Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 4, 1960 § WHITBY And DISTRICT |Group Announces ~~ [Pebyleemso oo 0s ea New Whitby Industry gq. pig. By Bulldozers The Matheson Company, [Inc. oh js expectations ever since we began) % : of East Rutherford, New Jersey 4 i our search for land in the To-| St. Andrew's Presbyteens open- By CLIFF. GORDON | SUMMARY and with branches in various ronto area led its regular weekly meeting Whitby Hillcrest Dairy Jrs.| 1. Whitby: P Period parts of the United States has Whitby Industrial Commission|with a devotional service. Thelsuffered a close hard fought set! Penalties -- Mills 8.33, Caduro pow authorized Whitby Industrial is happy to be able to announce modern version of the scripture, k last night the hands of 8.33, 15.22, Nelson 9.36 'E. Tran {Commission to release news of : 3 {his further new industry. There|was read by Bunny Townsend, C! night at e an Is o I5 5 dl ws % Ex |their preliminary plans for their ' E are others now completing ar-| the King James version bythe Orillia Bulldozers in Orillia as| >" ° gH a {proposed new plant at Whitby. rangements for purchase here|Shielah Barter. they were downed 2-1. The win| 2. Orillia: Burteh | The technical director of the and the Come; ssion expesis, to| The prayer was read by Dor-|was a big one for the Orillia . Williamson » . jeompany, Alley L I Mossman, Ee ; he shies to res Br ae next |OthY Jack. The collection Wasiteam who are making a desper-| 3. Orillia: -Cameron . sates is! wor on fhe plant is , ther duties | |jaken aud 3 Son prayes Siren ate bid to take over second spot| Penalties -- Middleton expected to begin in the spring 3 vo weeks 50. {by Susan Glenfield. Shiel ot 1 A i 0 land they hope to start operations ¥ . 4 . It is hoped that announcementsiter then led the group in a dis-|10 the league standings. The Hil. Roberts 10.3 Nilliatgon It is planned that the plant E i : 1 industries may be made and answer period followed. | 8 | " will, at Rite start, occupy about & HEE Nh within a few months. Some of | Margaret Britton and Susan clinch the top rung. | Scorin 3 rete 5000 square feet with initial em- 3 hig J these Sou be considerable) Glenfield gave their reports and Tie, Bilerede drew first Blood Penalties -- Nelson 6.48, Wil- {ployment of about half a dozen. § y users of Whi by hoy With this was followed by games. A iy as! ne game 2s al liamson 9.06, Caduro 13.13, Tripp The plant will stock and sup- BE a on eign ride took plate Saturday| Ian OReD lhe scoring The joaq 13:13, Lundmark 13.13, Middle- iply approximately 80 different well under Way, being 2 8reai|evening from 7 to 8.30 which was|o eT Lan 10 €ad ton. minor, major and miscon- {compressed gases to universities al aiiraclion ~ ub of Of greatienjoyed by everyone. held good for the balance of thelq, qi 1795" Keast, major. 17.25. research laboratories and indus- § ze would be locgted In areas period. Sih : uhh Te ! : away the harber. Burtch knotted the count at one from |trial organizations throughout : : ' : Canada. At the outset, most oper a "The site upon which Matheson's Nurses Alumnae all for the home side at the 5.38 Mrs MacMillan . ations will be confined to repack- thy plant will be built is in mark of the second frame on a ing orations which . involves ey the "General Industries" zone 4 - iam ri g aging operations which involve i nera dustries Zone Will Provide pass from Williamson. With les: ithe transfer of gases from | e F: is of about 3% acres. than two minutes to go and the Ci | H t containers to those convenient! INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER be 1 by the north side of Lam S Corsa es home side playing short handed 1IC e 0S ess for use by custome CHARLES CHAYTOR atson street, the west, side of p " g they managed to get credit for af The Whi ; Load A number of specialized items| Dunlop Drive and the spur line| The Whitby Ontario Hospital|goal that was actually carried into| The hitby Baptist Church Wo- are scheduled to be manufac- velopment