THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 18, 1960 § ILIARIES GROUPS, CLUBS END AUX L {ladies, the remaining members| Plans were made to have a 1 p! prepared the monthly letter for iellowship Supper hy Dalvaly Bap NS UKRAINIAN WA |ed her with a small gift from all{liam Collins and Mrs. 0 yd the Bible Club Movement. | tist Church Marc s > 5%. jouvsy of the St. John's|{the members present. ' | Burkett followed by the singing np. Fred Lesage was in| tend the Social evangelistic Canadian Ukrainian Women's| Refreshments bearing a Valen-|of favorite hymns . charge of the devotional period. Al fampaign which be L eriati oBarvinock Branch" [tine theme, were served by the The Reverend R. B. Milroy] 2 : that time with Rev. J. Wa ter | Aare Hosoi Joseph hostess, Mrs. Joseph Maga. will be guest speaker on March helpful message was given by Main as speaker, | . Maga for the February meeting. The March meeting will be held 7. . Luke 240-32. She compared the The next meeting will be held, ' " [Maga for Soe Mrs. 'Walter Kuch, at the home of Mrs. Nicholas Mensbers were reminded of growth of Christians to that of March 7 at 991 Chevrolet avenue. Fh, | the meeting with prayer. |Semeniuk. the women's world day of Prayeri pies and pointed out that as| {opened the 3 to be held on March 4 at King | The secretary's report was pre-\ sx ANDREW'S COUPLES CLUB Street United Church. babies differed in periods of| HOUSEHOLD HINT | % |sented by Mrs, John Goreglad A conducted tour through the Members were also reminded growth and development, so like! For informal entertaining, a) a vg jeposts Were| anglo-Drug Company proved ajthat the club's 45th birthday|wise did Christians. {tea cart can be set beforehand iread by Mrs. Steven Gonta and ® most interesting evening for theiparty will be held on February| yp wag decided to set a mis- in the kitchen with cups, sau- . Mrs. Nicholas Semeniuk Couples Club he various de-22 at 2 p.m, |sionayy objective for the vear hav-| cers, plates and spoons, hen, I soreglad was chos t ts anufacturing, lab-| Refreshments were served by; iv ' Mrs. John Goreglad was chosen partments of manufacturing la $ si ing as the objective one month's | | las a representative from the clublatory offices, and . warehouses Mrs, Norman Hodgson and Mrs. | vance for Miss Marie Arm. | With teapot and food added, to the forthcoming Jaycette Din- were explained. The group then| Robert G. Collison |strong, who is a missionary in| wheeled into dining room or liv-| EG p " in > ar where Mr. OLD COUNTRY CLUB S . . EE eR i the ee Gaier Go | - ---- ------ atisfaction Guaranteed The president thanked Mrs, and 8 sel "via E | is - : 4 Paul Plishka and all the other devotional period. Mrs. B. Bo" roup of the Oshawa and |[f {members who assisted in the James reported for the nominat \district Old Country Club took BUSINESS GIRLS, HOUSEWIY i Replacement or Money Sund: : Worm place recently with 20 members . favorable weather conditions, the officers were elected for the com- |, ent. ° Register Now for Y.W.C.A. I Refund | ner which is to be held in thel returned to the church and gath-| [South Africa. ling Hg Fin y The regular meeting of the 1- | p-- ow School party. Due to un. Ing comn it and the following {toboggan party was not held. In ing year. Dr. George Telford per | The meeling "opened: With stead, the children met in the| formed the installation as fol prayer, roll call and reading of CHARM COURSE parish hall for movies and lunch. |10WS ; ; minutes. | ' | " Honorabl esidents, The Rev i