Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Feb 1960, p. 4

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TIMES HOME OF THE 4 ee x ¥ Wn vs Mail Valentines On Decline 1960 LOVELAND, Colo. (AP)-- Postmaster Fred Brewer said Friday the valentine-by-mail business is off this year. Brewer estimated that be. tween 45,000 and 50,000 valen- tines have been received here so far for mailing, about 15,000 fewer than last ye He said this may be "be. cause Valentine's Day falls Rotarian Of London Trip BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- No matter where a Rotarian tra- vels he will find Rotary the world over has tke same principles) and purpose. To realize fully what this means a Rotarian must visit clubs in other countries said Ro- tarian Charlie Carter, addressing the Rotary Bowmanville Club at ALONG THE LAKESHORE Tells every four years in London's Olympia. the Baker's Exhibition," he told] the club. | Mr. Carter said he was amazed at London traffic. "I always thought Toronto and BY ANGUS GORDON DISTRICT EDITOR The arbitrary decisions of Met- points out that an assessment fig- ure for the area soon as the Authority takes over arrived at as Views Hidden Cost Of a gy osu yoy Conservation Projects In view of Metro's announced ambition to spread further east and west from its present bound- aries, perhaps other municipal Ww Rw the land. It remains static at that figure, regardless of what im- provements take place, and what buildings, includ td hy g Ir are added after that date. There is no provision for the increase in land values or other factors Montreal were bad for traffic, [fo Colisesvation Authority whieh, but neither have anything on Lon- (fringe municipalities such as don," he said. "Even where they Pickering township with unpro- have lights, they must have 'cops' (ductive playgrounds in the guise to clear the traffic jams. Other-|of 'conservation areas" has a- on Sunday this year. Those sent in today won't be deliv- ered until Monday." This year's verse on the postmark read: « "It's fun to be remembered councils in the area will examine Reeve Scott's statements with tome concern, 1960 BUDGET The . Metro Authority mean. its luncheon meeting Friday. Mr. Carter is a member of Bowmanville Rotary Club Inter- national Service committee and has just returned from a tour of On this very special day; When cupid's brand on val- entines True words of love con- England. He stated the purpose of his visit to Britain was to attend the Baker's International Exhibition wise working folk wouldn't get|roused the ire of Reeve J. Sher- home to their meals," he added. iman Scott. The reeve claims that "Another thing which amazed some of his recent remarks on which may affect the in the i basis of he diate area me in London was the spirit of|the subject have been miscon- the people. After all they suffered strued, and we are inclined to of the parks. while expects to spend almost one and a half million dollars on its 1960 projects. Its budget of $1,458,260 is higher by $75,000 Again, concession holders in the than last year. The 23 municipal- Jats Smer Sto pe ities which come within control pavers in the township, who pay ul the Ahority NI be fared, ed full taxes on land and buildings, | 4m ount required. a 30 ay 3 business tax, and| "part of the money is expected "T00 MUCH" . to be spent in the Duffin's Creek Another park, to be known as|2'®2 for flood control Wieasutes, Claremont Park will shortly belt is anticipated that this w in the township by the eliminate the Sash floods whieh jonally plague resid Authority. This will cover 300 that ares. acres, and will be served by ¥ i DILATORY FAIR BOARD township roads. This will mean Despite the fact that Oshawa futher ita Sed. isl cngnee Fair Board directors have talked it: "You ean get too much of a|at some length about ways and good thing." * means of getting new life into the |operation, it appears