Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Merch 1, 1960 15 47--Automubiles for Sale K sedan, good . AD: hd 102 Church Street. show- VE HOWE [Evie wore OUVE HOWE Sens 130 BROCK ST. N. rh HEV. con pg igh one 4 MO 8-2527---WHITBY guaranties, $495. Motors, spposite Fy $10,800, 3 bedrgom brick veneer bungalow, aluminum Street. 3% OREV, deluxe sedan, clean, original storms and screens, venetian blinds, fully decorated, oil Snbuistery. tires and body like mew. heated, centrally located in . Van Heuser Riri appe- his y. Coll Audrey Moore, scr on Ki 3 RCURY 3 t 0, 7 ¥edan, ous Cai .4088 or MO 8.2527 gol listing 3405, Van " Howsan Motors, opposite ardor sedan, 1 Tada, § tuténe, THREE BEDROOM solid brick bungalow, "L" shaped living- Breweries i pti Street. i! + ish sell: ah ng ca on RA 3 2500 dining erea, built-in-bregkfast bar, extra 2 piece washroom, tastefully decorated. For ap- pointment 'to inspect this home call Mildred Biide MO 8-2167 or MO 82,252 $2,000 DOWN, 5 room bun- galow, aluminum storms and screens, located on one-third gcre with circle drive. close to schoels. Full price, $12,000. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-2527 |45--Reel Estate For Sale | Tose, wwe ough Cur (G5 Real Estate for Sale hire, dial RA 3 462. kitchen loaded ith extras. This home| PRIVATE sale, $12,900, five-room bun- alse ha 8 spacious reeveation room, aalov, three bedreems, large kitchen LA fire High fd extra 2-piece and li room, large recreation room, garage, | Ly to bus gtep and school. $13,900 ee" ve paved Sandie heaped, six - reom bungalow, three bedrooms. Extra TR Tot. 0 G.* » Miller, al | kitchen, living room and dinette, car Estate Broker, RA 5:3098 port, handy fo schoels. RA 3.3167. FIVE-room brick bungalow, ull Dase- FOURTEEN acres of land on Cedar ment and garage. Low down payment. isireet South. Phone RA 51577 evenings Private sale, RA 8-0513| gram 5 till 8 p.m. after § pm. | PRIVATE wie ome Tome, twelve RALPH VICKE RY boa le garaj ved drive, heavy duty wi ng, natural gas, Real Estate Insurance RA 228 oil heat, Owner forged fe move be- > 46 KING ST. W. without obligation. --CALL-- | SCHOFIELD INSURANCE cause of ether husiness investment, Jo. ca at Frontenac Ave, Oshaw 134 STOREY MASSON ST, Large living room with open ASSOCIATES LIMITED Machinery Co., 597 Simcoe St. 8, RA DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 5-9216. EVENINGS--RA 5.1726 $989 FULL down payment. Full price, fireplace, modern kitchen, family dining reom and sun. room down, 2 lerge and ane --- 1$11,985, Only one of The last of the| |six per cent NHA homes. Close 1 BUCKINGHAM AVE. {schools and Shopping Centre. Buy dium bedroom up, Hot $2,500 DOWN by oil heated, ponnelled 8 ROOMS recreation reom, 'storms and Ie eo Ea nats or TA screens. Early possession. 2 STOREY BRICK FOR A SECURE FUTURE |45---Real Estate for Sale ENJOY the Tunury , and comfert his) six-room Tare home otters AE dining-room, hii 45--Real Estate For Sale TWO unfurnished, newly decorated rooms, semi-private entrance, Tele phone RA 58183 or RA 5-8944, HOMES NEEDED |i: OVER A QUARTER CENTURY QF SERVICE To meet the demands of people calling everyday. Many of these people have substantial down payments. We will valuate your property [45--Real Estate For Selo 45--Real Estate For Sale DEATHS PRIVATE, five - room bungaiow with basement apartment, No agents please. $998 DOWN ONE 6% N.H.A fer [RA 5-698. t MORTGAGE CARRIES $68 MONTHLY STEWART -- At Oshawa Hospital on 52000 DOWN -- six - room brick buns: Monday, February 29, 1960, Arthur|)oy oil heated, garage, hardwood and Stewarl (480 St, Lawrence Avenue) be- aluminum doers and $11,995 This is the full price of this tile fidors, Li Rushang_ ot Mates Sulivan screens, All conveniences. RA 15-8188, solid' brick 6:rcom bungalow. One block from both public (Mona), Mrs. K. Code (Dorethy) and Christie Avenue IMrs. E. Lukow (Norma). The late Mr, | PRIVATE sale, central. six-room brick Stewarl js vesting at Melntosh Funeraliuome, finished attic, electrig stove, re and separate schools, Half block from large park and bus stop Please Note Deadlines now in elfpct this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY, DEATHS ~~ 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 ivi Cards of [Home Service in the chapel on Thurs 'gige raion included, reasonable oh on aay, March 3, Interment offer accented. HA 3.0437 after § p.m. Union Cemetery OWN a home with a steady income. 