ask gt ., | | A discussion on the annul "May Hono able presidents, :| An interesting film of the Cana- Dance" followed. The following and Mrs. George Telford: past|gian Rockies and the work of the ll 6 WEEK COURSE, | Primrose 100% Stretchy members were chosen to convene presidents, Mr. an Mee Kalam United Rations ig given by Mrs. fi FIVE THURSDAY EVENINGS | is affair. Mrs. Walter Grego-|Siksay; presidents, Mr. and MIS. Ernest Langdale : ie 2 Mrs Steven Gonta and|Jack Rudniski; vice - presidents,| Members were asked to note || AND ONE TUESDAY EVENING ' I Mrs. John Kostick. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Warren; [that there would be no meeting | I ! wo ..l2nd vice . presidents, Mr. and|at Simcoe Hall next month. In- {fi 7:30 P.M. 2 Pairs in P | The president announced hati, coi. 7 nton; secretaries, stead the regular meeting, follow-| n Package oh she had receiv Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bryant;led by a dinner, will be held in|}l STARTING THURSDAY, FEB. 25th Fits Size 812 to. 11 from the Can t tn sasurers, Mr, and Mrs. Tony the Hotel Genosha. Anyone inter. Youth Association to cater to a € which is to follow their De Boo; press secretaries, Mr.|ested was asked fo contact Mrs. |f Qualified Speakers on-- | Reg. 49¢ pair and Mrs. Victor Kitchen Ernest Langdale or any member || Bowling Tournament. The "™ 1 : n followed of the entertainment committee. | ° Skin Core @ Hair Styling ° Diet © Clothes I 2 VAN . readily consented Ic £ el S 10 ollowe t ho diner. Mrs Paul whereby a regular bowling Nght CALVARY - BAPTIST WOME ® Posture -- © Panel Dizcussion on Charm SI EC AL FOR ; 1 Sat-| | | t rch 4 1e| was agreed u COIX Ti Calvar; si $ Wom lone li J R jue alvaly Business 2 fee $2.00 for the course plus $1.50 Y.W.C.A, Membership Phone RA 3-7625 -- (a. ernoons) to rey ster ec ry and to make other urd i h. Reire n's Fellowship met recently at gi ry arrangements. m were se hy the com-the home of Mrs. Robert Prit-|ig L is ; 1 sjat smbers also mittee in charge and the evenmgichard, Burk street While part of I a ------ y ; .,.-- Children's und Ladies' loci 3 Pa oa Fo St John's | Was brought to a close with bene-|the group visited elderly shut-in decide 0 ASSIS 4 i JO 18 em | | diction by Dr. Telford -- HIGH HATTED [Sisterhood in the cleaning of the ae on) wo a ig | I POODLE SOCKS } ig ingo evening will T regular eting the | ; o ornational- recent tou sh A Social Bingo evening will be The regular meeting of tf pay Bothwel Joie: EO: | 1 : sample of her more held on Wednesday, March 2, in|pPleasant Monday Afternoon Club With Super Soft Stretchy Foot was named one of the "best 200 fiss 'Bot + |St. John's parish hall. All the opened with the vice - president, hats . . mb agreed to donate bingo!Mrs. Elwood Bradley, presiding. ¢ ] atted women in America" fo ' _. |members agre \ i : bation straight vears and 1 lives in New York and Is presi- |5 ticles and home baking for the| py < called by Mrs. Rob: Sizes 8h.) Sizes VAT Ji. year was elected to the hat of the Canadian Womien's lunch that will follow ert G. Collison. The scripture les- J wearers 'Hall of Fame". Here, | Club there 7 Guest speaker this evening was|son was read by Mrs. Lloyd before embarking by plane on | Mrs. Helen Hardy, cosmetic spe- Patterson - ge p EL t beauty eonsultant for| The secretary's and treasurer's Ladies' N GOOD GRAVY WHAT'S IN A NAME? n' an interesting reports were read Mi 8. Melville 4 I ew ¢ Gravy . 