that this is He points out that there is no guarantee that the Authority has | about all the action will amount |to. finished its plans for taking over township lands, some of which| Following the inquest on the 1959 operation, which to the sur- {might add extra revenue to the township if sub-divided for better|prise of some directors showed a profit, it appeared as though class homes. There is also the question of potentialey valuable the annual general meeting would be a big affair representative of industrial sites, Then there is the question of business, industry and agricul- where the planning board is go- ture. ing. He said it is impossible ol There was general ,enthusiasm e roper zonin ylaw into !gor a sche . ; |effect i for a Zheme io Shiaugs the for On- ficult for Any other plowman in|does not know when another slice| Tor or the SHOW, mae the hoa tario county plowmen turned out|Canada to surpass. lof valuable property is to be > little more representative of in force recentlv to honor Bob| 'Your first major achievement aken away |all interests in the community, Timbers, Canadian champion came in 1941 when you were a|METRO AMBITIONS jand make it perhaps a little plowman, who will represent member of the winning Inter-| He also calls attention to the MOF attractive to the general Canada for the third time in the|County Plow Team at the Inter- fact that the township has to pay +public. international plowing match. The national Plowing Match in Peter- (its share of the per capita costs) match takes place: in Italy in|borough. This was followed with. Authority operations, and sug-| October. further success in 1946 and again | gets that if further enroachment | Russell Morrison, well known|in 1948 when you won the Silver is made into the area that some | plowman of Beaverton, was|{Medal, and the trip to Great | provision be made to ease the | chairman for the banquet 'in Trip- | Britain, {township road costs f ity United Church, Uxbridge. | "In the last seven years your pie | Among those who paid tribute plowing career has been climax- to Mr. Timbers on his fine win|ed by the winning of several were: .W Herop, Warden, On- major awards. In 1953 you won tario County; John McGillivray, the Canadian championship at Reeve of Scott Township; F. A.|the International Plowing Match Lashley, Secretary-Manager, On-|in Cobourg, and also represented tario Plowmen's Association; [Canada the same vear in the Ray Frey representing Imperial World Match at Cobourg. Oil; Hubert Avery, Director of | "Again in 1954, you represent- Ontario Plowmen's Association|ed Canada at the World Match in and trip manager to Italy this|South Ireland. In 1955 you again fall; \W L. Clark, Warden of York won the Canadian championship County and Director on th eOn-|at the International Plowing i Powers Association, nm Mates at Leamington, and repre- ex McKinney, president of sent Canada at the World The uh cies, Roots [the Canadian Plowing Council. |Match in England in 1956. 4:00 P.M | Musical numbers were present- | "Last year you competed again Popeye. ed by Karen Timbers, Marilynjat the International Plowing 7--American Bandstand (Dixon and Peggv McLean ac-{Match, winning the Canadian { 6--Fibber McGee |companied by Mona Armstrong. (championship for the third time, | 323Comedy Theatre H. L. Fair, agricultural repre-|You are a worthy champion te 4:30 PM. sentative who delivered the pres-|represent Canada at the World S--Let's Look entation address, said "Your Match in Italy this fall. Whether S:3--Adventure Theatre |achievement brings honor to/you win or not we know that you 4--Edge of Night your home, your community and will do your best, and bring honor 4:45 P.M. to Ontario County, It has not/to Canada." Belen Us been without effort. You have| Clarence Breen, president ) achieved outstanding success/North Ontario Plowmen's Asso- with match plowing, and presented Mr, Timbers and Trade