| | do Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | i -- 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 4, 1960 'Moving Sidewalks Will Convey Shoppers in Super- Supermarkets NEW YORK (AP)--What willjitem. After marking the item shopping be like in the el -- with her marker, she deposits it| supermarket of the future? in a receiving station and moves | A preview was offered at the OF food exposition and country fair| At se veral key areas, the| in the New York Coliseum when shopper can choose among; the Daitch-Shopwell supermarket! 'menus of the day." She presses chain unveiled a scale model. one button for the chosen dish This. said the designer, Prof. and a second for the number of] William N. 'Breger of Pratt In people she intends to serve. The| various ingredients are automa-| tically selected for her. stitute, is what the shopping {housewife will experience The door prizes were won by oC {the store. She can deposit her dog station on the main floor. Every th Anniversar Celebrated MUSICAL FEUD home-made buzze ojo the circular building. Thereleepieq yist, 55 f | _-; : home-made buzzer to annoy her,|she receives a marker bearing a ; Daughter of Mr. and Mis. | Harmony road south, and Mr. playing to 10 hours a week, and past displays of food. presents her receipted bill, she| ing her fourth birthday today. | daughter of Mrs. Effie Black, ; of thelettes Mrs. Jack Bird and Mrs.|Mrs, MecGlashan's sister-in-law, am Sud- {yp the social conveners, MN Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hamill, in 1 , > pres ith Mrs. Guy Campbell and Mrs in Toronto, were presented wi ANNIVer- refreshment committee for She'll drive her car into the Upon comp leting her pur-| J CUTTING the birthday | president of the Humoresque | are Mrs. John Anderson, presi- | Humoresque Club; Mis at- | tary: Mr. Jack Anderson, pres- at a pet bar, her children in a item she has picked out is spread Back in her car, she drives to y H mores e Club At Social | stall plays classical mus n her|panne a «fy | Mr, and Mrs. Allan McGlashan p X ic on herihanned her neighbor from using| At any moment she can step receives a completely wrapped| Sheryl is the granddaughter of | Oshawa. CRA build.- Louis Hammill' assisted by sev-{the late Mrs, John (Polly) | r 5 -- » n w mm---------- b 5 Miss James McConnell and Miss|both well known workers for the a smokers' stand by the Humores- Barber- sary, Mrs. William Suddard: gymoresque club. parking lot and step onto a mov- chases, the shopper inserts her| M Reginald Pike, | club, Others from left to right | dent, Lionettes Club; Mrs. Guy | rieia McConnell, fre. r; ident of the Lions Club, [nursery. before her. She pays her money PERSONALS | CARLISLE, Eng. (CP)--Every|it Was testified in court here. Theicode number. Transported by a | Milton Black, Courtice, is | and Mrs. William Grant, the Humor- | Refreshments included the and family were in Toronto on pane her neighbor turns on a'the buzzer. off the sidewalk and choose an'bundle containing all of her' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black, I --Photo by Hornsby eral of the Lions. Davies. "| Freda White blind in Oshawa, and who are Birthday prize was/que Club for the Blind and Mr. Kling- youngest person present, Doug- = 7 AT d : - $ L ¢ invi ; the Social & ; 3 3 GE ] : X x : Until 9 p-m. ing sidewalk that takes her into marker in an automated checkout| SE pi goes Forrest, vice - president, | Mrs. David Armistead, secre- -Oshawa Times Photo | into an automated cash receiver) fee rr ------ S-------- ---- | An elevator takes her to the top which returns change and a re- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FOUR-YEAR-OLD time music teacher Mary Tun-|' dge rationed Miss Tunstall'smoving sidewalk, she is carried a parcel-pickup area. When she Sheryl Lynn who is celebrat- | Whitby, and great - grand- d cele- birthday cake served by Lion-|Monday attending the funeral of, ~-- s are Mrs A vote of thanks was expressed leaving in the near future to live Bal si ah ; ; : : won by Miss Patricia McConnell, Hammill recieved a tie clip and " ) b \ , | 0 S| coungest member, Miss V er a|Cuff links from the Club for blind | #5 ol iy \ a 9 pen Siblock: oldest memb Mrs. T bowlers of which he is the coach. ded q Vg { a 5 Yh ,| Sibloc : oldest mn ber, r Mrs. Hammill is convener of the] ' VA TR ! : F i . $ Gatchell, Bowmanville; ann Yu 3 \ J d YY; h stchell the | £2 Moy NC : 3 AR riday Nig You are invited by Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, i Norden Inspires Hand S poe wie Sve En RYN aE FER | \ & Two Modern Stores in Oshawa |are always very acceptable and] Talk On State Of Israel £757 E555) Erg 7: "EH \\NGS®82. (OTTON PRINTS & BEDFORD CORDS of Marv Street Home ris, presided. The secretary, Mrs ! p 2% \ x 1 Association present at/Bryce Brown and the treasurer 13 WAS LUCKY : : \ x i 1A A NH ol ' . vy meeting on Mon- Mrs. William Gardner, gave their| warpr1.00 Que. (CP) -- A] { 4 4 { { 4 t bi, . d ] i Mrs. Gardner : 2 ; 7% A BY 1 : i, : ken on alrespective reports. A he State of reported on the family donation girl born to Mrs, Ulysse La n Norden, plan and thanked all those who! france was Waterloo's first birth Va) " yi Nr \ \ . ! 36-IN, COTTON PRINTS in lavish sun-dipped col- had contributed. of 1960 and Mrs. Lafrance's 13th 3 4 "i \ ; RE I] 2 / orings that are so right for making into dresses, { i : The 1d » p o : y a bn) a skirts, blouses, tots' togs, etc. Wonderfully wash- Cc yd Mr. Wayne Junkin, in the ab hild. oldest is 20. -- - me ~ Ia 3 i \ Xe x a > > able; Specially low-priced! TATE . of Tera} sence of the principal, Mr. ¥ 1 \ 3 the State of Israel : > f \ : : a ; 3 4 . regarded Gerald Harper, brought the sale with Mrs. Wilfred Hamley F 14 by {RN le k 1 3 NR \ 7 ? % Po, s ago, Is regarded sohos) report, in charge. / ( Da R \ \ ; ¥ i by many, said . : ove' Ki isa ai A ; 3 Hs k 4 > ORT . or . Mrs. Harry Keys' kindergarten grRTHDAY CAKE CUT 1 has 8000|y0om and Mr. Wayne Junkin's y and atiroom won the parent attendance more prize count, y from Mrs. Morris gave a brief out-| line of the meaning of Founder's [Night and of the early beginning| the truce i$ RESIGNATIONS {of Mary Street Home and School | or clashes.| Mrs. Morris announced with re-|in particular. A huge 39th birth. | gret the resignation of Mrs. day cake occupied the place of | lation, com-|8 ida : " 1 from | Douglas Kirkland from the exe- honor on the lace covered tea cutive and Mrs. Alex Nicolson, table and Miss Florence Hawke} § i. BN # fk Re Ng Ns : : : wv "ithe social convener, both of|presided at the cake cutting cere-| 1 HS % i ; i ' . 1 42-INCH BEDFORD CORDS -- Wash- able cottons wonderfully right for tailored skirts, pedal pushers, child- ren's playtime wear, etc. In Spring- right colors and soft Summer shades. Money-Saver! bbil Whom have moved to otherjmony. school districts. Mrs. Yelle Bak-| The March meeting will feature| 4 ker will fill the executive post{the film "The Angry Boy' with| 2 t 4 1 % % 2 . : nd assisting Mrs, F. D, Lloyd health and visual aid chairmen,| ' 5 5 4 / - : everyday as social convener will be Mrs.