and "to sh ou f the CNR -- or the right-of-way [Nurses' Alumnae held its regular the met by a Whitby defenceman | Men s Mission Circle held its re- {tured by the Matheson Company selves as good neighbors in 1 thereof. It is immediately north monthly meeting last Monday|in an attempt to clear the puck. {gular monthly meeting on Tues- within a year or two of estab- Wh Industrial ily of Dunlop Canada Ltd.'s huge] : : " |day afternoon at the home of [lishment in Whitby spoke in high praise of the modern tire plants and nearby evening at the Sr. residence. The| There were no goals allowed in|yjrg EA. MacMillan. The meet- MSreaking for the company, Mr 1 ¢ tly completed Polyethy- 20 CF opened by the presi-|the final frame despite the cries|jng opened with prayer by the {Mossman looked forward to join- built by Du Pont Can. (dent, Sse Flsie Fertley which of the Whitby team as Ken Rob-| president Mrs. MacMillan. Vari- ing Whitby's = ever-growing and Ltd. on their outstanding 160-| At the business mestng UBh erts fired one that was in and out|ous reports were read. widely diversified industrial de- throughout » site here. Pr he baking sale but failed to register with the Roll call was answered with a ee arwettr eeomrma------ - [the coming home baking sale to|referee or the goal judge. Thus|yerse of scripture containing the {be held at the recreation hall onthe game goes down for the Oril-|word "Glory". Mrs. William Hew- the Hospital grounds Feb. 10 from|jia team with a close hard fought|: Ory: Vrs. Vi am ew ia team with a close hard Iought|js sang a solo accompanied at the : ® . |2 to 4 to which the public is eor- h : / 3 ROBIN NICHOLSON dially invited y 2.1 win, : {piano by Mrs. Dudley Wilson, a | ¥ Ok | ICE CHIPS... The Hillcrests|Mrs. R. Pickering gave a very | For the capping ceremony to| . gh Fadi By A ° * [be held Feb. 18 the Nurses' Alum- will play their final home game|inspiring message on the Mission . . |of the schedule here on Monday |study concerning 'Angola'. T a 1 {nae will provide lamps and cor-|% " ; : da or S J sages for the preliminary stu- night when the Newmarket, The meeting closed with a mn oa {ages It was also decided that Smokerings will be the visitors. hymn and prayer. A dainty lunch as = nua e i 1 {instead of the dinner a copy of Gord Luke of the Hillcrests re-{was served by the hostess. Mrs. _-- the "Anniversary Book" would ceived a six-game suspension for|Hewis on behalf of the Mission * - ne + . " A " In Celebration h | : : k iven to each graduate. The|SWinging at referee Joe Sadler|Circle thanked Mrs. MacMillan C alrman | The Whitby United Church An- of this a1 $55 \ for the elected trustee to 'complete the will ol gra an invita- here on Monday night. for her hospitality. Bi . | A Sit I tenance | boar five 1 bers. 3 y ea ------------------------ On Feb. 1 Robin E. Nicholson cians, young or old, a nual Congregational meeting was v ig Eo i ! J A . Ine he F Ollen-| tion to attend the reunion dinner) a ey y to be held June 11. | of 325 Green St., Whithy, cele- gre demand in this area ; I d C ek th Assembly Hal m 1 : , hE ber 1 From December 1908 until Au. na. OIMIN, hed in the to | the Sunda Bittie ang C, Freeman, Were Ie The March mesting wil be in THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY brated 30 years of organ playing Wed i RN th ip LE i sdnesday ith » min pointed as auditors euitiesday,: ¥ : the form of a "Games in the town and district. gust 1959 Robin playe : ADULT GROUPS R Robin was appointed organist of weddings, his first | z A Mayor Stanley Martin has been Rev. John M Smith, presiding Adu nize MINISTER'S ASSISTANT for the members and their PUBLIC NOTICE St. Andrew's Presbyterian church ding of Mabel Pilke 1 Herbert nz hairman of Whitby's new ager a brief worship a service i 3 : s- Special { the evening friends, to be held at the Sr. in Whitby in 1910, which was dur-|* ars of Audl By ang ve er Indus ia Commis n memoriam was held and rib ocia me \ n- lu the approval of securing