Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1960, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS Men Can Be Good Cooks PARIS, Out. John Straw- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 9, 1960 § Finch Tells TV-RADIO COLUMN Details Of Love Life LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr- R. Bernard Finch admitted at his murder trial that co-defendant 'Tightrope' Star Finds Out Stardom Not All Bliss By CYNTHIA LOWRY of westerns and adventure. Next (CP)--A cherry|Western Canada, ple baking contest at this town|berry a Cree Indian, celebrated| 4 g isi : 7 Carole Tregoff was not the first six miles northwest of Brantford his 110fh birthday Friday on a| ; ber of his staff with whom has shown that high school boys Reserve near this town 150 miles ? ; he had fllicit relations. NEW YORK (AP)--Mike Con-|year it will have a half-hour nors, the well-tailored young man series called The Great Barnum, who plays the nameless hero--an/based on the life of the 19th- . «live TV can be pretty good cooks. Alex|southwest of Edmonton Todd and Henry Nelles, Paris| high ool students, said they entered contest for a gag They came Yhird and fourth re- spectively. | HURT AT TRACK { TORONTO (CP)--The Supreme Court of Ontario Monday awarded four-year-old Lynda Lee Disney of nearby Pickering $14,-| 500 as settlement of her claim for head injuries inflicted by a starting gate at a 1958 trotting race sponsored by Uxbridge Kins- men Club, Her father, Lawrence V. Disney, was awarded $1,306 for medical expenses. She was struck by a starting gate fastened to the rear of a car. NO SECOND ELECTION TORONTO (CP)--Mr. Justice J. L. McLennan of the Supreme Court of Ontario Monday upheld an earlier ruling dismissing an appeal for a second Wasaga Beach municipal election. Maur- ice Bent, defeated for the reeve- ship, alleged unqualified persons voted in the election last August SAYS LABOR ATTACKED BRANTFORD (CP) -- George Burt of Windsor, Canadian direc- tor of the United Auo Workers CLC): said Mond that Cana- dian labor is under attack by t Communists, chambers of com merce, management and the press. Mr. Burt told the UAW education conference that the Communist party wanted to in- doctrinate union leaders, and the press wanted "to discredit the leaders of the trade unions in Canada." CITY ENGINEER SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--Donald R. Evans, 32, ap- pointed city engineer by city council Monday night, will as- sume his duties March 7. He was formerly employed by the On- tario Hydro Electric commission hé became romantically are Investigating the disappear- $50,000,000 PAPER MILL ROCKEY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Alta. (CP)--J. A. R. Choate of Red Deer, Alta.» president of Al- berta Pulp Mills Ltd., announced Monday that his company plans to build a $50,000,000 pulp and paper mill near this community in west-central Alberta. BIG STRIKE ENDS LONDON (Reuters) Fac- ories of the giant British Motor Corporation went into full pro- duction again Monday : after a two - week strike estimated to have cost the equivalent of $28,- 000,000. About 25,000 workers made idle by a strike of 55) electricians at a key factory in| Birmingham went back to work| after the electricians' helpers got an increased bonus CONFERENCE GOES ON | LONDON (Reuters) -- Private| talks between Kenya's Negro and| European leaders appeared Mon-| day to have staved off a break-| down of a three-week-long con ference on the future of the Brit-| sh East African colony. "I am| more optimistic" said Michael Blundell, leader of the multi- racial New Kenya group. RIOT BY 3,000 BOMBAY, India (AP)--Police| pened fire Monday after tear| gas and baton charges failed to break up a mob of 3,000 rioting farmers near Belgaum in Mysore State. They favor merger with Bombay state. Pretty as a picture are these KHRUSHCHEV TO VISIT three little girls, of the Junior LONDON (Reuters) -- Soviet| Girls' Handicraft Class of the Premier Nikita Khrushchev has| after-school group at Simcoe | CHILDREN AT SIMCOE HALL LEARN TO USE HANDS | Hall. are: Marlene Dupre, age 5, left; Linda Hasey, age 6, right Under the guidance of Simcoe Hall instructors, the girls are