Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1960, p. 12

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|'IFFY GUESSES' (depends on business eontinuing at|the average since the Korean|will be passed, especially in an 712 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1960 mes lits present high rate of activity. War has been elose to. three perielection year. {The government is counting on|cent Another $4,000,000,000 depends ' TODAY S TOR ONTO STOCKS receipts of $84,000,000,000 instead] The budget surplus also depends on Congress postponing reduc. of the $78,600,000,000 estimated for on Congress approving new faxes tions in company, excise, com- . " If munications and transport taxes. the present fiscal year. for gasoline and aviation fuel and ] The revenue figures for 1960-61|/higher postal rates. More than On these, there is considered to TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS Net Net B: 'he C ai. P Stock Sals High Low 11 a.m, Oh'g Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge A $ Arndgimndiily 3 ume that U.S. national growth $1,000,000,000 is involved right be a good chance that the govern- f to Stock Excha Yes . 3 Salada-S 05 89% 9 94 ns Hard Rock 1000 10% 10% p : f : oronto Stock Exchange--Feb will continue at the recent rate|there and there seems little ment will win the extensions it (Quotations in cents unless marked Ss. Shawin 45 $20 H of Lakes 1000 12 oi 2 i 1 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex Silverwd A s $10%4 Hollinges 30 ky oy of six per cent seeks: Hgts, Xw--Ex-warrants.) Simpsons 500 $31% 31% 31% -- 3 Hud Bay 100 830% 50% 5 -- ---- Ra -- 1 INDUSTRIALS Sen 1 BD . im a oo Vos To - Int Nickel 525 $100% % AIRES AARS Ng Steinb A Ta 22% 2 Irish Cop 300 168 2 By DAVID ROWNTREE achieving that surplus depends on rd ambiy n" 4 J Wait 930 37 5 7 2 ) ia 8S i "ifs *! Stee Sales High Lowk 11 a.m. Ch'ge Texaco Can 5 5214 52 a, aie 30 1 ' Canadian Press Staff Writer Tan ifs. wo ironic. abpest Abitibi 135 $38% 37% 37% + 4 Thornclf A hs 9 Jowsey 1510 © 39 . } 2 | Budgets are educated guesses ere are some ironic aspects, Acad-Atl A 100 S18% 18% 18% Tor Dui Bk J y Kerr Add 00 $20% 3 2 at best but the 1960 61 U.S.|too. When Eisenhower came to Agnew S xd 100 $19% 19% 19% -- Ys in 33 3 Kilembe 400 365 363 5 - budget has more "iffy guesses the White House in 1953, he did ? . so with a pledge to reduce gov Alta Dist 300 260 260 260 +3 Tr Can PL 43 4 Labrador 0 $2015 2 2 Alg Cen wis 100 350 350 350 Trans Mt Jo, $100 0 L Dufault 06 76 7 76 than most rnment spend but Russian Algoma 1075 $379 37% Ww L 8 g a J 9 LO 200 16 a . NAR m er spending, bu S51 Alumini xd 1389 $3 a 31% Un Gas 30 $13 13 + L Wisa 100 410 | For the finance ial year begin-io.onomic and military expansion Alum 1 pr xd 223 1 2 Un Telef V730 La que 1600 420 41 1 {ning July 1, President Eisenhower worked against him : : : : ) p 1600 4; ; ; ; $ ' Ang Pulp pr 220 1 50 Walk ow 0 ¥ : Leitch 1700 130 130 130 {estimates revenues will total $84,- Alfus (dl Bo 30 West C Brew 108 $32 A 3. Lae yi 188. 185 1m {000,000,000 and expenditures $79,- 2 3 r 7 : 800,000,000. This would leave a Men Besides reducing the govern- t's role in the economy, the Auto Elec 1 26 ton A 2 Lorado wis 900 7 4 x Bo 2 : Weston 6 pr : 00 100 i surplus of $4,200,000,000. But | president said it must live within 4 5 1 N -- - - da _ |its means. However, by the time THIS Macassa 625 280 MacLeod 200 100 Madsen 500 285 14 Bank Mont nk . NS 5 Bell Phone : id $7 6 ) Bowater " $93, 9% } 2 2 5 2 6800 is 1 3 | election, the Eisenhower adminis- FOR . 1180 445 44 ! 0 8 1616 -- 3 1000 35% a es ar tration will have spent about $15, ; Bu 34 . cnt) 60 7% 27 00,000,000 more than it took in SAVING Dupont 210 $335 ? 