Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 18

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18 .THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Februery 5, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 1 --Accountants YALE, FR E HUNTER and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li- ised Trustee in Bankruptcy Street East, Oshawa; B. L. F. Friedlander, B. Comm. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario | Accounting Services offer complete bookkeeping services for small business. 184 Bond Str West, Room 1, Office RA 5-0397, Residence, RA 3.7605 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, 3 and & Chartered Aci Licensed 'rustees, Ajax, O Monteith, FCA, MP: B mm.,, CA; G. Trethewey, CA: R. RA 5.3527, 135 Simcoe | Oshawa HOPKINS and Company, Certi- | Public Accountants, 172 King East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA » CPA, cet tfoot, CA; North, 2--Barristers CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNA) MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, 1 'ublic, Bank of Commerce ag. t North, RA 3-3466 C. Fraser. Qc; « K. | Murdoch, NHA mort arranged EPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, | « Money to loan. Office 26% East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232 Re RA 53405. MANNING F SWARTZ, Ti tor, Notary, Money to loan. Fini Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry 2 King Street East. RA dial RA 3-4029, DODDS, Barrister | King Street East Bu i5inesy, RA 55501; Resi-| sidence, BLAKE tor. 26% Teleph de RA 85 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- | rist itors and Notaries Public t East, RA 54717, Russell | and James A. MacDonald. David L., Barrister, Solici- BOWM AN CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 375 402 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to eriginal orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at ao later date constitutes a new original order. ond Bus 3 ress listings lines dally. $1.00 per Professional $7.50 per month. for Each additional line month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count as @ word, Box charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am. the do publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shall responsible for errors in adverti ments submitted otherwise than ir writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of ony 'adver- tisement, nor beyond the charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the cose of disc ertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual err occupies. The publishers endea to reproduce ail advertisi correctly but assumes no if any inaccuracies in of advertisement are therein. liabil any form contained 13--Gardening & Supplies |19--Personals WANTED ride to Toronto, arriving vicinity of University approximately 8 am. Write Box 148 Oshawa Times. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Ménure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 14--Household Repairs WANTED -- middle-aged woman with- | {out children to share home with widow | and one child, light domestic duties in .jexchange. Write Box 38. Oshawa Times. | R Foundation Garments, in| ally designed. Reg. corsetier-- Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road| h fear HYPNOSIS--Overcome tension, frustration, nervous pains, gain confi- dence, lose weight, etc. Consult Edwin! Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, | j11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. For ap-| pointmnt phone RA 8-0171 or RA 8.1751 CRAYDON Upholstering, custom work, ITT TE fore Tec! = to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| recovering, auto seats repaired. For free estimates phone MO 8-5657, 107A! 0 onal service at your home. call! RA 5 { Colborne Street, Whitby. repaired and r pan Tor Se sor ELECTROLYSIS Removol of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be Oshawa, Feb, 16th and 17th. Phone Hotel painting and wallpaper Telephone MA FOR all your ing c all Melle Rozema 3-2584 Bowmanville | {FURNITURE tered. See our ing. Bruce R, Dalton RA 3.7212 ROXATONING ~-- Give old furniture a new look. Top quality work at reason- able rates, For free estimates, phone RA 3.2077 aiter business hours. PAINTING, only $8 and up, 7297 HIGH quality! Something different and these