Market, held once TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffale WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channe} 4--Buffale EEE FREER during the war, they now have a|agree. jamboree. It is nothing to see] He makes it clear that he is women go shopping at least four|as ardent a conservationist as times a day. They wouldn't think any member of the Authority. of going out to do a week's shop-| However, he is'of the opinion that ping once a week," he said. |the authority is confusing con- Mr. Carter said he visited four|ervation with recreation, to the Rotary clubs while in London, |inevitable detriment of the tax- "The way British clubs conduct Payers of the municipalities. their b ay could very easily At present in the Pickering {township area is located Green- be a pattern for any club to fol-| i ", low." He said club business mat. 700d Park, designated 2s 4 "om ters are dealt with following the ores In reality, the park is a general meeting, The clubs usual: p1av around, and attracts a con- ly meet from 1.15 to 2.45 p.m. [siderable amount of traffic from With all the friendliness outside the township. As access shown me by Rotarians in all thelty the park, in the main, i$ by clubs I visited during my tour in|rural routes, considerable extra England, I fell just as much at/expense is required to maintain home as I would have right here|the roads In good condition. in our Bowmanville club. In addition to this Reeve Scott Plowmen Honor World Champion UXBRIDGE (Special) HOME DESIGN NO. 109 Only proper planning could squeeze so many advantages into a moderate priced home! The lovely entrance, with wide pic ture window and trellises, is a triumph in beauty and clear cut design. A separate entry, hall leads into the spacious Mving and dini area which boasts a fire place and built-in China cabinet The very necessary utility room combined with the kitchen is care- fully planned for the homemakers convenience. Three ample sized bedrooms, a large bath with plen tiful closet. linen and towel and enough windows to br and provide the proper venfila- tion, mark this design as an ex Tan ith a Camen cellent e ple of practical plan -- -- - - ' | 6--Mr. Fixit ning. There is prov 6:45 PM. optional attached gar 6---News: Sports Standard Builders' blueprints 7:00 P.M. 1--our Miss Brooks | costing $9.75 a set are obtainable | Oshawa Times, 6--Heritage Canada for this Design No. 109.1 S--People Are Fun! me na able at ti Oshawa, Ontario, 4--U of B Round Table 4<Fiim Featurette Ow aval | 5_The Real McCoys | 3--Pro Basketball paper Office (or fro Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of | 2--This Man Dawson :00 P.M. below) a new House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost | 7:30 PM Ti-ian From ook of Ouse es F 's " 9 y 'Hp v |11--=Man Hun ackhaw! Book of Souse I is Homes For Cansifians (Please make re nce payable jH=Man i BE vec pO for CANADIA g | 9 Movies Yith 4, 620th Century po 3 Mannings S5--Championship Bridge $1.00. Contains 114 designs incl ing 1 story, 11% story, 2 story and| 5-2--Bonanza 4:30 P.M. | 4--Perry Mason 116--Lassie split level homes, plu uch use. | Address 8: P. ful information on bui 7--Broken Arrow 5-2--Championship Golf and requirements, Order Haar. . copy to-day. Also included in Design Book information on how to order the blueprints THE HOME WORKSHOP TOT0AL CAA PONT 53-Price Is Right w.r0t 4~1 Love Lucy 11:30 A.M. 1, Goes 5-3--Concentration 4--December Bride 12:00 NOON 11----Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gun Truth or Consequences 4--~News; Weather 12:15 P.M. 6---Matinee 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 11-~News 7--Love That Bob 5-2-It Could Be You 4--Sarch for Tomorrow 3-Family Playhouse 11-John Collingwood Reade ¢--Stage Door 1:15 P.M. 11-Queen's Park Report 1:30 P.M, 11-6--Country Calendar 4--Film Feature 2-Family Playhouse 2:00 P.M. 11-Tiny Talent Time 7--Bowling Stars 6~Junior Magazine $--Family Playhouse 2:15 P.M. 3-Pro Basketball 3:00 P.M. SATURDAY EVE. 100 P.M 100 P.M. 11.6--Outside Broadcasts 7-All Star Golf 5--Film Feature 4--Beat The Champ 2-Twilight Theatre 5:30 P.M | 118--Mickey Mouse | 6--Cartoon Party 6:00 P.M. 11--Dennis The Menace 7-Canisius Forum 6--8peaking French 5--Dick Clark 4--Wrestling 2-Buffalo Showcase LIVING Lal id {11--~Leave It To Beaver 11-6--Citizen's Forum . 