|Mrs. W. G. Grant and Mrs. Man. | 3 ? ) , i Your Story Yor Family Shopping ond Family Savings! Reg. Price $1.00 were | Donald Imeson. |sell Gerrow in charge. by the! It was decided to hold the an-| Refreshments were served by and nual spring rummage sale early, mothers of pupils in Miss Tay- p 1 % . 2) ance to in May with Mrs. William Rich-|{lor"s room with Grade Mothers| é < Ea, Big Value ! : f the fulfilment ardson and Mrs, Michael Kados-|Mrs. Michael Kadoski and Mrs. | 4 pecia a ues yeev "1 will bring you ki as co-conveners. Featured at|V. G. Jenkinson assisting Mrs. | 2 i le wings from all the March meeting will be a bake| Alex Nicolson. | he : WAS HA BE L i V OF OPEN GATE : 0%, Ne ; 3 | D learned through i A ; R 3 n ra pes Shane y AIA READS ) e will fat wel { 5 ¥ ? 4 b Norden traced their ; , : 3 Y N olf p eserv tion, 3 : i 3 litie vere greatly > 4 7 Es 190 adh 7 A 3 enness of the| ( . R 3 oh ; 7 [ i v1 ted most of| 5 Skin Freshener PAIR ig ac-1 A mild, stimulating toning lotion. Always apply as a final rinse after cleansing and before make-up, yrmal ; $3.50 value for $1.75 9 ? en, : We 3 FULL-LENGTH DRAPES three YARDLEY : 0 rep : | Dry Skin Cleansing Cream 80 BY 1 : --84 by 90-inch lengths. . A creamy, penetrating cleanser | % 00 INS. -- Woven Zeller' bi; for| Skin for dry skin. Removes make-up | ; y p 4 | 3 v ; eller's great big assort- J cotton "Homespun" Bed- ment includes rayon and n Israel]! § Fi and dirt, and softens the skin. % ae g . nesherner 4 2 : : Ef spreads in. attractive plaid cotton barkcloths in eol- with the $4.00 value for $2.00 designs on wine, blue, green orful floral, modern and SER E58 RE VIVAL ! / p i ; : i or. brown. At. Zeller's Spe- scenic designs, Lovely n miracle, said oll z ¥ 4 aio) iow price " for Living, Dining and vauloal O TI Te fy ; : ice you'll want ex 1€ Jevive of J Jo 1 ; : : P y te Bedrooms. Complete 200 y is, i a NET 2 h ) tras for lovely matching with pin-on hooks, Spe- in par- 2 Dry Skin drapes, cially low-priced! rsity of No CLEANSING CREAM are con- on | ~ | % REN i") | SPECIAL! mw. ww ; ; ITAV A IT] emer, gre | SEES) y 5 | "Viscose" Rugs skins, Excellent powder base and quick cleanser. A 9 & 4 9 ¢ FF & % $3.50 value for $1.75 § YARDLEY { " 3 : ; " £3 J 24 b 48 Inches 221 re y ried to out- 3 : f 3 i 08 i. 7. yr . : n the Caravan of YARDITY i : . 4 : es of the Moslem, Onglish f I ge : 8 Special ! tian are Well (omplerion | . . vy FER. | # Box-Edge Cushions ating "This -- on --e g: | i English Complexion Cie: SALE-PRICED FOR EXTRA be found | ish mp ream Wi y COMFY! DURABLE! -- Corded box-edge Cushions in colorful SAVINGS! -- Good-looking! 2 S, 3 I 4 1 massage. Ideal for teen skins. : ; cotton barkcloth, Downy-soft cotton filling. Choice of 12-inch Washable! These color-fast OF STATE $4.00 value for $2.00 ' 4 round or square shapes Zeller's Special Money-Saving price only Rugs of deep-pile "Viscose" TATE ! are made to take lots of Norden's « pinion, the ' / rugged wear. Choice of such ung State can i g decorator-smart colors as red by the settlement | § C coral, sandlewood, ice blue, refugee problem and A and many others. Fringed 1 on the part of the y EACH ends. Non-skid rubber back- untries of Israel as a ing ng of the Suez avigation and Drug - Stone Ng BV Ng BN, VIP blockade | SESH 9 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3431, DOWNTOWN Z E L L E Rn ' GQ SHOPPING CENTRE Brown - thanked 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 LIMITED PHONE RA 3-2209 Mrs. M. L. Mor-§