Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Cloudy Saturday, a brief period of light freezing rain or freez- ing drizzle tonight changing into rain Saturday. Fog patches. THOUGHT FOR TODAY The reason many a man doesn't go on a lark is that his wife watches him like a hawk. Fhe Oshawa Sumes Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa 60 Killed In Bolivian Air Crash Jan. 6---A National TWENTY-TWO PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Port Perry Boy Died Of Rabies TORONTO (CP) -- A seven year-old Ontario boy died of rabies six weeks after he was bitten by a skunk last fall, says a report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. It was the first such death in 15 years, the doctors making the report said Richard Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight of Port Perry, 15 miles north of Oshawa, died in the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children three days after he vas ad a [0] Post - mortem examination re vealed the presence of negri bod ies, found only in rabid infect the doctors said, although 2 time did the young exhibit symptoms of hydrophobia, an aversion to water offen found in connection with rabid infection of 5, 1960 Vol. 89--No. 29 his limbs constantly and had di- lated pupils." The examination after death § revealed congestion of the boy's| ! lungs and a brain examination ! showed negri bodies which con-| i firmed the diagnosis. |B bo ih i bodi LA PAZ, Airlines in ng preseste of Beg bodies 4 p Sicty persons were killed today pilot with years of experience fly-|plane crashed near Bolivia, N.C., land the isolation of rabies virus| & J ; when a Bolivian airliner crashed|ing over this country's rugged killed 34 persons. from brain, salivary glands and | 3 into-a lagoon on a flight between mountain terrain. Jan 18 -- A Capital Airlines saliva confirmed that this child] La Paz and Cochabamba, There NEW YORK (CP)--The crash/Plane crashed near Holdcroft, was infected with rabies virus, were no survivors of a Bolivian airliner at La Paz, Va., killing 50. : : the report said. The airliner crashed 160 miles Bolivia, today, with 60 persons,| Jam. 19--A Scandinavian jet RET south of La Paz was the fifth commercial avia-|airliner crashed near Ankara, H k T ad The crash--the worst air dis- tion disaster of the year. It|Turkey, killing 42. aster ever recorded in Bolivia-- brought the death toll to 246. Jan. 21--A Colombian airliner was thought to have been caused| The previous accidents were: Icrashed in Jamaica, killing 60. DETROIT (AP)--A four-player | trade between the Detroit Red| 7 - Bolivia (Reuters)--|quin Lobos, the airline's chief last tober SPRING AHEAD Five-year-old Deborah Elaine Reilly appears pleased with the armload of pussywillows she gathered. The pussywillows, a symbol of spring, are begin ning to blossom all over the southern portion of British Columbia aircraft. was owned by Lloyd Aerea Boliviano The DC-4 airliner crashed a D. M. McLean, V- W. Krause, W. ers of the National Hockey few minutes after takeoff from M. Wilson and W. A. Hawke League was reported by unoffi- Their report said the boy was|cial sources today to have been| bitten on the left index finger called off adults, and 10 children. Among TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|politan type of government was he the latter were five babies government will attempt to pry adopted, he said. Ww ard Most if not all those aboard an additional $100,000,000 out of tetanus toxoid and the child "re-| Nell had refused to report to were believed to be Bolivians, No|O'tawa during the federal-pro-|CCF ACCUSATION turned to normal activity imme-| naw York and had announced F | diately." ; they would retire from hockey if Symptoms of the the trade went through. Cochabamba five weeks before he came 10] A Red Wing spokesman said | was available im-|vincial fiscal conference this] CCF Leader Donald €. Mae- by an engine explosion The airliner, a four-engined O ° WwW humans. : | ntario ants The case was reported by Drs. Wings and the New York Rang-| B 1 e T Sh {INCLUDES BABIES 199 Tr ax 1Ce The passengers included 45 hospital. The wound was "understood" that both Leon-| cleansed at the time dressed with (Red) Kelly and Billy Me- list | summer, Premier Frost said|/Donald charged the government Thursday |with an about-face in its policy passenger m ately disease de nedia MACMILLAN AS HONORARY CHIEF Prime Minister Harold Mac- | during a visit there. The prime millan of Britain was made an minister leaves for home to- honorary paramount chief of | day. The honor, highest "that all the Bantu tribes in North- | can be conferred on a white ern Transvaal of South Africa | man, was formally bestowed $6,330,168,920 = Record Spending |craveyardship by Bantu mule large prime --AP Wirephoto The plane was piloted by Joa- Greeted veloped more than three weeks| new vork was reported to have later when he began suffering a| i ped up its two men involved-- burning sensation over the trunk|gefencoman Bill Gadsby and left and expressed excessive sensitiv-| winger Eq Shack--and to -have .} Speaking during the throne speech debate, Mr. Frost said the conference offers a challenge to Canadian statesmen in finding on farm marketing. He said the government's atti- tude toward farm marketing has been reversed since Agriculture the ity to pain. Before coming to hog: carried them in the team's bus pital he complained of shooting to an airport to return to New pains in bis arms and legs 4| York with the Rangers He was unable to sit up ane The trade deal, involving no he developed Weakness, o the cash, was completed Thursday right arm and shoulder the re-| ont shortly after the Wings dropped a 3-1 decision to the port said. On Oct, 30, the day be- fore he died, the hoy "experi Rangers in a game here. enced several episodes of mental confusion lasting about three minutes, during which time he |spoke with a shr oldest of Maseru- pin, over and chi who dr a leopard the minister's n shot ---AP Wirephoto ders Israeli Freight "| Confiscated PORT SAID, Egypt (AP) ypt won its point Thursday in ithe long fight over the Israeli |cargo of the Danish freighter {Inge Toft. The freighter's agents Mikoyan By Cuban Gunfire HAVANA (AP)--Intense gun- |fire broke out today in the vicin lity of the Fine Arts Palace as {Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas 1. Mikoyan ani Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos prepared to open the Soviet here Wild shooting broke out from a balcony across the street from the Fine Arts Palace just as Mikoyan and Dorticos stepped in- side its doors. Trade Exposition k an equitable settlement of a Plomised |complex tax problem. iid h mers | Other provincial-federal confer-| ave the Jam To Work out their |ences, he said, have resulted in|®% Mar eting plans. limportant advances for Ontario,| NOW, he added, the govern. among them the introduction of| Ment is pressing for changes de- | HAVANA (AP)--A shiny Soviet; hospital insurance program manded by big business. {exposition set the stage today for|.nq an increase of the province's| He duoted Mr. Goodfellow as talks between Fidel Castro'sishare of incomeé tax to 13 per|S2Ying recently that "the present trade - hungry government and ent from 10 per cent. |selling method in the case of Russia's top salesman, deputy| He said Ontario will aim for a/l08S is not in the long-term in- |Premier Anastas Mikoyan Hrurthier increace of two per cent| terest of orderly marketing. The | A Castro aide quickly let it bein the income tax field. present program must undergo |known that Cuba hopes for a new Some modifications in selling era in business dealings with/NOT THE ANSWER techniques. Moscow Amendments to the British eo a few {North America Act, as suggested SLIVER qupsno~ © Grey an's arrival Thursday, the left- > Livers) Leader Juin Sued: South) asked if it was the pre. |\wing president of Cuba's Na-| FE A mier's intention to dismiss hours after Mikoy- There were no signs anvone "I'm not asking for econstitu- |tional Bank, Ernesto (Che) Gue-\2"SWer, Mr. Frost said. Gordon report by having it with in LA | Kills 6 Sail - | 1118 aliors IO NORFOLK, Va. (AP)--A steep notified customs authorities the Vere) le y a , d [coll by a desiroyer doomed to the cargo can be unloaded. This we i {United ™ States Navy's ® "grave.