2000 Atl C Cop 100 Aumagque 20000 Sales High Low 11 105 $22% 456 $16% 26 $31 505 $21% $29 29 42 «2 B8sls 23888 En 16! Net a.m, Ch'ge 2% + % 16% Stock Baska B-Duq Bicrof$ Bralorne Broul Reef 2% 16% 31 31 2% 2% -- % 29 wr B8a8s Cent Pat Cent Pore Chimo Cody Reco Comb Met C Beta G C Callinan € Denison C Den wis C Disevry C C > ES 5 ES 3 > Fen > Halliwell Con Howey oSsEBESRLE C Red Pop Cop Corp Coprand Coulee Crowpat Deer Horn Dome Donalda East Sull--" Eureka Falecn Faraday Fatima Gaitwin Greyhk Gunnar wis Hud Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop Iron Bay +1 Iso +3 J Waite Jacobus Jellicce Jonsmith Kerr Add Kilembe Kilem C wis L Shore 970 62 13 20 --1 + % 5 165 165 12% 11% 12% +1 Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Net Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge un nun ndhst W015 15 15 un +1 Bt | Madsen 100 292 100 --3 --~15 +3 gxeufsfns HITT E44 New Cal N Dicken N-Harri N Mylama New Rouyn Nipissing Norbeau Norgold Normetal N Gate N Coldstrm Northsp Opemiska Orchan Peerless Perron Pitch-Ore Portage 2, i= Saat Satellite Sherritt Siscoe Slocan VR Starratt Steep R Sturgeon Sullivan Sunburst Sylvanite ' L aom Trbag Trin Chaib U Asbestos Waite Am Willroy Wiltsey Yale Lead Yk Bear +1% -- 1 +2 +1 +5 --% ---1 -2 720 1400 380 800 100 105 '50--Articles For Sale |52--Legal Notices Net Earnings; TORONTO (CP)~Abitibi Power '¢ and Paper Co, Ltd., had net earn ings in 1959 of $11,825,544, or $2.72 a share, compared with $9,- 657,382, or $2.19, in 1958. Net sales were $133,813,074 com- pared with $123,385542, . Newsprint production was up six per cent and fine paper 11 per cent. Total production of all prod- ucts was 1,025,861 tons compared with 955,334 in 1958, and ex- ceeded only by 1956, which was two per cent higher, During the year, funded debt was reduced by $4,923,500 and 35, $19 preferred shares with a par value of $885,475 were retired. D. W. Ambridge, president, says in the annual report that serious consideration is being given to expansion of the capac ity of provincial paper company's mill at Thorold, and a decision will be made in the near future. The Canadian pulp and paper industry expects a larger volume of business in 19560, although in- sufficient to absorb all the new productive capacity of recent | years, Mr. Ambridge said. "If Canadians are to keep their traditional marke's, expand them and develop others, then it is just not possible for the producers to do all this alone," Mr. Ambridge added. "All of us--governments, {labor unions, industry--have to {work together toward a common goal which we dare not fail to at'ain." HELD OVER! 20000 - BY POPULAR DEMAND |, hu RE, rtmttov---- lo------ AER HIGHEST prices pald for used furni-|I will not be responsible for any debts | Mer er Of Al om Urani ture, also sell and exchange. Contact|contracted in my name, by my wife, | {Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Mary Evelyn Page, on or after this! Abitibi, through itself or sub- sidiaries, has plants in Ontario at CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) | Street. Phone RA 8-1131. 50--Articles for Sale BARGAINS: Full freezer "irig., $69 and $99; washing machine, $25; vacuum cleaner, $19; transistor radio, $19.95; GE kettle, 36; steam iron, $6; sewing machine $18; continental beds (com- plete), special price on smooth tops, lowest price ever, 30" - 54", only $49.50, new; 2-plece bed chesterfields, $69.50 and $79.50, mew; bookcases or china cabinets, new, only $19.95; chrome sets, new, $39.95 and $49.95: used bed ends and srrings, $9; 7-plece dining room set, only $59; step-up tables, new, $8.95, More bargains at our two locations, Community Furniture Store, 19 and 24 Pring Street. Phone RA 81131. £ KITCHEN table and chairs; good double bed and mattress; crib and mat- tress: studio couch; occasional chairs; hall tree and table; chest of drawers; washing machine. RA 8-8410. FOR sale or rent, 30 watt portable, PA amplifier, two mike's and two pho- no-controlled inputs. Used 10 hours, cost $175. Make offer. RA 3-9430. AWNINGS, IT in colors or ga stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. ler now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. GUNS, ammunition and ubiing ap plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent] down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 1. PAINT, Interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | gloss, | All colors. Guaranteed, flat, 4 Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street. RA 3-7624. RANGE -- General Electric, four-bur- ner, heavy duty. nearly new. 214 Ar thur Street. Telephone RA 5.4281. 