8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuery 26, 1960 TODAY'S TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By Th Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan. 25 (Quotations in cnts uniss markd $. #---O0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 75 9 39 3» --% Abit pr z10 22% Alta Dist 200 265 265 . 265 Alta Gas z70 Alumini 985 Alum 2 pr 220 Ang Pulp pr z s Stock Simpsons Southam Sid Wir Steel Can S Propan Suptest ord Txaco Can a, Tor Elev A 340 $31 30% Sian Ash Tmpl 7 4 1 Gas A pr Bank Mont Un Telef Bath Pow A \ im 1l Phone 1 ; Be Walk GW Bow alr Vv Br 25 6625 5 5 ink ¥ Oopper Weston 6 pr \ \ wis W dJA b Argo Nfld 300 215 120 105 50 140 100 ug C Ingersoll C Papr C Bank Com Cdn Brw C Br 4 CBAL C Collieries 8125 C Colli pr 1000 C Curt W 100 rdg z50 Sec B 100 Car 240 IL pr 60 PR 13 Anchor 3000 A a 2000 P S / Calalta G Sec Hydro 1700 500 24 In Life Imp In A rt Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep 1000 4000 Sals High Low 11 TORONTO STOCKS Net a.m. Chg Stock C Den wis C Discvry - C Fen - C Halliwll Con Howey 125 $16% $6 $79% $11% $12% $17% C Northld : Conwst Cop Corp Cop-Man Coprand Crowpat D'Aragon D: Horn D'Eidona Dom Duvan Giant GF Uran Granduc Gunnar Gunnar wis Har-Min Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop Jonsmith Knvill 170 164 164 ] 135 MINES N Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch 3430 2 Con M and § 275 00 1] 5 24 875 355 355 1000 30 30 5000 100 Ontario Fore { i into a log convention leration of Minister Mayor Fi: ir (0) men's 0 Fe Miller prove their wo: d Hunters at Niagara BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT China's AMATEUR LOGCERS AT WORK Falls. Their time as recorded by convention chairman Ogilvie (centre) one ute and five sec min- ds CP Wirephoto illions Barney Dairy Farmers Ask Controls TORONTO (CP) -- The Dairy Farmers of Canada have asked the federal government to impose |an adequate control on edible oil- {bearing seeds entering Canada. The request was one of 13 reso. {lutions passed Saturday by the | farmers' board of directors. The resolutions will be forwarded to next week's annual meeting here of the Canadian Federation of | Agriculture held here. | The dairy farmers, in a state- {ment of policy, said: "Many dairy farmers have come to the realization that their | organizations need to close ranks and continue their insistence that realistic price support policies are of vital importance to them- selves as individnals, to their in- dustry and to the whole Cana- dian economy." Resolutions asked: That the federal government continue the present support price for butter |at 64 cents a pound for the year 1960-61; that the federal and pro- vincial governments adopt a clearly defined policy which would help milk organizations increase their effort in organizing school milk programs and that the fed- eral government provide f€i- nancial compensation to allow Canadian manufacturers to share in those world markets where there is a demand for whole milk powder provided they can meet !world competition. Frank E. Lutes, Berry Mill, |N.B., was elected president, suc- {ceeding W. B. Rettie of Fergus. Directors include Hector C. Arn- old, Campbellford, and Harold Forrester, Mallorytown. | Sister Awarded French Honor TAM] A, Fla. (AP) Sister Philip Mz Purcell, an instruc- tor at the Academy of the Holy Names, Saturday was awarded the Chevalier des Palmes Acade- miques for her contribution to ch cu'ture. The presentation me by Jacques Grellet, onsul-general for France at New ns ter Philip Mary, who came y the academy in 1953, now cads the science department. he is a sister of Gillis Purcell, neral manager of The Cana- lian Press. COUGHS seer Colds Should you contract a cold, be it ever so trivial, resort at once to Robert's Syrup Pleasant to take Your nearest dealer hart Largest All-Canadian ( do Jonsumer Loan Company How much need? you LY) Promise Trade OTTAWA (CP From $50.00 to $2500.00 1 (sometimes more) \ NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 37 KING ST. EAST ALGER BLDG. (next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22 RA 5-6561 -- Closed Saturday -- Open to 6 p.m. Fridey Branches throughout Ontario China's mil-| He rt out new lions seem an enficing dream to |tising because |busizessmen in scarch of mar- | ket Apparently it can become Reet 36 56 2 ia reality Buff Ank S104 3 BR 1 35 31 3 1 | From a window on Communi « Chib 00 680 67 5 : {China, Canadian trade commis- |; 1 [sioner C. M. Forsyth - Smith; : writes from Hong Kong with a n 3 * | few tips on how to break ] diplomatic direct ap- the mainland market ! through. brochures, Advertising, if pitched to the and other publicity right level in help, Mr For- supplied directly to the Ih.G 2 i Shi rporations and their ® th-Sm says in current e of rade department's azine Foreign Trade. na's system of state trading presents a special problem. The |state trading corporations are be- {lived to make the final decisions {about sources of supply for par- |ticular commodities. But they | NET EARNINGS are influenced to some extent by By THE CANADIAN PRESS ithe people who use the products! per adver- consumer goods China. But the principal centres. Private sponsored trade mission: € of the best means, provided they of capital equipment include importers as well as ex materials would find|porters who can arr: the insertion of adver- purchases from China in some of the tech- tional on Chinese purchases lack Bay sold to £ mom © ween © wamy © momm © Dem © me © mmm © WEES Dyno Mass-F 54% p Molson A Molson B ( Moor % 41 3 Can-Met N St Car $15% 5 L C Mt wis N Star 57 Cassiar NO NGas Chib-Kay Nor Phon CHrom NWUtilpr 