|means confiscation. wae hit in the erowd of about 300/vara, told a television audiencel, 0.1" ymendmenfs," he added. meetings. OTTAWA (CP) -- The biggest|was the $10,000,000 appropriation federal spending program infin last year's estimates Canadian history was laid before NATO food bank, Parliament Thursday. It calls for government has an outlay of $6,330,168,920 in the idea. indicating the bandoned this 1 5. J for allopped from the northern affairs in the icy waters of the Atlantic (tons of copper and 4,000 tons of department's estimates. PUBLIC DEBT COSTS JUMP | Daly was injured fatally on board|Arab Palestine refugees. The Pot- One of the big expenditure in- edly. yard" left one of its crew dead| Informed sources said the that "trade is necessary, and for "Canad + ithin th is and five others missing Thursday | cargo--1,500 tons of potash, 10| |""Canada can operate within the us. very necessary." lact as it is." "We are completely disposed! There is a possibility, he said, to talk. Now the problem is toithat Ontario will press for a the appearance See if our visitor is equally dis-jarger share of liquor revenue. posed At present the province levies a outside the exposition building The Havana police radio| announced the arrest of a charge of attempt- ust over $10,677,000 off the Virginia coast. |cement--will be auctioned off by|duickly | One of the men of the U.S.S.|cus'oms agents for the benefit of [WO men on |/ing to sabotage es s the vessel lurched umexpect-|ash was offered for public bid-|of Mikoyan at the exposition. cidisnid ] Ten others were swept|ding by Port Said merchants. | Armed police were seen run-| The opportunity to ask proba-|40 per cent tax on liquor, while| The Gordon report on the or / ganization of government in On. tario recommends numerous changes in departments and gove ernmental structure. Lamport May Run |ereases would be in interest and overboard, and of these only five| That represents another Egyp-|ning down street from the palace bly will come after Mikoyan for-/the federal government gets 60| |other charges on the public debt. Were rescued. [tian tactical victory in the United|toward the seawall drive, almost ms ly onens the Soviet scientific, per cent. {The debt now stands around $15,-| Early today, ships and planes Arab Republic's continuing fight/in the heart of the city [technical and cultural exhibit--| | For Toronto Mayor 000,000,000, up from $13,800,000,- still combed the area 200 .miles|to bar Israeli goods as well as| The firing lasted about 10 min-|the announced {000 for the 1958-59 fiscal year. |off Cape Henry, looking for the|jsraeli ships from the Suez Canal. ntes. visit. + 5 TORONTO (CP)--Allan Lam. 3 jof the legislature. port, commissioner of the Tor- onto Transit Commission, said budget. His avowed course is to- ward a better budget balance than the $393,000,000 deficit he {mien | forecast for the current year. | Cost of carrying this is esti-| v { PROPAGANDA SEEN 3 it ini This will require collecting has the best television recep- mated at $744,400,00 in the com- ste Duly ud Ci ey le United States officials in Wath far Fro% suid ¥ 1 Mi in today h fe something close to the $5,740,168, tion in town--but only on |ing year, around $30,000,000 more were on "perhaps iy ir last bo |ington viewed Mikoyan's visit 2s|pe given the' same Mind of se- a Tay om or mayor a 920 main expenditure estimate Week-ends, {than this year. cruises when the tragedy took | 1TeS: propaganda move by Moscow | curity as that enjoyed in five] He said Seem eo he for the new 1960-61 year. Added| That's when he has a 120- | The higher debt costs are In-|place. | {to capitalize on the low ebb inlother provinces and by members|would run for the offic it F ed- Jout Srane parked beside his cluded in the finance depart-| Their "sea trials" em route {American-Cuban relations [of the House of Commons, "lerick G Pd only mar of inal er home, He altaches fhe ment's whopping estimate of $1,-/from Newport to Hampton Roads | | They say he may have brought | Mr. Frost said the government metropolitan Toronto, did mot 3V CE CL Era 2 up a raft of trade offers in anticipa-|will never allow the secession of|(stop 'his constant words of t tion of Cuban overtures: The So- municipalities from the Metro-|abuse'" about the manner in which the TTC is run. Mr. Lamport resigned as to this is $590,000,000 for the $55- [J] J 1442 908,631, $176,319,026 