Bottle Garden Planting Is Talk Theme ; Fhe Oshawa Toes interesting ting Junior Garden Club was held re- cently in the banquet hall of the children's arena when Mrs. O. Weeks instructed the group in planting a bottle garden for which a competition will be held in May, The group was reminded of the poster competition which will be held in April, also the birdhouse competition which will be held at the samc time. The group was asked to col- lect driftwood for the March meeting when instruction will be given on making attractive ar- rangements. It is planned to hold a rum- mage sale on April and each one of the gardeners were asked to speak for rummage. The pro- ceeds of the sale is to be used for the operation of the Junior Gar- deners. Those wishing to contribute items for the sale are asked to contact Mrs, Earle Sandford or Mrs. O. C. Weeks. The members reported on their planting activities since the last meeting. SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN Cheer Fund Aided Many The Oshawa Christmas Cheer Fund spent $3254.50 on Christmas gifts and aid it was disclosed by J. McCansh, treasurer of the fund, at the meeting of the Christ- mas Cheer committee at city hall Wednesday. Distributed were: 90 hampers Seek Permanen By ANGUS GORDON Oshawa Fair, for the first time|of the y in over 30 years, has cleared its| "I have to commend tural Society, which operates the/have been much easier to quit," fair, decided to approach the city|he said. "However, I also feel costing $866.39; 64 special gifts and toys, costing $93.88; 48 meal tickets costing $120, i 297 cheques valued from $5 $10 costing $1754.50. In addition to the above, 115 white gifts were in- cluded. The assistance was spread among the following: 69 persons on old age security, 45 on Moth- er's Allowance, 189 Welfare cases plus six in nursing homes, 55 on Old Age assistance, 46 on Dis- of Oshawa for aid in finding. a|that we've got to maintain public/|it new site for the fair. President interest. We've got to get some neasyre to be approved by the ee ' gisla Heber Down, vice-president Rich-/new people on the board with Bar ole: Bor aDieovay Tor 1961. ard Branton, and past-president|some new ideas." Stanley Bagg were told off as a| Director George Wetherup sug- gate possible sites. that the Alexandra Park site for They will also confer with rep- Chamber of Commerce, county the fair was obsolete, The board|and y a should review the whole situation|the proximity to the Woodbine resentatives of the Oshawa, i attempt to find a new loca-|(Fack, with its larger purses a ves Jun tion. This would be in line with/Would atiract the better horses, agricultural representatives, Jun-| io ;o1iey and would undoubted-|and consequently would draw ior Farmer executives, and rep- ly meet with the approval of|the better crowds. t Site, New Look For Fair sible task of pulling the fair out site that will meet all future re- red quirements," he added. members feet of debt. Last night the ex-|of the board who have stuck with HARNESS RACING ' a discussion on the i imes ould| During ecutive of South Ontario Agricul-(the fair when at times it w question of night harness racing, Archie Whitmee said that while would be impossible for this ture this year, he thought However, only two fairs would fact-finding committee to investi-|gested that there was no doubt| ECVE, ORE CED TUTE BI Peterborough. He said that residents of the area, as well as| Even if Oshawa started its hospital authorities. first race at 9 p.m., the crowds : One director, referring to a re-|at Woodbine would only get to The meeting was held in the|cent editorial in the Times said it| Oshawa for about the three last Will Honor tral Collegiate Institute, who had volunteered their services. It was Ltd. on Ritson road. Both presi-jic were against the fair. offices of the Ideal Dairy Co. appeared the press and the pub- races. "This would not be any sort of dian director of Crawfords Ad-|Fund Committee. | vertising Service, one of the larg- The committee members decid- ed to