7---Open Hearing 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4---Sunday Sports 3:30 P.M. ~Guding Light 7--About Faces B5--Feature Movie 4--Meet The Millers 2-Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 P.M, 7--Divorce Hearing 4~The World Turns 1:45 P.M. 6--News 2:00 P.M. 7-Day In Court 6--Chez Helene 5--~Education 4--For Better or Worse 2--Queen for a Day ge The Bullding Editor, 11-The 7--8an Francisco Beat 6--Dennis The Menace Des Name | H |11--Sea Hunt | 7--High Road FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE ici. By ROGER C. WHITMAN 5-2--The Man and the | Challenge | 4~Wanted, Dead or PAINTING SHINGLES wares, hardware and variety] Ait poy | QUESTION: Our house is stores; follow label instructions |. . mui, Hockey tovered with asbestos shingles. carefully. The burners should be | 7--Lawrence Welk We are tired of the color. Can boiled in a solution of washing | 5.2--The Deputy these shingles be painted? [soda, using a tablespoon to two| 4Mr, Lucky mM ANSWER: Yes. However, the quarts of water (after the rust is 9:30 pM. asbestos shingle industry recom- removed), then rinsed in clear] a go will mends using only a rubber base hot water. They should be dried| Travel masonry paint. Ordinary house quickly, by placing upside down| 3--World Wide 60 paint is not recommended be-/in a hot oven. | 10:00 P.M. cause the shingles will absorb| An excellent oven and grill Ye-dublice U2 oils in the paint, causing the cleaner, which can be sprayed 10:15 P.M. paint to flake off. If house paint on, is now on sale at many| g_ ging Whyte is used, the shingles should first housewares and hardware deal-| 2:15 P.M. 116--~Nursery School 2:30 P.M. 11-6--Open House 7--Gale Storm S5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 3--Loretta Young Theatre 3:00 P.M. 114-P.M. Party 7--Beat The Clock 53---Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire :30 P.M, 11-For The Ladies | 7--=Whe Do Ydu Trust 6-Mr, Adam and Eve is full 4--~Conquest 5:30 P.M, 11--Tennessee Ernie 7--Lone Ranger 6 Do ment ary '80 5-2--Mayor Reports 4--College Bowl 00 P.M. 11--Ken Soble Hour | 7--Behind Closed Doors | 6~Disney Presents 5--Meet The Press 4--Small World 3-People's Court 6:30 P.M. 1---Mr. Adams and Eve 7--Frontier 5--~Maverick 420th Century Walter Cronkite 2--Bishop Sheen 7:00 P.M. 11-6--Father Knows Best ur FRIENOLY PLUMBER DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Two chromium - plated basket - type strainers. Size 30 x 18 over all. SPECIAL price... 99.00 Lorne Goodman PLUMBING & HEATING 758 MARY ST., OSHAWA RA 5-1044 EXTENSION WER TOOLS 1 MOTOR. BENCH 532 oO PATTERN 337 FOR ALL [7 10:30 PM. be given a prime, soaking coat ers; it comes in a plastic bottle, [11-6--Johnny Staccats | of boiled linseed ofl |T don't recommend painting the| 7--Track Down |burners. | 5--The Rebel | 4--Grand Jury | 2=Four Just Men 11:00 P.M. | [11-7-6-4-2-News; Weather | asphalt Sports 1 [ROOF PAINT | QUESTION: An unused barn, LOOSENED SHINGLES {in good condition, on property we QUESTION: our {Zurchased Sone time 380) Was| shingle roof is only a few years| s_pescue 8 [converted Into a garage. 