from|will end shortly with their en-| 3 3 his year. Also reflected is an|trance inte the Norfolk naval! WO 1 1S ers t bes ob f Ee he pi 4d Brel a nn 7 in the best position for TV |additional $66,643,000 more in|shipyard, where they will be viet Union already purchases|politan Toronto system. The mayor in 1954 to become a mem- a-month old age pension, on reception. . " "» 3 3 . eception sharing payments to the/"mothballed" in preparation for {sugar from Cuba, but trade re- Greater Toronto area cannot be ber of the TTC. How will it be paid for? The BEST RECEPTION FOR TELEVISION answer will come in Finance Minister Fleming's springtime Mr. Frost also went on record purpose of his|in favor of a voluntary, contrib- DEEP RIVER (CP)--Crane operator Etienne Baribeau | jutory pension plan for 'members| PARIS (AP) -- President de| successfully defied de Gaulle last |Gaulle today strengthened his| Week. cabinet by promoting his stead-| Cornut 0 fast supporters and ousting | Wan:ed io compromise with « Gentille also had the + communications. A year ago, Mr. Fleming set out main budgetary "estimates of $5,505,848,557 for the current year. This was swelled to $5,681. " ; let ti : 950,047 by two lots of supple-| tion site. commiission will get a budgeiary increase of $13,319,500. sion costs to boost the grand to- . tal for the current year to $6,- Cut Of Overtime A 3 ) I 259,550,047 FLINT, Mich. (AP) , .. |man for the Algerian rightists.|isters leaving the cabinet, but al- of 'Soma Ppeniy ited =a i ike| The expected cabinet reshuffle together seven ministers were SOME LARGE CUTS | {of some 10, nited Auto Work- as brought on by the crisis|eliminated or shifted The estimated increase of $70,- |ers over a speedup dispute here Was gt OB Dy Le : . oS ' ol 4 [has forced General Motors to|Which followed the rightist insur-| New men named to the cab- re " {gent rising in Algeria. The cab-|inet are Louis Terrenoire, head spite of hefty cuts in the budg-| fet Sa . ets for defence and public works| ¥ £m : | Saturday overtime was cancel-| . rib i] Ole {minist I information. and Jean jranspott, JoTthern gifairs and {body plants across the country.| mashing political victory- |National Assembly, named sec-| rs made by the strikebound plant. g I + ttl and increases in allocations to) The UAW walked out Wednesday Staff, said simply that "General | Pierre Guillaumat, ministers of the departments of finance, |in a dispute over production stan.|d¢ Gaulle had approved the de- defence, was shifted to minister. trade, health and welfare, and dards that involves fewer than 20 Parture" of Soustelle and Bern-|delegate charged with atomic. re- mines and technical surveys. The ard The defence ministry atomic energy program will cost went to Pierre Mesher, long-time Shgines for standard Chovrolels HAD BEEN STRONG MAN | ; : {at also produces components for| Sougtelle, once touted as the POST SWITCHED The estimate of spending un- |Chevolet cars and tru | ' i , [ on / rv . doubtedly will be increased by | The company Sa od] TONE man of de Caulle's up| Roger Frey, who Servec as in supplementary estimates during srati oy ged | porters, was ousted from the post formation minister, was . pro the vear 4 {operating procedures and produc-| of minister of the Sahara, atomic|moted to a minister-delegate. His, DEFENCE SLASHED 1. The defence budget is sliced by six per cent to $1,596,272,266-- lowest point since the Korean War buildup of 1951-52. Weapons and new equipment are pared by/| 2. Public works eéxpenditures| are d by more than $30,000,-| 000 to $195,897,719 from $226,064, 164. Reductions include $17,560, 093 'for public bulldings, $7,544, parks construction 3. The transport budget -is lowered by $17,127,666 to $218,-| 381, 424. This includes an $11] 000,000 cutback in' the airports 984,06 from last year in a 1960-61 estimate of $83,764,302. Missing POLICE RA 5-1133 Down an African road go a model in bed and four pajar | elad men ¢ ¥ * t which the government keeps separate books. Nee kdavs he uses the | provinces. {joining the reserve fleet. lations between the two countries allowed to return to conditions ane on a nearby construe- The unemployment insurance are otherwise spotty 'prior to 1954 when the metro- mentary estima'es. Added