residence. At the close of the/ Closing a certain. Lane between Hillcrest Drive end ing the pastorate of the late Dr. coincidence fis fast v S He and other. officers Were|,;o was paid to the faithful mem-j,,,. otv. and auxiliari n assistant for the minister and meeting refreshments were] Cochrane Street John Abraham, the minister of that of the gran ) of the named a » commission's inav-'y..c and adherents who had pas IW y | and the, the ficial Board was authorized [served by Miss V. Pickins, Mrs. | TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of the same church for 35 years ii A z . ils : ed away during the year Vien's Financially mplete the necessary ar-|F. Lindsay and Mrs. D. Newman. Whitby proposes af its meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Whitby rom n Ds « o) Th as ted 1 Xr 3 : : Monday r " op uy Ron was organist at 81. Ap FEO Sree Dt Yor J Vieechnirmun is Thomas RB we. Dome ru we ee ese ee Snooper aes ornate agai Sn He Bre drew's from Feb. 1910 to Feb. ~. 4. y sahual EOL, ie ihe secretary for the ann al met mot \ $3346.44 MS ty Gi 0 mer ts inelud ing Street as shown on Plan No. 573 for the Town of Whitby 1915, when he was appointed or-| ovioe in (i he ( 1 i dotvih oo icp and reports were received 136 ) i0, 4 ubin tructinrs Improy Sent to AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of the Corporation of Samat of Wnty Baphat. Church crvice in the Town Hall until the commission. Treasurer is Wiliam she Session, Committee of Siew yy as! pesiog bo, ETS Sli Eros of FUT ie bn TE Fe y i i t.1a oy S anoti L PIC" ards, M. and ommitiee ¢ € n of ficer as pr ite - uthorize conveyances -up e to the hire he remained mnt Oc 0) Sere it churches in town tativ Building Fund Committee. These od in the ) ected was the result of a study abutting owners . A od : Dur the 45 yea i 1 ( r members of the commis: ; iicated a year of progress wit i vi Ward B Ym. made b) » Building Renovation | ea an a 0) mm COUNCIL WILL HEAR ot the said meeting in person or by his In May 1947 he was appointed ing eg is w S ire Reeve Everett Quantrill, jhepeases in membershi er avids n F. and lition Committee appoint- her lands will be pre eT orggnist at St. John's Anglican the dz f former one of council's representatives, ices rendered ( B 11 ec e Official Board in May, - applies to be heard. y ¥ J Church, Port Whitby, where he land 217 » were t and Earl J. Bryant, representing interest. Financial fi A Wils yonald we. EK The plan was approved by The Afternoon Guild of All DATED at the Town of Whitby, this 26th day of January, 1960. remained until Dec. 1949 of former pup the Public Utilities Commission. reported as: Current F ot Kz 1 \tion, not as an imme-|Saints' Anglican Church held its ' JOHN R. FROST, \ Since this last appointment Ro- Robin's teachers we as fo is the first time in the seven 335 36. M. and M. Fund $9,529.20, clected silt. A ara te . but as a major over-| monthly meeting Jast Tuesday Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Whitby, bin has been playing for organists lows: M \ I Taylor (MN " of the Industrial Commis- Building Fund $8,569.65 i yroposal which the Official [afternoon in the new parish hall. on sick leave or holidays in the Wm. Scharp) who live S that the PUC has been per-| mua yeports of the various or will proceed to implement|The president Mrs. R. E. Smith churches in Whitby and the sur- bu liss 1 m (the mitted to name a representative. ations were received 2 ' t ek constitute a as funds become available {opened the meeting with prayer. ganiza . . . Fred Ollen-Bittle expressed Mrs. S. Armstrong read the scrip- rounding district. Apart from this wife of Dr 1s) now livi inate i these showed n Ses [42 membe ] sn AA busy schedule, he also plays for Bowmany e late Mrs Da na these Soler Sunday ar wid i. the appreciation of the congrega-|fure. Various Teports were i y the Whitby hockey matches in the Ayres: the Irs. Kate Wrigt WHITBY School program there are ei hion, J. M lin, \ jor- tion to the Rev. John M. and Mrs.