Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 3 194g BOY'S BODY FOUND | face of Credit River Max Lut 76, | d around in murk fc minutes be | the boy" ly. Jopy Long Debate Over Stamps lelpers wa er 4 tor found body ( had beer br d old Jopy Verheul s body to RARELY By KEN KELLY Canadian Press Staff OTTAWA (CP)--The and talked Writer Commons|r Thursday Member that actic euve sevvren hem com- to occupy Skeena), |f a full day i "cancer-| tec ied a typical of competi on, made the bid for n with a private the tive prom tition Howard's plea that mem- bers permit the bill to come t« vote and that party be erased in the v ng met response News Briefs | +x From Hou remedy. No i OTTAWA (CP)- en I. the debate. provincial repré it outsidé| meet here Monday o frame a liminar [Ce nad h |Prime Minister [the Commons Thu lines Ww hed with © the res debate, m of a long e measures with lit- t getting a further this session able number of shared Mr. Howard's| vils of trading] Be sted Sever Parliame ste considered nt's power D ef¢ wo Bn "tol d rsday day Decision Reserved H | There is no evidence an In Slander Suit | There is ge a1 SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.linedible thr engthy (CP)--Mr. Justice H. A. Aylen|storage, Agriculty ire Min reserved decision Thursday at|Harkness stated the conclusion of a $30,000| reply § brought by George again st former| Acting State Secretary r Campbell Cork of Thessa-|described as m {requests for the nami Mr ywned and oper-|lic institutio ated a re estaurant in the town 50|Queen Eliz miles t of here and is claim- |He was reply for portions a public mee! at alleged his mis- ith teen- agers id ster 'pre Powers expected baby William H. A Middlese X of t h § din would like to name a school after !the baby. UNION PROBE Emil Mazey of Detroit, secre- | was vague on what recommen retary-treasurer and second-in- | dations he would make to the command of the United Auto |, . Workers, is seen as he heads a | '0! al executive board, four-man investigating commit. | but union trials, tee at Toronto where some members were accused bv othe nation at certain for the accused Last month - inter- representati Paul ed ding a | ai Imost | members national Siren wa Communist str ke argest and " cost] Ling in Canadian labor history. -~CP Wirephoto [tence Lubker | r succes Awards Out | orl, Association aimed at curtailing freedo m and viduality met 2 grind co | Times, 2. me Credi in a Commons Obs ] Cl West) |, +. { ment | External (e | INTERPRETING THE 1 NEWS By ED SIMON Canadian Press Staff Writer | | Parliamentary approval of 'vear of restraint" for Franc 1 {the state against further chal-|r lenges from extremists. How the powers will be used REQUESTED BY PREMIER has not been made clear. To what extent they would on traditional {to take in any given situation. ¥ Allo OTTAWA appropriations cluded: (CP)---Public for Ontario in- Public Buildings | Caledonia Public building 1845,000; Chesterville -- public {building = $30,000; Elliot I complete [gives President de Gaulle's gov- |ac ter |ernmen special powers to protect|the risk of "far-reaching troubles infringe in request ng liberties presum- an |ably would depend on what acti on|F rance the government felt it uation - raid machinery, could not in the ™ Public W ments works, Rondeau (Erieau) 500; ments Whitby Lake-- {$325 DeGaulle Depends On Army Loyalty | ime pr amble to the new legis-jup either to gradual aitempts at ation, arising out of the nine-day|internal destruction, or temporary nsurrection in Algeria, says that attempts at total subversion.' ecause of the exceptional char-| Debre added that the special of the Algerian problem, [power s will not be used to curh| freedom of the press, speech or| '|lassembly. The pr le to the new leg tion sire that there is no question of decreeing vast reforms or calling into question fundamental rights as defined un- {der public law Passage of the legislation was accompanied by strong rumors that de Gaulle plans a thorough = |housecleaning of disaffected ele men's in the civil service, possibly fa: nnanied by a shakeup in hi cn cebinet, to remove men im nD. d In the revolt. A fie -ght-wing Nation: al Assembly |members already are under ar- ¥ titude emains hang Zing over the state. 