Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Feb 1960, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 18, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 T--Accountants YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and As tants Residence, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratton. Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, dari A. Mon- teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA, RIA: G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA: RA 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl- fied Public Accountants, 172 King Pires E Oshawa, Ontario. RA 2--Barristers HUMPARETS and Boychyn, Barris- QC; CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.12 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at o later dote constitutes @ new original r, 225 248 orde Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count as a word. Box rge 15¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the doy of R. D. ag E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, Street LLB; 6 King West. Phones: Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 54604 or Whitby MO 8-2761. Money to loan. blicaticn. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times shall not be JOHN A. CAMERON, solicl- ible for errors in advertise- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 3.2269. NHA and priva arranged. GREER and Kelly, Barrister, Solicl- tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 32278. Residence phones: J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53368; Ter ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 8-5832. RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solicitors, 130 King Street East, RA 8.6246. Mortgage loans available, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- citor and Notary Public. 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according te its own classification, In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ail advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Drynan, G. Murdoch, NHA mort: gages arranged. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, solicitor. Money to loan. Office 26% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232. de! RA 5-3405. F. SWARTZ, Barrister, (or Jotary. Money to loan. Assoc- 8--Building Trades ALL plumbing and heating supplies. Phone RA 53521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. WANTED -a bulk cooler, and 25 to and fi b; 13--Gardening & Supplies 22--Radio & TV Repairs work done with chain saw. Free estimates. RA 5.7754. TREE removal and trimming, also TELEVISION, radio tubes, Do-it-Your. self free tester. Fred's Drive-In, King Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town Dean Kelly TV, 14--Household Repairs Line Eas 81 81 King West. Open daily, 13 midnight and Sundays CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, like new. y pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction Fusranteed. NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS 37--Male Help Wanted MEN, executive type salesmen, $350 |44--Houses, Apts., Flats | For Rent 44--Houses & Apts. For Rent per month, plus bonus, one- year ftraining, no experience neces- sary, married men with good educa- tion preferred. Write in confidence to 340, Oshawa Times and include tele- phone DAY OR NIGHT -- Prompt TV service. Phone BA 8-5286, Oshawa Electronics Reg. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa LU Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5-0311. HIGH quality! Something difterent and| New Tatniture or Topnolater and re-model your old. Only by highly skilled up- cost. holsterer, at no extra Custom Upholstering Co., 77 Celina Street in Oshawa. For free esti mate, Res: RA 5-4170. Business RA 8- 5342. See our big choice of samples. ROXATONING - Give old furniture a new look. Top quality work at reason- able rates. For free estimates, phone RA 3-2977 after business hours. FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols- tered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, RA 3-7212. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys {built and rep Ras linings | furnaces vacuumed. Free estimates. |RA 3-2997. | |{CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- | covered like new. Get the best for less |at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe | Street North. Call RA 8.6451 for a free |estimate. FOR plumbing, painting and general repairs. Phone MO 8-443 or RA 5-2166. A CLEAN home is a happy home. Free consultation, work guaranteed, no publicity, Reliable exterminators, products and services for all needs. 