'IN MEMORIAM | For sale -- Restaurant with living lquarters and gavage. Price reduced BIRTHS | BEAUPRIE ~ In loving memory of FOUR - room modern bungalow, three. {500 if cash, Write Box 213 Oshawa www | oir dear mother, Julia Beauprie, who |piece bath, garage, central. Telephone passed away March 1, 1958, A 49701 or apply 245 Oshawa Blvd Mother's memofy to us is a keepsake South Jit which we will never part, God has her in His keeping, We "wii always have her in our hearts, ~Lovingly remembered hy daughters! Mary, Julia, Leona and sons-in-law. apd Mrs, Edward announce the at 2 p.m. Telephone Don't 4be too late, call W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. B - Nos LTR ee custom BuiLT |S. D. HYMAN REALTOR HOMES 39 PRINCE ST. Located in north end of Oshawa near Ross- RA 8-6286 land Rd, E. ASKING $8,950 DOZ ENS OF 4-room frame bungalow with 2 acres of land, Complete HARRISON Robert and Verna (nee Knzub) are happy to announce the hirth of their daughter, Karen Lee, on Sunday, February 28, 1960, at the Osh- awg General Hospital. GE special deluxe," hoa, Noa Bi Eine Street y 4 Slack Laienian. GC four door ho tl car. Make ul n. ofter, A 5-638. ohinson Motors Oshawa): Road South. R 57 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. aujomatie, 18 6 sylinder, adie. oe. ion ear. oy one, obinson ,, $74 Ritson Rout Jo Mouth. RE 59 "56 air hardiop, aule- gaan uth, 8 hE Mitos Gna) Lid, 514 Sot Rutenn Road Sou JEFFERY -- My Jeffery are ha birth of their Friday, February 2, awa Genglal Hospital child of Mr, and Mrs. Brooklin and Mrs Brooklin In loving wemory s Danks who passed away Mareh 1960, at the Osh. |, 1955, A first grand God knows how much we miss him, J, C. Jeffery of M. Mackey of Neyer shall his memory fade: Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where he is laid Ever remembered by his loving wife MOOD -- Carl and Nancy (nee Atha) and family are happy lo announce the arrival of their daughter, Sharen Lynn, 7 Ibs. 1 DONALD In loving memory of ozs, on February 27, 1960 at the Osh. | Richard Ponald, Sr , whe passed away awa General Hospital March 1, HA | 80244, _R. Vickery, _Real 5600 ) DOWN. #iX rooms; Invest in one eof our many income homes. From the up, large kitchen, ivi ph bath, stoal in basement, gas furpace new. easy living in @ Duplex to the full security of a l4-suite electric wiring. Tindall Real Estate, 43 Bond Street est. RA 5:0428 income home. We them. Qil heat, garage, b throughout. Many extres. Beautiful condition. Call | LOTS MRS. HANDSON N.H.A, approved, full pre- paid services, builders terms. Your presence is missed have fematic Your memory we treasure OLSHANSKY -- Walter and Helga (nee Roth) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Patricia Di. ane, 7 |bs, B oes. Monday, Feb, 22, D 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital Many 'thanks to Dr. King dear husband and father, Wm. ace, THAJER -- Mr, ana Mrs. Thajer (nee Bosgraas) are proud and happy to announce the arrival of their! daughter, Susan Jane, 8 lbs. 6 ozs, on Monday, February 29, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Carol Special thanks to Dr. Anderson. and daughter Loving you always Forgetting you never --Ever remembered by loving wile. son ick and family GERACE Charles Ger who passed away March 1, God saw you gelting weary And did what He thought best He put His arms around you And whispered "Come and rest Sadly missed by loving wife Augusta and son-in-law, Bernard THOMPSON -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Thompson (nee Mary Miller) are happy te announce daughter, Julia Nadine, 7 lbs. 4 ozs. on Sunday, February 28, 1960 at the General Marine Hospital, Owen Sound, DEATHS AVERY, Cyril John ~ ville Megagial Hospital on February 28, 1060, Cyril John Aver) heloved hushand of Gladys Watien dear father of Joyee, Lawrence 1loy Ioan, Helen, and Howard year Resting at the Funeral Home of Northcutt and Smith, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville." Service on Wed nesday, Mareh 2, at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery In Bowman in his 53th # wh HARRIS -- Al Fairview Lodge. Whit hy, on Monday, February 29, 1960, Ida Maude Bond, beloved wife of the late Herbert Harris, in her 77th year. The late. Mrs. Harris is vesting at Me: Intosh Funeral Home. Service in the| chapel on Wednesday, March 2, at 2° p.m. Interment Prospect Cemetery, To Tonto PRIEST, Elizabeth tered into rest at view Whitby, on Sunday, Feb. 28, Elizabeth Corbet, beloved wife o the late George Hanford (formerly of To ronto) and dear mother of Ellen (Mrs. -- En Lodge. Hansford the birth of their dear father, ed - away March 1, 1958. dear Sunday, | Hawes, who passed away March 1, 1959 You're not forgotten, Nor ever shall you be ec. Ever remembered by daughter, Steve and TAYLOR dear father, Enes M, Tayor, 960, | og away March 1, 1935 Those we love go oul of sight But never out of mind, They are