given an opportunity | and Wanda Hulaj, age 7, stand- to practice the skilful use of | ing. Simcoe Hall is a Red their hands. The girls shown | Feather Agency and an asso- ciate of the Boys' Clubs of Can- ada. It is under the direction of the Women's Welfare League of Oshawa. --Oshawa Times Photo accepted an invitation to visit the| -- : 4 "SCHOOL BOARD is to be arranged: | DIAMONDS VANISH | TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)--Police| involved with his red-haired re- ceptionist, the doctor said, he had affairs with two other women employees, starting in 1953. He and Miss Tregoff are on trial for the murder of Mrs. Finch. Under cross-examination, Finch testified Monday that the first two affairs occurred before he and his wife, Barbara, reached July 18 outside the expensive Finch homie in suburban West Covina, The doctor says he shot ther accidentally. NAMES NOT GIVEN The two women Finch said he had relations with before Miss Tregoff were identified in court] only as Mrs, X and Mrs, Y. He said both worked at his clinic. Asked if he told the women he loved them, he replied: "Under the circumstances, I think -that| would be routine." | The/doctor said he had denied the affairs to his wife, and even after their "armistice," had de- nied his affair with Miss Tregoff, who was' then married. | Finch testified that he wanted| to save his wife's pride and keep| Carole's husband from finding| out about them. | He has testified earlier that his| wife had become frigid. | The delving into the society doctor's love life came after he told of fleeing in wild panic from the spot where his wife died. The shooting, he said- was an acci- dent--the pistol went off as he tried to throw it away after he and his wife had fought over it. Finch, 42, aud Must Tregoff, 23, ark like 'I've seen your show,| are accused of ray (and I don't think you can really|CBS, 9:30 - 11 -- Playhouse 90 and murder in the Zoughol Je {handle yourself so good,' Or 'you original drama about the First of the 36-year-old Mrs, Finch last| 3. ou tive a real gun-slinger| World War, with Stephen Boyd, to me.' Then you've got to take Dolores Hart, Dame Judith An- it real easy. Some of these drunks derson and Boris Karloff. just want to start a fight so they can brag about it later." 1 bitious crook could learn his] trade from the TV script writers. | But apparently the criminal ele-| ment isn't the only one looking for bright ideas. |dilute its strong program mixture| | undercover man--in a CBS po-|century showman . lice-action series called Tight-|still trips over problems elimin- rope, has learned that TV star- ated by tape and film such as dom isn't all bliss. {the crew member who walked in "You've got to learn to handle|front of Dinah Shore's camera yourself very carefully some- during a production number Sun- times if you want trouble," said Connors. "'Particu-| larly if you're in a public place Recommended tonight: in a strange town. to avoid/day night. . . . | The Swingin' Years, NBC, 8:30. "There's always some guy who|9:30--Musical show about the big an agreement he says permitted|;s , jitile bit loaded and comes|bands of the late 1930s and early him to date other women freely.\, "ty you with some sort of re-|1940s, To the Sound of Trumpets, The Day the World Wept, ABC, 0. he wd pranormal on It would seem that any am-|the day Lincoln was shot. _ Seek Funds To Extend ABC continues its efforts to) an exhibition featuring Oshawalt and district painters now on dis- play in the McLaughlin Library,|600,000 the fund is seeking gifts was stolen sometime last Friday|from corporations and the gen- afternoon or evening. The exhibi-|eral public, as well as alumni tion is sp - . . . Painting | University Mrs: Margaret Baldwin, of |Brooklin, will head a committee S to en {responsible for the personal can- |vass of University of Toronto area, Neil J- McKinnon and M. Wallace McCutcheon, co-chair- An amateur's painting, part ot University of Toronto announced ay. F E ! ibi graduates living in the Oshawa I0 1 it men of the national fund for the With a minimum goal of $12 ed by the Lyceum |across Canada, to help finance WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Milder