'Ke 13000 3 ] 1 : : . ! i 1 during its eight-year term of of- : 33 $49% 49% Lob Inc 12% 500 i » : 3 12% 12% - Meta Uran 1000 fice, It could well be a billion or $3414 34% 3 ' Milliken 1900 95 9 n ue 1 two more. 1 Min-Ore 2000 inex y 7 75 There are few strong supporters $19 19 Moneta 860 | he retires after the November Brockville $i = / of Eisenhower's economic poli- Brown 25 $103 10% 5 I f'n' New Bid 56700 17 1 Ya wg Burns 1 $13 13% Asamera f N Dicken 7600 25 cies. Friends of the government Cal Pow 1340 $13 1 1 J 1650 500 N Harri 1300 15% 4 15% 5 Har tiasa . CANADIAN Hh om hr SE Vi TR In Maritimes im i iin ec ve Jews, C1 ¥Fndry z50 $20% Tas Nisto 3000 3 done to reform the tax structure y Perr 15 $3513 51 or 500 52 72 2 5 Noranda 335 § 440% I s i . " gop Safe 4 pr 13 SRL 8 2 1 Pe 00 2 Nora 1000 95 95 HALIFAX (CP) A fuel oil|While Fover nment Spe wig goes Bank Com 160 $5 2 zon 3 3 Normetal 100 130 |sales war has erupted in the up and up; critic § complain that 8 2500 | Maritime provinces as a new oil the administration isn't spending enough to meet the challenge of N.B. No/the Soviet Union N Xx N Gal 0890 il 4 ( 2 NCA hm 500 1m 11 ) | refinery prepares to start pro N Rank 1000 1 t jduction at Saint John, © han 150 7 4 retail e cuts have be re- q " ap © 'shy 500 1 retail price culs nave been re jpg gry), OPTIMISTIC 00 285 98 5 ported yet but furnace and stove x 4 oh | . I 0 28 8 The president is highly optimis- irbks A z100 P nas 1000 2 oil consumers are being wooed tic about the economic future, In-} Hydro Car 275 3 1 ¢ y } I ess 000 by promises of 24-hour free main- 1 - " 100 r 000 3 3 Pick Crow 105 3 7 8 tenance service on their oil burn- flation, he feels, is under betier| 2 2 3 " Portage 15000 9 § . anc control than it has been for yea s| I Rt 4 SFG pr aw rom i 3 Pa ers and prices should be stable. This/ " 3 ' . Irving Refining Litd., a new yiew is strongly attacked in the 30 Radiore 2000 id Rainville company in the K.C. Irving Oil\\wake of the steel settlement Rayrock 204 3 J 2 group, expects to put its new| The biggest 'if' in the budget ~, Realm ! Py A $45,000,000 refinery at east Saint -- Lt] 2 y ) John into operation this spring. ur - Rockwin | Rwoan Cons 2300 s 8 3 | Its announced capacity is 40, Fadry y 2 ah 4 ; ( 170 Sand Riv 2000 - 8 wale a dow 5 ager 5 WB is, BEBE gen hob am om ch as imperias on's pant a WANTED is Planned Saving Fam Ply Slocan VR 500 ' Dartmouth, N.S., until now the roe 3 0 530 Stanieigh ww only Maritime refinery Gatineau $3; 3 4s ; 5 ! } : Jiavizh wis ! ! | Running a refinery at less than ' D 5 Sth i | Arca CORR Starvatt 0 3 |capacity is considered ~uneco- Use our Personal Chequing Account and our regular ares 22 1 y » 7 7 Sturgeon ] 2 20 ) nomic. With the prospect of sur- FOR THREE YEARS Savi 5 A 9 2 2 Sullivan 1 70 plus oil, which would cos money avings Account together. Taurcanis ay a7 to store, Irving has set out to cap- Will Pay 8% Per Annum Temag 5 ture a larger share of the Mari- y Asbestos 101 425 tie fuel market Reply to if . ¢ It has already managed to woo 1 23 38 Bla B 57 1 t Ken : Bo Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Acc 497 4 3 : i 4 5 ? 2 Ventures 26's 25 fone of three independent oil com 451 McEWEN DRIVE UIE ACCOuNL. A 200 $117 117% 11 un n 0 7 W te Am 200 650 a ) pa quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight. Ind Aceep 775 $34% 34% i 615 4 Willro 500 148 145 14 biti a service ¢ i Inland Gas 600 5% 3% y ' 2 42 ih SE i awav from Imperial. A price war KINGSTON, ONTARIO The low service charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques Inind_ 6 wis BO ( 5 7 Sales to 11 a.m.: 669,000 has resulted from the switch by . are on file if you need them . $42 2% 00 2 Cunard : Inter PL xd 3 Cd A 10 1 2 Savings Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add to it from every Bae a $2 BLED, STOCK MARKET FP -- Key DA 2 . ot Cassar 5 sie i 1 NET EARNING HOW YOUR LIVER BILE pay. As your balance grows, you'll gain peace of mind, Labatt 2 3 0 Japa 2 of oh 3 RF . ! sarge . : a gr. : 2 By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Laura Sec 2 2 4 ru 0 4 4 Abitibi Power and Paper Co 4 ¢ iL 0% , Lid., ended 31: 1939, | | Start Planned Saving al our nearest branch now. LobCo B i y Denison year Dec. IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT Lob Co pr 1% : 41 Yen wis ) 5 1 od & a y 7 5 2 $11,825,544, $2.72 a share: 1958 LobCo A wt 65 800 36 y > MB and PR 16% 1 1 Jliwe J , 3 $9.657,382, $2.19 | Mass-F } 1 11% on Howey 285 285 5 Craig Bit Lid.. 3 mos. ended | MassF 3: p 5 9 St TP 5 hit Torn hin silo ou Laboratory tests have now proved re 1 ' A NA D IAN 1 > ) Dec. 31: 1959, $6,985, 3 cents a | that liver bile emulsifies iH . f : bl ! Ack ml YE Wt | mm Morison. 