cherished in the GERACE -- In loving memory of a Charles Gerace, who pass You're not forgotten, father dear, Nor ever shall you be: As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. Lovingly remembered by daughter, Josie and son-in-law Den and grand children HAWES father In loving memory of a and grandfather, Alberi Rithy Elmer and family STEVENSON In loving memory of dear husband, Thomas Stevenson, wo passed away March 1, 1938 His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights are past And in gur aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last Lovingly remembered by wife In loving memory of Thomas Stevenson, who 1958 father dear, STEVENSON dear father, ssed away March 1, As long as life and memory last shall remember thee Ann grandsons In loving memory of a who pass hearts R. P. Winter) of Pickering, May (Mrs.| Of those they leave behind S Jones) of Toronie, Doris (Mrs Gardner Winter) of dear sister of Mrs Torente. Mrs, Priest is resting at Me- Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston road west, Pickering; and lyn Pickering. Funeral service dear husband, Enos M, --Sadly missed by Loma and Bill, Eve. and Les, Thelma and Nérm and Jack Osborne of grandchildren TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a Taylor, who in the chapel on Tuesday, March 1, at passed away March 1, 1955. 2 p.m. Interment Prospect Cemetery, 1 As a garden think of Heaven | Where I shall find again those GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Dear Ones Who have made my world Lovingly remembered by his wile, Hilda Kindness beyond price, yet- within reach of all. RA 8-6226 CARD OF THANKS 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKES FLORI iT the is with deep appreciation that we thank each person, who contyibuted to generous gift that we received. We sincerely thank you. ~--~Gerald and Joyce Simpson. Funeral arrangemen end | floral requirements for all oc- casions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WHITBY CLASSIFIED LOST -- Set of keys on key chain FOR SALE -- 20 bales of hay Reward, MO 83-3703. Br ROOM meals, ROOM meals, MO 8-240 and board jot. A<Ttiemen, good central. MO 8 4 9 ba Tv central ONE young gentleman, for room, pack- ad lunches, and laundry Mo 8-4872 FOR RENT = Two bedroom five-room apartment, er, TV antenna 8-2786. available now FOR rent--small three room m apartment; self contained. Heat and hot water. MO 3 4428. YOR RI RE 4 \partm ent, two 610 Dundas West. MO YOR RENT Three.room tained furnished apartment. 8-4610. €0! 8-2924 self«con- or Reasonable, Apply 305 housekeeping rooms. all conveniences. Street, Whitby LOT for sale -- single residence area, Annig Street, Whitby, ft. x Telephone MO 8-2524 BUNGALOW -For rent three bedrooms, nicely decorated, conveniences, MO 85043 FOR RENT Now renting, new apartment building, Mary Street, Whit by, two bedroom suites, modern every respect, range, refrigerator. services. Only $85.00-5100.00. Also six 322 room modern house to rent, $95.00 A. J Fo Schatz, Realtor. MO 83-3337. Contaet J. ¢ A. Daly, Syeningy. MO 84775 room "unfurnished id MO 38-4360 FOR RENT -- Two "bedrooms, Trent | oy' by ne "living Telephone matic professional or executive. | UNFURNISHED --~ Three-room apart- If-contained, washer, dry. ment: elf Sontain shers Qi self.contained, Central. MO 8.2503 PANT © r cuffing and alterations 1013 Centre Street, FOR SALE choice of ce street NEW offi Phone MO Ta: e 37 FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms or light VOR RENT -- Large newly finished, | with one-bedroom in| power All ets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 ges Phone 0c klin, OL "and board for gentiemen, good THREE bedroom unfurnished apart ment son Road South. RA 5.1841 FOR RENT -- New duplex centrally located. Apply 272 Rit heated, bedrooms, large , picture tower, 2 private entrances. auto washer, dryer optional suit MO 8.35670 also bachelor apartment, both for men's cDonald and ladies' wear, MO 8.3360 Large modern brick | 300d investment. 231 P Whitby pace in Whitby, 800 sq. ft., parking lot facilities. Call Professional Building, MO 8 MO 8-4003. Feb 12 me home. less. evenings, apartment, heated, tlet, private entrance, in Port Whit. Available immediately. Cal - RA 15-3000. 135 {t.|SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks modern, | 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 38-2563. all GOUSE and bungalow wanted. down payments MO 8.323) FOR RENT -- installed. Walter Ward Good W MeAuley Realtor Oshawa RA 3.2512 Box and cabin trailers saws, drills, grinders, sprayers 2 IR "fram $19, TV from SALE--21.inch set Chrome suites Bedroom suites from Beds and springs from only $5.95: w mattresses $19; new crib mattres from $6.95; Cribs from $17.50; room, use of kitchen, one or two chil-lheayy 'duty stove, Moffat, $90: Daven. dren welcome. MO 3-2655 pedi didi ia bd FOB RENT -- Heavy duty "chain saw, $10 2 day, $2 per hour. Also custom outting. Wilde Rental Service | po from 812. Call Midtown Furniture, Byron Street South. MO 8.4981 or vl MOhawk | 8-5740 ris, chesterfields from $69; oil stoves 113 i ha, LIVE poultry Highest market "prices paid Feathers wanted. Repairs, " Jake try RA 3-454 Alterations. gy Carpen Parker, MO 3-364 collect FOB SALE -- '34 Chrysier, good con , privately owned, will arrange . 116 Pustid $t., rear entrance EXPERIENCED waitress, full | Time. | Apply White Rock Diner. Highway 13, | just north o of Whitby RISTOW & OLSEN | Wie OE TO SHOPPING If you have $1,500 ond are relicble you can move into this spotlessly clean three- bedroom, brick bungalow This home hos a finished rec- reation room ond on attached carport. Present owner mov- ing out of town ond must sell. Don Hill ot MO 8-5823 or OL 5.4471 evenings, will be happy to answer any in- afirig 209 BROCK Member of the Oshawo and Bistrist Reel Gstote Boord sT © ror C.IL. Call PAINT DODD & SOUTER 1 PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8. 5231 Men's Dress Suits to Clear, al wool material, single breas- ted "style, sizes 40 ond 44 only. Regular $59.50, sale price while they last, only $34.50 A few ladies dresses in values to $25.00, marked to cleor at only $5:00 each. Shop early for these garments as the values are big and the limited MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY, ONTARIO stock is In loving memory of a 1958. Louise ~ ments ol 0: | rators from $49; Washing mach-| e ines from $29; £69 DESIGNS ---Ranch Bungalows --Split Levels --Two Storey CHOOSE YOUR OWN N.H.A. Financing Prepaid Services Underground Utilities Workmanship guaren- teed CONTACT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5.7732 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genesha) AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3.9692 | WILSON REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5.6588 FOR THE DON'T DO IT YOURSELF FAN We offer all the advantages of @ new home, without ell the disadvantages of the back-breaking work end in convenience usually associ- ated with it. Everything is done for you. Centre hall plon, 3 bedrooms, 4-piecg ceramic tile bath, kitchen and dining combination, live ing room 18 x 13. Full par- tioned basement with fine ished room. Forced air oil- fired furnace, double sliding windows with screens, 2 com- bination aluminum doors Completely and tastefully decorated. Lot 55 x 133, landscaped. North-west loca- tion. You cent afford to miss this one. Phone today for en appointment DO ADS BORE YOU? Plegse coll and let me tell you personally about this profit-making business op- portunity. This established lunch counter and service sté- tion is @ going concern. All equipment is included in the low, low price, plus living ac- commodation right on the property. If you would like to be your own boss with better than average wages, call us on this one now window, | | CLEARANCE SALE 6% ERS You can save by buying now We have a limited number homes still available at 6% --- complete and ready for occupancy. Down pay- start from $1,600 -- full price from $13,275 Never again will such prices be offered. All homes have double sash, screens, oil heat. ing, laundry tubs, tile bath- room, some have walkout basement with finished rec- reation room After hours please coll Bill Norri RA 5-7983 Dave Donald RA 5-8522 Doug Wilson RA 5-5625 OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd RA 3.2265 or RA 8-1624 WALKING DISTANCE TO SHOPPING CENTRE $10,500 ---- 6-room brick bungalow located off Gibbons St, in a quiet area. Handy to school, bus and shopping Comprised of 3 bedrooms, living room, family size din- ing room and very spacious kitchen. Oil heating, $2,- 500 down, balance on an open mortgage. $75.00 per month. Call Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8.8423 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 1200 sa. ft. ranch bungalow with attoched garage, located on Rossland Rd, W., 3 bed- rooms on main floor and one off the recreation room Home is complete in every detoil. Professionally land: scoped. Extras include, na- tural fireplace, vanity in bath, eluminum storms ond screens. Call Henry Stine son, evenings RA 5.0243 For further detgils LIST CO-OP THIS THROUGH HICK MEMEER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | | | NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE with ell conveniences and oil heating. Only 