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus parts ruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry 26% King Street East. RA Residence, dial RA 3-4029. DOYALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor. 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business RA 5-5501; Resi dence, RA 8 GREER, rents and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public. 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717 J. Murphy a and James A Donald. BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.9592. Resi- dence, RA 8-0264. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- tor, ete. 13% Simcoe Street North. Office RA 5-3741; Residence RA 5-5542. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. RA 35-3586. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. a JOHN A. DONALD, BA. Barris- ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 8-8511 3--Chiropractors J. H. TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic, Russell [chimney repairs, perts, low cost, es i |8-1717. PLASTERING and repairs, , archways and water-proofing, Work guaranteed. | Phone RA 5-5909. GENERAL contractors, brick and cement work and repairs. RA 5-5928 ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing, new and old work RA 5-6821 RESIDENTIAL and commercial altera tions and repairs, ree. rooms. lect, Pickering 738. STONEWORK -- brick and Howard Stacey, RA 52232 or RA 3.7835] Act now. Tel. col- "tile. Call L. FURZE SIGNS CALL RA 5-6720 586 ATHOL ST. E. | 337 King Street West, Oshawa. RA 8.0832 for appointment. 4--Dentisfs ma t------ DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. Open evenings by appointment. 259 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 5--Nursing Services ANDEN NURSING HOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, . Cupboards "Loans arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 He | (Licenced) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly people. (Men and women). Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V., lounge. 6--Optometrists ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, be Smeve North (at SulLosey, C. H. OR, RO, optometrist. Please 9--Building Material ADVANCE Lumber and Wrecking wrecking 93 Bond Street East Doors, lumber of all descriptions for sale. Hot air gravity furnace and free firewood. 11--Business Opportunities STORE for rent, very central, mewly decorated, parking space, reasonable, vacant now. RA 8-1131; after 6 p.m RA 5-1423. OLD established { hairdressing business | for sale in Whitby. illness. Write Box 205 Oshawa Times. | purchased NHA mortgages arranged. | Reason for sale, | » T5-- Instruction | LILLIAN MAE "MARSH, Dance Edu- cator. Dancing School, Ballet, tap, pre- {school acrobatic, character, Friday, | Saturday, Masonic Temple. RA 3.7253. | AUTOMOBILE driving instruction. Day or evening. Call RA 5-1646 for ECONOMY AND DELUXE TOWERS Roof antennas installed low as $30.00 eomplete REPAIRS T.V. SERVICE Fully licensed TV Technicians 1 YEAR SERVICE CONTRACTS FOR LESS THAN A $1.00 A WEEK TRIO, TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-678] os H. M. MACKIE CO., LTD. DISTRIBUTORS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CHANGE OF OFFICE ADDRESS FROM 79 WIL TO 22 BLOOR EAST For continuous prompt and efficient service of quality CALL RA 5-5954 NEW DISTRIBUTORS for B. P. CANA HEATING FUELS, GASOLINES MOTOR OILS AND GREASES announces KINSON AVE. products DA LIMITED GEORGE'S T.V. Antenna, Installa- tion and Repairs, Honestly is our policy. All work guaranteed. 24 - hour service. Law's Pharmacy LAKE-VISTA SHOPPING PLAZA Wecker Dr., corner of Cedar and Thomas St. RA 5-3525 Free Delivery SERVICE STATION King and Stevenson's Rd. for service while you shop. RA 8-0741 Mgr. Doug Corby CALL RA '3-9525 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA JACK'S BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP 969 SIMCOE N. Special This Month Cold Waves--$5.95 Courteous Service RA 8-5661 ELECTRONICS ments. sl |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland Regi r now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122 PRI rE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experience, by interview only. RA 5-1054. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, | Tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. | Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122." {17--Money to Loan [WE HAVE clients' monies for loans and | first and second mortgages and pur-| |chase of agreements of sale. Louis S. |Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. | awa. RA 3-4943. | FIRST and second mortgage, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- {nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King |Street East, RA 3.7232. CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mort {gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale Creighton, doch CLIENTS' monies available for first| and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Pubie, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA Fraser, Drynan and Mur. 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES Arranged Lyndewood Investments 209 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-5322 |18--Loan Wanted LARGE private mortgage wanted to | finish new house. Telephone RA 5-8739. EXPERT ANTENNA AND TOWER INSTALLATIONS All-Channel Antennas as low as $24.00 T.V. Service 24 Hours (House call $2.50) Len & Lou's TV RA 5.7844 RA 8-5804 Antennas Service SERVICE G. NEWELL Real Estate Broker 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-4703 Pickering 142 - 143, EMpire 2-3625. Mortgages and Ap- _ praisals: FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Call S. D. HYMAN, Realtor 39 PRINCE ST. SHOPPING CENTRE | FOUR roomed upstairs flat with sep- arate entrance in large brick farm home inside city limits. Children wel- come. Very reasonable rent at $35 FOUR . room apartment, all convene iences. laundry facilities. PPly Parking space, bus at door, Hot water Seating 165 Verdun Road. RA 3- monthly plus share Heating and hydro costs. March 1st. Phone RA WANTED Mam do steady travel 8-1496. Cavan, Cartwright, Whitby East, Darlington and Oshawa. SINGLE or double room with kitchen. Close to downtown, sc hools and shop- ping, parking space. Telephone RA 5 8741. TWO - room furnished apartment, "park- ing space. Apply 195 Albert Street. P connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. today. Rawleigh's, Dept. B-310-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. LARGE C part-time men. You must have a job be willing to work three nights a week and really need extra money, Phone RA 86591 for appointment. AGENT To arrange oppointments for Water Softeners, Gas and Oil Furnaces, Water Heoters, etc. Phone Collect MACDONALD EM 3-8471, TORONTO. WANTED UPHOLSTERER Experienced in all phases of reupholstering. Top wages for top man. Apply to Mod- ern Upholstering, 9262 Sim- coe North, RA 8-645] Electrical Supervision modern tire manufacturing plant re- quires competent man with supervisory experience to as- sume charge of electrical and instrumental maintenance de- partment. Applicant must have extensive experience in electrical maintenance, pref- erably in the rubber industry. Please apply in writing stating age, education, previous ex- perience and salary expected, etc. to-- PERSONNEL MANAGER, RA 8-6286 HUNGRY? WE DELIVER Fish, Chips and Hamburgers Sundry and confectionery items. 25c delivery charge. TOWN LUNCH RA 5-8978 BILL WHITTICK USED CAR LOT 146 BROCK ST, N. "Home of Good Used Cars" MO 8-474] WHITBY OPERATORS |31--Articles For Rent SU All ASSOCIATION (In co-operation with the spring thaws. Plumbing. MP- pump for rent, $20 up to buy. repairs, Don't be caught by the RA 58563. J. Hurvid, Oshawa Charmber of Commerce) TV-HI-FI-AERIALS Dean Kelly TV--RA 5-5121% Earl Fowler TV. .RA 5-1685 Parkway TV....RA 3-3043 Mel Pollard TV. .RA" 3-9512 Premier TV RA. 5-1179 TV Enterprises. . RA 5-2905 APPLIANCE SERVICES Jack Christie .RA 5-1179 Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 Star Repair. ....RA 5-7743 Warner Williams RA 5-3531 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS WEBBING'S HARDWARE AND RENTALS OF TOOLS and EQUIPMENT DOMESTIC and INDUSTRIAL B-H PAINT ELECTRIAL SUPPLY HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 534 RITSON RD. S. FOR ALL YOUR . RE-CAPPING NEEDS #1 CALL RA 8-6221 35--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED young n man, neat ap- ap- pearance, requires position as clerk. typist. General office work. Call 3-4989. GIRL with office experience seeks em- ployment in office or as domestic help, Telephone RA 5-1069. SAVE time! Solve everyday proble: the Want Ad way! Phone RA = 3492 for an ad- writer. YOUTH -- 17 years, would i an; kind of steady work. Inside preferred, Telephone RA 5.9466. MARRIED man requires part-time em- ployment, maintenance, any odd jobs considered. Write Box 335 Oshawa Times. CUSTOM sawing, circular or chain saw. Reasonable rates. Telephone COIl- fax 3-2150. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for child in her home, while mother works. North Oshawa. Call after 6, RA 83-0859. 36--Female Help Wanted DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY s TRUCK MECHANIC Must have own hand tools, company benefits, good start- ing rate. Call-- CURRAN & BRIGGS READY-MIX LTD. 991 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-3516 Iie private bath, garage, Jute hon Lome, good THREE - room flat, newly decorated, central location $75. EIGHT . roone house, two FULLY self-contained, downstairs apart ment, in good modern home. Large bedsitting room, kitchenette and bath, Best north central location. $50 month. ly. RA 3.9695 available March 1st. B, th d y only. Alice Street. $110 a month. RA 5206. THREE - room basement apartment, separate entrance, immediate Jusstasion house, large kitchen, well located. May be seen at Minden Street. Available February 29. Write Box 111, Oshawa Times or phone Sudbury, OSborne 4-2161. hardwood floors, all Drew Street after 5 p.m. APARTMENT, three rooms. Private bath. Unfurnished, Cupboards, Heavy "2| Six cigar store in front, can be used for barber shop., Telephone RA 8-5770 after -room house in good location, wiring. Couple, consider one child. Ap- ply 140 Bloor East. RA 5-5562. FIVE - room apartment, three bed- wood throughout. Vacant. Parking space. Njce home in good district. RA 5-7938. APARTMENT over garage. Reasonable Also cutter, Buffalo robes for sale, in good condition. Write Box 234, Oshawa Times. $80 -- FIRST floor, four rooms, bath, private entrance, TV outlet, refrigera- tor, stove. 35 Gibb Street, RA 5-0589 |after 5. APARTMENT -- three rooms, unfur- nished, with bath, $65 monthly. Water, hydro supplied, TV outlet. Suit couple. Vicinity Ritson School, 197 Oshawa Bou- levard South. FOUR rooms and private bath, sepa- rate entrance, hardwood floors, hot water heating, lits of parking, avail: able now, 155 Gibbons St., RA 5-3859. THREE - rcom, self - contained apart- ment, unfurnished, private entrance, sink, cupboards, TV outlet, business couple. 156 Gibb Street. MODERN four - room apartment, in Bowmanville. Heated, immediate pos- rooms, 5 year old brick building, hard- | sulated APARTMENT, April 1, self-contained, clean, modern, living room. bedroom, large Kitchen, tiled 4-piece bath, In- al rage, garden. Couple only $75. RA S617 after 5:30. FURNISHED six-roomed storey and a half brick. Ideally located. Grierson Street. Extra washroom in basement, oll heating, garden. RA 83-8410, Gil MO OFFICE space in Whitby, 800 sq. or less, parking lot facilities. Whitby Professional Building, 8-3731; evenings MO 8-4003, NEW four - room apartment with bath, refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer, parking, TV aerial, near 8 Centre, $95 monthly. RA 3-9471. APARTMENT -- three rooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, $65. H-K Hard- ware, 355 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. MODERN four - room apartment with bath, RA 88170 or dpply 267 Oshawa , | Boulevard North, THREE - room private apartment, TV aerial, laundry facilities, parking. Close to Shopping Centre, 212 Stevenson Rd. $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed- room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few session, $55 monthly, ly located, near shopping and schools. Apply Sam Annis, 10 Division Street, Bowmanville. APARTMENT -- three rooms, kitchen- ette and bathroom, ground floor. Apply Jones, 90 Queen Street, Bowmanville. Call rental agent, Mr Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 or RA 58342 John A. J. Bolahood Ue Realtor. APARTMENT, three large rooms, un- furnished, newly decorated, sink and pi 728 Cedar Street. RA 8-0228. BRICK central, ly 400 sq. ft. floor space, $30 month, Apt. 7, 73 King Street West, Bowman- ville, FURNISHED bungalow, rent free to re- sponsible couple, no children, must pay hydro and oil for retired gentleman. Write Box 110, Oshawa Times or phone evenings MArket 3-5817. APARTMENT Three rooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, $65. H-K Hard- ware, 335 Simcoe St. 8., Oshaw FURNISHED apartment, three rooms and bathroom, built-in cupboards, sink in kitchen Apply 214 Mary Street. FIVE.ROOM apartment and front porch, hot water heating, lovely home, all conveniences. West of Bowmanville near bus, Bowmanville MA 3-2234. TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment, in apartment building. Parking space. Close to shopping and schools. Tele- phone OL 35-3611. $23 WEEKLY, Ajax, heat, refund. Ajax 393. six ms, oil DO YOU LIKE PEOPLE? DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU? If