| Plans were made for the Whitby Arena, and he is assisted Miss Jessie of Toronto; G organizations for youth meeting hous fon ffl \ mith; also to the organist, Mrs, | Valentine tea and home baking 0 Z 3 I Y /in-'J. Beaton and her choir, and to|sale to take 'place Friday, Feb. Miss Catherine Bush, who is D. Atkinson the former musica weekly ted that l¢ 1 y . by ie Onia " PERSONALS weekly. It was reported Ha HERS Lo awiord were re- all who had given leadership in|12 at the new parish hall with the an outstanding musician and a director ol B87 s are required for aw y re- t : pupil of Mrs. P. N. Spratt. College; and the late Professor J. Mrs: Go Ae Welsh was. toa. ho [the Sunday School and provisions elected and Messrs. T. Brandon the church and its various organ- following conveners. 115 BROCK ST. NORTH Wt | oY S TAUGHT PIANO J. " Harrison win, was 8 die: tess at fer on ; Nar are being made to curtain thejand G Hood were: ejeeyedl, THese/ ination: es of the WA served chen Ms y Millard' Mes. Just North of the Four Corners From Nov. 1907 until Jan. 1955 3 *. lof the Viscount Greenwood Chap.| onl Room for this purpose with precert stewares SO Ieneshmonts ax pe ] wl 'he | Barnes, bake table Mrs. T. Rich Robin taught piano and organ WHITBY N 'E ter IODE when all reports were Financially the Sunday School la committee of 27 " embers , freshments at the elose of the vi y e 13 Drs Mos. 3 a FRES SLICED BREAKFAST playing to a remarkable total of obin is ve roud of the fact subm tted prior t tl 1| showed receipts of $2075.18 and! Trustees: Mr. J. M. Roblin wasimeeling RES 2 gon, 4 iy 1 table H PORK---WHOLE | ubmitied prior to. the annual|showed receipts of $2075.18 McGary, Mrs. L. Beckley, table|q | OR SHANK HALF BACON 49¢ ; conveners Mrs. W. G. Seales, ®. 1121 pupils, and during that time, {hal Je 1 "Whitby meeting of Monday Feb. 15 S A » he kept a very accurate record of lived on the ) et fq : . : ™ ry Mrs. A A . LEG them. His records show that 597 years, and has In n ti Mrs. Walter Grey, of Orillia, t. ndrew § WA 5. A. Somved gift Hable, Miss Ib. C FRESH HAMBURG 3 n : : ini ol omin 1 Louise McIntosh, Mrs. J. A. ROAST 3 of his pupils married, 6 married house for years. He bh: {ur- visited relatives in Whitby, On Pl O'Dell. STEAK 35¢ twice and one married three ing this tir ed the ad at uaniay Mi aud Mos ; orl Pare | ans Bake Sale The Afternoon Guild is furnish- 5. $ e and family motored to ria . . . & i i Peni FRESH Andrew's Presbyterian|in8 cookies for social evenings ny times. vantages ar pris es of | ; A sad section of the records home town With thelr gues} Mrs: Srey F T Peter Perr | = Sponsoxn the Eveni . PRIME KIS i show that 88 of his pupils have , one of . a Tis brotler 1 Tuesday evening the Whit. Oo Y jChurchy WA" held iis regular grihob A Ri ROAST Side Pork LZ 39¢ died; the last two to die in re-| ren. Robi I hi ther Eu-,, Church CGIT girls [monthly meeting last Tuesday ed to Mrs. James Sleightholm for . cent times were the late Ragnan gene of Detrol 4s g weld a skating party at Red Wing . Once again the time for naming ( lark illiam Davidson and last afternoon at the church hall. The{the gift of a lovely kitchen stool. Ib C FRESH COUNTRY b Steen, a former teacher of music oly ty " Ha ng i [ SOF ard under the supervision of Whitby's citizen of the year, or mn y rer, Charles Stafford president, Mrs F Lawrence Mrs. R. E. Smith elosed with BEEF : SAUSAGE 29¢ g in. Whitby and organist, and also|pect thal he broud © 3 Mrs. E. A.:MacMillan and Mrs. Peter Perry, as he is known here, To make certain as many peo = resting with a BIND. prayer and tea hostesses were *. the late John Broadbent, one time tact that the aw. They were afterwards|is rolling around. The deadline ihre X noma [Mrs A. Conrad, Mrs. 8. Arm- gs FRESH BEEF by the piece leader of the Whitby Citizens and under the circumstances wl ich Ross . inati ep \t-for|tion bla the ecre- |] ed by various re- qin $ > . he eH 3 er ained 'at the home of Mrs. for nominations has been set for tion bl ) ere ) 10Us re- strong and Mrs. G. Lomas. i Ontario Regiment Bands: required an endlc amou Dick Adams for refreshments, Feb. 16 tary 1 Viti £ foros at all pg wine BOLOGNA Ib. 25° [ careful planning and saving, and : resents ¢ S ectly to the m rrangemen 2 4 Ta . Organizing the presentation of banks ¢ direc to the mem rrangements were made for o NEVER LOST DAY with the assistance of Robin's| Mrs, Frank Roberts, Byron St |the plaque honoring the tow n's bers of al srvice clubs in the the bakeless bake sale, letters WHITBY SPORTS STEAK or BONELESS BRISKET $ In April of this year Robin 'will pare and his Aunt, the late ' org, ~ . rk 54 ye employment Pars jd he 1 AND har a8is N., was the guest of honor at alchoice is the Whitby Chamber of town are being mailed to all members. PARADE ON PAGE 8 P i R i 39¢ at the Whitby Malleable Iron and! came thre hatierson, the 1amily birthday party held at the home|Commerce and chairman of thi e a nominatior nn vere discussed for a rum- Ib. C 0 o0as Ib. 3 a by Bo CAME oug now WW 10 of her son and daughter-in-law,|dommittee is John Roblin, The n ] to name his mz: sale, date to be announced 4 Brass Co. During this long period appreciate hard work and the dol- My, and Mrs. Garnet Roberts, |chamber reports that the awai li », his occupation and n the press sana, ie 3 TULIP he was never laid off one day.|jar bill yenamb POEts un ' Cancer of the skin is the com- . The company began operation nl Rh a mm irs .. |when the family enjoyed a de-|will be made at a banquet, prob ioed or deeds which } | he meeting closed with pray- monest form of eancer in men. Margarine 21¢ $ 1085, then knows ss the Martin \arathede 1 SImer and oocsortlie ois Licker diner with all the ably in April. been performed over and aboveler and tea hostesses were Mrs.|If treated early it ean nearly i ; Mig, Co., until 1918 when the BT and present trimmings. The attractively ar-| The Peter Perry Award is pi the ordinary > of duty, for the 0. MacLean and Mrs. G. Stott. |always be cured. AAA ~ » name was chan ed to Hatch Mfg arquainances nds for the ranged dinner table was graced|yided by Judge E. Pritchard, who test od for the greatest - | Co Ag Bh n mi wonceriu' Co 1 he has re- hy a nicely decorated birthday|announced that he would annually f in Whitby dur a : * ame ceived, and still enjoys, and also cake, Many lovely gifts were re-|present it to a man or an ir was changed to the present one. |wishes them t very best oliceived, as well as greeting card bs lent the perso 1 laced in an by ved, as I as J p, "hose! re 'nts as > person e nomination i aced in & In Jan, 1955 when Robin discon- everything for full 0 cet one. distance. calls be Is) chosen by resitients as the pet ton 3 placed In tinued teaching music, he fully|eially those en A i the and long distance calls from re-|who had made the greatest con- en 2 ailed to the cham intended to withdraw ' from the i nose engage 1 : latives and friends. Mrs. Roberts) tribution to the town's growth or r crete Fred Ollen-Bittle, musical field completely as he of music has spent the greater part of her|welfare in the preceding year. The 06 Dur St. W.,, W ity ats = life in Whitby a var 's the name -/The nomina s not opened by |] felt that the younger teachers and ~y ; ire In Whitby and during thal|award honors the name of a pio The nomin opened by sod ' . a hy + timg has L °Fineer resident o hitby, eter nim 1 ) a pe musicians should have their turn JOUKEY HURT mg ha been an active member 1 f Whitt Peter him b | over to a panel as he had MIAMI, Fla AP Veteran of St Andrew's Presbyterian! perry, who died before Whithy of 12 judge hose names are | However, Robin is at the pres- jockey Billie Fisk Siitered Te ad Church, as well as many other became a town, but whose works not known nembers of the : iwi : juries when his -m took a{women's organizations, being a|prior to that laid the foundation/chamber or the general publi ent time the pianist of the Whitby|paq spill Miasdav's th Face é . : pink Rotary Club, and is very frequent- d spill in Tuesday's fourth race|life member of the Women's In-|for the town that was to be. He The anonymo judges then 1y needed for social Ty ae at Hialeah. Fisk's mount, Tapis, stitute, a charter member and envisioned Whitby as being the make their choice from the no- i collided with Allie S., r I life member of Sunbeam Chapter major metropolis of the province. minations rece ved and, on the gHiugs, Bouquets, Home Su Bill Hartack on the c¢ he OES. Oshawa, and an honorary Since the announcement of the g of the banquet a. Hew 114 2 oo is gr ih ele Eo a oe a 20d ; we nt down, pitching |member of Whitby Chapter. Her award by His Honor in 1955, four Peter Perry will be announ ed | ush isn lerward. many friends wish her many hap- Peter Perrys have been named. and will be presented with the Py = ~ |py returns. They are Donald Wilson, Eric plaque. > BROC WHITBY, | CWL Plans For 3 Criminal Cases FREE ... Wash and Dry EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. Regional Meeting Now Playing SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 | 7h st John The Evangelist On Assize Docket FREE... Soap and Bleach Church CWL held its regular ROBERT monthly meeting last Tuesday Varrin Pultz Beamish evening in the new parish hall Three criminal cases are listed and vs MITCHUM The meeting was opened by the on the Winter Assize docket ip Store Go president Miss Grace O'Connor, the Supreme Court of Ontario at] Kiss vs Bell Telephone Co. and with the league prayer. Various Whitby, - beginning on Monday, Silverthorne reports were read and conveners!'Feb. 8. Presiding will be Mi - NON-JURY LISI y " y | | | | submitted their monthly reports. Justice McLennan Mrs. B Augustus Feporiey hat The total list includes 33 cases, a : . sits » made | 1 a | On the criminal list are Wren and Wood vs Boshkovich L m 3 w he L d P A financial statement was read| oh a a "re wh Esposito et al vs Samuels I it as r oa ] er ustomer on the bridge and euchre recently! Nick Krywko, charged with at-| oc 00 yo coon held which was most successful, [tempted murder. He is defended Mi k and Build The Regional meeting will be by Malcolm Robb, QC. JUNOT And alg Supplies 7 Diletto, Pallone and DeCicco held at the Whitby new parish| John E. McEachern and Wil- i : - - hall on Feb. 11. Mrs. J. Mac- liam C. Russell, charged with! band vs Corp. of the. Town u Donald, social convener, was|rape. They are defended by > *""¢ ar Ing " VIcReelis asked to prepare tor 100 people. Moore and Booth and D. J. Craw . [ Kelly. DeGray, of Osha ford. § Wilson 'gional Chairman, attended the + 2 McCourt vs McCourt George Bedard, alias William = jg) vs } At R eting alick Halick ear 0 tore There ar } cases listed on Jamieson, is charged with break- Filmed where it plans were made for |; "an ring and theft and he I ' a yord supper to be held somes before the rh In © al { actually happened ooh March. Hofinite date to Comes before the court in general vs Li jail delivery. is vs Mclnn Eg, 7 be announced later in 'the press 0 Sa 7 "ori and the bulletin CIVIL LIST Presion vs Presion 310 DUNDA STANLEY ELISABETH Miss Helen Sylvas, executive geven civil actions are slated Clark vs Clarl LJ * irector of the Girl. Guides, for jury. They are NSU of Canad: td. vs Bobak : Hodnett t » n Toronto, was intro- Ic V inet LJ duced by Mrs, Larry Ruest. Her| Oshorae vs Watt and Grills, Harasomict vs. ANglo Canadiaa alk was very instructive and en-] Mi 'alley Lumber Co., Ltd., Fire and General Insurance BAKER MUELLER ; Open 24 Hours a Day e Coin Operated ightening. She was thanked by vs Pogue Lumber Co., Lid Wa vs Purcell and Co ~QGIA = En KIERNON MOOR Mrs. A. Miller. Father Leo J.| West vs Charlton Transport] Thoma Thomas. Sonu wr ws KIERN ORE ust s also in a'tendance. |and Halik Muller vs Muller 4 1 was served by Mrs Attwater vs Allman | Salsbu s Salsbury MacDonald and her committee, Attwater vs Allman. | Luéas vs Lucas

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