THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 4, 1960 17 Reg. 2 tins 35¢--SAVE 3¢ 6-51.00 Reg. 2 fins 37c--SAVE 11¢ STYLE CORN 6---51.00 Case of 24 tins $4.00 -- SAV! IONA PEACHES Case of 24 tins $4.00 -- SA A&P Choice Quality (REAM Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 25¢--SAVE 13¢ A:P TOMATO JUICE 9---51.00 Case of 24 tins $2.66 -- SAVE 34¢ Gla Sidi i Wh BH 7 STORM SCENE IN HALIFAX mid-afternoon, seven more had | whose vehicle became stuck risked having it towed away. --CP Wirephoto storm in at least 66 years | showed no signs of easing. At | mid-morning 18 inches of snow were on the ground and by This was a typical street scene in Halifax Wednesday morning, It grew worse as the Say progres ssed and the worst WA Meeting fallen. Transportation was at a standstill and any motorist | 3 DAY SPECIAL! | POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES BUY BY THE CARTON -- SAVE bic tn of 10 pkgs 3.09 devotions and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- pushy recreation to the best ad- son played a piano solo. Mrs ntage with facilities now avail- Tobacco Sales C. Smith read some short poems, able' Mrs. Bruce Ashton and group! Rev. P. Romeril 'closed he 2, 434, 796 Pounds aft served lunch followed by a so- meeting with devotions he | Blackstock At ac stoc |cial hour. which a short written game was| TILLSONBURG (CP) -- By MRS. R. C. HILL The Town and Country Couples Pleyed and lunch was served. [Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco | BLACKSTOCK Newly in-|Club met at the home of Mr. and EUCHRE WINNER {Growers Marketing Board re- stalled president, Mrs. F.. Butt|Mrs. Harold Forder, Wednesday Prize winners at the euchre in {ported sales Wednesday of 2,434, opened the United Church WA Committees reported that the|the Anglican Parish Hall Thurs-|[796 pounds at an average pri ice | meeting Tuesday tables, chairs and drapes had day night were: High lady, Mrs.|of 59.06 cents a pound. Sales to| Mrs. M. Graham reported that | been purchased and cupboards Walter Lawrence; Mrs. J. Gib- date are 83,651,794 pounds at an| the new range and washing ma- are being built in new wing of the son; High men, George Crozier, |average price of 55.38. | chine have been installed in the Sunday school. Marlow Thompson. | eee parsonage and a committee was| It was decided to hold the SKATING PARTY appointed to plan turkey 'supper|spring dance in May, The high scholl had a in March | A discussion was held on 'How party in the arena Thursday and Bonnie Mountjoy and Pau! oMrs Ralph Larmer conducted | could we arrange supervised com-|nig ight. Mary Passant won the spot|Rahm the squat skate. PENNYWORTH'S CLEARANCE HOUSE - AJAX EVERY WEEKEND IN AJAX, 10 AM. TO 8 P.M. Reg. 3 tins 35¢--SAVE 5¢ 9 10-oz tins s 00 Case of 24 tins $2.66 -- SAVE 34c ® It's New JANE PARKER REAL ITALIAN TYPE BREAD 16-OZ LOAF Choice Quality AP PEAS skate. Sylvia Lawrence and Ar- skating |thur Van Camp the elimination Reg. 29c--SAVE 108 16-0z jar 1 2) Reg. tin 65c--SAVE 8s thin 5 Qe Reg. bt! 750--SAVE 4e MAZOLA OIL aorbil J Ie Aylmer Reg. 2 tins 250--S8SAVE Be VEGETABLE SOUP 4:4 5¢ Bright's Vitaminized Reg. tin 200--SAVE %e APPLE JUICE 2 48-0ztins 49: All Purpose Cleaner Reg. btl 85c--8SAVE 10s LESTOIL 32.001 T Se Riddell Reg. pkg 20c--SAVE 9% York Brand Sweet Mixed Pickles Johnson's % Extra PASTE WAX For Cooking & Frying BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE -39. Reg. 49c -- SAVE 10¢ Jane Parker Reg. 55¢--SAVE 10c PINEAPPLE PIE +45. STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THESE LOW PRICES SAT. 10 AM. NO EXCHANGE OR REFUNDS TO 5 P.M. Jane Parker Jane Parker Orange Chiffon Cake Reg. 59¢--SAVE 10¢c each 49 Reg. pkg 35c--SAVE 