to this - yas $577,600,000 in oly age pen. m---- GM Strike Causes rebellious French settlers Jacques Soustelle, chief spokes- These were the only two min $18,872 in spending for the ap- | roaching fiscal year came in schedule production cuts at Chev- | : oi . A p P |rolet and Fisher body plants |inet was split by the crisis and|of the Gaullist Union for the New | | : y Plan's. |some members wanted to com-|Republic, who takes over the | {Spokesmen said the reductions | retar: t th More than offsetting these re- |were designed to conserve parts| The announcement, made by ftary of Stas fo rela fons with ductions are bigger debt charges the press office of de Gaulle's|'n® A {men, Chevrolet said. Cornut-Gentille, minister of search. The plant makes six-cylinder | ini more, as will unemployment in-| : y: career administrator, surance. | tion standards in the erankshaft The outstanding cutbacks for 1960-61 $44,000000 and construction by| $22,000,000 051 less for harbors and rivers, and $4.024000 less for national progray 4. External affairs loses $9.- FIRE. DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 hours 23 mir he run was made in Southern Rhodesia, by utes I model ROCK-A-BYE-BY:. {energy and overseas possessions |duties were not immediately an- department. The union contends|because of his identification with nounced, but he may replace {the change resulted in a speedup.ithe Algiers insurgents who un-|Robert Lecourt, switched (rom Satellite Try itd : ¢ Fizzles 1 1zzles In U.S. VANDENBERG AFB, Calif. |series for the liquid-fuelled Jupi- (AP) United States missile|ter had been completed four | teams, busy on both coasts re-|months ahead of time. 1 | corded a successful doubleheader . at Cape Canaveral, Fla., and a POLARIS OK delayed fizzle at this base Thurs-| The navy announced the suc- day cess of the Polaris, which is| The Discoverer IX satellite slated to become standard equip- | rocket left its pad at Vandenberg | ment on nuclear submarines in| in fine form, but officers at the |the not-too-distant future. California installation announced | The Jupiter launching was the | later that the rocket failed to|30th for the army ballistic mis- | achieve orbital velocity |sile agency. Of the previous They said they lacked informa-|shots, 22 were rated successful, | ion on whether the second stage five partially so and two failures. | rated from. the first. After The Jupiter soon will be de- 1 fo reach orbital speed, the | ployed with NATO in Italy and rocket fell back into the atmos-| Turkey. vr phere. Discoverer IX, like all but the riding In the two successful firings at|first Discoverer rocket, carried | Hewart .the Florida cape, a Jupiter an instrumented capsule de-| and Nor- | roared aloft on a final 1,500-mile| signed to be ejected from the or-| y was [test flight and a Polaris recorded | biting second stage and snatched rs to Is th Sraight hit on an Atlan- from the air by planes 26 hours ic target § miles away after launching. This ma | --AP Wirephotg | The army later said the test/has failed every time, wiki re relations with the French com-| munity to relations with parlia-| | ment, the Sahara and, overseas departments and territories The foreign ministry remains in the hands of career diplomat Maurice Couve de Murville The new lineup strengthens the professional technicians in the cabinet at the expense of politi- cal figures. The revamped cabinet was ex-| pected to approve today the first | of a series of new decrees de-| signed to prevent a repetition of| the uprising and advance Algeria toward the self - determination vote de Gaulle has promised 3 Russ Atom Subs | Patrol Off Norway OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Three atomic- powered Soviet subma- rines carrying intermediate -| range missiles with atomic war-| heads are patrolling the Arctic | Ocean off Norway, the conserva-| tive Oslo newspaper Morgenbla- det said Thursday. No source was given for the report. Norwe gian military sources declined comment, | J COOL CUSTOMER too frigid these days for even | Nevertheless, Stanley Zeman of { Windsor area decided to test The Detroit the out his skin diving gear | water or not. =CP Wirephots ice

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