: 2 i A HAPPY MOMENT AT RECEPTION Sharon Haugen of Port Perry Married to Michael Armstrong The Church of the Ascension Port Perry, was the scene of the wedding recently of Sharon Norway. of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haugen, of |of white satin ribbon. Port Perry, and Michael Thomas| The matron of honor, Mrs. Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Robert Wakelin, and the brides- John T. Armstrong, of George-|maids, Misses Miriam Harris town. The Reverend Edward W.|anq Miss Alice Williams, were Fuller performed the double-{ gow ned alike in crimson velvet ring ceremony and was assisted cringline dresses, elbow length by the Reverend Kenneth Rich-|mittens and white open-crowned ardson, of Georgetown, who ad-(ja1o satin hats They all carried ministered holy communion. white satin muffs, accentuated The bride, given in marriage| with posies of red carnations by her father, wore a full-length|ang stephanotis hi ] 3 y sows of File Selusierey Sata) The bridegroom's twin brother impo! gn - ¢/Mr. Paul Armstrong, was his 1g i DAI OFS ond ee best man, and the ushers were sell ros nd pearls held the cir-|MI- Martin Armstrong and Mr. Sequins De silk illusion Gordon Greig. = Master Peter veil, She wore dainty earrings, Armstrong acted as ring bearer. a treasured heirloom, worn by| The soloist, Mr. Kenneth her late great grandmother, of Hallet, of Sonya, sang the Lord's -- mii am---------- and during the signing Prayer jof the register the Wedding Prayer and was accompanied by Mr. Kenneth Harrison, of | Georgetown, who presided at the organ. At the reception, which was Entertain, Honor Port Perry Bride {held in the dining room .of Haugen's Barbecue, Manchester, Prior to her marriage, Miss|the bride's mother wore a gown Sharon Haugen was feted atiof birch white delustered Fig many showers and parties. Mrs. with matching accessories and Charles Oar and Mrs. Norman|corsage of bronze chrysanthe- Haugen entertained at a miscel- mums and Talisman roses. The laneous shower. Mrs. Robert|bridegroom's mother Many Hostesses She carried a white travelled agross Canada with the Bible encrusted with a corsage Princess in 1958, now is working| of pink carnations and stephan- Arnolda Haugen, only daughter|otis, from which fell streamers hospital at Sevenoaks, Kent. assisted, | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Januery 23, 1960 || Fed. Canadiennes Francaises Elects New Officers For 1960 The Reverend Norbert Gignac addressed the meeting briefly aud outlined the plans for the new year including a Retreat in the month of May. It was also planned that eaci first Saturday of the month the Holy Rosary be recited in the evening together at the Church. In order to help other organiza- The Federation Des Femmes Canadiennes Francaises re- opened its activities for the New Year with the election of officers as follows: President: Mrs. Lucien Chamberland; first vice- president, Mrs. John Cardinal; second vice - president, Mrs. Lucien Vezina; secretary, Miss Annette Forget; treasurer, Mrs. Garard Rancourt; Kitchen con- vener, Mrs. Howard Gimblett; charity convener, Mrs, Ivan Gil- bert; Layette committee, Mrs. Yvon Leger; social convener, Mrs. Richard Lacroix, It was decided that the cost for the food basket offered to a poor family be taken from the Federation funds and to write Space Age Hats membership 'cards and bation: Otel Fashion Show for the: members. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Women will start a new fashion year in a blaze of color, with space age . 