so, you have the main in- gredients for success in sell- ing for us. We are a large financial organization look= FOUR - {heavy wiring, gas in. Maple Street. Call evenings, all day. FOR RENT -- modern apartment, near Ajax, one bedroom, all services, ga- rage, adults only. Phone Ajax 880 after 6 pom if. roa) stove, frig, TV outlet, $100 yearly room house, newly decorated, North Ajax. 27 Sunday, THREE - room apartment, near Shop- ping Centre, heavy duty wiring. evenings, RA 5-6117. Adults only. THREE - room basement apartment, private entrance and bath. suit work- ing couple or two ladies willing to share. Parking space. RA 5-5323. FOUR room (two-bedroom) apart. ments, Lakeview district, new 'frig and stove, TV outlet, heat and water in. cluded, new apartment building. One available now, others Feb. 1. Phone RA 3-4368. MODERN, four - room self - contained apartment, suit couple. Residential Sis. trict. Vacant February 15. RA FOUR-ROOM apartment, very etal, private bath. Telephone RA 5-1829, EXCEPTIONALLY nice S-room brick fenced-in Near schools, shopping centre, north west. Vacant March 1. RA 3-7244. FOR RENT MODERN APARTMENT Complete with stove, refrig- erator, automatic washer and dryer, T.V. aerial, paved, parking. RA 5-6551, efter 5:30 RA 5-9191. e THREE room apartment, ing for a representative in Oshawa. Must have a high school education or better, age 27-40, at present employ ed for 5 years or more in this area. Complete training programme provided for the right man. Write giving full particulars and telephone number to: BOX 339, OSHAWA TIMES. tained, stove and yelsigerator, included, | parking, located. RA 3.9682. APARTMENT FOR rent or sale, fi ve rogm bungalow | with attached garage, will consider de- posit and balance in six months to a |year. For down payment, hurry, call Bill Millar, Lloyd Réalty, (Oshawa) Ltd. RA 8-5123. TWO - bedroom apartment, all con- veniences, $70 per month, plus hydro, suit couple with one child. RA 85109. FOUR large rooms, upper duplex, new- ly decorated, electrically equipped, sep- arate front and rear entrance, tiled SALESMEN bathroom and kitchen, parking space, sundeck, $105 per month, suitable for couple only. Call after 6 p.m. RA 3-7202. THREE - room apartment, in apartment i $75 1} RA 5-3804. TO RENT 3%, rooms, Electrically Equipped PHONE RA 5-3815 or RA 8-6485 CENTRAL Three or six room office suite, with private facilities. Will remodel to suit. Call RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Simcoe St. N. |18a--Mortgages t Toronto - : pay accounts at downtown BARBER shop, confectionerv--for sale for business promotion plan, [FURNISHED basement apartment, WINDOW GLAZING WOMAN to care for invalid couple, Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Phone RA 35-4587. Apartment. Phone RA 8-0020. 333 Ritson Road . South 7--Surveyors G. T. HORTON and Associates tarlo Land Surveyor#, Professiona gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit. by, MO 85091, Ajax 7. DONALD H. TR Land Surveyor, 216 5-6881 8--Building Trades CARPENTRY -- ; -- trimming, cupboards, recreation rooms, playrooms, inside re- modelling, all work guaranteed. Phone RA 5-6337 OLD floors resanded and { finished, new floors installed, hardwood or tile by Banks Flooring. Free estimates. RA 8-1011 after 6 p.m. CARPENTER work, trim: ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work and repairs, Mortgages arranged. All work guaranteed. RA 3-357. ALL TYPES of building repairs--Roof- ing, Masonry -- Cement and Eaves Jroughing=--Chiteliess, Gordon May. RA t ice Street, RA RENT it now through For Rent ads! anything 3492 for an ad-writer. G d lawns roto-tilled. Made ready Lo spring planting and seeding Call RA 5.8985 PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, ¢ixtures, new and used, changing from septic tank to sewer a specialty. In. stallations at reasonable rates. Infor- mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. 4. Foley. W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329. ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS 1194 KING ST. EAST Tile ond Hardwoed Laid Floors Sanded and Refinished CALL RA 3-7251 Don't hang up, let it ring CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] DODD & SOUTER PAINT--WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 -| reasonable W. McAuley, En- {Prince MO 8-3231 STORE and seven rooms for sale, cen. corner property, very] Realtor, 26] RA 13-2512, ral, downtown, Street, Oshawa, HERE'S HOW YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY UP TO $6000 A YEAR OR MORE. There are big new business opportunities opening with SHELL OIL CO of CANADA LTD. --You can earn up to $6000 or more a year ~--You get thorough business training ot our expense --You have complete mer- chandising assistance free --You will be your own boss --You need only make a limited investment --All enquiries will be hand- led in confidence --Openinas available now For interview contact Mr, O. J. LAHEY "7 to 10 O'CLOCK FEBRUARY 22nd at Genosha Hotel 13--Gardening & Supplies HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-172] WILD BIRD FEEDERS SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD SEED PET SUPPLIES DOG MEALS "BRITANNIA" MALT EXTRACT ICE SALT 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 107 Byron St., §., Whitby CROWN DIAMOND PAINT | Cooper Smith Co. | FIRST and second mortgages. B __ |sold, and arranged for all properties OLiver 5-4931 | LAND, chattel mortgages and agree- | ments of sale bought, sold and arrang- |ed, $2000 and up, including private |dwellings, building lots, farm lands, {summer cottages, lakeshore properties, standing timber, and lumber in pile, |Oshawa Acceptance Corporation Ltd., {112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568 Bought, types of 23--Women's Column DRESSMAKING, alterations. Apply 290 Jarvis Street. Phone RA 3.7418 King St. W. at Park Road JEWELERY made to order, any color or style. Product guaranteed. Telephone RA 8-1025, SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6 Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdres 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. 24--Market Basket | {19--Personals mp |CARD reading and advising by Mrs. |Taylor. No appointment necessary |Open a.m. to p.m. 26 Church | Street, RA 5-3289 9 WANTED -. Starting of tomato plait contracts or sweet peppers. Can plant seed starting February 24. Can gemen- AMPLE FREE PARKING PH. RA 3-4873 |32--Articles Wanted JANTED -- by McLaughlin Public Li- brary, second hand set of "Canada and Its Provinces," 23 volumes in go.d con- dition, also books on Oshawa and dis- trict. strate new Porta-Green gr temporary crop covers. Eckel OL 5-4411. Contact Bob WANTED -- upright typewriter. Tele- phone RA 5-2469. either shift work or live in. Telephone RA 3.9706. WAITRESS, to work two evenings and weekends, Married woman in late 20°s preferred. Good pay for right person. RA 8.6812. EXPERIENCED sec secretary with know- ledge of dictaphone, preferably with sales experience. Phone Centralab Can- ada Limited, Ajax, 320 for appoint. ment. son Road South. FULL time saleslady required for chil- dren's wear store. Experienced prefer: red Apply Young Ages Ltd., Oshawa Centre |RIDE wanted |arriving 8.1 {Telephone RA'Z | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. § Save up |to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For |personal service at your home, call RA 5.7413 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), {mailed post paid in plain sealed en- |velopes with price list. Six samples, 25 {cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order {Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, { Hamilton, Ont to downtown Toronto, any If interested kindly 1494 8 SPENCER Foundation Garments, in- dividually designed. Reg. corsetier-- Mrs. John Hendershot, 208 Park Road North DRIVING to Scarboro, leaving between 7.00 and 7.30 a.m. Apply at 1524 Oxford Street, Oshawa. | | | 25--Pets and Livestock LABRADOR retrievers, also Elkhound puppies, bench, obedience and field stock, registered, innoculated, GArfield 6-9193 evenings. TOY terriers, also toy collie puppies, wonderful companions, trained and in. noculated, free delivery, GArfield 6-9193, evenings. WANTED. Large J chip wagon a be r on Write Box 2, Oshawa Times, WANTED --have customers waiting for furniture and appliances. What have you to sell? We also handle good line of clothing. Must have cleaners' tags on them. Commission basis, Neigh- borhood Salesroom, 102 William Street East, RA 8-5836. BOXER puppies, six weeks old, males ing females, registered. Telephone RA 22 PIGS, 5-4464. 12 weeks old. Phone OLiver BOARDING, trimming, bathing, defiea. ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. GERMAN Shepherd cross Collie "pups for sale, $5. Phone MO 8-3031 DRIVING TO Toronto, Eglinton and Avenue Rd. area Leaving Oshawa 7 a.m. Telephone RA 3-2364 after 6. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduft be in Oshawa, Mar. 8th and 9th. Phone Hotel these dates for appointment, 20--Cartage GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498. will Genosha on {21--Personal Service SPENCER Foundation Garments, in- dividually designed. Reg. corsetier, Mrs. John Hendershot, 208 Park Road N. ALL types of alterations and mending done expertly, Phone MO 8-4427. CANARIES, guaranted singers, young budgies, talking strain. Largest assort- ment of tropical fish. C 1 line of SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, ohe block west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, 27--Fuel Wood WOOD for sale. Wood cut by buzz saw and chain saw. Telephorie RA 5.9727. 30--Lost, and Found FOUND --one registered male Beagle hound. Tattoo, HAN 4 M. Owner may have same for paying for this ad. RA 5-4048. INFORMATION about spayed female black Boston, white chest, old, friendly, but timid with strangers. RA 5-5673. FABRICON invisible mending, cigar- et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's garments made from old clothing. Gen- eral repairs, 216 Chadburn Street. LOST---Saturday, Feb. 13, black, white and brown, Blue Tick hound, very friendly, children's pet. Answers to "Smily."" MOhawk 8-3226. 22--Radio & TV Repairs TV - RADIO service. All makes. | Thompson Electronics, Elliott Av-| enue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). Al 157 LOST--One copy of a play "Charlie's Aunt", finder please return. Phone RA 88388. Reward offered '31--Articles For Rent TV TOWERS Priced to fit any budget, Gal- vanized steel, all welded, die formed construction. Free es- timates and sight survey. OSHAWA T.V. RA 8.8180 | PIANOS, upright or apartment size, will pay cash, state make and price. Write. Box 107, The Oshawa Times. USED SEWING MACHINES Portable -- Consoles Guaranteed by -- 361 GIBBONS STREET SINGER SEWING CENTRE CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 : FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 34--Auction Sales HUGH R. Stewart, auctioneer, liquid- ator. Box 134 Peterborough. RI 5.7216, your auctioneer. 35--Employment Wanted CHAUFFEUR requires employment. Will drive long distances. Private com- mercial parties. Phone RA 3-4989. CLERK-typist requires position. Bape. ienced in financing and HOUSEKEEPER, live | in, two children, ages 7 and 5. Write Box 944 Ajax or phone Ajax 1475J. WAITRESS wanted. Shift work, must be reliable. Apply Town Lunch, 522 Rit- | Oshawa territory, preferably married, car an asset, but not This is a dignified position with Established Osh- essential. awa Company. Reply in confidence to Box 138 Oshawa Times. |38--Male or Female Help W.nted ARE you interested in a full or spare |time sales plan by which you can make {$10 to $20 a day? Take orders from beaut Display Book featuring over SLADY, in ladies' ready-to-wear. Apply in person. Morri- son Furs, 12 King West. PART-TIME housekeeping duties gentleman's midtown apartment, ferences required. Write Box Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED presser required, top wages. Telephone RA 5.0120 after § p.m. RA 3-7388. FULL or part-time waitress wanted, also bus girls. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. SALESL/ experienced in re- EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS required. Excellent wages and fringe benefits. Apply: Sklar Furniture Ltd., 30 Rich- mond street West. CLERK TYPIST REQUIRED BY PROMINENT FOOD MANUFACTURER. This is steady employment, We offer a good starting sal- ary, five days a week and above average company benefits. Please PHONE AJAX 1441 ond ask for of- fice manager to arrange for interview NABOB FOODS LTD. AJAX ONT. SENIOR SECRETARY Good opportunity for a Secre- tary, able to take responsibil- ity with minimum direction. Interesting position in Head Sales office of a rapidly grow- ing company where you are treated as an individual. Good typing required, shorthand helpful MRS. DOBOS, AJAX 55 cellent references. Telephone MA 3.5993 or PO Box 734, Bowmanville. 37--Male Help Wanted PRACTICAL nurse, middl FARM salesman to represent reliable 229, COMFORTABLE warm room in new ~== | private entrance, 478 Park Road South. products, Write Raw- Telg's, Dept. L310. RR, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 41--Room and Board home. Board if desired. Telephone RA 8-0594. ROOM or room and board. Also two- room furnished apartment for rent. Apply 195 Albert Street. ROOM and board for gentleman. One single and to share. 