CITY AND DISTRICT 12th Scouts Had Club. the first five-year stage of a 10- The painting, - entitled '"Monk year development program at the Street," was done by Mrs. Mary| university. McConnell, She said there was no monetary value attached to the painting|with other Varsity graduates rep- 296 Nassau street. As alumni area chairman for Oshawa, Mrs. Baldwin will work and the St. Lawrence Seaway Au- thority $448,000. They were ance of diamonds worth about Upper Canada College has of- in a bag fered scholarships for competi |sealed in Tel Aviv Jan. 21 and tion to the value of $1500 a year, | NEWS IN BRIEF | | VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at Hotel Open House In celebrating National Boy Scout Week, the 12th Oshawa but she wanted it back 'because it is the only one like it in the world. Anybody that would take resenting certain faculties and colleges, who will approach their own alumni living in the district. v |sent to Lydda airport. Th | i in Oshawa have| NO DATE SET sen ydda airpo: e bag|school principals in Oshawa Genosha on Monday, included Dr. Boy Scout Troop at Harmony Mrs. Baldwin, a graduate of Uni Nn cms MONTREAL (CP) -- Coloniza-|Was put aboard a plane for Hong been informed, the Oshawa Board | On Wednesday sion Minister J. D. Begin of Que- Kong but arrived empty. pee aay Mouasy fight no date Board Urged To Attend Meeting next general election. Before the recent deaths of Maurice Duples- Members of the Oshawa Board of Education were urged to at- sis and his successor, Paul Sauve, sources close to the government believed it would be called for this June, tend a meeting to be held next . Monday night in Oshawa by the id Monday th t - es aR iS Tecen Sutin So 1ocal branch of the Canadian sia $4,500,000,000 in one year. "It Mental Health Association. h 1 # to fi MONTREAL (CP) -- Russian Ambassador Amasasp Aroutunian at the meeting will March, was approved SAYS BILLIONS SAVED is a und an The additional projects of peaceful use," he told the Canadian Roof-|education. ing Constructors' Association. HAS 110TH BIRTHDAY ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Alta. (CP)--Believed the oldest interested in, and had discussed) person in Alberta and possibly mental health services in{board. Dr. C. M. Elliott, superintendent of public schools, recommended the meeting to the board members and said it would be along the lines that they were at board meetings. COMING EVENTS SOCIAL, Bingo will be held at St. George's Hall, corner of Albert and Jackson Street, W , February |RUMMAGE Sale--in basement of Knox {Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, {February 10, at 1:30 p.m. 10, at 8 p.m. KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES 57 end 50 Jackpot Nos, NEARLY NEW SHOP RADIO PARK BINGO {ior Public School on Wilson | VALENTINE Tea at Harmony United {Church, Onward Group, Apron booth, | Wednesday, - February 10, 2.30 p.m. ¥ cents VALENTINE TEA and HOME -BAKING SALE THURSDAY, FEB. 11 HOLY CROSS HALL | Simcoe Street South | 2:30 TO 4:30 lof Education decided at a meet-| {ing Monday night | | JUNIOR RED CROSS | Junior Red Cross will be taken in the public schools cast to move eastward to south- {during February, the board ern Ohio by Wednesday evening. agreed. - {Snow ahead of this storm will " " |spread into southwestern Ontario | ATTENDANCE APPROVED lon Wednesday afternoon and wil [1iott, superintendent of Public Fed esday Stern Outarly |education, that he attend the) 1 g p |conference of the Association for|, Regional Iorevasts valid until | ision and Curriculum De-| |Supervisi Lake Erie, southern Lake t in Washington, D.C., in| | velopment iu e by the Huron regions, Windsor, London cities: Cloudy clearing this eve- ining. Wednesday cloudy with TO SEEK TEACHERS {snow beginning in the afternoon. The board gran'ed 'permission Colder tonight but near seasonal to advertise for teachers at the levels on Wednesday. Light opening of the advertising season, | winds, Mar. 12. and was informed that| Northern Lake Huron, Niagara, interviews with students at|Lake Ontario regions, Hamilton, Teachers' College would be held Toronto: Cloudy, clearing this April 4 evening. Wednesday increasing t ¢ ht A a | T0 BUY FURNITURE cloudiness with snow, beginning A in the evening. Colder tonight The board has authorized the py near seasonal levels on Wed- purchase of one settee, two chairs nesday. Winds northwest 15 be- and one mest of television tables] for the teachers' room at the Co-|* c.n8. light tonight. or eacners' roo i n nant Public School. Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- gions, North Bay, Sudbury: NIGHT OF CARDS TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Synopsis: A storm is now de-| snow, clearing tonight. Wednes- |casts issued at 11 a.m.: |day sunny becoming cloudy in the afternoon. Colder. Winds collections| veloping in Kansas and is fore-|northwest 15 becoming light to- night. Kirkland Lake, Timmins-Kap- uskasing: Cloudy with occasional light snow clearing by evening. Sunny on Wednesday. Colder. Northwest 15 winds becoming light this evening. White River: Sunny today and Wednesday except for a few cloudy intervals this afternoon. Little change im temperature. Light winds. Forecast Temperatures Barry Wood, Stewart Cuttell, W. O. Hart, Fred Watt, A. E. Coulter and Mike Clayton, all of Oshawa and Rotarians Norm El. liott, of Peterborough and William Harden, of Hawkesbury, Ont, STUDENTS AT ROTARY Oshawa secondary school pupils who were guests at the meeting of the Roary Club of Oshawa on Monday were Arthur Jansen, Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- tute; Graham McMillan, O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Insti- tute; and Karl Wysotski, Central Collegiate Institute, BIRTHDAY REMEMBERED Three members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, who celebrate their birthdays this week, were honored at the club lunch on Low tonight, High Wednesday Windsor .... 20 St. Thomas . London ..... house on Tuesday, Feb. 9. Highly successful displays of scouting activities were shown to relatives and friends during the evening. Among the items the boys showed were - signalling, knotting, tent folding, fire by friction and archery. A hike corner was set up to show the proper apparel for win- ter hiking. Another interesting display told of the various camps and canoe trips he gests of fhe 12th Troop enjoy g past season, under the leadership of Ernie Jukes, SM, John Mziel, ASM, and Burt Burback, ASM. A tentative outline of coming events was presented to the par- plan for the year ahead. Wingham Toronto ... Trenton St. Catharines Hamilton ... Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Monday. Those honored were S. F. Everson, W_R. Branch and Hayden Macdonald. PERMIT SUSPENDED John William Hanlon, 18, was fined $75 and his driving permit was suspended for one year by HHSBREBERS 0 --- LJ ts were served and flag Relr the evening closed with down, taps, and prayer. United Church, held its open|,.i ; pleased that my first attempt at a landscape was chosen for the exhibit," g end of Monk street and the bend in the Oshawa ents, so that they too could help it, is crazy," she said, "but I and I was a little|versity College and the Ontario College of Education, is the wife of Dr. W. W. Baldwin. The fund will help to finance buildings and equipment based on a predicted increase in enrol ment at the University of Toronto and its federated colleges from d sald gh 14,000 this year to 23,000 by 1968. Mrs, McConnel sa e was a i e of the devel student at the CRA Art classes. Mii at stage completed - Richard Dixon, library care-\1963/ will cost more than $52,350, taker, said he noticed the paint-|o0p, and will place 19 urgently- ing was missing Friday evening|pceded buildings on the univer- when the library closed. He re-|sity campus. membered seeing the painting at noon Friday but thought Mrs. Mc- Connell might have taken the painting home with her. Mrs. McConnell said the dimen- sions of the painting were about 18 by 24 inches and it could not easily be carried under a coat. There is no attendant on duty in the part of the library where the paintings are hung. The painting showed the dead- Creek. It was mostly green and blue, Mrs. Mc- Connell said. Did You Know . . . In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95c. Police Probe Sudbury .. North Bay . Kapuskasing ... White River .. Moosonee Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs when he pleaded guilty in Oshawa Court Monday, to failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Bon RERSELREBBERLREE Cloudy with occasional light | The board confirmed the ac-| {tion of the chairman of the OBITU IES the Conant School by the Home TO CONSIDER NAME |Hospital, Kenya, British East | Public Schools Teachers' Coun-|Wife of Rev. Ross M. Alloway. pub-| {lic relations . committee, Mrs. | |C. C. Lee; in granting the use of | and School Association for a night] MRS. ROSS M. ALLOWAY of cards, Thursday Mar. 17. The death occurred at Kisumu | Trustee Mrs. W. Shaw moved|Africa, on Monday, Feb. 8, 1960 lthat a Por trom the Oshawa of Beulah Mae Misener, beloved |eil, about the naming of the Sen- Mrs. Alloway's passing was due | road to cerebral malaria. BUILDING FUND DRAW The Harman Park Neighbor- hood Association held its build- ing fund draw at St. John's Hall, Bloor St. E., last Friday night. Mrs, Clifford Harman made the draw and the automatic dryer was won by Fred Gogan, 178 Windsor Ave, The second prize, Pickering Girl a pop-up toaster, was won by Gets $14,500 Mrs. Leonard Peiow. 333 Albert | TORONTO -- Damages amount-|St |ing to $14,500 were awarded to a four - year - old Pickering girl, Hurt At Races ADMITS INTOXICATION Two Break-Ins Oshawa police reported two break-ins and a quantity of cig- arets stolen during the past 24 hours. . Reg Winfield, owner of the Harmony Grill at the corner of King and Wilson streets, said that 12 cartons of different brands of cizarets were missing after a break-in on his premises. A customer, E, T. Stewart, 371 Rossland Rd. E.. noticed the glass smashed in the door and notified police at 6:50 a.m, today. Police said entrv was gained by breaking the door glass and forcing the lock, probably with a {south, be read in caucus and a Mr. and Mrs. Alloway were Lynda Lee Disney, as a result of Robert Arthur Corby, 128 Tyler THURSDAY & FRIDAY | Tuesday, Feb. 9th 8 P.M. |decision made at that time. |serving in Kenya as missionaries {under the Africa Inland Missio: 29 P.M. | AVALON HALL ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST. E. Seven $40 jackpots. Share- | 20 gomes, $6 and $10. | the-wealth. Woodview Par THIS IS YOUR ASSOCIATION -- SUPPORT IT ELECTION OF OFFICERS For 1960 Season to be held WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH AT 8.00 P. M. IN THE TO JOIN ASSOCIATION They left for Africa in Novembe: | The board approved member- 1954, and were within several | ship in the Public School Trustees' weeks of completing their first Association of Ontario at a cost|term of missionary service: They of $225 and a donation to the 8s- had heen stationed at Litein and sociation of $75 | recently had been doing pioneer TO START BUDGET | work at Sitotwet, Business Administrator W. G.| Mrs. Alloway was married in | Bunker asked the chairmen of Brantford on June 11, 1949. She {the finance, management and Zraduated from Moody Bible | property committees for items to|Institute, Chicago, in January, {go on the budget which he said|1953. Before leaving for Africa would be commenced before the she lived in Galt, Ontario, where end of the week. her husband was assistant pas- tor at Forward Baptist Church, {She was a member of Calvary | Baptist Church, Oshawa. | The deceased was in her 35th year and was the only daughter Pacific Ocean 6 Miles Deep [qi and jms Hacies 4. | half the earth's total ocean surface, and at one point is |ents, Mrs. Alloway is survived Beside her husband and par-| over 6 miles deep. |by three young children, Sharon If you're in too deep, |Louise, John Murray and Philip| avenue, was fined $50 and costs when he pleaded guilty, in magis- trate's court Monday, to a charge of being intoxicated in a public place. |a settlement approved Monday by r. Justice Danis of the Supreme |Court of Ontario. | The girl was injured by the starting gate while watching a| trotting race sponsored by the ie Siero Mayor to Attend The Symphony It was stated that the girl was standing on a railing to watch jhe Jace when she was struck on the forehead by the starting gate, M whi 3 ayor Lyman A. Gifford will be ch was fixed to the rear of a among the distinguished guests Wednesday night in the UAW au- ditorium, Bond street east, when the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra moving car. Doctors had to in- sert a metal plate in the girl's presents the first of its three con- certs starting at 8 p.m, forehead, leaving a four-inch car. Bandmaster Frank J. Francis s has a special program arranged for this auspicious occasion and the ticket response, according to an official of the orchestra, has been "most encouraging". 