Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1960, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 4, 1960 |50--Articles For Sale ! |ovE car radio, in good condition, RA | 5-9448. Hrs a RI] IFIED ADVER 1 ISING {FEANCE vending, machine, dito 209 linoleum tile Telephone RA 47 --Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles For Sale '85 HALF-ton Chevrolet panel, new THREE . piece chesterfield," wine and |p oosnomd af snow fires and paint. Telephone RA!green: One pair double width floral; nd part ilable. Barons' 3. 3 A " > g a ----" T a ---- NE { Ga i 7488. {drapes, beige background. Telephone |p hY od \ | "56 SPECIAL Buick two-door hard top, | BA 5-046. INS, ion and hunting sup-|§ 3 arloads and Carloads 1, ter 1 \ i two tone black and white, tires like new. 40 INCH Moffat electric range, three d 1 r 0 per cent Consider older car. Telephone RA gtorage drawers, closed elements, per- x1 yminion Ti Store, 48 Bond 5-2816, |fect working order. Apply 56 Simpson| Street West. RA 5.6511, Avenue, Bowmanville. MArket 3-3092 '56 NASH Rambler, estate wagon, cus- n good condi tom radio, tutone blue and white, low SUNBEAM \ \ ; » ric razor parts, also fon, reasc ly © Apply Harrison \ ge, economical family car, $1495 [cutting heads, cords etc, for other n Ha are, 337 Simcoe S y Motors, Whitby - __|makes of electric razors. Meagher's, |South, RA 3-425 5, '35 Mercury, tudor hardtop,' King' Street West. RA 3-3425 ORE wine floral rug. SK. 3 In. by S H.i power equipped, excellent condition, LARGE selection ef re-conditioned venetian b 72 in. and one blind ee one owner. Phone OL 35-3189 TV's.at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-| 161 in. RA 3 4 : "59 VAUXHALL station wagon, 12.000|C0¢ Street North. TAREE Tov Tange ry miles, perfect condition, snow tires, pri-|WE like to clean our stock of used|gounle bed co t of drawers, vate. RA 5-4925 after 6 p.m. IT Many bargains, three months .vening go ze 14, gym suit, e NTIAC '57 deluxe, nati | guarantee. Trio television, 171 Bond erm 196 Ritson Road South Sieering, low mileage. Cal RA Tons Street Eas THREE steel Jac ts, $6 each, two after 8 p.m HOUSE trailer, English Bluebird Path-| iy voit used battery, $5 each, one 12 . STW n | finder, 16' 6" long, 6° 6 eo. Propane |, ) nS heat WE or, cellent ane | volt used battery $8. One spaceheater a Ll tire, _-- 216 Wilson | Stop Vig and lights, reasonable orice. |g»; RA 3.3779 Road South ne X THREE - pie " 3 orvair, automatic 4, used clothing, come to model TV, crock 7 93" Tv Nr in excellent condition, ai| 102 m Street East. Also used]qojies," RA 2-1 efor 36 bargain price. Telephone RA §-0427 any. furniture Laurentian Avenue per - time after 5 p.m WINE and cider barrels, all sizes = = : ; "37 PONTIAC coach, excellent condi. old oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard p t sodels tion, $1105 Telephone RA 35-4513 ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624 v yu o amie - ~ | FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super.