Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Feb 1960, p. 3

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MODEL OF GIANT ROCKET ENGINE This mock-up model shows the startling size of America's most powerful rocket now being developed by the Rocket dyne division of North America Aviation for flight in about four years. It is designed to produce 'WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1960 3 ~~ Much Colder For Thursday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 11 a.m.: Synopsis: Snow falling throughout the Central Ontario {region but skies are clear and £2 |temperatures well below zero in . [the northernmost regions. The 'colder air will reach Southern Ontario during the night. On Thursday partlv cloudy skies and cold weather is forecast for all of Ontario with considerable cloudiness and . frequent snow- flurries persisting east of Lake Huron and in the North Regional forecasts valid, until midnight Thursday: Lake Erie, |Niagara, western Lake Ontario |regions, Windsor, Hamilton, Tor- onto: Cloudy with intermittent light snow today. Thursday partly | cloudy with a few light snow- ¥iflurries. Mild today turning | colder Thursday, winds southwest 115 today west to northwest 15 to 125 Thursday. | Lake Huron, southern Georgian |Bay regions, London: Cloudy {with light snow todav. Thursday |cloudy with snowflurries. Mild to- day, turning colder Thursday. {Winds southwest 15 today becom- ling west to northwest 20 to 30 is Miss Tregoff Still Denies Everything LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Carole] » Tregoff Tuesday ended her two-| _.2 day ordeal under cross-examina- |{tion erect and composed, un- shaken in her denial that she and her surgeon lover murdered his | Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton regions: Cloudy and mild with wet snow today and Thurs-| day turning colder Thursday eve- ning. Winds southwest 15 becom- ing northwest 15 to 20 Thursday evening ! wife Northern Georgian Bay, Kirkl spe told of being in love with BkG bate, idly "Dr. R. Bernard Finch. The state a Eva as Suter Bo ic Ba today and Thursday. Mild today! 0a Sean Bing and hid- turning colder Thursday. Winds ino in bushes when Finch and his easterly 15 today becoming north- wife struggled over a gun he west 15 to 20 Thursday. says went off accidentally: Forecast Temperatures "I was frozen ... 1 w cared | Low tonight High Thursday . . I was completely horrified | Windsor ay 25 . it was like a nightmare. = | St. Thomas 3 25 don't know whv. When I'd London 25 been frightened in the past, ex-| Wingham 2 periences I don't want to talk Toronto ; about, I've always run and hid-| Trenton (den. It's all because of childhood | Catharines |experiences."" SC Stharives [DEFENCE EVIDENCE IN Muskoka After her testimony, the de- Killaloe fence all but officially rested its 2arlton |case. The doctor's attorney asked | udbury |permission to call other wit- inessek *'if 1 think of any." | And because two of the state's Jean, unable to choose between them, has agreed to marry the twin who wins 104-mile race in steep hills of North Wales from Bangor to Flint and back. Jean Girling, 19, holds hands with 19-year-old identical twins, Howard, left, and Vaughan Clarke, at University of North Wales, Bangor, Wales, today. THEY'LL RACE FOR HER HAND It is due to start Friday. For 8 month the twins dated Jean in turn while all three have been attending university. ~--AP Wirephoto Kapuskasing .. jrebuttal witnesses haven't ar- White River .. as adjourned to this morning. | KINSMEN WEEK , space craft to the moon. Ex- haust chamber is at right. Pump at left would force fuel into the firing chamber. Cylin- der fuel tank would be fasten- "ed at left 1 1,500,000 pounds of thrust, but a government official said to- day that six of the huge rockets may be clustered to produce nine million pounds of thrust Experts said that would be enough to hurl a 100,000-pound --AP Wirephoto 1} By W. M. (BILL) HUNTER Truck Stopped By _osiTuaiEs Union Picketers A dozen pickets appeared with- in a few minutes on Ontario street Tuesday afternoon after a concrete mixing truck from Port Hope tried to get into a building being constructed by Sam Jack- son. 4 Sinc rly January the Inter- national Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, Local 597, started pick- eting the building because the union complained that the build- er was