dates for appointment, more comfortable, New upholstered furniture or re-upholster and re-model | your old, Only by highly skilled up-| 20 Cartage holsterer, at no extra cost. Gimpelj|GALT CARTAGE. furniture and appli ustom Upholstering Co., Celina ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully wa For esti- linsured. Call day or night. RA 35-4498 RA 5-4170. Business RA 8- r------- REAR] our big choice of samples. |121--Personal Service happy nome. guaranteed, | ALL types of alterations and m done pertly. Phone Mo | 8-4 127. i | EWING machine pair and |to all makes. Elna, RA 5-2591 |FABRICON "invisible mending, cigar rebuill, recovered, (et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's phol. in also "rooms papered, labor. gyprock applied. RA §- Genosha on 5342 A CLEAN home a Free consultation, work no pu Rieity, Reliable Exterminators, and services for all needs. wes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. CHESTERFIELDS pay See is 1 service » South. RA 5-9592. Resi- | de RA 8.0264 SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl. | Simcoe Street North. |8--Building Trades 41; Residence RA 5-554 N and BASTEDO, Er Jos ents' funds available for 5. 20 Simcoe Street North. ls es C. McGibbon, QC; | a s. C and Boychyn, R. D. Humphreys, BA: W. A, Hillman,| eet West Phones Res. RA 5-4604 or Money to loan MacDONALD, BA. Barris.| W. citor, 101 Simcoe Street|ce RA 88511 CAMERO barrister, ary Public, 18% King Streets. 2269. NHA and private an ranged K HUMPHREYS [re MO 8-2761 JOHN A, G . and Ph JORN A A R mm age a Solici- South phone 5-3368; Ter- RA 8 5832. Barristers, mcoe Street 2 Reuidince ¢ BA, Sc, RA Kelly, PA, BCL, GREER 3 L Di ence V Banks Flooring R "| House, GENERAL cement work and repairs. RA 5-59 floors resanded and finished, new installed, hardwood or tile by Free estimates. RA 1011 after 6 p.m __|RE SIDE TIAL and commercial altera tions and repairs, lect, Pickering 738 ree. rooms. Tel. col | GARDENS and lawns Toto- tilled Made y for spring planting and seeding ad. Ci "al RA 5-8985. ANTED -- a bulk cooler, a and 25 to 30/5 mented and water-proofed by low cost, free estimates ex RA A. UPTON for high quality pain d decorating. Phone RA 3-2977 ENT it now through For Rent "ads! apartment, rooms al RA 3-3492 for an ad- writer contractors, brick and K ALPH Greer, JONES, BA, | Associate Barristers 130 King Street East gage loans available. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, woll- | Notary Public, 26% King| Phone RA 8-1763 and Thomas | Sc ors ) Stree st | 3--Chiropractors J. H. TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic, | 3 King Street West, Oshawa. RA| for appointment. | R 4--Dentists G, T. SCIU K. Office hour e gs by appointment. 259 Stre " South, Phone RA 35-2223 DR 5--Nursing Services PRIV ATE and semi » | private accom: | 1 ns now avaflable. Completely new building. Licensed. Rea. e rates. Visifors welcome. South Nursing Home, Newcastle, hone #44 ANDEN NURSING HOME (w KING ST. WEST ALL TYPES of building repalirs--Roof- RA | In Masonry -- Cement and Faves jpotEhing=-Chiinneys, Gordon May -0394 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete, Cinder ,Haydite Blocks. Chimney Blocks, 1089 Nelson Street Corner Wellington A RA 3- 4412 -- RA 5- 7041 HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hordwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 | | icenced) ing anything. | more? Our rates|garments made from old clothing. Gen. | r Satisfaction guaranteed [eral repairs, 216 Chadburn Street Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery | Co. [10 Bond Street West, Dial RA (22 Radio & TV ' Repairs 5-031 -- RADIO service. All YOUR loc neys wm .{ Thompson Electronics, Elliott stalled, furnaces enue RA 3 d) mates. RA 3.2097 RIE TV TOWERS tely installed, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re.|Year guarantee, $64.50: no. bolts, no covered like new. Get the best for less|rivets, all welded. All channel aerials at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe from $29.