send a letter to the post of- proposal that night harness rac-|been an effort to shake us info ing be allowed at Class "A" and|{some action. I don't think any- Actually this is only the thin Lowe : we 4 K 7 4 special list cases. "possibility of setti bi Ry Kinsmen Club The committee members were itis = pied Up 2 mew Rehearsing the trial scene | Eileen Medd, Portia, and Larry , edies, "The Dear Departed", | "Central Presents". Both plays P = : Bagg ted on the ab NOT AGAINST FAIR from The Merchant of Venice, | Ocenas, Bassanio. Tonight and | and Timer wiy be petionny. ape producad RA Miss M, Sie ast resi ents comnell Jin The various Setonday. of several members of the board] "No, I don't think so," said|It would not justify the cost of Tuesday evening were Richard | Friday night at 8 p.m. the trial | ed by students of Oshawa Cen- | sons and G. Hagerman of the sentative to the Christmas Cheer|from the special meeting, which/Heber Down. "I believe that any-| installing lights," he said. 12 Manufacturers |est international ing age end of the wedg ' he speaker - when a air § ince. o start nig] arness racing," the Oshawa. Kinsmen Club holds| the co-operation given to the com. Province ous bo Sitablish Se ke e declared. 'There's no doubt \ electrical equipment manufactur-| The speaker is recognized as a SOFT was needed on the board, but| 'withi witnering horses at my place At Brotherhood DITANIOF ihm mmites | Eras, s Tome te) ppp tO FERAL, py 123250 on, 0° ia," "iS le" youn rier' Jor, fm pic l General Electric Company and ing served for many years as a cation for a licence to run rockithat the present board had ac- horses, herds of cattle and flocks|100 if we had the space. We've Westinghouse Electric Corpora-|foreign and war correspondent |'n' roll dances here was ejected complished the seemingly impos-|of sheep to be found in Canada. [Plenty of first class harness " i i v ¥ jury W pS y ti- |States Vt yi jodi- ivisi " s | therhood Week will be held next by-election in 1942. He was re- grand jury Wednesday on anti-|States news services and periodi-|that cost of superivision is too ed in seeing these things. I know| 'However, if we are going into week across Canada. In Oshawa a Ls and . He was the ehief whip for the eral authorities are anxious to|Of study first io see what sort of CCF Party in the House from see Oshawa fair progressing. 1/ competition we'd be facing," he Monday evening at which Stanley 1944 to 1957 and was elected de- Knowles, executive vice-president puty leader of the CCF group in ar ouse £2 £ u In view of the fact that night the Commons that year. fe 0S S twice in the past few weeks and | , | / get the land, we can get as much|sue for this year at least, the The dinner has been arranged H ber of the C as $100,000 in grants towards the|matter was dropped for discus- by the Oshawa Inter-Service bi fit hig Un Lana ncert £0 a 8 e : is the time for us to get the fair| Closing the meeting, Heber ed by the 2wa_Jusior Cham- London in 1945 and a member of | ber of Commerce. In recnognition ; y ; | : ; As a climax of Boy Scout of debt and can start with a clean |get together as soon as possible the Canadian delegation to the] The pop concert, being present-|by the band follow: Yorke. Week, the St. Gregory's 9th Osh- slate. to study how it would approach the Rotary Club of Oshawa has General Assembly in London in|gegi RE oVI TP Regi tal Sl March, "M a {Regiment _in the O! auditor Rgimeni a) SOW. Waren, en hard Winkler. rate Communion at the 9 a.m.|blood on the board. I'm ready would attempt to present. Monday and the Brotherhood Mr. Knowles wis defeated as aito be of outstanding merit March, "Whitehall" F. Wright.| Int "In A Persian Mar: Week dinner will be an attend- te yu tent wil § : be arch, "Whitehall" F. .