5 minutes drive from downtown, Low monthly payments of $65 ond low taxes of only $71 a year. Coll Beb Stevenson ot RA 86286 ASKING $9,900 4.room bungalow with an at- tached garage, just outside the City. Immaculate condi- tion, Close to school and bus line. Larae lot measuring 60 x 266. For futrher informa: tion call Bob Stevenson to- night STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR RA 35-0771 187 KING ST. E BROOKLIN AREA $1,500 Down Payment immediate possession. This is a six room ranch type bunga- low, elready decorated Ultro- modern for @ home in this price range -- truly on out- standing buy aot $12,300, with only $85 monthly for principal, interest and toxes CENTRAL PARK SOUTH Another home that must be sold =~ now vacant. Excellent buy on this sturdy six-roem home with garage. Large rooms throughout with the exception of the kitchen which is modern end com- pact This home is at the low interest rote of 312%, with monthly payments of $36.31, principal and inter- est. Call for an early appoint. ment. BRUCE AND RITSON Six-room, two-storey brick home, newly decorated end ready for immediote occu- poncy. Contains large living room, dining room end mod- ern kitchen down; three bright bedreem and bathroom up. This is en ideal family home Asking $11,000 with low down payment. One mortgage for the balance with easy monthly terms TWO FAMILY HOME Ground floor contains living room, modern kitchen, bed- room and three piece modern bathroom; upstairs flat has living room, tviy bedrooms, room Asking $11,80 with modern kitchen and both- room.reasonable down pay- ment After Six Please Call Steve Macko RA 5.0771 Jim Sarnovsky RA 5.4400 Jack Sheriff RA 3.3775 Members of Oshawa and __ District Real Es state Board. | LLOYD REALTY | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS JUST A STONE'S THROW FROM THE GOLF COURSE Immaculate 5-room home with down payment of only $1,000.00 and one mortgage for the balance. For appoint- ment to see, call Irwin Cruik- shanks at RA'8-5123 FAMILY HOME 7-room brick house, four bedrooms, large modern kit chen, living room and dining room, aarage. For more in- formation, call Gerry Os. borne, RA 8-5123 CHURCHILL AVE Smart split level with attach. ed gorage This home can be youms for a reasonable down payment. Living room and dining room with built-in china cabinets. Owner trans- ferred, therefore you make the offer. Immediate posses. sion: Phone for Bill Millar, RA 8.5123 Lloyd Realty Lid Realtors 101 Simcoe St RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER N W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 N.H.A. RESALE East district--close to Cathe- lic, Protestant and new High brick bungalow, ceramic tiled school, large 3 bedropm, selid bathroom with built-in ven- ity, colored fixtures, double stainless sink in bright kit chen, forced air oil heating, asking only $1500 down -- 6% mortgage. Call Ozzie Addisen, RA 3-2254 HIGHLAND AVE 5 room brick bungalow com- pletely landscaped and de- corated, oil heating, 4 piece bath, eak and tile floors, close to all schools, bus and shopping. Call Ozzie Addis son RA 3.2254 ALBERT ST Only $10,200 full price for this well kept, 6 room brick 2 story home, ideal for sub- letting, oil heating, 3 pce bath, garage, down payment $2,250.00. To inspect, call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, anytime GLADSTONE AVE About 2 blocks from King St Handy 'te downtown area, 6 room brick home, 4 reoms en main floor -- 2 up, oil heot- ing, 3-pc. bath, garage, ask- ing $1,200 down.- See this home and make an offer. Coll Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. LLOYD AYERS | OVER A QUARTER CENTURY REALTOR--RA 3-2254 CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S. LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN $11,500 full price for this modern S.roem, 3:-bedroom brick bungelew with many extras, aluminum storms ond screens, londscoped, hedged and fenced yard with patio, forced air with oil heating, recreation room started, 6% N.H.A. mortgage. $56 per month includes interest end principal, central location, $2,500 down will handle. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810. $2,000 DOWN New brick and stone bunga- low of 5% rooms, modern throughout, hardwood and tile floors, modern kitchen plus dining area, living room 13 x 14 ft, 3 bedrooms, 4- piece bathroom with colored fixtures and vanity, full size high walkout basement to ravine lot, central location, possession' 2 weeks, call any photo Co-op member for No. 508 or Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5.4162 even- ings BOWMANVILLE Double lot facing 2 streets with 5-room bungalow, 3- piece bath, hot and cold town water, 3 bedrooms. Full price $6,900 with terms. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. CHOICE OF BUNGALOWS KEEWATIN ST. rooms, plus finished room, many extras BYRON COURT -- 6 rooms overlooking City LAKEFIELD ST brick ranch style OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH -- 6 large rooms, brick and tone ROSEHILL BLVD,--6 rooms, loaded with extras ROBERT ST. -- 6 brick with carport ELIZABETH ST. -- 6 rooms, attached garage, large lot BROADVIEW AVE, é rooms, brick and stone, at- tached garage. CABOT ST. -- 5-room, 3- bedroom brick, $1,500 down. 5h fe sily 5 rooms, rooms, Further particulars by calling RA 3.9810 or RA 5.4162 evenings Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board PLANNING TO BUILD OR BUY A NEW HOME? If you are, call us for assistance with plans, loca- tion, price, etc. Courteous attention. D. BER UTA, BUILDER AFTER 6 P.M. CALL RA 39813 - L. S. SNELGROVE| RISTOW & OLSEN Realtors RA 5-6165 -- RA 5.3412 19 Athol id West LOW DOWN PAYMENT Attractive S-room bungalow in north end with many ex- tras including finished -rec room, paved drive, patio, nicely landscaped grounds All in immaculate condition For further particulars phone Irene Brown, RA 5-3867 McLAUGHLIN BLVD 4-bedroom, 2-storey brick home in firsi class conditien, newly decorated throughout, oil heated, garage with paved drive, extra room in base: ment, complete with T.V. aerial, storms and screens, awnings Taxes $190.00. Contact Irene Brown, RA RA 5-3867 DON HOWE REAL ESTATE 67 KING ST. E. RA 5.7732 OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associgtes Ltd RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 $8,900 PRETTY AS A PICTURE S-reom bungalew with gar age, located in the northwest section of city. Situated on a fully landscaped lot. At- tractively decorated end clean os @ pin, Toxes only $a 25, private mortgoge t 6%. Runs until paid at $65. 00 per month. Please call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726 for further infor- matien, FULL PRICE $7,900 7 year old 4-room frame bungelow located off Park Rd. S., one block from bus, on a londscaped lot 46 x 148°, High dry basement, Low texes. Teo small for present owners. A real bar- gain at this price. For fur- ther information, please call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5.4840 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND | DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOA RD Harry F. Millen REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE OSHAWA, ONTARIO THRIVING GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS Situoted on main highway close to Oshowa. Business, buildings, inventory and equipment if desired. Build- ings consist of store and sep- arate 11 room house with 5 room apartment rented. Busi- ness has very large turnover. All modern equipment. Owner will consider selling busi- ness seperately. For confi- dential information, coll Charles Smith days RA 8-1679, nights RA 8.8254 ATHOL STREET E Storey ond a half brick home with attached garage. Large living room, full sized dining room, modern kitchen, three large bedrooms, 4-piece bath. Paved drive, landscaped, de- coroted, storms and screens, TV. aerial. Asking price 18,500, for further informa- tion call Winse Bradley, days RA 8.1679, nights RA 3-2006 MILLER STREET-- NORTHWEST AREA Lovely ranch brick bungalow in nice area. For the family that wants a home just a little better, may we show you this attractive home con- sisting of living room with stone planter and matching fireplace, large ultra-modern tiled kitchen with eating area, good dining room, two spacious bedrooms and four- piece tiled bath. Attached garage, patio, landscaped, decorated, exhoust fan, 2. piece bath in basement and tons of cupboards are o few of the extras. Down pay- ment of $3,000. For more de- tails call RA 8.1679 CROMWELL AVE. $1,000 DOWN Cleon as @ pin. Three reom bungalow, oil furnace, bath, modern kitchen, new tile floors throughout Pe drive, good lot. Fall pr 7,500 carries for 75.00 per month. Call Winse Bradley RA 3.2006. rd Thinking of country living? 6 qgcres on main road -- $2,500 65 Acres. $12,50 Highway frontage 0 Large Highway Lots -- Vil- loge close to Oshawe $500 down East End, close and shopping centre, one black off King St. East. Ranch bungalow, 'upper and lower apartment, separate entrance, main level, 2 bed- rooms, living reom, medern kitchen, 4-pc. bath, lower apartment, one bedrecm, liv- ing room, modern kitchen, lots of cupboards, 3-pec. bath, rear patio and barbeque, Summer cobin, large lend: scaped lot * overlooking park land, exceptionally well built, lovely flower garden, peren: niols, ete. Phone for ep- pointment te inspect to school For service after § p.m. call Pat Doneven RA 3-7313 Alice Broadbent RA 5.5405 Vie. Walker RA 8.024) Emie Allan RA 3-3053 Evelyn Walker . RA 5-1442 HENRY STREET, 6 - room brick and stone bungalow, 3 lorge bedrooms, celered cer- amic tile bathroom, stone fire- place, fruit trees, patio. Call Mildred Bilida, MO 8.2167 or MO 8.2527. Co-op listing, THREE BEDROOM brick bun- golew with attached garage, fomily reom, ultrg modern kitchen, nicely located in Whitby. Co-op listing. 