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. RA| Street North Call RA 8-6451 for a free 5-512 estimate _UMPY / TOWERS, One year ALL or nting. Reason-|$49.95, no bolts,.no rivets a OF ng Rea rs Al channel aerials from $19:95, Easy| terms. Kelly TV. RA 5.5121 | TELEVISION, radio tubes, | sel free tester. Fred's Drive-In, King | Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town | Line East. Supplied by Dean Kelly T' {81 King West. Open daily, 12 midnight | |and Sundays GEORGE'S T.V. Antenna, tion and Repairs. | makes cleaner. Av gas | jumed. Free esti « himn and repaired vac 157 s of interi Fast, reliable service FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd RA 5-5954 nout Service-- labor plus parts Do-it-Your Installa- | y | $ | 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEM) Royal Academy ballet, gister now. 424 King West, PRIVATE 16 years' Act now policy All 24-hour Honesty is our work guaranteed service, CALL RA 3.9525 . Baton, Highland. RA 56122. teacher, student counsellor, experience, by interview only. RA 5 1054 HARV DANCE AC ADE MY, Baton, Tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122 MIL LIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu-| tor. Dancing School. Ballet, tap, pre- school acr c, character, Friday, Saturday _Masonle Temple, ¥ RA 3.7 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Al Work Guargnteed OSHAWA | LEARN TO DRIVE NOW ELECTRONICS Don't Driver. Oshawa Driving School Day ond Evening Lessons RA 8-0091 17--Money to Loan be @ Fairweather Phone the EXPERT ANTENNA AND TOWER INSTALLATIONS All-Channe! Antennas NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS Law's Pharmacy LAKE-VISTA SHOPPING PLAZA Wecker Dr., corner of Cedar and Thomas St. RA 5-3525 Free Delivery SHOPPING CENTRE SERVICE STATION King end Stevenson's Rd. for service while you shop. RA 8-0741 Mar Doug Corby JACK'S BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP 969 SIMCOE N Special This Month Cold Waves--$5 95 Courteous Service RA 8- 5661 G. NEWELL Real Estate Broker 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-4703 Pickering 142 - 143, EMpire 2.3625, Mortgages and Ap- praisal FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Call 's. D. HYMAN, Realtor | 39 PRINCE ST. RA 8-6286 HUNGRY? WE DELIVER Fish, Chips Sundry and items. 25c delivery TOWN. LUNCH RA 5-8978 and Hamburgers confectionery charge H. M. MACKIE CO., LTD. DISTRIBUTORS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS announces CHANGE OF OFFICE ADDRESS FROM 79 WILKINSON AVE. TO 22 BLOOR EAST For continuous prompt and efficient service of quality products CALL RA 5-5954 NEW DISTRIBUTORS for B. P. CANADA LIMITED HEATING FUELS, GASOLINES MOTOR OILS AND GREASES Texaco Canada | Limited New Telephone Number For Customers in Oshawa Area Whitby Dial MO 8-3211 NO TOLL CHARGE For prompt delivery of furnace fuels, gasolines, motor oils and greases. New telephone number due to the closing of our Storage plant, Wilkinson Avenue, on February 3rd. 25--Pets and Livestock 2--Articles Wanted |36--Female Help Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted | WOMAN to care for home and children while mother in hospital. February 25th EXPERIENCED hairdresser to work py Whitby, Write to Box 105 OshxWa Times. (to March 17th. Telephone RA 5-4970. GIRL for lupch counter. Apply 345 Ritson Road Soutk h | EXPERIENCED waitress. good wages and good working conditions. Apply South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East. | SECRETARIAL POSITION] Capable person required with knowledge of dictaphone, UNATTACHED middle-aged or elderly | lady to live in, light housework and companion for semi-invalid. New home, | TV, electric conveniences, in pleasant | location. Telephone RA 58297, frofa 9.4. |; EARN $23 weekly plus a free ward robe in your spare time. Just show! Fashion Frocks to friends, No inw ment, canvassing, experience neces- sary. Write Ni American Fashion Frocks, Ltd, 3425 Industrial Blvd. | Dept. D-6630, Montreal 39. shorthand and typing. Tele- phone M. Millar, E. F. Drew ond Co, Ltd., Ajox 55. WELL EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER required for JACK'S BEAUTY SHOP due to expansion North Oshawa Phone RA 8-5661 between 8 am, -- 7 p.m: BOOKKEEPER Senior position, responsible for maintaining complete set of books for expanding sales organization. Opportunity for advancement, Group benefits Salary $65 to $75. Com- mensurate with ability, Write Box 3, Oshawa Times. DEPENDABLE girl or lady to take {care of home and three pre-| -school chil- |dren, for iwo weeks while mother in | hospital. RA 83-6873. | ACCOUNTS Payable Clerk, female, re-| {quired immediately, Office experience land typing essential. Five-day one: |excellent working conditions and em- |p {ployment benefits. Phone for appoint. | {ment, 2 to 4 p.m., Mr. Paul, Oshawa | {Ganeral Hospital. SECRETARIES We have two senior positions open for fully qualified and experienced stenogrophers. You should be adaptable end capable of working independ- ently. 