| Intermezzo, * ersian -|Auditorium Sunday, Feb. 14. I'm getting out. I helped shift the|tion to those mentioned were nce meeti candidate for re-election in Winni-| The band, under the direction Overture, "Explorers", Peter ket", A. Ketelbey. There were 140 fathers and|fair to its present site over 50 Boyd Ayre, Art Grass, George Ol ie club. : lect d was|F. J. S; »" A 1958, Eo Gal election and Was|F, J. Francis, hes. prepared a The Temple Bells" (2) Less| hich was opened by A. C. Love, |take on some per on a|Snowden, secretary. Anyone in Oshawa or district vice-president of the Canadian|' 'Grand March Triumphant a ol nd is invited to the dinner. Tickets Labor Congress. He represents Whitehall" in which the new Cor- Entr'acte, "Chanson Triste", fast, which was prepar CPO vo ge i roc wi be scs| BIRTHDAYS [rhino i sed thes Sw wow KINSMEN WEEK { " : ' | elu X- a "Fi " mow, and some tickets may be Ors ane Lanacian \elarel P Se ecuoNS Incl e Congratulations and best |. one Poem, "Finlandia", Jean pon Teach, extended a hearty |Public Affairs, and the Canadian|Love Lyrics", "Finlandia", "Sla- 2. d ! Selection, "Oklahoma", Rod- Be otlisrtiood Week is the only athe first board of directors of Red Institute of International Affairs.|vonic Rhapsody No. 2', selections) Wishes to the. following resi- |gonc y fen iniroliuced fie head Ags 25 2 i os > i ini i 2 i " days today: " t tly, th h the ed. He is a minister of the United | national Typographical Un ion, bone novelty Trombones to The ys b Trombone Novelty, Trombones 4 Dei. ee of Church and Served as an alder- Winnipeg, Mr. Knowles was the Fore", William Imeson 634 Hortop 15 the Fore, Scull. Char od Hatesch. Masiers ary W rth P i t : delaide avenue west; Mar. c 0] rojec S service clubs are members. His activities in the CCF Party|the International Labor Organi-|/the entire 40-voice Hart Housel A H r- |edem: - Milis: Bob Calden) = Y § ? date to 1934. Mani- | zation i Glee Club Uni garet an, 386 Hi Master a # ' nin C: Canadian|date back Jo way Nani jration fn 1959, J b Kevin B. Stsel, 128 sn Migster Brendan Colder. + ' President 1958-59 ¢ formed in 1933, is composed of| den, 435 Ritson road north; Managers At Once every five years, the As- United College in Winnipeg and at|Was chairman of the CCF Na-| undergraduates and graduate off Mrs, Meta Martin, RR 1, and his assistants, William Hast- the University of Manitoba. He tional convention in Winnipeg and | Gabriel Merkac, Cubmaster "A" |a8 the Oshawa Kinsmen draw at- Royal Conservatory of Music| jdge, 104 Montrave avenue: Pack Miss Joyce Lewis and her|tention to their many charity f T to, will be st f - ai i ) . p of Toronto, wi master of cere-| (Claire Tierney, 162 Colborne Name Officers aster "B" Pack, John Barbara their homie soutmmity holt : was ALDERMAN . Jd, : Hest docile Vi . 4 0 I] [man 4. Silo will introduce| 746 Douglas street; Mrs. Al were introduced. suppor various projects. r. Knowles was a member of! Mr. Knowles was first elected) : . media Anderson, 115 St. John Officers for the ensuing year|of the highlights of the pa s t|the 80 or so members of the Osh- 181 lieen S GLEE CLUB NUMBERS ghlig! 4 : 3 s 4 Gallagher, 503 Miller avenue; |Andrew's United Church a, ' pected to attend the Open House ed by the glee club include: "The . : urch. The words. He expressed his appreci-|looking after the *'Community's at Queen's University Saturday |Last Words of David" by Thomp-| Mrs. Douglas Pelow, 1141 Clo- [new officers are: ation of the help given by the Greatest Need". ival = Holds Carn a Lapa, Mary Fraser, Dorothy(the Pilgrims" by Vaughan-Wil-| lake, 88 Wilson road north; |S. A. Cross; secretary, D, |gift in acknowledgement of his|spent a considerable amount of - McLaughlin, Jo-Amx E. Waugh, lams; "Mary Had a Baby"; "No-| Mrs, D. MacKinnon, Varcoe's |Low; Finance committee, Don|achievements. Scout Robert Gay|money on various communit James G. Allman, Warner A.|Dody Knows thie Trouble I've ( 3 y 4 annual ice carnival Thursday, Gary Stemerdink. "The Agincourt| ton, 142 Division street; Ruth : awa Group. Feb. 11, at the Children's Arena.| Girls, 12 and 13 -- Carolyn McDowell, Tom McDowell, Wil-[Song"; "Amo, Amas, 1 Love a Goheen, 46 Liberty St. |.LroPerty committee -- L.