using non-union labor. The building has been picketed five and a half days a week since then by one or more members belonging to the bricklayers union, Local 20; Plumbers, Local 463 and the electricians, Local 854 POLICE CALLED When a truck belonging Ready-Mix, Port Hope, drew up outside the building Tuesday afternoon, the picketers refused to President 1955-56 This week is "Kinsmen Week" across the length and breadth of Canada. We are taking this oc- MRS. MARGARET LANG casion to outline some of the past poor health for several activities of the Kinsmen Club of Mrs. Margaret Lang, Oshawa, and tonight we will deal In months, Aberdeen awa General Hospital, Tuesday, ber, 1955, to September, 1956. Feb. 16. She was in her 90th The executive that year were year. as follows: President, Bill Hun- Born in South Monaghan town- ter; first vice-president, T ed ship, the former Margaret Wood, Reed; second vice - president, she was the daughter of the late{Jack Menzie; past president, Al Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood. Pollard; secretary, Bob Bobig; A resident of Oshawa for the registrar, Leo Krantz; treasurer, past 14 years, Mrs. Lang for-'Dick Donald: bulletin editor, Earl merly lived in Bailieboro. Southern; directors, Gord Bell, She was devoted to her home|Dick Bowers, Frank Downey, and church life and was a mem-|John Nicholls, Dr. Holt Webster. ber of Sl. Andrew's United] In September, 1955 the Kins- Church. men Club of Oshawa, 100 mem- Mrs. Lang was predeceased by hers strong, commenced a new her husband, Joseph Lang in Kinsmen Year. The new execu- 1945 tive and the club as a whole, were She is survived by a daughter|a]l set to run more welfare proj- Local 894 and J. Keleman, agent for Local 20, spoke to the police officers and gave them permis- sion to allow the concrete mixing crew into the building "We did it out of courtesy to the police," Mr. Beckstead said Mr, Beckstead said he could get as many pickets as he need- eq and would use.them if neces- sary It had been necessary for the construction firm to go to Port Hope for concrete because no Oshawa firm would supply it, he said. Mr. Walters, foreman for Mr Jackson, who is the builder and owner of the building under con- struction, said that the workmen employed by the firm did not want to become union members. He had given union represen- tatives the opportunity to come in and recruit the men, and they at Lake Orion, Michigan. | The had not joined. The firm had| Also surviving are a sister, |..ffes were declared illegal also offered contracts for sub-{Mrs. M. St. Mary Jewison, of ianio County September; 1955. Miss Esther Lang. Four of the ever before. Before the Ban On Raffles Reduced Revenue street, died at the Osh-|with the Kinsmen Year Septem- FE and seven sons. The daughter is ects and raise more money than the past year. month|were held at the children's shel- sons live in Oshawa; Clifton, Ger- was over, the club ran into two|ter, and the big Christmas party ald. Sidney and Haig. Two sons, major obstacles and because of also at the shelter was a huge William and Carl, live in Peter-|these, less money was raised than success. borough; a son, Donald, resides in many of the previous years! first blow came when car the Elmer Safety Elephant Cam. in| paign and equipment for the safe- North Bay rived from out of town) the case I Moosonee . It is expected to go to the jury early next week. Prosecutors say Carole, 23, a former model, and the wealthy, 42-year-old surgeon killed his wife at the Finch estate in suburban Mocking Birds 4 Visit Pickering [without sharing his estate with| PICKERING (Special) -- Lis- counter is sold out of suet almost (her in a divorce settlement. For|iening to the mocking bird has|every week. The woodpeckers, in 2% years Carole had been the po.ome an increasingly "favored particular, keep feeding stations | | {doctor's mistress. pastime among the bird watchers| empty of this delicacy -- a nec- \ lof Pickering township, 25 miles|essity as they feed on the fat least of Toronto who have repor-|which helps keep them warm. ct han (2 ted that several of the birds are| Simplest feeding station used| spending the winter in this vie-|here is easy to make, Just knock| inity | the bottom out of a wooden but- D - d B According to the Department of ter box, leaving the four sides. esire Y the Eastern mocking bird have supply it with wikipird