5 day week, central location. Sickness and life in- surance benefits available. Present staff aware of this advertisement. Reply Box 240 Oshawa Times giving particu- lars of your experience and qualifications, | | | | | | | | SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT | four-piece bath, ling. $75 per [ McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKKEEPING, TYPING AND GRADE 12 | | half | REQUIRED Apply in person to the Chief Librarian. 37--Male Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY LARGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HAS OPENINGS FOR TWO QUALIFIED MEN IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA AND SURROUNDING TERRI TORY hese positions are available because of our expansion program due to the tremendous growth o older men will be retiring withi f the Company and the fact that n a very short time. This means that o vast number of policyholders will require service from trained end qualified Underwriters and when you consider that ao substantia! volume of our new business each year comes from this source, the opening should man be doubly attractive for the right Full commissions will be payable coupled with @ monthly training gront during the learning period. That is why applicants for @ position in this. Company take a special test to determine their qualifications. This is supplemented by a complete training plan, part of which you con undertake befere giving up your present position, If you are a university or high school graduate, between the ages of 25 and 40, presently employed and have resided ot least 5 years in the territory, but desi the freedom to exercise your rous of the larger rewards and initiative which a sales career off ers, apply in in 1 writing to Box 209, Oshawa Times. | Athol Street {#partment, {823 | 44--Houses & Apts. For Rent FOUR room apartment, all conveni. ences, parking space, bus at door, laundering gicilities, hot water heating. Apply 165 Verdun Road. R/ 3096. NEW house, near South General Motors | plant, im {RA 883% | APARTMENT, two bedroom, modern, electrically equipped, in apartment building. 111 Craydon Road, Whitby, MO 29. ™ bedroom apartment, completely | self contained, separate entrance, | nicely decorated, choice location, heavy | wiring, adults preferred, immediate pos. ession. RA 3.9859, X - room bungalow, three bedrooms, oil ed, centrally located, $95. RA ON furnished bedrooms, ia ate home with kitchen privileges, ladies preferred. Phone RA 5-6823 after 6 pm, THREE room apartment, private |bath, heavy wiring, available March 1, {RA 85771 or 38 Bond Street East | EIGHT roomed "house, two kitche: 1d Alice Street, monthly rent $110. Tele- {phone RA 8-5206 | SING furnished housekeeping "room, refrigerator, laundry facilities, close te {down town, suitable for lady, Apply 253 ast $80 FIVE room apartment, consisting {of two bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen and bath, centre apartment of Triplex, | Division Street North of Alice. Available RA 3.3017. room | March 1, {THREE unfurnished basement light wiring, self-contained, close to bus, suit two girls or working | couple Phone RA 5-794 | PRIVATE rooms, park- Apply three washer, aerial, month, adults only. 212 Steven on Road South, |APARTME New electrically equipped. TV, heat and hot water included. Near shopping centre, : vell Avenue. RA 3-9471. ~four-room self "contained apartment, adults only. Apply 335 King Street E THREE large rooms, pri heavy wiring, hot and cold of garage. Central apartment, two-bedroom, e s ater, also location. RA 39424 WEEKLY, stove, frig, refund. Ajax 393. THREE rooms, , unfurnished, private bath. Adults. Reasonable. 