1300 sq. ft, 4 bedreom home, located on 735 x 110 ft. lot, birch cupboards, "L" shaped living and dining a ample cupboard space. _ $13,900; $1,600 down. Call Reta Snow, MO 8-2530 er MO 8-2527 Member of the Oshawa and Distriet. Real Estate Board JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 PARK RD. N Close in to town, 4.room bungelow with garage, lo- cated on large lot, gleaming hardwood ond tile fleors, large modern kitchen. Must be seen. Coll Bill Swarbrick now at RA 5.6544 or RA 5.8342, $9,900 FULL PRICE Low down for this 5-room brick home in good location. Hardwood and tile floors, oil heot; this won't lest long. Call now for Bill Swarbrick af RA 5.6544 or RA 5.8342, $900 DOWN $900 | year old, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, extra lerge kit- chen, 10 x 15; 4-pc. ceramic tiled bath; partially decor- ated. T.V, antenna, forced oir oil heating, facility for rec-room, 12 x 40; nicely landscaped front and bock, S5 minutes to separote and public schools, carries very reasonable, For appointment call Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544 CLARKE STREET $9,000 full price will buy this spotless brick bungalow, full basement, oil heating, landscaped, close to schools, and shopping. Taxes only $141.00 yearly. Carries rea- sonable, open to offer for down payment. Owner anxi- ous to sell. For appointment call Howard McCabe aot RA 5-6544, LOUISA ST. 7-room brick, garage, home, oil furnace, bath. rooms, asking price only $11,500. Clear mortgage. To inspect coll Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. 1 YR. OLD S-room brick, 4-pc. ceramic tiled bath, N.H.A. mortgage carries for only $68.14 monthly, close to both schools. You must see this home. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. BROCK ST. E. 6 rooms, and finished attic, garage, 2 bathrooms, brick construction. All rooms very large. To inspect call Jack Appleby ot RA 5-6544 or RA 3.3398 $10,200 FULL PRICE Will take low down payment for this storey and ae half home. With modern kitchen, finished basement, 21 foot living room, re-finished hard* wood floors, close to school and bus. Make on offer where the value shines. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544. $11,500 FULL.PRICE Repay on one mortgage, 2- storey brick home, so pleas- ingly landscaped. Offering | hardwood floors, oil heating, smart garage, close to school, bus is and shopping. Visit the of your future. Call rhe Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544, $12,500 FULL PRICE Will consider low down pay ment. 7-room brick house, 3.pc. bathroom, also one- piece bath in basement; near- ly new forced air oil fumace, good downtown locetion, Ideal for renting. House is clear, owner will give 10 years on the mortgage. Te see the house thot offers the m cl Bill Ratcliffe aot RA 5.4524 clean Open Evenings Members of Oshawa end Bistrict Reel Estote Boerd IONE 10 YEAR MORTGAGE Giy ute 'Piri. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR Member Oshawe end District Regl Estate Board RA 5-4330 KING ST. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE Ten-room brick, garage, on lot 316 fe¢t deep. Oil heat- ing. For information te see call RA 5-4 Juans Peacock, CHILDREN NEEDS A BIG HOUSE AND THIS BIG HOUSE NEEDS CHILDREN If you are in need of a BIG HOUSE, but gre limited in the amount you want te in: vest, let us shew you this well maintained 9-room, 2- storey brick, with garage, Qil heating, breadloemed. Near North Aig School. Owner has left City reason for sell. ing. See todoy by calling Mrs. Winter, RA 5-1256. BALLARD ST 5-reom brick bungalow. Priced te sell at $10,500. Oil heating, patio. Nieely decoroted. Only 5 years old. For particulers and to call Roy Flintoff, RA 5. 