|and t x a | market, Ritson South, open daily to 10 1960 p.m. Free parking and delivery, Free ; 1 Ti " Om premiume with purchases. Seif-serve atizad op 30-inch. ak meats, fruits, groceries cushions wit matching covers, $45 ol / [ \ STUDEBAKER HIGHEST prices paid for used furni-|RA 8-029] ture, also sell and exchange. Contact! pF GOODRICH Stores -- fires, bat \ \. LARK Community Furniture Store, 19 Prinee |, oo © : efriverator, = tele ! : Street. Phone RA 3-113] vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543 | Twodoor Sedon Delivered | |e lee (a: pacity Budact Flan. 24 E50 res rom rne oourn. Fully Equipped at tion in town Most reasonabl s..B. F. Good tores. RA 5-4 y, : \ 4 3 Apply Drayton: Cyele BABY b n out of last year's , Si _ Imodels of 'baby carriages from $2.5 Crisp, new, spring lettuce, stalwart stalks of tender celery, rosy rea vaver. 10-roHf ' a be p \ / icibus green beans... all your family's favourite vege $ now at their very peak of perfection in the sunny south. SABYAN BR ae King West, oppo. ite MOTOR SALES BEAUTIFUL Tani ; or k Wi ours of picking, the very choicest sun-soaked produce is our DOMINION in temperaturecontrolled express LIMITED tone designs. i+ piste wass tore. 100. SHOP NOW te oo ics 334 RITSON RD, S Sony ne Dial RA 3-3461 UNPAINTED bho. en only 9%. with AND SAVE | Treat your family to summer-fresh vegetables this week . . . vege h srchase of a of unfinish : tables so tasty so flavourful they might have come from your own -------------- srniture, Che SABYAN MOTOR [esses "soe Wisin rumiure. 5 NO DOWN PAYMENT SALES LTD. [Mer simat wr aid ism! 36 MONTHS TO PAY Br STE and SERIE ESE. wri ; Boor, windshield << pOMINION brings you Sunshine LES and SERVICE USED furnit Ebi and sol : . ET el: al " poshiis, ra SeRUce ESRB, AE a, 3 EER By soaked summer vegetables all Wi! ; ls ak OSHAWA, ONT SELLING 'olive? : ts ond CN aes Tel: RAndoiph 3-346] oves, ete r top c# offe M ' r § prea 995.00 ONTARIO NO. 1 FANCY GRADE ~~ A swe GRADE "A" ROASTING OR FRYING mee ies eel | RIPPLES PRE-DRESSED 607 K ST.--OSHAWA ger ~ [onlance cash" resister| motor, fully equipped _with 6-QT. \ BEST SUBIGH Nurses ¥48 Wole GRESAS| G0 CC Doce the all BSKT. QUALITY CARS [oF ™ =" Sua sn & rs Jon aR PAINT. "interior. exterior, $295 gallon | dre 95.00 . IMPORTED NO. 1 Buy Now!--Don't Wait an For A High Spring Price Oshawa Hatowes ie J 3 Wis JOT ORS i Gel A Beller Winter Ew wh & ff SP IN ACH FRESH CHICKEN CUTS '59 CHEVROLET Bel Air HUNGRY! Or Ea USE OUR LAYAWAY AIAN Hardtop --~ Actual mile pir 22 ih bh, RA 5-89 : SLA vue, mm cog AJAX MARINE 2 ceuLo 2 v or sumrher garden. ed fur desks, $14; dressers $2 Chur BUYING OR SELLING SEE a ig -door ) - Se Bes ho BAS ne E NO. 2 HWY AT AJAX PKGS. CP EVROLET X ge Coo = i ar : use Sense RA vw nti a Ph. 1266 HEVROLET Secon =n 1} WARE Tecoiiis Weg Soa Ves APPLE 'O DAY SPECIAL! Automatic, radio PONTIAC Sedon -- Al. [38354 52--Legal Notices tomatic transmissio 1 WILL NOT be responsib for any CH LET v.8" De. | SEE HOME APPLIANCES |dents contracted re Tr on gg GR OSHAWA LTD ale un, or si CASE OF 20 Cc CK Fwo-door Hord- | 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR |uritten consent. Rober Afton TINS 229 ole, on te ALL PAIRE : / ALES AND SERVICE NOTICE TO THE | ST. WILLIAMS 2 FRUIT speciaLr V DOMINION Domestic end Commercial Radio dt VOLKSWAGEN Convert. RA 5-5332 PUBLIC ible -- New top, new - Any ; } ha C o \ per n wn motor | Electréhome, R.C.A. Victor oh : : ; CHEVROLET Deluxe V3- | Fi rol Westinghouse The any clc thing or article p Ton Pickup -- Radio, TV. HiFi and left on consignment in 1 Tr win a finest in "ore owner" 2 service possession of Carls ATION PN AETEOR Niogera Se Toggery Exchange, 10 LEE BRAND SPECIAL! DoH W ) don | PARKWAY TV 50 CHEVROLET Sedan -- SHORE | Richmond St, must "Good transportation", | 