117 Colborne Street East Phone RA 5-1607. THR room unfurnished "apartment, heavy wiring, TV aerial, very nice Kit. chen, very central. Apply 143 Hurom Street FOUR - room heavy wiring, Maple Street. |all day. THREE - room, self - contained apart. ment, unfurnished, kitchen fully equip- ped, including range and refrigerator, private bath, parking space. Adults, {Apply 150 Division. TWO large furnished rooms, with sink, refrigerator, stove, very central, sult quiet working couple, or two gentle. men. Apply 21 Colborne West. FOR RENT -- modern 'apartment, near Ajax, one bedroom, all services, ga- Tage, adults only. Phone Ajax 880 after p.m. FOUR - room apartment, light, heat, unfurnished, water. Couple only. Pri. vate entrance. 203 King Street West, 10 am. to 8 p basement apartment, also one double room, twin beds, cook- ing privileges, in bungalow. Parking space. Apply 864 Meyers Street. "Ajax, six oil heat, TV outlet, $100 yearly house, newly decorated, gas 'in. North Ajax. 27 Call evenings, Sunday, decoral duplex apartment, consisting of g living room, dining room, large master bedroom and bathroom. Kitchen tiled, with electric stove and refrigerator. Hardwood floors throughout, laundry room, separate entrances, front and rear, sundeck. Couples only, $110 per month, Phone RA 3.9114 from 96 for appointment, FOUR . room (two-bedroom) a apart ments, Lakeview district, new frig and stove, TV outlet, heat and ter ine os low as $24.00 T.V. Service 24 Hours (House eoll $2.50) Len & Lou's TV RA 5.7844 RA 8-5804 11--Business Opportunities |ci srs mones to oan on frst mort OLD established hairdressing business age. Mortgage and 'agreement of sale ed. NHA mortgages arranged. in Whitby. Reason for sale, PY Write Box 205 Oshawa Times Cr ghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- 1] central, parking facil Stop, corner of, WE HAVE © Ra TS.9544 first and secor -- - chase of agree H STORE for rent, very central, newly nan, Q 7 6--Optometrists |decorated, parking space, reasonable, awa. RA 3 RIC HARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. |vacant now. RA 81131; after 6 p.m. yoo ro y. th ination of eyes, contact|{RA 5-1423 to Loan" in Classified. It's mcoe North (at Colborne), | BAKE shop lace your offer appointment RA 3-41 191 sale. A good opportunity! Old Age !3.3492 to place your ad now TUCK, RO, optometrist. Plea e | forces change. Apply 79 Mill St. TIP of the day ace at downtown Toronto | gARBER shop, confectionery--for sale-- See the Want Ads! n or 74 Burk Street.| Apartment, 333 Ritson Road South NOW cluded, -new apartment building. One available now, others Feb. 1. Phone RA 3-4368 TWO- BEDRDOM "apartment, cludes stove, fridge, heat, 105 Craydon Road. Whitby, FIVE - room lower duplex, imme "| possession, children welcome. | phone RA '8-6108 until 4. RA 3-0964 ¥ | UNFURNISHED three ment, parking facilities, 241 Bloor Street West. |FIVE room apartment and front |porch, hot water heating, lovely home, |all conveniences, west of Bowmanville B 233 DELIVERY boy for small store. Telephone RA 3-9412 BEVERAGE driver | have good references; customers waiting | Ontario Hospital plan. appliances. What|ehawa Times have you to sell? We also handle good errr ---------- ewer | line Of clothing. Must have cleaners' . trimming, bathing, deflea- |tags on them. Commission basis, Neigh ing. Waubena Kennels. RA _5-6321. |borhood Salesroom, TWO "registered Walker fox hound | East, RA 8-5836 pups, six months old, and two register. od Walker fox hounds, 20 months old, reasonable. Roy Brown, , Raglan CANARIES, guaranted si singers, young budgies, talking strain. Largest assort- ment of tropical fish. Complete line of grocery [4T--Roem and Board ROOM and board for one gentleman. Telephone RA 35-2305. ROOM and board for gentlemen or girls. Apply 195 Albert Streef, ROOM and board for two gentlemen five day week. Close to Duplate, Mar leable, Fittings. RA 3-2625. 25¢ Beat Avenue. ROOM and board, gentlemen prefer. red, seven days, $13 per week, lunches | packed, parking. Apply 137 Rosehill| |Blvd., opposite Shopping Centre, sive nursing home for alescent and elderly (Men ond women). and dieticians in e. Tray service, T.V., lounge. TOP quality German shepherd female | PIANOS |puppies, six weeks, registered, innocu- ed, champion stock, real value at Black and silver. Telephone OL 5-4930. FOX hound, 5:39: 10 any make or size, will |pay cash. State make and price. Write B xX 42 Oshawa Times. [WANTED --have "OLiver| for furniture and [ salesman, must PSI, Blue Cross, Write Box 202 'monies for loans and | \rtgages and pur-| sale. Louis § ing Street East, Osh (, $105, Ine hot water. Apt. 2. rent, w ities. Apply Coffee John and Simcoe