|" Cliff Roesch thanked the Scout Port of tie public in their fund cessful evening. | Boys, 14 and over -- Ron|Glen Pascoe, Clyde Reid, Joh n|Turtle Dove" and "Fill Every enue; Susan McConkey, 853 Ushers and Choir Committee --|fast. The breakfast meeting clos- , The teaching staff assisted by|Slute. Ruskay, William A. Watson, Ev-|Glass", from the Beggar's Opera.| Park Lane avenue; Mrs. C. |F. L. Crossley, J. Reid and J. R,|ed by the singing of God Save the Children's association lo help i= " rh i | 3 i s > " This year, further funds were Christm : = Mother's" race -- Mrs. A. Burnett, Donald Kilby, Stanley| The selections to be presented! yi. ic street: Mrs. Oswald to the main hall to witness a on as morning to pre- James oth y s street; Mrs. Oswa ) y Ne 0 Kindergarten, boys ames williams, Mee Steve Melni Kimmel Whitmee, 553 oxtord Bui display of "tent pitching" and|donated to decorate one of the|pare and serve the Christmas films of camping and hiking ac- Thorburn, Marilyn Forster and j"X "Savery (tied). {House is tn. show: Ghe. citizons their birthdays each day will 8 port the Oshawa Minor Hockey| The money required to make Barbara Banfield. me of Eastern Ontario ithe Univer- receive double tickets to The ounty t past three years was shown by winter money was provided tolfrom the public support of var- hy . ey. supply transportation to young-ljous Kin activities. Many eciti- A : ; pleased with the assistance ren- attraction. I think the competi- Atkinson' who plays Shylock, discussed ther thi: thi i iscussed among other ngs a|thing written in the press has| oN END OF WEDGE Draw Indictments i : ' " mittee prior to Christmas. i : its Past Presidents' Night in NEED NEW BLOOD are proud of the agricultural ac.|that the fairs could do with this the observance will take the form of the Canadian Labor Congress, from the és came tol/toba chairman "of of under the the university. "Columbus; Jacqueline Dove, received his bachelor of arts de-{has chaired the biennial conven-| ree in 1930 and a bachelor of tions since that time. He was t t divinity degree in 1934. v {elected national vice-president in u en S 0 The chairman reviewed some|great deal of time is spent by § street east, Whitby; John (were elected at a recent meeting|year and called upon Scout-|awa Kinsmen Club, in personal afternoon and evening. son; "Let Nothing Ever Grieve| verdale; Pamela Ashby, 468 Chairman, E. G. Storie; vice.|Assistant Leaders and presentd| During the past year or so, the | Ey € road north; Robbie Chatten, Storie, R. L. Schofield, G _|has the distinction of being the nn ects, and the members have and| Clark, Dave Gibsem, James|Seen"; 'Do-Don't 15, D. An Projects, A large attendance of parents|Faint, Patsy Calvert and Gail|liam Miklas, Ralph A. Myers,|Lass"; "All the Things You south, Bowmanville; Gerald [Lrench: R. D. Christie and J. B.|Mothers' Auxiliary on behalf of In 1959, $7000 was donated to the parents was In charge of the! Boys open event -- Bob Knapp, |erett Sargeant, Jamies R. Sparl- Fudger, 176 Olive avenue; |Carson. Queen. Bind, Gregory Wallace and Ste-| : . "ropela Pry rooms, {chuk and Mrs. A. W. Wilson. Open House is held every two The first five persons to it pe-lashing" by the scout dinner to the youngsters under Boys, 6 and 7 -- Brian Snell sity in action. I 0 d Regent Theatre, good for a More than 30 buildings in the S ppose sters who wanted to learn how|zens enjoy playing Kin Bingo, abled persons assistance, and 29|.ocontatives of industry on the i . oe 3 i dered by three girls from Cen- ' CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE PUPILS 'TO PRESENT TRIAL SCENE pvicis. 3 wes|Lid, <5 Bion ua. Both pres decided to approac e studen id op tion would be too great for us. scene and two one-act com- | tral Collegiate Institute in | Central staff. | Gerald Samson, FRGS, Cana- ° # yor ; J CLC Official To Be So imerations) advertising agen lfiee expressing their thanks for|Class "B" fairs throughout the one is against the fair. It is up|end of the wedge for Woodbine | PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Twelve Hotel Genosha this evening. FEDAL Both suggested that new blood complishments of this area. attraction, I'm all for it. We are The annual observance of Bro- to the House of Commons at aftion, were indicted by a federal for United Kingdom and United |by city council, on the groun "I know the public is interest-|Tacers in the area. elected in 1945, 1949, 1953 and 1957. |trust charges of price fixing. cals. great. 