1 am|old, but some of the shingles are| 7--Colt 4s TIanWaE 10 use the od hay loft loose. How should they be fasten-| &--Father Eiows Bast jas ih a Xe ilied down again? "11:15 P.M. ol To De on ANSWER: Unless you are ex-|,, y,i 'Show Ie Ss P h -|perienced at working at heights,| 7--Playhouse Is there any paint that is heat-|recommend having a profession-| Juliette _ re ANSWER: Aluminum roof 3 focter do the job. A dsb of} WwW: hl : | Al " res {paint, available at most paint asphal soofiug vomen, Jlaced, 5--Movie The bolts supporting the Screws |and hardware stores is excellent|q ate, Having this a on al are Theatr at points taking the most strain. |for reflecting the sun's heat rays. | 3 8 A 2 | AM The top, made of 2 by 3-inch | lpamm day be gs spreay thie ad-| al AM. stock bolted side to side gives a 'HARD WATER Jesve 1B S He oh rn Bo] SUNDAY good solid working service. A | QUESTION: Our vacation cot- Tus S aay at oh exposes 2:00 AM. useful feature about this bench 1% pr * | 7--Church In The Home and Trai 7:50 P.M. 11-6--Joan Fairfax 7--~Maverick | 8~US. Marshall | 4--Dennis The Menace | 8:00 P.M. 11-1 Love Lucy | 64--Ed Sullivan | S--After Hours 23-Sunday Showcase :30 PM W.R. THOMPSON , WORK BENC | PATTERN 338 EVENING have ciation, 5:00 P.M. set a record that will be very dif-|/with an occasional chair. Bay Yacht Club fr Elects Officers S--Playhouse 4--Learn About Musie 3-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. &~Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 4~G.E. Theatre . M. | 9:30 P.M. 7--Early Show By MRS. E. FERTILE {two more on the way to comple-| T-The AlSSkanE 11-6---News FRENCHMAN'S BAY The|tion " Carey a. executive for 1060 was elected by| PERSONALS f : Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club] A successful euchre was held | By RUTH W, SPEARS Here is a workbench that will stand up under the most rugged use. The reason is that it has a heavy base that is screwed and bolted together 11--Ann Southern 9:00 P.M. 116-G.M 7--My Friend Flicks 11--Family Theatre 6:45 5-4-2--Weather; News 11.6-4.2--Weather; News $--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 6--Tablold §~The Four Just Men 4-Death Valley Days space is limited this is a prac- tical outfit use various tools with only one n r. Patterns are 30c each. Order for the bench and 337 for the extension. Send orders to The Times Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa a aE 1 RB a television set an electric refrigerator and other luxuries «vo. then you can AFFORD this BUDGET PRICED HOME poss 9:30 P.M. 11-7-6---Frank Sinatra Show TTERN 3 DINETTE SET TA \ 379 3-2 Theatre 4--Rendezvous 10:00 P.M. 5-2 Steve Allen 4~Hennesey 10:30 P.M, 11-6--~The Town Above 7--Mike Hammer 4~June Allyson 11:00 P.M. 11-7-8-5-4-2-- News: Weather, Sports 7--Playhouse l 11:15 P.M. | Viewpoint 2-Sports Reel ] 11:30 P.M. | 11--Late Show type of remov of the fire he flammable ery careful ard SETTLES deal OLD-FASHIONED with h make room divide a nook for infe or games, Patter gives act S guides and dir the settles and matching table shown here, ie 40c. This pz also i the Kitchen ¥ No. 17 which with complete SPACE BETWEEN SILLS, SASH {0 QUESTION My window sills have shrunk, leaving a space be-| tween them and the metal com- - directions 6-Dial 998 5-2-Jack Parr 4--Mytery Theatre The Times The Times to {tage has very hard water. What! 4. ' | is that an extension for power desired (not vital, though). | 8:15 AM ' : 6-The Vikings . | ss sell a water-softeni | } a] . | 2 | ] at ater of aywood (roisos Sel 8 Wa Cr Solem me unit) QUESTON: We rented a floor| 7--Herald of Truth 82--Loretta Yours 8:30 P. Sunday. Tom Tombs explainedial the home of Mm, 1¥y Swan he 3 HY ng soften water for all household from a bedroom floor. We wiped 3-Chureh nsitabon 7--Philharmonie a committee. {Bowling League. olts with wing nuts ler M. t ax CAN > 2 N 5 > > | 78 ch 5-Phil Silvers Show by borax can be added to the water face seems to be gouged from. ear y inated by Eric Playford and|Church Tuesday, sponsored by 2-Faith of Israel 11:00 P.M. suds, Water - softening units can| ANSWER: Apparently, only one nated by Ron Clark and Tom| The Frenchman's Bay Home (& Very s.Morning Gospel 11:15 P.M. {icing |sanding machine. For good re- Te Line Da house d Playford. and Michael Mec-|United Church Feb. 13. 7-Cheyenne ed some gilded brass bases of |P2Per. are necessary. Rough s christian Science v Tomblin, Jr., nominated by Eric|took 20 stitches to close the cut. | level off surfac r larities 10:15 A.M. 1-6--Dan i shows e ol irface irregularities. | 11-6--Danny Thomas Tom Tomblin and Tom Simpson;| Charles Joyce is in Cleveland with prepared paint re-| 3-Movie 8:30 P.M. "00" ' 000" | 7--Morning Sh J nd 00" or even a *000" 7-Mornink Show auditor, Ron Clark. in Brockville last week. d. Follow label direc-| should be removed, before apply- 11:00 A.M. Tiny aM ls Farge clause be added to the constitu- | their game Thursday at Whitby 5 J AYE! 4 Morning Worship 8:15 AM. 83_Peter Gunn et into the depres-|to re-do the present finishing job. ony 7--Devotions and open class, in any race or/them a 7 to 1 defeat on goals by be | TESTON IT | : %¢| QUESTON: The terrazzo floor | 12:00 NOON 1-Rompet R pe Orne, age or over and shall be an in-| Beth and Terry Smith left this have had the contractor | =D e UN 4--Popeye's Playhouse It was reported that members| Florida. : 2--Public Service 11= Movie --Movi bination screen and storm sash, |Pecome loose. Is there any solu. | . 4--Living Word Thums and There are two completed, and 'to Florida. ANSWER: Install weatherstrip- not , be completely grease-and- 7--Natlonal Pre | s2--Dough Re Mi supplies dealers and hardware may be moisture present and the | s_space Ranger A | T--Morning Show 2-News Conference Dept 11:00 AM. A |can be used to make it softer? ath s tenes tools may be attached to the ANSWER: Plumbing supplies| IGE | 3~Chiistian Sc 1--San Francisco Best end. Your power tools are fixed GOUGED WOOD FLOOR ! 8:30 A.M. 6-4--George Gobel {that can be installed in the main| : ; : | 3--8acred Heart + according to the constitution, |Saturday, Feb. 6, by the social whieh may be interchanged on |water supply pipe. 'This unit willsanding machine to remove paint | 8:45 AM. sn everyone would have to serve on|club of the Frenchman's Bay e extension in a Jiffy, using i 0 | purposes. Temporarily, for wash-|Up the dust and applied two coats | 9: Telethon The following were elected: | There was a good turnout at| ing and laundering purposes, |of floor varnish. But the floor sur-|11--Rev. Oral Roberts S---Fighting Words Commodore, Tom Tomblin, nom-|a euchre held at Fairport United | h A 5--Bar-5-Ranch 4--What's My Line and will soften it sufficiently to|the sander. How can this be --Pioaye Playhonse 3--Lock Up Neville Lawrence; Vice Commo- |Mrs. J. Henderson, in aid of the permit the formation of soap remedied' 9:15 AM. NTT Neer dore, Neville Lawrence, nomi-|church. i 1 7----Worship Weather: Sports be stalled ri rental | grade of sandpaper : hur Simpson; Rear Commodore, Eric [and School Association is holding 8, |coarse one) was used with the 9:30 AM. 11--Late Show Blenkarn, nominated by Eric|a tea and bake sale at Fairport | 11--This Is The Life 7--Playhouse | | {581 L ] UNGILDING BRASS BASES juts, Ban Shree sandings, 10:00 A.M. 2--Award Theatre T--Cheyent Inerney. { Bobby Powell received a severe QUESTION: I recently obtain-|": r |11-7--The Christophers oan Hub Recording secretary, Tom gash in his leg while playing. It 9 ie | 1 ' very old oil lamps. How can I|Sandpaper (about number 2) 4-1amp Unto Si. 3--Riverboat Playford and Jim Clark; treasur-| Bobby is the Times carrier in| remove the coating so the brass|used to remove the paint and SCamers Thive 8:00 P.M. er, Eric Playford, nominated by this district. anys Co | 8~Industry un Parade $---Movie S--TFilm Feature | ANSWER: The gilding can be Toh in pymber 1 > A 10:30 A.M. 12:00 MIDNITE 4--The Texan sailing committee, Ron Play-|this week on business. removed jusec, {ol oweg by a ina. Ins ling 11-Brave Theatre MONDAY ford, Tom Simpson, John Herda;| James Clark spent a few days mover, available in paint stores. [With 2 Aw Bi oo A 11-6--Riverboat If le, use