50--Articles for Sale bedroom suite, kitchen suite. Sacrifice, 8-1124 after 6. PRESSURE pump, 30 gallon size, near- ly new. RA 3-2130. HEINTZMAN upright grand, wood piano. Must be moved at once. Reasonable for quick sale. Telephone RA 8-6318. a ha ~ ------ | gyenin, own, ALMOST new refrigerator and stove, |e R 2 chesterfield suite and | -- must sell, RA FINE Rose. top range, bedroom suite, | double bed complete, chest of drawers, size 14, gym suit, ete. Terms, 196 Ritson Road South. foods for less at Glecoff Super- market, Ritson South, Open daily to 10 |p.m. Free parking and delivery. Free |premiums with purchases. Self-serve meats, fruits, vegetables. |TABLE top range, bedro |BLACK Barathea dress suit with satin trim, fit youth 13-15, in mew condition, Bargain, 365 Park Road South after 7.30 p.m. Phone RA 3-5072. ONE set of brand new skates, size 8; one radio control set, with model air- plane equipment; collector's gun, RA 5-5125. HOUSEHOLD furniture, including good refrigerator, all in good condition. Ap- ply 97 Celina Street. |VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- |teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- |vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. PIANO -- Excellent condition, upright, real bargain at $195 cash. RA 5-7001. LOYD baby carriage for sale, excellent condition. Telephone RA 5-1553, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. Far top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. LADY'S black Persian lamb coat, like new, size 14, cost $600. il Also bedroom suite. Telephone 8-5177. ELECTROHOME hi-fi Concord, custom model, blond finish, six speakers, Gar- rand four-speed changer, only one, | $189. Meagher"s, 5 King Street West, |GAS conversion burner, used just a few months, cost $250 will sell $50. RA 59364 after 6 p.m. rifice. MO WE like to clear our stock of used TV, Many bargains, three months guaran. tee. Trio television, 171 Bond Street E. (REFRIGERATOR, stove and television all in excellent condition, telephone RA 8-175, HUNGRY? We deliver Fish and Chips, |Hamburgs, Barb-b-qued Chicken. Town | Lunch RA 5-8978, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA §-4543. BABY carriage, $20; kitchen suite, $40; couch, converts into double bed, $25. Apply 309 Sharbot Street, suite, male, double bed, UNPAINTED bookcases only .99¢. with the purchase of any piece of unfinish- ed furniture. Chest of drawers, $17; desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity d $26. Wilson Furni 0 AUTOMATIC Bendix; also chrome a ture, Church Street. five drawer chest, five drawer vanity and bench. Telephone RA 35-5201. ten consent. -- George T. Page. I will not be responsible for any debts |contracted in my name by my wife | Dorothy Adams on or after this date February 26, 1960, without my written consent Charles H, Adams NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE NAME Notice is hereby given that an application will be made by Frederick Frances Chascze- wski, of 481 Ritson Road South in the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, Gen- eral Motors Employee, to the presiding Judge of the County Court for the County of On- tario, at his Chambers in the Court House at Whitby, On- tario, on the Ist day of April, 1960, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon to change his name from Freder- ick Frances Chasczewski to Frederick Francis Chase. John A. G. MacDonald, Barrister, Solicitor 101 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant USED three - piece bathroom set $45, Apply 207 Simcoe Street South. Tele phone RA 35-5132. table and chairs. Telephone RA 5-16%4. $0 VOLUMES encyclopaedia, 10 vol- umes Bookshelf for boys and girls, 10 volumes Popular Science lke new. Phone RA 85970. : | # MM Brownie movie