South, two years old. IV. 0 Teles after, APARTMENT manager -- Rental al- lowance, handy, reliable couple, bond- 102 William Street able. Write Box 235, Oshawa Times. BOARDI Antennas Service SERVICE "Money a smart Dial RA Tr avilable now, electrical man station. Tele- mechanic, service [LICENCED | preferred, for phone RA 3-4452. SALESMAN -- Colonial Aluminum In- |dustries Ltd, has branched into the Aluminum Awnings "for rent or SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. job-offers 'em over on good Look pa D ROOM and board for gentlemen, single Phone RA Ph STO 7--Surveyors / se itcsm----ai] H TROLLOPE, Ontario | ryor, 216 Alice Street, RA| tral, reasonable. W. McAuley Prince {MO 83231. one RA 8-0020 ORE and seven rooms for sale, downtown, corner property, Realtor RA cen very 26 2512, Street, Oshawa, HORTON and Associates, On- I 1 Surveyors, Professional En 306 Dundas Street West, Whit- 85091, Ajax 728 8--Building Trades CARPENTER "work, hen \ nets, framing, trim. custom work arranged, All 79. and sifing, eavestrou aranteed FOR LEASE Modern tion, with years old, 1-bay Service Sta- snack bar, two in a town of ap- proximately 15,000, high potential,' rent to be nego- tiated. Write Box 49, Osh- awa Times ROOFING chimn repairs, new and old work STuN WORK -- brick and tile, Call ds y, RA 52232 or RA 3.7835 d heating pipes, fittings, and used, changing from sewer a speclaity. In reasonable rates. Infor- nd estimates free on any type Dial RA 5-4241. J.Foley. and heating supplies. Ha old R. Stark, 2 and engineer. South hing, cupboards iyrooms, inside re- | work guaranteed. Phone CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM mpt Delivery RA 8-8951 W. WARD FOR LEASE Modern Station with office ond lunch two - bay Service counter on well-travelled road in Oshowa For BOX 84, OSHAWA, particulars, write FOR LEASE Modern two-bay service sta- tion, located ot entrance to in. the a Town of Cobourg. Good po- shopping centre tentiol, Contact T. Milner, Supertest Petroleum, P.O. Box 395, Oshawa. Business phone RA 3.3742. After RA B-1275 rent to be negotiated 7 pm LL Df GGING BY R SANDERS r ACT 13--Gardening & Supplies | WILD BIRD FEEDERS SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD SEED PET SUPPLIES DOG MEALS ANNIA" MALT EXTRACT ICE T SA RA 9-4. OPERATORS ASSOCIATION (In eo-operation with, the Oshawa Chamber of Corameree) TV-HI-FI-AERIALS Dean Kelly TV--RA 5.5121 Earl Fowler TV. RA 5-1685 Parkway TV RA 3-3043 Mel Pollard TV. RA 3.9512 Premier " RA 5.1179 TV Enters RA 5.2905 APPLIANCE SERVICES Jack Christie RA 5-1179 'Lodwick Electric. RA 5.6369 Star Repair RA 5.7743 Warner Willioms RA 5-3531 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS available for first and sec ond mortgages. Mortgages and \greer of sale purchased Apply M. F tz, Barrister and Notary Put King East, Oshawa, RA CLIENTS' monies and scond mortgage, sale | ements purchased and sold. Hn-| and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| East, RA 37232 Street Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Arranged Lyndewood Investments 209 Brock St. S., Whitby MO ix 5322 es | MONEY TO LEND money for discount first and second and agreements ly in writing, giv s of security and of purchase to CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH BOX 201, OSHAWA FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800.00 $100,000.00 Home = owners, residential pr summer cottages, ho foctories, acreage by Prompt ser- Acceptance Simcoe St Days RA RA 5-1386 RA 5-1386 nts ase of mortgages for ECONOMY AND DELUXE TOWERS Roof antennas installed as low as $30.00 com- plete term REPAIRS T.V. SERVICE Fully licensed TV Technicians 1 YEAR SERVICE CONTRACTS FOR LESS THAN A $1.00 A WEEK T.R.IO. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-6781 to perty, ond phone irban mes oc Quotations or mail 2 ny [23 "Women" s Column wanted "to SPECIAL! He at permanents, $6.50 8739. [Cold wave $6.00 Page Hairdressing 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.3363 |24---Market Basket BALDWIN a $1.25 bushel Phone RA {25 Pets and Livestock REF GISTE RED 18--Loan Wanted LARGE private . ie RA what smart day in The MONEY les, 90. hamper AORTGAGE WANTEI pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, one block west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m. 