9th Scouts that Queen's Park and the fed-|it; I think it would deserve a lot . | of a dinner at Hotel Genosha on I saw the minister of agriculture said. he has assured me that if we|racing would not become an is- will be the speaker. UN DELEGATE cost of permanent buildings. Now|sion at some future date. Club Cour d will be sponsor- LN To Fathers pe 8 tions Preparatory Commission in , r on a firm basis. We are now out|Down said the committee would of the importance of the event i x : ng S S N E i y " itor i® 3 first session of the United Nations ed by the band of the Ontario] O Canada. Serenade, "Neapolitan", Ger- awa Scout Group held a Corpo-| "We've got to get some new|civic authorities, and the case it cancelled its noon luncheon on | 1946 ks his Frid ioht y f Harlech" Trad '1 I jiu. his Friday melt, promises of Harleeh" Trad, Hart House Glee Club, (A). Mass followed by breakfast in the|to step down. That doesn't mean| Present at the meeting in addi- ance meeting for the members 7 : : 8 i North Centre: in the March, Lieut, ' : De ox Bite: IN {he Wiaroh uf its direcior of music, Tent Four Indian Love Lyrics (1)|on "ho attended the breakfast|years ago. I'd now like to see it|Hays, Carl Bradley and Foster TICKETS AVAILABLE subsequently elected executive program which will include the Than the Dust (3) iri ) CELEBRATING Song (4) Till us Wake. Kashmiri yn, said grace. After the break- | are available at Hotel Genosha, the CLC on the hward of gover-|onation Trumpets will be used. A fa : s i | : : : tire'. SF Indi ers available on the night of the din-y STANLEY H. KNOWLES | Council, the Canaclian Institute of plorers Overture", "Four Ban pI Jitriol Sibelius. Wor i hating aii Cl B | tivity in which all service clubs| River Co-operative Supply Limit-| A member of Local 191, Inter-|from "Oklahoma" and the trom-| Who are celebrating birth "Hart House Glee Club (B). Scoutmaster; A. C. Love, Master oC u shel 8 which presidents of all the major Man in Winnipeg. |workers' delegate for Canada atl The assisting artists will be eri Bice loon i |cathapsody, Slavonic No. 3, Fri-land Darryl Leach, Bob Mills, : MEE, * of T " By GORDON GARRISON Canada in 1924 and received his|1936, 1940 and 1941 and provin- Rouland Pack. This chorus,| Ritson road south; Len Oven- y education at Brandon College, the cial secretary in 1942. Tn 1948 he 25 0 h Bernard Dickey, Scoutmaster S awa ' ings, Ron McCarl, Bob Gay and sociation of Kinsmen Clubs such Dr. Boyd Neel, dean of the/ 36 Bruce street; Alan Cool- St. Andrew S assistant, Mrs. Jack Coros; Cub-|Works and thank the citizens of {1954 and was re-elected in 1945 monies and His Worship Mayor| greet east; Diane Powlenzuk, S set Hea ] ts Twenty-five students are ex-| The selections to be present: Peterson, 1054 Mohawk; Mary |of the board of managers of St.'master Dickey, to say a few service, providing a means of BE ye ix dward Thee", hv Brahms; "The Song of| Fairlawn street; Debra West- chairman, T. H. Greer; treasurer, Queen Scout Robert Gay with a|Kinsmen Club of Oshawa, has | Sunset Heights School held its|Ewart, Bill McCullough x ' Toucha My| RR 1, Oshawa; Tom Thorn- |drews, R. Burr. first Queen Scout in the 9th Osh-| received the overwhelming sup. {Lutton, Randolph Miark, John S.