'rQ Princess vecretary hats startlipg enough to be | Quits For Nursing |placed in a niche in the Museum | LONDON (CP)--Princess Mar-|*f Modern Art. : garet's former private secre-| That was the general - idea |tary, Patricia Partington, |generated in the second day of New York's spring fashion pre- views. as an auxiliary night nurse in a| A sensational finale to the day |was the Christian Dior American | Miss Partington,' 30, resigned|collection, designed by Yves St. from her duties at Clarence|/Laurent. House last year. with plans to be-| The Dior clothes feature gauzy come an evangelist. {fabrics and flaming colors, But she changed her mind queen-size hats shaped like fly- shortly afterwards and went to/ing saucers or beehives the size work in the hospital. of washtubs. ties were planned. Father Gignac blessed the new members of the executive. who '|Gibson; tea hostesses, Mrs. I. J. [the ear 1959 had been a success-| Spring Fashion Show, which will |Si Wakelin, Miss Miriam Harris and wearing a gown of sapphire blue . Miss Alice Williams were host- matt slik jersey, with matching esses at the home of Mrs. W. T. accessories and corsage of pink Harris, at a china shower. | carnations and roses. Mrs. Donald Free's home was| Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arm- the scene of a miscellaneous strong left by plane to spend a shower. honeymoon in New Orleans, Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Dymond Miami and New York, For were hosts at dinner in honor of travelling the bride chose a the bridal party. mink - trimmed sable brown Mr. and Mrs. John T. Arm- stroller suit, with a corsage of strong, parents of the bride- bronze chysanthemums and Tal- groom, entertained the bridal isman roses, and matching ac- party at dinner in the Flamingo cessories. dining room. The young couple] Many out-of-town guests were took this occasion to present their present from Georgetown, assistants with gifts to com-|\jilton, Terra Cotta, Toronto, memorate the event. Oshawa, Little Britain, Good- Mrs. Ivan Haugen, mother of wood, Bowmanville, Thornsbury the bride, entertained at a trous-land Manitoba. 01d Hands Presiding at the tea table, dur- Get Rare Deal §ng the afternoon, were Mrs. Wil- liam Lowcock, Mrs. H. Emmer- son, Mrs. G. Holmes and Mrs: W. T. Harris. Their assistants| were Miss Muriel Luke, Mrs, a Ross Hutchinson, Mrs. Norman| _ LENNOXVILLE, Que. (CP) Haugen and Mrs, Frank Henry] Here are the cold facts of a r. During the evening Mrs. W. J. hot deck, and not vice versa, arnegie, Mrs. Roy Cornish, Mrs.| Please. M. B. Dymond and Mrs. Arthur In a women's bridge mara- Brunton presided at the tea table] thon Wednesday, Mrs. Stuart and their assistants were Miss] Snow dealt 13 hearts, Alice Williams, Mrs. Robert] Mrs. rdon Herring 13 Wakelin and Miss Carole Carne-| Spades, Mrs. Leslie Rudd 13 gie, Mrs. Charles Oar, Mrs. Stan. | clubs and Mrs. Walter Dore Bruton, Mrs. Effie Knighton and| 13 diamonds. In all the excitement the ladies forgot to bid A fellow who says he's good in mathematics figured out the chances against such an Mrs. H. Barry assisted in the| gift and trousseau rooms. The occurrence at 635,613,559,000 to one. C guest book was in the charge of] the bride's grandmother, Mrs.| Frank Henry Sr. who with her husband recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. FREE RKING 174 RITSON w son SUPERMARKET,, 4 PEN DAILY UNTIL 10 P.M. b Specials! For Monday--Jan. 25th BANANAS (Ccen Mee 2 ss 25° FRESH MILK "*** 2 ors. 39° BREAD *izniga "03g BUTTER * c= we. 63¢ FRESH MINCED BEEF ws. 39° PORK CHOPS "~*~, 3gc ws. 99° BEEAKFAST BACON (Rindles 24-18. 1.69 FLOUR BAG Shop and Save Daily ot We cash Baby B GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD, §. OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. (All Purpose flour, your Favorite brand) -- P. & Pay Cheq Leslie, son of Mr. | grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Les- and Mrs. Ross Varty, Gliddon | lie Wilson and Mr. avenue, will celebrate his first | Varty, all of Oshawa. birthday tomorrow. He is the --Photo by Ireland James ELIZABETH ARDEN hand > -_ #) body lotion | Blee Grace ot Gort orion Now this famous Lotion in an economy giant size in the handy plastic bottle with the exclusive leak- proof loc-top dispenser. This superb Lotion smooths, whitens, and softens in just one applica- tion. Easy to apply--de- lightful to use. For a limited time only. 4 oz size 1.25, 8 oz. size 2.25. = \ giant size 2% CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. [630 SIMCOE ST. S PHONE Ra 32245 OSHAWA | Si0NE RAS-35a6 STORES IN AND WHITBY = BOWMANVILLE PLAZA tions in the parish other activi President Hospital