25 Coch Will Oshawa A 2100 $7 7 7 Coin Lake Page-Hers 180 $27% 27% 27% -- % C Dnison Stdcona Stanlgh wits Stloy Steep R Sunburst Teck-H th the : o help. This medium selling wheat tol and Mr. Forsyth- "it is likely that it ve in arousing initial my TOR ETT KS STOCK. MARKET onal trade fairs don't says, but national ex- anized by private Massey - Ferguson Ltd., year|imported and by the government ended Oct. 31: 1959, $21,018,393, ministries responsible for imple $'65 on 12.075911 ¢ om mon menting production plans and shares; 1958, $13,025,282, $1.25 on allocating funds 9,052,248 shares. | The object then is to pitch vour |sales approach to reach the trad- businessmen can be arranged in More ComfortWearing FALSE TEETH hii. 77 ald Thompson of Croydon, Que. (left) and Pte. Mark Gaudet Appetites are keen but ms have to be cooked the har ROUGHING IT DURING EXERCISE | of Stephenville, Nfld. A record total of 765,402 motor | vehicles crossed the international 'p. border by ferry in 1958, a rise approach {from 684,783 in 1957; while the |ontirely satisfactory but number of pedestrians using the which {ferries fell to a low figure for |whose products have prospects of |recent years of record of 800,00 substantial ) from 882,600. |ing _corporations, the production re 1s a pleasant Way to overcome ministries and the end-users. Mr. lor te discomfort. FASTEETH, vth-Smith suggests: several ed powder, sprinkied an " > : eX lower plates holds them hes "none of which is that they feel more com- some of No gummy oes. pasty " anies feeling Tt's alkaline (non- companie not sonr Checks "plate r' (denture breath) Get FAS- TEETH today at any drug counter Canadian sales {find worth investigating. in China may -CP Wirephoto Batta Regiment, way by men of the ion, Royal Canadian during winter training exe cises at Butler Lake, Ont, T hungry sold are: Cpl. Ron- Net Income Of Massey Ferguson TORONTO (CP) Ferguson Ltd. Toronto farm implement firm with inter- national operation had income in the of $21,018,393 compared 025,282 in the preced ® 98% greater range of sounds re- Income per common sh 2 ced and amplified. Brings in $1.65 on. 12,075,911 share -' sounds never before experienced pared with $125 nt conventional tran- shares. sistor hearing aids. Consolidated sales wer ® Far less distortion and back- 947,763, a record, compared with ground noise. Eliminates irritating $440,109.455 in the preceding noisy sound "peaks." year. Of the sales, Canada ac counted for 11.7 per cent The report comments 'Purchase durin 959 Perkins TLtd., Britis! turer of hig 1 gines at Pet and the acquis sets in the United Kingdo in France (from Standard Co. Ltd), can well he de as the most far - reach ever undertaken by the to integrate and thu its world - wide manufacturing operations." The company now is the lar. ENITH Massey hased vear ended Oct e140 prove itte yourself in 30 seconds' and do hearing and ©¢ dof heer ou won't ring aid, ¥ Ny e can rea' ne 8 ill econds Wh zing comnanv| e. I trengthen cc a you the truly a LETS YOU HEAR SOUNDS NEVER HEARD BEFORE WITH A HEARING AID presents the world's first ® Sound amplified more faithfully, All sound is far more normal, more perfectly balanced, ® Hearing aid High Fidelity achieved. Virtually eliminates "tinny," "hollow," "scratching" sounds. VISIT YOUR ZENITH DEALER an important decision has been reached « « . a family has grown stronger . .. and a new friendship has begun The Man from Manufacturers has just left this home. The talk was about the many responsibilities that affect the SERVICE carrying through to that certain day in the future when -- thankfully your foresight pays off! THE GREENS MADE IT ALL RIGHT!... show difference! He's listed in 'the Yellow Pages under Hearing Aids. Or write Zenith Rado Corp. of Canada Ltd., 1470 The Queensway, Box C4AD, Toronto 18, Ont. (111L "LIVING SOUND" HEARING AIDS gest manufacturer of farm trac- tors in the world HIGHEST MOUNTAINS The Coast Range has Canada's highest peaks-- Mount Lo 19.- 850 feet, in the Yukon and Mount Waddington, 13,260 feet, in Brit- ish Columbia. A 11 ONTARIO ST. ZENITH HEARING AIDS are available at IMPERIAL OPTICAL CO. LTD. RA 8-6239 future: the family's welfare, the chil dren's education, the peace of mind of financial security. And because it was a practical, helpful conversation "finan- cial security" was spelled out in terms that gave it real meaning to a family. Last year, more than 41,000 families bought this Service. In purchasing $468,707,080 of new insurance they helped to make 1959 the greatest year since the Company was established in 1887. If you, like this family, feel that the future does not look after itself, then the Man from Manufacturers is ready to help you. SERVICE . . . starting with the initial, wise counsel on what Life Insurance is best for you to own! MANUFACTURERS INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE (Est. 1887) TORONTO, CANADA HERE ARE OTHER HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR'S OPERATION Paid to policyholder their beneficiarie § 54,688,481 3,181,578,430 887,608,454 Total protection in force Total assets 70 2 WiiLION CANADIANS all $100,000 of it. Mind you it took Mr. Green 18 years -- and that's what he made, not what he kept. Like the Greens, most of us in our lifetime will earn more than this imposing pile of bank notes. Question is: how much will we keep? Sys- tematic saving at the B of M helps you keep more of what you make. Just one of those 100,000 dollars will open a savings account for you. Keep it strictly for saving, and there's one thing you can say for the money you put into that account... you have really got it made. BANK oF MONTREAL Canadas First Bank