Seeds ad now been seen at Chippewa in|suet (fasten o a nail driven the Niagara Falls district, Clare-|up from: the bottom to prevent - mont, north of Pickering, and in|squirrels, cats or birds from tak} Pickering village itself. ing it) and stay away from the| ' ' The bird is as large as a robin,| window for a few days. After| k|_TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario I oar, pi 2 a long-|that, cardinals chicadees, wood- Federation of Labor (CLC) ex- er tail. It is grey above and white|peckers and other birds may ac-| pects to Mee! Soon with Attor- below, with large white patches lua) i \ : i and tail which are|food runs short changing the Crown Agencies Act Co Man ly flight, It some EE Jia leave Crowy Sumployges vile what resembles the shrike, ex- . - s Act: 1, % | afm t 4 cept that the latter has a black C t G t P 5 Secretary Douglas Hamilton said facial mask, and shows less white u 1an ine i et a " dt ai wings and tail. N Li d Mr. Roberts has said he would call the meeting, he said. GOOD MIMICS : ear 1n say Mini is one of two legislative Many Woekingbirds gre excel. LINDSAY (Special) -- "Three jcaanges sought :at this gession of lent mimics -- hence the name. ly... of this size would go a long {the legislature by organized la- The bird can imitate birds o {Wav towards building the aver- bor. The other is to make certain other species found in the vicini-|, o~ " g » {hay A . » lage modern home of today." re- session Io te, Professions] Ens | night. visor of the ontario Department neers Act which enlarged the| Despite reports that the birdsior Lands and Forests here fol- body of persons classed as pro-iare very rare in Ontario, mem-|joying the harvesting of a forest fessional engineers, thus exemnpl-| bers of the Department's fish and|giant in Bruton township. : jig iety from the Labor Rela- Whe yal state ey have The tree, a white pine, had an . {been observed in increasi - : g Mr. Hamilton said what labor hers during the past few orale erdll 'height of 120 feet, and wants is to have "spelled out" the rm An site 11a heen |began life at least 150 years be- I {One nesting site has TepOr-ifore Canada became a nation. The club spent about $2000 on ty patrols at the schools. The Crown's Plan Is Rejected The crown attorney's practice of laying two charges differing in the degree of seriousness for the same offense was rejected by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell in Osh- awa magistrate's court Tuesday, The magistrate would not allow Assistant Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck to proceed on a care- less driving charge against Damas Francoeur with the inten. tion of proceeding with a charge of failing to make a proper right turn if he failed to get a convic- tion on the careless driving charge. "1 can't agree that a person must be guilty of either one or the other charges," he said. 'The police officers should decide on the charge which best fits the sit- uation and then proceed on it," he declared. Mr. Mitchell stated afterwards that he feels such a practice would be 'persecution'. He said that when it is possible to proceed on two charges it is good policy to go ahead on the one that is in the best interests of the accused. The crown subsequently with. drew the careless driving charge. Francoeur pleaded guilty to the second charge of am improper right turn. He was fined $25 and eosts, 'Hospital Gets Lands and Forest, specimens of Nail this to a window ledge, | | lly knock on the window when |ney-General Roberts to discuss Monthly partials i508 in revisions enacted last|ty and frequently sings during the ports R. A. Quirt, scaling Super- f i statute s A i 9 | 1 wording of each statute so there (aq in Toronto. (Bert Hicks, jobber for the com. Kinsmen Club pay for all thelwill be no misunderstanding| vw. pig observed in or near pany which operated on the | Gift Of Pork 'We will have to be alert to any complaints about getting too | much pork to eat", Oshawa Gen. |eral Hospital Superintendent Wil liam Holland grinned at Tues- day's meeting of the hospital board. Mr. Holland explained the quip by telling the board that the de. partment of agriculture has seve eral hundred carloads of surplus canned pork, and that the depart- ment recently donated 5000 pound of this pork to the hospital. about how much they are rean:| Pickering village came readily to|limits, said it was the best white He said he thought "they were | feeding stations and dined along|pine he had ever cut. not meant to be used against or.