|&arment ; and children enjoyed a most suc-| Knipe, {John Nicolson, Dive Northey, Are"; "Hullabaloo Balay"; "The| Shangraw, 453 Ridgeway av- Agno. all present for the splendid break-\, "hava and district retarded races with the following results: | Dennis Ewart and Ron Slute. |ing, Orville D. Brillinger, Bud/BAND SELECTIONS Mrs, Lillian Howard, 480 The fathers and sons adjourned|School on Simcoe street south. Officials phen Watt. ie Jenny | . Father's" Race -- J. W. Tis-|years by the students of a] S d B t ' 4) e : 1Cla Of troop. Following this a series of| The Kinsmen continued to sup-|Children's Aid care. Kindergarten, girls V€00Y | dall, Stan Pilkey, Douglas Sager, | University. The purpose of Open pee 00S orm, The Oshawa Times: of 3 mn | tivities of the troop during the League with a donation and, last|all this possible of course comes four-week period. The current attraction is "A Summer Rivky Kuohmsa and Duncan Festival Of Girls, 6 and 7 -- Linda Melni- chuk, Debbie Mooney and Geor- gie Thorburn. Boys, 8 and 9, two heats Wim Stemerdink, Garry Mac- Dougall and Danny Nicholson; Bob Howard, John Laughlin and Michael McCullough. Girls 8 and 9, 2 heats -- Janet Tisdall, Diane Harrison and Jane Missions Is Planned Something new and remark- of Applied Science, the Faculty of Arts and Science, and the Faculty of Law will 'be open to the public on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Some of the build- ings in Medicine and /\pplied Sci- ence also will be open until 9 p.m. Hundreds of displays will be on view in the University buildings, {showing the progress being made Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty | By Chief Chief Constable Herbert Flint- off said today he thought 30 miles per hour was fast enough to travel on Oshawa streets. At last Monday night's council meeting, Ald. Norman Down had Place" (Restricted). Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. Hospital A group of members of On- itario County Council who have Ask Lease been reviewing the hospital situa- tion in the county visited the Osh- awa General Hospital last week and made a conducted tour of the institution; and, later, were guests for luncheon in the hospital used in the emergency vehicle of that department. One of the oldest of Kinsmen service projects is the work car- ried on at the Children's Aid home on Centre street. While not publicized to any great degree, Kinsmen have given of their -. to ski. A resuscitator was do-land many more attend the car- Say Act Will fe ox Sims, Fi Sada se oll Su w - Eliminate a Contusion A great many lights are shin- ing in Oshawa as a result of pub- lic support of the annual Kins- men Bag of Bulbs campaign, with proceeds going towards Kin charity work. The Kinsmen Club of Oshawa appreciated the sup- port of the people of Oshawa in Members of the Bricklayersitime to plan and carry outlits continued desire to provide cafeteria, which was followed b, ; ¥ |Union, Local 20, of Oshawa and monthly parties at the home for|the community's greatest needs. ston; 'ross, Shar-| ably diff t opines | 1 the science of medicine, in en-|a motion passed asking that the Joimslon; Margaret Gloss, Sar | outer Sut takes place Inpro gineering and also the arts. iraific commie and the Traffic Or trounas |: foteria, which ws followed) i { weekend. It | oct EN eadquarters for visitors to|Advisory Council consider chang- i ; TOO, yyy 3 Boys, 10 and 11, 2 i ng Big pa 2 Missionary Pair, Open House will be in Cirant Hall |ing the speed limit on Bloor] MILLBROOK (Staff) -- Dur.| heir interest was chiefly con- Districh, ve, mounted heir the youngsters every month for John Thiebaud, Kenneth McWil- {o| Where visitors will be provided|street east from 30 to 40 miles per|ham District High School Board|°ted With the impending hos-| ation" to the Ontario Labor|lion, J jest actual. y started a years ago. Metro Toronto Planning Com- world, and that both a railroad A ison: (Missions, It is a tt i i 'ednesd utho: : liams and Anthony Harrison; an attempt to|ywith maps of the campus and in- i pital drive for funds, which the [ Ear] Newman, Brian Salmers and focus the attention of the whole formation shout the io sig A any Bo Down said the section of Port A nh ke county, of course, is likely to be ri: heen ne oF he nue. This past Christmas 4s. usual, om romise Brian Houghton. {church organization on the over-|sitting service with registered Bloor street ho had in nindjenter negotiations with the town|® Participant since the Oshawa|f SEICENCS cs, Mh aseeting | Kinsmen left their own homes Girls, 10 and 11 -- Sharon Clif-{553S mission of the Church of| nurses in ch jill be provided [stretch FO i § 'pre.| General Hospital renders consid-| ages of bricklavers, plasterers Girls, 10 an She W-! Christ. nurses arge will be: provided stretches from Harmony road to recreation committee and pre- erable service t t and stonemasons. ford, April Carter and Barbara "TS. Lo lt to) Baker House, id films will be the Townline. He argued that|pare 2 10-year lease Jor 1d jo = AAA ing This was announced, today, by M Offi = Ins orie (shown in Ellis Ha urin | er |an i : ' oe 18 and 13 Dennis TICE bh an itn me OTT 00 (TE re we, ery fo hots iden ans rin on the pu Fes, Fite 0, Slr Tact ess Metro Official urance api erat [and drama will be featured. There|Art Centre. which has some won-|appears to be no reason why the] The recreation committee pro- Jney were much impress-(,.i.ation was made to the vil glso be. curios and objects) derful displays of paintings, is an-|speed limit should be restricted |Poses to build a skating rink in 2 ith what they had ton -- board some time ago. "It only To S eak Here : A used Remand (native to the mission field and|other building which will attractto 30 miles. an hour." the north-west corner of | i Institution and | em aing to wait until the board P n er Ire CC missionaries in native dress. many visitors. | Chief Flintoff said this stretch|5chool ground and wants its area|it's a great comfort to know that! calls g hearing of union mem- On Fraud Charges Mui Rp BOR No C of road was not the best in the|1o, be approximately 200 by 130| GH 8 WORN] 8 Ih ou Tide! bers and contractors." md OTTAWA (CP)--Hard-bargain rge 15er 0! the Ontario and Que- . ere when lle ne The application issioner Murray V. Jones will ; i " rau g the Canadian Baptist Foreign Mis- 0 Lause Found ed ak both a railroad) "The area will be asphalted and rises. " ye Pies ou was_subujsied be guest speaker at the Febru.|INg fire insurance adjusters who TORONTO (CP)--A freelance|Sion Board, with missionaries in crossing jon of|® Chain link fence put around it| Among those attending th eliocal masonry contractors. "It is|ary meeting of the Oshawa Re-(drive for the lowest possible ORO? } a India, Bolivia and in Angola. The or lane Upset {were located in this section of; 4 the rink will be built and [meeting were: T. L. Wilson, presi- nd that Joint meeting| gional Planning Association, at 8 settlement of claims were taken radio announcer and the em- work' in these fields includes] TORONTO (CP)--A 'week-lon | Bloor street. maintained by the recreation|dent of the hospital board; Stan-|\with the board plans will be Pm. today. to task Wednesday by Senator ployee of an advertising firm churches, schools, hospital ke si {i -Iong| "If cars were to approach from | committee. ley E. Lovell, chairman of the fi- * 3 : John Higgins (PC -- Newfound » pitals and investigation has not established, ink| completed for a successful intro-| Mr. Jones is expected to dis- were remanded until Feb. 24 on|farms. There are 204 missionar-|whether Malton Airport's instr. oth ends at 40 mph, I would think| It was pointed out the P ort/nance committee of the hoard; |duction of the Industrial Stand-|cuss advantages to be gained by land). $15,000 bail when they appeared|'¢S 8! work in this part of thement approach system was maki might be very dangerous," said Hope members should perhaps|T K. Creighton, QC; Ald. S. T.