8 Pr nister Michel Debre, the bill, said that democrati like th complex leg ime "old Ww id 20th ¢ centu y "'adequatc ly face orks But de Gaulle"s new power of ree offers him little direct as e in dealing with the most us threat to his govern- § stabllity, e unceriain at- of the French Army- ENCOURAGED BY ARMY It fief ance of at toppled the two vears ag dredoine §%0 Wallaceburg haroo. VE 22,000; Walpole Is lan d- rbor improvements $30,000; harb mpre \ a -- the 000. W th Republic public building -- to 1$200,000; Goderich---Publie ing--to complete $85,000; Graven publie [ addi and alterat nger public 000; Manptick -- pub $30,000 New Hamburg-- fuie building $40,000; Niagara Falls--building |for unemployment insurance| |e ommission $125,000; Niagara |Falls--public building -- addit and alterations $50,000; Oshawa| ~build for unemployment in-| e commission to com plete $30,000; Paris--public building | plete $30,000 vn Port Credit--public building: 2 ations and improvements Newspaper peat | Contest build urst ions soll building A Port Credit CP Wir ephoto -to com-| ! $. South River public bu $30 000: Stoney Creek iblie lding o complete $90,000; | nins--public building to! compiste $100,000; West Lorne £30,000 Harbors and Rivers Ambherstburg--towards «ling wall $173,000; Bayfield--re- per|faining wa 1 and dredging to complete $25,000; Belle River--| P of (train wall ille--whart Chatham--re-| federal ¢ building publi HAMILTON (CP) - retain he Ontario We bet vere Res 'kly News ter new announced hat while weekly retain their indi- ape they m up of 100, 000 € dredging $31,000; it Cornwall -- towards harbor de-| © the velopment $50,000; Fort William| harbor impr covey eats $385,000; oderich--har improvements Cobourg --- ropolitan study lies' f bor clles are | house | at al recon-| i ut the re the general's the cry 15" that er to build Algiers last week Many office the Paris poli 'rance's surre 18 of governmen And it avec PRISONER BITES .- SLEEPING DOG LONDON (AP) The oat 3 son for biting dog in the station hou gave six months in J: day for assaulting les t all started 29, was arr ed for creating a bance. He battled the slaizies who finally got harrow road police They put him in cool off. Later they started re. Y g him to the desk ser- s.2n%"s office to be booked What happened then w actly as described by Bern Williams 10€ the ricades Ir judee | nt since| reles. It was to ¢ retreat in Algeria that |eommon ca [1958 an retirement When the settlers e Gaulle, the revolt was ) Bain momen n he army's conflict |whict 1 made the soldiers re t [to turn their guns on their far. as ex {mer allies. Wt the presiden! Sergeant [finally found enough loyal troops in. court jo edish he rebels, the conflic = Armed with dog ying |. ing no Bry he edie |suade Dg no p ie I ings |oisive, unstable colition govern |ments of the former regime have {been replaced by a leader capa- ble of formulating posiiive noli- [cies and putting them into effect. But even if he succeeds in con- vincing the officers, de Gaulle has a long way to go in removing th ng term threat that future Fr rench governments may hold of- fice only veto. The military junta, a and Latin Amer- shadow over " | W 1 ney bi Lf 1 rs li not treachery governmen le ; 4) | when W his si son, ster's distur con- him to station 1 the sett ler 8 i de Gaulle fr ee with at called rom urned ag faint allow the ce to 5 fd * ay "r police The was passage ille now is in a position to per- passag ; the army that the inde. straddle- sat on and the dog's 'Wilson jumped across the dog seized ears sank his teech into To the dog's eredit, it did not retaliate The judge could find no charge in the book for biting a | police dog