| With sparrows, starlings, wood-| The tree measured 48 inches ganized labor." peckers and chicadees on a var-(across the stump and produced He said the association of pro.|iety of bird foods, ; |five high-quality saw logs, three fessional engineers had agreed| Some residents of this areajof 16 feet and two of 14 foot with the OFL request for a fur-|claim that more people in On-|lengths before reaching the ther change to their act. Last|tario than any-where else supply|limbs. The logs had a total vol- year's amendment allowed drafts- Winter provisions for wild birds, ume of 3166 board feet. men, engineering technologists|and it is a fact that almost every! In a few more years, depart- and technicians to join the as-|Store in the village of Pickeringiment experts said, the tree would sociation but a change is being|itself stocks up with bird food, have started to deteriorate for sought to leave them under the|Particularly sunflower seeds--for|trees, just as garden produce, Labor Relations Act as they once|the winter months. begins to "go bad" if they are The local chain store's meat'not harvested when ripe. WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC NO CHANGE IN THE PRICE OF OUR CAMERA FILMS 1.40 2 23, 338 Simcoe NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $100 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 THURS. TILL 7 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 6 P.M. EUCHRE PARTY SINCLAIR'S HOME AND SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, FEB. 19th at 8 p.m. Lunch and Prizes BINGO AVALON HALL THURS., FEB. 18 8 P.M. EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC 20 Regular Gomes, $6 & $10 6 Jackpots Share The Wealth to allow the driver to cross their trades to union contractors but/Oshawa, a. brother, Burton, ofip i " 7a " 2 ' I 2 » Olipor many years the Kinsmen BH line. J. Walter, construction fore-linay had not accepted them.|Tacoma, Wash. 15 grandchil- oy, had ¥ ye raising from $5000/13in coats, hats, belts and badges police. union had been employed on the| Service will be held in the Mc- 3 T Duri 56 li i ot 2 ] «ar raffles. The second dis uring 1956 life membership Fred Beckstead business rep-|jyiiding, Intosh Funeral Chapel, Thurs- Bugl oar Ee Sh Se strike| certificates were presented to resentative of Local 597; K day, Feb. 18, at 2 p.m. Rev. G.! v uniil SOring four past presidents after over 10 . Johnston, business manager of Telford St. Andrew' / from September until spring of : d . ini or a1 o row s United|jg55 pue to the dire financial|Years of yeoman service. These Only Two Qui {Church will lead the service. |.i...mstances of the majority of Were Doug Chesebrough, Rex COMING EVENTS : Cemetery. \to raise money at that lime Son. 1955-36 saw the erection of SR' McIN through projects such as bin- road signs, something which had Nursin Stait | , ROBERT G. MCINTYRE 2) Proj been talked about for years. 17, 8 p.m. 20 games $6 and $8. 6--S$40 An Oshawa resident and Gen- 80S jackpots. Share the Wealth eral Motors employee since 1920 . x Q TR WIN EFFICIENCY TROPHY "BROWNE GC. > wr Mrs. G. Telford, director of Robert G. Melntyr : «MEMBERS STILL BITTER Yr yd Town Hall, es de LOE ig pert G. Melntyre, died here The club attempted substitute Although 1955-56 was not too pital, told the meeting of the hos- year . PLAN now to attend the regular meet. pital board, Tuesday, that during|" My. Mcintyre lived at 100 Elgin car raffle, but due to the GM way, the hard working executive Eo A a af Lhe past month, nine graduate street east. He had been in poor strike at the time, these were not Were tops in "Efficiency". Osh- Yom. hg gg nurses have joined the staff, and|health for the past two years. |i00 successful. The members were Wa won the District No. 8 Effi- North, Everyone welcome only two resignations have been| He was born in Glasgow, Scot-|and are still bitter because they ciency Trophy and tied nine other - ' having car clubs for the National Efficiency Thursday 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday, 8 Mrs, Telford reported that two ried the former Annie O'Brien in raffles. This money. 