918 SIMCOE NORTH have proper receipt to i! "BUY ON. EASY. TERMS RA 3-3043 claim same. The door Cc inR fi HA J FOR AN HONEST DEAL ND Freezer pany | | be open Februory in Romantic -- = FOOD AND FREEZE} ) 6th 9am. to 1 p.m ! We are choosing a cashier fo represent Dominion in the Continent-wide "Cashier SEE "TED" | $15.40 o week per family of | + four, includes approximate y NOTICE TO CREDITORS TENDER AND SWEET AYLMER UNGRADED SPECIAL! of the Year Contest" in Atlantic City. Quality Cars ot Fair Prices 90 per cent giocerie e i AND OTHERS XS A You can help us choose the right one by } « freezer, No down paymer voting for your favourite next fime you are TED CAMPIN { a ment Joe oi 9p Y rat : OYCl C mn Dominion ion)--phone RA 5-3709 IA DZUGAN, late of the d MOTORS roi aE the I persons having claim SOLO REGULAR SPECIAL! SAVE 7c 607 KING ST. EAST ality Ne te | Soownl Me whe ; ist of Wilson d all nc " v " J 2 ch Business .. RA 3.4494 Wye! Ley | pr ; eof to ; > : $ RASPBERRIES Residence RA 5-5574 B--Auromebiies Wanted | || SF Maren AD. 1900, BOSTON BRAND LOAF SPECIAL! 2 15.02. 5Gc " PKGS. LAKESHORE A ut recker : ninistrator will distribute the ears for wrecking st pri 1 We don't pr se ony bonu p RA 5-116] or RA 5.1182 We br Ny AUmB " Ehig'e no ih y ; C BUYING OR SELLING SEE A teen tol mr Oehese tat SAVE 7¢ MACKIE MOTORS $44 95. Aluminum 40 RR. 4, KING ST hung storm' windows. Only CT. SALMERS, B PURE VEGETABLE" : SPECIAL! OCEAN FRESH BOOTH We urgently need 10 car $18.50 installed RA 5-5743 A ker BA 33 ol : . ce Set, : G; ATTUSO OIL 20, 5Gc PABOER FILLETS SPOT CASH FURNITURE THE CORPORATION OF Ah Clearance Sale !! THE CITY OF OSHAWA CLARK'S WITH CHILI SAUCE SPECIAL! Go os | 10% TO 50% OFF NOTICE OF STREET ns = on SOY To up FLOOR SAMPLES CLOSING WITH Cc SAVE Sc | CHESTERFIELDS HOTICE thet -- DODD MOTOR SALES. | Sercow ann an . GARDEN FRESH 314 PARK RD. § DINING ROOM SUITES Lounel 9 ; A BIRDSEYE FRENCH CUT RA 3.9421 CHROME & DINETTE SETS of the City of Ost 49 Automobile Reson OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 0 tera CLARK'S FANCY SPECIAL! GREEN BEANS | Coppa & STEP TABLES | 205s a t aw for st ' TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS { pt w street 1271. SIMCOE NORTH t - Mony. Other Terrific. Values highway in the City of Osh- 20.02 C oO . ecialists in Ford Service | at Giveaway Prices! awa and conveying the pi 2 49 ot i Wheel oe BARONS' of the street d d TINS PKGS. : ? ¢ TOE once. with fetsst: LL OME FURNISHINGS | [57.0 he sestery 17 : rh ye mi wi z CUT BREAD COSTS--CARRY IT HOME YOU CAN CUT FOOD COSTS AT : | HI-FI SETS RE ORTRER ti "fs PHONE RA 3-4675 ihe eh: RICHMELLO Everything Guaranteed 50--Articles For Sale a a tan was) RECORD PLAYERS | cr Set aw. person: mec 4 8 in SKATES, new and used, largest cl that 'f | W ye tion in town. Most reasonavre prices] TAPE RECORDERS rejudicioliy affected by 4 Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street| bi v and af 5 to be : aR | LLOYD baby carriage and treo) THE DUTCH e : . 18 white-blue g Best ot. the City of Os offer $25 Hi Sova condition. pen, | | awe ith "day © i 24-0Z. RA 32395 | MERCHANT | 51% LOAF DOMINION STORES LTD. { L R. BARRANI Values Effective At Your Dominion Store in Oshawa and Whitby Until 6 P.M. February 6th NINE - piece dining room suite, wal at, Set maly priced. Telephone RA 171 BOND ST. EAST

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