'The 47-man orchestra has been An additional $1,306 was award- ed the girl's father, Lawrence. V. Disney of Christina street, Pick- ering, to cover medical expenses. Defendants were listed as the Uxbridge Kinsmen Club and 12 members: Ernie Brown, Emer- son Vance, Roland Hudson, Ray John WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE CADILLAC AVENUE NORTH We MUST have your SUPPORT if you went YOUR NEIGH- BORHOOD ASSOCIATION to operate for the coming segson. WE HOPE YOU WILL BE WITH US ON FEBRUARY 10th. Classified Ads help you |Brian. quickly sell household and | other articles for cash. Dial | RA 33492 now to place a FUNERAL OF JOHN SHEVCHUK | result getting ad ! The memorial service for John | - Shevchuk, who died at the Osh- OSHAWA LIBERAL ASSOCIATION : ; ANNUAL ME ELECTION OF OFFKCERS AND ELECTION OF LADIES' AUXILIARY EXECUTIVES WED., FEB. 10th 1960 -- E. A. LOVELL SCHOOL, CENTRE STREET GUEST SPEAKER: VERNON SINGER, M. awa General Hospital last Fri- |day in his 64th year, was held in Ritson Road Pentecostal {Church at 3 p.m., Monday, Feb. Laswick, Tim Brethour, Angell, Bill Low, Clarence Johns- ton, Edward Lee, Ross Murray, Howard Reynolds and Frank Shortt. FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department ambulances answered four ealls tomorrow evening under Lieut practising faithfully for its debut|/casts 20; ments screwdriver. A trail of cigarets was found leading to the street where a get-away car may have been parked, they said. Police also found a cash box and a quantity of pennies scat- tered over the floor. The owner, however, said he didn't think any money was stolen. The other break-in was repor- ted by Mrs. Finnie who occupies an apartment at 324 Elgin St, E. She said that her door was smashed and her asartment en- tered sometime Monday after- noon. Nothing was reported stol- en. BUEHLERSS; Fender EAT'N = TRUE-TRIM BEEF ( 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 Meal Specials! Wed. & Thurs. SIRLOIN or i 69 . WING STEAK WEDNESDAY ONLY! FREE Buy 1 Ib. Breakfast Bacon ot Regular Price .. Ib. 5%¢ GET 1 LB. FREE! HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Feb. 6: admissions 245; births, male 23. female 34; discharges 214; newborn dis- charges, male 20, female 20; major surgery 47; minor surgery 67; eye, ear, nose and throat 50; treatments 36; examinations 24; physiotherapy treat- BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST Ib. 79 316. i ant Francis and an enjoyable evening is in the offing. The orchestra will present two other symphony concerts later in the year. Besides Mayor Gifford, many other dignitaries are expected to during the past 24 hours. attend. For « « « Rev. N. G. Siblock conducted the services. Interment was In {Mount Lawn Cemetery. | | The pallbearers were G. Sib-| {lock, J. Humenny, H. Micholeyko, | |W. Musulka, H. Glecoff and N.| Shirchenko. | 1 ETING STREETS CLOSED The following streets will. be closed for construction today: | Fairlawn street closed from Anna- polis to Marion avenue; Wayne avenue from Simcoe street north to west end of street. Whenever possible these streets will be par- {tially opened to permit move- {ment of local traffic, Extreme! P P |peavy rain may result in the] alin closing of other streets. | 8 P.M. For Inform CHAMBERS 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. FOOD CLUB 0) GIA BE: :] ation Call STAN BRYNING 470 ELIZABETH STREET RA 8.5358 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN-ITSELF And . .. GIL BURNER SERVICE FURNACE FUEL OIL at the most reasonable prices «= -YIGOR OIL 78 BOND ST. W, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-1109

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