4 , p.m. Whist Monday 8 p.m. clothes dryers have been installed Knox Presbyterian Church, Osh-|welfare projects in other towns With Monty Cranfield Service | {in the two nurses' residences, and awa, on Dec. 21, 1922 and cities. The welfare activities Shield for the club with the best | that a portable hi-fi has been in-| Mr. McIntyre was a member of of the Oshawa Kinsmen Club Service record in 'Zone C". stalled in McLaughlin Hall nurses' ithe Canadian Legion. He served|were drastically curtailed as a General 'meetings were held in residence. She said that these|with the Imperial Army, through |result of the Car Raffle Ban here. the Genosha Hotel every second ii : : I Spr] 956 th luk : the student nurses Surviving are his wife, Annie, | B the spring of_1956 he U0121. A summer meeting was held pi ' "'lhad its annual Kinsmen Carnival / ' Mrs. Telford told the board that four daughters, four sons, two nd this netted about $1000. We one in July and one in August. | a time and activity studv will be|sisters, a brother and 10 grand-|? i od pled a fo R The president and many mem- | conducted on some wards in the children cone uted Sud o! x I J igi bers of the executive attended the hospital, to establish which tasks, The four daughters: Mrs. Stan- Craws amongst out mem Jers an fall council meeting at Timmins |take most time, and whether lev Rospond, (Josephine); Mrs,/made about $1400. Bingos pro some ward duties can be given Joseph meeting in Peterboro i | facip A g 0 in March, [to staff members less busy than John Blencowe, (Shirley), all of dies campaign $110 1956 1 the distyiol o ch | J ) For ves i Wb re 956 and the district convention those at present doing these tasks.|Oshawa: and Mrs. Robert Mathi.| For years the club ran motor-i; "ye on J Th : 4 'd re p arneice V wwele races July 1 at Alexandra Mustoka in June. he Dress Mrs. Telford reported that on son, (Berneice), of Toronto. cycle races Ju a Aident al 4 : . Tw p i S ! ole Ba ie y ent also attended the national) Saturday, Feb. 20, the school of| The four sons are: Robert Mc- Park. At first this project was convention in Windsor early in nursing staff will be hostesses to|Intyre, Jr., Raymond and Reg-|very successful, but because ol September, 1955 » y man for Sam. the|Bricklayers belonging to the|dren and 14 great-grandehildren.|; "cio 000 a year from their an- used by the safety patrols. Interment will be in Bailieboro o,,. citizens, it was very diffjcult| Cox, Ray Hobbs and Herb Robin BINGO, Union Hall, Bond Street, Feb. nursing at Oshawa General Hos- Tuesday i I 3 A 3 om Tuesday. He: wes in. his. 68th projects in place of the forbidden Successful in 'a money raising BINGO Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue, received. land, on Dec. 24, 1895. He mar-(were cut off from is spent on|Trophy. The club also came up | items are greatly appeciated by|1914-1918, in France and Belgium. | Thursday from Sept. 15 to June | Smith, (Gloria): Mrs, duced $500 and a Koins for Kid- in October, 1955, the spring | students of Grades 11. 12 and 13, |inald, all of Oshawa; and Ronald |the advent of TV, more cars and P Point hospital career, are invited to|ronto, and Mrs. Mima Chambers, therefore it was decided to aban- roves om film show in McLaughlin Hall. Service will be conducted from ejfare work, partially thanks to magistrate's court that it pays to| LONDON, Ont. (CP The Christ Memorial Church, will of lights on your car, |have agreed to observe daylight PLEADS GUILTY with his old head lamp under his Gerald R. Moss, 241 Drew SL. then shook the light so the magis- been selected by the Oshawa & a. was ct ) Wellington Ave., was fined $10 working well when he stopped ing. The tender was submitted. The ambulances of the Oshawa FATALITY-FREE heating, ventilating and air con- mo at pr STREETS CLOSED : s North Battleford Tuesday with| 73,306 §7 Marion avenue to Rossland road i 800 streets will be partially opened Messrs. E. T. Parkin and R. V. streets. Franklin, actually was never Plans for the building were re-! The first of the February series Times Classified ads tell The estimates for the revised today with Sgt. Ernest Barker of | 127, 120, 620, COLOR-- EACH K-135, 20 EXPOSURE-- EACH 8 MM. MOVIE ROLL-- EACH . 8 MM. MOVIE MAGAZINE-- EACH PRESTO STEAM IRONS Fully automatic controls, extra light, requires less effort, no distilled water needed. 