97 Albert Sfreet. PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen, home cooked meals, TV lounge. Home privil- eges. Call RA 3-3998. ROOM and board for two to share, clean home, single beds, good meals: lunches packed, laundry done, 5-1753. ROOM for two gentlemen to share, Wits breaksast, all conveniences. RA 43--Wanted to Rent BUSINESS gentleman desires furnished bedroom in apartment, or private room, breakfast optional. Please state rent and particulars to Box 237 Osh- awa Times. WANTED to rent office, approxi- mately 500 square feet, downtown area, on a monthly basis. Write Box 236, Osh- awa Times, WANTED immediately, house with three or four bedrooms, bath, heavy wiring, Oshawa, Ajax, preferably Whit- by area. RA 3.4873. 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent TWO large modern unfurnished rooms, low rent, children welcome. Large lawn. Will mind children if mother wishes to work. RA 8-6462. IN RAGLAN, three rooms, furnished, newly decorated, private entrance, sink, range, TV aerial, use of back kitchen. OLiver 5-4773. LOVELY furnished three - room apart- ment, including refrigerator and stove, parking, reasonable. North Oshawa RA 5-1065. NEW house, five rooms and full size basement, near SGM. Telephone RA 8-8390. NICELY furnished three - room base. ment apartment, hot water heating, room apartment, abstainers, Apply 68 McMillan THREE heat and water. Drive. lumber y, must have sires part-time work as r doctor's or dentist's office or afternoon nursing. References. Apply Box 125, Oshawa Times. knowledge of farm operation. Apply APARTMENT 4 rooms, ground floor, unfurnished. Private entrance and bath- near Hampton, suit two or three young RA 8-5123 men. Dial COlfax 3-2192, TWO - room furnished apartment, quiet district, close to conveniences, care if req RA MODERN one-bedroom apartment, in apartment building, main floor, sun porch, parking, TV aerial, central. RA 8-6047. BASEMENT apartment, three rooms in apartment building, stove, ay aerial, parking, RA 8-6047. FURNISHED basement aE, also one double room, twin s, cook- ing privileges, in bungalow. Parking space. Apply 864 Meyers Street. APARTMENT -- Three rooms, all furnished, Very reasonable. Couple on- ly. Apply 134 Stacey Ave. WILSON RD. NORTH AT LANSDOWNE LOWER DUPLEX 18-foot living room, family size kitcheri with balcony overlooking lovely garden. Two large bedrooms, good closet space. Convenient to Power store, bus and 'schools. Immediate possession. ' Fully equipped. Located ot 551 Lansdowne Drive, yh FRANK HAZLETT RU 3-1733 TORONTO OR WRITE 3005 BATHURST ST. TORONTO 19 PARK LANE APTS. OSHAWA'S FINEST --BACHELOR --1 BEDROOM --2 BEDROOM --EXECUTIVE SUITES y Al child 8-6034. HOUSE AND GARAGE Five rooms, broadloem throughout, first floor, aveil- able now. Write Box 126, Oshawa Times. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, electrically equipped, best location. $85. and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North. Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. THREE ROOM APARTMENT Available immediately, $62 per month. Childreri welcome. Apply: 780 SIMCOE S. RA 5-7081 MODERN 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS ON 15 GIBBONS ST. APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST. ----m-- vr -- -- 440--Rooms For Rent ONE lovely furnished room for gentle. man, in private home. 444 Fernhill Blvd. RA 3-7070. ROOM with or without board, fivedsy week, ten minutes' walk from town. Telephone RA 3-9589. --CONTROLLED ENTRANCES --ELEVATOR SERVICE --PRIVATE BALCONIES ~--STOVE & FRIG. --WASHERS & DRYERS --STORAGE LOCKER --PAVED PARKING Centrally located only 12 minutes walk from downtown. CONTACT RENTAL AGENT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) 9692 SINGLE furnished housekeeping room, refrigerator, laundry facilities. Close to downtown. - Suitable for lady or girl Apply 253 Athol Street East. CLEAN room and ing room, near South GM. Bus at door. Apply 212 Bloor West. RA 5-1238. FURNISHED double room and kitchen, refrigerator and stove, newly decorated, close to shopping centre. Phone RA 8-0028. GOOD housekeeping front ground floor, no refrigerator, entrance, child welcome. RA Gibb Street. FURNISHED room and kitchenette with washroom, private entrance, very central. Apply 96 Centre Street. THREE , unfurnished rooms, including heavy duty range, large space heater, $40 monthly. RA 5-5085. TWO housekeeping rooms, clean and quiet with refrigerator. Close to north GM. Suite two gentlemen or couple. RA 8-6890. ONE foom, nicely furnished, rangette, cupboards, 'sink, frig. Suit two, $10 weekly. Very central. Apply 200 ng West, Apartment 2. rooms, private 3-9604, SINGLE room for one gentleman, cen Box 598 Whitby or phone Mr. Egan MO 8-5818. room. Apply 149 Wilson Road South. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3 tral. Apply 38 Nassau Street.

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