1 to browr DENHAM England j nformative demor mB sy and Mrs. Everett Dart If your gravy refuses to brow VDENHAM an add a little instant coffee to it." 16-mor marriz setween |and talk on the correct applica 3 reported to be on the sick | CRISP ONE PIECE i \ n |tior make-up and good This will give it a rich brov Marriage fega 1 of make-uf X piphmnte Se Rl SPORTSWEAR LD. | COLLARS BUEHLERS ,<¢ "RT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE [| co e worm mers ware 59c & 79c BARGAINS YOU DREAM ABOUT BUT SELDOM EVER GET! Latest Spring Colors in Ladies' "The Finest Quality Meats at The Lowest Prices!" Tomorrow and Sat urday "Hint of a Tint" ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER STOCK TAKING NYLONS BEEF STEAKS:: wm. 69:| GVEAWAYs |i s CLUB and BLADE STEAKS Ih. 55¢ SPORTSWEAR YOU CAN WEAR YEAR ROUND | Sizes 8% to 11 RUMP ROAST uous Ib. 59 ch) 1.00 Pr. ROUND STEAK ROAST :oneiess GROUP 1 GROUP 2 POT ROAST uous swouiomm Ib. 0. Reguior to 2.95 Reguior 13 9.95 Manufacturer STEWING BEEF coniss po YOUR 1.00 YOUR 3.00 FOR oo Cone. | CHOICE CHOICE . . ge | | NAVE BE TEASPOON 10° ge SCARVES -- BELTS BLOUSES -- SWEATERS -- BELTS 4 Reg. 25¢. Now . .... Ready-to-Serve ii # DESSERT SPOON ¢ ceo FIAMS w53« 1 | | Lom | Frames | | MY) EEE. Reg. 59¢c. Now .... 25° FRESH LEG O' PORK Centre Cuts ws 59 DESSERT FORKS 13 ; 1 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 | 1d Reg. 29¢. Now .... ROAST End Cuts . 48 %| bi Appa | ~ AAPPAANS, i Regular to 17.95 Regular to 29.95 SAT LEAN, SLICED Sky BREAKFAST BACON bb. 39° ou, 500 | rn 10.00 SKIRTS -- TARTAN VESTS '-- Special ! FRIDAY ONLY! SWEATERS (Ban-Lon, Wool, Bulkies); CAR COATS, SLIMS, SKIRTS, LUNCHEONETTE VIYELLA SHIRTS (Gerhard Kennedy); SWEATERS, KNIT-SUITS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, DRESSES, WOOL JERSEY Lean Poamealed 3 COUNTRY SAUSECE BLOUSES, CHECK JACKETS 2-PC. CO-ORDINATES. Ib. 9. BUY 5 LB. AT REGULAR PRICE 1.00 DELICATESSEN Cottage Rolls AND GET 5 LBS. FREE a GROUP 5 THESE a ARE ALL CUT UP CHICKEN STUFFED READY FOR THE OVEN--FRESH | DEPOSIT REGULAR PRICE TO 59.50 DOOR- : Fresh LEGS -- THIGHS -- BREAST £g¢ PORK SHOULDERS 1b. 39+ WiLL OPENING RASPBERRY TARTS Ib. HOLD YOUR 5 00 9:30 WINGS 0k 9 = 19¢ YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS, 49° SEE SPECIALS With reg) ee . NE . . o b TKS MEATY SPARERIES. Lb OUR REVERSIBLE SKIRTS -- FAMOUS SPORT- od RITE CARCOATS -- ALL WEATHER FIRST , WINDOWS | oats --_ SPRING CLOTH SUITS -- COME SPECIAL 72c¢ Doz. Meaty 5 Ibs. 1 00 Meaty BRAISING RIBS FOR ' » 43 KNIT SUITS -- NEW SLIMS -- NEW FIRST PORK HOCKS Ib. ' BARGAINS NAVY BLAZERS -- 2-PC. CO-ORDIN- Smoked B Ibs. 1 00 Lean BEEF HEARTS 39° ATES AND OTHER ITEMS SERVED BACON SQUARES " ib. v ; ; Feather-Light Orange Skinless Abs. Lean Sliced COOKED HAM WIENERS 3 1.00 Ib. 19 : ; NOTE--Broken sizes and shades--All sales final please. , "= BOLOGNA CHIFFON CAKE RIB STEW BEEF 1.00 7 25 | End Cuts -- By the Piece, Ib. . Delicious, Low in Calories. IT'S COTTON PICKIN' TIME AGAIN : YOUR WEEKLY RECIPE!!! And we have the largest crop of dresses ever. Pick yourself up in a new THURS., FRI. Reg. : SWISS. STEAK Fortenints Bown. ra wall crisp perky cotton. from 10,95. SAT. [ 4 49¢ ad' gp Ib. round steak 1" thick Sprinkle 14 cups sliced Tender EAT'N AL DX an a ZENG rsAs A tbsp. dry: mustard \ beef. Add 2 tbsps, Worcester- | TRUE-TRIMBEEF : 2%) § to woh shire sauce, 2 tsps brawn sugor | OSHAWA ! 3 4 Sl cup flor pour ¢ ver me at. Cove F and bake SHOPPING OPEN EVERY ,12 KING ST. E. RA 3-3633 begin oe ip glo Ril iil CENTRE FRIDAY, NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ,