Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1960, p. 14

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1 THE OSHAWA T , February 10, 1960 Donough, 221; N. MacCarroll, | 4° WA TIMES, Wednesday, February [215; A. Mickicel, 210, 204, 203; 'Ruth roup V1 VAAN ANA ------ - » evr a : Sp |A. Hewis, 207; P. Bremner, 205, / 1204; K, Loyst, 205; A. Labano- F B | i 4 % # |vich, 202; D. Moore, 202. | Points for the day: Gumdrops repares a e ! "13, Maple Buds 3, Humbugs 3, Lol-| The Ruth Group WA of Sf, Z {lipops 3, Life Savers 1, All Sorts John's Anglican Church held its) {1, Peppermints 1, Jelly Beans 1. meeting on Feb. 8 in the Sunday | school hall. The meeting was | . ened with the WA . Mrs, Hi-Jackers Catch oe i J ed. prayes " , Mrs. S. Atkinson educational Bank Shipment secretary gave a very interesting report on the work of some of the 7 ; » ¥ Missionaries in South Africa. % 7 MONTREAL (CP) -- A bank we a 3 shipment of $50,000 in cash was Plans were made for a get to art of the loot in the hi-jacking gether on Feb, 16 at Mrs, Kyles 2 fonday night of a post office home to prepare for the Dorcas LA truck at nearby Ste. Rose, Noi- bale. Final plans were made for man Gelinas, post office depart. the "Pancake Supper" to be held ment investigator, said Tuesday, ob shrove Tuesday. All members / Truck driver Henri Boulet, 40, will be taking an active part in said two armed masked men this projec . > BEAUTIFUL # forced him off the road and Twelve children were present Lh # bound and gagged him before who were very ably supervised by # A taking 21 bags of mail Mrs. G. Nicholson, i $Y it For Your Are Labor Unions Getting Too Powerful? || *. [ Special Valentine "Yes!" says Management. "No!" says Labor. What is the truth in this fight, so vital to us all? Find out in this week's Star Weekly. SIXTY TWO MPH WESTERLY WINDS Winds roaring across the | and seemingly moved the whole 1 ABE 7 ; xr ikb mat crop into the Amarillo re da V orm. Low reading Texas Panhandle harvested a | or cootion pictured above! Th s 28.99 inch ' 7 big crop of prairie tumbleweeds | barometer fell to an all-time AP Wirephoto) ] ¥ % § ' . 230; Ron Black, 218; Bobbie | / ZF A Classi ero 06; John Bilida, 234; ; \ i ¢ ane Hancock, 224: Bob Plas- || « hd 4 p k 21 Ron Childs, 223; Hazel / 3 Eo Ie I'ierson winuaows via 8 Gift for "Her" Jim White 205 ve Found Injured WHITBY = wide Y 2 # 247 Lavies ¢ ANDY LEAGUE our New Home Plans i {RE 7 She'll treasure these fine Biter Blackout | BOWLING NEWS | i voces, 7 er sie of Holos on, 66¢ Mother- An Uxbridge district man, Fred] MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE qjll, 654: H. Bastarache, 647; R f : 3 shades of Spring. Sizes: 14- Dynes, 54, of RR 2, Uxbridge, was, Jim Kirk, 741 (278 Isobel Rob 343; M. Peggs, 632; M y : 3 y G. Sandford, 626 : 4 ; STYLES 20. Tuesday morning taken to the Mothersill, 734 (308); Lloyd Sa- Bentle M 2 8a 82 Z 3 i 4 ry: Hos ls pa aR V, Brown, 62 kicel, 617; = 4 Port Perry Hospital for examina-\ i,q 737 (205): Harvey Roberts, |p pT. Shaw. 581 i All the favorite colors. PULLOVERS tion after he was found uncon- nag '(960). Claience Moore, 691 F jremner, 608 Shaw 581 5% i scious in the seat of his stalled] 5g1)." Merve Bemis "G08 wg Vioore 71; N. MacCarroll, i Sizes: 32 . A2 car on Highway 12 near Myrtle. ichyek Gill, 677 (244): Doug" hy Preliminary investigation indi-| Rowden, 672 (263 Buck K . Ble over 200 Ges eated that Dynes had "blacked|White, 671 (242); Bill Heron, 667 <%<. < : a arn 1, { BBY ie, 0 j : . CARDIGANS out' while driving along the high-|(239); Bob Thompson. 660 (223 i ality. M ao 4 way north of Myrtle Station His! John Greer, 658 (226 Joh en : F, ; oore, =D 4 1 ? , ear had weaved across the road Brueckle, 652 (263); Don Grant, ? Atkin an, 29 3 H Bas. ; 2 ; EACH and finally ran into a steep snow-/630 (267); A. Knibb, 647 (252); A, "arache, <0, Sue: © naw ap; } ° bank : McHaffie, 645 (261); M, Jord 13 S andi a 2 4 a ") Mother : 3 644 (256); Jeanne Sabins gsi, 234, 216, 2A rown, 232 : The driver's head struck the (247): Tom Shoe nd 16 oars" 230: M. Peggs, 230, 216; G. Me- ; i 3 2 . A , » handl pC " . , «30 A | 1 ' door handle of the car and ito 0 = cn 631 ; 8 STYLCREST Oe ima an spoued GAL Pascoe, 620 (309): Clara) [If Youre TIRED TEE in Pierson Windows uh. | First Quality NYLONS Ee Watts, 629 (232); Ed Stee 624 by a passing motorist I (236): Gordon Tweedy, 612 (220) 4 a yA : os Aroold Summers, oi She Bill Collins, 605 (216). ALL THE TIME f / 1 All the newest Spring shades in the most hitby Detachment o ) p \ h Over 200 singles: Jean Callow N , j asked for stocking -- Seamless Mesh. A restigated 9h es oa ) ow and then everybody gets yz 1A # ; / investig 202; Doug Peggs, 200; Con Hews, | "tired-out" feeling, ph i A : | : H Valentine gift that's sure to please. 98° 201; Marie MacDonald, 220; | bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth. yo 5 bs, 7 Eh A i Sizes 9-11. Pair .. id . Keith MacDonald, 238: Russ j rious) ; / s Fined $50 For [clink 26: Glen Watar. 250!| iovduonsaseeti sania pat / NA s | Ethel Wagar, 207: Don Stevenson, | bladder discomfort. That's the time to | : 2 i 4 | Poi! ) mma ---- Leaving Accident |2@2: Ron Pascoe, 243; Clena| take Dodds Kidney Pills. Dodd's help | Hewitt 208; Rita Hansen, 226;| stimulate the kidneys to relieve this | An Ajax man was Tuesday fined Katie Brueckle, 208; Pear] Camp-| condition which may often cause back» | $50 and costs and his licence to bell, 251: Gord Johansen 242; | ache and tired feeling. Then you feel drive suspended for three months Marion Pulham, 207; Norm Pul-| better, rest better, work better, Get when he pleaded guilty to a ham, 220; Joyce Johansen, 206;| Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the . eharge of failing to remain at Nellie McC arroll, 202; Jim Mec-| blue box with the red band at all drug 3 1 7 7 ; % ; the scene of an accident. Herman Carroll, 213; Vie Igglesden, 221;| counters. You can depend on Dodd's.ep 1 4 ; i \ Basque, of 29 Kent St., appeared Stan Riley, 201; Fred Coleman agistrate F. §, Ebbs in a ali or : before Magistrate in ; : : i ; DISTINCTIVE STYLI'!'GS Whitby police court, 7 4 3 PC Fred Proctor, of the Ajax ; 14 ; 2 ? nH HAND BAGS Police Department, said that he #4 1 i on, s had investigated an accident at x ; s ; tock e 2 { the intersection of Harwdod Ave . ! 8 an Shiny black patents or soft calf grains in mony and George St, in Ajax on Jan. i b ? ATTRACTIVE colors. An a riment for all ages, 1. He said that he found it was 4 ¥ ¥ 57 oY & two-car collision but only one INTRODUCES THE NEW ' 7 87 Re ba 3 oh i 1 08 - 2 08 ear was on the scene, a i 4 4 i 5 : B 0 U ES 1] . Receiving a licence number HALF GALLON i ; / f 3 L from Stanley Johnston, of Beatty - 3 in 4 i i : # ' St., the driver of the other car ¥ % " w le | li w involved, he found the wanted car 2 i Shen sleeves 3 Slevaless. Seid S EETHEART SUNDAE »d in the dr av of 29 K : } ors or prints, m i : : parked in the driveway of 29 Kent PURE-PAK THROW 7 ; co orp 4 ; Combine cold ice cream with big frozen St. The left front of the car, he : the big selection at Kresge 5. said, was damaged. The accused, | | | a. iu / : strawberries--add real whipped cream and he said, later admitted being in| 1 = Sizes: 12 - 20. top with pecan nuts. Mmmm . , . a special the accident. The accused, in his 4 ! treat for your sweetheart, ° statement, said that after being : in the accident, he became fright- : seu ns arin gees 1 00 i . ' WHITBY WwW H Y ? | 15 ...28% more view PERSONALS Is the half - gallon one trin- | ; and prowler-proof too! VALENTINE Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peek, celebrated her disposable carton a benefit : a a wiion tie orb writ CUT-OUT BOOKS sixth birthday on Sunday. On Saturday a party was arranged EL h : with the following guests: the] TO you ! g . . . both beautiful and practical. A new, 40 Daluse. Valentines to push out ond Misses Debbie and Barbara | wider outlook without sash or crossbars make up. Fun for all the 49° is, Debbi Brear, Ta E oh : : Bewis, peveriey Clark. Joann] THE THROW-AWAY HALF- yg hiding the view. Window washing's so Rk <riidren Kuchera: Heather Collins, Lucia . oo . . By Colli, Jeannine Foster, Heather GALLON PURE-PAK CARTONS 4 simple a finger touch lifts out Pier Holroyd. In charge on the games i : : son's two panes. You clean the outside 3: re Miss Eleanor Peek and 3s : : : Noes Sally Bedding, Mrs. Conrad] © Eliminates high deposits on bottles i ae inside the house -- no more windowsill Big book containing 50 Val- Hewis assisted Mrs. Peek in which cost you money every time one is ] acrobatics. And, Pierson's own patented entines to make up serving. broken or lost. 3 : locking device means maximum secur- ity. Ask your architect or builder or 36 VALENTINES IN POLY BAG write to address below for Free Booklet. Mrs. Gordon Mcllwain spent . a J : last week in Parry Sound the Eliminates washing and scrubbing of guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. W, : Barley over the weekend. Mr, dirty bottles. Tiwai oined his wife and . : Me oe Consumes less space in your refrigerator they returned home on Sunday. h h \ } i 1 5 } - Birthday greetings are 'extend- than the average glass milk containers. 5 1eXrsoin ed to Mrs. William Roach, 314 . a . : Colborne street, on the occasion Eliminates possible dangers incurred of HE ORES of; her 75th birthday broken glass as exists in glass containers 1B. "FULL VISION" a SOE me Mr, and Mrs. W. Burton Smith, On the average the m it : i PATENTED Ki ELLY CANDY CIN 3 Miss Irma Hoskins, Mr, William ge they are more sanitary 78 Eo JELLY BEANS ¢ NAMON ¢ Vaughan and Eleanor and Chuck and therefore milk keeps longer than in a SASHLESS WINDOWS by MeCormiek's . . . . . Ib. 35 HEARTS .......... Ib. 39 Recon Car Show" held. at the average glass container. | & , BOXED 95¢ Queen. Elizabeth Building, CNE, Pure-Pak containers are internationally Desrtcd [SnocoLate Hol CHOCOLATES . 1-lb. box I In window Toronto, . M ssl evening was had n| "ecognized as easier and safer to handle | OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS for EXPERT | & ex 69° MARSHMALLOW © 108 " Monday at the 10OF Hall in than average glass bottles, Name Free HEAR p t regul 0! 3 I E BEI I Sr Sa of the Vimy Ridge | ADVICE On Building Your New Home MA HEARS: Name Poe eeting TOBA No. 639. The worthy mis- Only Your Local Store Has ress sister Madeline Ashmore H 'welcomed the visitors, five differ. G G Id M lk ent lodges were represented, Ty- \ uernsey 0 i rone, Bowmanville, Quees Many: . i , | : : iF @ Sandrd Honogenzed ik | OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS || vo Stores To Sere You eter BL we | 0 28o00% Te Joe Tou Sue dainty bling was served by i \i Skim Milk : LIMITED OSHAWA NA SHO G Dolly Anderson and her commit- p= -- In The Half-Gallon Pure-Pak Carton | Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom Ee | 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8.1617 COURTICE--RA 8-1611 pi th ane of a od TRY IT TODAY! ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU eo snefits of a hearty morning age Denehils and breakfast food If your storefdoes not stock the above Dairy Products in the BOWMANVILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX--ZEnith £9600 : haolf-gallon dposoble cartons, ask him for it. WE WILL BE 'M imanufacturers increased their} pe cen ro SUPPLY HIM WITH YOUR REQUIREMENTS. | DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 F.M. An excellent assort- ment ....... ae national newspaper advertising 80.1 per cent in 1058 over 1957.

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