2434 NORTH-WEST Near new Adelaide McLaugh lin School. Just one of the finest bungalows in the city for the price being asked. Vestibule entrance to a 17- foot living room, with natural fireplace, dining room. Kit- chen with lots of cupboard space. Three bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath. Recreation room. Excellent N,H.A mortgage. Let us pick you up, and take a look for your- self. Call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, 5%% N.H.A. RESALE SUNSET DISTRICT Three-bedroom brick bunge- low, built just five years ago on lot 552 x 135 end fenced for privacy. This home has been beautifully kept, and is in excellent con- dition. Natural fireplace in living reom, dining room, 4- piece tiled bathroom. Rec- reation - room. Close to school, To inspect call Mrs. Winter, RA 5-1256. ALICE STREET Two-storey brick, with gar- age. Well maintained, and immoculately clean, New forced hot air oil heating system. Owner will carry the mortgage at $80 per month. Immediate possession. To see call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, 46--Real Estate Wanted | WANTED fairly modern house on at last two acres. No agents please. RA on Prince Street, | Whitby MO 8-523 ALL kinds of property wanied for, clients, some with all cash or i uity, Call W, McAuley Realtor, SHans | LOT with 33° igi or larger. Please {reply to RA 5.4871 47 --Automabiies Vor Sait | sir "33 53 BUICK, | oF, 3 © sedan, mileage 7500, excellent ore tion, 3-3780. good od snow tires, ed. Telephone Ly FORD, good body, tires, heater, 153 condition. Trade-in accepted. Call| EVROLET, all while; two door sacrifice for quick sale. our 2% RA 332 orl AND SERVICE STATION | 34 i PONTIAC deluxe sedan autem transmission, radio, excellent conditien, {orice $675. Terms arranged. RA 5.1008. ALLATATE Avta Insurance, Save ur 1 20 per cent, six months to pay. Fer al service at your heme. eall (RA 3 vats -7418, EE eh 5 VOUKAWAGEN deluxe, black with whitewalls, ather uphelsbry, ex- tras, Spare fire never used. Can fingnee. $250 down, RA 5-7595. 130 AUSTIN paris. Telephone WA 8-990. CURTOM buill var radios, complais with Serial 2 and installation, {ramsister models $49.05 Term: down, Dominion "Fire Store, 48 Bond Street West RA 56511 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, 2 Save ug Io |20 per cent. Six months to pay. | personal service at your hems eall BA §-2802 158 53 OLDBMOBILE sedan, custom radio, Istandard transmission, Te-passession. take ever balance. Only $363. | Heusen Motors, opposite Breweries on [King Street. SABYAN MOTOR | SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. JY H RAndolph 3- 3- 346! | ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL | at lew prices. Cash counts, | but will consider §25 down | to religble persons, Refore vou buy, give Stew a trv. RA 5.5646 or RA 5.1667 | BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just Best of Wilsen Regd) RA 3-4494 Res, 5.5574 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES ~ BENZ SALES & Service 108 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--~OSHAWA (Just Eost of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res, 5-5574 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Equipped at "$0485 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. S. Dial RA 3-346] 48--Automobiles Wanted mcm ---------------------- + SELLING your car? I have cash buy. ers. Cars fully insured. Payments tos high? 1 ean arrange a refinance and lower your payments or advance cash. Before you sell give "Stew" a yell A 5.5646. WANTED -- Ford produgts | any. Models Phone RA § . Motor | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid A A 5101 or RA 5-11 0, CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. HOUSTON GARAGE { BRAKE SPECIALISTS, % | PLETE BRAKE SERV MOTOR ~~ TUNE- op CE.ND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W, RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. 49 FORD. good 128 Allan Street, radio, paint, 8175, Call RA 57288, 8 OLDAMOBILE Supe: He ok brakes, radio. wi '80 AUSTIN sedan, real mice shape, new tires, reconditioned motor, RA 58339, 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. K VROLET, Jood tires, new bat. $138, , Phone RA 3-40 nning order, $30, 3 Whitby. off Anderson |= 2 DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. s. RA 3-942 50-- Articles For ~ BOAT lis, 8 ft, prams, 2 ft. Car PONTIAC coach, mow fires, custom | mechani excellent cally, deluxe, boats 8, 10, ft. 'By now! Special up. Poly- t paints, boat needs |orey boat boat Wanted outboard IT auto. wall ed money. Make offer. Phone autom redin vo lane sedan, : minder, go Th poaker, low mileage, privaicly owned, i Perfect condition. lephone RA 33814, | he %TON truck, best offer. RA 5.7008 after § pm. « Telephone J | motors, any make, Rhonest Tpit paid. Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe South. RA 3.3263, 9 io '30 Meteor, In ood condi ng § nA A802 [vveeve {FR Smith.Corona, alse adding machine. Very good buy. Tele | Phone RA 5928 (Continued en Page 16) CAR radio, fit

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