Auxiliary JW. | no | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES GOLDEN LINKS Roll call was read with 22 | The Golden Links Group of members present. The minutes Albert Street United Church WA |and correspondence were read by {held its first meeting of the new Mrs. H. A. Prefty. The treasur- {year in the board room of theler's report was given by Mrs. ¢ church. A. T. McLaughlin. | The president, Mrs. William, Mrs. P. R. Duncanson, group Stallibrass, called the meeting to committee representative, gave order with a message of wel-|a report on the recent Adelaide come and New Year's greetings. [District Local ssociation meet- The devotional period was led ing. by Mrs. Walter Tippett of Group, It was unanimously decided to look about his woman for 1960, incurving fronts and flyaway backs. Some of his day dresses have built - in bolero backs. While tucking -- thousands of pintucks worked all over a black taffeta dress and full - backed matching coat -- is his most ex- otic effort for the daytime, evening scene changes to one of glittering embroidery on huge crinolines or beautifully - draped sheath dresses, separate overskints. the sometimes with 2. Mrs. Tippett used as her theme purchase birthday cakes for the Redeeming The Time." Scrip-/Brownies' fourth birthday and the ture was read by Miss Cora Guides' third birthday. Harvey. Two short poems were Mrs. Crowells presented Mrs. read by Mrs. James Scott and/David J. Bowler with a gift in Mrs. Alex Roote. |appreciation of her three years' Birthday greetings were sung|service as president. to Mrs. Edith North. | The president announced that The business comprised of the/the first Guide weekend camp is reading of minutes, also minutes/to be the weekend of January 25 of an executive meeting. A sched- and the second camp to be the ule of activities for the coming weekend of March 25. year was discussed. Refreshments were served by The next meeting will be an- Mrs. Kenneth Blencowe and Mrs. swered by Group 3, Mrs. Donald John McMullan. Burton's group, for refreshments and devotional period. |8TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX -- The Jnuary meeting of the 8th 16TH GROUP COMMITTEE (Sea Scout Mothers Auxiliary was The 16th Group Committee of held at the Scout Hall, Hillcroft the Girl Guide Association held Street. i ; 1 MRS, C. D. RUSSELL MRS. R. W. BASSETT 'Mrs. R. W. Bassett Elected Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By = Nf MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel Jan, 26 end 27 PHONE RA 3-464) for appointment on these detes its regular meeting recently at| Mrs. Douglas Redpath, the | : |St, Matthew's Anglican Church president, presided. The minutes | At the annual meeting of the namely, a Dessert Bridge in Sep-|with Mrs. A. .W Crowells presid-| and correspondence were read { Hartwell Employs Royal EXTRAIT CHANEL rans bv 28 KING ST. E $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 8 | $5.00 Coupon on |Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa Gen-|tember and a dance, "Christmas ing. by the secretary, Mrs. Clarence | Mrs. W. W. Baldwin presided|@ small gift to each and every [Mrs. A. S. Clarke and her Beaver |B hon. vice - president,| : > Mrs. Gordon. Conant: hon. treas three of its valued members by These members are sadly missed, | : Train. | Armstrong; 2nd vice - president, Ic Nance . oe gy Foon secre. members of both the afternoon Chapter, Mrs. Nance McLeese, woinacday dropped a group of | Elliott and Mrs. J. L. Beaton;|similar assistance, |ial welcome to Mrs. Ann Deigh Queen," named his tweeds after | that 1960 would be another good reaved. Invitations accepted Jan. mer flowers tucked in a vertical Austin; assistant treasurer, Mrs. firm foundation for future i Lodge 97 was held in the Suits and topcoats, Hartnell used regret at the recent sudden pass-|afternoon and evening. Mrs, 8aret Martin. co-convener, of her memory, nn |eral Hospital on Monday, Mrs.|Capers" in December. These| The president welcomed three|pfeCullough apd Mrs. F. J.! R. W. Bassett was elected presi-|activities have all produced most new members, Mrs. D. E. Mor- Hastings gave the financial re-| dent. She succeeds Mrs. C. D.