the noninflam-|sandpaper.. All traces of dust| {"yycle Jerr AE al 7--Bourhon Street Beat | (On 3 motion by Eric Playford,| Pickering Midget hockey team % 4 -2--Today F it decided that following | show st i efully, If the surface is|ing the finish (which you very Church Service $3 Today Roustios A=ather Lnove Best was decided that the following showed a vast improvement in to By onerlv wat "NN hs 5 s Is e Life : hod % " 8, p nented, may be| properly did). Afraid you'll have earl AM. Sac veter Guin tion. "All members sailing in the Arena, and took advantage of the 2-Big Rascals "W International Blue Jay C 1a s s/short-handed E ine 'steel wool or al, SERE NE | 11:30 AM. 8:30 AM :30 y 2ps Sded Kes team to land Should you 1 LOOSE x Sena : , . Should you use the LOOSENED TILES | Senate Ney 9:00 AM. fixture governed by FBYC, shall|Botten 2, Wall 2, Bolton 2 and ! 11--Rompef Room be of male sex and 16 years of Gulliver, one |in my vestibule has been down |(y_p,ss Bunny 1 f - : h $5-Ding Dong Schoo! our years. During that| 7--Roller Derby -Poptve's Play termediate member or member weekend to join their parents, | | o in good standing with the FBYC." Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith in out to replace loosened tiles three | Skene: ienier 2 District Altordey 8 8 or four times. Tiles continue to fie Service 9:30 AM. are progressing favorably with| Roy Kippen and Donnie 0] 6-Dateline UN. 7-- Romper Room building a fleet of Blue Jays. O'Hara left this week for a trip What would you advise me to HO SWER: ™ bf) : 3-Burns and Alles use to fill the space? Aa ; Je Sub-liohP may 12:30 P.M. 3--Helen Neville hey ; {1}---News 10:00 AM. made especially for metal |Brime-free, preventing a good] Highlights lows; available at building|bond of the adhesive. Or there| ; ti" ryoarre | Re we Show stores {floor surface underneath, of the | Championship | x > . |achesive used, was not properly| , Bowling $2558 Yau Huse moisture-proof. Have the contrac: 12:45 P.M. | 11--Assignment Ottawa | 11--Jane Gray Show RE-CONDITIONING RANGE QUESTION: I recently ac-|tor check on It. ANNUAL MEETING THE SIXTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING ust-coated and the tray under- OF THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. able, is very dirty. How can the WILL BE HELD IN THE rist be removed? Should the burners be painted? Head Office, Columbus, on Monday, February 15th, 1960 AT 2 P.M. ANSWER: Rust-removing pre- parations are available at house- Ta receive and disp of the Fi t for the year 1959, the election of Four Directors, and Auditors, end any other business that may be brought before the meeting in zi aol nk MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE the interest of the company. LT.-COL. R, B. SMITH, V.D,, President Workshop Oshawa. BUYS $650,000 HOME HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Oilman W. B. Trammell purchased home here for $630,000, it was learned Wednesday. The mansion was purchased from Harmon Whittington, former president of Anderson, Clayton and Co, a cot- | ton firm. The home was built on | a three-acre site in 1951-52 by| Albert Plummer, another oilman. 45 -- {BROWN'S LUMBER ....... & SUPPLIES LTD. "ner os little as 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO 56 i DIAL RA 35-4704 PER MONTH SULTAN CROWNED JOHNORE Bahru Malya (Reuters)--Sir Ismail Ibni Al marhum Sultan Ibrahim mounted the "tiger throne" Wednesday | and was crowned sultan of Johore | in a ceremony of traditional pageantry, Reputed to be the] wealthiest among the sultans of | Malaya with a personal fortune of about 50,000,000 Malayan dol lars (about $16,000,000), he C ceeded his father, Bir Ibrahim, on his May. Jones & Greer Barristers & Solicitors 130 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-6246 W. JOHN ROLLS, Secretary the la death an last | aa REE a SAY mr

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