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 27 --Fuel Wood WOOD cut by buzz and chain | Driveways snowplowed, RA 5-9727. 30--Lost and Found lew RMAN Shepherd pup five months answering by name of Shep, wearing tag with letter §. 193 King | Street East. RA 59023 | WATCH -- Man's s gold Bulova, lost Jan- uary 30. Finder please call RA 3-9619. | Reward. | LOST -- Kitten paws and stomach, white nose. Reward. RA 3-4807. 31--Articles For Rent RA 5-259, stitch and 2ig- sag. old, lost, , black Persian, white stripe down "Straight | USED SEWING MACHINES Portable -- Consoles Guaranteed by -- SINGER SEWING CENTER WEBBING'S HARDWARE AND RENTALS OF TOOLS and EQUIPMENT DOMESTIC and INDUSTRIAL B-H PAINT ELECTRICAL SUPPLY WINDOW GLAZING King St. W. at Park Road AMPLE FREE PARKING PH. RA 3-4873 32--Articles Wanted FOR quick, Awa es RA 3 Osh. Dial friendly service, call Tin Classified ad-writers WANTED SCRAP POULTRY FOL AND TICKS FEATHER TU Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc Open Saturday all . . Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET Phone Bey Brownlee, | y ! CASH FOR SCRAP ! 1 WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc. Open All Day Saturday [ M. GREENBURG & SONS LTD RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E, 35--Employment Wanted CLERK-typist requires position. Exper. ienced in financing and taxation, ex- cellent references. Telephone MA 3-5993 jor PO Box 734, Bowmany ville. JANITOR or handyman. Own tools, hard working and responsible person, good references, Write Box 150, Oshawa Times. DAY work or baby sitting, 9 to 5. Available after February 15. Write Box 106 Oshawa Times. | |MANY for the money. | | FULL | Apply | 36--Female Helo Wanted GIRL or "lady req required to take care of {home and children Phone RA 5.0821 Just a few words in Classified will tell your story to many -- for a very low price. Get results by dialing RA 13-3492 _now vanted Hotel, or Mr. "part time waitre Campbell, Genosha BECOME AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE Earn $30 to $40 weekly working 4-5 hours a day. Start immediately: Open ter- ritory: inn Whitby and North Oshawa, Phone Toronto ou 7-0319 on a.m AVON CALLING Wi re 8-9 men who need money. K 28 Gil- Peterboro 4 M mour Street, 1 manufacturing of |and Prime Units. We offer an excep- tional all year-round position with a guaranteed wage. Our prices are such that an average salesman starts to earn |over $100 per week. No experience ne- |cessary, Full training course. Apply onial Aluminum Industries Ltd., 515 N. part-time telephone sales work, om our office, 3 or 4 hours daily, beds, five minutes from South GM, television privileges, 147 Mill Street, RA 5-7754. * decorated, centrally located, witable for doctor, dentist, lawyer, insurance. TWO rooms with or without board, cen- tral, quiet and clean. Apply 174 Church Street, . [PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen, home cooked meals, 4.4 lounge. Home privil- eges. Call RA {to suit. No experience y. Call |Mr, Carter RA 8-0692, We require auto body repair man, eapable of doing any body repair job. If you are interested in top wages, good working conditions, eontact Dave Spence, Robson Motors, Bowmanville. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for two dependable ambitious men, we will fully train you in our method of merchan- dising. Our product is inter- nationally known in the ap- pliance field. Must have car, willing to work hard for good remuneration. Wrtie: BOX 208, OSHAWA TIMES PUBLIC RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVES Men, sincerely interested in a specialized career. Experi ence helpful but not essen- tial, as complete training will be given. Excellent com- missions for those who qualify. Phone RA 3-2633 for appointment, MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK, OSHAWA MALE HELP WANTED aged 24 to 26, Matriculation, some office experience for estimat- ing and general office work Apply 'in writing to Pilking- ton Glass Ltd., P.O. Box 264, Kingston, Ontario, Yo ung man r 38--Male or Female Help Wonted you interested in a full or spare e sales plan by which you can make $20 a day? beautiful Display 200 household leigh's, Dept. Montreal ARE tin Book featuring over products. Write Raw L-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, | 40--Opportunities ANYON be r 1 sta with a |dance ih wan Bob, "Ra 3-2600, | MODERN apartment, one- Take orders from | ROOM and a for two to share, clean home, Sule beds, good meals, Jenehies packed, laundry done, RA 5-17. ale and board for gentlemen. Good meals, lunches packed, single beds, close to all suoth plants. Phone RA 3-3101. ROOM and board for gentleman, one single and to share. 