|rewarding financial results, |rison, Mrs. J. G. Porter' and|nort The roll call showed 14) {Russell who has completed a| At Christmas, it was the pleas-/Mrs. Roy Smithers. {members present. highly successful term of office. ure of the auxiliary to dictridwmte Refreshments were served by for the election of officers and patient confined to the hcspital, LODGES AND Patrol Committee. |Mrs. J. A. Marshall presented With the season's greetings and The next regular meeting will | the complete slate as follows: Best Wishes, tod wid joe held gu February 15 in the| Honorary president, Mrs. T. H. was recalled WI gep re: {deout Ziall, { Everson: Ieove that the Auxiliary had £4 SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES -| i = The regular meeting was held : 3 i 95¢ : Mrs. A |urer, Miss Mabel Whitney; past Send a Dame Mr {in the Masonic Temple on Janu- |president, Mrs. C. D. Russell; |p qv and Mrs A Ww 'Harding, |&1Y 21. Mrs. Betty McKinstry . |president, Mrs. R. W. Bassett; | ants. aoe. tna 'presided, assisted by Mr. Frank Cherry Red, Lilac (Ist vice - president, Mrs. A. W. |p have left cherished memo- "Ih ories. The Worthy Matron welcomed As Spring Tonic et Q Dancey; id vice-| "aris Russell, in retiring as|Mrs. Eleanor Train, P.M. from | president, rs. Peter Simpson; president graciously thanked the Bowmanville, also the following| M € Son ident, ] ; LONDON (Reuters) ap Bg oy is executive, the conveners, and the| P.M. g and P.P.s of Sunbeam, occmaker ied and evening groups, for theirMay Long, Meta Moore, Ivaj,. = ; i jtary, Mrs. Grant Melntosh; op CG PR FORM on and|Cliff, Laura Stewart, Sybil Lang-Saly - colored tweeds into the e a peration and' London fashion trend toward grey |treasurer, Mrs. C. M. Elliott. kindness to her during her term|maid, Dorothy Haley, Mr. Harry sp . tno aston on wan ary lL Oouveners of standing Somat of office, and expressed the hope Shelley, Mr. rah Train and ) tees: Training School, Mrs. C. M.|that Mrs. Basse't would receive(Mr. William Henderson. A wi Hartnell, dressmaker to the nursery sewing, Mrs. Earl Mann| Mrs. Leo Gray, on behalf of/ton and Mrs. Neta Moore P, the 4 t th X |and Mrs. D. E. Jackson; library,ithe meeting, thanked the presi- D. G. M's. A new candidate was e SS ud je oat d it irs. Neil Fraser; cards, Mrs.dent and executive for thcir ex- admitted to the chapter. ar Ey a 115 L James ember Br cellent leadership and effort dur-| The Worthy Matron expressed yas iy fel Bo i a) ,. W. McConkey an rs. F. L.|i 959, XPress ; i _|ine - 1 i © ing 19 and expressed the hope symapthy to the sick and be matching posy of spring and sum- Metcalf and Mrs. C. L. Cousins. |year, 128 Whitby inspection, Feb. 1 Mi Gift shop: general convener| Mrs. Bassett, in assuming the Durham birthday, March 8 Sl POCIel i a hy Ios and buyer, Mrs. J. G. Carter;|chairmanship of the meetin. Bircheliff birthday. | Wednesday and a lilac tweed for |assistant convener, Mrs. J. P.|spoke highly of the work Mrs. | | Frida sday (Mills; Wreasuser, Mis, Alfred Hussell had done in laying 2] aE n| Seaside his use of color for, g of Queen| gs [P. D. Thompson (PD): gift shop|ties, and enlisted the continued| 7 was I the|suits and 1 , I: etable convener, Mrs. W. J.|support of the members. |Orange Temple with worthy striking prints "both for day and Salter. | Preliminary plans were then Mistress, Sister Evelyn Bilton, evening gre Ses. b tow! In her opening remarks, Mrs.|made for the St. Patrick's Bridge, | Presiding, assisted by the junior| There Was no reeze < blown| C. D. Russell expressed profound [Which is to be lhield March 16,(depuly mistress, . Sister Mar: I | i " .