camera, Daisy Air Rifle and twenty-four volume set | dopedia Br " BABY bargains! Clearout of last year's models of baby carriages from $28.50; Large full panel roxatone cribs 34 price $16.88.; springfield crib mat. tresses, $9.88: play pens, $8.08; high chairs, $7.88: strollers, $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. TOILETS, sump pumps $20; pressure systems $25; three-piece bath sets $70; stainless steel sinks $13.95; floor furn- ace, space heater, servall grill, elec-| [tric pop cooler, skill saw, hot water| |tank, piping and fittings. H. Chinn, | | Hillside and Park Road South, | | of Ency T | RA 85-0512. a) NEARLY new Speedwriting Shorthand course, uses ABC's. Write Box 117 Osh- | awa Times sizes, Hard- WINE and cider barrels, all solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa ware, 8 Church, RA 3.764 ONE man's overcoat, new, size 46 tall. R bl RA 85-0412. JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5.4543, PORTABLE typewriter, electric IBM typewriter, adding machine with eredit balance, McKaskey cash register, cheap. RA 3-4434. Double hung w only $18. Call now SKATES, new and used, largest selec. ticn in town. Most reasonable prices. Avsly Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street asi |LARGE selection of re-conditioned | |TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim. | coe Street North. WE pay highest prices in the city for | used furniture. Pretty's Used Furnl- ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. | SEE HOME APPLIANCES | OSHAWA LTD. | 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE THEATRE GUIDE Brock -- "The FBI Story" 6.30 and 9.10 p.m, Last complete show at 9.00 p.m. Marks -- "Tamango" 1.15, 4.10, 7.05, 10.05 p.m. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" p.m. aza -- "Operation Petticoat" 1.00, 2.55, 5.05, 7.20, 9.35 p.m. Last complete show at 9.25 p.m. Regent -- "Samson and Delilah" shown daily at 1.30, 5.20, 9.20] p.m. "Ulysses" shown daily at' 3.35, 7.35 p.m. Last complete Pl date, March 1, 1960, without my writ- 'BRpproved By Shareholder | TORONTO (CP)--Shareholders Rio Tinto Mining Company of of Algom Uranium Mines Ltd.|Canada Ltd. The proposed name approved alm ost unanimously {of the new company is Rio Al- Monday the proposed merger of gom Mines Ltd. Algom with three other Northern MEET TODAY Ontario uranium producers. The vote on the main motion a tispal and Pronto share- and on two motions on matters 2 re Vd Met today, Milliken Son t were|and Pardee Amalgamated Mines incidental to the agreement were Tid, = 3 substantial wilder each 2,989,130 shares in favor and | 7. 1,620 shares against. [Pes shares--will meet Wed- Shareholders of Preston East : Dome Mines Ltd. majority " W. H Houck, Diesident of Al- m _|gom, sal e four companies, owner of Algom shares--also ap operating = separately, could all roved the amalgamation by a Vote of 4,231:147 shares to 300,000. | meet their obligations but there The companies which, accord- ere substantial ing to the proposal, will merge Joining operations--including ad- advantages in| {Iroquois Falls, Fort William and Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, | {®mooth Rock Falls, Sturgeon' Falls, Thorold and Georgetown. b vantages in taxation, economy, | and in prolonging operation with-| out complete shutdown to the time when uranium demand {might be picking up again. Replying to a question, he said, {regulations of the United yates} | Securities Exchange Commission, {with which Algom shares are |registered, preclude any forecast |{ concerning payment of dividends by the new company, It was!