|ands act for the bricklaying, |the formulation of a metropolitan| Speaking in the throne speech in cpurt Wednesd h _|church's life. functioning when a TCA Super cluef Flintoff. "Under these cir-|enter a clause in the agreement| Hopkins, T. M. Moore, of Whitby: | plastering and stonemasonry in-|Oshawa. Such an organization|debate, he said a certain type of cou nesday on charges| Friday night the guests will be Constellation crashed. Feb. 5 [cumstances, I think 30 is fast/that if necessary the board may William Davidson of Whitby and dustries in Oshawa," he said. |could then conduct intelligent,/adjuster in Canada thinks it his of defrauding McCann Erickson Rev. and Mrs. Marshal Th | i i f elvi| Enough. terminate the recreation commit-| William A. Holland, superinten-| The" plumbi d pipefitting i i duty to "obtain th £ a - son, ho furl omp-{Ray Goodwin, director of eivil| ™ Acxeq if he felt there were anyltee's lease before the 10 dent of the Oshawa General H i Plumbing nd Dipefitting integrated planning with Metroidily to "oblain the payment o (Canada) Limited of $65,493, Sor ome on. ough from Bo aviation, said Wednesday. Binal Dba SA efore the years hi 0s- Juion ad the cistron] Workers Toronto with beneficial results to|the lowest amount by comprom- vo Ba vu oo i 8 \ uest w 2 arrvi 5 5. 8 | s whi . i . . : . e the act in e now, th area: Wn a ee pi BA Fhe heel rs. J. B. MacLaurin, the Hh co Plate, Sanying 3 Je take raised speed limits, Chief] School principal P. J. Bigelow Reeve Cyril E. Morley, of Pick-|respect to their trades," ne. Stef- both 5. . . Lok Kk longi soti t ith reedings USS €X"leran missionary who has spent|the runway several hundred feet|F 10toff said, "No". ,-|told the board there should .also|ering Village: Reeve J. Sherman |fler said. "It is hoped the en.|, Lc ORPA has been discussing] = ce KS€PS Dro onsuig negotia- racition proceedings against a ihe greater: portion of her life in|short of its east end. TI hoy be an agreement that the school Scott, of Pickering Township; (dorsement of Local 20 will aid| °F, Some time the possibility oftions and requiring better proofs third man, believed to be inip nn ono Nat i Ne ot ts Sa to > Je Ls er- | ARMY STUDENTS TOUR would have permission to utilize| Deputy Reeve J. A. Ball, of Ux-|housebuilding as a whole and| CLtil8 up a regional planning of loss until the patience of the Paris, France. ly returned from a trip around|skidded 1,200 fo t _-- rly ane/ OTTAWA (CP)--Nine C [the rink during school hours. bridge, chairman of the Ontario |help the position of the subcon.| 02rd With wider powers than the insured is worn out and a poor James Kirkwood Ross, 33, althe world, when she visited the|ons doy 2 into a field. » Oe wa Se ge Coil The Port Hope representatives|County Council Finance Commit-|tractors. present organization. compromise is effected. former clerk, and George Cuttell, | various mission fields. I Tater James Fov. Dresident ofidents fain iB army - \lwere instructed to prepare the tee; Reeve J. McQuarrie, of Bea-| 'The act, properly enforced in| Such a board might serve as a| Senator Higgins also denounced 29, who used the name of George! Sunday the guest will be. Dr.|the Canadian Toy iting ed pan pr A le Ronacian lease after consulting with board|verton; Deputv Reeve D. G.this area, will help to eliminate|basis for a metro concept in Osh-|as "altogether unreasonable" the Raymond on radio shows, were!0. Daniel, the associate secre.|ciation. sai line Pilots Asso-|Ar staff ege gston, solicitor Russell T. Honey then|Wallace, of Thorah Township; |the confusion that seems to exist|aWa and surrounding district. |attitude of some companies to de- arrested after auditors dis tary of the Canadian Baptist For- a an approach hegeon iA ou sities mn Diliatio/ bring it back to the board for|Reeve W. J. Heron, of Brockiin the working practices of the| Under existing. legislation, the preciation. A house built 40 or 50 covered discrepancies in the ad-|eign Mission Board, and a vet was unserviceable at tha time pl ar "Falls There, Bal akgestiod the land could i gd hp nig WE Suseullders ASscix|ORPA Sm Recommend Shanges ya ka, lo proba I hier vertising firm's books. dots ssionary' | : wa, Niag alls, ' as § s 2 y and county clerk-treasurer Wil-|tion, and some of sub-con-'in area planning but w|condition than one built yester- Y0 eran missionary in the India field. the crash. Hamilton and Toronto, !be leased for one dollar a year. |liam J. Manning. tractors." them ap ght 0 oa day, he said. yes