| Devotional exercises were per-1| $5 00 7 of Mrs. W. F. M a/R. B. White will be general con-| a. €. pel . je iii roel fon | vener for this event, and Miss formed by Sister Betty Atkins in| mer vice - president. A moment|Vera Moyse will: be ticket con-/the absence of the chaplain | f sil was observed in honor|vener, with Mrs. H. B. James as Sister Annie Toms. oi silence was observ n honor Draw prizes were donated by || The auxiliary has undertaken|Sisters Gertrude Logan, Susan to be responsible for the sale of | Waterhouse, Florence Strank and block of tickets for Eaton's June Goodman, and were won by sters Helen Reynolds, Anges Kerr and to share it with Year of Progress | oy The annual reports showed that a and Arthur be held in the College Street/Temple, Isobelle store. Mrs. Peter Simpson is act-| Theresa Cleveland. il All officers are requested to e! attend next meeting for a degree | © practice, | ful for the organization. The Gift Shop, under the con-|® : venership of Mrs. J. G. Carter,|ing as convener, and the date w as shown a steady advance, be Friday, March 11, in th We're fortunate to get a real buy and would ilke We feature Francis Bartley, Ben Abramoff Please bring coupon FOR APPOINTMFNT PH 8; SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA (over Johnston's Men's Wear) | wn Ld Cold Waves our friends. Huyck with you ONE RA 3-2912 2 nn " a | & $5.00 oth in volume of sales and|afternoon. ee Lai g Srofit, and the pA Ih of the| The auxiliary has ambitious| Sister Ann Derry 181 me to] |Road, has offered her home for Auxiliary members, who have|plans for the future, and would) bir " 3 " ! t Wednesday, Jan- voluntarily staffed the shop and|be happy to welcome any new 2 DINO Nex Nesqay, va | $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 i on. lmembers who would care to lend [uary 27. Sega cart, has been truly won-| hand in this worthwhile work, . t | During the year two dances] were held in Jubilee Pavilion,| SCHOOL PROJECT one in January and one in May,| TROIS - RIVIERES, Que. (CP) ie St, Patrick's Bridge in Moreh, Students at St. Joseph's Seminary an he bazaar, "Festival o 14% | Gifts" in November. The Evening|2T® building a collection of folk- | Group of the Auxiliary assisted|lore songs typical of the St. materially in all of these proj-|Maurice Valley. Interviewing old ects, and sponsored two impor-| residents, they have catalogued] tant undertakings of its own,'more than 500 songs. | I "What Colors Should I Use For My Drapes?" --Mrs. M.D.T. vigor and growth. Its psycho- logical effect is one of rest- fulness, peace, quiet growing things, life. Dear Mrs. M.D.T.2 You bring up a question on which scientific answers are available. The predom- inating color of your drapes should be, in harmony with the color-scheme of your room, of course, But if you wish to change the color- purple and or- royalty, rich- sure unexcited Lavender, chid suggests ness, quiet, movement. Brown suggests warmth scheme or to create a differ- ent mood or atmosphere, here ond good fun, ruggedness ond solidarity. Yellow-brcwn are a few basic facts about ond. rich browns are. restful pasic color, and warm. Reddish browns are a nervous, active shade, Yellow, in the proper shades suggest mellowness, brilliance, sunshine and im- portance, Red suggests warmth, dash, excitement, life and action, In @ two color combination red is always good. Not al- ways desirable in @ south room. Starting with these basic ideas you can have fun creating the mood you wish while harmonizing your drapes with the rest of your home furnishings, The Fabric lhdtor Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE ALDSWORTH CLEANERS " HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX Blue is c-0-0-1, in fact, the coolest of colors. It has re- strained dignity end beauty; is quiet, sober, permanent and sincere. It makes an ex- cellent background color. Use with core in @ north room. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Green is alive end suggests FEATURE VALUE! OF NICKEL-PLATED STE for additional length. Complete with fittings. 3-ft. Length 4-ft.. Length 5-ft. Length 6-ft. Length 1 1 1 @n OPEN ALL DAY! DRAPERY TRACK ISHABLE. Easy to install, runs smoothly and can be added to 1.00 WEDNESDAY | UNTIL 6 P.M. } EL, NON - TARN- 29 49 69 PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS MODERN DRY CLEANERS DOWI {TOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 ZELLFLS LIMITED 22 SHOPPING ChiNTRE 6 SYEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3-2209