¢ {hoped, however, that idera- FEATURE ¢ DAILY AT: J in Eastman COLOR ----tge yr--iy JOAN O'BRIEN - DINA MERRILL - GENE EVANS. cK SiReeNt THUR ONNELL Now Playing 1:00 - 2:55 5:05 - 7:20 9:35 P.M. tion of dividends "would not be |¢ itoo long deferred." witle, Algom, are Milliken Lake Uranium Mines Ltd., Northspan) Uranium Mines Ltd., and Pronto Uranium Mines Ltd. All are members of the group headed by Winter Wonderland NO. 12 HIGHWAY Two Miles North of Whithy WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Pry ie ea Se l,i le, J BB Public Skating SKATING PARTIES ARRANGED SPECIALS! Phone OLiver 5-3375 Open Every Day of the Week Sorry, No Hockey Sticks SHOP TOMORROW AFTERNOON show at 7.35 p.m. | BOTH IN BRILLIANT COLOR! HERE TO ETERNITY" "FRANK SINATRA DEAN MARTIN SHIRLEY MacLAINE 23. Maki N-G-M presents A SOL.C. SIEGEL PRODLCTION LT \ : 3 " choice SOME CAME RUNNING 25. Maker [TAP IHIALT] il of an outer garment vl I BP UIDIA 26. Jauntily [STF IEIN[OIGTRIAIDIHIY] 37. Bor s [ESMSIPIOON] nick. name Yesterday's Answer 28. Say 29. Most loyal 33. Chiang's 30. Lena, wee, homeland tinge 38. Babylonian (poss. water 31, Wise old foe (poss.) bird 40. Falsehood SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8-5385 SAVE money -- Beautiful reversible rugs, for turning in old clothes an rags. 12 decorator colors. J. Fredin, RA 52225, CROSSWORD PUZZLE \Ss ie : And SAVE MEN'S BOXER SHORTS First quolity, full cut for comfort. Sizes S, M, L, saerice & for 1.50 Sale Price -- Fine Quality DISH CLOTHS Linen and Rayon. Reg. 1.33. Sale Price 7 for 88° | HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET A real Special. Reg. 1.50. NOW ONLY .. R.C.A. Victor, The ond Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse. finest in T.V., Hi-Fi service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | 8 Branch = OSHAWA LTD. 11. Strange 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | 12 {Sout > FRIGIDAIRE "garments SALES AND SERVICE 13. Young Domestic and Commercial salmon ° RA 5-5332 WD DAYS... WHEN THE FAST BUCK AND SUDDEN DEATH DANCE CHELX. TO-CHERXT «* MGM prosarts tn Cnamatiesss sat METROCOLOR Lh A ROBERT VALOR C10 CANRSE-LEE | 0008 -- i... I BIER. 4 cru moncren DOWN 22. White poplar ACROSS 1. Imitation 2. 0il 3. Meager 4. Egypt's King eee §. Substitute (Ger.) 6. Soak up 7. Dire 8. Errors (print.) 9. Border §. Branch Both Adult Entertainment {STARTS TOMORROW §! WANNA ASS PAP Zar hy 'The Purple Gang' 4%" Atomic Su'm-rre, 14. Peel 15. Exclamation 17. A joke 18. Search for 14. Shinto | 19. One of So- 'temple ciety Islands 16. Detests 21. Likely 20. Female 22. Nahuatlan fowl 23. Siberian gulf 24. Half an em 25. Cigarettes (Brit. slang) 29. Notwith- standing that (var.) 82. Tiny 33. Boast 84. Iron's raw state 35. Girl's nickname 36. Toss 37. -- Ia France! 39. Foreign 41. Charles Lamb 42, Cleanse, 50ap 43. Cereal grains 44. Contempor. ary of Shelley FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per fomily of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment, For appointment (no obliga tion)--phone RA 5-3709, SHOP NOW AND SAVE! NO DOWN PAYMENT : 36 MONTHS TO PAY 13' moulded Boat, windshield, steering, controls, lights, hardware, 25 h.p. motor, paddles, life jockets and trailer. All new for 995.00 only . a 3 p. Electric ; 596.95 DOROTHY DRIDGE CURT SPECIALS BLANCHED PEANUTS 29¢ Ib. WILLARD'S TASTY CHEWY NUT TANGOES 49¢ Ib. BELA LUGOSI VAMPIRA LYLE TALBOT ADULY ENTERTAINMENT ™ Conn Ladies' Rayon HALF SLIPS 67¢ 2 for 1.25 Lace trim around bottom, elostic waist. Sizes S, M, L. 5 shades to choose from. Reg. 98¢ each. SALE PRICE -- NEW FASTER STARTER INDOOR PLANTER KIT 'n Grow. 49¢ New 40 h. Motors . .. New 60 h.p. Electric Motors | 7 Used 60 h.p. Elect Motors . . 1 Only -- 16-f. Moulded Ply. Boat, 40 h.p. electric motor, fully equipped with trailer. Only 1495.00 See and Demonstrate the all- new 7% hp. Scott. Only 36-Ib. heavy. A fisherman's dream, Only 295.00 FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS ON DISPLAY 3.6 to 60 H.P, : USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY AT AJAX Ph. 1266 | DUE TO THE LENGTH OF THIS PROGRAM THE LAST COMPLETE SHOW WILL START AT 7:35 P.M. FEATURE "SAMSON AND DELILAH" 1:30-5:20-9:20 TIMES: "ULYSSES' AT SATB pr COLOSSAL ABYENTURES OF THE MiGHTIEST Covossus Who Ever Liven! ©9.00 ric 95.00 Spe Tur A growing miracle, just Punch Each ..: TE TR "You mean fo say-- just 3-a-day may send backache away!" Sounds youd Ausiello] You sen the soi) 48 3 LAIRRR - MATURE - SANDERS TECHNICOLOK" @B ULYSSES 4 Paramount We-Reese KIRK DOUGLAS ya REGENY FAMOUS BOTH STORES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE To: is to remove excess wastes and acids 20 often the cause of backache --from the - OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PLAYERS THEATRE