while it was sleep- | ing--in this case a five-year- old alsatian named Laddy all tool 3,000 Johnstown---shed $40,000; Lake- ead---toy ds harbor improve in the general excel- jments, 93.70 000; ygsshes = petition: Ciass 1 Vie wharf $25,000, North Bay-wharf ress, Chesterville Rec-|; 0 vements $85,000; Oshawa-- gore Bay, Recorder; Class dredging $50,000; Hoty Epin 'arry Sound--dredging $68,500; Ee ne; 8 Pie Arthur--towards harbor im- Credit Mid and provements $500,000; Port Bur- Brampton yell dredging $163,500; Port Col- |borne--towards harbor improve- Glen- ments $50,000; Port Credit-- Times, dredging $80,000; Port Hope -- dredging $36,000; ser- Port Maitland--repairs to pier nland dredging--to complete $183,- 000: Port Rowan--wharf repairs 000; Port Stanley--harbor re- and i in provements $180,000; SUICIDE VERDICTS LONDON (Reuters)--Detective Superintendent Own Richards; 55, himself because he was Aline, overworked" and Ww ed about a peptic ulcer and Spec Kenneth Milchenere, Sone himself because he "worried about his prospects an inquest found verdicts tt . bette an other count he said Winners C( Port Port lence: Port Journal, [P2 lle Dryder | Ad dve llence: Dryden sEreoke Press, Blen-| heim Best Burling Times-|* Renfrew page: C kville Jour- Conservator, Vi s was correspond- of promotion," "Archi bald, Til-|Thursday in returning of suicide. Defence Cost Outlay Down y DAVE McINTOSH ron y Times |fence outlays will account for 27.8 Canadian Press Staff Writer [per cent of the to'al government OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- expenditures compared with 29.6 made it pretty plain Thurs-/per cent. in the current fiscal that it is gambling on con-|year, The percentage a decade ation of easier world ten-lago was 40. ons and possibly an East-West! Defence now takes up about isarmament agreement. four per cent of the gross na- Affairs Minister |tions al product--value of all goods said there is more|and services produced in the now for a disarmament|count y 'ompared with abou! greement than at any time in nine per cent a decade ago. [the last 14 years. | The government's main. spend- This hope has been translated {ing estimates tabled Thursday in into a slash of nearly $100,000,000 | the Commons present Parlia- --six per cent--in defence spend- ment with a defence bill of $1,- ing, with the biggest bite eating 596,272,266 into procurement of new weap-| Estimated expenditures on ons and equipment. weapons and equipment were Officials said no provision is|chopped 13 per cent, or by $44,- made in the spending estimates|000,000, to $280,000,000. for the year beginning April 1|BOMARC BASES for any new item of equipment| Planned exnenditures on con- beyond those already announced struction of bases for th Bomare) but not yet delivered. antia reraft missi in The armed forces will have to|cluding its electronic ren sys en has ANASTAS MIKOYAN IN oot Deputy Premier Anas- | leader arrived Thursday in the s Mikoyan, looking slightly | Cuban capital. Behind Miko- bewildered By srush il Foe yan's right shoulder is visible 1 APL. AD- | Cuban Prime Minister Fidel onio Nunez Jimenez (in beret), | Castro, On his lapel, Mikoyan executive secretary of Cuba's Lenin. land - grabbing Agrarian Re. wore the Order of Len form Institute, as the Soviet --AP. Wirephoto get along this year on the equip-{tem and more radars, are in- ment they now have. jireased to $22,000,000 from $10,- with possible | expulsion and loss of job, were | In the coming fiscal year, de- 000,00 FOOD CHAMBERS @:; 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. [oD GA RE:1:] For Information Call ETAL I hi TT THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF PROMPT STOVE OIL DELIVERY LANDER-STARK Oil LTD. 43 KING STREET WEST CALL OSHAWA - RA 5.3589 his new powers, de|, Sion fence production $17,551,031 ($17, subject to an army| | Tax Rates WHERE The government today fore- cast another record spending program fo for the fiscal year | wy A g | IT GOES starting April 1. Graph shows how tax doar will be spent on major items. + Found High "By Business OTTAWA (NP)-- The Canadian Manufacturers' Association, in its annual pre-budget briefs pre. sented today to the government, said personal and corporate ine come tax rates are already too high and urged that there be no increases In the coming budget. A delegation, headed by W. H, Evans of Toronto, association president, presented the briefs to {the ministers of finance, nationa} [revenue and commerce, The government was asked to glve a lead In holding down costs by avoiding additions to public expenditures, at least until the federal budget allows reduction of personal and corporation in- come tax rates to the pre-1959 level. The delegates expressed grati. flcation at the prime minister's recent announcement that a royal commifsion would be es- tablished to study economy in government operations. FOUR SEASONS T AVEL GOOD FOOD BUSINES 3 mins LUNCH MOTEL LANCASTER Estimates Tabled "In Parliament OTTAWA the 1960-61 estiniates tabled in the| (CP)--Breakdown of 605); Fisheries $19,939,500 ($21, 332,867); Governor General, Commons Thursday by Finance | Lieutenant - Governors $430,484 Minister Fleming, figures in brackets: griculture $113,531,797 ($109,- 317,237); Atomic energy $41,653, 255 ($32,092,300); $910,860 ($8S 010); with 1959-60 | ($431,064) ; Auditor general | Board of|employment Insurance $691,612 ($694,441); Justice $8,506,348 ($8, | 506.348 ($8, 194,261); Penitentiar- lies $17,875,553 ($20, 868 484); La- [bor $14,955,698 ($15,991,942): Une insurance $48, 178, Broadcast G over nors $298,420 (500 ($74,854,000) ($200,000) ; 641,975); $115,425 ($117,920); and immigration $59,764,500 ($ 229,510); Civil service $3,853,967 ($3,765,961); CBC $71,739,400 ($69, 405,120); Crown companie $5,507,322 ($6,477,525). External affairs 133.704. 302 ¢ J ($93,748,370) ; ernational ¢ -ommissic mn CUBA Chief electoral officer| 24) ; Citizenship commis-(ion coal board $16,324,250 De-|544,175); Legislation $7,972,010 .1$43,028,402 ($37,072,625); Domin ($16 National defence $1 ($1,680,194,006) ; Film Board $4,647,468 | 736) [($914,640): Health and 1,439,240,729 ($1,400,621,345); tional Research Council $33 [681 ($30,733,500); Nationa evenue $71,792.046 ($72,611,847); | S| [272,266 ($4,555, "|Northern affairs $77,050,633 ($87, 728,041). Post office $172,047,947 ($106,- 365,395); Privy Council $7,529,421 661,438); Public archives| 613 ($542, 870); National Ii- brary $232,619 ($228,279); printing $3,389,836 ($3,501,250) ; Public works $195897,719 ($226 064,164); RCMP $53,702,011 ($54, 065,475); 824,731 ($4,472,803). National National gallery $1,079, 145 | welfare Na- GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 926Y2 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8.6451 or RA 3-4131 ($7,718, mines and technical surveys COLDS Sore Throat DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL gives maton relied 190 oF by tour genre so1Cansdianmothers ates font to relieve | pein and congestion © Apply it warm==rub it mn A - Nothing Wwe 0 por Vow Public Secretary of state $4,-| SCHOFIELD ASSOCIATES LTD. Do You Really Want Service? INSURANCE We have it BECAU ® We work hard to new accounts, name and not by ® We ere available 24 hours a doy. ® We follow through on every have o personal interest in each client by t the best SE: service our clients ond claim. We number. with the ® We rep best rates. ® You moy budget 6 or 9 months if Schofield Insuran 6 SIMCOE NORTH DON ELLISON FOR SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT, CALL JACK MOORE your premiums over 3, desired. ce Associates Lid. RA 3-2265 See... Vv, aN i he HOWE AND MILLEN KASSIGER. CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOR THE SPRING BUILDING OF YOUR DREAM HOME in Exclusive agents for Beau Valley: SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES «oe Now! RISTOW AND OLSEN

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