2000 3 3 I 1958, $11,832, 5 cent 1d-Wes 30 1 {4 ¢ Northld 7 share; bd, 311,802, o cenis | actually breaks them down. It is an ieves irregulari Mont 1 100 $1 16% 16 ego 9 4 i : and effec F ont Loco i =~ X Ke ) 0 9 9% | established fact that when liver bile tively. At the same time, i ' i vl ? ; ia 10 ' : 2 WAS PROFESSOR is added to fatty solids, the fats are improves the flow of liver bile needed oO CO M M E RC E 2 <a 4 nlc N 0 0 VIONTREAL (CP) Rev. Dr | broken down and form a smooth, o break down fats in your digestive " 1itti x . : a asy-flowing mix 2} Nor Phone William Alva Gifford, 82. former Tn your digestive tract. liver bile a whet. veut \etich. iad | MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA TO SERVE YOU ou feel sluggish, head Ocean Cem 3500 $13 12% 1 . 0 16 ) ) professor of church history -at h Page Hers 255 a a 5 J y of hr er 2 A elps break down fats the same way, achy, nervous a od 2 oo 3 . Pembina z10 1 4 250 1 Siw Theological : liege Me Many of the foods you eat reach the take Cra) I id 15 laxative, | Main Branch--N. §. McFadyen--Manager Q N Gas 100 1 1 = i Jniversity. and author ol digestive tract as pater di in 5 | a Reitmans 50 1 Frob debs ) : 3 several religious works, died boy ty period help mer i Ag § Sop oly 1s 1445 King St. W. & Stevenson Rd. « 50 3 + 13 - ™, 18 ¥ ularity, ac 4 Roe 2% Sus 250 8 iy : Geco Mines ( 7 7 17% Tuesday. Born in Ottawa, Di break down these fats... for easier prove the Bo ol res ig Gat | F. A. Mcliveen--Manager Russell 2100 . 11 Senex bd 13 1 Gifford's best known book was and more complete digestion. Carter's Little Liver Pills today! | Oshawa Shopping Centre St L Corp 120 $16% 16% Gun y hs A The Story of the Faith, a church H St Loop, AB Nix 18 Gunnar 0% 10 Tye ot | Simcoe St. N. Branch--D, D. 0. Bell--Manager Industrials qe AS Firestone TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials] scored their biggest gain in more | than two weeks Tuesday. 4 Index changes: Industrials up . 3.35 at 515.48; golds up .01 at} #8.75: base metals off .43 at 168.61: and western oils off .06 . at 100.26 Final volume was 1,975,000 f shares, lighter than Monday's a 2.072.000 " Aluminium and Steel Co. of - " (Canada had gained of 1% points each at 31'; and 82, Consolidated \ Paper was ahead 1's at 41% and S 7 SEA BRAND NEW TOWN & COUNTRY" 33. Bank of Montreal also ad-| y S { ' vanced 7a at 52%. General Mo ( ; " " ors was up % at 47, as was hy v TRY Abitibi at 37%. Dominion Foun- 7 ) " : i. NEW TREADS dries and Steel was up '4 at 48%. McLaren Power and Paper lost seven points at 75, Price Broth- ¢ 2 FS . ers slipped 1's at 41% andj p Seba Cockshutt Plow was off one point | - NN at 2» Most senior mines suffered minor losses. Algom and Gunnar % each dropped Y% at 22% and 10% and Consolidated Denison fell % at 10.3; : . In Western oils, Rovalite was d = down 15 cents at $9.95. Canadian | . 670-15 Superior Oil gained % at 11%. 9 TUBE TYPE 670 15 with retreadable and with Trichinosis trade-in retreadable trade Victims AY TUBELESS -- JUST At Sudbury yo 670:15 or 750:14 522-99 Canada's most pepular winter tread applied on SUDBURY (CP)--The number « and retreadable trade sound, safety-inspected casings. of Sudbury district residents suf-| fering trichinosis, a disease bnought about by = eating in- fected pork, rose to seven Tues- day The latest victim is the wife \ v : of a district resident just re- (} / 3 leased from hospital after being of . confinéd there with his son when Y J 3 5 hoth were found to have the dis- 3 - | ; ® ease. The bov still is in hospital. - TERMS DOWN WEEKLY Health officials are staging a at hunt in the Chelmsford Val ev. a few mines north of here, n a bid to isolate the outbreak of the disease. Some cases de. veloped after persons ate pork . \! on vhich came from the valley & : Health inspectors believe rats caught the disease by eating left- ; J G over parts of slaughtered hogs and that the rats died and were eaten in turn by pigs. Regular medical check-ups and 190 Ki NG ST. EAST jung X-rays are important in the i (@ id i fy control of cancer. Detection of RA 5 6566 cancer in its early stages im- proves chances of successful treatment. I!

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