17: RAISINS 2 15-02 pkgs 49: Regular & Quarters Reg. 2-1bs 53¢--S8SAVE 11e de pkg 31 MADE FROM OLD COUNTRY Monarch Margarine 4155s: 95¢ BETTER Vermont Delight Rolis LADIES' FORMULA MEN! Save 23.18 2 Pair Pant SUITS 50 Suits Sent For Clearance These are all First Quality Suits which sold for $39.95. | They are now dis- | continued and you | save the difference | Melbourne Flan- | nels, Checks, Ivy League, ete. SIZES 35 TO 46 ALL FOR 16-77 45 ONLY! LADIES' BETTER DRESSES Regular to 19.95 From 1,99 rv 3.99 kediey Kidskin GLOVES eg. 1.95. Pair 59° All at One LOW PRICE 16.77 Lean Meaty GIRLS'--LADIES' KIDDIES' WINTER CAR COATS Sizes 4 to 18. Reg. 18.75. From 2.99 MEN'S DRESS SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 4.95 1.99 Men's Parkas and Thermo Lined Jackels Sizes 36 to 44 Reg. 18.95 FROM 6.99 ALL TOYS, GAMES REDUCED MEN'S DRESS OR WORK Sizes 36 to 44 Reg. 5.93 2.69 Save On Palmolive Products | WILDROOT CREAM OIL 57° Large size 29 Delectable Tropical Fruit No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2-35: Fancy Grade Controlled Atmospheric Storage § Sb cello bag 29 ¢ SPY APPLES 3b cello bag DQ | Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Cold Storage Stock 5.1b cello bag 59: DELICIOUS APPLES Now at their best, Fancy Grade California NAVEL ORANGES Native Grown, No. 1 Grade, Yellow COOKING ONIONS Bradford Marsh CARROTS ro. 1 crane KRAFT CRACKER BARREL OLD CHEESE EER HE 12-0 WEDGE "NAME THE KRAFT TV. ¢ CAMERAMAN WILDROOT CREAM OIL Small size 3.Ib cello bag 1 Qc COLGATE TOOTH POWDER. Large size COLGATE TOOTH POWDER. Small size SHAVING CREAM Large size aie 3.1b cello bag 1 Oc Frozen Food Feature A&P FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 4-59. Reg. 2 pkgs 33¢ -- SAVE 7¢ Boys' DRESS PANTS Self belt. Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. 2.99 Misses' LEOTARDS with built-in elastic girdle. Reg. 495 . RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVERS 2 ONLY. Fully guar- 12 89 L) ontee. Reg. 19.95 | ar | | | | | | il 2 FOR 1.00 Ladies' LINED JEANS Sizes 12 to 20 1.00 Reg. 4.95 POCKET NOVELS ¢ Each MEN'S ASSORTED DRESS SHOES Broken Sizas, Reg to 5.95 LADIES' Winter Coats REG. 39.95 'it Better SHOES 1.99 Painter WHITE OVERALLS' 245 1.00 2.49 Girls' Orlon Short Sleeve PULLOVERS. Sizes 8 to e 1.29 Reg. 2.49 Boys' Broken sizes. 2 FOR 5c Reg. 4.79 GREETING CARDS 10 for 12 Girls' COTTON BLOOMERS Sizes 3 to 6x. 19 Reg. 39¢ THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACINIC TEA COMPANY LTD. AP Super Markets EPEN TY Delicious Money-Saving Super-Right Meat Specials fry SIDE BACON BACK BACON | PRIME RIB ROAST PORTE! Ib 53¢ Ib 19¢ Ib 49¢ Lean Meaty WIENERS BLADE ROAST HALIBUT STEAKS 1-b pkg 89¢ BIG BARGAINS 'N NATURE'S BEST California, No. 1 Grade 2 5 3 5 EMPEROR TABLE GRAPES SPECIAL KING SIZE Total Saving 3 2¢ PRICE Chocolate & Butterscotch Reg. pkg 31c--8AVE 13 Jane Parker Reg. pkg 39¢--~3AVE 6eo MINCED BEEF Ib 39¢ Ib 39¢ Staake All Good Smoked Rindless Lean Meaty Boiling Cuts SHOULDER ROAST PORK HOCKS Ib 23¢ 1 Ib. cello pkg 39 Small Link, Tray Pack folory 3 ¢ Smoked Shankless Cooked hb 53¢ Thinly Sliced Florida Marsh Seedless No, 1 Grade, Size 96, Juicy Healthful ! BRUSSELS SPROUTS 21:3 5¢ No. 1 Grade, Winter Keepers 30: OFF Reg Price 1.15 AsP 1 A3 JELLY poNuTs wets 33¢ YAN KIRK CHIES 2nd. Whole or Half Smoked Super Right Smoked ZIxtra Short Cut vb Pg % Ib 67¢ PORTERHOUSE, WING or SIRLOIN Ib 8T7¢ SIDE BACON | BRISKET PLATE Lean Meaty Fancy Quality Ib 49¢ | PORK SAUSAGES b 39¢ PORK SHOULDER Ib 89¢ COOKED HAM GRAPEFRUIT 10-49: Large Clusters, California, No. 1 Grade P.E.l. POTATOES so 2. 19 Save an Extra 2c SPECIAL ---- All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, February 6th, 1960