13.90 INGRAHAM SUNBURST WALL CLOCKS RETAIL 11.95 2 QE Cc WHOLESALE 4.90 SPECIAL Below Wholesale GAMES AND TOYS For All Ages At Discount Prices not in Oshawa SCHICK -- 3-SPEED ELECTRIC RAZORS RETAIL 31.50 19 te be) LJ WHOLESALE aie FTE St. Mary's Bingo WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th - 8 p.m. St. Mary of the People Auditorium STEVENSON'S RD. N. AT MARION King St. Bus to the door, bus will be waiting at auditorium after Bingo is over. 16 GAMES OF $6.00 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD INCLUDES TICKETS ON 5 TURKEYS TO BE DRAWN TONIGHT CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED | TOASTERS By. Presto 2 10r10,90 | RECORD PLAYERS Seabreeze Stereo. 29 90 BEE EI I I SE . As Low As FILTRO FULLY AUTOMATIC COFFEE PERCOLATORS 2 TO 9 CUPS GENERAL ELECTRIC { KETTLE | 2-QT. SIZE 9 {ik ® . 4 1 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL ONLY | H I | BRYLCREEM cvmisiniia IY Retail 74c. DISCOUNT PRICE Oshawa Discount House 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 from local and neighboring high of Toronto. 'cottages, the gate receipts com- schools. She said that any student! Also surviving are two sisters, menced to dwindle. In July, 1956, -- in these grades interested in any Mrs. Ernest Fulford (Isobel), To-|/the club just broke even, and, meet in the hospital rotunda at|Glasgow, Scotland; and one don this project in future. 9 a.m. Saturday. There will be a brother, William, also from Glas: The club during 1955-56 still 1] ourt tour of the hospital, followed by a gow, Scotland. managed to keep up much of their i John Charles Balfour, 856 Hor-| the Armgtrong Funeral Home onl, carry-over in the treasury from {0p avenue, proved Tuesday in SET EDT PERIOD Thursday, Feb. 18, at 1:30 p.m y --- IN 7 Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, of save vour old headlamps -- that f I I ne : Yo he vou have been charged for town of Ingersoll, Sn fous south lead the service, CITY AND having the proper number Ce SLES ACA] Interment will: be Kitchener, Waterloo and Galt-- pion Cemetery. DISTRICT Magistrate A. S. Mitchell dis- r h missed the charge against Bal- {saving time in their areas this four whe . § a a are Apia A T d four when he appeared in court 24, until 2 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 30 ccept en er Three people pleaded guilty {0 apm. He pointed to a small hole i - SpE charges of careless driving in jn {he lamp which he said was! F B ildi magistrate's court Tuesday. nrohably caused by a pebble. He| g jE James Robe Joy Ss Me, trate could hear the rattle. | A ". . P 0 dd . A tender for $305,536.65 has|eosts. Mrs. Irene Campbell, 75 OFF Constable H. V. Mallory SIS, S. ampbell, ™ said that his flashlight was not| Board of Education for building ang costs ' : the proposed Board of Adminis- Balfour and thus he didn't notice tration and Maintenance build- FOUR ROUTINE CALLS the hole by Bradford-Hoshal and includes Fire Department answered four seeding and sodding. routine calls during the past 24] NORTH BATTLEFORD, Sask. For plumbing and draining, hours (CP) -- Three years without a nd traffic fatality were celebrated in ditioning of the building, the The following. street vill b {board chose the te submi Bi Sucels O€ Larking jo i Ghote the le adler 58 biniited closed" for = construction 'today: parking meters hooded for free )y Haro! . Star imi alictevenson road ot] parking. The last traffic fatality $ S north, from : : pac, : in this city of 9.000 was in 1957. aT ire way Solty est: 'Tavior avenue, ram Pare sctrical contract was submi A ' ap ee h " well avenue fo Harmony road by Hill-Cornish Limited for $34.- oth Whenever possible these All tenders were selected ten- to permit movement of local FRANKLIN'S IDEA |tatively at a board meeting, The traffic. Extreme heavy rain may 4 larchitects for the building, result in the closing of other, _ Controversial day light sav- ing time first advocated by |B. Burgoyne of John B, Parkin : Associates were present. TRAFFIC CLINIC used until WW1, and then to ] r 3 5 save electricity. vised after it was found that the of Traffic Clinics, held in the Around the clock Oshawa building as planned originally courtroom at the Oshawa Police vould have cost $500,000. Building, will open at 7.30 p.m. prospects about the bedroom 24 A suites or other furnitur building have now to be approved the Oshawa Police Department in want to sell. . you |by the Ontario Municipal Board. charge. (Between Gibb and Olive) {

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