97 Albert Street. ROOM and Board for two girls. Tele- phone RA 3-385 ROOM and in clean, quiet home, nice location, 15 minutes to SGM plant, parking facilities, two single, one double room. MO 8-5092. GIRL wanted to share home cooked meals, twin tral. Phone RA 83-8478. large room, s. Cen- Paper Products, Ltd. Phone MA 3.3381. Box 1120, Bowmanville. $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed~ room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few | available. Call exclusive rental agent, Mr Bill Swarbrick, RA 5.6544 er RA |5-8342. Johm A. J. Bolahood Ltd, altor. BASEMENT apartment, three rooms in apartment building, stove, TV aerial, g, telephone RA 8-6 ree-bedroom or , Teasom able. Phone MOhawk 8-4609 after § p.m. SELF contained modern 3 - room apartment, refrigerator and stove, laundry facilities, vicinity King Division Streets, Oshawa. Phone MO & 23 THREE large rooms, unfurnished, apartment, heavy wiring, adults only, Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South, FOUR rooms and private bath, , heavy duty wiring, stainless steel sink, pri- vate entrance, garage. RA 8-1723 after 5 p.m, ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good | home cooked meals, Centrally located. Apply 160 Park Road | North. RA 3.9541, ROOM for two gentlemen to share, ith Dreatast, all conveniences. RA BEST meals in town, all conveniences, for gentlemen. Phone RA 5-1168, 3536 Lorraine Street. ROOM and board, single room, good home cooking, bus stop, ten minutes | walk to four corners, garage. 240 Division. 42--Room and Board Wanted f ROOM and board for two children. boy | 8 and girl 5, full time. Close to school, urgent, Write Box 101 Oshawa Times. |44--Houses, Apts., Flats | For Rent |FOUR-ROOM apartment with bath. | Suitable for couple with child. Phone RA 5.0331 between 8 p.m. and MOD apartment, one-bedroom, all | Ajax. Phone iP services, garage, near Ajax 880 after 6 p.m. APARTMENT, three miles east of Col- [umbus, four rooms, bathroom, private |entrance, modern conveniences, $60 { monthly, including heat, hydro. Con tact Lance Beath, OLiver 5-3476. ED six-roomed storey and | k. Ideally located Grierson Extra washroom in basement, RA 88410 or RA {FUR? half br Street, oil Seating. garden, 3 FOUR - floor, available now. South room "apartment on ground 149 Wilson Road THREE room basement apartmen private entrance and bath, suit work. ling couple or two ladies willing to |share. Parking space. RA 55323 HEATED 3 - room apartment, kitc |1322 Minden Street | cupboards | TWO . room furnished apartment, quiet |district, close to conveniences. Child |care if required. Abstainers only. Tele- phone RA 8-6034. - 3 ROOMS and bath, stove, 'frig. Va- cant Feb. 15, 1960. $65.00. H&K Hard. ware, 335 Simcoe Sou WELL furnished two large rooms, re- |frigerator and stove, private alts lalso furnished single room with wash room, very central Apply 96 Centre St. St. MODERN three bedroom 7 bungalow-- | residential district. Telephone RA 5-9630. MODERN three bedroom house, large kitchen, well located. May be seen at Available February 129. Write Box 111, Oshawa Times or phone Sudbury OSborne-4-2161, THREE artmen furnish: room basement apartment, un. , private bath, stove, sink and Close to South G.M., phone RA 8 THREE room unfurnished apartment, private entrance, hydro, heat, TV aerial, shower, cupboards. Central location, | business couple, RA 3-3042 FURNISHED bungalow, rent free to re sponsible couple, no children, must pay hydro and oil for retired gentleman, Write Box 110. Oshawa Times or phone evenings MArket 3.5817 LJ SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT North CALL RA 8-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE Location MODERN 2-BEDROOM |ette and bath, washer service, centrally {located Apply 90 Queen Street, Apart 3 0 MA 2 nN ment porch, parking, IRA 3:6047. one-bedroom building Tv, floor aerial, sun central | APARTMENTS 15 GIBBONS ST. APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST.

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